Getting Started with Your RRE on VM

Note: for the latest version of this doc see

Question: How do I connect to the Virtual Machine? Answer: Many people have success connecting using an open-source SSH client like PuTTY or Cygwin. These can be found in various places by searching with or other engines for SSH clients.

Question: I have launched my Virtual Machine, now what? Answer: After launching, you will be in a terminal window in your /home directory. To start Revolution Enterprise, simple type Revo64 at the command prompt. The RRE Terminal session will start?

Question: Is there an IDE on Linux? Answer: There is no IDE provided for Revolution R Enterprise for Linux. RStudio is a popular third party IDE, which can be downloaded directly from the RStudio site. Instructions for downloading and installing are at The single user desktop version is at and the Server version is available at

Question: How do I open the ports needed to use RStudio Server? Answer: RStudio Server uses port 8787. The default configuration for the Azure VM does not open this port. To do that, you will need to go to the Azure Portal and elect the proper Network Security Group. Select the All Setting options and choose Inbound security rules. Add a new rule for RStudio. Name the rule and choose Any for the Protocol and add port 8787 to the destination port range. Click OK to save your changes. You should now be able to access RStudio using a browser.

Question: How do I assign a fully qualified domain name to the VM for accessing RStudio Server? Answer: No cloud service is created to contain the public resources for the VM so there is no fully qualified domain name assigned to the dynamic public IP by default. One can be created and added to the image after deployment using the Azure Powershell. The format of the hostname will be Below is an example of how to add a public hostname using Powershell for a VM named ‘rrecloudvm’ with resource group ‘rrecloudrg’ and desired hostname of ‘rrecloud’.

PS :\Users\juser> Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN" –Current PS C:\Users\juser> Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager PS C:\Users\juser> New-AzurePublicIpAddress -Name rrecloudvm -ResourceGroupName rrecloudrg -Location "South Central US" -DomainNameLabel rrecloud -AllocationMethod Dynamic

After adding access to port TCP/8787 to the inbound security rules, RStudio Server can be accessed at

Some useful resources for this problem are here:

1 powershell-cmdlets.aspx

Question: Where is the documentation to use Revolution R Enterprise on Linux? Answer: The documentation is installed. The locations for various documents is as follows:

Revolution R documentation:


or type:

list.files(Revo.home("doc")) in Revo R

RevoScaleR documentation:

/usr/lib64/RRO-8.0.3/R-3.1.3/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/doc - General R documentation


or type:

list.files(R.home("doc") in Revo R

Documentation can also be found at

DeployR Documentation:

The documentation for DeployR can be found at

Question: How can I enable DeployR? Answer: The documentation for enabling DeployR on the VM can be found at

Question: How can I access data in my Azure Storage Account from the VM? Answer: There are a couple of ways. One is to copy the data from your storage account to the local file system using a utility such as AzCopy: us/documentation/articles/storage-use-azcopy/#copy-files-in-azure-file-storage-with-azcopy-preview- version-only Another way is through the use of Azure Files to add a file share on your storage account and then mount the file share on your VM. Use of this method is planned but not yet available for the RRE VM on Linux because it requires CentOS 7.1. For more information on this approach see:


Question: Can I access data in my Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) account from the VM? Answer: Yes, your ADLS storage can be accessed in ScaleR as an HDFS file system through use of webHDFS. A setup guide is available here:
