
Board Standing Committee Meeting Anna DeBartolo Chair Public Session (Vaughan) Nancy Elgie Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Vice-Chair Board Room – 7:00 p.m. (Georgina)

Peter Pages Adams-Luchowski (Aurora & King) 1. Approval of Agenda

Loralea Carruthers 2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest (East Gwillimbury & Whitchurch-Stouffville) 3. Special Announcements

Carol Chan 4. Public Forum (Richmond Hill)

Susan Geller 5. NEW BUSINESS (Markham) a) Review of French Second Language (FSL) Programming 1 – 2 Diane Giangrande - Ken Thurston, Director of Education (Richmond Hill) - Licinio Miguelo, Manager, Public Affairs and Communications Services Joel Hertz - Pat Zrihen, Elementary Principal, Leadership (Vaughan) Development Juanita Nathan (Markham) b) 2011-2012 Child Care Report 3 – 22 - Denese Belchetz, Associate Director of Education, Sherry Shao Student Achievement and Well-Being (Student Trustee) - Sandra Sanz, Coordinator Community and Child Care Services Allan Tam (Markham) c) Highest Three 2011 – 2012 Scholars - Secondary 23 – 27 Schools Kush Thaker - Allan Hoyle, Superintendent of Schools – Operations (Student Trustee)

Martin Van Beek d) 2011 – 2012 S.L.G. Chapman Scholarship in Mathematics 28 – 28 (Newmarket) - Allan Hoyle, Superintendent of Schools - Operations

Ada Yeung e) Cash Disbursements, May 2012 29 – 30 (Markham) - Wanda Muirhead-Toporek, Superintendent of Business and Finance Services

60 Wellington Street West, Box 40, Aurora Ontario L4G 3H2 (905) 727-3141 (905) 895-7216 (905) 722-3201 (416) 969-8131 Fax: (905) 727-1931 Agenda

f) Cash Disbursements, June 2012 31 – 32 Anna DeBartolo - Wanda Muirhead-Toporek, Superintendent of Chair Business and Finance Services (Vaughan) 6. Adjournment Nancy Elgie Vice-Chair (Georgina)

Peter Adams-Luchowski (Aurora & King)

Loralea Carruthers (East Gwillimbury & Whitchurch-Stouffville)

Carol Chan (Richmond Hill)

Susan Geller (Markham)

Diane Giangrande (Richmond Hill)

Joel Hertz (Vaughan)

Juanita Nathan (Markham)

Sherry Shao (Student Trustee)

Allan Tam (Markham)

Kush Thaker (Student Trustee)

Martin Van Beek (Newmarket)

Ada Yeung (Markham)

60 Wellington Street West, Box 40, Aurora Ontario L4G 3H2 (905) 727-3141 (905) 895-7216 (905) 722-3201 (416) 969-8131 Fax: (905) 727-1931 YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Review of French Second Language (FSL) Programming


In 2011-2012, the Board undertook a comprehensive review of the French Second Language (FSL) programs (Core and Immersion), with the goal to ensure the continued delivery of high-quality and sustainable programs. This will coincide with the implementation of a refreshed French as a Second Language Curriculum from the Ministry of Education.

The review included literature research, analyzing other jurisdictional practices and public and internal input to both the Core and Immersion programs. Public input was sought through an independent organization, which conducted telephone interviews, an online survey and targeted focus groups with school councils. Internal input was gathered through focus groups and surveys, which included staff and students. Following the data gathering and analysis components of the review, the FSL Lead Team, chaired by K. Thurston, Director of Education, received and reviewed recommendations put forward by its FSL Advisory committee, chaired by Pat Zrihen, Principal on Assignment.

Director of Education K. Thurston, presented the final findings of the FSL Review with action items to continue to provide high-quality, sustainable French language programs to staff and trustees in June 2012.


This report is a summary of the key findings of the FSL Review, and operational changes to be communicated in 2012-2013 and implemented in 2013-2014.

Core French: • Infuse French in the primary grades through various subjects in an authentic way. • Raise the profile of French in all schools ( for example, in assemblies, opening exercises, newsletter, bilingual signing, character traits posters) and promote the benefit of knowing both ’s official languages. • Focus on authentic oral language use. • Provide varied professional learning opportunities for Core French teachers with a focus on co-work and differentiation. • Integrate technology effectively to engage students and to provide authentic and relevant topics of conversations.

French Immersion: • Establish consistency among all schools in YRDSB (both in hours and subjects). • Ensure consistency in special education services and accommodations. • Use existing vacant pupil spaces to create a variety of dual track programs.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.


The final findings of the FSL Review will be implemented for the 2013-2014 school year, which provides the 2012-2013 school year to put in place necessary supports and logistics, including communication internally and to the public.


That the York Region District School Board receive the Review of French Second Language (FSL) Programming report for information.

Communications/Implementation Plan:

A comprehensive communication plan will be developed and implemented over the 2012-2013 school year and executed commencing in the 2013-2014 school year. These timelines are consistent with previous reports to the Board.

Appended Data:


Respectfully submitted,

Ken Thurston Director of Education

Date: September 19, 2012

For further information, please contact Pat Zrihen, Principal on Assignment, Licinio Miguelo, Manager, Public Affairs and Communications, or Director of Education Ken Thurston. YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 2011-2012 CHILD CARE REPORT


The York Region District School Board supports and encourages the development of partnerships with child care operators in both purpose built and shared use space in schools in order to serve the early learning and care needs of children and families.


To update the York Region District School Board on information, issues, concerns, statistics and projects regarding the status of child care and child related initiatives for students from 0 – 12 years of age in York Region Schools and on the involvement of the Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.


On going.


That the York Region District School Board receive the 2011-2012 Child Care Report for information.

Communication Implementation Plan:

Coordinating Council of Superintendents April 25, 2012 Board Standing Committee September 19, 2012 Board Meeting September 4, 2012

Appended Data:

Appendix A: Child Care Directory Appendix B: Statistics showing growth of Before and After School Programs in the YRDSB Appendix C: Statistics showing number of child care Centres in YRDSB Appendix D: Statistics showing number of childcare programs in each CEC Appendix E: Statistics showing number of children in child care programs in YRDSB Appendix F: Locations of Child Development and Parenting Centres hosted in YRDSB Appendix G: Location of Best Start Pilots Hubs in York Region

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Sanz Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services

September 19, 2012

For further information, please contact Denese Belchetz, Associate Director of Education or Sandra Sanz, Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services.



The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) is committed to building strong partnerships between child care, before and after school care programs and school board programs in order to support planning, curriculum and program coordination that will benefit students, families and communities. Successful relationships in support of improved student learning exist when parents, students, staff and community partners work together to build trust and commitment, respect and strengthen partnerships.

The York Region District School Board Improvement Work Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being (BIP) indicators and strategies include and promote the communication and collaboration with community partners to support the Board’s system priority and ensure that all students acquire the literacy skills that will enable them to be successful in the future.

With the implementation of the Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) Program for four and five year olds now entering its third year of implementation as of September 2012, it continues to be a major part of the BIP to engage parents, families and early years partners to collaborate and plan ahead in support of our youngest learners. The Board is committed to collaborating with these community partners in order to integrate support for families in the best interests of improved student achievement and well being for all students.

