Welcome to Trinity Church Whether you have worshiped here for years or are visiting our Episcopal Church for the first time, we are glad you are with us. We invite all to enter fully into worship and to explore the variety of learning, small group, and service opportunities that are part of our life together. To learn more, visit trinitychurchboston.org and click on New to Trinity, or contact Mark Kharas, at [email protected], 617-536-0944 x360.

Sun., Dec. 17, 2017 Third Sunday of Advent Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 John 1:6-8,19-28

Sun., Dec. 24, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Advent Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion pre- pared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38

Sunday Liturgy Holy Eucharist pages 1 & 2 Morning Prayer & Sermon pages 3 & 4 Music in the Liturgy pages 5 & 6

T r i n i t y C h u r c h in the City of Boston 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116 617-536-0944 o trinitychurchboston.org Holy 7:45 am, 9 am & 6 pm (+10 am, Dec. 24) Eucharist Found on p. 355 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Prelude Introit Advent Responsory G.P da Palestrina Hymn in Procession Stand and sing for all hymns. Dec. 17 Hymn 640 Watchman, tell us of the night at 9 am Dec. 24 Hymn 66 Come, thou long-expected Jesus Opening Acclamation & Collect for Purity Remain standing. Song of Praise People, look east See Pew Card for music. Collect of the Day Reading Please be seated. Psalm Sung by all. See Pew Card. Dec. 17 Psalm 126 Dec. 24 Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26 Gradual Hymn At 9 am, children gather beneath the pulpit to leave for the Children’s Homily. Dec. 17 Hymn 444 Blessed be the God of Israel at 9 am Dec. 24 Hymn 265 The angel Gabriel Gospel of Christ Remain standing. Sermon The Nicene Creed BCP p. 358. Please stand. Prayers of the People The call and response are Come, Lord Jesus. Be with us and make us new. Confession & Absolution BCP p. 360. The Peace Children return to the service. Announcements Offertory The offering received during the anthem is our opportunity to give of ourselves to the glory of God. It supports our parish ministries and service to the community. See pages 5& 6 for anthem text. Dec. 17 9 Magnificat in A Ben Parry The text is found on p. 65 of the BCP. Dec. 24 10 Fuit homo missus a Deo G.P. da Palestrina

The preacher may be greeted at the Clarendon Street door after the service. + A free tour meets in front of the Eagle Lectern immediately following the 11:15 am service.

1 • Holy Eucharist • 7:45 am, 9 am & 6 pm (+ 10 am, Dec. 24) Preaching Dec. 17: 9 am, The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel 7:45 am, 9 am & 6 pm (+10 am, Dec. 24) Dec. 17: 6 pm, The Rev. Isaac Everett Dec. 24: The Rev. Patrick C. Ward Found on p. 355 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

Presentation Hymn at 9 am. See Pew Card for music. The Great Thanksgiving Prayer B, BCP p.367. Sanctus See Pew Card. The Lord’s Prayer Spoken by all. Fraction Anthem See Pew Card. All people, regardless of faith, tradition, or age, are welcome to receive Communion at Trinity Church. If you wish to receive a blessing instead, please come to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest. Gluten-free wafers are available; simply ask the priest at the altar rail. At 9 am, Communion is at the left of the pulpit for those with ambulatory difficulty—or we can come to you. Please make yourself known to an usher. Please take any valuables with you when you leave your seat. Music During Communion Dec. 17 See pages 5 & 6 for anthem text. 9 And I saw a new heaven Edgar Bainton Hymn 635 If thou but trust in God Dec. 24 Ave Maria Igor Stravinsky 10 Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui. Amen. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Amen. Prayer (after Luke 1: 28 and 42) Hymn 437 Tell out, my soul Postcommunion Prayer BCP p. 366. Please stand. Blessing Remain standing. Hymn in Procession Dec. 17 Hymn 76 On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry at 9 am Dec. 24 Hymn 278 Sing we of the blessed Mother Vesper Responsory Palestrina Postlude

The preacher may be greeted at the Clarendon Street door after the service. + A free tour meets in front of the Eagle Lectern immediately following the 11:15 am service.

7:45 am, 9 am & 6 pm (+ 10 am, Dec. 24) • Holy Eucharist • 2 Morning Prayer 11:15 am & Sermon Found on p. 40 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Prelude Introit Advent Responsory G.P da Palestrina Hymn in Procession Stand and sing for all hymns. Dec. 17 Hymn 640 Watchman, tell us of the night Opening Sentences Confession & Absolution BCP p. 41. The Invitatory & Psalter O Lord, open thou our lips. And our mouth shall show forth thy praise. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia. Our King and Savior now draweth nigh: O come, let us adore him. S-214 Front section of Ray Francis Brown (1897-1965) Be seated. Psalm Sung by all. See Pew Card. Dec. 17 Psalm 126 Reading Anthem Dec. 17 Ave Maria Robert Parsons (c. 1530-1570) Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui. Amen. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Amen. Prayer (after Luke 1: 28 and 42) Reading Hymn Children gather beneath the pulpit to leave for the Children’s Homily. Dec. 17 Hymn 635 If thou but trust in God

The preacher may be greeted at the Clarendon Street door after the service. + A free tour meets in front of the Eagle Lectern immediately following the 11:15 am service.

3 • Morning Prayer• 11:15 am Preaching 11:15 am Dec. 17: The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel Found on p. 40 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

The Apostles’ Creed BCP p. 53 The Prayers BCP p. 53 The Lord’s Prayer Suffrages Collect and Intercessions The General Thanksgiving The Peace Announcements Sermon Hymn Dec. 17 Hymn 444 Blessed be the God of Israel Sermon Offertory Anthem Children return to the service. Dec. 17 Magnificat in C Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) The text is found on p. 65 of the BCP. Presentation Hymn See Pew Card. Blessing Hymn in Procession Dec. 17 Hymn 76 On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry Vesper Responsory Palestrina Postlude

The preacher may be greeted at the Clarendon Street door after the service. + A free tour meets in front of the Eagle Lectern immediately following the 11:15 am service.

11:15 am • Morning Prayer •4 Trinity Choristers & Schola o The Trinity Choir Colin Lynch, Associate Director of Music Music Richard Webster, Director of Music in the Liturgy Prelude Dec. 17 Variations on Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland The tune is that of Hymn 54. Anton Heiller (1923-1979) Dec. 24 Es ist ein Ros entsprungen Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Advent Responsory G.P da Palestrina (c.1525-1594) I look from afar: and lo, I see the power of God coming, and a cloud covering the whole earth. Go ye out to meet him and say: Tell us, art thou he that should come to reign over thy people Israel? Anthem Fuit homo missus a Deo Palestrina Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Ioannes. Hic venit intestimonium, ut testimonium perhiberet de lumine, Et pararet Domino plebem perfectam. Lo, there came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. He came to testify on earth, that he might testify and bear witness to the light, And prepare for God the Lord a perfect people. Based on John 1:6-8

Anthem And I saw a new heaven Edgar Bainton And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:1-4

Advent Vesper Responsory Palestrina Judah and Jerusalem fear not nor be afraid, Tomorrow go ye forth and the Lord will be with you. Stand ye still and ye shall see the salvation of the Lord. Tomorrow … Postlude Dec. 17 Fantasia on Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Dec. 24 Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599 J.S. Bach

