JULY 1981 ISSUE Bl/4

Sunday 12th. July saw one of the very best ever days of hillclim bing at Stockton Farm for the annual rounds of the R.A.C. British H ill Climb Championshipa. James Thomson twice shattered the existing h ill record and then on the very last runs of the afternoon Chris Cramer rocketed up the h ill in 36.73i a good 0.6 second q u ick e r than Thomson and the f i r s t e v e r sub 37 second tim e. A l l eyes were on James who was o b v io u s ly v e ry qu ick indeed and when the clocks stopped had topped Chris's time, but only by 0.01 second - 36.72. By the rules, one had to be first and one second, but at the prizegiving we called them forward together - the two fastest men ever at Harewood! Photo by Doug Marsden YORKSHIRE CENTRE CIRCULAR


Published By B.A.R.C. Yorkshire Centre - Hon. Secretary, Kenneth Gibson. Editorial Offices "The Highlands", Scotchman Lane, Morley, LS27 ONY. T el:0532-533722 WHO'S WHO?

PLEASE NOTE: The B.A.R.C. Yorkshire Office in Leeds is now finally closed and a ll letters and enquiries should be addressed to the appropriate person from the lis t below

Chairman - E.D.Clark The Ridings, Bracken Park, Scarcroft, Leeds LS14 3HZ. Tel: Leeds 8925^2 Accounts. Account Queries, Payments, etc. - Hon. Treasurer - R.L,Haley * The Croft, Brackenthwaite Lane, Pannal, Harrogate, North Yorks HG3 1PQ Telephone: Harrogate 872860 Harewood Organisation, Sponsorship, Shell Harewood Championship, etc. - M.S. Wilson The Highlands, Scotchman Lane, Morley, Leeds LS27 ONY. T el: Leeds 533722 f Harewood Entries, Guyson/BARC Championship Organisation, etc. - T.C.D.Smith *H, Hoyle Court Drive, Baildon, Shipley, BD17 6ER Telephone: Day - Shipley 58*327, Evenings - Shipley 58*333 Harewood C h ief Marshal - D.M.Dalrymple Manora, Manley Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilk le y , West Yorkshire LS29 8QP Telephone: Day - Bradford 3275*, Evening - Ilkley 609810 General Competition Matters - Hon. Competition Secretary - P.Bennett Sycamore Cottage, 52, Parkside Road, Meanwood, Leeds LS6 T e l: Day - Leeds 693813, Evening - Leeds 78^613 Class E ligib ility Queries - C.G.Seaman 193, London Road, S h e ffie ld 2. T el: Day S h e ffie ld 585695, Home S h e ffie ld 666732 Club Night Committee - S.N.Clark The R idin gs, Bracken Park, S ca rc ro ft, Leeds LSl^f 3HZ Telephone: Day - 6^55^, Evening - Leeds 8925^2 General Social Matters - Hon. Social Secretary - L.S.Stross The Coppice, 2 7 6 , Lane, Leeds LS17. Telephone: Leeds 682870 Insurance M atters - H.C.Mason Trophies & Souvenir Awards - Mrs.B.C.M.Mason The White House, Langwith Drive, Collingham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 5DJ Telephone: Collingham Bridge 2709


Chairman:- Derek Clark Vice Chairman:- Harry Mason Hon. S e c re ta ry :- Kenneth Gibson Hon. T rea su rer:- Dick Haley Competitions Secretary:- Phil Bennett Social Secretary:- Chippy Stross Main Committee:- * Jan Bennett, Bob B in gley, John E nglish, David G arnett, B oris H ardcastle Iv o r Pashley, Chris Seaman, Tim Smith

Harewood Committee:- J All the above plus:- Tony Bancroft, David Dalrymple, Martin Frost, Tony H odgetts, Dick Hooper, P eter Kaye, Doug Marsden, Alan McKinney, David Scatchard, Mike Wilson


The Ridings, Bracken Park, Scarcroft, LEEDS LS14.3HZ. Tel. Leeds 892542.

To all Yorkshire Centre Members,

Firstly, a big thank you to all our members for the wonderful response which we asked for to the revival of competitive Club Nights. The May Club Night organised by Andrew Page and Simon Clark produced 28 entries with over 60 people attending the finish at the Harewood Arms.

This rather shattered the Pub, particularly as it coincided with the Annual Dinner of the cast of Emmerdale Farm, the only difference being that they get paW to plough up fields whilst we pay for the privilege.

The June Club Night was a repeat of David and Glen Garnett's very successful Gymkhana, which on a rather cold night had an entry of 26 and again approximately 60 people turned up at the finish at the Scotts Arms, Sicklinghall.

These entry figures incidentally compare very favourably with the figures we used to get years ago when the Club's membership was approaching 1500.

We also had approximately 14 applications for membership as a result of the Club Nights, so if these enthusiasts do join the Club this is a very hope ful sign. Incidentally, one prospective member of the Club, who should perhaps remain nameless, heard about the Club Night on C. B. Radio which is one form of advertising we had not thought about using as yet.

Further details and results of these Club Nights and information concerning future Club Nights will be found later in this Circular.

The June Harewood was a two day meeting and again was a financial success and we are hoping that the July Championship Meeting will be a fine day and well attended. Incidentally, we still need Marshalls, so if you are interested please volunteer.

