THE Underground PRESS


STAFF Some came in search of information, STAFF HBM&S officials addressed a company with historic losses, 5.7 million others to vent their anger in what has poorly attended meeting of over the last 7 years, but the last 2 years increasingly become a war of words. employees, business leaders, community have looked favorably upon the corporation, This appears to be the case even amongst the and town council members in the Snow thanks in part to the Snow Lake operation leadership of the various unions that chaired a Lake Elks Hall, at 1:30 PM on January and higher metal prices. reasonably well attended information meeting in 11/98. Logan Kruger, CEO of HBM&S, the Snow Lake Elk’s Hall, January 14th at 8 PM. The purpose of the meeting was to explained that the prices that have been so The unions explained how they were approached explain the complexities of ‘Project 2012’, good for the past year are on their way with a proposal late last year and went to the table in addition to bringing employees and other down and this is why they feel they must with a company looking to replace their ‘strike/ stakeholders up to speed on the proposal. have a long term commitment from all lockout clause’. In order to convince their parent The officials explained the project’s HBM&S stakeholders. “Prices continually company to invest 1 billion dollars into securing the background, listed the stakeholders and cycle up and down. Investment, from a company’s future until 2012, HBM&S said they stated the goal - a win/win situation for all shareholder’s prospective, has to be on the needed long term labour peace. The company involved. long term in order to guarantee profits. The suggested binding arbitration as the ‘replacement The company wishes to use the window short term doesn’t give us any time to vehicle’ and proposed ‘final offer selection’ as the of opportunity created by its good recover capital costs,” said Kruger. He form it should take. The unions all committed to performance in 96/97, to make a request of went on to say the shareholder’s risk for the the process, and were advised by their respective parent company, South African based project was a 1 billion dollar capital outlay, international leaders to push for ‘interest arbitration’ Minorco, to invest 1 billion dollars into with no guarantee on that investment and to replace their right to strike. This, ultimately, was ‘Project 2012’. the possibility of a 12.79% - 15% return on the agreed to process, but things hung up on the fact Project 2012 is an ambitious proposal that their money. He qualified this statement by that some union leaders felt the company should lists among it’s capital projects: bringing saying it amounted to an expenditure of guarantee the workers jobs and grant some Snow Lake’s Chisel North zinc property on $525,000. per employee. Kruger added, improvements to the pension plan. The company -line; the 777 project at Callinan Mine in “Capital expenditures and debt are so high, said, that while considering employee rights, they Flin Flon; acquisition or discovery of a 10 we just can’t afford to have a work stoppage would limit ‘contracting out’ as long as it made million ton orebody; increased capacity at and still show a return on investment.” good business sense, and pensions would have to be the Zinc Plant and addressing the smelter In order to have a chance at succeeding, talked about at negotiations time. “They weren’t spill gas situation. the officials said they needed agreements on offering any carrots; they said ‘2012’ would sell Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting is a (SEE PLANS on page 3) itself,” said USWA Staff Rep., Bob Imire. Blair Sapergia, IAM President says, “There aren’t any fence-sitters on this one, you’re either here or there. The company is playing on that, CONSTRUCTION AT HERB TOWN because they want you to buy it.” He adds, “This is a big deal. They want it bad. They’ll either get it, or blame someone else for its failing.” STAFF Pete Durand, Ralph Bryenton and wharf. Discussions have been ongoing Sapergia says he won’t recommend the proposal George Bartlett all tied their since early ‘97 and should be finalized once to his membership; he won’t even recommend they freighters to it. George Cann’s 40 foot the deck is constructed in March of ‘98. vote on it. He says that they talk contract language steam boat rested next to its cribbing after Tenders will be received until February 5/98 and letters of understanding all the time, within the many a trip across ‘the big lake’. It was the and the project must be completed by March confines of the contract. “But it’s always been first landmark a new miner saw coming to 22/98. understood that we discuss these things at the work in the Rex/Laguna, Bingo and Faro Once the life line of Herb Town, the wharf executive level and at the table; if we don’t agree, Mines, and the last one he saw leaving. has, of late, fallen into disrepair. Well over that’s as far as it goes,” said Sapergia. “If we vote Yes, the dock at Herb Town has likely been twenty years have passed since any work on something ‘they’ bring forward, they can make there since the Rex Mine first opened in was done on it. “I was across to Herb Town us vote on anything. If they want changes to the 1917. It and Herb Town have been a part of a couple times last summer, all the boards contract, get executive approval first.” the Snow Lake area history since those early on top of the dock are rotting or broken,” IBEW President, Tony Pickering disagrees with days, and will apparently figure in the area’s says local lodge owner, Tony Brew. Sapergia when he compares this proposal with mere future as well. “Actually, there’s not much of anything left letters of understanding. “I feel this is big enough The Town of Snow Lake is about to take over there, I noticed the roof had caved in that everyone should have a say. You can argue on ownership of the dock at Herb Town, but on one of the last buildings that was that the right to strike is motherhood to unions, but I not before the Federal Department of standing the last time I was out,” adds Brew. say it’s democracy, and that’s why I say we should Fisheries and Oceans pay for the The dock and Herb Town itself figure into (SEE UNION on page 3) replacement of the deck on the historic (SEE DOCK on page 7) Page 2 THE Underground PRESS February, 1998