5 • Music in the Liturgy • 9 am, 11:15 am & 6 pm Join us for Christmas Services Christmas Eve Pageant Sun., 12/24, 4:30 pm, Church All children attending the service are invited to be a star, an angel, a sheep or a shepherd and join us at the manger! Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected], 617-536-0944 Christmas Eve Festival Eucharist Sun., 12/24, 7:30 pm & 11 pm, Church Early arrival recommended. Christmas Day Festival Eucharist Mon., 12/25, 10 am, Church New Year’s Eve Christmastide Eucharist Sun., 12/31, 10 am, Church

Trinity Church in the City of Boston

For parish news and events, don't miss TrinityEvents on the reverse side of this publication. p 9 am, 11:15 am & 6 pm • Music in the Liturgy • 6 HIGHLIGHTS LOOKING AHEAD NEW TO TRINITY? HOURS & INFORMATION For For

P Fast Ways to Spiritual Journeys: Cancer Support Tues., 12/19, 6: 30 pm, Rectory Handel + Haydn Society Jubilee Day Concert 1. Meet a clergyperson after the 9 & 11:15 am services in Sunday Services at Trinity Get Connected Sun., 12/31, 2 pm, Church front of the Baptistry (front-right side of the church). 7:45 am Simple, quiet Holy Eucharist Spiritual Journeys, Trinity’s cancer support group generally meets on the third Tuesday 9 am Community Holy Eucharist with youth Choristers & Choir 2. Stop by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex (by the 3 of the month. If you are coming for the first time, please contact Perry Colmore, perry- On Jan. 1, 1863, Bostonians celebrated the first Jubilee Day, the day on which the 11:15 am Traditional Morning Prayer with Choir; Holy Eucharist first Sundays front doors) on Sunday mornings. [email protected], 617-416-5616 Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As part of First Night 6 pm Come as you are Holy Eucharist; with Choir 3. Look for a Welcome Minister wearing a green button before or after any service. Last-minute Shopping? activities, Handel + Haydn Society, in conjunction with the Museum of African 7:15 pm Sacred Silence: Contemplative Prayer (late services return 1/7/18) 8 pm Compline: Choral music, candlelight, plainsong, silence, peace Support Trinity! American History, will present a concert inspired by that time. Scott Allen Jarrett We look forward to getting to know you! leads members of the H+H Chorus in joyous music, woven together by National Welcome Center Hours: For all newcomers questions, contact Mark Kharas, mkharas@ Weekday Services at Trinity Poetry Slam Champion Regie Gibson, giving power to the Proclamations’s words. trinitychurchboston.org, 617-536-0944 x360 5:45 pm Weds. Choral with the Trinity Choristers (12/20 only) Sun., 12/17, 10-11 am; Free and open to all. 12:10 pm Thurs. Midday Eucharist with Healing in the Chapel (12/21 only) and 12:30-4:30 pm Epiphanytide Brunch with Children’s Ministries Tues., 12/19-Sat., 12/23, Sun., 1/7/2018, 10 am, Commons Church (last admittance 15 minutes before closing) 10 am-4:30 pm OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE instagram.com/TrinityChurchBoston Come celebrate the feast! Join Children’s Ministries for our annual potluck Epiph- Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-5 pm • Closed Mon.

is available for infants and pre-schoolers in the foris available infants and pre-schoolers Sun.,12/24-Tues., 12/26 any Brunch, complete with royal visitors. Please bring your favorite side items (e.g., We invite you to share your God-given gifts with the parish, the city, and beyond, by Church Open for Touring Shop and tours closed muffins, bagels, Munchkins, sausages), or contact us for an assignment. We need participating in one of Trinity’s many ministries. You may find that lives—including Sun. 12:15-4:30 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-4:30 pm • Closed Mon. people to make egg stratas, baked cheese grits, and fruit salad; recipes available at your own—will be changed for the better. For a full list and calendar of opportunities, Parish House Looking for a special holiday gift or TRINITYCHURCHBOSTON.ORG/CALENDAR Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Mon., Fri. & Sat. 8:30 am-5 pm • Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 8:30 am-9 pm in K–5th grades worship with their families; they Children worship in K–5th grades with their families; card? Visit the shop located in Trinity’s Welcome Center for a wide range of hol- trinitychurchboston.org/event/epiphanytide-brunch. please visit trinitychurchboston.org/serve : Faith, Action, and Witness’ of Dorothy Day Dorothy of Witness’ and Action, : Faith, iday stationery and unique merchandise produced by local artists. Every purchase Spiral-cut baked ham is also welcome! Deck the Church for Christmas Services supports our hospitality efforts and church ministries. And for online shopping, use Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected] Contact below for dates and times Senior StaffThe Rev. William W. Rich, Interim Rector • The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel, Associate Rector • The Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector • The Rev. Rita T. Powell, Follow us on Instagram: us on Instagram: Follow smile.amazon.com, where you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and Cabaret, Silent Auction & Parish Party Create and hang greens arrangements or try your hand at decorating with flowers. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Ama- Fri., 1/26/18, 6-9 pm, Undercoft & Church Associate Rector • Adam Dawkins, Director of Stewardship • Patricia Hurley, Director of zon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your designated charity. Select Trinity Help make the church sparkle for Christmas! Communications • Karen Jarret, Director of Facilities • Cathy Portlock Pacitto, Director of SUNDAYS, DECEMBER 17 & 24, 2017 DECEMBER SUNDAYS, Join the Trinity family for an evening of fun and fellowship. The talented Trinity staff Children’s Ministries • Richard Webster, Director of Music • Sarah Wilcox, Senior Parish Sun., 12/17, 10:15 am, Forum Sun., Scott Schaeffer-Duffy & Claire of the Catholic Day present Dorothy will series. to us as part Movement of our Forum Worker’s 24 & 31, 10 am, Church Dec. Sundays, Due to 24. Dec. HolyJoin us for Eucharist Advent Sun., at 10 am on “regular this will be the only Christmas services beginning at 4:30 pm, this day. on Sunday service” please join us again at 10 am for Christmastide Holy 31, Dec. On Sun., 2 At will service. be only worship there one Due to the holiday, Eucharist. will concert offer their Jubilee Day in the Handel + Haydn church. pm, more on the concert, please see page 3. see page please more on the concert, Church in the City of Boston as your charitable organization of choice. Thank you For dates and times, contact: Jim Carter, [email protected] SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY Series 12 Lives Eucharist Holy of 10 am Service Sundays: Two Next singers will lead us on an evening of Global Travels with music from Scotland, , Administrator • Louise Burnham Packard, Executive Director of the Trinity Boston Founda- for your support! Rosie’s Place Weds., 12/27, 4 pm, 889 Harrison Ave., Boston Iran, and many other countries. Downstairs enjoy a festive cocktail party and Silent tion • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityStaff Fridays at Trinity Organ Concerts Fridays, 12:15 pm, Church Auction, which will benefit the choir’s 2019 tour where they will serve as Join our team to prepare and serve an evening meal at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for Vestry Peter Lawrence (‘19), Senior Warden • Mark Morrow (‘21), Junior Warden • Geof- Join us for this weekly series of 30-minute organ concerts featuring innovative choir-in-residence at Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals. women and their children. RSVP to Simone John, [email protected] frey Smith (‘20), Treasurer • Marva Nathan (‘18), Clerk • Thomas Claflin (‘19) • Ralph Cole programs by recitalists from around the world. There is no charge for admission, but Tickets are available at three price points to make this event affordable to all while Send the Choir to England: Donate Items for Silent Auction (‘18) • Colin Diver (‘20) • Listo Fisher (‘19) • Pauline Haddad (‘20) • Mark A. King (‘20) • we invite a donation of $10. On Fri., Dec. 22, we welcome Heinrich Christensen, also covering costs. Get yours today at bit.ly/TrinityParishParty Send donations by Sun., 1/7/2018 Lonsdale Koester (‘19) • Grace Lyons (‘18) • Patricia Lassiter (‘21) • Keith Morgan (‘18) • James Morgan (‘21) • Jill S. Norton (‘21) • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityVestry Director of Music at King’s Chapel, Boston. No recital on 12/29. AT EVENTS UPCOMING ALL SEE ART Winter Book Club & Performance Event The Trinity Choirs are still seeking items for the winter Silent Auction to defray We Need Your Pledge for 2018 Book Discussion: Sunday, January 28, 12:15pm-2pm, Ferris Library the cost of our 2019 England tour. Do you have season tickets, or time in a vaca- TrinityEvents is published biweekly. Events and times are subject to change. For the tion home you’re willing to share? Can you bake a pie or teach a skill? Maybe your facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston Our deepest thanks to all who have made the financial commitment to show This winter our Anti Racism Team is reading Citizen: An American Lyric, the New most up-to-date information, sign up for Trinity Community Update, our weekly email up, step up, and look up in 2018. More than 400 households have made their York Times bestseller by poet and MacArthur Genius Claudia Rankine. Citizen, called favorite restaurant would donate a gift certificate! To donate an item of at least $50 in newsletter, at bit.ly/trinityemails pledge commitments to support Trinity’s ministries in 2018. If you have not yet “a provocative meditation on race,” recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing value, contact Ron Aldridge, [email protected] by Sun., Jan. 7. pledged, Trinity needs you! Trinity’s staff and vestry are shaping our 2018 budget, encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. The group will also Statement of Affirmation Trinity Church in the City of Boston is a congregation of and our ministries depend on your support. Our 2018 annual pledging goal of have the opportunity to participate in Citizen Read, a dynamic project through the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and welcomes and honors everyone. In accor- Do you have information for TrinityEvents, website, or other publications? Send your events, 775 households committing $3M will fund all the ways in which our church ArtsEmerson that includes a public dialogue featuring Claudia Rankine and an op- dance with our baptismal covenant, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every -per will show up, step up, and look up in 2018. To make your pledge today, visit listings, and plans to [email protected]. Deadlines are available at Trinity Events portunity to attend the world premiere of Rankine’s new play, The White Card. (Note: son. We strive to include all persons without regard to sexual orientation, race, nationality, Like us on Facebook: Like