Derek Clark, Chairman Yorkshire Centre. Well, three of the 1981 Harewood week-ends have now gone by and the signs are that the Yorkshire Centre is on it's way back to prosperity once again. Mind you we axe by no means out of the wood as yet, the loan from H.Q. which we received to tide us through the disaster- ous end to last season w ill not be repaid in a single year, but so long as the economy does not collapse completely the end on the 1981 financial year shoul see us well on our way. One of the factors which has contributed to this has been the splendid response to the "S ponsor th e Y o rk sh ire C en tre" scheme which, as anyone who has seen a Harewood programme this year w ill appreciate, has given us a solid block of support for each event. Then we have to thank Shell U.K. O il for their magnificent support of the Shell Super Oil Harewood H ill Climb Championship which has not only brought us fu ll entries at a ll meetings, but has also swelled the membership lists, replacing our racing members who have been defecting as their renewals came along. Shell help us in lots of other ways as well. Then we have our individual sponsors for events, and we are happy to be able to announce a late addition to the lis t. Roger Philpot's Aberdeen based "Five Steps" organisation are to become the main sponsors of the August 23r d . Harewood which w i l l now be known as "THE FIVE STEPS SPEEDCLIMB FOR THE MONTAGUE BURTON TROPHY." O ff the road, a start has been made in getting a programme of Club Nights o ff the ground again. In earlier days our Club Night events were the envy of clubs around and free from the cares of race organisation we arehoping to recapture something of those days. You can't have everything and we would like a few more voluntary helpers, but then what organisation would not in these days, but even here things do look a little better as the year progresses. The main lack now is w illing volunteers >iio w ill come forward and do a little physical work at Stockton Farm from time to time. WORKING PARTY In that connection, we would announce that on Thursday 30th. July we are organising a working party at Stockton Farm when we hope to tidy up the grass verges, remove a few bumps from the Paddock Slip road, mend an underground cable and tidy up some spare timber, wire, etc. Everyone w ill be more than welcome from approx 6.30p.m. on until dusk. Check in at the Control Kabin to see what you can do. I f possible bring a Flymo, a scythe, a sharp spade or sim ilar and do not wear anything too posh. Afterwards we w ill adjourn to the Travellers Rest to recover. We hope to see you there. HAREWOOD IN AUGUST Sunday 23rd. August sees the "Five Steps Speedclimb for the Montague Burton Trophy1* at Stockton Farm. This event is closed to B.A.R.C. Members and counts for both the Shell Super O il Harewood H ill Climb Championship and for the Guyson/B.A.R.C. H ill Climb Championship. It is a one day meeting with practice from 9.30a.m. and the event starts at 2.15p.m. R e g u la tio n s were s en t out to a l l members some tim e ago. I f you have l o s t you rs, o r i f you have joined recently and not had any, you can get them by ringing Tim Smith on Bradford 58I 333 during the evenings. Don't leave it too long as entries are fillin g up. One day meetings like this are always a bit of a tria l for the marshals as, with the best w ill in the world, if you don't start until 2.15p.m., you are bound to run late. We could do with a few more marshals to spread the load. I f you are interested, please get in touch with David Dalrymple who’s address is on page 2. R .A .C . RALLY Once again we are involved in helping Peter G riffin to staff the Dalby stage, a ll 26 m ile s o f i t . The stage happens on th e even ing o f Monday 23rd. November and fu ll details of how to volunteer to assist are given on Page 12 in the Marshals' Notes.

4 SCARBOROUGH WEEK END Denys Townsend has things in hand for this event. He writes:- Plans are well advanced for running the event as a one-day meeting on Sunday 18,th. October. A 10.30 start is anticipated near Olivers Mount and it is hoped to run tests in the morning and afternoon with a break for refreshments between sessions. Denys Townsend who is acting as Clerk of the Course this year is hoping to give competitors value for money by putting on around 15 tests. Please mark 18th. October in your diaries for a family day out in Scarborough. Your family car w ill probably be suitable for the event after removing hub-caps, fastening down the seat and, if you are in any doubt, the scrutineers at Harewood w ill give advice. Those people not competing are asked to come along and help as Marshals whether experienced or not. A ll enquiries for Entry Forms and offers to Marshal should be sent to Denys Townsend at 7, Victoria Road, Malton, or telephone him during the day at Malton 3250- We hope that a ll readers of the magazine w ill help to make this year's even successful either by compting marshalling or coming for the dayout.

END OF SEASON FROLIC Warning that on Friday 23 rd. October Robert Chesterman, the poor man's Paul Raymond, is laying on one of his very enjoyable evenings of robust entertainment for competitors, marshals, members and friends. The venue w ill be the same as last year - The Oulton and Woodlesford W.M.C. near Wakefield, the evening w ill run from 8.00 to Midnight, some young ladies w ill reveal a ll, a comedian w ill link things and a topless D.J. w ill keep things swinging. Tick­ ets cost £2.00 each from R.F.Chesterman, 7, Barfield Grove, o ff Wigton Lane, Leeds LS17 8TF. More details in the next issue.

ANNUAL DINNER DANCE Just a reminder to make sure that you have Saturday 5th. December firm ly fille d in your Diary for our Social event of the year. Full details in the next Circular.

HAREWOOD TOILETS Since the beginning of our events at Stockton Farm toilets have been a problem. Big plans are now being made for permanent fa cilities. At this point of time the Editor would like to hear from anyone who might be able to offer ary help, in cash or kind for a project of this nature. The main thing is that we hope you w irl not have to put up with things much longer.

Many members w ill remember with affection the period when Linda (Slipperytights) Thornton was our Staff Secretary. Linda and Philip Knight, with family, were very welcome visitors at Harewood last Sunday Photo by Doug Marsden 5 CLUBIMIGHT PAGE

With the Centre's withdrawal from motor race promotion, a big gap was le ft in the Prog­ ramme which is being fille d by a return to more socially based local events. Looming large amongst these is the monthly Club Night on the Third Tuesday of each month. Simon Clark has been co-opted on to the main Committee with particular responsibility to co-ordinate these Club Night, and other non-speed events.

JULY CLUB NIGHT The July Club Night w ill be held on Tuesday 21st. July and w ill take the form of a "Beeline Treasure Hunt" organised by David Easthope. This is a slightly unusual event in that for those who wish, there is an opportunity for pre-planning before the start. You can either contact David and get him to send you a set of instructions, or you can pick them up from his business premises, if you happen to be in Central Leeds, but even if you can't do this, there is no handicap if you turn up early at the start and try to unravel his rather warped reasoning there. Now, the details, The start w ill be from the H ill Climb paddock at Stockton Farm from 6 . 30 p.m. until 7.45p.m. A ll you w ill need is a car, a passenger(s) to help you sort out David's plot and a map which stretches from Harewood to Blubberhouses. The finish w ill be at the Nelson Hotel which is on the Harrogate Road on the east side of Blubberhouses. The Noggin & Natter w ill be enlivened by hana pulled Tetleys. To get details in advance contact David at .Ltraveleads Ltd., 14, New Station Street, Leeds 1. Tel. Leeds 442423 or in the evening at 2, Hawksworth Close, Menston in Wharfedale, Telephone Menston 76542.