The Coordinator of Child Care will continue to work with community partners to meet the requirements under the proposed changes to the legislation. Collaboration will continue by updating child care operators on a regular basis with information as it becomes available. Ongoing efforts to deliver before and after care services consistent with the Ministry’s Extended Day Program continue.

The following outlines the areas of responsibility for the Coordinator of Child Care Community Services.

1. Surveying new and existing schools that do not have before and after care programs to determine needs. 2. Establishing new Child Care Programs and Before and After Care program for 4-12 year olds. 3. Community Projects – represent the Board in Early Years initiatives that enhance early learning and literacy and family support. 4. Support for Board child care operators in the area of program quality and effective partnerships with Board staff. 5. Manage issues as they arise and support families in accessing programs and finding care. 6. Support the establishment of Preps-P (Preschool Readiness Enrichment Program with Seneca and Parents) programs in partnership with Seneca College. 7. Support the establishment of Early Child Development and Parenting Programs in schools. 8. Approve applications and issue permits for Special Interest Service Providers who provide lunch time and after school activities in our schools. 9. As a member of the Early Years Team, support the implementation of Full Day Kindergarten. 10. Support for Superintendents and Principals in managing contentious child care issues.

1. Current status of child care facilities within the York Region District School Board as of September 2011.

As of September 2011 the number of full day child care centres has decreased from 59 locations to 56 locations with the closure of 3 programs. In June 2011, the child care programs located at Middlefield Secondary School, Randall Public School and JLR Bell Public School closed their doors. These programs were experiencing a steady decline in enrollment over the last few years and this, combined with the lack of subsidies for families to make care affordable, led the agencies to feel the program was no longer financially viable.

As per Board procedure, the sites were tendered out to other Board approved child care operators; however, no agencies came forward to take over the centres. Therefore the programs closed and the child care centre spaces were reclaimed by the Board. After consultation with parents and the involvement of the Region of York, Children Services Division, support was offered to families in finding alternative care. The Before and After Care Programs at Randall Public School and JLR Bell Public School continues to operate.

In addition to the closure of the full day child care centres noted above, the Board received notice from the child care agency operating full day child care centres at Yorkhill and Charlton Public Schools that they will be closing the end of August 2012. With the implementation of Full Day Kindergarten beginning in September 2012 at these two school locations, the agency feels the programs will no longer be viable as they are currently only providing care to children who are entering either JK or SK in September of 2012 and neither of the programs has a wait list for younger children. The agency will remain in the school as the child care provider so care will be available to all families in the before and after care program. If families call looking for care for younger children (2.5 – 3.8 years) they are being referred to centres in the community.

In September 2011 the number of Before and After Care Programs increased from 147 to 153 (50 attached to child care centres and 101 stand alone programs). This brings the total to 158 child care programs located within schools in the York Region District School Board. Five child care centres are located within secondary schools and out of 166 elementary schools there are 153 schools with child care. These programs typically operate between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. to provide quality care in a secure environment for children when their families are at work or at school.

As of September 2011 there are currently 2557 licensed child care spaces with the York Region District School Board for children ages six months to five years. As of March 31, 2012 approximately 2205 of those spaces are occupied.

As Before and After Care programs operate in shared space within schools, the numbers of licensed spaces in before and after care programs fluctuate depending on room availability.

Before and After Care Programs that Opened in September 2011:

1. Nellie McClung Public School 2. Pierre Berton Public School 3. Sutton Public School 4. Maple Leaf Public School 5. Park Avenue Public School 6. Stuart Scott Public School

New Before and After Care Programs for 2012

In keeping with the Ministry’s expectation that Boards determine the need for a before and after care program in a school offering Full Day Kindergarten, the survey process was initiated for

new schools opening in September 2012 and existing schools which currently do not have a Before and After Care program and will offer Full Day Kindergarten in September 2012.

Through the process of parent selection committees, YRDSB pre-approved licensed child care operators will be chosen to provide the before and after school programs in the following schools:

New Before and After Care programs in existing elementary schools:

1. Cedarwood Public School 2. Ellen Fairclough Public School 3. Meadowbrook Public School

New Schools opening in September 2012 that will have a Before and After Care Program:

1. Beynon Fields Public School 2. Black Walnut Public School 3. Rick Hansen Public School 4. Sir John A. Macdonald Public School 5. Wendat Village Public School

2. Community Projects

Through the Child Care Coordinator’s membership on Early Years Committees the York Region District School Board is able to collaborate with the community and Early Years partners to enhance early learning and literacy, readiness to learn and family support initiatives.

The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services actively participates on the following committees:

a) Early Learning and Care Steering Committee The Best Start initiative started in 2006 with the goal to develop early learning and care hubs which included kindergarten, child care and parenting programs. With the implementation of Full Day Kindergarten coming to many of the schools identified as hub sites in September 2012, the organization of these programs will look different. Child care operators will now provide the before and after care portion for four and five year olds attending the Full Day Kindergarten program during the day. A goal now for the Early Learning and Care Steering committee is to work on developing some best practices that support Kindergarten, Parenting and Child Care in FDK schools. The strategies would promote seamlessness between the core program of Full Day Kindergarten and the extended day portion operated by child care operators. They would also look at supports to parents that can be coordinated through the parenting programs to parents whose children will be entering Junior Kindergarten. The Coordinator of Child Care continues to support this initiative as the Chair of the Early Learning and Care Steering Committee. The hub sites will continue with the goal to move forward with collaborative partnerships that support system integration and a coordinated approach to providing early learning and care services in an integrated, community based environment to children ages 0-6 years. See appendix F for background information and locations.

b) Child and Family Collaborative (C&FC) of York Region: The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services continues to participate on the Child and Family Collaborative and on many of its subcommittees. The Collaborative is a volunteer planning group consisting of members from child care agencies, early years sectors and educational institutions. The subcommittees are the working groups for this committee.

The C&FC is committed to principles of prevention and education and creates opportunities for professional development, life-long learning, research and early intervention for the early years sector. The goal of the C&FC is to improve early development and child care services for children aged prenatal to twelve and their families in York Region.

c) Enhanced Funding Through advocacy, planning and the support of the Region of York, additional fiscal dollars have been secured in order to pay for additional staff to support children or groups of children experiencing barriers to learning in child care settings. This increase in child / staff ratio in licensed child care programs allows for more resources, attention and planning for children with specific high needs in the program.

d) Quality and Accessibility Subcommittee Supporting the child care community in measures of quality, this group has prepared indicators of quality for child care programs and continues to monitor quality in curriculum programming through documents and professional development opportunities. The committee provided a number of training opportunities for Early Childhood Education staff in licensed child care centres and Early Child Development and Parenting Programs. In the next year, this committee will continue to work on bringing a quality assurance tool called Raising the Bar to the Region of York. Raising the Bar is a program designed to help families ensure their children are receiving high-quality early learning in child care programs. Developed in Hamilton, this is a well-researched, Canadian initiative that builds on strengths and supports the quality child care programs within our community. In March of 2012, the first eight child care centres in York Region achieved the Bronze Status for Raising the Bar. Of those eight centres, four are located in the following York Region District School Board Schools: Harry Bowes Public School, Bogart Public School, W.J. Watson Public School and Sixteenth Avenue Public School.

The goal is to continue to recruit programs to work towards achieving the first level of Raising The Bar standard. The committee’s long term goal still stands to have all of the 532 child care sites in York Region participating.

3. Support for Board child care operators in the area of program quality and effective partnerships with Board staff

The Coordinator of Child Care supports Board child care operators through on site visits to child care programs and quarterly meetings with Operators/Managers of the Child Care agencies that are providing child care in YRDSB schools. These meetings provide a forum for discussions on Board initiatives and policies that have impact on their operations within schools. It allows for opportunities to gather input from child care partners and work in a collaborative approach in addressing issues, identifying professional learning opportunities and improving quality of programs and relationships.

4. Manage issues as they arise and support families in accessing programs and finding care

The Coordinator of Child Care offers support to families in finding child care and parenting programs within their community and link parents with community agencies for additional services, if necessary. The Coordinator also acts as a liaison between childcare operators and parents to address issues when they arise within their existing care arrangements to offer support in resolving issues regarding quality and to provide additional resources if need be.

The Coordinator of Child Care provides ongoing support to School Administrators and Child Care operators to develop and improve partnerships between staff of both the child care and school. The Child Care Coordinator facilitates meetings to discuss issues and concerns, ensuring that differences of agreement are dealt with immediately, and action plans are developed in a positive problem solving approach to address challenges, issues and concerns.

5. PREPS-P (Preschool Readiness Enrichment Program with Seneca and Parents)

The YRDSB continues its partnership with Seneca College King - Early Childhood Education Department, to promote early learning for children and support and education for parents in a developmentally appropriate environment. The program, established in 1997, is staffed by second-year Early Childhood Education students. Community agencies such as Early Intervention Services provide workshops for the parents and caregivers.

This enrichment program for children under four years old and their parents/ caregivers is hosted at four school locations:

1. Glen Shields Public School 2. Wilshire Public School 3. Discovery Public School 4. Pine Grove Public School

6. Early Child Development and Parenting Programs

Early Child Development and Parenting programs have been established in numerous sites across York Region. Many of the sites are in our schools; the remainder is in Community Centres, Libraries and other community areas. Where space allows, we are able to offer more programs in our schools. The programs offered are for children 0 – 6 years of age and their parent or caregiver. The purpose of these programs is to support parents in their parenting skills and to support the emotional, physical and intellectual development of their children in a structured learning environment through a range of early learning activities. These programs are free of charge. The Coordinator of Child Care and Community Services works closely with the Manager of Community Programs in YRDSB to address the scope of this initiative. See Appendix E for locations.

7. Service Providers

A list of current pre-approved lunch/after school service providers has been created for distribution to all schools. These programs offered to our children range from music, arts and crafts, recreational sports, dance and Red Cross Certification (plus many more). The service providers are pre-screened for program content, liability insurance and police clearance documentation. These programs are provided at a cost for the families and may run weekly for up to eight weeks.

8. Member of the Early Years Team, support the implementation of Full Day Kindergarten

As a member of the Early Years Team, the Child Care Coordinator provides support to the current 37 year one and year two schools offering Full Day Kindergarten and the 43 new schools that will be offering Full Day Kindergarten in September 2012 in the following ways.

. Assist with interviewing Registered Early Childhood Educators for the position of Designated Early Childhood Educators in Full Day Kindergarten Programs.

. Act as a Liaison person to seven Full Day Kindergarten schools to connect and offer support to Teachers, Early Childhood Educators and Administrators to identify successes,

issues and next steps.

. Support the delivery of professional learning opportunities to School teams including Administrators, Kindergarten Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Educational Assistants and caretaking staff.

. Ensure that the Ministry of Education requirements and timelines are met with regard to Full Day Kindergarten and the extended day component for schools that have before and after care programs for children ages four to 12 years.

Goals For 2012

The Child Care Coordinator will work together with the Early Years Team, Administrators, Before and After care program staff and Kindergarten teams to development best practices for shared space and creating a seamless transition for kindergarten children and their families.

1. To provide support for the establishment and implementation of Full Day Kindergarten for four and five year olds in schools approved by the Ministry for 2012/13.

2. To work with existing third-party child care operators to provide a before and after care program for kindergarten children attending Full Day Kindergarten with content consistent with the Ministry of Education’s expectations. It is expected that the following conditions would apply to third party child care operators operating before- and/or after-school programs for JK/K pupils:

. meet requirements under relevant legislation (e.g., the Day Nurseries Act); . be located on site; . deliver program content consistent with the Ministry’s Extended Day Program; . operate programs on instructional days; and . investigate parental interest for programs on non-instructional days.

3. Continue to work with community partners and School Administrators to address the challenges of providing Before and After Care Programs in shared space for 4-12 year olds. The goals include:

a) improving program consistency; b) ensuring effective use of space and storage; and c) providing support for classroom teachers and Before and After Care Early Childhood Educators in developing respectful guidelines and strategies.

4. Create an operational manual/document that outlines guidelines and resources for child care in schools and the extended day component for four and five year olds.

5. Develop a seamless approach to extended Day Before and After Care Programs in Schools with Full Day Kindergarten.

As outlined in the Extended Day document; the extended-day program offers an approach to pedagogy and planning that is consistent with the approach taken in the FDK program, and makes use of shared resources and shared common spaces to create a seamless system of care and education for children and families. The extended day program is intended to be connected to the learning that happens in the kindergarten classroom during the regular school day. Therefore Educational spaces that are defined by purpose rather than program support the bringing together of best practices that result in quality programs for young children.

When early childhood professionals (teachers, DECE, Before and After program staff) work collaboratively, the results are;

a) elimination of physical transitions for children attending childcare and kindergarten programs, b) establishment of formal links between programs, c) knowledge and information sharing can take place, and d) a continuum of goals, expectations and strategies can be developed to further support our youngest learners and their families.

Appended Data:

Appendix A: Child Care Directory Appendix B: Statistics showing growth of Before and After School Programs in YRDSB Appendix C: Statistics showing number of child care programs in YRDSB Appendix D: Statistics showing the number of child care and before and after care programs in each CEC Appendix E: Statistics showing number of children in child care programs in YRDSB Appendix F: Locations of Child Development and Parenting Centres hosted in YRDSB Appendix G: Locations of Best Start Early Learning and Care Pilot Hubs

