.~ .ELECTIONS BC SPECIFIED FUNDRAISING Spec-FF (17/11) • A non•p•rtlsan Office of the Legl,l•ture FUNCTION PAGE i 1 I OF ~I-~ POLITICAL ENTITY EVENT DATE f'(YYY I MMIDO) IEVENT TIME (HH: MM) BCNDP 2018/11/13 18:00 EVENT DESCRIPTION LOCATION NAME (OR ADDRESS· IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) C353-An Evening with Adrian Dix and Rachna Singh Royal King Palace II NAME OF RESIDENr (IF HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE) 1, TICK IF EVENT HELD AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE • "Wlllo __,... • ..,.__ PART A PARTS THIS PART II/IUST BE SUBMITTED AT THIS PART MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT -~ 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT TICKET PRICE(S) $50.00 # OF TICKETS SOLD 116 $100.00 $ CONTRIBUTIONS RAISED $ 11,800.00 Names of the political party leader, ~r1iamentary secretaries or Check If the political party leader, parliamentary secretary or m~mbers of the Executive Council scheduled to attend: member of the Executive Council atleilded the event Adrian Dix ATTENDED EVENT? 181 Harry Bains ATTENDED EVENT? 181 Ravi Kahlon ATTENDED EVENT? 181 ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? I • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • ATTENDED EVENT? • -- - - -- Add more forms If needed. SUBMITTED BY SUBMITTED BY Rowyn DeVito Rowyn DeVito EMAIL PHONE EMAIL PHONE
[email protected] 604-430-8600
[email protected] 604-430-8600 SIGNATURE DATE f'(YYYI MMI DD) DATE (YYYY/MM/DD) SIG~E \Jv 2018/11/06 2019/01/07 II Thi• form wlll be published on Electlona BC'• website. This lnlormallon 11 collected under !he authority or the EJec:tion Act end Ille F"""10m ot Jn11:,tmat1on and Pro/ecllDn ot Prtvacy Act.