A r» r he ndover ownsman A T A Andover everywhere end elwaye. tre t, leal—the manly, etralihtforw ard. eoher. patrlotloT New Knalnnd Tow n- I’ll I I.I.I P NHOOkS ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 9, 1936 VOLUME XLIX NUMBER 53 Non-Partisan Rally i This Sober Town I Chat! About You and Us on Next Tuesday New School Buildings j and the j Other Folks Hero In Andover Representatives of AH Parties to Explain Issues at Puhlie Meet­ to Be Open to Public STORK TAK ES A RIDE— The Andover ing in Town Hall pile Department ambulance left Andover Monday afternoon with four passengers, and The public is invited, admission free, to the Building Committee Sets Saturday, October 17th, as when it stopped at Winchester hospital some- Andover League of Women Voters Non­ TIIE END ... lime later there were live passengers. partisan Political Rally on Tuesday, October Open House Day—School Committee Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicoll of 105 Summer 13, at eight p.m. in the Town Hp.11. The Decides Rental Policy street were the happy couple to whom the speaker who will represent the democratic I side of national issues will be Robert St. I little bnby girl was born en route to the hos­ The new school buildings are to Ik* opened pital. Shortly after five Mrs. Nicoll, a woman John who is Director of Publicity for the to the public on Saturday, October 1/, the companion, driver Kerr Sparks and K. Burke Democratic State Committee of New Hamp­ This is the last of the four-puge m v n sm u n s. O n l y building committee decided Monduy evening. Thornton left for the Boston Lying-In hos­ shire. Mr. St. John is a graduate of Trinity I From two to nine the public is invited to pital, but somewhere in the vicinity of Stone- College, Hartford, Connecticut, an author Next week the new Townsman appears. Be O ne M ore (iiiin ee come and see the new auditorium, gymnasi­ ham the little extra passenger arrived. The and former newspaper owner and publisher. I um, cafeteria and classrooms. School officials Boston plans were dropped and the ambu­ He was at one time city editor of the Associ-1 Next WEDNESDAY is the last and teachers will be present to serve as lance rushed over to the Winchester hospital ated Press of New York City. sure not to miss the opening issue — order it guides. where the attendants acted with such a high Richard Crosscup, who will speak for the opportunity for new voters to There will Ik* no formal exercises con­ Farmer-Labor Party, is a teacher in remedial degree of efficiency that it looked as if they register before the election. nected with the opening, although a dedica­ were used to having newly-borns drop in on reading in a private school near Boston. He at your newsstand — tell your newsboy to de­ tion may follow later if the town meeting them via an ambulance. is the organizer of the Boston Federation of Tile liourii of llcgistrurs will wishes. Andrew 11 Pearson, state director of In a week or so there will arrive at a very Teachers local 441 of the American Federa­ lie at the Town House from the P.W.A., and Mr. Gerrish, resident fed­ much thrilled home on Summer street Ando­ tion of Teachers and was a delegate in August liver it — you won’t want to miss it. eral inspector, have been invited. ver’s littlest hitch-hiker. to the Massachusetts State Federation of noon until 10 P.M. Wednes­ The building committee hopes shortly to Labor Convention in New Bedford. In the clean up all their work, although legally their PRE-VIEWED—“ Can you tell me where Labor Party movement he is secretary- day. YOUR VOTE COUNTS. services will not end until the town meeting the Hoard of Public Works otlice is?” The treasurer of the State Promotional Commit­ discharges them. The school committee question sounded very familiar. We were tee for a Farmer-Labor Party in Massachu­ H e S u r e t o Tuesday evening voted to notify the building down at the town clerk’s olfice copying down setts which iscomjx)scd of trade union execu­ committee that the buildings were acceptable, the names of new voters when the above tives and leaders throughout the state repre­ I t E G I S T E I l and the building committee will in turn information was asked of George Winslow. senting workers organized in the Garment ORDER YOURS NOW! notify the selectmen who will uccept the “It's just up this street in a store just Industry, Rubber, Textile, Paper, Shoe, structures from the contractors for the town. opposite the fire station,” he answered, and Steel, and others, as well as Teaching. The final PAY.A. audit will take another then with an aside to us: "Your prediction Alfred Baker Lewis, who has long been Garden Club Has six weeks, it is thought. was right.” identified with the Socialist Party and is The school committee Tuesday evening The question of course was the same one their candidate for Governor, is a resident of took up the problem of the use of the new that we had in our editorial last week before Cambridge. He was born in Philadelphia in Opening Meeting auditorium and gymnasium by the public the B. P. W. did move. George said thut 1897. lie has practiced law in Pennyslvania, The opening meeting of the Andover after school-hours. A recommendation for Garden Club was held on OcIoIkt 6th at the regulations was presented by the advisory (Continued on page 2, column 3; but not in Massachusetts. He is a member of the National Association for Advancement November ( lub House. The new president, sub-committee and discussed thoroughly. of Colored People, of the Church Legue for Add New Names Electricity Rates Miss Bessie P. Goldsmith, introduced the A schedule of rates was also drawn up, vary­ Industrial Democracy,of the American Feder­ Adventurers Hold speaker, Mrs. Joseph L. Eno of Bradford, ing with how much of the building is used jiVetcs of Other Days\ ation of Teachers, anil of the American Acad- who gave a very interesting and informal and how long. In his monthly report the my of Political and Social Science. to Voting Lists Cut by Commission Opening Meeting talk on Flower Arrangement, using us illus­ su|K*rintmdent urged as great a use of the | What You and Your Neighbors j The other speakers are Col. Robert Good­ A total of 43 new voters registered Satur-1 ------The Adventurers, a ('onununity Theater, trations the beautifully arranged llowcrs new facilities by the public ns possible, and entered by the club members in seven differ- the committee concurred in this feeling. J Were Doing in Days Gone By i win, Republican; Mr. Richard Blake, Com

TO MARK 16TH ANNIVERSARY VILLAGE P.T.A. TO MEET This Sober Town j Kreisler Arrives Kosebud Party by The 16th anniversary of the Clan auxiliary The Shawshcen Village Parcnt-Tcachci THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN will he marked next Thursday evening in association will meet Wednesday evening al Publiahed every Friday at the Treat Building, Andover Maaa., by the Andover Treat Pliilathea Class Fraternal hall. The observance will start at eight in the school hall. (Continued from page 1) Aboard the Bremen ELMER J. GltOVFJt. M an a fln l Editor Fritz Kreisler, the eminent violinist, who The Philathca class of the Baptist church 6.30 with a banquet. TOWNSMAN Telephone 1124 there had been about a half dozen in to ask opens the Phillips Academy Concert Course and guests met at the church last Friday The ticket committee: Mrs. John Thom­ BRITISH VETS NOTES the same question, but he was unable to son, Mrs. Archie Maclaren, Miss Ina Petrie, The British War Veterans will meet to Entered at Andover ToatofTice as Second Class Matter this year on Monday evening. October 19th. evening, October 2, at 6:30 o’clock. The oc confirm the report that engineers were check- arrived in this country yesterday on the S.S. casion was their Rosebud Party. Mrs. Law­ Miss Ella Petrie, Mrs. Hector Pattullo, night. A public beano and whist party will b< ing up on the town hall to see if it actually Mrs. Alexander Meek, Mrs. Fred Scott and held next Friday evening at Square and Com .... — J. Bremen. His first engagement will be as guest rence Shields was in charge of decorations. was becoming lop-sided since Charley moved pass hall. soloist with the Philadelphia Symphony The tables were very attractively decorated Mrs. Jean Wood. GIVING WORK ON PRIVATE AND NOT PUBLIC Orchestra, Leopold Stokowsky conducting. with pink candles and rosebuds. Fifty guests PROJECTS SHOULD BE AIM OF NATION Andover will be among the first engagements assembled and after finding their names on O bituaries dainty pink and white place cards, sat down _ _ _ ....._ —....