
African 11(1): 27-36 (2016)/ 27

Observation of an Encounter between African Wild ( pictus) and a (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Issa Valley,

Edward McLester1,2, Fiona A. Stewart1,3 and Alexander K. Piel1,2

1Ugalla Project, Uvinza, Tanzania; 2School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK; 3Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Abstract: There has been considerable discussion of Pan( troglodytes) as predators, most commonly of monkeys (Procolobus spp.). Far more infrequent are published descriptions of chimpanzees as prey. The paucity of direct observations of chimpanzee-predator encounters is an obstacle in situating chimpanzees in both predator and prey roles. For the first time, we describe an observation of an encounter between African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) and a chimpanzee in the Issa Valley, Tanzania, one of the driest and most open chimpanzee habitats. Whilst the initiation of the encounter was missed, here we nonetheless interpret the data that we did record. Our observations of behavior in both parties suggest the possibility of an investigatory rather than predatory encounter on the part of dogs.

Key words: wild , chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, , , prey


The role of predation as a selection pressure on from anecdotal observations and playback studies great ape remains unclear; however, this (Crockford et al. 2012). can in part be attributed to an absence of records Reports of direct observation of carnivore describing primate-predator interactions (Cheney predation on chimpanzees are rare in the literature & Wrangham 1987). Historically, researchers have (Table 1). First, most chimpanzees live in dense, identified four potential mammalian predators of tropical , which lack many of the large wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): ( carnivore that live in mosaics (eg., ), (P. p ardu s ), spotted (Crocuta , – Mills & Funston 2011). Second, the crocuta) and African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) (Tutin only fully habituated savanna-dwelling chimpanzee et al. 1981; Boesch 1991; Stewart & Pruetz 2013). community, Fongoli, in , lives in an area Outside of Zuberbühler & Jenny’s (2002) study of where almost all of the natural predators no longer predation in the Taï , Côte d’Ivoire, range due to human population expansion (Stewart none of these carnivore species have been studied & Pruetz 2013). Finally, given the selective pressure in detail in areas of with chimpanzees. on anti-predatory behaviors, actual predation Consequently, substantiation of chimpanzee events are themselves rare, even in the most pristine predators, and in turn our understanding of landscapes. Apes generally rely more on predator chimpanzee antipredator strategies, is derived avoidance and vigilance than defensive counter-

Correspondence to: Edward McLester, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, James Parsons Buildinng, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK; E-mail: [email protected]. 28 / McLester et al.

et al. et . 2013 2005 Source et al . 1981 1996 et al. et et al et al. et Gandini & Baldwin 1978 Gandini Tutin Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1986 Nakazawa 1968 Nishida 2006 Kutsukake Lawick-Goodallvan 1968 “ “ 2009 Pierce 1966 & Itani Izawa Boesch 1991 2002 & Jenny Zuberbühler Henschel 2000 Furuichi Rahm 1967 Hart 1998 Ososky . 2012). et al (modified Klailovafrom Notes tree of chased out Chimpanzees or vocalizing, hiding chimpanzees of instances Multiple by leopard to detection response in fleeing den, killed cub leopard raided Chimpanzees corpse chimpanzee near prints and feces Leopard leopard at threw branches Chimpanzees to in response alarm vocalizations gave Chimpanzees vocalizations leopard below leopard vocalized in tree at infant Chimpanzee vocalizing in vicinity leopard to in response reaction No leopard at threw branch Chimpanzees vocalized leopard mobbed Chimpanzees and vocalized of and in direction branches shook Chimpanzees in vicinity leopard and mobbing chimpanzees including interactions, Multiple attributed mortalities chimpanzee 39% of leopards; chasing predation leopard to in some leopard; by scavenged juveniles Dead chimpanzee drumming chimpanzee to response fled in cases, leopards vocalizations and remains chimpanzee contained feces Leopard remain chimpanzee containing feces and prints Leopard corpse a chimpanzee near found killed infant and attacked chimpanzees Female remains chimpanzee contained feces Leopard remains chimpanzee contained feces Leopard Pan troglodytes Pan X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Indirect Indirect Evidence

X X X X Direct Evidence

Park Idambo Ituri Forest Ituri Population Petit Loango Loango Petit National Park National Park National Kasakati Basin Kasakati Gombe National National Gombe Taї National Park National Taї Mahale Mountains Mountains Mahale Koba National Park National Koba Lopé National Park Lopé National Mt. Assirik, Niokolo Niokolo Assirik, Mt. Ndoki National Park National Ndoki Mbeli Bai, Nouabalé- Mbeli Bai,