Child Care - Central NAME OF SCHOOL TYPE OF CARE AGE RANGE CAPACITY OPERATOR Adrienne Clarkson PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 50 Macklin House Day Care 905-472-6201 Aurora Grove PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 Aurora Heights PS Before and After School 4-12 years 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Bayview Hill ES Bayview Hill Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 30 Family Day Care Services 905-508-7671 Beverley Acres PS Before and After Care 6 – 12 years 45 Kids Connection 905-888-0626/905-771-6247 Bond Lake PS Before and After School 4-12 years 30 Le Club Child Care Programs 905-881-8585 Charles Howitt PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 44 Mini Skool 905-881-0710 Crosby Heights PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Devins Drive PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Doncrest PS Doncrest Child Care Centre 2.5 - 5 years 40 Family Day Care Services 905-731-9596 Doncrest PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 605061 Ontario Ltd. 905 552 0610 George Street PS George St Child Care 2.5 -12 years 24 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113 / 905-751-1003 Hartman PS Hartman Jr. Y 2.5 – 12 years 72 + 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 H. G. Bernard PS Bernard Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Highview PS Highview Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 90 McClellan Community Child Care Inc. 905-841-1638 Kettleby PS Kettleby Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 24 + 24 Centered on Children Child Care 905-856-5437 / 905-727-3931 Kettle Lakes PS Kettle Lakes Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 yrs 72 +30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622/ 905-773-6025 King City PS Before and After Care 4-12 years 30 Le Club Child Care Programs 905-881-8585 Lake Wilcox PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 36 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Lester B. Pearson PS Lester B. Pearson Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 60 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 / 905-727-0450 MacLeod’s Landing PS MacLeod’s Landing Children’s Ctr. 18 mos – 12 years 72 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113/ 905-398-6599 Michaëlle Jean PS Before and After Care 6-12 years 45 Kids Connection 905-888-0626 Moraine Hills PS Before and After Care 4 – 12 years 30 Le Club Child Care Programs 905-881-8585 Nobleton Jr. & Sr. Public Schools Nursery program/Before and After Care 4-12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Northern Lights PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 70 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 Oak Ridges PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 45 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 O.M. MacKillop PS Before and After School 4-12 years 30 Macklin House Day Care 905-472-6201 Pleasantville PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 54 Kids Can Doodle 905-770-7417 Red Maple PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 60 Kids Connection 905-888-0626 Redstone PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 24 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-728-5798 Regency Acres PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 70 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 Richmond Rose PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 48 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-728-5798 Roselawn PS Before and after school 8-12 years 30 Family Day Care Services 416-922-3434 / 1-800-263-9703 Ross Doan PS Ross Doan Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 24 + 30 Family Day Care Services 905-780-0769 Schomberg PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Centered on Children 905-856-5437 / 647-284-5437 Silver Pines PS Silver Pines Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 45 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Silver Stream PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 66 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-723-3945 Sixteenth Avenue PS Sixteenth Avenue Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 45 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 / 905-884-8588 Trillium Woods PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 48 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-816-6449 Walter Scott PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 20 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Windham Ridge PS Before and after school 8 - 12 years 24 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Child Care - North NAME OF SCHOOL TYPE OF CARE AGE RANGE CAPACITY OPERATOR Alexander Muir PS Alexander Muir Jr. Y 2.5 -12 years 72 + 30 YMCA 905-868-9622/905-943-9622 Armitage Village PS Armitage Village Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 60 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-830-9719 Ballantrae PS Ballantrae Child Care Centre 2.5 – 12 years 23 + 30 Ballantrae Child Care Centre 905-640-2152 Black River PS Sutton Child Care Centre 2.5 -12 years 40 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Bogart PS Bogart Child Care Centre 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 60 York Child Development 905-830-1888 / 905-830-5052 Clearmeadow PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 80 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-953-7812 Crossland PS Crossland Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 28 + 60 York Child Development 905-830-1888 / 905-898-0545 Denne PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 28 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Dr. J. M. Denison SS Denison Child Care Centre 0 - 5 years 39 Denison Child Care Centre 905-836-0144 Fairwood PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 27 Kinark Child and Family Services 905-898-4572 / 905-476-5447 x108 Glad Park PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Glen Cedar PS Before and after school 6 – 12 years 24 Denison Child Care Centre 905-715-8231 Holland Landing PS Holland Landing Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 45 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 / 905-836-8916 Jersey PS Before and After School Care 4-12 years 30 Kinark Child and Family Services 905-898-4572 J.L.R. Bell PS Before and After School Care 4-12 years 22 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Lakeside PS Before and after school 4- 12 years 30 Kinark Child and Family Services 905-898-4572 / 905-989-0303 Lake Simcoe PS Before and after school 4-12 years 30 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Maple Leaf PS Before and after school 4-12 years TBA Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Mazo de la Roche PS Mazo Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 60 + 45 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Mount Albert PS Before and After Care 6 - 12 years 48 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 / 905-473-1106 Newmarket HS Bev Bernier Child Care 18 month – 5yr 42 York Child Development 905-830-1888 / 905-830-4425 Park Avenue PS Before and after school 4-12 years TBA York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 Prince Charles PS Before and After school 4-12 years 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Poplar Bank PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 55 Denison Child Care Centre 905-836-0144 / 905-953-1850 Queensville PS Before and after school 4 – 12 years 24 Denison Child Care Centre 905-715-8251 R. L. Graham PS R.L. Graham Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 54 Kinark Child and Family Services 905-898-4572 / 905-476-5449 Rogers PS Quaker Hill Child Care 2.5-12 years 24 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-898-0803 Sharon PS Before and after school 6-12 years 27 Gwillimbury Hills Daycare 905-478-8348 / 905-478-8699 Stonehaven PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 60 York Child Development 905-830-1888 / 905-898-5825 Stuart Scott PS Before and After School 4-12 years TBA Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Summitview PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Sutton PS Before and After School Care 40-12 years TBA Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Terry Fox PS Before and After Care 6 - 12 years 30 Denison Child Care Centre 905-715-8271 W.J. Watson PS Whippers Kids Child Care 1.5 - 12 years 40 + 60 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-476-5437 Child Care - East NAME OF SCHOOL TYPE OF CARE AGE RANGE CAPACITY OPERATOR Armadale PS Armadale Child Care Centre 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 29 Family Day Care Services 905-472-5497 Ashton Meadows PS Ashton Meadows Child Care 1.5 - 12 years 72 + 60 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-887-2539 Boxwood PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 51 Family Day Care Services 905-294-3092 Buttonville PS