presentation to interested citizens. ED IT O R IA L ~**~ Had an e-mail from John Qua, saying he and Karen had been in to s a helpless mother watches in horror, her 15 year old son is visit Ernie Ramstead at the HSC in Winnipeg. Ernie is all done with stabbed repeatedly on their front porch, because he wouldn’t operations and hopefully on the mend. If you’re out there reading this give up his ‘brand name’ jacket. Ernie, you get well and get back here real soon. Rick is trying hard for A 22 year old store clerk is shot, point blank in the face, simply that job of yours. ;-) because he had the guts to chase after a coward with a shotgun. . ~**~ These are 2 instances of the carnage that is becoming all too familiar Thanks to the Pee Wee parents (and Gator) that helped me fold the in Manitoba. One continuously wonders how people can sink so low paper last month. as to have complete disregard for another’s existence? How a person ~**~ can be so cold and heartless that they show no mercy or concern for Welcome to, Japanese exchange student , Yukiko Hakashima. anyone or anything? Then... right when you think, “What’s this world coming too?” A light shines through, and its beam warms the heart. Two stories of caring , concern and honesty were relayed to me this past month. They not only involve acts of kindness, but are ‘proof positive’ that people still help people without thought of personal gain or remuneration. Dear Editor: Sharon and Wayne McKay and their family were traveling back I am responding to your editorial about Snow Lake's future. from Winnipeg, just before Christmas. During a roadside break, a Sometimes from a distance things have a different perspective. carrying case with 8 CD’s in it fell out of their truck and they I am writing stories from the ghost town of Herb Lake, which is a unknowingly drove off without it. Their daughter, Lindsy, noticed it short distance from Snow Lake. I don't see a comparison between Herb was missing by the time they arrived home and was understandably Lake and Snow Lake and that is probably a good thing. upset about losing part of her music collection. The major mine at Herb Lake, the Laguna, closed in 1939, mainly The first week of January brought a phone call to the McKay home because of a shortage of manpower brought on by the Second World from Tisdale, Saskatchewan. A couple returning home from War. My folks moved to Herb Lake in 1947 and the town was Simonhouse Lake had found Lindsey’s CD’s and case along the road, booming, partly because of other mines, and partly because of the and left them at ‘Fiddlers Corner’ for the McKays to pick up. Seems exploration work that was going on. Herb Lake died in the 1950s and Lindsy has a habit of marking her belongings with her name and by the early 60s there was only a handful of people living there. address, and this ‘Saskatchewan couple’ have a habit of being honest There were social factors involved in the collapse of this community. and neighborly. In the late 50s and early 60s people wanted material things. Herb On December 31st, Jack and Joanne Roberts stood outside their Lake's electricity was limited to a few light bulbs. There was no sewer home, watching the smoke billow out as the Snow Lake Fire system or indoor plumbing. There was no road system, except a 5 mile Department did their job. They both wondered where they would live road to the Faro mine. The school was small. When the mines closed, until the damage could be repaired. As they watched and wondered, a the only options the people had was to leave or go trapping, fishing or New Britannia vehicle drove up. An official of the mine got out. prospecting. Walked over to the couple and after offering the companys’ It must be very difficult in Snow Lake with the uncertainties, but I condolences, gave Jack the keys to a furnished suite in ‘D’ Block. tend to think positive that Snow Lake will survive. I believe that the “Everyone has done so much,” Joanne Roberts explained. “After community will find other ways to continue to prosper. You have a hours spent putting out the fire, the firemen stayed and carried out community that is worth fighting to save and I intend to come back for clothes and belongings, till the wee hours. And if that wasn’t enough, the 100th reunion. they brought a crib from Kerelation’s and had it all set up for us when we got back to the apartment that night.” Linda Butler (Vance) Roberts says the support has been ongoing and overwhelming. Cornerview was over the next day with a box of diapers for baby Austin, and food, phonecalls and offers of help have been non-stop. “Only in Snow Lake,” she adds. NEVER PET A BURNING DOG! In view of the last two instances and in consideration of the first two, ~ WISE ADVICE FROM GATOR EASTMAN it’s reassuring to see that people can still treat others with the concern and care all human beings owe one another. ~**~ In last month’s “Citizens of The Month” I mistakenly identified Craig Mihalicz as one of the fine gents who look after the Brentwood THE Underground PRESS outdoor rink. Although Craig is a fairly decent guy in his own right, its Snow Lake, Manitoba, is a monthly, independent his brother, Kevin, who helps look after the Brentwood rink. Sorry newspaper. Craig, and cheers to Kevin! ~**~ EDITOR: Marc W. Jackson Welcome to our new Recreation Director, Leanne Mihalicz, and Supported by many local contributors. thanks to the Town for seeing the wisdom of creating and hiring her into this long needed position. ***Articles, letters and comments welcome*** ~**~ Economic Development Officer, Don Malinowski tells me he has Correspondence: Box 492, Snow Lake, MB, R0B 1M0 Jack Dubois, from the Museum of Man and Nature, coming up in the Phone: (204)358-2887 next month or so. He will talk ‘BATS’ with the children at the school. email: [email protected] Don hopes to schedule a public meeting in the evening to make a February, 1998 THE Underground PRESS Page 3