DRC Congo Senegal Country Tanzania Republic of of Republic ) Panthera pardus Predator Leopard ( Table 1 Summary of evidence describing carnivore interactions on 1 Summary on evidence of interactions carnivore describing Table Encounter between African Wild Dogs and a Chimpanzee / 29 et al. al. et Source . 1981 . 1981 . 1981 et al et al et al Tutin Tutin in (pers. obs.) M. Mbrisho Goodall 1986 Hiraiwa-Hasegawa 1986 1993 Tsukahara 1993 & Tsukahara Inagaki 1979 1972; Itani Kano Tutin Tutin Zamma 2011 Lawick-Goodallvan 1968 Lawick-Goodallvan 1968 Lawick-Goodallvan 1968 . 2012) (continued). et al (modified Klailovafrom Notes or vocalizing, hiding chimpanzees of instances Multiple lion by detection to in response reaction no showing flee to forced lion until threw branches Chimpanzee killed and cub lioness adult an mobbed Chimpanzees hair, (bones, remains chimpanzee contained feces Lion teeth) remains chimpanzee contained feces Lion to vocalized response and in up trees fled Chimpanzees lion hiding reaction No wild to dog vocalizedChimpanzees in response presence and vocalizations to response in retreated vocalized and first Chimpanzees python for waited and then tracked python, discovering area it left after to in response branches vocalized shook Chimpanzees and python dying which after escaped, it adder until night hit Chimpanzees follow did not chimpanzees throwing once chasing, chimpanzees of instances Multiple to in response reaction no showing once and at, rocks lizards monitor nearby Pan troglodytes Pan X X X X X X X X X X X X Indirect Indirect Evidence Direct Evidence Park Park Park Ugalla Kigoma Population National Park National Park National Gombe National National Gombe National Gombe National Gombe Mahale Mountains Mountains Mahale Mountains Mahale Koba National Park National Koba Park National Koba Park National Koba Mt. Assirik, Niokolo Niokolo Assirik, Mt. Niokolo Assirik, Mt. Niokolo Assirik, Mt. Senegal Senegal Senegal Country Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania

) ) pictus ) Crocuta

) species) Panthera Panthera ) Lycaon Causus Varanus Predator ( Lion leo ( crocuta Dog Wild ( Python (unk. Python Adder Night ( rhombeatus Monitor Nile ( niloticus Table 1 Summary of evidence describing carnivore interactions on 1 Summary on evidence of interactions carnivore describing Table 30 / McLester et al.

Figure 1. L. pictus and P. troglodytes ranges across sub-Saharan (Oates et al. 2008; Woodroffe & Sillero- Zubiri 2015). Areas of range overlap are indicated by circles.

attacking (Treves & Palmqvist 2007). For example, an encounter between wild dogs and a group of chimpanzees produce alarm calls (“waa barks” - chimpanzees at the same site; however, only limited Schel et al. 2013) in response to terrestrial predators details were provided with no reference to the and adjust their sleeping behavior to predator behavior of either party except for the vocalizations presence, nesting higher in the canopy and on more issued by the chimpanzees. peripheral branches when they co-exist with large Aside from the single interaction reported in (Pruetz et al. 2008; Stewart & Pruetz brief by Tutin et al. (1981), to date there have been 2013). no prior observations of chimpanzees encountering Indirect evidence of carnivore predation on apes African wild dogs. Wild dogs have both extremely and especially chimpanzees is more common than large home ranges (mean = 537km2, range: 357- direct evidence, yet still infrequent (Table 1). Of the 930km2 - Mills & Gorman 1997) and live at very four mammalian species identified as chimpanzee low densities (16.7 individuals per 1000km2 - predators, only six cases have been inferred for Maddock & Mills 1994), a similar pattern to savanna lion predation, none of which involved direct chimpanzees (reviewed in Moyer et al. 2006). At the observation. Numerous reports have described Issa Valley in Tanzania, reports on chimpanzee and leopards as a primary threat to wild chimpanzees, sympatric date to the 1950s (Kano 1971, but only four direct encounters have been described. 1972), and yet we describe here only the fourth Tutin et al. (1981) observed the sole chimpanzee- researcher-encounter with wild dogs. Despite both hyena encounter, in which chimpanzees in Mt. species being widely distributed across Africa, Assirik (Senegal) did not exhibit any anti-predatory current chimpanzee and wild dog ranges overlap in or unusual behavior in response to wild spotted only three areas (Figure 1). Such a small degree of hyenas. Tutin et al. (1981) also briefly recorded overlap also existed in historic distributions, largely Encounter between African Wild Dogs and a Chimpanzee / 31