-a— The Townsman Editorial ■ ■■■ 11 —- on his American tour. The other events on the Phillips Academy to enjoy a delicious supper which was served A • II • II VITAMIN CAPSULES by the social committee, Mrs. Clinton Do the two Democratic candidates, i national and state administrations have Mrs. Daniel V. Sullivan Course are the Russian Symphonic Choir, These highly condensed substitutes for obnoxious Cod given. It does not want the men who Mrs. Nellie (Collins) Sullivan, wife of Dan­ one of tl c most distinguished choral groups Stevens, chairman. Franklin D. Roosevelt and James M. iel V. Sullivan, passed away early Monday on November 2nd and John McCormnck, After supper, Mrs. Henry Jenkins intro­ Liver Oil are now obtainable at a price that is within the are given work to have to qualify politi­ Curley, really believe that they can con­ afternoon at her home, 24 Maple avenue. She the noted Irish tenor, who returns to this duced the speaker of the evening, Mrs. reach of everyone. Biologically standardized so that each cally first, and yet there have been sev was a native of Ireland, but had lived here country after an absence of two seasons on Taylor of Boston who spoke on her experi- tinue to fool the American people in capsule is equal in Vitamin A & D value to 3 teaspoonfuls another election? They have been ­ eral instances of W.P.A. workers being for 45 years. ning their campaigns for election in the given their discharge papers because She leaves besides her husband a sister, of Cod Liver Oil and equal in Vitamin B content to one Mrs. Patrick Collins of Salem. ounce of condensed yeast, these small capsules make an same way that they have been running they wore I .melon buttons. If relief \ solemn high mass of requiem was held the public business for the past few must be given, America wants it given Wednesday morning in St. Augustine’s ideal method of assimilating these necessary Vitamins and years: one with smirking declarations on a basis of actual need, not on a basis church, with Rev. William Finnick of Con­ building resistance ends the infestation of Winter Colds. of political greed. cord as celebrant, Rev. Thomas H. Austin, that his four years' regime has meant a ,S.A. as deacon and Rev. Henry Smith, T H E HARTIGAN PHARMACY Paradise for the United States, the This country of ours must be taken _ S.A. as sub-deacon. Miss Annie Donovan, other with the same kind of off-color off the public payroll; no country can organist, played, and solos were rendered by methods that have characterized hisbe sound unless its workers have jobs Miss Katherine Donovan and Miss Ruth in private industry. Our president has O’Connell. Burial was in the church ceme­ entire conduct of the state government. tery. There is one point on which both have applied the misnomer “economic royal­ The bearers were: James R. Collins, harped, and it is probably the most im­ ists” to the business men who for de­ Thomas R. Collins, Michael Sullivan. John FUELS OF ALL KINDS portant human issue in the whole cam­ cades gave employment to millions of Cronin, Jeremiah Quill, und Francis T. paign. They both urc waging their Americans; no matter what you call Collins. ANTHRACITE-BITUMINOUS them this much is certain: just as long as lights on assertions that they have Mr«. Flora E. B acon CLEERCOAL-COKE—BRIQUETTES helped the jobless, whereas actually all uny business man is shackled by govern­ Mrs. Flora E. Bacon, widow of Major J. Bacon, passed away Sunday afternoon at the they have done is help the jobless stay ment regulations and by doubt as to RANGE AND F U E L O I L what a meddling government will d< home of her son, Harvey H. Bacon, of 6 jobless. Four years ago the Democratic Washington avenue. Her husband died last party promised to rid the nation of un­ next, the worker of America cannot get spring, at which time she came to Andover employment; today there is still as back on Mr. Business Man's private to live. Born in Lexington, the greater part of ANDOVER COAL CO. much unemployment ns there was when payroll. All this talk about Liberty her life was spent in Arlington. Freedom from Restraint, etc., does not She was a member of the Pythian Sisters Telephones: Office 365—Yard 232 that promise was made. Billions have of Arlington and also was connected with the RUSSIAN SYMPHONIC CHOIR been spent; millions remain out of work. mean that the Hcpuhlieun party wants association of the wives of the Sons of Veter- And yet these two men are pretending our industrialists free to do anything that they have been the good Samaritans discreditable; it means that the party She leaves two sons, Waldo II. of Washing January 12th, in George Washington Hall. ences in the work to conquer leprosy. After a wants our industrialists free to employ ton, D. C., and Harvey II. of Andover. The Russian Symphonic Choir which short business meeting, conducted by the for millions of unemployed. Mr. Curley- Funeral services were held Wednesday sings “a capella” in the colorful costumes president, Mrs. Clare Norton, the class en­ even went so fur as to make the mag­ men, to give America work. Governor afternoon by Rev. Lorentz I. Hansen. Burial of the old Russian regime, presents a program joyed a Rosebud Party at which time each nanimous gesture of announcing that Landon's platform may be interpreted was in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Arlington. of Russian classic, folk ami popular melodics member learned who her unknown Rosebud 20TH there would be W.P.A. work for all who us follows: “We're not going to s|)end Phis group founded in Paris, fifteen years ago friend for the past year had been and also the taxpayer’s money to give you a job William F. Eno by its present conductor, Basile Kibalchich, received a new rosebud name secretly came to register at the state house William F. Eno, 56, husband of the former has grown to be the choral group by which all tucked under a rosebud seal and tied to a Some 3,000 came and registered at the on a public project, we're going to allow Miss Jennie Driscoll of this town, died Mon­ other Russian choral groups are judged. Its pink rosebud. The original poetry written by state house, and yet the state VV.P.A. the taxpayer to use his money to give day afternoon at his home, 28 Morris street, leader is internationally recognized and in the Mrs. George Goff and read as each rosebud administrator stuted that there was no you u job on a privutc project; we're Everett. last ten years has been called frequently to friend was introduced caused much merri­ work for them and no one had author­ going to make it possible for you to sc Europe to act as guest conductor with the ment. As the last name was disclosed the Engagement Announced choral groups there circle sang “Blest be the tie that binds” and ized the Governor to make that an cure your old job back; if you worked The singing which one will hear on Monday everyone felt that their circle of friendship “WHEN The FINEST of nounccment. That was purely a play in u mill, we’ll mukc it possible for you Mr. and Mrs. George E. Marble of 14 November* 2nd...... in George Washington Hall M .11, had been strengthened through the enjoy­ YOU PAY for votes; actually it probably lost him High Ridge road, Worcester, announce the is something that must be heard to be even ment of this special friendship. to go back there, and if you worked in an engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Rosa­ slightly appreciated for the work of these LESS 3,000 votes. No one is going to rush office, we’ll let the businessman hire mond, to Dr. Knowlton D. Stone, son of Mr. twenty Russians and seems to represent the YOU GET away to secure a promised job and then and Mrs. Colver J. Stone. you buck; we're not going to make mill merging of distinct personalities rather than j Murriage Intentions LESS” find thut the promise was only u fuke the submerging that one finds in the ordinary workers go out digging ditches, and BREAD without sincerely hating the muu who B irth s chorus. The program has a colorful, dynamic Richard M. Zecchini, South Main street, we're not going to luukc office-workers quality that is keenly felt in all their songs and Marjorie Sherman, 124 Main street. led their hopes astray. whether it be the impressive Credo of Gret- 'The United Stutcs does not want the go out counting the number of pussiug Mathew Hedges, 15 1-2 Elm street, and A daughter, Doris Henriette, to Mr. and chaninoff, the Song of the Volga Boatmen or Mary Miltiadon, 5 Welcome street, Haverhill kind of employment thut the present automobile Mrs. Louis Ouellette, 34 Beacon street, the Andante Cantabile of Tchaikowsky. John Kulck, 119 Gelston street, Lawrence, August 28. The final attraction on the Phillips Acade­ and Jessie C. Munroe, 20 Baker Lane. my series is that of the concert by John A daughter, Evelyn Margaret, to Mr. and William W. M. Barnet, 28 Burnham road, McCormack, well known to Americans as one Mrs. Randolph H. Perry ot Elm street at the and Ella Buthmann, 41 Kingston street, Siftings Sifting the Week's News Boston Lying-In hospital, Wednesday. of the most striking personalities in the con­ Lawrence. A son, Robert George, to Mr. and Mrs, cert field. Leo Laroche, 47 Corbett street, and Marie George Dumont of Andover street, Wednes­ His appearance here follows his Symphony PRESIDENCY—-Landon plans assault on L. Gagnon, 53 Kingston street, Lawrence Now that the Public Utilities Commission day. Hall, Boston concert where it is interesting four key states, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Francis J. Riley, High street, Ballardvale, has ordered lower electric rates, it might oe A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lothrop Merrick of to note, the house is already s*4d out. well to establish a similar commission to Indiana; urges public check Roosevelt and Mary L. O’Neill, 848 Bridge street, Belmont Tuesday. Mr. Merrick is the son of Lowell. order lower tax rates. s|K*ech on bonus and budget; Rooseve Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Merrick of Lowell starts on western tour. CHRIST CHURCH NOTES Walter Gurski, 208 Shawmut avenue, Boston, and Barbara M. Jacobson, River The new school buildings turned out excel­ Bishop Sherrill is expected for Confirma­ SPAIN Insurgent forces unite for final road. lently despite the PAV.A. onslaught on Madrid, fortified by govern­ M urriages tion on November 29. Palks in preparation will be given by the rector in the room called ment and partly evacuated. - — 4 The President says the bonus is no longer the Study beginning on Tuesday next at 2:30 Punchard Takes a “future obligation”; Gov. Landon claims INTERNATIONAL— 100,000 Reds battle John Teague Russell, Center street, Bal- and at 7 :15 p.m. that changing the " u ” in bonus to “ d ” still in Paris streets; 11 Ducc asks Stahremberg lardvale, and Enola Frances Sawyer, 632 At the Junior Woman’s Guild meeting on makes it a future obligation. take control of Austrian Heiinwchr. Great Plain avenue, Needham, at Needham, Tuesday night Mrs. John D. Newall, 3rd was Second Victory V ------by Rev. Harry W. Kimball, September 29, elected president and Mrs. Loris Stephanie Scoring a touchdown after two unsuccess­ The Service club last night voted to sug­ Carl Brooks, Marbleridge road, North secretary-treasurer. ful thrusts to within scoring distance in the gest to the selectmen the possibility of plant­ W eddings Andover, and Louise Caroline Dufton, The women of the parish are invited to first quarter, Punchard won its second game ing shrubbery in front of the town hall. I he Kensington street, by Rev. Samuel C. Beane attend the Merrimack Annual Conference in of the season last Saturday afternoon by dc best way to make the front of the hall look White Abbott at North Andover, October 4. Grace Church, Lawrence, on Wednesday, feating the Danvers high school team, 6 to 0 nice would be to plant a few of California’s At a small, quiet wedding Saturday afte Joseph Leverett W hite, 57 Salem street, October 14. when the service will be held at The local team outplayed the visitors but giant redwoods in front. noon, with only members of the two familie and Ruth E. Abbott, 107 Main street, Octo­ 10:30 a.m. followed by meetings with the | lacked scoring punch. Several times fumbles and a few intimate friends present, M ber 3, by Rev. Newman Matthews, at 107 closing service at 3:45 p.m. Miss Eva D. I by the local team and failure to punt safely Abbot Academy Notcr- Ruth Klilabeth Abbott, daughter of M Main street. Corey will preside. I gave Danvers opportunities to score, but Edward F. Abbott, became the bride of The next meeting of the Altar Guild will be j the Danvers drive lacked the necessary On Saturday evening Miss Joseph'ne Joseph Leverctt White of Salem street, at the NEW VALE GROUP MEETS on 'Tuesday night, November 3rd, at 7:45 punch, Schain will give a lecture at Abbot academy family home on Main street. The Ballardvale Community association, a o’clock in the Parish House. < n International Affairs The four o’clock ceremony, which w newly formed association met last evening in LIBRARY CIRCULATION The speaker on Sun 'ay evening in Abbot performed by the Rev. Newman Matthe the Community room for the first time in CONSECRATION OF OFFICERS The number of books issued for home use 1 a" w.ll be Mrs. S. C. Yui, Dean of Women their new quarters, with William Riley, presi­ at the Memorial Hall Library during Sep­ pastor of the West Church, was followed 1 by The Courteous Circle of King’s daughters at Shantung Christian college. dent of the association, presiding. tember was 5566. At Ballardvale, 601 were a reception at the home of Mr. and M held the opening meeting of the season Mon­ The membership com mittee’s report was borrowed, making a total library use of 6167 Harolu E. Abbott on Bartlet street. day evening at the South church vestry. SPEAKS ON SPAIN EXPERIENCES most encouraging, there being an enrollment volumes. The unattended bride, who was given in After a supper and business meeting the of 236 to date and a possibility oi more l)r. Allston Hurd Chase of the Phillips marriage by her brother, Harold E. Abbott, annual consecration of ofiicers was held. members. ODD FELLOWS TO INSTALL academy faculty told of his experiences in wore a simple gown of brown velvet and ear­ Mrs. John Jenkins is leader, Mrs. Fred­ Mrs. George Brown reported a balance of war-ravaged Spain at the Service club meet ned Talisman roses. The wedding music was rick B. Noss vice-leader, Mrs. Clifford The annual installation of ofiicers of the $81 in the treasury and the President re­ ing last night. played by the bride’s sister, Miss Marion Chapman recording secretary, Mrs. Francis Odd Fellows will be held in Fraternal hall ported for the committee delegated to pur­ The club voted to write Registrar of Motor I.. Abbott. Zecchini corresponding secretary and Mrs. Wednesday evening. chase a piano from the old association. Vehicles Frank Goodwin urging him to do After a wedding trip through Maine and William Gibson treasurer. everything possible to stop headlight glare New Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. White will Miss Davies was voted the hall on Fridays THIMBLE CLUB RUMMAGE SALE to conduct her dancing class. It was also voted to suggest to the selectmen reside of 57 Salem street. A rummage sale will be held by the 'Thim­ During the meeting Clester Matthews was TO REVIVE OLD STORES that shrubbery be planted in front of the ble club next Friday afternoon. town hall. appointed Custodian of the association. The residents of Andover remember with PYTHIAN SISTERS’ VISITATION The following com were named. joy T. A. Holt's on Central street, and Smith HOLD INQUEST ON FATALITY Grand chief Agnes B. M. Hiscr of Adams Membership, Leslie Hadley, Harry Trow, & Manning’s on Essex street. It is therefore paid an official visit at the meeting of the Lester Abbott; finance, James Morton, Mrs. with great pride that the A.P.C. Sorority of An inquest was held Tuesday morning Forest Mills Underwear Pythian Sisters last night. She was accom T. Souls, Mrs. Lester Abbott; trustees, James the South Church, at their Bazaar in the before Justice Albion G. Pierce on the death panted by grand manager Mary Iris and Schofield, Mrs. Frances Benson, Miss Town Hall December 4th and 5th, will bring of Peter Hammell, North Carolina crippled salesman, who was instantly killed in a triple deputy gr:grand chief Gertrude Hall of Haver- Matthews; entertainment, John Mason, to Andover, among other “Landmarks,” a hill. Mrs. Miser was presented with an Irish Timothy Haggerty, Mrs. Foster Matthews; revival of these two well remembered stores. crash two weeks ago on the by-pass. Registry Tuck stitch PA JA M A S linen table cloth and napkin set. hospitality, John Martindale, Mrs. William The Apron Department, in charge of Mrs. and state and local police officials testified Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Riley, Mrs. Clester Matthews; publicity, Osborne Sutton, is one oi the many which will in addition to those involved in the crash. Attractive new designs in pretty H. Gorric, Mrs. l.ily Harris, Mrs. James Edwin Brown, Mrs. Clyde Mears, Mrs again benefit the housewives of our town. color combinations— Souter, Mrs. Thomas W. Neil, Mrs. Annie P. Ralph Greenwood, Sr. Mrs. Sutton and her committee are already REAL ESTATE TRANSFER Davis, Miss Nellie Poland, Mrs. Mubcl A Hallowe’en costume party will be held accepting orders for their various popular Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hamden of Florence Johnson and Mrs. I.aura Roby. by the organization on Saturday, October 31, styles of aprons. street have purchased the 20-room house at j and will be in charge of the entertainment 126 Main street owned by the estate of Miss *1.95 I hospitality and finance committees. A.P.C. TO MEET Sarah McKeown. W illiam B . B a n f i e l d The next meeting of the association will be A business meeting of the A.P.C. Sorority held Wednesday evening, October 14, at of the South Church will be held in theschurcn TO PLAY AT READING T a ilo r eight o’clock. IRMA BEENE Dept. Store vestry on Thursday, October 15 at 8:00 Thei ne Punchardi unenaru highnign team winwill journey to 38 MAIN ST. p.m. Refreshments will be served, in charge Reading tomorrow to play the high school The Well-Known Dry CooJe Store HARVEST SUPPER of Miss Mary Winkley. team of the neighboring town. 6 Main St. : Tel. 795-M Foreign and domestic fabrics. A harvest supper will be served at the Exclusive designs for men. Baptist church vestry on Saturday evening, October 17, from five to seven. T he Philathea class will serve.

HELPING HAND TO MEET The Free Church Helping Hand Society BAPTIST CHURCH—Sunday. 9.30 Sunday FREE CHURCH—Sunday, 9.30 Church School will hold its first fall meeting on Tuesday School; 10.45 Morning worship, the pastor speaks Graduation exercises; 10.45 Morning worship with A afternoon at 2.30 o’clock. Members of the on “God Brightens Your Life." Wednesday. 7.45 sermon by the pastor. Subject, “The Life of the parish who are not members of the Helping Quarterly Fellowship and Business meeting of the Spirit." 12.00 The Brotherhood; 6.30 Christian Hand Society are cordially invited to attend. church. The Social Committee of the church hasEndeavor. Leader. Miss Mae Martin. Tuesday charge of refreshments for the dosing fellowship 2.30 Meeting of the Helping Hund Society. Women CERTIFIED SEAL period. Friday. 7.00 Boy Scouts meet. H.00 Choir of the parish njt memliers of the society are invited rehearsal with Mrs. Hansen and Mr. Keg. Norton. to attend Wednesday. 8.00 Ways and Means com­ Saturduy, Public harvest supi>cr from live to seven, mittee. All wlu will help with the fair invited to at­ under uusplces ot Philatheus. tend. Thursday, 6.00 Rehearsal of Junior Choir; 7.30 Rehearsal of Senior Choir. is placed on every STRIKING CHRIST CHURCH—Sunday. 8.00 Holy Com­ munion; 9.30 Church School; 10.45 Morning prayer UNION CONGREGATIONAL—Sunday. 10.30 SINCE :8 4 0 INDIVIDUALITY and sermon; Monday, 4.00 Choir: boys; Tuesday, Sermon: “The Voice of The Church. Part One, 2.30 Confirmation Talk; 7.15 Confirmation Talk. Partnership," 11.40 Church School; 5.00 Intermedi­ NEW ENGLAND COKE IN YO UK Wednesday, 10.30 Merrimack District Annual Con­ ate C.E. Leader: Jessie Bissett. Wednesday, 2.30 ference, Grace Church, Lawrence; 4.00 Choir: boys. Ladles Aid Society at the home of Mrs. Walter Cberett ffl. Hunbgren Thursday, 2.30 Woman's Guild; 7.15 Choir: boys Curtis, on Dascomh Road. Permanent Wave and adults. The Church is open fer pruyer daily. Funeral Director and Embalmer TICKET WEST CHURCH—Sunday. 10.30 Public wor­ SOUTH CHURCH—Sunday, 9.45 Church School Try Andover’s most up-to- and The Little Church; 10.45 Morning Worship ship with sermon by the (uistor, “Jesus und the 1840 to 1936 Greuter Problems of Life: 3. Learning Duty." 12.00 Sermon, "Deliverance from Evil." 10.45 Church YOUR ASSURANCE OF GUARANTEED SATISFACTION date Beauty Salon. Special­ Kindergarten. Thursday, 4.00 Junior Choir; 7.00 Church School in the vestry. Herman and Joseph Abbott Twenty-six Years of per­ izing in all lines of beauty Senior Choir; H.00 A.P.C. Sorority. Friday, 7.00 NORTH PARISH CHURCH— Sunday. 10.30 Troop 3, Boy Scouts. James Crabtree sonal service to Andover and culture. Rev. S. C. Beane will take us his subject: Simplicity Charles Parker in Religion." Singing by the vested choir. Church ACADEMY CHAPEL—Sunday. 11.00 a.m. Suburban Towns. School at 9.30. Y.P.R.U. the first Sunduy in every Rev. John M. Currie of the Beck Memorial Cliurc h, F. H. Messer ELITE BEAUTY SALON month at 7.30 p.m. For transportation telephone New York City. Everett M. Lundgren C r o s s C o a l C o . MRS. D. VENTURA, Proo. Andover 739. A welcome to ull. ST. AUGUSTINE'S—Tonight. 7.45 devotions For the present Office and Home, 14 Elm Street, Tel. 3 0 3 - W or 303-R 1 MAIN ST. — Tol. ANDOVER 219 3 MAIN ST. (over Gas Office) Tel 867 SHAWSHKBN COMMUNITY—Sunday. 9.30 Sunday masses. 6.30, 8.15, 9.45 (high), 11.30. A; Fully Equipped for AU Service Mess, end N. H. Licenss Sunduy school. Ballardvale 8.45. Week-day mumies 7.30 a.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1936 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN

ballardvale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Telephone 10OT-M Iiomer Exhibition Attracts Keen Interest FOR RATES CALL 1324 The climax of a series of New England ex­ I side and in his drawings of children picking Irving Shaw of Andover street has accented hibitions commemorating the hundredth an­ a position at Abbot Academy. i berries, idly watching a dog chew a bone, niversary of the birth of Winslow Homer is or engaged In a vigorous game of “Snap the WORK WANTED LOST Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McIntyre and CHERRY & WEBB family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McIntyre and now being held at the Addison Gallery. There Whip" outside the smnll country school, he family and Henry McIntyre of Watertown is a standard of quality in this selection of has faithfully recorded what he secs with a SEWING m a c h i n e m a n n o w h e r e LOST Valuable moonlight oil painting 60x80 sympathy and appreciation peculiarly his anil surrounding towns; machines cleaned, inches olT Department truck. Owner be­ visited at the home of John Snider of Woburn water colors, prints and drawings which street Sunday. own. oiled, adjusted SI; expert repairing on all lieves it to be hand painted. Finder will would he difficult to equal. During the past Mr. and Mrs. Floyd MacDonald of Wo­ Another gallery has been devoted to his makes of machines. Work guaranteed, free please return to Douglas S. Byers, Depart­ six months, other exhibitions of Winslow work in water color. In such paintings as ment of Archaeology, Phillips Academy or burn street visiter! in Claremont, N. H Sun­ Homer’s work have taken place at Phila­ inspection. Address L. C. S. Andover day. “ Hoy in a Boatyard" we sec his first tentative 2 7 th Anniversary Townsman. will consider exchange for pure bred setter delphia, Chicago, Boston, Cambridge, anil attempts at the use of color. Drawn with the Mr. and Mrs. Irving Shaw have moved puppy —good watch dog. Trout’s Neck, Maine, where the artist spent accuracy anil interest in detail which char­ into their new home on Andover street. FURNITURE—Repaired, recovered and the last years of his life. In December, the acterized his illustrations, these first attempts made to order. Shades renewed and turned. LEGAL NOTICES Edward Ward of Andover street has re­ Whitney Museum in New York will hold a are little more than colored drawings. In Reasonable rate. Prompt service. Esti­ turned home after spending a vacation in comprehensive exhibition of his work anil a Nova Scotia. “ Hoy and Horse,” painted in 1880, however, SALE mates submitted free. Also storage, pack­ number of the paintings in the present exhi­ we linil him using a freer technique with ing and moving. William A. Buchan, 10 Transportation is being planned for mem­ bition will he included. more emphasis on masses of color and less on Bartlet street, Telephone Andover 1361. bers of the Epworth League of the Methodist The arrangement of the exhibition at An­ meticulous detail. In 1881, Homer went to C hurch who are going to the Convention of dover shows clearly the development of the the fishing village of Tynemouth in Eng­ UPHOLSTERY, Slip Covers, Repairing of the Lynn District F.pworth Lenguc that will artist from his boyhood to maturity. Win­ land, und the scries of water colors shown in all Furniture, at moderate rates. Experi­ he held in Malden Monday evening. slow Homer, born in Boston in 1836, was this exhibition are a record of his visit there. enced workman of twenty-five years in Miss Doris Shaw was appointed superin­ sent when a young man to the Civil War as A more fluid quality is obvious here in his attendance. Chairs reseated and recaned. tendent of the Union Congregational Church an illustrator for Harper’s Weekly. Many of technique nnd a greater sense of design. “On Slightly used furniture for sale. Quick School, Sunday u|>on the resignation of John these illustrations which are on exhibition the Cliff, Tynemouth,” which portrays a Service. Colonial Furniture Shop, 53 Park Mason whose business duties prevented him here record a side of the Civil War seldom group of fisherwomen walking in single file street., Andover. TOWN OF ANDOVER from continuing. dwelt U|>on in history hooks: soldiers, pausing down a cliff carrying their fishing nets over Office of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hood and family of between battles for a light-hearted game of their shoulders, is particularly line. HOARD OF SELECTMEN , N. H. visited in Ballardvale cards, foraging for food in the barnyard of an His later work is shown by water colors of HELP WANTED Sunday. Andover. Mass. outraged farmer or singing about a campfire Prout's Neck, where the artist made his The Methodist Church Guild will hold a at night. The sterner aspect of the war is seen MEN wanted for nearby Rawleigh routes of You are hereby required on or before home on his return from Tynemouth,and December 1, 1936 to destroy the gypsy and meeting this evening in the vestry at eight in such illustrations as “ A Sharpshooter on others from Bermuda, the Bahamas, the 800 families. Reliable hustler should start o'clock. Picket Duty” or “The Union Cavalry and taming S25 weekly and increase rapidly. brown tail moths on your property in this Adirondacks. and Florida, where he spent town. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fredricks nnd family Artillery Starting in Pursuit of the Rebels.” vacations throughout his life. ICach group, Write today. Rawleigh’s, Dept. MAJ-4- were recent visitors in Clinton. After the war, Homer continued his work for SC, Albany, N. Y. 'Phis notification is in accordance with arranged in sequence, shows that without Chapter 132, General Laws, which requires Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tolchard visited in Harper’s and sent them drawings of his ob­ question the artist matured consistently both cities and towns to destroy the eggs, cater Lowell Junction recently. servations of contemporary life. He was par­ in observation and in power of execution FO R RENT pillars, pupae and nests of the gypsy and Mrs. Pauline Fredericks, Miss Mary ticularly fond of the New England country- throughout his life. brown tail moths under heavy penalty for Fredericks and Charles Fredericks were re­ TO LET—Shawshcen village—modern four- failure to comply with the provisions of the cent visitors here. room apartment for desirable couple, law. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks arc at their Mrs. Arthur R. Lewis, Marilyn, Barbara large screened porch. Hot water heat. If a property owner fails to dstroy such camp here (or a few days. and Warren. Fifteenth Birthday Basement garage. 116 Lowell street. Tel. eggs, caterpillars, pupae and nests, then the An invitation social will be held on October Miss Helen Pickard, teacher in the West Andover1195-R. city or town is required to destroy the same, 16 at the home of Miss Helen Matthews of Center School, spent the week-end with her Marked by Club and the cost of the work, in whole or in part, Center street by the Young Women’s Club parents in Mendon. FOR RENT—in Shawshcen village—Col­ of the Union Congregational Church. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert P. Carter attended The fifteenth birthday of the fjhnwshcen onial house, six rooms and bath, fireplace, according to the value of the land, is assessed Village Woman’s Club was observed Monday upon and becomes a lien on the land. (Section the thirty-second wedding anniversary of two piazzas, near school and center. Tele­ Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Nason in North Ando evening in Balmoral Hall. This club is the phone Lawrence 5921. 18, Chapter 132, General Laws, on reverse.) outgrowth of The I’eptomistic club, a small The Selectmen ask owners and tenants to WEST PARISH ver on Sunday. Neighbors and relatives helped to make the occasion a memorable social group organized when Shawsheen ROOM—furnished or unfurnished with pri­ co-operate with the town in its work on high­ Telephone 465 one. Henrv Nason, eighty-nine-year-old Village was first founded. Mrs. Emma vate family—all conveniences. Telephone ways and other public grounds by doing Mrs. Carlton White of Norwood recently father o( Clinton Nason, also attended as Gould Carter and Mrs. Vernon R. Walker 154-M. effective work on their premises. Citizens are the only original members now in the who have cleaned their premises of the visited Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Lewis. did his two children, Miss Beulah Nason Miss Alice Kimball and her uncle, Thomas and Mr. I lenry Nason. Other Andover people fjhawshecn Club. THE ABERDEEN, exclusive apartments in moths, hut find their trees endangered by the Robinson of Gibbon, Nebraska spent Friday in attendance were Mrs. Samuel D. Berry Birthday greetings were read from Mrs. Shawsheen Village, tiled bathrooms with neglect of owners of adjoining estates should fir, in Haverhill. Mr. Robinson has a sister in and Miss Katherine Berry. John H. Kimlwll, President of the Massa­ shower, free refrigeration, passenger ele­ make complaint to the Selectmen. The in­ chusetts State Federation of Women’s festation of a residential neighborhood by Haverhill with whom he is going to spend About twenty-five members of the Fidelis vator, hotel lobby, roof garden, barber some time. Class of the Calvary Baptist Church in Clubs; Mrs. Thomas J. Walker, General shop, $40. to $75. month, open for inspec­ the neglect of a few will not he tolerated. JJ Mrs. Hcrvey Northey of Lowell street has Lawrence attended a party held on Monday Federation Director from Massachusetts: M tion. Telephone Andover 215. The eggs of the gypsy moth should he Mrs. John A. Jennings, Chairman of Club destroyed at once with creosote. They should gone to Becket, Mass., where she will spend evening, October 5, at the home of one of its the winter months with friends. members, Mrs. P. Irving Livingston, Lowell Institutes for the Massachusetts State never he scraped off the object on which they Federation of Women's Clubs, LEGAL NOTICES laid. Careful search should be made for Mrs. John I). Little of Shawshcen road street. The x7Priest Dress' visited her mother in Wellesley Hills on Mrs. Alice B. Reed returned Sunduy to Mrs. Forrest Collier of Billerica, Tenth gypsy moth egg clusters, not only on trees, District Director brought geretings a',J re­ Commonwealth of M assachusetts hut also on house walls, stone walls, fences Saturday. her home in Concord, N. H. After spending PROBATE COURT Mrs. Ellery Metcalf and children of Saugus a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. B. minded the group of a conference of Correc­ ONE OF THE SMARTEST and in rubbish heaps, etc. Trees in which tion and Literature to he held in Billerica ssex ss Wood. E , . cavities occur and which it is not desirable visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lewis on OF THE SEASON Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pray of Lowell street October 22nd. A press Conference to he held To all persons interested in the estate of to cut should have the cavities tinned or Sunday. visited their daughter, Betty, who is a stu­ at the Eagle-Tribune Building in Lawrence Mary B. Erving, otherwise known as Mary cemented. Phis is important. The present Miss Helen Smith of Watertown spent the dent at Northfiela seminary on Sunday. Thursday afternoon, October 29th was also Btll Erving, late of Andover in said County, and future cost of combating this insect can week-end as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman The next meeting of the R.P.C. Club will announced. Mrs. Collier told the dub that deceased. he greatly reduced by cutting and burning Boutwcll, Shawsheen road. be held on Tuesday evening, October 20, at they would no longer wonder why correction A petition has been presented to said Court wortlilcss brush, hollow trees, etc. A few Alfred Bicknell of Portland, Maine spent the home of the Misses Noyes on Lovejoy anil literature went hand in hand alter they 16.27 for probate of certain instruments purporting Sunday as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roger II. trees well-cared for are more valuable to the had seen thee.xhibitionol bouksand magazines to be the last will and codicil of said deceased Lewis, Lowell street. road. property owner and the community than a picked up at random from news stands. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slate and family have The next meeting of Andover Grange An udaptut ion of a Paris crea­ John M. Erving and Fannie E. Arundale, large number of neglected trees. moved from the Rennie house on Argilla number 183 will lie held on Tuesday evening, Mrs. George A. Mellon, corresponding tion. In glorious black only. aboth of Andover in said County, praying that The nests of the brown tail moth should he secretary of the State Federation added her they be appointed executors thereof without road to the house owned by Sidney P. White, October 13, at 8:00 o'clock in Grange Hall. Note the leather belt with cut from the trees, carefully collected and The f|rst and second degrees will be exempli­ greetings anil congratulated the club upon thrown fringed scarf. Buttons giving a surety on their bonds. burned in a stove or furnace. Argilla road. the progress it had made in fifteen years. Mr. and Mrs. James Dennison of Melrose fied at this time. down the front. Math* famous If you desire to object thereto you or your Full instructions as to the best methods of Mrs. Mcllcn has been in close contact with attorney should file a written appearance in spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roger At a meeting of the ofiicers anil teachers by Kav Francis in “Give Me work against the moths may be obtained of West Parish Sunday School, the following the cluli for a number of years having been said Court at Salem before ten o’clock in the from the Local Superintendent, James Buss, H. Lewis. district director and chairman of club insti Your Heart." Sketched from James Scobie who has been awuy for sev­ committee was appointed to consider awards forenoon on the nineteenth day of October or from the State Forester, Room 519, tutes anil now one of the newer members of stock. Sizes 12 to 20. eral weeks on a business trip is s|>cnding a for attendance and proficiency in Bible study. 1936, the return day of this citation. State House, Boston, Mass. the Shawsheen Club. She called attention to few days at the uome of his parents, Mr. and Mr. Leverett Putnum, chairman, Mrs. Witness, H arry R. D ow , Esquire, First Work done by contractors should he in­ the Autumn Meeting of the State Federation Mrs. Robert Scobie. Earl Slate, Mr. Arthur K Lewis. Also u Better Dress Dept. 3rd Floor Judge of said Court, this twenty-ninth day of spected and approved by Local Superin­ which will he held at Stockhridge Hall, Miss Esther Smith of Shawsheen road and committee consisting of Miss Clara Putnam September in the year one thousand nine tendent before payment for the same is made. Mass. State College, Amherst, October 17th. Mrs. Pinckney are spending several days in a and Rev. Newman Matthews to specify the hundred and thirty-six. H owkll F. Shepard Another innovation will he the November W illiam F. Shanahan , Register trip over the Mohawk Trail into North course of study for each class and minimum J. E verett C ollins requirements for advancement. The follow­ Club Institute anil State Department Meet­ Roy E. H ardy Adams. ings being held at Springfield, Thursday, Mrs. S. S. Eaton and Miss Tripp of Wor­ ing officers were elected, Supt. II. P. Carter; Selectmen November 5th. Mrs. Mullen called attention J. KelTerstan, Dr. Herbert A. Gregg, Stafford DEFEAT DEAN ACADEMY cester spent the week-end as guests of their assistant superintendent, Roger Lewis; sec­ A. Lindsay, Eric Lumlberg, Mrs. James Dean October 6, 1936 retary-treasurer, Herbert Merrick; librarian, to the fact that the new Stale Conservation A strong four-goal rally in the first half friend, Mrs. Kenneth Barnard, Shawsheen Chairman was a former Lawrence resident, Joseph T . Gagne, Charles L. Ware, Mrs. J. road. Dora Ward. II. Eastwood, Ralph W. Emerson, Mrs. allowed the Andover soccer team to white TOWN OF ANDOVER Mrs. Walker II. Thompson of Holyoke. wash | >ean academy in the owning game of Miss Helen Wood of Swampscott spent the Charles W. Gallagher of Woburn, piunist James R. Baldwin, M. A. Burke, George NOTICE week-end with her friend, Miss Wilma Corliss LAFALOT CLUB ELECTS the season Wednesday P ublic H earing and a senior in the New England Conserve Cairns, and Thomas McMahon. of Osgood road. The annual election of officers of the Lafa- Roswell E. Ward, 2 Brechin Terrace, hav­ lory of Boston entertained with a Chopin The by-laws, before being submitted by lot Club was held on Tucsilny evening at the ing petitioned the Board of Selectmen for a Mrs. Porter Livingston of Lowell street has program. His brilliant rendition was greatly R. W. Emerson, were carefully gone over by home of Mrs. Carl Stevens, High Plain road. license to conduct and maintain a garage of been spending several days at her cottage at appreciated by an enthusiastic audience. Mr. Attorney William C. Ford. The following Wells Beach, Maine. Preceding the election anil regular meeting a Gallagher has visited the Village before, giv­ made up the by laws committee: R. W. Finer Andover Market second class consisting of four stalls on the Weenie-Hnmburg Roast was held. About Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ward, Mr. anil ing a program at the Shawsheen Parent son, Jere Twomey and J. II. Eastwood. 1 Elm St. land of the petitioner at 2 Brechin Terrace in eighteen members were present to enjoy the T el. 1177 Mrs. Herbert Lewis of Lowell street and Mr. Teacher Meeting last winter. For an hour previous to the meeting com­ said Town of Andover, public hearing will be affair. The following were elected to office: George M. Carter of High Plain road and The program for the evening was in charge munity singing was enjoyed accompanied bv held on Monday, October 19, 1936 at 7:30 President, Mrs. Russell Foster; vice presi­ Brookfield B utter ...... lb. 37c Mrs. George L. Averill Mrs. Karl Haartz, of Mrs. William A. Trow, chairman of the the W.P.A. Band under Herbert Millington's p.m., in accordance with the General Laws dent, Mrs. Elmer Estes; secretary, Miss Scott Towels ...... 