Children’s Homily and Childcare offered Homily during 9 & 11:15 am services. Childcare Children’s TapestryHall. House in Parish ofNursery the on the second floor located and return Homily at the Peace. beforemay leave the sermon for the Children’s trinitychurchboston.org/publications trinitychurchboston.org/2018-annual-pledge, stop by the Stewardship Table, or fill Space is limited for Citizen Read.) If you plan to participate in the book discussion gender, family configuration, ethnic background, economic circumstances, difference in out a pledge card in the pews or at the entrances to the church. Contact Director of and if you’d like more information about Citizen Read, contact Stephanie Bode ability, culture, or age. Our love and acceptance of each other embody our commitment to Stewardship, Adam Dawkins, [email protected], 617-536-0944. Ward at [email protected] or 617-524-5515. unity with God and each other in Christ.

TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 2 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 3 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 4 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 5 On Sun., Dec. 10, Trinity hosted the annual Alternative Giving the annual Alternative hosted Trinity 10, Dec. On Sun., with visiting animals from and Heifer Fair—complete Market Heifer in the Undercroft. International HIGHLIGHTS LOOKING AHEAD NEW TO TRINITY? HOURS & INFORMATION

P Fast Ways to Spiritual Journeys: Cancer Support Tues., 12/19, 6: 30 pm, Rectory Handel + Haydn Society Jubilee Day Concert 1. Meet a clergyperson after the 9 & 11:15 am services in Sunday Services at Trinity Get Connected Sun., 12/31, 2 pm, Church front of the Baptistry (front-right side of the church). 7:45 am Simple, quiet Holy Eucharist Spiritual Journeys, Trinity’s cancer support group generally meets on the third Tuesday 9 am Community Holy Eucharist with youth Choristers & Choir 2. Stop by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex (by the 3 of the month. If you are coming for the first time, please contact Perry Colmore, perry- On Jan. 1, 1863, Bostonians celebrated the first Jubilee Day, the day on which the 11:15 am Traditional Morning Prayer with Choir; Holy Eucharist first Sundays front doors) on Sunday mornings. [email protected], 617-416-5616 Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As part of First Night 6 pm Come as you are Holy Eucharist; with Choir 3. Look for a Welcome Minister wearing a green button before or after any service. Last-minute Shopping? activities, Handel + Haydn Society, in conjunction with the Museum of African 7:15 pm Sacred Silence: Contemplative Prayer (late services return 1/7/18) 8 pm Compline: Choral music, candlelight, plainsong, silence, peace Support Trinity! American History, will present a concert inspired by that time. Scott Allen Jarrett We look forward to getting to know you! leads members of the H+H Chorus in joyous music, woven together by National Welcome Center Hours: For all newcomers questions, contact Mark Kharas, mkharas@ Weekday Services at Trinity Poetry Slam Champion Regie Gibson, giving power to the Proclamations’s words. trinitychurchboston.org, 617-536-0944 x360 5:45 pm Weds. Choral Evensong with the Trinity Choristers (12/20 only) Sun., 12/17, 10-11 am; Free and open to all. 12:10 pm Thurs. Midday Eucharist with Healing in the Chapel (12/21 only) and 12:30-4:30 pm Epiphanytide Brunch with Children’s Ministries Tues., 12/19-Sat., 12/23, Sun., 1/7/2018, 10 am, Commons Church (last admittance 15 minutes before closing) 10 am-4:30 pm OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE instagram.com/TrinityChurchBoston Come celebrate the feast! Join Children’s Ministries for our annual potluck Epiph- Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-5 pm • Closed Mon. Sun.,12/24-Tues., 12/26 any Brunch, complete with royal visitors. Please bring your favorite side items (e.g., We invite you to share your God-given gifts with the parish, the city, and beyond, by Church Open for Touring Shop and tours closed muffins, bagels, Munchkins, sausages), or contact us for an assignment. We need participating in one of Trinity’s many ministries. You may find that lives—including Sun. 12:15-4:30 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-4:30 pm • Closed Mon. people to make egg stratas, baked cheese grits, and fruit salad; recipes available at your own—will be changed for the better. For a full list and calendar of opportunities, Parish House Looking for a special holiday gift or TRINITYCHURCHBOSTON.ORG/CALENDAR card? Visit the shop located in Trinity’s Welcome Center for a wide range of hol- trinitychurchboston.org/event/epiphanytide-brunch. please visit trinitychurchboston.org/serve Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Mon., Fri. & Sat. 8:30 am-5 pm • Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 8:30 am-9 pm : Faith, Action, and Witness’ of Dorothy Day Dorothy of Witness’ and Action, : Faith, iday stationery and unique merchandise produced by local artists. Every purchase Spiral-cut baked ham is also welcome! Deck the Church for Christmas Services supports our hospitality efforts and church ministries. And for online shopping, use Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected] Contact below for dates and times Senior StaffThe Rev. William W. Rich, Interim Rector • The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel, Associate Rector • The Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector • The Rev. Rita T. Powell, Follow us on Instagram: us on Instagram: Follow smile.amazon.com, where you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and Cabaret, Silent Auction & Parish Party Create and hang greens arrangements or try your hand at decorating with flowers. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Ama- Fri., 1/26/18, 6-9 pm, Undercoft & Church Associate Rector • Adam Dawkins, Director of Stewardship • Patricia Hurley, Director of zon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your designated charity. Select Trinity Help make the church sparkle for Christmas! Communications • Karen Jarret, Director of Facilities • Cathy Portlock Pacitto, Director of SUNDAYS, DECEMBER 17 & 24, 2017 DECEMBER SUNDAYS, Join the Trinity family for an evening of fun and fellowship. The talented Trinity staff Children’s Ministries • Richard Webster, Director of Music • Sarah Wilcox, Senior Parish Sun., 12/17, 10:15 am, Forum Sun., Scott Schaeffer-Duffy & Claire of the Catholic Day present Dorothy will series. to us as part Movement of our Forum Worker’s 24 & 31, 10 am, Church Dec. Sundays, Due to 24. Dec. HolyJoin us for Eucharist Advent Sun., at 10 am on “regular this will be the only Christmas services beginning at 4:30 pm, this day. on Sunday service” please join us again at 10 am for Christmastide Holy 31, Dec. On Sun., 2 At will service. be only worship there one Due to the holiday, Eucharist. For will concert offer their Jubilee Day in the Handel + Haydn church. pm, 3. see page please more on the concert, Church in the City of Boston as your charitable organization of choice. Thank you For dates and times, contact: Jim Carter, [email protected] SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY Series 12 Lives Eucharist Holy of 10 am Service Sundays: Two Next singers will lead us on an evening of Global Travels with music from Scotland, India, Administrator • Louise Burnham Packard, Executive Director of the Trinity Boston Founda- for your support! Rosie’s Place Weds., 12/27, 4 pm, 889 Harrison Ave., Boston Iran, and many other countries. Downstairs enjoy a festive cocktail party and Silent tion • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityStaff Fridays at Trinity Organ Concerts Fridays, 12:15 pm, Church Auction, which will benefit the choir’s 2019 England tour where they will serve as Join our team to prepare and serve an evening meal at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for Vestry Peter Lawrence (‘19), Senior Warden • Mark Morrow (‘21), Junior Warden • Geof- Join us for this weekly series of 30-minute organ concerts featuring innovative choir-in-residence at Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals. women and their children. RSVP to Simone John, [email protected] frey Smith (‘20), Treasurer • Marva Nathan (‘18), Clerk • Thomas Claflin (‘19) • Ralph Cole programs by recitalists from around the world. There is no charge for admission, but Tickets are available at three price points to make this event affordable to all while Send the Choir to England: Donate Items for Silent Auction (‘18) • Colin Diver (‘20) • Listo Fisher (‘19) • Pauline Haddad (‘20) • Mark A. King (‘20) • we invite a donation of $10. On Fri., Dec. 22, we welcome Heinrich Christensen, also covering costs. Get yours today at bit.ly/TrinityParishParty Send donations by Sun., 1/7/2018 Lonsdale Koester (‘19) • Grace Lyons (‘18) • Patricia Lassiter (‘21) • Keith Morgan (‘18) • James Morgan (‘21) • Jill S. Norton (‘21) • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityVestry Director of Music at King’s Chapel, Boston. No recital on 12/29. AT EVENTS UPCOMING ALL SEE ART Winter Book Club & Performance Event The Trinity Choirs are still seeking items for the winter Silent Auction to defray We Need Your Pledge for 2018 Book Discussion: Sunday, January 28, 12:15pm-2pm, Ferris Library the cost of our 2019 England tour. Do you have season tickets, or time in a vaca- TrinityEvents is published biweekly. Events and times are subject to change. For the tion home you’re willing to share? Can you bake a pie or teach a skill? Maybe your facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston Our deepest thanks to all who have made the financial commitment to show This winter our Anti Racism Team is reading Citizen: An American Lyric, the New most up-to-date information, sign up for Trinity Community Update, our weekly email up, step up, and look up in 2018. More than 400 households have made their York Times bestseller by poet and MacArthur Genius Claudia Rankine. Citizen, called favorite restaurant would donate a gift certificate! To donate an item of at least $50 in newsletter, at bit.ly/trinityemails pledge commitments to support Trinity’s ministries in 2018. If you have not yet “a provocative meditation on race,” recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing value, contact Ron Aldridge, [email protected] by Sun., Jan. 7. pledged, Trinity needs you! Trinity’s staff and vestry are shaping our 2018 budget, encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. The group will also Statement of Affirmation Trinity Church in the City of Boston is a congregation of and our ministries depend on your support. Our 2018 annual pledging goal of have the opportunity to participate in Citizen Read, a dynamic project through the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and welcomes and honors everyone. In accor- Do you have information for TrinityEvents, website, or other publications? Send your events, 775 households committing $3M will fund all the ways in which our church ArtsEmerson that includes a public dialogue featuring Claudia Rankine and an op- dance with our baptismal covenant, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every -per will show up, step up, and look up in 2018. To make your pledge today, visit listings, and plans to [email protected]. Deadlines are available at Trinity Events portunity to attend the world premiere of Rankine’s new play, The White Card. (Note: son. We strive to include all persons without regard to sexual orientation, race, nationality, Like us on Facebook: Like

Children’s Homily and Childcare offered Homily during 9 & 11:15 am services. in the Childcare for is available infants and pre-schoolers Children’s they Children worship in K–5th grades with their families; TapestryHall. House in Parish ofNursery the on the second floor located and return Homily at the Peace. beforemay leave the sermon for the Children’s trinitychurchboston.org/publications trinitychurchboston.org/2018-annual-pledge, stop by the Stewardship Table, or fill Space is limited for Citizen Read.) If you plan to participate in the book discussion gender, family configuration, ethnic background, economic circumstances, difference in out a pledge card in the pews or at the entrances to the church. Contact Director of and if you’d like more information about Citizen Read, contact Stephanie Bode ability, culture, or age. Our love and acceptance of each other embody our commitment to Stewardship, Adam Dawkins, [email protected], 617-536-0944. Ward at [email protected] or 617-524-5515. unity with God and each other in Christ.

TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 2 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 3 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 4 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 5 On Sun., Dec. 10, Trinity hosted the annual Alternative Giving the annual Alternative hosted Trinity 10, Dec. On Sun., with visiting animals from and Heifer Fair—complete Market Heifer in the Undercroft. International HIGHLIGHTS LOOKING AHEAD NEW TO TRINITY? HOURS & INFORMATION