AUGUST CLUB NIGHT The August Club Night w ill not be a competitive event as the Committee feel that so many members w i l l be away on h o lid a y . We a re goin g back to a s tr a ig h t "N oggin & N a tte r" evening and, as so many recent Club Nights have been North of Leeds, the venue w ill by the Spencers Arms, Cawthome, South Yorkshire from approx 8.00p.m. onwards. Cawthome is tucked away just o ff the M.l about half way between Leeds and Sheffield and quite easy to find. I f you are coming from the North you turn o ff at Junction 38, just after the Woolley Edge services whilst coming from the South you turn o ff at Junction 39. The S p e n c e r's Arms i s a happy pub and we hope th a t a l o t o f you who are not on h o lid a y w ill be able to join us there.

FAST CLUB NIGHTS The May Club N ig h t was an a u to te s t even ing a t Stockton Farm orga n ised by Simon C lark and Andrew Page. There were 28 entries who were split into three classes. The results were Front Wheel Drive 1st. H.C.Mason 215.00, 2nd. R.F.Chesterman 224.20, 3r(i- J.R.North 242.00, 4th. R.Fretwell 261.80, Rear Wheel Drive 1st. P.S.Adelman 171.60, 2nd. R.Moore 181.50, 3r David C ole 396, Marcus H e w litt 408, Morris Whaley 416, Sly Go 419, Derek Clark 427, Michael Parson 428, Nicola Kennedy 444, Chris Tipping 450, Sharon Caress, Simon Clark 461, Boris Hardcastle 471, Richard Fretwell 474, David Snowden 495, Glen Garnett 5*9, Alan Frei 553> Kathy Cole 56 8 , David Dunwell 568.2 Nicola Clark 611, Denys Townsend 634, Johnathan North 668 , Roger Coulsey 675> Sue Johnstone884 Since our last edition, there have been two week-ends, covering three events at Hare- wood. The f i r s t was th e exp erim en tal S h e ll Super O il Week End w ith th e N o vices and One- Make speedclimb on the Saturday and the combined Shell Super O il Harewood H ill Climb Cham- pionship/Dutton-Forshaw/Longton Championship meeting on the Sunday. Then we had the R.A.C. Championship meeting la s t week end-. We did wonder if the two in one week-end would be a success, but results have shown it was and we w ill be repeating the dose, with slight modifications, next year. With 90 plus competitors on Saturday and 125 on Sunday lots of drivers got a chance to see how they went at Stockton Farm and whilst the only record to be shattered was that for the Gilbem class, a very competitive couple of meetings resulted. Saturday's event saw 13 classes of "Novices" plus 9 more for "One Make" Clubs. The latter category including four for M.Gs, two for Morgans and one each fo r Triumph 6, A.C. and Gilbem . Overall F.T.D. winner was Paul Tankard with his T.V.R. Tuscan with Derek Goodall in a sick Ensign second and Redvers Arnold third. Fourth f.t.d . came from the "One Make" section in the shape of Mike Hall in his morgan plus 8. The individual class winners were: 1&2 Richard Wood, 3 Mike Kerr, 4 Andy Williams, 5a- Allen Craven, 7 John Lowe, 8&9 Tim Smith (in John Foran's Davrian), 10 Paul Tankard, 11 Redvers Arnold, 13*14 Max Brown, 15 Colin Thompson, 16 Derek Goodall, MG Midgets Nigel Middlehurst, MG A & B P e te r Chowne, MG T Types A la s t a ir Naylor, MG Modified Cars Eddie Falkous,' Triumph 6 John G riffith s, A.C. David Hescroff, Gilbems Nigel E llis, Morgans up to 1800cc Martin Wyatt and Morgans over 18o0cc Mike Hall. On Sunday the field was much more typical of Harewood with strong support fara ll classes except 9 and 12. In Class 1 Tony Baines kept on his winning way from John G ill and Dave Allen. A 15 car Class 2 was very keenly fought but John Casey triumphed from Geoff Sykes and William Pearson. Class 3 was another biggy 14 starters of whom Kevin Tate was a convin­ cing winner by 1.2 seconds from Richard Jackson with George Swinboume in hot pursuit. As usual the Bridge family took the honours with Tony firs t and Derek next whilst the greatly improved Don Bewick was a convincing winner of Class 5s- by almost 3 seconds. Class 6 has become a Gomall benefit at Dutton-Forshaw rounds and this was no exception. John was well in front of David with Dave Pickstone third. Class 7 was another strong one 12 entries of whom Des Richardson's elan came out on top ahead of the Europa o f Graham Oates. Class 8 entries were down, perhaps due to the surfeit o f Morgans the day before and Mike Robson made it his own. With only John Foran to represent Class 9 it was merged with 10 and the battle at the top was between Josh Sadler, Tony Bancroft and Paul Tankard who finished in that order, despite some valiant efforts by the afforesaid Mr. Bancroft to nobble Josh the night before. As ever the Clubmans class was strong and Martin Curtis kept up the family name by pipping Mervyn Bartram with a delighted David Kennedy third. Jim Robinson, paying his firs t v is it to Harewood this season romped away from B ill Wood in Class 13 whilst David Garnett had an easy run in Class 14. In the racing classes, John Corbyn took the llOOc.c. section from Keith Gowers little Monopin whilst Jim Campbell had a terrific tussle with Andy Smith for the 17 strong 1600c.c. class. Jim won by 0.03 of a second with Brian Frazer third. In the big racing cars Alastair Douglas Osborn for once found th in gs go in g r ig h t a t HarewoocJ and le a d the C lass on 38.25 from James Thomson 38.56 and Roy Lane 38.99. In the Shell Super O il Harewood F.T.D. Run Off "Big Al" slipped back a little with 38.91 then 38.90 whilst your master James put in an 38.12 followed by 37.65 to snatch f.t.d . for the second time ths year. Roy Lane, looking good again took third place on 38.99 and a storming run by David Garnett in 39.10 took his Sports Pilbeam into fourth ahead of a lot of more fancied runners. Continued on Page 8 7 ^^^HILLCLIM B i w jyp g ^ IMOTES Continued from Page 7