“ACCORDING TO occasion. Then again, the largest contingent at the meeting were those ERNIE” who sat and listened. Perhaps they were enlightened by some of the fiery exchanges, or perhaps they’d already made up their minds. “RICK” by: Guest Columnist Rick Leclair Discussions will take place in various union halls from January 15th to the 19th. By the time the presses roll on this issue of the I should never have started this ‘Team of the Month’ thing. No Underground Press, there will either have been decisions made, more sooner was the paper out and the Pee Wees were on my case. If it’s discussions, or the proposal will have been withdrawn. any consolation, you were a close second! But this month, winning a tournament in Thompson, you get the nod. Ricky Stabback had a good weekend, winning tournament MVP. The longer you play hockey, or any team sport, the more important (PLAN from page 1) the ‘after the game thing’ gets. In fact, I’ve kicked the idea around of all 14 of the separate projects within ‘2012’. Peter Jones, Vice inviting Mr. Crone and even Mr. Southern to sit in our Rec. Hockey President of Mining for HBM&S, stated. “There was a tremendous dressing room, and follow-up with another book. The name could be effort put into this project by all those involved, and substantial progress ‘Lies and Bull___!’ Remember the time Ted Stabback took that has been made by all 14 of the groups, thirteen of which have been penalty shot in Cranberry... totally and successfully completed.” He added, “Commitment to labour The Norman Winter Games take place this weekend; January 24 - 26 has reached the final offer from the company.” in The Pas. We have some figure skaters, volleyball players and Pee Long term labour peace appears imperative to the project, as officials Wee hockey players going, but I haven’t heard of anyone else. stated that ‘2012’ will not proceed without it. The corporation and Snow Lake now has a Rec. Director to help existing clubs with unions went about trying to attain a long term commitment using two funding, etc. and perhaps help organize new clubs. Who knows, Terry approaches; trying to negotiate a 15 year agreement, and when it Hornyak’s dream of a sponge hockey league could come true. became apparent that wouldn’t work, negotiating every 3 years with Ila Doak and Cathy Stabback have organized Bantam curling for the ‘binding arbitration’ replacing the strike/lockout clause. Both the kids in Grade 4 - 6. I bet they didn’t expect to have 40 + kids show up! company and union preferred different interpretations of binding Looks like it’s a big hit and well organized. arbitration. HBM&S was partial to something called ‘Final Offer A few of us were talking about snow boarders and how popular it is. Selection’. This process would have seen both groups negotiating until The old ski hill would be perfect. Maybe with a little modification... they could go no further. The final positions would then be submitted who knows, the old lift could be set up again! to a board made up of a company rep., a union rep. and an independent chairperson, and they would pick one or the other and impose it on the parties. The union’s preference, and the process that was eventually TVX GOLD IN STRONG agreed upon, was ‘interest arbitration’, still involving company and FINANCIAL POSITION union reps with an independent chair. This procedure would see each side making a presentation to the Arbitration Board. The board would The Financial Post labeled TVX Gold, a company which requires then come up with an agreement that could be made up of both final being "watched" in it's Saturday, January 17, 1998 edition. Incorrectly positions as well as bringing outside articles such as CPI and other so, says a January 19,1998 memorandum issued by Nesbitt Burns industry settlements into the mix. “In addition to this, the parties could Research. "We believe that TVX Gold Inc. is in a relatively strong still use mediation/arbitration, single person arbitration, or final offer financial position. It has about US $73 million in working capital. Its selection. But failing that, interest arbitration would settle the contract,” debt situation, at this time, is mostly represented by its 5% Gold Linked said Dale Powell, Vice President of Human Resources for HBM&S. Convertible Debentures which does not mature until 2002," said the Powell made it quite clear that arbitration would be used as a last memorandum. resort and not as a substitute for the collective bargaining process. He Nesbitt Burns feel any significant sell-off in the stock caused by the also insisted that things would revert back to the present agreement if article should be considered as an opportunity to buy. TVX is rated 3 ‘Project 2012’ was canceled or didn’t proceed. In summation Powell with a target price of US $3.20 or C $4.60. said, “The union’s response to this has been mixed, with the staff local The memo goes on to add, "If the worst-case scenario were to strike voting on the proposal on Wednesday, and the two other unions not TVX - ie., the loss of property in excess of US $40 million, the result committed to vote.” When asked why the unions were balking at would be default of the 5% Gold Linked Convertible Notes. In this signing on, Powell replied, “It’s my view they are looking for carrots or case, the company would be forced to liquidate its hedge position sweeteners.” (value US $200 million) or lever one or more of its interests in a mine. A short question and answer period ended the meeting. One question We are of the opinion that the company has the capacity to deal with asked was “Why is the company putting us under the gun to make a this type of scenario." decision?” Kruger's rely was, “Nobody puts anyone under the gun. Short term metal prices put people under the gun.” Powell closed out the meeting after stating, “The difference for me (UNION from page 1) between now and the last time I stood before you in this hall, is this vote.” time we have the choice of going 15 years down the road, rather than Brian Shapka, Vice President of USWA 8262, says that although he shutting down in 2 years.” He added, “Everyone must have a say.” doesn’t personally recommend the proposal, he feels “the men should Judging from the latest infromation on the proposal, the employees have the right to make up their own minds.” had better have their say soon. HBM&S has set February 2/98 as the The largest local in Flin Flon, USWA 7106, are not recommending deadline for acceptance. the proposal either; they have yet to decide if they will have a vote. On the other hand the USWA Staff & Clerical Workers accepted the proposal by 92%, with a 82% turnout for the vote. After the explanation of the proposal and exchange of positions on it, the meeting went into a question and answer mode. Those who were against the proposal were vocal, but those who favored it rose to the Page 4 THE Underground PRESS February, 1998 ~ “FAREWELL” ~