P Fast Ways to Spiritual Journeys: Cancer Support Tues., 12/19, 6: 30 pm, Rectory Handel + Haydn Society Jubilee Day Concert 1. Meet a clergyperson after the 9 & 11:15 am services in Sunday Services at Trinity Get Connected Sun., 12/31, 2 pm, Church front of the Baptistry (front-right side of the church). 7:45 am Simple, quiet Holy Eucharist Spiritual Journeys, Trinity’s cancer support group generally meets on the third Tuesday 9 am Community Holy Eucharist with youth Choristers & Choir 2. Stop by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex (by the 3 of the month. If you are coming for the first time, please contact Perry Colmore, perry- On Jan. 1, 1863, Bostonians celebrated the first Jubilee Day, the day on which the 11:15 am Traditional Morning Prayer with Choir; Holy Eucharist first Sundays front doors) on Sunday mornings. [email protected], 617-416-5616 Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As part of First Night 6 pm Come as you are Holy Eucharist; with Choir 3. Look for a Welcome Minister wearing a green button before or after any service. Last-minute Shopping? activities, Handel + Haydn Society, in conjunction with the Museum of African 7:15 pm Sacred Silence: Contemplative Prayer (late services return 1/7/18) 8 pm Compline: Choral music, candlelight, plainsong, silence, peace Support Trinity! American History, will present a concert inspired by that time. Scott Allen Jarrett We look forward to getting to know you! leads members of the H+H Chorus in joyous music, woven together by National Welcome Center Hours: For all newcomers questions, contact Mark Kharas, mkharas@ Weekday Services at Trinity Poetry Slam Champion Regie Gibson, giving power to the Proclamations’s words. trinitychurchboston.org, 617-536-0944 x360 5:45 pm Weds. Choral Evensong with the Trinity Choristers (12/20 only) Sun., 12/17, 10-11 am; Free and open to all. 12:10 pm Thurs. Midday Eucharist with Healing in the Chapel (12/21 only) and 12:30-4:30 pm Epiphanytide Brunch with Children’s Ministries Tues., 12/19-Sat., 12/23, Sun., 1/7/2018, 10 am, Commons Church (last admittance 15 minutes before closing) 10 am-4:30 pm OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE instagram.com/TrinityChurchBoston Come celebrate the feast! Join Children’s Ministries for our annual potluck Epiph- Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-5 pm • Closed Mon. Sun.,12/24-Tues., 12/26 any Brunch, complete with royal visitors. Please bring your favorite side items (e.g., We invite you to share your God-given gifts with the parish, the city, and beyond, by Church Open for Touring Shop and tours closed muffins, bagels, Munchkins, sausages), or contact us for an assignment. We need participating in one of Trinity’s many ministries. You may find that lives—including Sun. 12:15-4:30 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-4:30 pm • Closed Mon. people to make egg stratas, baked cheese grits, and fruit salad; recipes available at your own—will be changed for the better. For a full list and calendar of opportunities, Parish House Looking for a special holiday gift or TRINITYCHURCHBOSTON.ORG/CALENDAR card? Visit the shop located in Trinity’s Welcome Center for a wide range of hol- trinitychurchboston.org/event/epiphanytide-brunch. please visit trinitychurchboston.org/serve Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Mon., Fri. & Sat. 8:30 am-5 pm • Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 8:30 am-9 pm : Faith, Action, and Witness’ of Dorothy Day Dorothy of Witness’ and Action, : Faith, iday stationery and unique merchandise produced by local artists. Every purchase Spiral-cut baked ham is also welcome! Deck the Church for Christmas Services supports our hospitality efforts and church ministries. And for online shopping, use Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected] Contact below for dates and times Senior StaffThe Rev. William W. Rich, Interim Rector • The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel, Associate Rector • The Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector • The Rev. Rita T. Powell, Follow us on Instagram: us on Instagram: Follow smile.amazon.com, where you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and Cabaret, Silent Auction & Parish Party Create and hang greens arrangements or try your hand at decorating with flowers. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Ama- Fri., 1/26/18, 6-9 pm, Undercoft & Church Associate Rector • Adam Dawkins, Director of Stewardship • Patricia Hurley, Director of zon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your designated charity. Select Trinity Help make the church sparkle for Christmas! Communications • Karen Jarret, Director of Facilities • Cathy Portlock Pacitto, Director of SUNDAYS, DECEMBER 17 & 24, 2017 DECEMBER SUNDAYS, Join the Trinity family for an evening of fun and fellowship. The talented Trinity staff Children’s Ministries • Richard Webster, Director of Music • Sarah Wilcox, Senior Parish Sun., 12/17, 10:15 am, Forum Sun., Scott Schaeffer-Duffy & Claire of the Catholic Day present Dorothy will series. to us as part Movement of our Forum Worker’s 24 & 31, 10 am, Church Dec. Sundays, Due to 24. Dec. HolyJoin us for Eucharist Advent Sun., at 10 am on “regular this will be the only Christmas services beginning at 4:30 pm, this day. on Sunday service” please join us again at 10 am for Christmastide Holy 31, Dec. On Sun., 2 At will service. be only worship there one Due to the holiday, Eucharist. For will concert offer their Jubilee Day in the Handel + Haydn church. pm, 3. see page please more on the concert, Church in the City of Boston as your charitable organization of choice. Thank you For dates and times, contact: Jim Carter, [email protected] SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY Series 12 Lives Eucharist Holy of 10 am Service Sundays: Two Next singers will lead us on an evening of Global Travels with music from Scotland, India, Administrator • Louise Burnham Packard, Executive Director of the Trinity Boston Founda- for your support! Rosie’s Place Weds., 12/27, 4 pm, 889 Harrison Ave., Boston Iran, and many other countries. Downstairs enjoy a festive cocktail party and Silent tion • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityStaff Fridays at Trinity Organ Concerts Fridays, 12:15 pm, Church Auction, which will benefit the choir’s 2019 England tour where they will serve as Join our team to prepare and serve an evening meal at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for Vestry Peter Lawrence (‘19), Senior Warden • Mark Morrow (‘21), Junior Warden • Geof- Join us for this weekly series of 30-minute organ concerts featuring innovative choir-in-residence at Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals. women and their children. RSVP to Simone John, [email protected] frey Smith (‘20), Treasurer • Marva Nathan (‘18), Clerk • Thomas Claflin (‘19) • Ralph Cole programs by recitalists from around the world. There is no charge for admission, but Tickets are available at three price points to make this event affordable to all while Send the Choir to England: Donate Items for Silent Auction (‘18) • Colin Diver (‘20) • Listo Fisher (‘19) • Pauline Haddad (‘20) • Mark A. King (‘20) • we invite a donation of $10. On Fri., Dec. 22, we welcome Heinrich Christensen, also covering costs. Get yours today at bit.ly/TrinityParishParty Send donations by Sun., 1/7/2018 Lonsdale Koester (‘19) • Grace Lyons (‘18) • Patricia Lassiter (‘21) • Keith Morgan (‘18) • James Morgan (‘21) • Jill S. Norton (‘21) • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityVestry Director of Music at King’s Chapel, Boston. No recital on 12/29. AT EVENTS UPCOMING ALL SEE ART Winter Book Club & Performance Event The Trinity Choirs are still seeking items for the winter Silent Auction to defray We Need Your Pledge for 2018 Book Discussion: Sunday, January 28, 12:15pm-2pm, Ferris Library the cost of our 2019 England tour. Do you have season tickets, or time in a vaca- TrinityEvents is published biweekly. Events and times are subject to change. For the tion home you’re willing to share? Can you bake a pie or teach a skill? Maybe your facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston Our deepest thanks to all who have made the financial commitment to show This winter our Anti Racism Team is reading Citizen: An American Lyric, the New most up-to-date information, sign up for Trinity Community Update, our weekly email up, step up, and look up in 2018. More than 400 households have made their York Times bestseller by poet and MacArthur Genius Claudia Rankine. Citizen, called favorite restaurant would donate a gift certificate! To donate an item of at least $50 in newsletter, at bit.ly/trinityemails pledge commitments to support Trinity’s ministries in 2018. If you have not yet “a provocative meditation on race,” recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing value, contact Ron Aldridge, [email protected] by Sun., Jan. 7. pledged, Trinity needs you! Trinity’s staff and vestry are shaping our 2018 budget, encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. The group will also Statement of Affirmation Trinity Church in the City of Boston is a congregation of and our ministries depend on your support. Our 2018 annual pledging goal of have the opportunity to participate in Citizen Read, a dynamic project through the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and welcomes and honors everyone. In accor- Do you have information for TrinityEvents, website, or other publications? Send your events, 775 households committing $3M will fund all the ways in which our church ArtsEmerson that includes a public dialogue featuring Claudia Rankine and an op- dance with our baptismal covenant, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every -per will show up, step up, and look up in 2018. To make your pledge today, visit listings, and plans to [email protected]. Deadlines are available at Trinity Events portunity to attend the world premiere of Rankine’s new play, The White Card. (Note: son. We strive to include all persons without regard to sexual orientation, race, nationality, Like us on Facebook: Like