And so to the most prestigious event of the season at Harewood, the annual round of the R.A.C. British H ill Climb Championship where a tr-ly magnificent field assembled on what fortunately remained a dry week-end to provide a splendid week-end of sport. It was very obvious from the way people went in practice that the visiting stars were determined to see th a t l o c a l la d James Thomson d id n ot g e t away w ith a th ir d f . t . d . f o r th e season a t h is home h i l l . F or h is p a rt James was e q u a lly determ ined and here hung th e main p art o f th e p re­ event excitement. In the classes John Meredith, the old man of the h ills walked away with the small special saloons whilst the much travelled Barrogill Angus just equalled James Thomson's record of ^2.50 to take the large saloons from Brian Walker. John Foran kept Yorkshire flags flying in the small Modsports section whilst Tony Bancroft beat Josh Sadler in the over 1300c.c. part of this class. Mind you that statement does require a little c&rification, Tony & Josh had exchanged cars for the week-end and Tony had some new Demon tyres - which Josh tried out on Saturday with devastating effect, nearly o ff at Orchard, nearly sideways at Farmhouse and o v e r the g ra v e l a t Q u a rry!! For once we were allow ed a Clubmans c la s s a t the RAC even t and this was a local affair with Simon Curtis heading brother Martin in the 11 car field . For the fir s t time this year we welcomed Charles Wardle to Harewood, but in Paul Bason's Myers as Jim Robinson did a pretty fair baling job on the Mallock a couple of weeks before. In the event Charles had to give first place in Class 13 to B ill Wood who is quietly creeping up a ll the marking tables. David Garnett won Class l4 from Mark Williams and Peter Blank- stone and Colin Myles, now firm ly settled in an 1100c.c. racing car just defeated John Corbyn. Martyn Bolsover was in a class of his own setting a new record in the 1600C.C. class from David Gould, but it was in the 20 strong big racing car class where we looked for the r e a l fir e w o r k s . In f a c t th in g s ran to form w ith James Thomson fa s te s t on both runs and only 1.6 seconds split a ll the "Top Ten" qualifiers. On the first runs James kept out in front from Chris Cramer and A.D.O., a ll in the 37 second bracket but it was on the second runs when th in g s cam a lig h t when C h ris shot up th e course in 36.73* What could "B ig A l" do? 37.05 so it a ll rested on the last run of the day. Away went James Thomson, it looked quick, but was it quick enough. Yes he recorded 36.72 to make it 3 in a row and 10 more for the Championship.

He always said that he would be quick as soon as he got the car sorted, but not everyone took "Boss Hog" seriously. Brian Frazer looks delighted at haing proved his point.

Photo by Doug Marsden 8 Shell Su&er OH Harewood Hilklimb Championship

Josh S a d ler is le a d in g th e Championship James Thomson heads the F .T .D . Awards With th re e rounds gone, and two to come, th e S h e ll Super O il Hanswood H i l l Climb Champ­ ion sh ip is r e a l l y h o ttin g up. James Thomson has a commanding le a d in th e F.T.D . awards series, but he is not yet a clear winner. In the main section of the Championship Josh Sadler has slipped back a little by his benevolence in giving spotty the Autofam "works d r iv e " on Ju ly 13th. and w ith a few more record s James Thomson could, be on h is h e e ls .

Current Positions

1 Josh S a d le r...... 22.07 11 Paul Tankard.... 17.56 21 A le x Graham...... 19.11 2 James Thomson...... 12 Mervyn Bartram.. 17.96 22 Simon C u rtis ...... 19.01 3 Tony B rid g e ...... 13 J im Cam pbell. . . . 17.90 = K evin T a te ...... 9 John C asey...... 20 .23 19 Pete Nicholson.. 17.18 29 John F o ia n ...... 13.85 5 Tony Bancroft...... 19.82 15 Malcolm Dungworth 16.85 25 N e i l T u rn er...... 13.95 6 Richard Jackson... . 19.28 16 Richard Wood.... 15.69 26 Martin Curtis.... • 13.25 7 David Garnett...... 17 Chris Seaman.... 15.15 27 B rian F ra z e r...... 12.99 8 Derek Bridge ...... 18.88 18 A lister D.Osborn 15,00 28 Mike K e rr...... 12.95 9 Roy T .L a n e...... 19 Joe Ward...... 19.90 29 Bob P r e s t ...... 12 .9 1 10 B i l l Wood...... 20 David Kennedy... 19.77 30 Redvers Arnold... . 12.76 Shell Sueer OH HAREWOOD F.T.D. AWARDS

1 James Thomson(Pilbeam MP90K H a r t ). . . J1 11 Tom M cM illan (Modus M9 Hart BDA)...... 5 2 Malcolm Dungworth(Pilbeam MP22-03G). 20 12 Simon Curtis(Mallock U.2 20C Nelson). 9 3 A lister D.0sbom(Pilbeam MP97 DFV).. 19 = G odfrey Crompton (March 802 Harfi...... 9 4 Roy T.Lane(March 802/812 H art)...... 18 19 David Gould(Gould T erra p in 8 ^ 3 )...... 3 5 David Gamett(Pilbeam MF93 H art).... 15 = Chris Seaman(Brabham BT30 FV A )...... 3 6 Jim Campbell(Modus M9 Hart EDA)...... 10 = Andy Smith(March 722 Austin Turbo)..'. 3 7 Martin Bolsover(Pilbeam MP51 BDA)... 7 17 John Barratt(Joysel M.N.01 Hart)...... 2 8 Martyn Griffiths(Pilbeam MP96G Hart) 6 = Jimmy Jack(March 782/79B H a r t )...... 2 = Norrie Galbraith(Chevron B.98S BMW). 6 = Jim Robinson(Mallock U.2 21 BDA)...... 2 = Brian Frazer(Boss Hog Argo Smitl).... 6 20 B i l l W ood(M allock U.2 20 BDA)...... 1


Well, this issue of the "Circular" has fallen very conveniently in the period directly after Harewood and before the British Grand Prix week-end so the results in the various Championships given below, which incidentally are a ll taken from the promoters o fficia l figures and are bang up to date w ill remain current until Bouley Bay on Thursday 23rd . J u ly . As a m atter o f in t e r e s t , James Thomson can now n ot be beaten f o r th e H i l l Climb Award o f M e rit For those who wonder at the absence of the name Jimmy Jack from the Scottish Champion­ ship placings, I understand that this is due to some of his points not being allowed where they were claimed in Chris Cramer's Toleman, but it seems that if he does very well in the final two rounds, he could s till be well placed at the end of tie season.


1 Josh Sadler ...... 29.90 1 Alister D.Osborn.... = Tom McMillan ...... 29.90 2 James Thomson...... 63 3 Jim Campbell...... 29.62 3 Chris Cramer...... 1 M artin B o ls o v e r...... 55 b Kenny A llen ...... 28.80 4 Dave H a r r is ...... 2 C h arles W ardle...... $1 = .. 46 5 Roy L a a ...... 27.59 Roy Lane...... 3 Richard Jones...... 47 .. 42 6 John Meredith ...... 27.3*1 6 Martyn G riffith s... 4 Roland Jones...... 46 Martyn Bolsover.... 7 A le x Graham...... 2 5 .OO 7 = Russ Ward...... b6 . . 20 8 Jimmy J ack ...... 21.64 8 Ted Williams ...... 6 James T h o m s o n ...... 45 .. 18 9 James Thomson...... 20.96 9 David Franklin ...... = N ic Mann...... 45 . . 14 10 A lister D.Osborn.. 20.28 10 Malcolm Dungworth.. 8 Josh S a d le r...... 4-1 •9 Alan Cox...... 40 F.T.D. AWARDS SERIEB^ ^3 12 4*78910 = John M ered ith ...... 40 1 Roy Lane...... gb h i l l c l i m b 2 Chris Cramer...... RAC AWARD OF MERIT Ry ...29 The Birining-ham Post 3 James Thomson...... 28 1 James Thomson...... TOP TtM MILL CLIV B CHALLKMOK T no PHY b A lister D.Osborn.. 2 Martin Bolsover...... 59 Jimmy Jack ...... 1 James Thomson...... 36 5 . . . 19 Max H arvey...... Richard Fry ...... 16 3 2 Dave H a r r is ...... 33 6 4 James Jack...... = Ted Williams ...... 16 3 Martyn G r i f f i t h s ...... 30 5 Ted W illia m s ...... 4 Alister D,Osborn...... 27 8 Tom McMillan ...... 15 ...18 6 David G ould...... 5 M artin B o ls o v e r...... 18 9 Martyn G riffith s.. 7 Richard F ry ...... 10 Jim Campbell...... 13 6 Roy Lane...... 12 8 Richard Jones...... 7 R ichard F ry ...... 11 = ...16 Brian Frazer ...... 8 Chris Cramer...... 10 R ^SC Q TTISH 10 Andy Sm ith...... 12 Milieu IHRraUUHnilUJlo = Ted Williams ...... 10 10 David Franklin ...... 8 1 Kenny A llen ...... 48 2 Tom McMillan ...... 46 HAYNES LEADERS MTTOH-rOKSMAW /L0KCT0* 3 J im Cam pbell...... 43 RAC CHAMPIONSHIP HdM> Ch-iwto«Hi b Norrie Galbraith.. ...42 w 5 N e il R oss...... 1 John M ered ith ...... 67 1 Tony B rid g e ...... 123.54 = Barrogill Angus...... 40 2 Barrogill Angus...... 63 2 John Gom all.... . 118 .7 0 = David Milne ...... 3 C harles W ardle...... 45 3 John Foran...... 116.8 8 4 Russ Ward...... 33 4 Geoff Sykes...... 116.8 0 load Car Section = Josh S a d le r...... 33 5 Dave Pickstone.. . 115 .6 1 1 N e il R oss...... 1*0 = John Corbyn...... 33 6 Keith Gowers.... . 114.13 2 Hugh Denholme...... 39 7 Jim Thomson...... 29 7 Graham O a te s .. . . 3 John S t i l l ...... 38 8 Jim Thomson...... 28 8 David Gom all. .. . 108.05 4 Allan Kidd ...... 37 9 Tony Bancroft...... 25 9 Tony Baines...... 5 George R it c h ie ...... 36 10 Peter Blankstone...... 22 10 Alan Harper. ....


We regret that it has only just become possible to publish the rules for the I 98I Annual Competitions. These are open to a ll Yorkshire Centre members who send a written entry as set out in Para 11. Because of the late publication retrospective marking back to the start of the season w ill be allowed for a ll entries received by Friday 31st. July 1981

THE PEARCE TROPHY ...... Marks are awarded as under:------Marks a re awarded to competitors and marshals on the scale below Marshals for a ll Speed Events, the Scarborough Week- Acting as principal organiser on an event. 6 End and competitive motoring Club Nights Acting as nominated assistant organiser... 5 where at least one month's notice has been A c tin g as marshal on an e v e n t...... 3 given. The final markings to decided the On two-day events, marks may be gained by awards w i l l be based upon th re e even ts organisers and marshals on both days, but org­ le s s than the t o t a l number organ ised in the anisers may only gain marks for organising on season. The lowest marks being discarded. one day only. Each member may ga in 6 marks tw ic e f o r Competitors acting as Principal Organiser. Also each 1 s t . in c la s s s u b je c t to If e n t r ie s ...... -6 member may gain 5 marks tw ic e f o r a c tin g 2nd. in class subject to 4 entries ...... 5 as Deputy Clerk of Course, Chief Observer, 3rd. in class subject to k e n t r ie s ...... k Chief Marshal or Secretary of Meeting. A ll other starters ...... 3 THE FIRTH BOWL Is awarded to the highest If less than k e n t r ie s in c la s s marks w i l l placed Lady in the Pearce Trophy competition. be based on last in class getting 3 i n ext highest 4 and so on. THE PEARCE CONSOLATION AWARD _ . , ------I s awarded Members w ish in g to e n te r f o r th ese annual to the person placed highest in the Pearce awards must do so on the e n try form below. Trophy competition who has not won any other Marks w ill only be credited in respect of award during the season. events after the form has been received with THE KEN LEE TROPHY the exception that in 1981 a ll forms which Is for competitors only are received up to 31st. July I 98I w i l l be and marks are awarded on th e same s c a le as in marked back to the start of the season. the Pearce Trophy for a ll competitive events. Competitors or marshals w ill only be elig­ THE CHIPPY-IOLA VASE , „ ------Is f o r cou ples e ith e r ible to win one of the six awards in the competing, marshalling or organising together same year (e.g. the winner of the "Pearce on nominated even ts on the same s c a le as the Trophy" can not also win the " Chippy-Iola". Pearce Trophy. A ll nominated events count for ADMINISTRATION th e award. Current positions in the different comp­ THE TRAVELEADS TROPHY T ------Is awarded at the etitions w ill be published in subsequent d iscretion of the Centre Committee to a comp­ issues of "Yorkshire Centre Circular". etitor or marshal who has scored the most Marking records w ill be maintained by and points in the Pearce Trophy without acting as any queries should be addressed to:- a principal or assistant organiser or gaining extra points through competitive success. I Mr. & Mrs J.M.English, JZ, Farfield Avenue, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire HG5 8HB.

To: Mr. & Mrs. J.M.English, 32, Farfield Avenue, Knaresborou^i, North Yorkshire HG5 8HB. I would like to enter for the 1981 Annual Competitions. I am a member of the Yorkshire Centre Name...... Date ...... Add ress...... Membership N u m ber...... C om petitor / Marshal (Delete as appropriate)

For Office Use Only Date of Receipt ...


One of the features of every Harewood meeting is the Marshals Draw where the names of every Marshal who signs on to help us go into a hat and then a couple of prizes are drawn out. Last Sunday Harry Tinkler, making a welcome return to Harewood, and Geoff Dickinson were the lucky recipients of a bottle of Whisky and Gin. Photo by Doug Marsden

First let us say that it is nice to see Mention of David brings a reminder that he some of our ex regular Marshals at Croft are is, of course, also our Chief Marshal at the finding their way to Harewood. Last Sunday Harewood H ills Climbs and if there are any Reg & Doreen Baines were hard at work and a of you out there who have not registered last minute arrival was Harry Tinkler. As your availabilityfor the remaining meetings you can see from the picture above, Harry's (D ates on page 1 5 ) , you can do so now, please; journey down from Saltbum was at least At our next Harewood, the Marshal's draw rewarded with something tangible, apart w ill be reinforced by awards to the value of from sharing in a most exciting day's sport. £20. Jim Thomson v e ry k in d ly donated th is Lookin g ahead to November, the Lombard/RAC sum being his cash for winning Class 5 at rally starts from Bath once again and runs_ the July Harewood and, as at that time most to a s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t p a tte rn . Once again marshals had already le ft, it seemed best to there is a very long stage in Dalby Forest hold the award over until August 23rd. and once again Peter G riffin is looking for A slightly sad occasion w ill be the final Marshals from the Yorkshire Centre. m eeting a t C r o ft on 2 h /2 .^ V a . Yes Frank We have been a little spoil in recent Wright and B.R.S.C.C. are stretching the years in having our stage on a Sunday, but event out over two days and have asked if, t h is y e a r i t s t a r t s on Monday te a tim e on for old times sake, any B.A.R.C. Marshals 2 3 rd. November. Peter is looking for people would like to help out. Quite a lot of us who can be there a ll day to get on with the are intending to make the sad pilgramage marking-out and "brushing" and for others for the formal closing of (Air only local who can arrive in time for the Stage. motor racing circuit. I f you want to make one in write to The Chief Marshal, BRSCC The Chief Marshal to whom you should make c/o Frank Wright, 17, Parkstone Grove, Leeds your offers is: David Dalrymple, "Manora", LS16 6EX. and l e t him know which d a y (s ) you Manley Road, Ben Rhydding, Ilk ley LS29 8QP. w ill be able to help. Letters to the Editor for Publication are invited from Readers. Please try and b» brief and, if possible, submit letter typewritten. The fact that a letter is published does not mean that it reflects to official outlook of the Yorkshire Centre or it's Committee

