11/4/90 68:1-3 God’s faithfulness to Israel.

Psalms 67-72 68:4 Singing in worship is a tremendous way to rejoice. Psalm 67 -To the chief musician, on stringed instruments. 68:5 Pharisees neglected and abused the orphan and -A Psalm, a song perhaps as a harvest festival, widows. Pentecost or Tabernacles. VS. 6 -Ja. 1:27 Undefiled religion is to visit orphans -But it also looks to the millennial reign. and widows in their trouble. -VS. 1-2 The petition for blessing. -VS. 3-4 The plead to praise God. 68:18 Eph. 4:8, 1Pet.3:19-20. Lk. 16:19-31. 2Cor. -VS. 5-7 The product of praise. 12:1-6, 5:1-8

67:2 Your way - The need of a savior and repentance 68:34-35 Confidence in God. towards God. Psalm 69 67:4 In the millennial reign. -To the chief musician, set to the “Lilies”, a Psalm of David. 67:6 God will return everything back prior to the -Psalm of individual deep despair and agony due to fall. relationship with God. -Messianic in nature going beyond the Psalmist. Psalm 68 -VS. 1-6 Complaint. -To the chief musician, a Psalm of David. a song. -VS. 7-12 Cause. -Some see it as a processional used by the priest -VS. 13-18 Appeal. and worshippers on the way to the sanctuary. VS. 24- -VS. 19-28 Vengeance 26 -VS. 29-36 Deliverance. -Some references to Messiah, Psalm of God’s glory and goodness. 69:2 Jeremiah was put in a cistern and left to die. -VS. 1-6 The present. -VS. 7-18 The past. 69:4 Jn. 15:25 -VS. 19-35 The future.

69:5 God sees my attitudes and actions which are 71:3 Resort continually foolishness because of who I am In God and what I know that He can do in me. 71:8 Acknowledgment of life In the womb.

69:9 “Jn. 2:17” Jesus cleansed the temple “Rom. 71:9 Only God knows what old age holds for each of 15:3” us if He should tarry. 71:14 A growing relationship even In old age. 69:21 All four gospels. 71:20 Resurrection. 69:22 “Rom. 11:9-10” 69:28 Book of the living Ex. 32:32; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; -Psalm of Solomon as Ps.127. 20:12 -Psalm is twofold, to earthly king and Messiah. -VS. 1-7 Prayer for righteous judgment. -VS. 8-14 Prayer for dominion and peace. -Psalm of David to the chief musician. -VS. 15-17 Prayer for preeminence. -Psalm to bring to remembrance of personal -VS. 18-20 Doxology. lamentation and anxiety over persecution by the enemy. 72:1-4 King was to depend on God as faithful -Nearly identical to Ps. 40:13-17. representative of God. -VS. 1-3 Cry for help. -VS. 4-5 Cry of confidence. 72:8-11 Solomon, ultimately Jesus.

Psalm 71 -The only Psalm of book II without a title. except Ps. 43, which is thought to be part of Ps.41. -Prayer and testimony of an aged man’s confidence in God -VS. 1-8 God his rock. -VS. 9-13 God his help. -VS. 14-21 God his hope. -VS. 22-24 God his praise.