Former longtime resident of Snow Lake, Helen Pawluk, passed away suddenly, Saturday December 13, 1997 in Fort McMurray, Alberta at HAS YOUR GROUP GOT AN ACTIVITY OR EVENT COMING UP NEXT the age of 75. A funeral service was held December 20, 1997 at Our MONTH? LET THE PEOPLE OF SNOW LAKE KNOW! WRITE TO US Lady of the Snows Catholic Church in Snow Lake followed by AT BOX 492, OR CALL US AT 358-2887. interment at Brookside Cemetery in Snow Lake. If friends so desire, donations in Helen's memory may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba. Legion Bingo, In the Legion Hall Thursday nights, at 7:00 PM.

The Snow Lake Town Council will meet on the 6th & 20th of February at 7:00 Wayne Robert Campbell formerly of Snow Lake died suddenly, PM, in the Council Chambers at the Town Office. January 16th, in Campbell River, B.C. at the age of 41. A memorial service was held in Flin Flon on January 27th. The School Board will meet on the 6th & 20th of February , at 7:00 PM, in the School Board Office. Lindsey Stephen, passed away accidently Thursday, January 1, 1998 in Snow Lake, at the age of 17 years. A funeral service was held Al Anon meets Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Book Nook at the Christian January 7, 1998 in the Gordon Doak Gymnasium of the Joseph H. Kerr Center. Phone: 358-7168 or 358-2859 for more information. School. The service was followed by internment at Brookside

Elks Bingo happens every Sunday night between the hours of 6:30 PM and 8:00 Cemetary in Snow Lake. PM at the Elk’s Hall.

Regular Monthly PAC Meeting will take place in the J.H. Kerr School Multi- Citizens of The Month Purpose Room on February 26th at 7:00 PM.

Grad '98 and Paris '98 students will be coming to your door January 28th - The Town Crew! We got a pretty good dumping of snow February 11th selling 'Mom's Pantry' frozen and bulk foods. If you are missed, right before Christmas, and it was all cleaned up the day after it please phone Lynn. (2828) Thank you for your support! fell. This was possible because two of these guys went in and worked even though they were on holidays. And none of them are adverse to going in an hour and a half early when the job SPARTANS requires it. Snow Lake has got the best snow removal in To play the sport, to skate, to dream, CANADA, and the boys on the Town Crew all deserve a pat on not all for one, but as a team. The Snow Lake Spartans play as unit, a well oiled machine, no need to tune it. NEW BRITANNIA MINE

No worry about goals in every frame EXCEEDS 1997 TARGETS they just hit the ice and play the game. If they heed the coaches' astute advice, those goals will come and without a price. High River Gold High River Gold Mines Ltd. is pleased to report Press Release excellent production and exploration results in 1997 The players are learning and make mistakes, from it’s 50%-owned New Britannia Mine; TVX Gold the coaches are fair, they'll give them breaks. Inc. (TSE:TVX) owns the remaining 50% and is the operator. The fans may gripe about a chance gone by, Gold production for 1997 was 91,415 ounces exceeding the plan target but then praise the players' will to try. of 85,000 ounces, an increase of 34% over the previous year. The production plan for 1998 is for 92,500 ounces. All performance targets for the year were exceeded. They're rough and ready, they bump and grind, Cash operating cost per ounce continued to decline throughout the but never a thought to hit from behind. year and averaged US $274 (total cash cost of US $279) for the full Sure they might get mad and their tempers may flare, year, which was on target. Cash operating cost per ounce for 1998 is ‘cause they play with passion, but always fair. planned to average US $255 (total cash cost of US $260). During the third quarter, New Britannia achieved it’s objective of having ore They enter tournaments across the north, developed a full year ahead of mining with six months of ore drilled out. and forever travel back and forth. This advanced development provides the flexibility to optimize both They go for the game, but usually win, production and costs in 1998 and beyond. and bring back hardware from where they've 'bin. The results of an aggressive underground drilling program, costing $3 million, exceeded all expectations. The 1997 exploration program on the 3000 foot level consisted of 1641 feet (500 metres) of drifting and They know that teamwork gets the job done, 49,563 feet (15,110 metres) of diamond drilling in 88 holes. that it makes things easier and always fun. The exploration program confirmed continuity of both the Dick and They know doing their best could bring a shot at fame, Ruttan Zones from 2300 level down to the limit of drilling on the 3150 but above all else, "it's how 'ya play the game." foot level. Both structures are open at depth and show good continuity (SEE TARGETS on page 6) February, 1998 THE Underground PRESS Page 5