2 rolls 19c Mrs. Ira Hill and Miss Charlotte Hill a t­ American Home Committee and she intro­ direction. relating thereto. Ebba Peterson; treasurer, Mrs. Alex Hender­ ^u**ur 10 lb. cotton sack 49c Paint By order of tended the morning and afternoon sessions of duced Helen Abbott Beals. Mrs. Beals is an S eedless R u isin s 2 pkgs. 19c son. Member of the Good Will committee author, a member of the staff of a Worcester Board of Selectmen the Pomona Grange held at Byfield on Thurs­ TOWN TEAM SCHEDULE £ f r*° b o ttle 24c were Miss Dora Ward, Mrs. Russell Foster. paper and an instructor in the Danforth- M overs George II. Winslow , day. In the morning, after the business session A most enjoyable evening was spent. The I lecaliU Home Made qt. jar 29c Town Clerk bunlmr School of Worcester. Her talk “ A The Andover Town team will play the there was a study of Highway Safety. In the hostesses were Mrs. Carl Stevens, Mrs. Clover Honey 5 lb. pail 98e afternoon Mr. W. Neil Kimball of Boston, Plum for Jack Horner” proved to he both Clippers at Lawrence Sunday. The following Printers Elmer Estes. The next meeting will be held Tomato Juice, College Inn 2 cans 25c secretary' of the .Mass Federation of lax- entertaining und helpful. Sunday the team will play the ( arty club of Tuesday, November 3, at the home of Mrs. CORPORAL WINN TRANSFERRED payers Association gave a talk on “A New At the close of the program, Mrs. Garfield North Andover here, while on the two Sun­ Fresh Haddock, Swordfish, Mackerel Stationery Herbert Carter. Corporal A. J. Winn of the local police Form of Government in Massachusetts.” S. Chase, the new President invited the past days following that the team will journey to Oysters, Smelts barracks has been transferred to the Foxboro Breed Walker gave a startingly humorous Presidents to cut the Birthday Cake. Those Needham and to Lowell. Signs * Boxes WOMAN’S UNION M EETS Native Broilers ...... lb. 27c barracks. Arthur P. O’Leary is the new talk on "Ghosts." Music was rendered by participating were Mrs. Emma Gould Carter, Face Rump ft oast, pot or oven lb. 29c Office Equipment corporal. the Harmonica Band of Ipswich. A meeting o( the Woman’s Union of the Mrs. George II. Winslow, Mrs. II. Garrison Patrolman J. J. Ruddy has been trans­ West Church was held on Wednesday after Holt, Mrs. Clinton 11. Stevens, Mrs. Eugene Roasting Pork |b. 31c A delicious “Hamburg Steak” Party was A. G. BUTLER Corned Beef Tongue lh. 30 q ferred to Andover from Foxboro. noon. After the regular business meeting V. Lovely, Mrs. Albert N. Wade, Mrs. Gar­ held at the C.C.C. reservation in West those present had the pleasure of listening to field S. Chase. Dyer and Cleanser L am b F o re q u a rte rs lb. 18c Townsend on Sunday. The following persons a very interesting talk on “ Friendly Neighbor Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. boned-rolled if desired find them ACADEMY TEAM WINS enjoyed the outing and the beautiful autum­ Day” given by Mrs. J. C. Mills of North Thomas F. Hendrick, Chairman of the Hos­ 66 MAIN ST. ROOM 6 Top Round Steak ...... lb. 43c Showing a much improved brand of foot­ nal scenery very much, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chelmsford. Miss Hazel Alexander, choir pitality Committee, assisted by Mrs. John Telephone And. 875 Spring Lamb Legs lb. 28c in theWxiOW B iG E S of the W. Cole and Donald and Constance, Mrs. ball than that of a year ago t he Phillips acade­ director of the church rendered three songs T. Batal, Mrs. Charles F. Helmrich, Mrs. N ative Fow l lh. 32c my football team smashed its way to a 20-0 Irene Cole, Mrs. Ada Brown, and Eleanor, in a very pleasing manner. Refreshments Victor J. Mill, Mrs. Edward G. Twohcy. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Irene Cole and Mildred Buck and Mr. and Lima Beans ...... victory over N.H.U. fresh last Saturday. were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Anna The refreshment committee consisted of 2 lbs. 25c FOR SALE - 8 room colonial, best Hot House Tomatoes lb. 15c Paddock, and Miss Clara Putnam. Miss Ethel Anderson, Miss Florence Ander­ location, near center, all modern juicy OrangM doz. 45c son, Mrs. 1-rank Anderson, Miss Rhoda ( i rape fruit Anderson, Mrs. Sarah Auty, Mrs. Charles conveniences, 2 car garage. 3 for 23c SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE Sweet Potatoes 5 lbs. 15c Bailey, Miss Mary Bailey, Mrs. James R. Telephone S5J-M W. SHIRLEY BARNARD Fresh Mushrooms lb. 39c Baldwin, Mrs. Frank B. Bartlett, Mrs. John White Turnips T. Batal and Mrs. George C. Best. IS Barnard St. ANDOVER, MASS. 5 lbs. 25c Mr. und Mrs. Byton Goodrich of Teaneck, Guests were present from the Nineteen Tel. 202 - 869-W New Jersey, and daughters, Thelma and FREE DELIVERY Marjorie, visited friends in the village last Hundred Club of Billerica, Merrimac Wom­ an’s Club, Amesbury Woman’s Club, Law­ Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Frank MacMackin enter­ rence Woman’s Club, Tuesday Sorosis of Lawrence and Tuesday Club of Andover. tained guests from Camden, New York, over Announcement was made of the first meet­ Nearly a century of service fulfilling last week-end. Joseph Whalen is re; erteil as resting as ing of the Club Chorus which will be at the well as can be expecteu after bis recent home of the chairman, Mrs. H. Garrison Holt, 9 Canterbury street, Tuesday evening, ANDOVER’S ROOFING NEEDS operation. October 13th. Any club member interested in SUNDAY SCHOOL OPENS singing is urged to join at this time. No firm can stay in business unless it gives satisfaction. The first Dramatic Meeting of the season The Shawsheen Village Community Sun­ Good workmanship, fine materials, and reasonable prices The next time you travel, remem­ will be held at the home of Mrs. George have been the bases on which our reputation has been day School opened Sunday in Balmoral hall Weldon, 3 Wolcott avenue, Friday afternoon, ber the B and M money-saving with an enrollment o( 100 pupils und 12 October 23rd at 2.30 o’clock. Any club built. teuchers. member is invited to attend. signal— 44\%. It stands for savings Albert N. Wade of Lowell street can give any where you go on the B and Min any information desired. GEORGE W. HORNE CO. SHAWSHEEN VILLAGE COMMUNITY 613 COMMON ST., LAWRENCE regular, deluxe, or air conditioned SHAWSHEEN SCOUTS MEET ASSOCIATION Tel. Law. 7339 coaches, and it’s the biggest reduc­ Troop 1 of the Hoy Scouts meet at Shaw- A group of Villagers interested in the civic sheen School this evening at seven for its welfare of Shawsheen such as play grounds, tion in price ever made. Get out of first meeting. Boys from nine to twelve ycurs branch library, holiday celebrations, etc. may join. Cubs are included in this group. met in the Shawsheen School Hall Wednes­ nerve-wracking, time-wasting traf­ day evening and organized the first Shaw­ fOLONIAL THEATRE fic jams. Get aboard a swift, safe B K. OK P. TO MEET sheen Village Community Association. ANDOVER, MASS. *-* and M train and relax. It’s the smart The Knights of Pythias will meet on The meetings will be held the second Monday evening at 7.45 in Fraternal hall. Monday of each month and are open to all THREE SHOWS DAILY — 2:15, 6:15, 8:15 way to travel — Shift to the trains . who live in the village or Precinct 3, the dues to be $1.00 |>er year. TODAY AND TOMORROW EXAMPLE OF SAVINGS Mrs. Lester C . Connors was appointed PLUMBING AND HEATING temporary chairman for the evening. RHYTHM ON THE RANGE Bing Crosby 3:50; 8:25; 9:20 ANDOVER TO BOSTON $.50 The nominating committee was as follows: 'I HRKE CHEERS FOR LOVE Robert CiinmiingH 2:45; 8:05 32 Years’ Experience In Andover J. L. Smith, Mrs. Lester C. Connors, ami J. WAS $.83 - SAVING $.33 Augustus Remington, and they recom­ SUNDAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 11-12 Special lloliiiuy Performance C H A R L E S HUDON mended the following officers in the new or­ Continuous Both Day* GIRLS’ DORMITORY Simone Simon anil llerliert Manilla)! 60 High Street - Call 442-J ganization. They were elected. The officers of the Community Association 3:50; 8:35; 9:20 are: President, Thomas Hendrick; vice presi- 'HIE PRINCESS COMES ACROSS Carol Lombard ______2:25; 5:10; 7:55 I dents, Cornelius A. Wood, William A. Trow, | Mrs. Garfield S. Chase; secretary, Mrs. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 13-14 ROY A. DANIELS Leslie Connor; treasurer, HaroldT. Houston; IT’S LOVE AGAIN Jc»»ie Matthew* anil Robert Young 3:45; U:25;9:15 Board of Directors, Emil J. C. Shulze, Albert BELOW THE DEADLINE Cecelia Barker 2:35; 7:55 Electrical C ontractor i Mulley, Walter M. Lament, A. C. Dante, Mrs. Harry I. Emmons, William W. Kurth, THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15-16-17 3-I)ay Special 78 Chestnut St. Andover ! James L. Smith, Mrs. Albert N. Wade, Walt SWING TIME Fred Ahtairc and Ginger Roger* 3:45:0:25:9:30 Phone 451 er Tomlinson, Lester Utley, Mrs. Leslie BRIDGE OK SIGHS Onslow Steven* 2:25; 8:15 I Christenson, Henry J. Simmers, Mrs. Frank PAGE FOUR THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1936 Tendered Shower Golf Champions in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NOTES at Medford Home Exhibition Here Miss Ruth Swenson of North Main street The National open champion, a former FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Charles Sanborn, Mechanical Drawing Room was tendered a shower Wednesday evening British open champ, the present Hay State Fire Prevention Week is being observed —F rederick M cD uffie P h o n e 6700 P h o n e 6700 at the home of Mrs. Harold Swenson at Med­ title-holder, and the Andover country club's 7± B onJim reM ford in honor of her coming marriage to pro played in an exhibition match at the this year October 4-10. It should be particu­ CLUBS Gardner Shaw on October 31. The bride-to- club Sunday afternoon. Denny Shute, former larly stressed that we should not only live up Several new and interesting clubs arc being • M erchandise of MERIT o n l y * be received her gifts under a shower boll from British champ, went the eighteen holes in to it during this week but from henceforth planned at the junior high this year. A Book which fell a shower of handkerchiefs instead 70, John Shimkonis of the local club in 74, throughout the year. Club is being formed under the direction of of the traditional rose petals. and Tony Mancro, National title-holder, Fire Prevention |Wcck is held annually Miss Stevens. Miss Grover is sponsoring a LOWELL - MASS. Games were played and piano selections and Harold McSpadcn, the Massachusetts during the week which is the anniversary of Latin Club to be known ns the R.P.Q.R. the famous Chicago fire of 1871, which is said were rendered by Miss Constance Swenson champ, in 75. Shimkonis was paired with Club. The purpose is to make a study of to have been caused by Mrs. O'Leary’s cow and Mrs. Marie Irwin. Refreshments were Mancro. the combination losing 1 up. Rome and tne Roman People. Miss Marland "ONE OF NEW ENGLAND’S FINE DEPARTMENT STORES” served by the hostess aided by her slaters. kicking over a lantern. is forming a French Club for those