Parishes of Upper KIRK MATTERS

Easter 2019 CHURCH’S VISION STATEMENT A letter from our Calum MacDougall our The vision of the Church of is to be a Church which seeks to inspire the people of Interim Moderator Scotland and beyond with the good news of Jesus Christ through enthusiastic worshipping, We are now entering the third year of our vacancy in the witnessing, nurturing and serving communities Parishes of Upper Tweeddale but we remain very hopeful of being able to call a minister to what I firmly believe is one of the most desirable charges in the Church of Scotland. UPPER TWEEDDALE WEBSITE Charity No. SC0014617 Our parishes are situated in particularly beautiful and richly varied countryside yet within easy reach of the Central Belt, as well as routes south to England. Each of our four congregations has its own distinctive character and traditions, yet the four blend beautifully to form a @parishesofuppertweeddale charge in which there is excellent co-operation and a wonderful sense of togetherness.

It is that togetherness that is such a source of strength as we continue our search for a SUNDAY SERVICES minister. We are blessed in having such a fine team of preachers and worship leaders in the Tweedsmuir 10am Broughton 10am Worship Workshop and it is testament to their commitment that, with the help of regular Stobo 11.30am Skirling 11.30am pulpit supply, weekly services have continued in all four parishes since Tony Foley left to begin a “familiarisation placement” in the middle of November and Ann Purdie had to withdraw as his successor only a short time later, due to pressing family circumstances.

Photos by: Christine Parker, Jane Gillham, Mark Gillham, Pamela Strachan and Whether you are reading “Kirk Matters” as a member of one of the congregations or as a Julian Birchall resident in one of the parishes, the local Church is your Church, eager to serve the whole parish community. As well as weekly worship we have a variety of special gatherings and social events and it is always so good to see the wider community participating.

I am delighted to say that we have been able to secure the services of The Rev John R Smith as Locum. John will be with us for two days each week, providing pastoral ministry and conducting worship about once a month.

John, who lives in , is a native of Dumfries and has had ministries in Bridge of Weir and in ’s Morningside United Church which is a congregation belonging to both the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland. I know he can be assured of a warm welcome as he moves around the parishes of Upper Tweeddale and though he relishes his time among you, like me he hopes that it will not be long before he can step aside to make way for the induction of a new minister to the charge.

With warmest good wishes, Calum Macdougall. Interim Moderator

3 Floods in Southern Malawi You will have read about the severe fooding in Bob Milne sometime Mozambique, Malawi Minister of this Parish and Zimbabwe . Bob is now on a six month has told us of at least placement in Malawi. 2,000 families in After two short trips Zomba Presbytery in there representing our dire need. Families Presbytery he was keen and churches are to get deeper into Malawi providing shelter. than is possible in a two People only have the or three week visit. clothes they were Taking shelter in the Church He is there to carry out wearing when their three specifc tasks. homes collapsed. School books and uniforms have been lost, none Firstly, to lecture at Zomba of the children are attending school and their prospects of returning Theological College are very bleak at present. The one positive is that the crops do not on a couple of subjects seem to have suffered too much. including an entirely new Rev. Bob Milne course on Environment and Development. He Former Minister of these Parts has also been appointed an Associate Minister at Family in front of what remains of their home a Church three miles to Mike Little Plumber the south of Zomba namely, Sadzi. The third reason for being there is to act as a pair of feet on the ground as Zomba Presbytery and Melrose & Peebles Presbytery seek to take their partnership forward, including the strengthening of existing congregational twinnings and fostering and developing new ones so both Presbyteries can gain from closer relationships. As part of this he hopes to visit a lot, if not all, the Parishes in Zomba to see what is and isn’t feasible. In his letter to us he also adds that ‘should there be any kind of disaster or emergency, and please pray God that there isn’t one, but if there is, Zomba Presbytery see me as someone who can help coordinate relief efforts’ Phone: 01896 870 655 or 07927 344 184

4 5 Holy Week Monday April 15th to Friday 19th Arresting Prayer On Maunday Thursday in Stobo we are in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prays for his disciples and for us, his ‘Good Friday’ followers to come, before his betrayal by one of his closest friends and his arrest by the authorities who fear him.