Buttonville Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 84 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-946-1216 Castlemore PS Before and after school 6 -12 years 23 Y.M.C.A. 905-839-3007 Ext. 305 Central Park PS Central Park Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 45 Y.M.C.A. 905-940-3274 Coledale PS Coledale Jr. Y 1.6 - 5 years 40 Y.M.C.A. 905-940-3275 Coledale PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Coppard Glen PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Macklin House Daycare 905-472-6201 Cornell Village PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 101 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-472-1344 David Suzuki PS David Suzuki Children’s Ctr. 2.5 – 12 years 72 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113/ 905-472-0555 Donald Cousens PS Donald Cousens Children’s Ctr. 2.5 – 12 years 72 + 27 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-202-4310 / 905-946-1113 Edward T. Crowle PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 22 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Franklin PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 25 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Greensborough PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Y.M.C.A 905-943-9622 Harry Bowes PS Harry Bowes Children’s Centre 2.5 – 12 years 72 + 27 Upper Canada Child Care 905-640-8722 / 905-946-1113 Highgate PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 High Birch Child Care Inc 905-479-9855 / 905-479-9877 James Robinson PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 27 High Birch Child Care Inc 905-479-9855 / 905-294-5599 John McCrae PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 50 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113/905-201-9675 Legacy Public School Legacy Child Care Centre 2 – 12 years 72 + 30 YMCA 905-910-6928/905-943-9622 Lincoln Alexander PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 15 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113 / 647-285-1098 Little Rouge PS Little Rouge Children’s Centre 2.5-12 years 72 + 30 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113/905-202-1596 Markville SS Markville Child Care Centre 18 month - 4 yrs 47 Family Day Care Services 905-474-1392 Milliken Mills PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 60 High Birch Child Care Inc. 905-479-9855 / 905-479-9831 Mount Joy PS Before and after Care 6-12 years 30 YMCA 905-943-9622 Oscar Peterson PS Oscar Peterson Jr. Y 2 – 12 years 72 +30 YMCA 905-640-7632 / 905-943-9622 Parkland PS Parkland Child Care Centre 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 30 Family Day Care Services 905-472-9685 Parkview PS Before and After Care 4-12 years 30 YMCA 905-943-9622 Ramer Wood PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Randall PS Before and After school 4-12 years 27 Family Day Care Services 905-475-0471 Reesor Park PS Reesor Jr. Y 2.5-12 years 24 + 30 Y.M.C.A. 905-943-9622 Ext. 750 Sam Chapman PS Before and After School 6-12 years 30 Macklin House Daycare 905-472-6201 Sir Wilfrid Laurier PS Before and After Care 6-12 years 70 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113/905-887-7927 Child Care - East Continued Stonebridge PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 42 Y.M.C.A. 905-943-9622 Unionville PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 24 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Unionville Meadows PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 High Birch Child Care Inc. 905-479-9855 / 905-479-3993 Wilclay PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 2630 Hope Daycare 905-513-8561 / 416-887-8641 William Armstrong PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 50 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113 / 905-471-4099 PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Wismer PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 50 Upper Canada Child Care 905-946-1113 / 905-201-2321 Child Care - West NAME OF SCHOOL TYPE OF CARE AGE RANGE CAPACITY OPERATOR Bakersfield PS Before and after school 6 – 12 years 45 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 / 905-707-0912 Baythorn PS Before and after school 6 – 12 years 53 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-889-7346 Bayview Glen PS Before and After School 6-12 years 24 Fun On The Run Preschool Inc. 905-265-7458 Bayview Fairways Before and after school 4 – 12 years 30 Family Day Care Services 905-881-3129 Blue Willow PS Before and after school 4 – 12 years 54 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-274-9518 Brownridge PS Brownridge Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 45 Y.M.C.A. 905-660-6676 Carrville Mills PS Kids Come First 2.5 – 12 years 72 + 45 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 Charlton PS Charlton Child Care 4 – 12 Year 20 + 30 Y.M.C.A. 905-839-3007 Ext. 305 Discovery PS Before and after school 6 – 12 years 24 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-414-3977 Dr. Roberta Bondar PS YMCA Jr. Y Child Care 2-12yrs 72 +30 YMCA 905-303-6260 / 905-943-9622 E. J. Sand PS Before and after school 4 – 12 years 30 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-560-7276 Elder’s Mills PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 52 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113/905-893-9043 Forest Run PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 70 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 / 905-303-8728 Fossil Hill PS Before and After School 4-12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 PS German Mills Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 24 + 30 York Professional Care and Education 905-841-1314 / 905-709-3484 Glen Gould PS Before and After Care 4-12 years 30 Friends Child Care (605061 Ontario Inc.) 905-552-0610 Glen Shields PS After school 6 - 12 years 24 Social Enterprise for Canada 905-895-0809 Ext. 5381 / 905-738-6722 Herbert H. Carnegie PS Child Care Centre 2 – 12 years 72 + 30 Kids Connection Care & Education 905-879-6006/905-888-0626 Joseph A Gibson PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113/905-832-7293 Johnsview Village PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 24 Social Enterprise for Canada 905-895-0809 Ext. 5381 / 905-881-8904 Julliard PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 30 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 / 905-417-4744 Kleinburg PS Kleinberg Jr. Y 2.5 - 12 years 48 + 30 YMCA 905-943-9622/905-893-4233 Louis-Honore Frechette PS Kids Come First 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 100 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 Lorna Jackson PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 25 YMCA 905-943-9622 Maple Creek PS Maple Creek @ KCF B/A 6 - 12 years 46 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 / 905-303-9360 Mackenzie Glen PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 44 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-832-7290 Michael Cranny PS Before and After Care 4 -12 years 30 Fun On The Run Preschool Inc. 905-265-7458 Nellie McClung PS Before and After Care 4-12 years TBA Fun On The Run Preschool Inc. 905-265-7458 Pierre Berton PS Before and After Care 4-12 years TBA Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Pine Grove PS Before and after school 5 - 12 years 36 Y.M.C.A. 905-943-9622 Rosedale Heights PS Rosedale Heights Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 40 + 58 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-771-6820 Stornoway Crescent PS Stornoway Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 24 + 45 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-707-6805 Child Care - West Continued Teston Village PS Teston Village Child Care 2.5 – 12 years 48 + 25 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 Thornhill PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Macklin House Day Care 905-472-6201 Thornhill Woods PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 30 Kids Come First Child Care 905-660-3467 Vaughan SS Coulter’s Mill Preschool 2.5 - 5 years 44 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-660-5152 Vellore Woods PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 29 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-274-9519 Westminster PS Before and after school 4 - 12 years 23 Y.M.C.A. 905-943-9622 Westmount CI Butternut Children’s Centre 0 – 5 years 41 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-882-9551 Willowbrook PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 28 YMCA 905-943-9622 Wilshire ES Wilshire Child Care Centre 2.5 - 12 years 60 + 60 Upper Canada Child Care Centres 905-946-1113 / 905-709-2273 Woodbridge PS Before and After Care 4-12 years 30 Centered on Children 905-856-5437 Woodland PS Before and after school 6 - 12 years 55 Le Club Child Care Program 905-881-8585 / 416-560-7276 Ventura Park PS Before and After School 6-12 years 30 Le Club Child Care Programs 905-881-8585 Yorkhill ES Yorkhill Child Care 2.5 - 12 years 20 + 60 YMCA 905-943-9622 Appendix B


