Apostrophes of Contractions

Dear and , Your’e in big trouble you two! What have you done with all the money we made form 3? You thieving toe rags! How do you expect me fead my ogre kids? Theyr’e eating everything! Its to much work for Fiona and I. I want my money! donkey, if I find youv’e gambled it all in Las Vegas, or even worse, bought a season ticket too sea liverpool or Chelsea their will be trouble! Puss, I thought more off you. I didnt think you would steel. Ive seen you spending our money on MTV partying and acting the fool, but honestly, what are you thinking going on I’m a celebrity, get me outta here? Theyr’e all crazy on that show! I want all the money returned! bring it two the swamp or I will be eating donkey and pie four sunday lunch! Shrek

Apostrophes of Possessions

Add in the apostrophes

1. Two weeks holiday was over in a flash. 2. The students attitude to their work was simply not good enough. 3. The womans son was ill so she could not go to college. 4. Do you know where Mikes car keys are?

Shorten these sentences showing possession.

1. The profits of last week were not too good. 2. The hat that belonged to my daughter was pink and fluffy. 3. The party for the salesmen was cancelled. 4. The bookshop for children closes at 5.00pm. 5. The biscuits for dogs were on special offer in the pet shop. 6. The special offer for this month is ‘three bottles of wine for the price of two’. 7. The rainfall for September was lower than expected.