A MATTER OF CONVENIENCE KENYON ON CLASSES S ir , S ir , I have just competed in my firs t Harewood I'm very suprised that there has been no H ill Climb and very much enjoyed the course correspondence from Sprint * Hillclim bers and the friendliness of a ll O fficials and concerning Mike's plea for suggestions and Competitors. changes in the Class structure. To my mind our classes are far more suited to the occ­ However, I must put pen to paper and imp­ asional Sprint & Hillclim b competitor than lore you to do something about the to ilet are the R.A.C. classes and I see little , or facilities. They were prim itive!! and they no reason for changing same drastically. were awful. My family, a ll female had the same comments concerning t h e ir f a c i l i t i e s . An absolutely standard road car class, whilst being most desireable in principle,- Hillclimbing is a family affair for us and would bring along far greater problems in we like to spend the weekend at meetings so scrutineering, for unless one is willing to reasonable fa cilities are a must. undertake checking of d iff. ratios, gear Can I ask that the Committee of the BARC ratios, cam shaft lifts , etc. it leaves it-? Yorkshire Centre give consideration to buil­ self wide open to widespread cheating. Please ding permanent improved fa c ilities - or don't try to te ll me this thing wouldn't hiring portable facilities. I and all the happen - it would unless you had an eligib­ others I spoke to would be only too willing ility scrutineer who is willing and able to to pay something extra for this essential s t r ip down cars throughout the season. facility. Yours etc., The thing I would put forward and be prep­ S utton C o ld fie ld Richard Homer ared to support to bring the.Touring and Marque cars nearer to road going specifica­ Mr. Homer's letter pinpoints a serious tion would be a restriction on rim width and deficiency at Harewood but I think that he the compulsory use of road tyres. and others w ill be delighted to see the news in "Ramblings" - Ed. Another reason against having an absolute­ ly standard road car class is that B.A.R.C. CLUB NIGHT THANKS events already have far too many classes - S ir , 19 in t o t a l i f you care t o count - and I would just like to write a brief note of whilst it is possible to run this many class­ thanks to a ll those who competed and helped es at Harewood, it does cause problems for at the Club Night Andrew Page and myself ran the organisers of small events who have a a t Harewood in May. maximum e n try o f 80 and quite obviously they have to undertake a policy of widespread We thoroughly enjoyed organising the event class amalgamations, which is most undesir­ and would like to point out it took about 2 a b le . hours to put the whole thing on. It was int­ eresting that through the evening about 13 I have decided to grasp,the nettle and put people expressed interest in joining, or re­ forward the following suggestions regarding joining the Centre if tlis sort of thing was the re d u ctio n in th e number o f c la s se s and to become a habit, which we hope it w ill. to come more in line with the R.A.C. than at p resen t. I should therefore be very grateful to hear from anybody who wishes to organise, take First regarding Touring and Sprots Cars. part in or assist at future Club Nights, with Class 1 would obviously have to be le ft a view to rebuilding the social side of the alone as it would obviously be unfair to Club of which we were a ll pleased to be a amalgamate them up with larger capacity cars. p a rt. Class 2 Touring Cars 1151 to 1500cc could be Yours etc. amalgamated with Class 6 Marque sports Cars S c a r c r o ft. Simon Clark up to 1300cc and their capacity lim it be Mr. Clark's address can be found on Page 2

Continued on Page 14 13 Correspondence - Continued from Page 13 r reduced to l 300 cc + 0 .060" overbore size as n sion o f 5 cm ( 2 i n ) . " a llo w e d . Which means to me that a ll Modsports cars C la s s .3 T ou rin g Cars 150icc & o ver and are limited to a 2 inch wing/wheel arch ext­ C la sses 7 Sc 8 Marque S ports Cars 1301 to ension but a ll those I have seen are a bit 26 0 0 cc and 2 6 0 1 cc & over could be made in nearer a footI Perhaps this is another pearl to one class. of wisdom from the R.A.C. If you look at a ll the above, you w ill Yours e tc . find that the Harewood records for the clas­ S h e ffie ld Brian Kenyon. ses suggested for amalgamation are a ll very As ever Brian Kenyon can be relied upon to similar, i.e. come forw ard w ith some id ea s. Now how about Class 3 ____ 45.49 hearing from the rest of you out there? C lass 2 . . . . 4-7.06 Class 7 ____ 45.25 C lass 6 .... 47.16 Class 8 .... 44.94 FOR SALE This would make the classes larger so the­ refore the awards should be extended to, at Midget / Sprite Competition Bits least a fourth place. Fibreglass front and boot lid Having suggested a ll the above, a ll these Suspension - N e g a tive Camber Blocks classes are well supported as they stand so Tramp Bars the suggestion is probably not worth the Engine - 1293cc Full Race paper it is written on! Cranks - Steel C lass 4 S p e c ia l Saloons up to lOOOcc and Powermax P isto n s +20 Sc +60 Class 5s- Special Saloons 1001 to 1300cc is Rods another possible airalgamation but their Heads records are:- 1275cc Sc 1098cc Comp, clutches C lass 4 ____ 44.79 Class 5a ____ 43.22 1293cc & 1330cc Blocks - New but this would bring them into line with 3 Branch exhaust Class A of the R.A.C. Classes. Gearbox - c/r s/c C arb u rettors - 48 I D A Weber The next classes that come to mind are 12 45 D C 0 E 's and I 3 - S p o rts R acing & Clubmans Chassis 40 D C 0 E 's Cars up to 1300cc and I 30 I to l600cc. There Spax Telescopic Conversion seems to be little support for Class 12 - in Lower Front Springs fact at the June Harewood there were no ent­ Bumpers ries - this could be amalgamated into class Gaskets 1 3 to form an up to l 600cc class which again Dual Brake Master Cylinders brings it into line with Class E of the RAC. L ig h ts The lo r e g o in g redu ces th e number o f c ls s e s Steel Wings from 19 to 14. Steel Bonnet Boot L id s It is high time we brought back the Class Plu s lo t s more Forum and had a Committee, either elected or M a jo rity o f p arts brand new and unused co-opted under the Chairmanship of Chris Seamaq who i s a t p resen t d e a lin g w ith m atters Reason for sale - Gone Lotus 11 concerning e lig ib ility , obviously Mike and Brian Kenyon, also representatives from the Lancashire Cham­ 4, Leslie Road, pionships and any other Championships that Hillsborough, use our classes. Sheffield S6 4RB. A forum - i f held - MUST be at the end of o742 - 340478 the present season and MUST have any change or alterations, etc. notified to the comp­ WANTED etitors at the latest by the end of Novem­ W illing types to assist at working party ber to be of any valid use whatsoever. a t S tockton Farm on Thursday 30th. July 81 T h is MontHs P u zz le to apply cosmetic improvements to the track R.A.C. Year Book page 143. Modified Sports and surroundings. I f you can come, get there as soon after Cars, paragraph 4 - Bodywork including Aero­ . p.m. as you can and, if possible bring foils, section (e). 6 00 a scythe, a flymo, a sharpspade or something "A ir dams axe permitted below the level of similar to help clear grass from the sides the road wheel centres providing they do not protrude beyond the overall perimeter of the of the track. No need to confirm, just be th e re on th e n ig h t. Thank You! original coachwork in plan view including bumpers, g rille and the permitted wing exte­