Figure 2. Map of western Tanzania, indicating location of Issa Valley study site in relation to Gombe and Mahale Mountains National Parks. Vegetation index shows and forest cover; predicted chimpanzee distribution shows suitable nesting habitat (Pintea 2007). due to the restriction of wild dog populations to METHODS dry, savanna landscapes (Creel & Creel 1998; Oates et al. 2008). Furthermore, given their population The Issa Valley research station in western densities, it is extremely unlikely that these two Tanzania is an “open area” with no formal species encounter each other frequently. Here, we protection status, situated in the north of the Greater report on only the second observation of such an Mahale Ecosystem (Figure 2). The entire region is encounter. characterized as a savanna-mosaic, with deep valleys 32 / McLester et al.

Figure 3. Adult male chimpanzee feeding on Brachystegia spiciformis in woodland in the Issa Valley. Photograph by E. McLester.

containing evergreen, riverine forest and separated (hyena, leopard, lion, and wild dog). Although there by steep slopes and expansive, flat plateaus of are no permanent settlements in the study area, miombo (Brachystegia and Julbernardia) woodland, illegal logging, , and herding do account rocky outcrops and swamps (Piel et al. for human traffic throughout the region (Pielet al. 2015). From 2009-2014, annual rainfall averaged 2015). 1240mm and temperatures ranged from 11-35°C At least one two-person research team tracked (Piel et al. 2015). chimpanzee parties daily by listening for loud Ugalla chimpanzees were first studied by Kano calls and monitoring important feeding trees, as over a half-century ago (Kano 1971, 1972), with brief well as conducting reconnaissance walks around surveys conducted subsequently (Nishida 1989), the study area. In collaboration with the Pan and a project ongoing in Nguye, south of Uvinza Africa Programme of the Max Plank Institute for (Ogawa et al. 2007; Iida et al. 2012; Yoshikawa & Evolutionary Primatology, Leipzig (), we Ogawa 2015). Issa Valley chimpanzees (Figure 3) also deployed twenty-six motion-triggered cameras were first studied in 2001 by Hernandez-Aguilar (Bushnell HD) on known wildlife paths, with the aim (2009) for two , and since 2008 have been of monitoring biodiversity, especially chimpanzees under continuous study, with habituation efforts and cryptic species. beginning in 2012. As of December 2015, fourteen chimpanzees were individually recognizable to researchers, and genetic analyses suggested a single RESULTS community of at least 67 individuals (Rudicell et al. 2011), which may range over 150km2 based on At 14:04 on 7 July 2015 EM and a field assistant population density (0.25 individuals/km2 - Piel et al. heard two simultaneous vocalizations – the first 2015). In addition to chimpanzees, the region has chimpanzee “waa barks” (Schel et al. 2013), the other a rich faunal community, including eight species dog barks – approximately 25 meters away from of primate and four species of large carnivores a clearing in a patch of evergreen forest, bordered Encounter between African Wild Dogs and a Chimpanzee / 33 by a river on one side and a woodland slope on the other side. On approaching the sounds, we observed an adult chimpanzee (sex unknown) approximately 20 meters away and 15 meters high in a tree (Vitex doniana) and a of nine wild dogs moving around the base of the tree, looking up and barking at the chimpanzee. We never observed more than nine dogs at a single time during the encounter. For over a minute, both the chimpanzee and dogs barked continuously. Whilst issuing these vocalizations, the chimpanzee jumped up and down, and paced back and forth about ten meters along a single branch, raising and lowering its arms in a rapid motion. It was not observed whether the Figure 4. Image of a wild dog captured on a motion hair of the chimpanzee was erect. Eventually, the triggered camera in the Issaa Valley on 21 August, 2015. chimpanzee’s vocalizations became more regular, Photograph courtesy UPP/MPI-EVA. being produced approximately every two minutes. The dogs in our view fixed their attention on the captured wild dogs (Figure 4; see supplementary chimpanzee, tracking it from the ground as the video1), including one of dogs chasing a blue chimpanzee continued to pace on the branch. As (Philantomba monticola). This is the first bark and growl vocalizations continued to be heard, camera encounter with wild dogs in five years of the dense undergrowth and rapid movement of the monitoring wildlife with 20-25 motion-triggered dogs prevented us from identifying whether all dogs cameras (>20,000 photos and videos). The camera in the party were vocalizing. was located approximately 1.61km from the wild After approximately six minutes, four dogs dog encounter described above. The spatiotemporal looked at and began to approach us, stopping about information of each encounter, combined with what 20 meters from us. These dogs, moving toward us we know of wild dog ranging behavior (see below), in stagger, eventually reached about 15 meters from means it is extremely likely these observations us. The dogs looked directly at us, but remained represent the same pack. silent. They appeared to be investigating us, and did not adopt a stalking posture (see Estes & Goddard 1967). For example, the ears of each individual DISCUSSION remained clearly upright versus flattened down against the head. This shift in attention lasted almost Whereas numerous characteristics ultimately three minutes. determine prey preference, a comparison of weight After approximately eight minutes without preference, for example, in fourteen wild dog vocalizing, the chimpanzee descended in the tree to populations by Hayward et al. (2006) found that wild about ten meters from the ground, and out of our dogs prefer between 16-32kg and 120-140kg sight. We were unable to see its position. At this (Hayward et al. 2006). The mean weight of small point, the activity of all of the dogs’ activity changed, adult and juvenile chimpanzees (males: 28-56kg; resulting in more dog vocalizations and movement females: 20-46kg - Foley et al. 2014) suggests that of the entire pack toward the last location of the chimpanzees would fit wild dog prey preferences; chimpanzee (and, consequently, out of our sight). however, prey of this smaller size would probably As we attempted to gain a better view, we continued only be targeted opportunistically or during times to hear dog vocalizations approximately 30 meters of food scarcity (Schaller 1972). Numerous other away for a further minute, but we could see neither species found in the study area, including common pack members nor the chimpanzee. When we (Sylvicapra grimmia) and blue (P. monticola) attempted to follow both parties at approximately , (Oreotragus oreotragus), 14:13, we saw a single wild dog moving out of the and roan (Hippotragus equinus), provide forest and into the woodland approximately 20-30 wild dogs with targets that are more vulnerable meters away from the encounter site. We did not see or hear the dogs again. On 21 June, two weeks after the encounter, 1 Supplementary video may be viewed at: https://www. two sequential videos on the same youtube.com/watch?v=lP1gDqnjw50. 34 / McLester et al.