who Those present: Mrs. Agnes Walsh, Miss TENDERED SHOWER About 80 percent of the fires last year were studied French last year at Stowe. A Sewing preventable and due to carelessness, ignor­ Marguerite Clark, Mrs. Frederick Allen of Club for those who wish to do advanced A miscellaneous shower was tendered ance, and neglect. Fire losses in Massachu­ Lawrence; Miss Doris Shaw, Mrs. William Miss Dorothy Welch of Summer street work is to be under the guidance of Miss McIntyre, Mrs. John Swenson, Miss Doris setts alone amounted to about $10,000,000. Gates. Athletic Clubs will be directed by Miss Monday evening at the home of her sister, There were about 9,000 fires, and about fifty Hilton, Mrs. Earl Urban, Miss Eleanor Mrs. William Fleming. Miss Welch is to Collins and Miss Trott. The Dramatic Club lives were lost. Harden, Miss Bertha Hilton, Miss Elizabeth become the bride of Charles Cyr of North will be formed with Miss Marshall and Miss Karpen “SNUG Fire prevention is a serious problem and is Hilton, Mrs. Irving Shaw, Miss Constance Andover on Octoltcr 28. Bailey as leaders. Miss Stimpson is organiz­ not to be scorned nor treated lightly. The Swenson, Miss Ethel Hilton, and Miss Ruth Mrs. Fleming was assisted by Mrs. Frank ing a Handcraft Club for those who wish to Swenson of Andover; Mrs. Irwin, and Mrs. average citizen thinks, “Oh, well, we pay do additional work in drawing, painting, etc. Welch. taxes to help firemen stop fires once that they Harold Swenson of Medford; Mrs. Homer Those present: Mrs. I’aul Gregg, Mi The first meetings of the various clubs are started, so why should we worry about Wadman, Malden; Miss Margaret Papp. Betty Jones, Mrs. Ronald I.ivesy, Mrs were held this Wednesday .About every them?” This is all very true, but the firemen HARBOR” North Falmouth; Mrs. Henry Pratlcy and Thomas Bicry, Mrs. Anita Smith, Miss pupil in the school has signed up for club cannot watch everyone to see that he or she Mrs. Mabel Pratlcy of Watertown. % Beatrice Bonin, Mrs. Charles Bailey, Miss work of some sort. prevents fires and does not do foolhardy Mary Bailey, Mrs. William Young, Miss May BOYS’ SPORTS CLUB FOR GIRLS things with inflammable materials. Hickey, Mrs. Cordon McIntosh, Miss Mary The “ Boys’ Sports Club for Girls” will Remember, it is your duty to prevent Dwyer, Miss Hazel Polgreen, Miss Flora meet each Wednesday in the General Science fires and see that others do the same thing. Collins Mrs, Winthrop Frye, Mrs Flora Laboratory at 1:30. The object of the club is This saying is old but nevertheless true. Drcscher, Mrs. Mollie Burns, Mrs. Edward to give to the girls of the school an under­ “Fire is a good servant, but a bad master.” Dowd, Mrs. Walter Morrissey, Miss Cather­ standing of the general rules and fundament­ According to last year’s casualties Mrs. ine and Miss Mary Hurley, Mrs. F rank Me als of boys s|X)rts so that they may more O’Leary’s cow is still with us. A good motto Lay, Mrs. Edward Cross, Mrs. William A intelligently understand the boys games, such would be: Prevent fires to preserve property, Hopkins, Mrs. Cornelius Twoomcy, Mrs. as, football, basketball, and baseball, which peace, and prosperity.- VVakren R ichard ­ Joseph A. Dowd, Mrs. Patrick Fleming, they choose to observe as spectators. Miss Mary Muldowney, Mrs. John Fleming, son M r. B lanchard Mrs. William Merchant, Mrs. Albert Malley, STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS TABLE CAPTAINS Mrs. Joseph Mulvey, Mrs. Frank Shicbler, The student council has met and nomin­ The members of 9-1 have been appointed Mrs. (ieorge Manock, Miss Catherine Welch ated its officers for this year. They are as Miss Alice Welch, Miss Mary Elwell, Miss as table captains in the lunch room. Their ex prr *»...„...... — ------— -- - -. follows: President: William Ferguson duties are to see that order prevails at the LOVK. and It EM KM UR A NCE. Made of Smith’) Genevieve Maroney, Mrs. Edward Cyr, Augustine Rhapisardi; vice-president, Elinor $39-50 tables and that the trays and dishes are GENUINE Westerly. Rhode Island Granite they Miss Charlotte Cyr. Miss Jeanette Cyr, Houston vs. Benjamin Forbes; and secretary, are the kind that uivc LASTING SATISFAC­ stacked neatly. These captains are C. Bixby, Mrs. Gilbert Stone, Mrs. Mary Brady, Mrs Barbara Gahm vs. Janet Carter. $ 1 .0 0 WEEKLY TION. William Doherty, Miss Margaret Doherty N. Boyce, D. Boynton, G. Brown, P. Camp Our Modern Methods of M \NUFACTURE have The student council consists of the presi * On Onr Budget Finn Miss Isabel Saliba, Miss Virginia Saliba bell, D. Christie, A Coleman, R. Cowen, l> placed these CHOICE MEMORIALS within reach dents and vice-presidents of each home room Davidson, M. Dunn, G. Field, J. Fisk, B. of nil—they are not extensive-m ade here In PEA­ Miss Betty Shine, Miss Eleanor Frye, M The home room officers are as follows BODY to a standard of RELIABILITY they are Gahm, A. Gricco, F. Haggerty, A. Hamilton, You’ll believe this chair was Jack Doane, Miss Marie Doanc, Mrs. F'red Room 1. President, Jeanette Batchelier; vice- sold to you at first cost—A MANUFACTURER'S J. Hardy, A. Hathway, C. Hill, E. Houston, made to order for YOU! COST I Sullivan, Miss Catherine Sullivan, Mrs president, James Collins; secretary, Eleanor R. MacMnckin, J McCarthy, J. Mudge Men over six feet and wom­ Visit our EXHIBIT! Select your MEMORIAL to Joseph O’Connell, Mrs. John I. Ilartigan Dwyer; treasurer, Walter Cassidy; T. Noyes, W. Richardson, B. Root, U. en less than five feet say: be erected before cold weather sets in. at a RE­ Mrs. W. H. Welch, Miss Mary Maroney Room 3 President, Robin Nunez; vice- MARKABLE SAVING. Mrs. Frank Welch, Mrs. William A. Fleming Schultz. L). Sprague, S. Thiras, F. Videto, “It’s just right for me!’’ Open Sunday for Inspection president, Warren Lewis; secretary, Ruth II. Walsh.— M adeleine G rout Nicoll; treasurer, Howard Morrison. The SNUG HARBOR is rest­ ANNUAL HARVEST SUPPER Room 2 President, Elinor Inness; vice- SOCCER ful w hen you first sit In It JOHN MEAGHER & CO. und stays restful through a The annual harvest supper and entertain president, Muriel Fone; secretary, William The latest score of the soccer teams are: 22 C entral St. PEABODY, MASS. long evening’s use. No Tel. Peabody 565 and 868 mint will be held by the South church Flanagan, treasurer, John Hickok. Team 4 vs. 2, score 1-0 and Team 5 vs. 6, Send for catalog Woman’s Union October 2Uth at 6:30. Room M I).— President, Nancy Rice; vice- score 2-0; Team 1 vs. 4, score 0-1; Team 5 vs. slumping. No spin twisting. president, Angeline Thiras; secretary, Jane 3, score 1-3. At present Team 3 is ahead with No strain. Patterson; treasurer, Anne Scanlon. a total of eight points.—F rank R oberts, Jr. Fine genuine mahogany, Room 4—President, Dorothy Christie; luxurious upholstery. Read ice-president, Ruth Cowen; secretary, Phyl­ FIELD HOCKEY AND SOCCER lis Campbell; treasurer, Donald Boynton. A meeting of all girls interested in playing the Karpen guarantee on S h in g les Roof Paint every chair. Covered in Room 5—President, William Ferguson; field hockey was held Monday. The ninth soft, lustrous, and long- Roofing Paper Roof Cement vice-president, Thomas Davies; secretary, grade elected Catherine Jowett of 9-3 cap­ Robert Flanagan; treasurer, John Mudge. tain. Captains from the other two grades will wearing mohair tapestry in be elected next week. The ninth grade will six new colors...guaranteed Building Papers Insulating Boards Room 6- President. 'Thomas Noyes; vice- —Exclusive In Lowell with president, John Miller; secretary, Herbert play after school on Mondays and the sev­ light-proof. Muller; treasurer, Catherine Jowett. enth and eighth grades will combine making The Bon Marche, 8rd Floor Room 7—President, Augustine Rhapis­ one team to meet on Wednesdays. ardi; vice-president, Agnes Wrigley; secre­ Captains for the soccer teams have been Make Your Roof a BIRD R o o f for tary, Gloria Verrette; treasurer, Gordon elected as follows: Seventh grade, Constance White. Swenson, captain; Kathleen Valentine, man­ Quality and Wear Room 9- President, Darrell Sprague; vice- ager; eighth grade, Doris Rutter, captain; TENDERED TESTIMONIAL FREE CHURCH SCHOOL NOTES FALL FORMAL DANCE Doris Manthorne, manager; ninth grade will president, Richard Simmers; secretary, Ur­ A testimonial was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Sunday morning at 9.30 the Promotion A fall formal dance is to be held at the sula Schultz; treasurer, John Skca. not have a soccer team— D orothy Barnet Gerald Winters of Lawrence last Friday eve­ Service will be held in the Parish House. The Andover Country club on Wednesday eve­ NOW Is the Time to Paint and Remodel Room 13— President, Benjamin Forbes; HORSE-SHOE TOURNAMENT ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Primary Department exercises will be con­ vice-president, Isabelle Dobbie; secretary, Conley, 7 Elm court. Mr. and Mrs. Winters ducted by Mrs. Innis. ning, October z l, by the Greater Lawrence So far in the horse shoe tournament Eugene Constance Forsythe; treasurer, Madeleine were recently married. The entire school membership has been Your Home - - - Quotations Gladly Given Briggs and George Douty are ahead. Some Hairdressers’ association, with dancing from Grout. A purse of money was presented the enrolled in the Little’s Cross and Crown At­ eight to one. Science Room President, Priscilla I’roc- say Brings w.ll win whde others are sure of couple. Solos were sung by Leonard Ronan, tendance campaign. r; vice-president, Philip Toohey; secretary, lDou‘y- Jhere is no saying now what the (ieorge Buss, James E. Flannery, John George Keith, treasurer of the school, gave PITMAN EST. Johnihn White; treasurer, Charles Sawyer.Sawye re.™‘ts wU1 1,e- ,ut Tnext Cwcek the 'vlnners Carney and James McDonald. Miss Rita out Christmas cards to he sold by the mem­ J. E. will be announced.