by Marc ~**~ THE CHAMBERS Jackson Well, just about enough of that, I think. Back to the way it was before, and should be. Mayor Samborski called the Jan. 20th meeting of council to order. I made the following statement in last month’s Chambers column. Those in attendance were: Councilors Dutka, Margetson, Mayer and “There seems to be some animosity between the town and Hi-Track, Administrator Dunning. Absent: Councilors Booth, Ramstead and Polh. (the company the town buys parts for most of their machinery from) but Before the regular meeting began a public meeting took place, dealing obviously not enough for them to take their business elsewhere.” I was with the closure of the lane behind Dr. McLeod’s home. No one informed of the reason the town buys all their parts there. “It’s because appeared for or against the closure, but caveats were placed by both the town’s machinery is all so old and antiquated, that this is the only MTS and Hydro. Third reading of the closure by-law was suspended supplier they can find.” Perhaps by trading all current equipment and pending entering into an agreement with both. leasing in the future, repair problems such as these could be averted. Mr. Gary Zamzow, representing the 50th Committee, appeared as a ~**~ delegation before council. The purpose of this appearance was to I thought this month, for a special treat, I’d give you all a little taste of present the council with a plaque in recognition of the part they played the informality of a council meeting. in the celebration. Lawrence called the Jan. 6th meeting of council to order at 7 PM. The Recreation Committee Report was received for filing. The Those in attendance were: Ken, John, Brian, Dave, Connie and Chuck committee dealt with 2 requests at their Jan. 16th meeting: 1) a request Absent: Ernie to turn on the heaters in the arena stands, for an event; 2) a request for The Town Foreman’s Report was received for filing. Art reports he reduced ice rental fees for groups hosting regional or provincial events. replaced a clutch cylinder on the grader. The part cost approximately The committee recommended that: 1) the request to turn the heaters on $1000. be denied, because of the possibility of exceeding Hydro demand; 2) all The Utility Maintenance Report was received for filing. Dave noted ice time, outside regularly scheduled time, be charged at applicable that the ‘solids’ count at the sewage treatment plant has been trending rates (As the heaters in the arena stands have only been used once in the upwards over the past 3 months. Chuck was instructed to see if the past 7 years, council stated they planned to have them taken out). operator(s) could bring it down. The Fire Chief’s Report was received for filing. The Chief states that The Administrator’s Report was received for filing. Chuck asked for the New Year’s Eve fire on Lakeshore Dr. was the first fire for many and received permission to attend a tax sale seminar in Thompson on members. He added that their response time (6 minutes) and action on January 19th. Chuck reports no complaints have been received, so far, the fire, proved that their training has really paid off. in regard to the lane closing behind Neil’s residence. If no complaints The Administrator’s report was received for filing. The annual are received prior to the January 20th meeting of council, they will MAUM convention will take place in Winnipeg on April 3 - 6. proceed with 2nd and 3rd readings of the by-law which will close the Councilor Dutka and, possibly, the Mayor will attend. Mr. Dunning lane. If complaints are received, they will either scrap the by-law, or stated that 2 bids had been received on the property at 148 Willow give it 2nd reading and notify the complainants and the municipal board Cres., and that a letter had been received withdrawing one of them. of hearings on the matter. The initial survey of the Taylor Bay cabin Council seemed to be in a bit of a quandary, as a reserve bid and subdivision has been completed and the Provincial Environment property re-commissioning conditions had not been in place prior to Department have received all 1997 test reports on the sewage treatment advertising the tender. Dunning advised that they could still set a plant (needed to determine if the plant is capable of handling the extra reserve bid before opening the only tender, but they couldn’t set load that will be placed on it once this subdivision is inhabited). Chuck conditions on whether the home had to be renovated or brought up to recommends that the access road to the subdivision be moved before certain standards. After discussing various options, it was decided that final plans are approved. At present it branches off of the Berry Bay a reserve bid of taxes owing ($2477.20) would be placed on this access road well into that subdivision. Rather than burden those property and that future tenders would have conditions decided before residents with the added traffic, Chuck suggested the Taylor Bay road they went to the paper. (I understood this to be policy when I was on branch off right after the main access from PTH 392. Council agreed. council, and I would have assumed it’d be firmly entrenched policy Under Accounts, Chuck was requested to check the difference in rates after the problems and court cases involved in past tenders.) The tender between ‘MTS and ‘Sharetel’ and report back to council. (of $2000.00 from Patrick Hicks) was opened and council declined it A resolution was passed employing Leanne as a Recreation Director pending further discussions with Mr. Hicks. for the Town of Snow Lake, effective Jan 5th. Under Correspondence, the RCMP informed the town of their new In other matters. Dave stated “Apparently people other than firemen wider ranging communications system, adding that the downside of this can enter the ‘Redman Bonspiel’.” He prodded the Protection will be that all forwarded calls (from 358-7722) will now be re-routed Committee to enter a team, or failing that come up with a to Winnipeg rather than Thompson. To take place in late ‘98. recommendation for a donation to the annual bonspiel. Brian informed In Other Matters, council approved the Recreation Director’s request council of the Annual General Meeting of The Norman Regional to order indoor soccer balls, basketballs, frisbees and other equipment, Development Corporation, in Thompson on Feb. 6th and 7th. He that will be paid for with a half and half grant. Council stated that they added, “I’d like to go please.” A resolution was passed allowing his preferred that the 50th Committee’s large community appreciation and Lawrence’s attendance. Brian stated he would be speaking up in plaque be placed above the light switches in the rotunda of the hall. regard to and on behalf of the Grass River Tourism Corridor at this The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. meeting. Connie said she had noted trucks using the trail to the east of the lift station at the end of Crystal St., (next to Arnie’s house) as a road through to the Trailer Court. “I saw 2 girls walking on the trail shortly before a truck drove through on it” Connie fears there will eventually be an accident and added, “It should be blocked.” Council instructed Chuck to have Art block it. Ken asked that something be done about the lights on Main (Elm) St. and Lakeshore Drive. “Three quarters of the lights on Main St. don’t work, the other quarter are burned out and half the lights on Lakeshore stay on all day,” said Ken. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM Page 6 THE Underground PRESS February, 1998

Much as I dislike the whole issue of New Year's resolutions, there is by Rebecca a place, I think, for human will and determination. As mentioned in an Ainsworth Lifestyle earlier column here, we all --as human beings-- have made bad choices at various times and places in our lives. When I reach the beginning of a fresh new year, I tend to pause and think a little more than usual "Why the big noise, nations? about what is really important in my life, and about which direction I Why the mean plots, peoples? really want to keep moving in. Earth-leaders push for position, Recent times in Snow Lake have probably reminded all of us of the Demagogues and delegates meet for summit talks, fragility of life, and that none of us even know if we will see tomorrow. The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers: Our physical life could be snuffed out at any moment. This ultimate 'Let's get free of God! "lack of control" on my part, is what brings me to serious thoughts Cast loose from Messiah!' about how I live out each day on this planet called Earth. Heaven-throned God breaks out laughing. What are my true goals? What things or issues are really important At first he's amused at their presumption; to me? What path do I want to be walking (or running) on? Then he gets good and angry. The reason I keep coming back to scripture is because God's holy Furiously he shuts them up: word is truth. It's like a solid-rock foundation to build my life on. I 'Don't you know there's a King in Zion? A coronation came to know this only after more-than-enough miserable years of banquet is spread for him on the holy summit.' floundering around on my own. The contrast is a vivid one.

With God as the Lord/Boss/Master of my life, I am provided with . . . So, rebel-kings, use your heads; whatever I need to carry out his plan for me. Not that I don't often fall Upstart-judges, learn your lesson: down and make a mess of things (I do), but he is always there to pick Worship God in adoring embrace, me up and get me going again. He is there to fill me with hope, Celebrate in trembling awe. Kiss Messiah! meaning, and purpose. Your very lives are in danger, you know; My fellow Snow Laker, what kind of choices and decisions have you His anger is about to explode, made lately? Remember those thoughts of long-ago King David, "...If But if you make a run for God--you won't regret it!" you make a run for God -- you won't regret it!" (From "Psalm 2," as paraphrased in The Message by Eugene H. Peterson)

snowmobile ridden by her 12 and 19 year old brothers. Though she DECEMBER ‘97 POLICE REPORT was wearing a helmet, it did not offer enough protection to save her by: Corporal Roy Fenwick when she and the tube hit a tree stump near the family residence. Thirty percent of the reports to this office were of an assistance nature. S/S/CST Wiwcharuk worked 32 hours this month. Next December was a relatively quiet month with this office entering into Provincial Judges Court is scheduled for February 24th. 47 investigations. MATTERS OF VIOLENCE There were no matters of violence reported this month. One matter of a family dispute, largely between the father and a son, was looked (TARGETS from page 4) into. The family members were assisted to come to a mutual of the economic gold mineralization with either consistent or increasing understanding with no further police involvement needed. grade, strike and thickness. The Ruttan Zone also remains open to the MATTERS INVOLVING PROPERTY east along strike. The ore reserves as of December 31, 1997 are Twenty-one matters of property were dealt with. Included in these currently being calculated and will be available by late January. were six motor vehicle collisions and accidents, one of which was The strike length of the Dick and Ruttan ore zones on the 3000 foot between snowmobiles. Four complaints were received relating to the level currently exceeds 1740 feet (540 metre), with the Ruttan Zone property renovations at 100 Birch Ave. All matters were deemed not still open to the east. The New Britannia deposit has shown itself to be to be in the area of criminal law and it has again been suggested that a relatively thick orebody with good vertical and horizontal continuity this matter be dealt with in a civil court. Two intrusion alarms were and with grade and width increasing at depth. The ore zone structures answered and one false fire complaint in 'D' Block was received. One remain open at depth and show every indication that they will continue Vandalism, one NSF cheque and seven other complaints relating to to considerable depth below the 3000 foot level. property checks, loud music, insecure property and found property There is now every expectation that the Joint Venture and the Town were dealt with. of Snow Lake will benefit from a long life orebody at New Britannia. OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST The mine will continue to benefit from forward sales of 81,000 Twenty-five other matters resulted from police contacts. This ounces of gold at an average price of US $465 per ounce in 1998 and includes fifteen traffic violations, three firearm applications, one 13,000 ounces at US $481 per ounce in the first quarter of 1999. complaint of dogs running loose, one complaint of a vehicle driving High River is extremely pleased with the performance of the New down the pipeline walkway and one request to assist in a search for Britannia operating team. Not only has the technical performance been overdue snowmobilers/fishermen. excellent, but the team has continued its outstanding safety record as I will also touch briefly on the first occurrence of 1998. A few well. minutes after midnight, January 1st, Lindsey STEPHEN suffered injuries that resulted in her death following a recreational accident. She was reportedly riding on a rubber inner tube, being towed by a February, 1998 THE Underground PRESS Page 7

place, leaving trucks as the alternative. Yes, it's that time of year again. Today I will check the weather by: Janet & reports, looking for that elusive zero percent chance of precipitation. In Tom Hilliard a few days I will have to climb back into my trusty little front-wheel On the Outside drive, and once again spend four hours jousting with trucks. And I will begin to hate them, again... I don't think my brain is working very well lately. I've been racking it for days, only to come up with annoying drivel that has no use as a column for The Underground Press. The only thing upon which I can think to blame this mental block is the impending birth of my second child. When I was pregnant with my three-year-old daughter, the big joke was the research which had shown that women's brains shrink (DOCK from page 1) during pregnancy and then return to normal afterward. Never heard the Town of Snow Lake’s long term tourism plans. It has been the goal the end of that one! Well, ha ha. A new study has shown that "men's" of many tourism plans and proposals to build up the community of Herb brains shrink "throughout their lives". Now that explains something. Town again, and offer boat tours over to those who want to experience My rant is over. I look forward to my brain returning to its the rich history of the town as well as hear stories of its sudden demise. phenomenal size. Until then, please settle for the rather masculine rant Once a bustling community of 800 people, most drifted away when its of my "Guest Speaker" substitute: my dear, sweet, increasingly simple mines closed. It is said the occupants of one residence left so quickly husband, Tom...... that their dishes were still on the kitchen table. The town presently has Well, it's that time of year again. Blizzards, freezing rain, snow (and only 1 or 2 permanent residents, but many call it home and visit salt) covered roads. If you have driven in Ontario in winter, you know whenever the chance arises. what I mean. The time of year when I really start to hate trucks again. Chuck Dunning, Administrator for the Town of Snow Lake, says the Once a week, I get in my little car and drive 400 kilometres from Town will take over the ownership of the dock, because if they don’t it North Bay to Cochrane, so I can catch the bus that takes me to Detour will ultimately be torn down. “If that happened it would negate the Lake Mine. It is on these weekly pilgrimages that I get into my rants tourism potential council feels Herb Town has,” said Dunning. about trucks. I'm not talking about your average pickup truck. I mean the big ones: tractor trailers. Highway 11 north is the major truck route through northern Ontario. The problem is, those big suckers seem to take up more and more road as winter sets in. By this time of year, they have one wheel running REC REVIEW ~ by Leanne Mihalicz right down the yellow line. The sight of a little Toyota coming towards them gives them nothing to move over for. Why, if they hit Snow Lakers seem to have recovered quickly from all the Christmas me, it probably wouldn't feel like much more than a speed bump. gatherings, not to mention the food and drink, and now back into the Each time I meet one of these behemoths, I am momentarily blinded, swing at work and at play! The month of January has been filled with as my windshield is coated in a splash of water, slush, and salt. The much activity, and I know the recreation clubs and committees in town wind blast threatens to jar something loose. Three or four in a row are well underway with their plans for February events. make me feel like the S.S. Poseidon, except this ain't the Over the last 3 weeks, I have been trying to become familiar with all Mediterranean. the active groups and programs in the community. Since many fall and The other version is when I am in front of some Kenworth winter programs have already started, most of the projects I will be juggernaut. There's nothing like seeing a bunch of vertical lines in promoting will be short term and special events, until next fall when the your rear-view mirror, then realizing that it is the grill of a 60-ton pile new schedule comes out. Nevertheless, many opportunities and plans of metal and logs and freshly packed wheel bearings that could leave for programs are developing now and will continue throughout the you looking like a smeared piece of roadkill. I just pray I don't have to spring and summer. For instance, beginning in February there will be a stop suddenly. ten-week program for kids called Sport Smorg, and over the Spring During these encounters I’m quietly composing letters to the Break there will be a fun-filled week of kid’s activities. Also, I’m very Minister of Transportation. I have all sorts of arguments that make it excited about starting a Youth Leadership Program that would involve seem obvious that the solution is to ban tractor-trailers from the supporting an environment that allows the youth in Snow Lake to have highways. Even Johnny Cochrane, of O.J.'s crack defence team, an active role in the development of recreation projects. Along with an couldn't contest this. Just let him take one trip during a February abundance of kid’s programs, I am planning both adult and family blizzard in a sardine can on wheels, up through moose country. events for the upcoming months. I will strive to effectively inform Oh yeah, ban them. Ban them all. Just think of the money taxpayers people of program and event details through various channels such as: would save on road repairs alone. You can't tell me you haven't driven the newspapers, channel 14, posters and word of mouth. in those double ruts between Ponton and Thompson, and thought about While some of these projects are being planned mainly by myself, it how the government is going to avoid fixing northern roads again this is my goal to work in partnership with others in the community. year. This country would have an absolutely superb rail system in Therefore, I have already approached some people with project ideas place, if only someone had had the foresight fifty years ago to that we can undertake together; however, I encourage anyone in the say,"Hey, I've got an idea! Lets keep freight on rails. Let's let the community with a project idea to come to me. Furthermore, if you have railways look after their own maintenance, so taxpayers don't have to a particular interest in any of these areas or would just like to get pay for road repairs. After all, rail beds are designed to carry freight, involved in something new, please let me know. I can be reached unlike highways." That politician could have prevented untold Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM at the Hall, or leave a message on my torment, had he existed. answering machine at 358-7353. It's too far gone now, of course. The trucking business employs too Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful weather we’ve been having and set many, supplies too many, and creates too much support and service aside some time for your favorite leisure activities. industry to get rid of it. The railways have all but disappeared in much of the country, and are always threatening to pull out of one more Page 8 THE Underground PRESS February, 1998