140 147 153 132


Sep. 07 Sep. 08 Sep. 09 Sep. 10 Sep. 11 Appendix C

Statistics showing growth of child care centres in York Region District School Board Schools

58 59 59 48 53 56

Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 06 07 08 09 10 11

Note: One program is a licensed nursery program which operates 9am-3pm Monday to Friday

Appendix D

Number of Child Care Programs and Before and After Care Programs in each CEC

 158 YRDSB schools have either child care 45 and/or before and 40 43 after care programs. 40 38  5 child care centres 35 are located in 30 32 Secondary Schools 25  153 are located in Centres elementary schools 20 15 14 13 14 B/A 15 10 5 0 East West North Central Appendix E

Statistics showing the number of children enrolled in child care programs in YRDSB schools.

2010 Statistics 2011 Statistics

20 95 30 125 835 888

542 0-18 mos 664 0-18 mos 18-2.5 yrs 18-2.5 yrs 2.5-3.8yrs 2.5-3.8yrs 604 590 3.8-4.8 yrs 3.8-4.8 yrs 4.8-5.8 yrs 4.8-5.8 yrs 6-12 yrs. 6-12 yrs.

5650 6032

As of March 31, 2012: • 2557 licensed spaces for children 6 mo - 5 years. • Approximately 2205 of those spaces are occupied • Enrolment is at 86% capacity • Over 8000 licensed spaces for 6-12 year olds.

Appendix F

School Locations of Child Development and Parenting Programs

Location of Early Child Development and Parenting Programs

• Ashton Meadows PS • Thornhill PS • Charles Howitt PS • Black River PS • Holland Landing PS • Maple Leaf PS • Sixteenth Avenue PS • Sutton PS • Moraine Hills PS • Lake Simcoe PS • Donald Cousens PS • Randall PS • Charlton PS • RL Graham PS • Ellen Fairclough PS • Ross Doan PS • Forest Run PS • Discovery PS • Highgate PS • Maple Creek PS • Parkland PS • Michael Cranny PS • Mount Joy PS • Dr. Roberta Bondar PS • Oak Ridges PS • Teston Village PS • Oscar Peterson PS • Doncrest PS • Park Ave. • JLR Bell PS

Appendix G

Early Learning and Care Hubs Site Parenting Child Care School *minimum of 2 sessions per *full time over 6 hours per day week Pilot Hubs Identified in the Best Start Implementation Plan with 3 Required Basic Hub Components (Parenting Program, Child Care and Kindergarten) Ashton Meadows PS Pathways: Yonne Dong Upper Canada: Janice Flisfeder Richard Erdmann 230 Calvert St. 905 471 1620 905 887 2539 905 887 2656 Markham, L6C 1T5 [email protected] ashtonmeadows@uppercanadachild richard.erdmann@yrds *shared space Parkland PS Family Day: Mala Nauth Family Day: Mala Nauth Paul Carew 18 Coxworth Ave 905 472 9685 905 472 9685 905 472 8536 Markham, L3S 3B8 [email protected] [email protected]. *shared space Black River PS and York Child Development Kinark: Dawn Sondrup David Forrest, St. Bernadette CES Mary McCormack-Badinski 905 722 9630 St. Bernadette 5279 Black River Rd. 905 830 1888 [email protected] 905 722 6226 W [email protected] [email protected] Sutton, L0E 1R0 Kinark Dawn Sundrup Tim Gervais, Black [email protected] River 905 722 5889 905 713 0700 ext.3618 [email protected]. Holland Landing PS York Professional: York Professional: Gail Wright Bill Cober 16 Holland River Rita Spencer Shima Roy 905 836 6614 Drive 905 841 1314 905- 841 1314 [email protected] Holland Landing, [email protected] L9N 1C5 905 836 8916

Charlton PS Family Day: Lesley Pettigrew YMCA: Ritchie McNaughton 121 Joseph Aaron 905 709 6159 Kristine Barron 905 738 5497 Blvd [email protected] 905 482 2247 Ritchie.mcnaughton@y Thornhill, L4J 6J5 [email protected] [email protected]

RL Graham PS York Child Development: Kinark: Tracy Dettman 905 476 5449 Janine Stutt 70 Biscayne Blvd. Mary McCormack-Badinski [email protected] 905 476 9295 Keswick, L4P 3M8 905 830 1888 CTN [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] Other Sites with 3 Required Basic Hub Components (Parenting Program, Child Care and Kindergarten) Doncrest PS Family Day: Donna Cree Family Day: Donna Cree Ryan Friedman 124 Blackmore Ave 905 731 9596 905 731 9596 905 882 4480 Richmond Hill, L4B [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2B1 Ross Doan PS YMCA: Lisa Mooy Family Day: Kelly Barton Bruce Baynham 101 Weldrick Rd. 905 883-6901 ext. 361 905 780 0769 905 884 4022 Richmond Hill, L4C [email protected] [email protected] bruce.baynham@yrdsb 3T9 Sixteenth Avenue PS YMCA: Lisa Mooy York Professional: Rita Spencer Eric Khilji 400 16th Avenue 905 883-6901 ext. 361 905 841 1314 905 884 5598 Richmond Hill, L4C [email protected] [email protected] 7A9 Sonia Quattrociocchi 884 8588 Virtual site with Basic Hub Components (Parenting Program, Child Care and Kindergarten) Waabgon First Nation Mary McCormack-Badinski Niigaan Naabiwag Child Care Lauri Williamson School 905 830 1888 Centre Education Coordinator RR#2 Sutton West [email protected] Kim Big Canoe 705 437 2616 [email protected] Sutton, L0E 1R0 [email protected] a 705 437 1529 Tanya Leary K-2 teacher [email protected]




An Ontario Scholar is a student who obtains an aggregate of at least 480 marks in any combination of Ontario Ministry of Education approved Grade 12 university preparation, university/college preparation, and/or college preparation courses authorized under the Ontario Secondary School, Grade 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999 (OSS). Ontario Scholars will receive an Ontario Scholar Certificate.


To provide trustees with information regarding Ontario Scholars for the 2011-2012 school year.

The public secondary schools in York Region that offer the above-listed courses have produced 5,088 Ontario Scholars this year. Last year, there were 4,696 Ontario Scholars.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.


Not applicable.


That the York Region District School Board receive the Highest Three 2011-2012 Ontario Scholars report for information.

Communications Implementation Plan:

Not applicable.

Appended Data:

Appendix A - List of 2011 - 2012 Highest Three Ontario Scholars by Secondary School

Respectfully submitted,

September 19, 2012

For further information, please contact Allan Hoyle, Denese Belchetz, Chris Tulley or the Director of Education.



The top three students in our secondary schools and the average mark in their best six subjects are:

Graeme Baker Alexander Mackenzie S.S. 99.5% Christopher Olesovsky Sir Wm. Mulock S.S. 99.33% Dongfang Ge Newmarket H.S. 99.17%

The top three Ontario Scholars in each of our secondary schools and the average mark in their best six subjects are:

School Name Average Mark

Alexander Graeme Baker 99.50% Mackenzie H.S. Sarah Mackeil 97.50% Alexander Bennett 96.20%

Aurora H.S. Samuel Kim 97.67% Adam Suleman 97.17% Mario Zuber 97.00%

Bayview S.S. Jihun Alex Lee 98.33% Carolyn Tan 98.17% Mu Xuan Marshall Zhang 98.00%

Bill Crothers S.S. Alexander Manuel 94.00% Ashley Buvanendran 93.13% Olivia Donner 93.00%

Bur Oak S.S. Brendan Song 95.30% Ting Monica Lin 94.80% Meng Helena Li 94.50% Harrish Nithianandan 94.50%

Dr. Denison S.S. Tiffany Kitigawa 96.16% Samuel Thrasher 95.16% Viorica Lefter 93.83%

Dr. G.W. Williams S.S. Anyuxi Li 95.83% Shuang Liu 95.83% Jingxuan Qin 95.16% Matthew Gibson 95.16%

Emily Carr S.S. Kaiten Batta 94.67% Erin Clancy 94.17% Christine Huynh 93.17%

Huron Heights S.S. Zainab Alamin 97.67% Jonathan Baldwin 97.17% Jamie Geist 95.67%

