d ld d ff b served on cold and warm beverages Irish

Cold winter days are the perfect occasion for this recipe.


120 ml 300 ml heavy cream

150 g white chocolate 50 ml

50 ml syrup

medium 15 min. shake 9 times


534.06 kcal

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Melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a water bath. Mix the Irish Cream and heavy cream and heat until the chocolate has completely dissolved in the cream. Pour the mixture through the iSi Funnel & Sieve directly into a 0.5 l iSi Whipper. Screw on 1 iSi Cream Charger and shake vigorously. Cool in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Pour the coffee and hot milk into a glass and top with Irish Cream and heavy cream.

iSi tip

The Irish Cream and heavy cream can be served on both hot and cold coffee beverages.

Double the ingredients for a 1 l iSi Whippers. Screw on 2 iSi Cream Chargers, one after the other. Shake vigorously after attaching each Charger. Halve the ingredients if using a 0.25 l iSi Whipper.

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