the bride and groom. At the conclusion of the dinner Lars' dad was Looking Back Through The Eyes becoming quite anxious because the two hadn't been married yet. "By Yesus", he said, "vee got to go and do something!" It was then decided by: Cathy Of... that Lars and Pete Durand (the mail carrier) would go to the Southend Stabback Hilda Stoltz to get Father Gilbert. They didn't take Pete's freighter canoe, but opted for a smaller boat and motor. They managed the trip to the Southend, I was recently thinking back to my wedding day. Who would have returning with the minister. Lars and I were married at 9:00 PM. The thought that a marriage could last so long, after such an unpredictable wedding ceremony was followed by a reception. Music was provided wedding day? by John Bergman, an accordion player. John had come to Herb Lake We had chosen the wedding date of July 11, 1934 and a time of 2:00 seeking employment. His home was in Sweden where Carl and Johanna p.m. Arrangements were made to have Father Gilbert come to Herb had immigrated from. John had played the accordion and the same Lake to marry Lars and I in St. George's Anglican Church. I had song at their wedding in Sweden in 1907, 'Life In The Finland Woods'. chosen Annie (Lars' sister) to be my bridesmaid, Lars had asked his The wedding dance lasted until daylight the following day. Lars and friend Jack Kerr to be his best man. Johanna (Lars' mother) was I and Mr. Bergman traveled by boat back to Stoltz's boarding house, obliged to prepare the wedding dinner, and Carl Stoltz (Lars' father) when the dance was over. The lake was so calm and serene, such a had already made the homemade beer for the wedding reception change from the day before. As John played the accordion and Lars put (alcohol was not easily obtained because it had to be ordered from The his arm around me, I wondered, can married life always be this Pas). peaceful? We had our share of ups and downs and we weathered many The day arrived. Lars' mom was busy preparing the dinner for 5:00 storms, but we did have a marriage that lasted 61 years, until Lars' PM and the wedding party was busy getting ready for the ceremony. passing in 1995. But on this memorable occasion the weather was inclement and Herb Lake was rough and covered in white caps. Father Gilbert was wind bound at Hale's Landing on the Southend of Herb Lake. Everyone waited patiently for the winds to calm down, but by 5:00 PM this hadn't happened and the dinner was ready. The dinner couldn't wait, The ‘Brown Bat’ does not suck blood, nor would it fly into therefore Lars announced, "By the dirty old cream of wheat, let's eat, I a persons hair... unless there were insects there! can't live on love only!" The dinner was eaten and toasts were made to ~ a bat fact What Ever Happened to... Randy Booth

Happy New Year to Everyone, especially those who I didn't see at Winnipeg. Christmas. It's been quite a while since I 've seen a lot of you, so here's I wasn't in the city long when I got a call from Keith Secola (Wild what I've been up to since I left our fair town in the mid '70's. band of Indians), an Ojibway Indian from Phoenix, Arizona. "Who's After a mining career that was 'cut short' by the loss of a finger (3 sending out my resume anyway?" He sent me a tape of his music, along weeks at Stall lake and 6 months at Manibridge), my Dad (Ken Booth) with a plane ticket and told me to meet him In Frankfurt. I hadn't even suggested I try another line of work before I lost any more appendages. met him yet, but hey... how hard could it be to find 49 native artists in For a change I listened and went to Flin Flon, hiring on with Gordie Germany. Anderson at the Flin Flon Hotel. There, I would sling beer by day and Our traveling medicine show went to Switzerland, Austria, and Italy play bass in the house band by night. and that trip was to be my initiation to the 'Red Road' which is very After a couple of years in Flin Flon, Jeff McIntosh, Chris Freeman, popular in Europe. Although I continue to tour with Keith, I now play Greg Krokosz, and I left for Winnipeg to hit the big time. One by one in another native band called 'Eagle and Hawk'. They have been my comrades got real jobs and left me to carry the baton. I played gracious enough to allow me to sit around their drum, and taught me around town in various bands and by 1979 had enjoyed a certain degree how to sing their way. of success, in recording an album with 'Les Pucks' and 2 others with the I leave tomorrow (Jan 20th) on my 5th trip to Europe in the last 18 East coast comedy team of 'McLean and McLean', a couple of nice months. Our band has played at the UN building in Geneva, behind guys. what was once the Iron Curtain, and at many different political events This brings us up to 1984 when I got a gig with a band called such as press conferences for 'Greenpeace' and the "Honor the Earth" 'Harlequin'. I recorded and toured with them until 1987. By this time campaign in the US. Check out their web site and also the band we had been dropped by CBS Records. Music was changing and 'new 'Millions of Brazilians', which is the old idle guy's band. wave' music had come into vogue in Canada. I have really enjoyed the last few years in the business, but the coolest I moved to in July of '87 and joined 'Idle Eyes' (Tokyo thing I've done to date is play and sing on stage with my daughter Rose). The band had just won a and had the same managers Trena, last Christmas in Thompson. Ooooo what a lucky man he was. as '' and ''. Again... it was record, tour, and by Well I hope I didn't bore you to tears with my ramblings. If anyone now we were into the age of videos. After 7 years and 2 record ever wants to hear what I have been up to, stop by my dad's store companies, music had changed again. (Northern Books & Crafts). I did have some earlier success in writing country songs, so I decided to go back to Winnipeg to write and record that type of music. After a The best to you all in 98, year and a half at it, I got a call from Gerry Doucette, (Mama let him Gitchi Megwetch, RB play) who had just recorded a new CD. I headed back to Vancouver for rehearsals and from there we hit the road again. About a year and half went by before Gerry decided to go back to school and I settled back in