Children’s Homily and Childcare offered Homily during 9 & 11:15 am services. in the Childcare for is available infants and pre-schoolers Children’s they Children worship in K–5th grades with their families; TapestryHall. House in Parish ofNursery the on the second floor located and return Homily at the Peace. beforemay leave the sermon for the Children’s trinitychurchboston.org/publications trinitychurchboston.org/2018-annual-pledge, stop by the Stewardship Table, or fill Space is limited for Citizen Read.) If you plan to participate in the book discussion gender, family configuration, ethnic background, economic circumstances, difference in out a pledge card in the pews or at the entrances to the church. Contact Director of and if you’d like more information about Citizen Read, contact Stephanie Bode ability, culture, or age. Our love and acceptance of each other embody our commitment to Stewardship, Adam Dawkins, [email protected], 617-536-0944. Ward at [email protected] or 617-524-5515. unity with God and each other in Christ.

TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 2 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 3 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 4 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 5 On Sun., Dec. 10, Trinity hosted the annual Alternative Giving the annual Alternative hosted Trinity 10, Dec. On Sun., with visiting animals from and Heifer Fair—complete Market Heifer in the Undercroft. International HIGHLIGHTS LOOKING AHEAD NEW TO TRINITY? HOURS & INFORMATION

P Fast Ways to Spiritual Journeys: Cancer Support Tues., 12/19, 6: 30 pm, Rectory Handel + Haydn Society Jubilee Day Concert 1. Meet a clergyperson after the 9 & 11:15 am services in Sunday Services at Trinity Get Connected Sun., 12/31, 2 pm, Church front of the Baptistry (front-right side of the church). 7:45 am Simple, quiet Holy Eucharist Spiritual Journeys, Trinity’s cancer support group generally meets on the third Tuesday 9 am Community Holy Eucharist with youth Choristers & Choir 2. Stop by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex (by the 3 of the month. If you are coming for the first time, please contact Perry Colmore, perry- On Jan. 1, 1863, Bostonians celebrated the first Jubilee Day, the day on which the 11:15 am Traditional Morning Prayer with Choir; Holy Eucharist first Sundays front doors) on Sunday mornings. [email protected], 617-416-5616 Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As part of First Night 6 pm Come as you are Holy Eucharist; with Choir 3. Look for a Welcome Minister wearing a green button before or after any service. Last-minute Shopping? activities, Handel + Haydn Society, in conjunction with the Museum of African 7:15 pm Sacred Silence: Contemplative Prayer (late services return 1/7/18) 8 pm Compline: Choral music, candlelight, plainsong, silence, peace Support Trinity! American History, will present a concert inspired by that time. Scott Allen Jarrett We look forward to getting to know you! leads members of the H+H Chorus in joyous music, woven together by National Welcome Center Hours: For all newcomers questions, contact Mark Kharas, mkharas@ Weekday Services at Trinity Poetry Slam Champion Regie Gibson, giving power to the Proclamations’s words. trinitychurchboston.org, 617-536-0944 x360 5:45 pm Weds. Choral Evensong with the Trinity Choristers (12/20 only) Sun., 12/17, 10-11 am; Free and open to all. 12:10 pm Thurs. Midday Eucharist with Healing in the Chapel (12/21 only) and 12:30-4:30 pm Epiphanytide Brunch with Children’s Ministries Tues., 12/19-Sat., 12/23, Sun., 1/7/2018, 10 am, Commons Church (last admittance 15 minutes before closing) 10 am-4:30 pm OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE instagram.com/TrinityChurchBoston Come celebrate the feast! Join Children’s Ministries for our annual potluck Epiph- Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-5 pm • Closed Mon. Sun.,12/24-Tues., 12/26 any Brunch, complete with royal visitors. Please bring your favorite side items (e.g., We invite you to share your God-given gifts with the parish, the city, and beyond, by Church Open for Touring Shop and tours closed muffins, bagels, Munchkins, sausages), or contact us for an assignment. We need participating in one of Trinity’s many ministries. You may find that lives—including Sun. 12:15-4:30 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-4:30 pm • Closed Mon. people to make egg stratas, baked cheese grits, and fruit salad; recipes available at your own—will be changed for the better. For a full list and calendar of opportunities, Parish House Looking for a special holiday gift or TRINITYCHURCHBOSTON.ORG/CALENDAR card? Visit the shop located in Trinity’s Welcome Center for a wide range of hol- trinitychurchboston.org/event/epiphanytide-brunch. please visit trinitychurchboston.org/serve Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Mon., Fri. & Sat. 8:30 am-5 pm • Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 8:30 am-9 pm : Faith, Action, and Witness’ of Dorothy Day Dorothy of Witness’ and Action, : Faith, iday stationery and unique merchandise produced by local artists. Every purchase Spiral-cut baked ham is also welcome! Deck the Church for Christmas Services supports our hospitality efforts and church ministries. And for online shopping, use Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected] Contact below for dates and times Senior StaffThe Rev. William W. Rich, Interim Rector • The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel, Associate Rector • The Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector • The Rev. Rita T. Powell, Follow us on Instagram: us on Instagram: Follow smile.amazon.com, where you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and Cabaret, Silent Auction & Parish Party Create and hang greens arrangements or try your hand at decorating with flowers. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Ama- Fri., 1/26/18, 6-9 pm, Undercoft & Church Associate Rector • Adam Dawkins, Director of Stewardship • Patricia Hurley, Director of zon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your designated charity. Select Trinity Help make the church sparkle for Christmas! Communications • Karen Jarret, Director of Facilities • Cathy Portlock Pacitto, Director of SUNDAYS, DECEMBER 17 & 24, 2017 DECEMBER SUNDAYS, Join the Trinity family for an evening of fun and fellowship. The talented Trinity staff Children’s Ministries • Richard Webster, Director of Music • Sarah Wilcox, Senior Parish Sun., 12/17, 10:15 am, Forum Sun., Scott Schaeffer-Duffy & Claire of the Catholic Day present Dorothy will series. to us as part Movement of our Forum Worker’s 24 & 31, 10 am, Church Dec. Sundays, Due to 24. Dec. HolyJoin us for Eucharist Advent Sun., at 10 am on “regular this will be the only Christmas services beginning at 4:30 pm, this day. on Sunday service” please join us again at 10 am for Christmastide Holy 31, Dec. On Sun., 2 At will service. be only worship there one Due to the holiday, Eucharist. For will concert offer their Jubilee Day in the Handel + Haydn church. pm, 3. see page please more on the concert, Church in the City of Boston as your charitable organization of choice. Thank you For dates and times, contact: Jim Carter, [email protected] SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY Series 12 Lives Eucharist Holy of 10 am Service Sundays: Two Next singers will lead us on an evening of Global Travels with music from Scotland, India, Administrator • Louise Burnham Packard, Executive Director of the Trinity Boston Founda- for your support! Rosie’s Place Weds., 12/27, 4 pm, 889 Harrison Ave., Boston Iran, and many other countries. Downstairs enjoy a festive cocktail party and Silent tion • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityStaff Fridays at Trinity Organ Concerts Fridays, 12:15 pm, Church Auction, which will benefit the choir’s 2019 England tour where they will serve as Join our team to prepare and serve an evening meal at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for Vestry Peter Lawrence (‘19), Senior Warden • Mark Morrow (‘21), Junior Warden • Geof- Join us for this weekly series of 30-minute organ concerts featuring innovative choir-in-residence at Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals. women and their children. RSVP to Simone John, [email protected] frey Smith (‘20), Treasurer • Marva Nathan (‘18), Clerk • Thomas Claflin (‘19) • Ralph Cole programs by recitalists from around the world. There is no charge for admission, but Tickets are available at three price points to make this event affordable to all while Send the Choir to England: Donate Items for Silent Auction (‘18) • Colin Diver (‘20) • Listo Fisher (‘19) • Pauline Haddad (‘20) • Mark A. King (‘20) • we invite a donation of $10. On Fri., Dec. 22, we welcome Heinrich Christensen, also covering costs. Get yours today at bit.ly/TrinityParishParty Send donations by Sun., 1/7/2018 Lonsdale Koester (‘19) • Grace Lyons (‘18) • Patricia Lassiter (‘21) • Keith Morgan (‘18) • James Morgan (‘21) • Jill S. Norton (‘21) • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityVestry Director of Music at King’s Chapel, Boston. No recital on 12/29. AT EVENTS UPCOMING ALL SEE ART Winter Book Club & Performance Event The Trinity Choirs are still seeking items for the winter Silent Auction to defray We Need Your Pledge for 2018 Book Discussion: Sunday, January 28, 12:15pm-2pm, Ferris Library the cost of our 2019 England tour. Do you have season tickets, or time in a vaca- TrinityEvents is published biweekly. Events and times are subject to change. For the tion home you’re willing to share? Can you bake a pie or teach a skill? Maybe your facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston Our deepest thanks to all who have made the financial commitment to show This winter our Anti Racism Team is reading Citizen: An American Lyric, the New most up-to-date information, sign up for Trinity Community Update, our weekly email up, step up, and look up in 2018. More than 400 households have made their York Times bestseller by poet and MacArthur Genius Claudia Rankine. Citizen, called favorite restaurant would donate a gift certificate! To donate an item of at least $50 in newsletter, at bit.ly/trinityemails pledge commitments to support Trinity’s ministries in 2018. If you have not yet “a provocative meditation on race,” recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing value, contact Ron Aldridge, [email protected] by Sun., Jan. 7. pledged, Trinity needs you! Trinity’s staff and vestry are shaping our 2018 budget, encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. The group will also Statement of Affirmation Trinity Church in the City of Boston is a congregation of and our ministries depend on your support. Our 2018 annual pledging goal of have the opportunity to participate in Citizen Read, a dynamic project through the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and welcomes and honors everyone. In accor- Do you have information for TrinityEvents, website, or other publications? Send your events, 775 households committing $3M will fund all the ways in which our church ArtsEmerson that includes a public dialogue featuring Claudia Rankine and an op- dance with our baptismal covenant, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every -per will show up, step up, and look up in 2018. To make your pledge today, visit listings, and plans to [email protected]. Deadlines are available at Trinity Events portunity to attend the world premiere of Rankine’s new play, The White Card. (Note: son. We strive to include all persons without regard to sexual orientation, race, nationality, Like us on Facebook: Like