— J ohn Sw eeney Room 11 President, Frederick McDuffie; Winters danced. bers of the school. A beautiful pen set will he WHERE DO YOUR T el. 664 vice-president, Anne McCarthy; secretary, FOOTBALL A luncheon was served by Mrs. Conley, given to the person who proves to be the Albert Lynch; treasurer, Lillian Lovely. Practice for the Blue and Gold divisions assisted by Mrs. Eld red, Mrs. Golden, and best salesman. Room 12 President, Janet Carter; vice will start next Tuesday to determine the Mary and Sarah Madden. The School will hove charge of the hand­ president, Ruth Cashman; secretary, Irene championship. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neill, kerchief table at the Church Fair to be held Badiwakis; treasurer, Marjorie Dean.— The championship for the league team was Mr. and Mrs. Tim othy Madden, Mr. and October 23rd. All who are interested are W arren R ichardson played on Wednesday. The two teams were Mrs. Cornelius O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ invited to mukc donations to Miss Helen ward Eldred, Mr and Mrs. James M cDon­ FEET HURT THIS SII)E#MtfTHIS SIDE CAMPAIGN STARTS the Bees led by John Skea and the Comets Saunders, chairman of committee, which captained by Hubert Stuck.— B en F orbes ald, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doyle, Mr. and comprises all the women teachers of the AND WHY? Each of the above student council candi­ Mrs. Clarence Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Mich­ School. IVatmi l/out Kitchen <2ooli IjoutTood with (fail dates has chosen a campaign manager. Norm­ FINANCIAL PROGRAM ael A. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. John Conley, October 30th an entertainment will be an Whitaker is working for A. Rhapisardi; The Student Government Association of Mr. and Mrs. Gravel, Mrs. John Doyle, Mrs. given under auspices of the Sunday School. Of course you know only too Bob Flanagan for W. Ferguson; Thomas the Junior High School has voted on a plan Patrick Doyle, Mrs. Frances O’Neill, Mrs. Tickets are on sale and can he had from mem well where they hurt but would Davies for Ben Forbes; Dorothy Christie for financing a program, whereby every child Margaret Mazer, Mrs. Patrick Carney, Mrs. l>ers of the School. for Elinor Houston; Warren Richardson for shall pay three cents a week dues. Those who Andrew Bradish, Mrs. Samuel Levis, Mrs. like to know why, also how to Barbara Gahm; and Isabelle Dobbie for pay one dollar before January first will be John O’Neill, Mrs. George Skea, Mrs. Arthur obtain relief inexpensively. Janet Carter. Today the candidates had a considered paid-up members of the Associa Mooney, Mrs. S. Babb, Mrs. J. Greenhalge, OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED opportunity to speak to the student body lion. This plan met with approval from the Mrs. Mary Durant, Mrs. John Gallagher, Then—by all means attend the over the radio. Elections will be held next The annual installation of officers of the entire school. The General Science Room and Mrs. R. Mallov, Mrs. Jeremiah Quill, Mrs. local Rebekahs will be held Monday evening, Friday.— P h i lip T()oiiey Miss Stevens’ room are all paid up. These Mary McCarthy, Mrs. Catherine Golden, October 19 in Fraternal hall with District FOOT COMFORT CIRCULATION STAFF two rooms are 100 percent. We hope that Mrs. Catherine McCormick, Margaret Dono­ Deputy President Lottie Pettingill and staff every child will join this association— van, Mary Madden, Nora Kirby, Catherine A newsboy has been appointed in each of Lynn in charge. A supper will be served at DEMONSTRATION J oseph P ayne Jones, Lillian Donovan, Mary Mooney, 6:30. home room to care for the Townsman orders. Rosemary Doyle, Rita O’Neill, Sarah Mad­ AT OUR STORE These are Henry Buntin, Room 1; Robert RED CROSS CONTRIBUTIONS den, Anna Toomey, Nora Malloy, Florence Lamondra, Room 2; Stephen Moss, Room 3; This week the pupils of the Andover McCarthy, Elizabeth Carney, Mary Howe, 6 ROOM HOUSE—centrally located, George Brown, Room 4; Andrew Hamilton, Junior High are contributing to the Red Margaret Doyle, Rita Winters, Mary Harkin, modern conveniences, lavatory, TOMORROW RoomS; Frank Koza, Room 6; Elwood Bren­ Cross Fund. The students are asked to bring Catherine Howe, Catherine Daly, Patricia screened and glassed sun porch, steam nan, Room 7; Howard Proctor, Room 9; one penny or more to aid this worthy cause Mazer, Senator Charles McAree, James heat, garage. U se 6 tons coal per year. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Ernest Lakin, Room 11; Wright Bolton, The fact that for many years the junior high Winters, Patrick Winters, John C arney, Other interesting properties in all Room 12; Sherman Johnson, Room 13; school boys and girls have helped support the Patrick McDonald, A. Chase, John Winters, sections of the town and Ballardvale. Charles Sawyer, General Science Room, and CONDUCTED BY A FOOT Red Cross and are doing so now shows line George Buss, Leonard Ronan, Walter Milnes, FRED E. CHEEVER -'21 MAIN ST. spirit and cooperation on their part James Flannery, Francis O’Connor, Mr. and ANDOVER, MASS. Phone 775 or 1098 COMFORT EXPERT J anet C arter Mrs. Gerald Winters. F ea tu rin g MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER THE NEW IMPROVED LOCAL NEWS NOTES A very pretty miscellaneous shower was foot thaptica ofj onaJ given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph U p h o l s t e r y ^&a//yTWt) HANCES Mrs. Richard Fuller of 68 Central street, Fallon of Park street on Tuesday evening, in is a guest of the Vassar Club located in the honor of Miss Marjorie Sherman. Mrs. John and Hotel New Weston, New York City. Sullivan was the hostess. Miss Sherman, the Here’s double value, double daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Sherm­ convenience * double economy Miss Mary Byers Smith has bought for an, is to become the bride of Richard Zecchini OVERSTUFFED * two complete ranges in one occupancy the house on Central street form­ tomorrow. erly owned by Mrs. Bartlett and recently the The bride-to-be drew her gifts from a wish- compact unit. All you’ve ever property of Miss Alice M. Dodge. ing-well. Games were played, and refresh­ dedred in a modern gai range ments were served by Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. F u r n i t u r e Mrs. Isabelle Glennie Weihr, wife of Prof. Arch plus a thrifty, dependable, Weihr of Northampton, Mass., has bought Sullivan, May Elander and Mrs. Ann Kern. automatic gat kitchen heater 1 •S& lot number 57 on lohnson road at the John Those present: Mrs. Leonard D. Sherman, Supports CLEANSED son Acres from the Fred E. Cheever Real Mrs. Geoffrey Nicoll, Mrs. Percy Crosby, Simply set the thermostat and Mrs. Roland Parisian, Mrs. Kern, Mrs. it delivers the exact degree of Estate Agency. Joseph Fallon, Mrs. Albert Perrault, Misses Superior workmanship heat you wish. And you heat Hotels — Express Mrs. Lyda Dobson of Dorchester, New Louise Sherman, Betty Sherman, Frances You will learn WITHOUT OBLIGA­ your kitchen on our low Auto Renting Brunswick has sold seventeen acres of land Reynolds, Annetta Anderson, Anne Mc- is your guarantee of TION, how easily your Foot and bordering Salem street and Wildwood roati to Coubrie, Sally McCoubrie, Rita Adams, Shoe problems may be solved at a house heating rates which will "The A/iw Movers — Railroads Alvah P. Wright of Salem street. The sale Ruth Saunders, Helen Saunders, Marion satisfaction. apply to all your other gas Taxicab Service was made through the Fred E. Cheever Real Dimlich, and May Elander. trifling cost. requirements. See this won* Estate Agency. derful bargain range today. Bus L ines 1 i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Black of Cam­ BEAN SUPPER REMEMBER THE DATE AND ALL HEASILY HAS RANGES HAVE OUR MOTOR CALL bridge, Queens county, New Brunswick, and The first fall bean supper of the Square SPEND A FEW MINUTES FOR Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mullin of St. and Compass club will be held at the club­ W H AT M A Y PROVE A L IFE ­ in th e ind them John’s New Brunswick, left this morning for house Saturday evening, October 17, from TIME OF FOOT COMFORT. YE l l o w P a c e s o f th e their homes after visiting three weeks with 5:30 to 7. £ a w U u ci GAS^ELECTRIC CotnpanK Mr. and Mrs. Penry C. Wilson of 69 Park ARROW 370 Essex Si. • Lawrence 5Main Street • Andover TE LEPHONE street. Mr. Mullin is city and county trea­ COUNTY COUNCIL TO INSTALL DYEING-CLEANSING SYSTEM H. E. MILLER Telephone 4126 111 Telephone 204 DIR E CTO RY surer. The Essex county council of the Legion T he seven room cottage at 22 Marland auxiliary will hold the annual banquet with 58 M AIN ST. T el. 289 49 MAIN ST. f street, Ballardvale, owned by lames E. and installation und dance at the Grange hall, Mary E. Keating has been sold to Michael Merrimac, Saturday, October 17, at 6:15 W. and Audrey I. Bell. Mr. Bell is connected p.m. Members of the local auxiliary planning with the Boston & Maine Railroad and they to go must obtain tickets before Monday intend to make it their permanent home. The from the president, Ethel Hilton. sale was made through the W. Shirley Barn­ ard Real Estate wnd Ins" ranee Agency. PAINTER----DECORATOR New England COKE TO PLAY LOWELL TEAM Loris di Stefan i Word was received this week from the Formerly of Pari* and Venice D & H Cone Cleaned Anthracite secretary of the Merrimack Valley Soccer INTERIORS--- EXTERIORS League that the Scott’s St. Anthony team VENETIAN BLINDS ANO WALLPAPER from Lowell vs ill play the Andover team here 41 Red S pring Rd. Tel And 369-J MOTOR-STOKERS Sunday instead of Methuen. Many soccer funs in these parts will re­ AUTOMATIC COAL BURNING EQUIPMENT member the old St. Anthony team that played a few years ago in the league when the Smith & Dove team was going strong ami JOHN H. GRECOE Fuel Service Guaranteed—Try U» This Season many of the present players are revived from the ormer line-ups. llu lo v a W n l H u v s The gume will start at 2.30 sharp Sunday Ku luiU rly in Andover afternoon on the Andover Plavstead. It is “The hitfgrat Little Jewelry Store in the SUte” expected the local line-up will be similar to 56 Main Street Tel. 830R B. L. McDonald Coal Co. ast week with a few minor changes.