Motivic cohomology, K-theory and topological cyclic homology Thomas Geisser? University of Southern California,
[email protected] 1 Introduction We give a survey on motivic cohomology, higher algebraic K-theory, and topo- logical cyclic homology. We concentrate on results which are relevant for ap- plications in arithmetic algebraic geometry (in particular, we do not discuss non-commutative rings), and our main focus lies on sheaf theoretic results for smooth schemes, which then lead to global results using local-to-global methods. In the first half of the paper we discuss properties of motivic cohomology for smooth varieties over a field or Dedekind ring. The construction of mo- tivic cohomology by Suslin and Voevodsky has several technical advantages over Bloch's construction, in particular it gives the correct theory for singu- lar schemes. But because it is only well understood for varieties over fields, and does not give well-behaved ´etalemotivic cohomology groups, we discuss Bloch's higher Chow groups. We give a list of basic properties together with the identification of the motivic cohomology sheaves with finite coefficients. In the second half of the paper, we discuss algebraic K-theory, ´etale K- theory and topological cyclic homology. We sketch the definition, and give a list of basic properties of algebraic K-theory, sketch Thomason's hyper- cohomology construction of ´etale K-theory, and the construction of topolog- ical cyclic homology. We then give a short overview of the sheaf theoretic properties, and relationships between the three theories (in many situations, ´etale K-theory with p-adic coefficients and topological cyclic homology agree).