Inglese Carnia

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Inglese Carnia ACCOMMODATION TRANSPORT In every village you will be able to find Arrival: Ronchi dei Legionari (Gorizia) or pleasant hotels, but in such beautiful Marco Polo (Venice) airport. and characteristic area where to sleep if You can reach Carnia and Alto Friuli with not in a typical accommodation? bus. All the small villages of this area are You can be hosted in a bed and well connected one to another by busses. breakfast; keep in contact with locals By car, this area is one hour from Udine in Carnia and Alto Friuli and live as they do during your stay, and and one hour from the Austrian border . learn how Friulian people live. Another typical type of accommodation are the “alberghi diffusi”: scattered hotels in Sauris and Sutrio. The rooms are scattered all around the village and are local houses, so you have the opportunity to see from the inside how locals live and become one of them during your stay. Would you like to experience a WE ARE WAITING wonderful, amazing, authentic, unknown part of Italy where traditions still FOR YOU!! influence today the lifestyle of local people? Would you like to experience extreme sports in unspoiled nature, climbing the Carnic Alps and navigating the rivers? For further information: In this brochure you will find all the necessary information and suggestions. tel. 0432 295972 SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES A LITTLE BIT OF HISTORY LOCAL CUISINE • In ancient times the passes of the What’s the best place to practise sports Don’t miss tasting the genuine and Alps had been crossed by many if not Carnia and Alto Friuli? natural food, strictly connected with populations such as the Romans, the In WINTER you can have fun skiing and local products and Visigothic, … leaving trails in the snowboarding in the ski runs of Sella seasons. The most whole region. Nevea and Zoncolan, and for all the typical dishes are • Venetians used the Carnic wood for lovers of ice- frico (potatoes and building the foundations of their city. skating cheese) and polenta, • With the First World War part of this Pontebba’s ice cjarsons (ravioli with territory was under Austrian control. rink is the best spices and herbs), “esse di Raveo” • During the Second World War the place. biscuits backed in Raveo, “pan di Cossacks invaded the area. In SUMMER you can go trekking in the sartuc” biscuits made with corn flour paths signposted by CAI along the whole and raisin. TRADITIONS Alpine range and in To truly appreciate these (and other) This area is full of traditions. some paths you can typical dishes you can have a rest, while In WINTER the most popular visit the ruins of the you are walking in the mountains, in the are the “Krampus” in First World War’s “malghe” (farms where you can sleep Tarvisio and Pontebba, the trenches. and taste the locally produced dairy “Pignarûl” in Resia and the products). Don’t forget to taste the “carnevale sauriano” one of the oldest Sauris ham and the Enemonzo cheese! carnivals in the Alps. If you are lucky you might SHOPS AND LEASURE TIME In SUMMER, you can go to any village meet wild animals such as and you will find a “sagra”: local ibex, groundhog and roebuck. After walking and doing sports you can celebrations in which you can taste have a rest and relax in the spa of Arta local food, hear typical music and Terme or go to the cinema in Pontebba. You can’t miss dance. canoyoning and In the ice rink in rafting down steep Pontebba, if you don’t LANGUAGES natural slides and want to go ice-skating waterfalls. you can watch the Locals speak different dialects match of the Aquile: the For the brave we suggest rock climbing originated from the influence of various ice hockey team. cultures: Latin, German and Slavic. The in the Dolomites, the Carnic and Julian most spoken is Friulano which changes Alps and Prealps If you want to go shopping, we suggest from place to place; other dialects are immersed in the the open air market of Resiano in Resia (just few people absolute peace and Tarvisio, where you can speak it) and Saurano in Sauris. quiet of nature. find the typical products of Friuli and Austria. .
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