An Innocent Man In Skirling Kirk the retelling of the terrible events of Good Friday should reaffrm to every one of us that there Our 5 churches in Upper Tweeddale will once again host a pilgrimage is nothing, absolutely nothing, that we can do to stop God from of sorts as we hold short evening services each evening of Holy Week loving us. in one of our rural churches. We invite you to any or all of our services in Holy Week. Each short service will close with following prayer: The bible readings around which the services are based this year May we travel now are taken from John’s Gospel. We need to remember that all of Into the story of light, the stories we will hear are interpretations of events, stories that Even as the darkness comes, have grown in the telling and with the beneft of hindsight. Once And kindle a fame people knew what was to come events must have taken on a more That dares us believe signifcant meaning than they did at the time. There was dissent This is not the end. in John’s Community at the time he was writing his Gospel, there were issues over leadership and schism, just as now, and these issues are refected in the way he tells the story of this week of confusion, Love Wins In Glenholm Churchyard at 8am on Easter morning - denial, betrayal, disruption and arrest. Jesus predicted it and spoke often of it, but when the time comes no-one is prepared for the empty tomb. Walk in the Light The meditation on Monday in Tweedsmuir concerns Jesus as a light to the world, as the grain that dies to bring a rich harvest, and reminds us that many people were drawn to his The Laurel Bank in Broughton message not everyone was like the Pharisees. Tea Room Bistro Bar The True Vine In on Tuesday we hear how Jesus in his Tel: 01899 830462 darkest moments speaks of friendship and love, his disciples are friends not servants, they are branches of the true vine, they too are responsible for carrying forward the work of the Kingdom.

The Hour is Coming Wednesday in Broughton Kirk the warnings Jesus gives to his disciples of the diffculties ahead, then his words of comfort that he is leaving them only for a little while, make sense when we know the story, but must have been perplexing at the time.

6 7 From Scotland to Jerusalem of St Andrew’s Church was laid by Field Marshall Lord Allenby in 1927. The Church has been served by Scottish Ministers ever since. 95 people crammed into Drumelzier Hall on 19th October to hear They do amazing work helping the poor and needy whatever their talks by Andrew Campbell and Julian Birchall on two very different background. visits to Jerusalem. Julian had visited Jerusalem in 1960 at a time of comparative peace. Andrew told the story of the 52 Lowland Division which left Edinburgh He began by reading the Balfour Declaration of 1917 which guided in 1915 after the disastrous railway accident at Quintinshill. They Government policy during the British Mandate under which Britain fought at Gallipoli before returning to Cairo in order to begin a push controlled Palestine from 1918 until the declaration of the State of north into Palestine. They faced a huge Ottoman army, equipped Israel in 1948. This led to fghting between Jews and Arabs which by the Germans with machine-guns, mortars and artillery and met lasted nearly a year and resulted in a new border running north/south stiff resistance at Gaza and Beersheba before reaching Jerusalem. through Jerusalem with Israel to the west and Arabs controlling the General Allenby walked through the Jaffa Gate into the Old City on “West Bank” now referred to as the Occupied Territories to the east. foot on 11th December 1917 as a “liberator” to provide a contrast In 1967 there was a further war known as the Six Day War following with the Kaiser who had ridden in on a white charger surrounded by which Israel took control of much of the West Bank and began mounted troops some twenty years earlier. building new “settlements” in defance of UN resolutions. He started with a picture of the River Jordan at the spot where Jesus was baptised a few miles north of where it fows into the Dead Sea – the lowest point on the surface of the earth at nearly 1400 feet below sea level. With much of its water diverted into irrigation projects the Jordan is now reduced to a trickle and the Dead Sea is shrinking by about three feet each year due to evaporation. He showed slides of the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 and then moved up to Bethlehem and the Church of the Holy Nativity with its remarkable 14-pointed star marking the spot where Jesus was born. In the Old City he was able to compare his photos of 1960 with the same view today showing the massive increase in building to cater for the huge increase in population – Israel is now up to 9 million compared to only 600,000 in 1948. He showed the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and described the problems arising from so many different denominations all wanting access to the holiest places on The Garden of Gethsemane special days like Easter and Christmas. On one occasion, in 1847, this even resulted in bloodshed but now there is somewhat better After the War there was an initiative, started by a man called Ninian cooperation. Hill, to build a Memorial Church in Jerusalem in memory of the Scottish soldiers who had lost their lives in this campaign. Land He concluded by saying that Jerusalem was still a wonderful place to was purchased just outside the city walls and the Foundation Stone visit, in spite of all its problems, and that visitors would get a warm welcome at St Andrew’s Church.