Children’s Homily and Childcare offered Homily during 9 & 11:15 am services. in the Childcare for is available infants and pre-schoolers Children’s they Children worship in K–5th grades with their families; TapestryHall. House in Parish ofNursery the on the second floor located and return Homily at the Peace. beforemay leave the sermon for the Children’s trinitychurchboston.org/publications trinitychurchboston.org/2018-annual-pledge, stop by the Stewardship Table, or fill Space is limited for Citizen Read.) If you plan to participate in the book discussion gender, family configuration, ethnic background, economic circumstances, difference in out a pledge card in the pews or at the entrances to the church. Contact Director of and if you’d like more information about Citizen Read, contact Stephanie Bode ability, culture, or age. Our love and acceptance of each other embody our commitment to Stewardship, Adam Dawkins, [email protected], 617-536-0944. Ward at [email protected] or 617-524-5515. unity with God and each other in Christ.

TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 2 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 3 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 4 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 5 On Sun., Dec. 10, Trinity hosted the annual Alternative Giving the annual Alternative hosted Trinity 10, Dec. On Sun., with visiting animals from and Heifer Fair—complete Market Heifer in the Undercroft. International HIGHLIGHTS LOOKING AHEAD NEW TO TRINITY? HOURS & INFORMATION

P Fast Ways to Spiritual Journeys: Cancer Support Tues., 12/19, 6: 30 pm, Rectory Handel + Haydn Society Jubilee Day Concert 1. Meet a clergyperson after the 9 & 11:15 am services in Sunday Services at Trinity Get Connected Sun., 12/31, 2 pm, Church front of the Baptistry (front-right side of the church). 7:45 am Simple, quiet Holy Eucharist Spiritual Journeys, Trinity’s cancer support group generally meets on the third Tuesday 9 am Community Holy Eucharist with youth Choristers & Choir 2. Stop by the Welcome Desk in the Narthex (by the 3 of the month. If you are coming for the first time, please contact Perry Colmore, perry- On Jan. 1, 1863, Bostonians celebrated the first Jubilee Day, the day on which the 11:15 am Traditional Morning Prayer with Choir; Holy Eucharist first Sundays front doors) on Sunday mornings. [email protected], 617-416-5616 Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln. As part of First Night 6 pm Come as you are Holy Eucharist; with Choir 3. Look for a Welcome Minister wearing a green button before or after any service. Last-minute Shopping? activities, Handel + Haydn Society, in conjunction with the Museum of African 7:15 pm Sacred Silence: Contemplative Prayer (late services return 1/7/18) 8 pm Compline: Choral music, candlelight, plainsong, silence, peace Support Trinity! American History, will present a concert inspired by that time. Scott Allen Jarrett We look forward to getting to know you! leads members of the H+H Chorus in joyous music, woven together by National Welcome Center Hours: For all newcomers questions, contact Mark Kharas, mkharas@ Weekday Services at Trinity Poetry Slam Champion Regie Gibson, giving power to the Proclamations’s words. trinitychurchboston.org, 617-536-0944 x360 5:45 pm Weds. Choral Evensong with the Trinity Choristers (12/20 only) Sun., 12/17, 10-11 am; Free and open to all. 12:10 pm Thurs. Midday Eucharist with Healing in the Chapel (12/21 only) and 12:30-4:30 pm Epiphanytide Brunch with Children’s Ministries Tues., 12/19-Sat., 12/23, Sun., 1/7/2018, 10 am, Commons Church (last admittance 15 minutes before closing) 10 am-4:30 pm OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE instagram.com/TrinityChurchBoston Come celebrate the feast! Join Children’s Ministries for our annual potluck Epiph- Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-5 pm • Closed Mon. Sun.,12/24-Tues., 12/26 any Brunch, complete with royal visitors. Please bring your favorite side items (e.g., We invite you to share your God-given gifts with the parish, the city, and beyond, by Church Open for Touring Shop and tours closed muffins, bagels, Munchkins, sausages), or contact us for an assignment. We need participating in one of Trinity’s many ministries. You may find that lives—including Sun. 12:15-4:30 pm • Tues. through Sat. 10 am-4:30 pm • Closed Mon. people to make egg stratas, baked cheese grits, and fruit salad; recipes available at your own—will be changed for the better. For a full list and calendar of opportunities, Parish House Looking for a special holiday gift or TRINITYCHURCHBOSTON.ORG/CALENDAR card? Visit the shop located in Trinity’s Welcome Center for a wide range of hol- trinitychurchboston.org/event/epiphanytide-brunch. please visit trinitychurchboston.org/serve Sun. 7:30 am-8 pm • Mon., Fri. & Sat. 8:30 am-5 pm • Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 8:30 am-9 pm : Faith, Action, and Witness’ of Dorothy Day Dorothy of Witness’ and Action, : Faith, iday stationery and unique merchandise produced by local artists. Every purchase Spiral-cut baked ham is also welcome! Deck the Church for Christmas Services supports our hospitality efforts and church ministries. And for online shopping, use Contact Cathy Portlock Pacitto, [email protected] Contact below for dates and times Senior StaffThe Rev. William W. Rich, Interim Rector • The Rev. Rainey G. Dankel, Associate Rector • The Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector • The Rev. Rita T. Powell, Follow us on Instagram: us on Instagram: Follow smile.amazon.com, where you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and Cabaret, Silent Auction & Parish Party Create and hang greens arrangements or try your hand at decorating with flowers. convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Ama- Fri., 1/26/18, 6-9 pm, Undercoft & Church Associate Rector • Adam Dawkins, Director of Stewardship • Patricia Hurley, Director of zon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to your designated charity. Select Trinity Help make the church sparkle for Christmas! Communications • Karen Jarret, Director of Facilities • Cathy Portlock Pacitto, Director of SUNDAYS, DECEMBER 17 & 24, 2017 DECEMBER SUNDAYS, Join the Trinity family for an evening of fun and fellowship. The talented Trinity staff Children’s Ministries • Richard Webster, Director of Music • Sarah Wilcox, Senior Parish Sun., 12/17, 10:15 am, Forum Sun., Scott Schaeffer-Duffy & Claire of the Catholic Day present Dorothy will series. to