Keswick H.S. Mary Davidson 94.00% Tara Davidson 93.00% Nicole Revie 92.20%

King City S.S. Sunghee Bang 95.67% Alisha Mullings 95.67% Keren Isaev 95.00%

Langstaff S.S. Sonieya Nagarajah 99.00% Matthew Jordan 98.80% Daniel Eftekhari 98.00%

Maple H.S. Vincent Harinam 95.50% Gurtek Saini 94.33% Tamanna Bawa 93.17%

Markham D.H.S. Michelle Jia 98.83% Hayley Newton 98.00% Stephanie Tassopoulos 97.67%

Markville S.S. Fatimah Sorefan-Mangou 95.70% Lisa Xiao Dan Luo 96.30% Jessical Yu-Hsuan Hung 96.30%

Middlefield C.I. Wenxin Zhu 97.00% Ajuthan Vijayasri 96.00% Yosuf Kaliwal 95.83%

Milliken Mills H.S. Yue Nan Cao 96.33% Zujajah Islam 96.17% Jennifer Lou 94.67%

Newmarket H.S. Dongfang Ge 99.17% Troy Fraser 97.83% Guang Ya Wu 97.83%

Richmond Green S.S. Melissa McCorriston 96.00% Louise Wong 95.20% Rachel Fong 94.67%

Richmond Hill H.S. Sakeena Panju 96.50% Mike Hao 96.33% Lior Krimus 96.33%

Sir William Mulock S.S. Christopher Olesovsky 99.33% Naijin Li 97.67% Ian Hong 95.83%

Stephen Lewis Ly Dieu Mai 95.67% Cindy Tran 95.50% Qianmin Vicky Zheng 95.50%

Stouffville D.S.S. Ziton Jia 97.50% Mihai Podariu 96.20% Kelvin Yam 96.30%

Sutton D.H.S. Juhyun Lee 94.33% Anne Sibbald 92.17% Matthew Clementson 91.50%

Thornhill S.S. Michael Chan 98.50% Gregory Chan 97.17% Yu Jin Kim 97.00%

Thornlea S.S. Sherry Au 97.17% Lori Pollit 96.33% Zhongshi Chen 96.17%

P.E. Trudeau S.S. Fuming Jang 97.00% Dorothy Tan 96.67% Patrick Lui 96.50%

Unionville H.S. Andrew Wong 97.66% Kevin Zhu 97.50% Andrew Huang 96.83%

Vaughan S.S. Danylo Shpit 98.33% Jiwoan Song 98.00% Aakash Shah 97.83%

Westmount C.I. Kyuho Lee 98.80% DoWon Lee 97.10% Kevin Luk 96.50%

Woodbridge College Nisha Murugappan 98.33% Tessa Turnbull 95.33% Francesco Macchione 95.17%

Continuing Education Yuet Lun Chan 94.33 Woo Seok Hong 93.83% Marijke Wilhelmina Paul 92.17% YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD



On June 22, 1981, the Board approved the establishment of the S.L.G. Chapman Scholarship in Mathematics.


To inform the Board of the 2011-2012 recipient of the S.L.G. Chapman Scholarship in Mathematics.

The 2011-2012 recipient of this Award is Graeme Baker, a graduate of Alexander Mackenzie High School. Graeme Baker obtained an average of 100.0 per cent in three Grade 12 Mathematics subjects and an overall average of 99.5 per cent in the top six credits that he completed, including the three mathematics subjects. Graeme is currently registered at Queen’s University for Engineering.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.




That the York Region District School Board receive the 2011-2012 S.L.G. Chapman Scholarship in Mathematics report for information.

Communications Implementation Plan:

Not applicable.

Appended Data:

Not applicable.

Respectfully submitted,

September 19, 2012

For further information, please contact Allan Hoyle, Denese Belchetz, Chris Tulley or the Director of Education.




To report to the Board’s Standing Committee the Cash Disbursements for the month of May 2012 for the York Region District School Board.


Section 170 (3) of the Education Act R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 2 states that “every board shall give the necessary orders on the treasurer for payment of all money expended for school purposes and of such other expenses for promoting the interests of the schools under the jurisdiction of the board”.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.

Time Line:



That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1. That Cash Disbursements for May 2012 for all expenditures, except item #42, in the sum of $15,142,798.79 be approved.

2. That Cash Disbursements for May 2012 for item #42, in the sum of $101,033,803.90 be approved.

Appended Data:

Respectfully submitted,

Report of Cash Disbursements – May 2012.

September 19, 2012

For further information please contact W. Muirhead-Toporek or the Director of Education.

The Over 15,000 Report for the month of May 2012

COMPANY LOCATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 1 Adonis Entrerprise Inc Various Snowplowing 16,498.00 2 Bell Canada Education Centre Equipment/Software changes 33,384.06 3 Bradford Glass & Mirror Co Ltd Various (113) Glass and related repairs - April 2 to May 10, 2012 21,777.24 4 C A F Electric Plant Services Repairs to electrical motors 31,461.20 5 C D I Computer Dealers Inc Middlefield CI Notebooks and related items 16,053.91 6 C E T Property Maintenance Inc Various Snowplowing 28,363.00 7 Career Cruising Curriculum & Instructional Services The Real Game, Canadian Digital Version 2.1, 2 years site license 16,945.48 8 Conaby's Limited (Conpute) Student Services Staffing resources 15,277.60 9 Farmer Jack's Gardens Various Snowplowing 47,683.74 10 Giant Steps Giant Steps Educational Services - May 2012 50,000.00 11 Imagine Financial Limited (Ingle International) International Education Services (IES) International Student Health Insurance Premiums - recoverable 93,290.00 12 M L Fire & Burglary Alarms Ltd Various (31) Annual fire alarm inspection 26,216.00 13 M T E Consultants Inc Milliken Mills High School Professional services re building investigation and repairs 15,647.21 14 Markville Carpet Centre Bayview Fairways Public School Flooring 17,742.36 15 McKinney Electric Limited Various (2) To disconnect/remove cabling to portable to accommodate FDK addition 46,550.35 16 Morneau Shepell Limited Human Resource Services Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - May 2012 19,119.60 17 Pitney Bowes Education Centre Copier Usage - February 2012 52,432.06 18 Powell Plumbing Supply Ltd Maintenance Centre Cost of supplies and related items - March & April 2012 51,546.14 19 Randstad Technologies Information Technology Services Staffing resources - February 29 to June 30, 2012 - recoverable 21,096.47 20 Richmond Hill Public Library Education & Community Services Library Services Agreement - January to August 2012 135,100.00 21 Robinson Solutions Inc Milliken Mills High School Upgrade temperature control in classrooms 58,760.00 22 Rogers Business Solutions Education Centre Wide area network services - April 2012 73,753.47 23 Rutherford Contracting Ltd Crosby Heights Public School Barrier Free Washroom renovations 26,683.16 24 Scholars Overseas Study Inc International Education Services (IES) Teach Abroad Volunteer Program - recoverable 23,100.00 25 Shibley Righton Barristers & Solicitors Director's Office Legal fees 15,545.41 26 Stilescape Inc Various Snowplowing 16,017.75 27 T V Ontario Education & Community Services Independent Learning Centre Day School Program 17,000.00 28 Technical Standards & Safety Authority Plant Services Boiler inspections at elementary schools 16,815.00 29 Technologies Humanware Inc Student Services Vision equipment 39,982.79 30 Tour East Holidays (Canada) Inc. International Education Services (IES) Flight and travel insurance re Teach Abroad Volunteer Program - recoverable 31,833.00 31 Tritan Inc Middlefield CI Skylight repairs 187,056.81 32 Viri Property Services Inc Various Snowplowing 36,483.36 33 Vocalinks Inc Student Services Kurzweil software packages with instruction 124,124.85 34 Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Education Centre Physician Fees/Administration Charge 30,912.46 35 Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Education Centre Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Payments 26,367.96 36 York Catholic District School Board Education Centre Sutton Multi Use Facility Maintenance Billing - April & May 2012 62,345.66 37 York Catholic District School Board Planning Services Adjustment Real Estate Commission 41,759.00 38 York Region Association of Basketball Officials Education & Community Services Basketball Officials 35,154.00 39 York University Education Centre Services for Learning Connections Project, Phase 7, Quarter 3 - recoverable 49,203.40 40 YRDSB - Capital Fund Education Centre Transfer of funds to Capital 6,000,000.00 41 Total Disbursements under 15,000 7,473,716.29 15,142,798.79