8 9 Pastoral Update A prayer from a concentration camp: At Broughton Kirk on the 14th December 2018 “Jewish Legacy” A service of thanksgiving for the life of Margaret A. Ellis “Franfurter Hefts”, Oct.1947 Of Tweedsmuir and Broughton Peace be to men of ill will: let there be an end to all vengeance and all talk of retribution and punishment. The atrocities make a mockery Died December 6th 2018 aged 94 years of all standards; they pass the limits of human comprehension, and Margaret Ellis was born on the 18th September 1924 in Mountain the martyrs are far too numerous. Therefore, O God, weigh not their Cross, the youngest of seven children having six older brothers. The iniquities with the scales of your justice, so that you hand them over family moved to Falla Toll, Eddleston where her father worked as to the executioner and demand a dreadful account from them, but a roadman. At sixteen Margaret left school to work for Mrs Craig let it be otherwise. Forgive rather the executioners and informers in Innerleithen looking after her baby grandson Murdo Elder of this and traitors and make allowance for them: Parish. The courage of the old, the strength of mind of the others, their self- While living at Falla Toll Margaret met Jack Ellis whom she married in effacing, their spirited dignity, their quiet efforts in all circumstances, 1945, they moved to Flemington Farm in 1946. A daughter and son and the brave laughter that let the tears run dry, and all love, all that were born there before the family moved to Talla where Jack worked hot love. All who with racked and harrowed hearts still remained for the Water Board. strong and ever faithful, in the face of death and in death itself, and also the hours of deepest weakness. Let all this, O my God, count Margaret and Jack both became elders of Tweedsmuir Church, but before you as forgiveness of sin, as ransom for a restoration of justice sadly Jack died in 1977 and Margaret then moved to Broughton. – count all the good and not the evil. She continued to attend Tweedsmuir Church serving as an elder for over 30 years and session clerk for 15 years. And to win over our enemies, we should no longer be their sacrifce, Margaret was also very involved with the Rural, a regular exhibitor their nightmare and phantom horror: rather we should help them to of baking and needlework, she was a judge at many shows and was leave go of their frenzy... made Honorary President of the Peebleshire Federation. Only that is required of them – and that, when all is done, we may She will be remembered by her many friends live together as humans among humans, and that peace returns to for her wonderful company and her generous this poor earth to men of good will, and that peace may come to the gifts of home made shortbread, marmalade others too. and chutney.

In keeping with how she lived her life A prayer from a concentration camp: "Jewish Legacy", Margaret had a well organised and peaceful quoted in "Frankfurter Hefte", Oct 1947 ending. She will be greatly missed by her daughter Kay and son Graeme and by her (sent in by a parishioner whose mother suffered from guilt all her life, Upper Tweeddale Church family. that she did not suffer the concentration camps with the rest of her family) Refection of stained glass in Stobo Kirk

