
Pelmatoplana is a genus of land in the tribe Pelmatoplanini. Description[edit]. The genus Pelmatoplana includes planarians with weak cutaneous longitudinal musculature and strong parenchymal musculature forming a ring zone. More info on Pelmatoplanini. Wikis. Wikispecies. Related topics. Pelmatoplanini: Wikis. Advertisements. Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article! However, molecular studies revealed that this classification was artificial and that the Rhynchodeminae were closely related to Caenoplaninae.[3] Therefore, recent classification puts the former Rhynchodeminae as a tribe, Rynchodemini, inside an expanded subfamily Rhynchodeminae that also contains the tribes Anzoplanini, Caenoplanini, Eudoxiatoplanini and Pelmatoplanini. View info on Pelmatoplanini. 4 Hits. The tribe Pelmatoplanini is defined as containing land planarians with a narrow body with tapered anterior end. The are numerous and clustered along the sides of the body on the anterior half, usually not extending behind the mouth. The pharynx in cylindrical and the creeping sole is narrow, occupying less than 25% of the ventral side. Pelmatoplanini is a tribe of land planarians in the subfamily Rhynchodeminae. The tribe Pelmatoplanini is defined as containing land planarians with a narrow body with tapered anterior end. The eyes are numerous and clustered along the sides of the body on the anterior half, usually not extending behind the mouth. The pharynx in cylindrical and the creeping sole is narrow, occupying less than 25% of the ventral side. The cutaneous longitudinal muscles are very weak, not forming bundles. The We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word pelmatoplanini: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "pelmatoplanini" is defined. General (1 matching dictionary). Pelmatoplanini: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info]. ▸ Words similar to pelmatoplanini. ▸ Usage examples for pelmatoplanini. ▸ Words that often appear near pelmatoplanini. ▸ Rhymes of pelmatoplanini. ▸ Invented words related to pelmatoplanini.