HAREWOOD HILL CLIMBS Sun 23 Aug FIVE STEPS SPEEDCLIMB F or the MONTAGUE BURTON TROPHY Shell Super O il Harewood and Guyson/BARC Championships S at 26 Sep THE 100TH. HAREWOOD - P r a c tic e Day Sun 27 Sep THE IOOTH. HAREWOOD - Shell Super O il Harewood and Guyson/BARC Championships

CLUB NIGHTS Tue 21 Jul Beeline Treasure Hunt organised by David Easthope. See Clubnight Page in this issue for details. Tue 18 Aug "Noggin and Natter" at The Spencers Arms, Cawthome, South Yorkshire. See Clubnight Page for details. Tue 15 Sep To be announced in next "Circlular Tue 20 Oct To be announced later Tue 17 Nov To be announced later Tue 15 Dec To be announced later

OTHER EVENTS Sun 18 Oct "The Scarborough Week-End" - A u to te s ts in and around Scarborough See "Ramblings" for preliminary details. Mon 23 Nov Lombard/R.A.C. International Rally - Dalby Forest Stage - We are marshalling See "Marshalling Matters" for details

SOCIAL EVENTS F r i 2 3 Oct "End of Season Frolic" at Oulton and Woodlesford W.M.C. See "Ramblings" for more details Sat 5 Sec Annual Dinner Dance at The Parkway Hotel, Road, Leeds 16 Booking Forms in next "Circular" WORKING PARTY Thu 30 Jul Working Party at Stockton Farm, bring scythes, Flymos, etc. See "Ramblings" 'for details

MEETINGS ’ Main Committee Meetings - A ll at the Parkway Hotel, Otley Road, Leeds 16. Mondays Aug 3 ^ d.i Sep 7 th ., Oct 3 th ., Nov 2nd. and Dec 7th. Harewood Committee - A ll at Morley R.U.F.C. Clubhouse, Scatcherd Lane, Morley. Mondays Aug 10th., Sep W th., Oct 12th., Nov 9th. and Dec lAth.


25/26 Jul Wakefield & D istrict Motor Sports Club - Calderford Trophy Rally - Details from David Jones, 2^, Beechwood Avenue, Flanshaw Park, Wakefield, West Yorks 1/2 Aug Ripon Motor Sports Club - St. W ilfrid's Rally - Details from Mrs.P.Rumbold, 59, H ill Shaw Park Way, Ripon, North Yorkshire 8 /9 Aug Kirkby Lonsdale Motor Club - Devils Own Rally - Details from Mrs. J.Dodds, 90, Owlet Ash Fields, Milnthorpe, Cumbria Sun 30 Aug Triumph Sporting Owners Club - H ill Climb at Baitings Dam - Details from P.Burton, *K), Warwick Road, R adcliffe, Manchester M26 OHL. Sun 30 Aug Coventry & Warwickshire Motor Club - Sprint at Curborough - Details from P.N .S teph en s, ^7, New S t r e e t , Cubbington, Leamington Spa, Warks CV32 7LA.

15' Ltd wish to express th e ir thanks to the fo llo w in g Companies who are sponsoring the Centre and i t ' s a c t iv it ie s in 1981. SHELL U.K. OIL LTD., Town Centre House, Merrion Centre, Leeds 2 Sponsors o f the S h e ll Super O il Harewood H i l l Climb Championship And the following companies who are a ll giving us their support throu^i the "Sponsor the Yorkshire Centre" package:- AMCEL LTD., 78/80, St. Albans Road, Watford, Herts AHNOTT HANDLING EQUIPMENT LTD., 11, Edgemead C lose, Northampton BARRINGTON', HIRST + SKITT LTD., K ir k s ta ll Road, Leeds LS3 BEARINGS (NON-LUBE) LTD., Manse Lane, Knaresborough, N.Yorks BRAMLEY BEARINGS & TRANSMISSIONS LTD., G arforth , Leeds THE BURMAH CASTROL COMPANY, P ipers Way, Swindon, W ilts CHARITANT LTD., Thorpe Arch Trading Estate, CHIPPY'S OLD AGE PENSION fUND, Alwoodley, Leeds LS17 CHUBB WARDENS LTD., Wellington Road Industrial Estate, Leeds 12 CURTIS WOOL HOLDINGS LTD., 17, Canal Road, Bradford DESIGN & FITTINGS LTD., Sandbeck Way, Wetherby, West Yorkshire FLYING PIZZA RESTAURANT LTD., 60a, S tre e t Lane, , Leeds 8 GALWAY SMITH LTD., k, Queensgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire GENBEARCO (U.K.) LTD., Craddock Road, Luton, Bedfordshire HALL PARK ESTATES LTD., Boston H all, High Street, Boston Spa J .C .T . 600 LTD., The Porsche Centre, Apperley Lane, Yeadon JOYSEL TEXTILES LTD., W aterfoot, Rossendale, Lancashire TONY LAW EXHAUSTS, Central Garage, Rodley Lane, Leeds 13 LOMBARD NORTH CENTRAL LTD., 120, Moorgate, Rotherham MALCOLMS (BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS) LTD., Lupton Avenue, Leeds 9 MASSINGBERD LID., K illinghall Road, Harrogate, North Yorks ALAN MOUNTAIN MOTOR CYCLES, 82/86, H olgate Road, York NIDD VALE MOTORS LID., Knaresborough, North Yorkshire ORGANISED STORAGE SYSTEMS L ID ., Lady Ann Road, B a tley, W.Yorks THE PEN BUREAU, Thornton's Arcade, Leeds 1 RINGWAYS GARAGES (LEEDS) LTD., W hitehall Road, Leeds 12 RODLEY CAR CENTRE L ID ., Rodley Lane, Leeds LS13 TANCO ENGINEERING LTD., 14-, P on tefra ct Road, K n ottin gley TRAFALGAR BEARING CO., Church Lane, W ellin gton , Surrey WARING & GULOW, MAPLES LID., Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, etc. WENDY WOOLS, C arter & Parker Ltd., Gordon M ills, JOHN WOOLFE RACING LTD., Woolfe House, Norse Road, Bedford