10 11 What’s happening in Upper Tweeddale over the Summer

Look out for more information on noticeboards and websites for the Christian Aid Week Sunday 12th May to Sunday 19th May events below and others, we are a bit early to confrm some of the Sunday 12th May Car Boot Sale on Skirling Green 2 to 4pm. summer events Come along and raise some money for yourself as well as Christian Aid, just £7 for a car. APRIL Or come and search for a bargain, a plant for the garden, some home- Skirling Lunch Club, frst Thursday of the month. 12 noon till 1pm baking to take home, but whatever you do don’t miss out on tea in the All welcome for soup, a roll, a traybake and a chat all for £2. village hall. Thursday 4th April, 2nd May, 6th June and 4th July JUNE EASTER Eastgate on the Road th Sunday 14 April Palm Sunday Skirling Village Hall on Saturday the 8th of June Services at usual times in all four churches Broughton Village Hall on Saturday the 22nd June (see inside front cover) Sunday June 24th Sundae Sunday. Holy Week Services (More detail pages 6-7) We are planning to hold a joint family service in Tweedsmuir Village Hall. Monday 15th Walk in the Light 7 to 7.30pm Tweedsmuir Church Come and enjoy Taylors Ice-cream and a choice of all the toppings you Tuesday 16th The True Vine 7 to 7.30pm Drumelzier Church can imagine, why not colour in your dream Sundae on the next page. th Wednesday 17 The Hour is Coming 7 to 7.30pm Broughton Church JULY th Maundy Thursday 18 Arresting Prayer 7 to 7.30pm Stobo Church Opening of the Old Manse Garden at Drumelzier Good Friday 19th An Innocent Man 7 to 7.30pm Skirling Church The garden at the Old Manse in Drumelzier Easter Sunday 21st April 8am will be open on Love Wins Early Morning Outdoor Service in Sunday 7th July from Glenholm Churchyard with hidden eggs to 2.00pm until 5.00 hunt and followed by breakfast in Glenholm pm. There will be cottage. teas in the Village Hall Easter services at usual times in all 4 and the usual Plant churches: Very Rev. Finlay MacDonald in Stall. Entry is £4 with Broughton and Skirling; Rev. Barrie Cash in children free. 30 per Tweedsmuir and Stobo. cent of proceeds to Stobo and Drumelzier MAY Church and 30 per Biggar Singers Concert -- Saturday May 4th in St Mary’s Hall at 7.30 cent to the John Buchan Story in Peebles - the remainder to Scotland’s Mozart Coronation Mass and Purcell Te Deum & Jubilate Deo Garden Scheme charities. Accompanied by a string quartet

12 13 Tweedsmuir Kirk March 2019 for Kirk Matters

Christmas Eve in Tweedsmuir was so well attended – the car parking attendants had to sit in the choir seats – or stand at the back. Local children took turns between popular carols to read by candlelight the story of Jesus’s arrival. After the service, a wax model was found in the entrance – resembling another Christmas Eve visitor – Rudolf looking for a carrot???

A sudden fall of snow on 10th March caused chaos across Upper Tweed – treacherous roads, a couple of skids and our organist, Anne “”stuck in Biggar” . After a quick discussion, Anne Davidson offered a few notes to start us off while mobile phones were searched for a contact to alert Stobo. We were much relieved that Peter had chosen some well-known hymns including ironically For The Beauty of the Earth. Just in case there were further travel complications – we had extra chocolate biscuits with coffee.

On Easter Sunday morning we will have our traditional decorated egg rolling and some extra chocolate - Tweedsmuir would like to extend an invitation to any visitors to join us for services at 10am Sundays and to stay for a coffee/Tea and biscuit after the service.

Colour-in the Sundae for Sundae Sunday Tweedsmuir News

Christmas Eve in Tweedsmuir was so well attended the car parking attendants had to sit in the choir seats or stand at the back. Local children took turns between Tweedsmuir Kirk March 2019 for Kirk Matterspopular carols to read by candlelight the story of Jesus’s arrival. After the service, a wax model was

found in the entrance – resembling another Christmas Christmas Eve in TweedsmuirEve visitor – Rudolf lookingwas so well attended for a carrot???– the car parking attendants had to sit in the choir seats – or stand at the back. Local children took turns between popular carols to read by candlelight the story of Jesus’s arrival. AA sudden fall of snow on 10thfter the service, March a wax caused model was found in chaos across the entrance Upper– resembling another Tweed – treacherousChristmas Eve roads,visitor a– Rudolf looking for a carrot??? couple of skids and our organist, Anne