us as part Movement of our Forum Worker’s 24 & 31, 10 am, Church Dec. Sundays, Due to 24. Dec. HolyJoin us for Eucharist Advent Sun., at 10 am on “regular this will be the only Christmas services beginning at 4:30 pm, this day. on Sunday service” please join us again at 10 am for Christmastide Holy 31, Dec. On Sun., 2 At will service. be only worship there one Due to the holiday, Eucharist. For will concert offer their Jubilee Day in the Handel + Haydn church. pm, 3. see page please more on the concert, Church in the City of Boston as your charitable organization of choice. Thank you For dates and times, contact: Jim Carter, [email protected] SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS SUNDAY Series 12 Lives Eucharist Holy of 10 am Service Sundays: Two Next singers will lead us on an evening of Global Travels with music from Scotland, India, Administrator • Louise Burnham Packard, Executive Director of the Trinity Boston Founda- for your support! Rosie’s Place Weds., 12/27, 4 pm, 889 Harrison Ave., Boston Iran, and many other countries. Downstairs enjoy a festive cocktail party and Silent tion • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityStaff Fridays at Trinity Organ Concerts Fridays, 12:15 pm, Church Auction, which will benefit the choir’s 2019 England tour where they will serve as Join our team to prepare and serve an evening meal at Rosie’s Place, a shelter for Vestry Peter Lawrence (‘19), Senior Warden • Mark Morrow (‘21), Junior Warden • Geof- Join us for this weekly series of 30-minute organ concerts featuring innovative choir-in-residence at Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals. women and their children. RSVP to Simone John, [email protected] frey Smith (‘20), Treasurer • Marva Nathan (‘18), Clerk • Thomas Claflin (‘19) • Ralph Cole programs by recitalists from around the world. There is no charge for admission, but Tickets are available at three price points to make this event affordable to all while Send the Choir to England: Donate Items for Silent Auction (‘18) • Colin Diver (‘20) • Listo Fisher (‘19) • Pauline Haddad (‘20) • Mark A. King (‘20) • we invite a donation of $10. On Fri., Dec. 22, we welcome Heinrich Christensen, also covering costs. Get yours today at bit.ly/TrinityParishParty Send donations by Sun., 1/7/2018 Lonsdale Koester (‘19) • Grace Lyons (‘18) • Patricia Lassiter (‘21) • Keith Morgan (‘18) • James Morgan (‘21) • Jill S. Norton (‘21) • Each can be reached at bit.ly/TrinityVestry Director of Music at King’s Chapel, Boston. No recital on 12/29. AT EVENTS UPCOMING ALL SEE ART Winter Book Club & Performance Event The Trinity Choirs are still seeking items for the winter Silent Auction to defray We Need Your Pledge for 2018 Book Discussion: Sunday, January 28, 12:15pm-2pm, Ferris Library the cost of our 2019 England tour. Do you have season tickets, or time in a vaca- TrinityEvents is published biweekly. Events and times are subject to change. For the tion home you’re willing to share? Can you bake a pie or teach a skill? Maybe your facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston facebook.com/TrinityChurchBoston Our deepest thanks to all who have made the financial commitment to show This winter our Anti Racism Team is reading Citizen: An American Lyric, the New most up-to-date information, sign up for Trinity Community Update, our weekly email up, step up, and look up in 2018. More than 400 households have made their York Times bestseller by poet and MacArthur Genius Claudia Rankine. Citizen, called favorite restaurant would donate a gift certificate! To donate an item of at least $50 in newsletter, at bit.ly/trinityemails pledge commitments to support Trinity’s ministries in 2018. If you have not yet “a provocative meditation on race,” recounts mounting racial aggressions in ongoing value, contact Ron Aldridge, [email protected] by Sun., Jan. 7. pledged, Trinity needs you! Trinity’s staff and vestry are shaping our 2018 budget, encounters in twenty-first-century daily life and in the media. The group will also Statement of Affirmation Trinity Church in the City of Boston is a congregation of and our ministries depend on your support. Our 2018 annual pledging goal of have the opportunity to participate in Citizen Read, a dynamic project through the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and welcomes and honors everyone. In accor- Do you have information for TrinityEvents, website, or other publications? Send your events, 775 households committing $3M will fund all the ways in which our church ArtsEmerson that includes a public dialogue featuring Claudia Rankine and an op- dance with our baptismal covenant, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every -per will show up, step up, and look up in 2018. To make your pledge today, visit listings, and plans to [email protected]. Deadlines are available at Trinity Events portunity to attend the world premiere of Rankine’s new play, The White Card. (Note: son. We strive to include all persons without regard to sexual orientation, race, nationality, Like us on Facebook: Like

Children’s Homily and Childcare offered Homily during 9 & 11:15 am services. in the Childcare for is available infants and pre-schoolers Children’s they Children worship in K–5th grades with their families; TapestryHall. House in Parish ofNursery the on the second floor located and return Homily at the Peace. beforemay leave the sermon for the Children’s trinitychurchboston.org/publications trinitychurchboston.org/2018-annual-pledge, stop by the Stewardship Table, or fill Space is limited for Citizen Read.) If you plan to participate in the book discussion gender, family configuration, ethnic background, economic circumstances, difference in out a pledge card in the pews or at the entrances to the church. Contact Director of and if you’d like more information about Citizen Read, contact Stephanie Bode ability, culture, or age. Our love and acceptance of each other embody our commitment to Stewardship, Adam Dawkins, [email protected], 617-536-0944. Ward at [email protected] or 617-524-5515. unity with God and each other in Christ.

TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 2 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 3 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 4 TRINITYEVENTS • 12/17 & 12/24 • 5 On Sun., Dec. 10, Trinity hosted the annual Alternative Giving the annual Alternative hosted Trinity 10, Dec. On Sun., with visiting animals from and Heifer Fair—complete Market Heifer in the Undercroft. International