Prior Year's Expenditures - 42 Disbursements by type Debentures 11,693,348.13 Transportation 3,287,444.38 6,410,824.60 Payroll deductions 23,320,977.06 35,947,741.14 Utilities - telephone 188,480.46 100,582.68 heating - gas/oil 529,612.31 288,410.84 water 43,083.59 52,311.70 waste 69,227.69 260,459.21 hydro 455,640.91 1,317,359.26 Fuel 54,352.40 Net payroll 41,893,586.22 44,908,413.94 Total disbursements by type $ 101,033,803.90

Grand Total $ 116,176,602.69 YORK REGION DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD



To report to the Board’s Standing Committee the Cash Disbursements for the month of June 2012 for the York Region District School Board.


Section 170 (3) of the Education Act R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 2 states that “every board shall give the necessary orders on the treasurer for payment of all money expended for school purposes and of such other expenses for promoting the interests of the schools under the jurisdiction of the board”.

Estimated Cost:

Not applicable.

Time Line:



That the York Region District School Board approve the following recommendations.

1. That Cash Disbursements for June 2012 for all expenditures, except item #42, in the sum of $15,553,400.26 be approved.

2. That Cash Disbursements for June 2012 for item #42, in the sum of $193,216,122.79 be approved.

Appended Data:

Respectfully submitted,

Report of Cash Disbursements – June 2012.

September 19, 2012

For further information please contact W. Muirhead-Toporek or the Director of Education.

The Over 15,000 Report for the month of June 2012

COMPANY LOCATION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 1 Apple Canada Inc Markham District High School iPad Bundles 15,316.02 2 Apple Canada Inc Huron Heights Secondary School iMacs 22,545.08 3 Beaver Window & Awning Cleaners Inc Various Grasscutting 54,982.84 4 Bell Canada Education Centre Business Internet Dedicated 26,498.50 5 Bradford Glass & Mirror Co Ltd Various (98) Glass and related repairs 22,359.83 6 Braywood Services Inc Prince Charles Public School Underground sanitary pipe replacement 47,054.64 7 Canpro King-Reed LP Administrative Services Professional fees 19,666.10 8 Cordeiro Roofing Limited Sharon Public School Roofing 34,728.52 9 Dell Canada Inc Markham District High School Computers 18,240.91 10 Diamond Groundskeeping Services Ltd Various Grasscutting 16,038.93 11 Energy Network Service Inc Various (3) Lighting Retrofits 79,216.16 12 Geneva Centre For Autism Student Services Symposium Registrations (40) - October 24, 2012 26,000.00 13 Georgian Commercial Centre Plant Services Cargo van 27,859.10 14 Giant Steps Giant Steps Educational Services - June 2012 50,000.00 15 Gibraltar Solutions Inc Information Technology Services Server 120,518.23 16 Imagine Financial Limited (Ingle International) International Education Services Liability insurance for International Visa students - recoverable 35,524.11 17 Kara Consultants Inc Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School Interior alterations 21,922.00 18 Li, Yujuan International Education Services Tuition Refund 24,600.00 19 Morneau Shepell Limited Education Centre Employee Assistance Program (EAP) June 2012 19,119.60 20 Nelson Education Limited Learning Resource Centre Books 20,646.76 21 Pitney Bowes Education Centre Reconciliation re total copier usage - January 1, 2011 to December 31 2011 19,457.40 22 Pitney Bowes Education Centre Copier usage - November 2011, January 2012 & Final Billing 90,898.84 23 Powell Plumbing Supply Ltd Maintenance Services Cost of supplies and related items - May 2012 31,135.31 24 Robinson Solutions Inc Milliken Mills High School Upgrade to temperature controls 16,021.69 25 Rogers Business Solutions Education Centre Wide area network services - May 2012 75,475.99 26 Semple Gooder Roofing Corp Various (20) Roofing 32,866.43 27 Sheardown Property Management Inc Plant Services Snowplowing 151,120.55 28 Sheraton Parkway North Education Centre Awards Night - May 23 2012 17,972.41 29 Skills Canada - Ontario Curriculum and Instructional Services 2012 2013 School Affiliation 15,960.00 30 Stantec Consulting Ltd Various (40) Site Assessments 24,295.00 31 Swish Maintenance Ltd Various (25) Parts and service for caretaking equipment 19,736.45 32 The Learning Partnership Education and Community Services Welcome to Kindergarten Program materials 86,355.86 33 Townsend Sheet Metal Ltd OM MacKillop Public School Roofing 20,306.10 34 Tritan Inc Middlefield Collegiate Institute Skylight repairs 22,014.66 35 Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Education Centre Workplace Safety & Insurance Board payments 16,794.50 36 Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Education Centre Physician Fees/Administration Charge 28,330.12 37 York Catholic District School Board Education Centre Student Transportation Services - quarterly estimate - June 2012 175,000.00 38 York Catholic District School Board Education Centre Sutton Multi Use Facility Maintenance Billing - June 2012 31,172.83 39 York Region Association of Basketball Officials Education and Community Services Basketball Officials 31,523.00 40 YRDSB - Capital Fund Education Centre Transfer of funds to Capital 7,000,000.00 41 Total Disbursements under 15,000 6,944,125.79 15,553,400.26

Prior Year's Expenditures - 42 Disbursements by type Debentures $ - 18,798,213.07 Transportation $ 6,246,567.44 471,864.21 Payroll deductions $ 49,727,574.64 51,352,033.19 Utilities - telephone $ 103,203.94 95,191.91 heating - gas/oil $ 401,042.90 383,965.63 water $ 18,626.81 12,494.71 waste $ 64,106.66 93,277.06 hydro $ 1,230,546.18 1,034,383.67 Fuel $ 56,824.73 29,551.56 Net payroll $ 114,671,616.82 120,945,147.78 Total disbursements by type $ 193,216,122.79

Grand Total $ 208,769,523.05