“”stuck in Biggar” th. After a quick discussion, Anne Davidson offered A sudden fall of snow on 10a few notes to start March caused chaos across Upper Tweed us off. We were much relieved– treacherous roads, a couple that Peter had of skids and our organist, Anne “”stuck in Biggar” . After a quick discussion, Anne Davidson offered a few notes to start us off chosen some well-knownwhile mobile hymns phones were searched for a contact to alert Stobo. including ironically For The BeautyWe were much relieved that of the Earth. JustPeter had chosen some in case there wellwere-known further hymns including travel complicationsironically For The – Beauty of the Earthwe had extra. Just i chocolaten case there were further travel complications biscuits with coffee. – we had extra chocolate biscuits with coffee.On Easter Sunday morning we will have our traditional decorated On Easter Sunday morning we will have our traditional decorated egg rolling and some extra egg rolling and some extra chocolate. Tweedsmuir would like to chocolate extend - an Tweedsmuir would like to extend an invitation to any visi invitation to any visitors to join us tors to join us for services at for services at 10am 10am Sundays and to stay for a coffee/Tea and biscuit after the service. Sundays and to stay for a coffee/tea and biscuit after the service.

Easter egg rolling at Tweedsmuir Kirk

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14 15 Why the Middle East? ignorant about Islam and the complex historical and political history of the Middle East. There was no signifcant Muslim population in NZ Some were a little surprised at my request for three months’ leave then. No mosques in Christchurch in those days. to attend the Near East School of Theology (NEST), the Protestant It is now deeply ironic that as I write this, Christchurch has shot into seminary in Beirut, Lebanon. prominence with terrorist attacks on its two mosques, killing 50 and For me there were two main prompts: my own ignorance of Islam and injuring scores more. The rise of white supremacist violence is no the increasing racial and religious intolerance in Britain, refected in longer just a problem ‘for other countries’. Similarly, here in peaceful hardening attitudes towards immigrants and growing Islamophobia , it is very easy to regard these issues as not really being and anti-Semitism. I felt a compelling urge to be better informed our concern and to settle back into our Brexit introspection and push and actively engaged in inter-faith dialogue and bridge-building. uncomfortable realities to one side. The NEST course offered this opportunity. So what did the Pastors’ Programme offer? I learned of the programme when visiting It was a chance to live on-site with fellow Beirut with a church group in 2017. At clergy (I was the only participant from the NEST we had a ‘taster’ with two extended UK, the other six were German), and with lectures - on the history of Contemporary international undergraduate students, to Eastern Churches and on Christian-Muslim receive frst-rate teaching in systematic dialogue and coexistence in Lebanon and theology, eastern churches (covering the Middle East. There followed 10 days of liturgical, doctrinal and spiritual Christian visiting churches and monasteries, meeting traditions) and a course in Christian-Muslim clergy and visiting historic sites, enjoying Relations. NEST has a 42,000 volume library, the diversity of this complex and culturally two chapels, sports and dining facilities - rich country. I was even more aware of my and overlooks the Mediterranean. ignorance and the urge to immerse myself Palestinian Mosaic from Greek Orthodox All courses involved feld trips, interviews Refugee Camp in in this different culture and in further study. Church in Qadisha Vally Southern Beirut and encounters with Christian and Muslim Growing up in the ‘quiet backwater’ that was Christchurch, New Zealand in the 1950s it is probably no surprise that I was fairly DAVID CAMPBELL Scott Vehicle Repairs Your Local Handyman Service • Repairs • MOT Testing • Tyres & Exhausts Available for most home maintenance and DIY jobs, Calor Gas, Coal & Car Wash small construction projects and hedge trimming The Garage, Broughton 01899 830317/ 07531109530 Telephone: 01899 830 240 [email protected]

16 17 leaders and organisations, in addition to visits to ecumenical, educational, social Mark Twain once said . . . and medical institutions of Middle East Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can churches, Islamic organisations and NGOs. see. As Lebanon is such a small country, we were able to travel to Tripoli and the Syrian border Is anybody happier because you passed his way? in the north (where I renewed contact with Does anyone remember that you spoke to her? Pastor Rola Sleiman and Marina Altounian who both visited our Presbytery last year) Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that’s slipping fast, and to the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon in That you helped a single person of the many that you passed? the south. Schneller School Friendships Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said? Two visits made a deep impression: the Palestinian refugee camp Does the man whose hopes were fading now with courage look (Sabra Shatila) in southern Beirut. Here 4th and 5th generations ahead? of Palestinians have lived since 1948. Over 100,000 are effectively imprisoned in a square half-kilometre and have now been joined by Did you leave a trail of kindness, or a scar of discontent? a huge infux of Syrian refugees. A superb refugee school is run in As you close your eyes in slumber, do you think that God will say, the camp by the JCC (Joint Christian Committee for Social Services “You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?” in Lebanon). The Schneller School in the Beka’a Valley where Christian and Muslim children live together and are taught alongside one another in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect. We have much to learn from our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters. They know the price we all pay when fear and intolerance dominate our thinking. Rev. Pamela Strachan, Broughton

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SBSA Registered Self-Certifier Tel: 01899 220160 Moblie: 07860 750982 Fax: 01899 220160 Email: [email protected] Website: Refected stained glass in Stobo Kirk

18 19 Thanks to the generosity of the people of the Parishes of Upper Tweeddale we have been able to help 5 charities over Christmas and Harvest Thanksgiving

We also delivered several bags of food and toiletries to The Old Kirk and Muirhouse Parish Church in Edinburgh, shortly before Christmas, at a time when the parish was being heavily affected by the delayed introduction of Universal Credit.

20 21 Broughton Village Store PARISHES OF UPPER TWEEDDALE Locum: Upper Tweed Community Enterprise Ltd are now well on the way to Rev John R. Smith raising suffcient funds to purchase Broughton Village Store to be Tel: 07710530193 Email: [email protected] run as a community shop. The share offer is underway with over Secretary to the General Kirk Session £20,000 already raised and with a target of £60,000. Application Mrs. Isobel Hunter, Skirling House, Skirling ML126HD Forms can be accessed on the Broughton Village Store website www. Tel:01899 860274 Email: [email protected] Treasurer of the funds held jointly: Mr. John Burnett, Glenholm Cottage, Broughton, ML126JF Tel:01899 830303 Email: [email protected] Interim Moderator: Rev Calum Macdougall, The Manse, 7 Clement Gunn Square, Peebles EH45 8LW Tel: 01721 720568 Email: [email protected] Broughton, Glenholm and Kilbucho Session Clerk: Mrs Pat Middlemas, Ninth Acre Broughton, ML12 6HQ Tel: 01899 830366 Treasurer: Mr Peter Worthington, Calzeat House, Broughton ML12 6HQ Tel: 01899 830489 Email: [email protected] Skirling Session Clerk: Mrs. Isobel Hunter, Skirling House, Skirling ML126HD Tel:01899 860274 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Mr Peter Worthington, Calzeat House, Broughton ML12 6HQ Tel: 01899 830489 Email: [email protected] Stobo and Drumelzier Session Clerk: Mrs Jane Gillham, 8 Gallow Hill, Peebles EH45 9BG Tel:01721 720910 Email: [email protected] Home to Whitmuir Restaurant, Organic Farm Shop, Treasurer: Mr. Andrew Campbell,Glebe House, Stobo Peebles EH458NU Dancing Light Art Gallery, Daisy Frame Picture Framing, Tel:01721 760252 Email: [email protected] Quercus Plant Nursery, Gladstone Bag Antiques, Fairy Walk and so Tweedsmuir much more. Something for everyone. Open 7 days a week. Session Clerk: Mr Digby Welch, ,Tweedsmuir ML12 6QP We look forward to welcoming you… Tel:01899 880325 Email:[email protected] Treasurer: Mrs Marion Wood, Kingledores, Tweedsmuir, ML12 6QL Tel:01899 880273 Email: [email protected]

22 23 Half Day and From £45 Evening Visits per person

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