to exhaustion after a sustained chase (Tayloret al. established between other predators (e.g., leopards 1971), versus those that can escape into the canopy – Zuberbühler & Jenny 2002) and chimpanzees like chimpanzees and other primates. Arboreal prey indicate that predation from African wild dogs provide a different stimulus to prey fleeing along the is similarly unlikely to have acted as a significant ground and are less likely to elicit a chase reflex in selection pressure. Even when these species do wild dogs, which is critical to prey selection (Estes & encounter each other, the circumstances suiting Goddard 1967). opportunistic predation – such as in times of food Our observation suggests the possibility of scarcity or when encountering an ill, old, or weak investigatory behavior by the dogs. The wild dogs chimpanzee – are limited and depend on both an produced alarm barks, indicating alertness (Estes appropriate trigger that will provoke a chase reflex, & Goddard 1967), rather than the “twittering” and the prospect of the prey being caught through typically issued during a hunt. The chimpanzee pursuit; however, we are confident that in encounters also issued alarm calls and only attempted to move with such suitable conditions wild dogs would be away from the wild dogs at least eight minutes into capable of predating chimpanzees. the encounter, despite access to the tree canopy Savanna chimpanzees are known to exhibit throughout. This is consistent with the use of alarm behaviors not observed in forest-dwelling calls as a deterrent in primates (Zuberbühler et al. populations (e.g., using tools to hunt bushbabies – 1999). On the part of the chimpanzee, the agitation Pruetz & Bertolani 2007), suggesting that behavior seen suggests aversion or threatening behavior in predator-ape interactions is also likely different toward the wild dogs rather than curiosity. Curiosity given such contrasting environments. Although typically involves soft “huu” vocalizations and we cannot conclude from our observation that persistent observation without agitation (Schel et al. African wild dogs actively hunt chimpanzees, our 2013). description provides the first direct evidence of the The behavior exhibited by the dogs toward the behavior of both predator and potential prey in a research team (curiosity) can also not be compared wild dog-ape encounter. directly with their behavior toward the chimpanzee (excitement). This may be because the density of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS chimpanzees in the area and the large range of the wild dogs has resulted in the dogs being more We thank the Tanzanian Wildlife Research familiar with chimpanzees than with humans. Given Institute (TAWIRI) and the Commission for the presence of poachers and herders in the area and Technology (COSTECH) for permission to who are known to react antagonistically to predators conduct research in the Issa Valley, and to the (AKP personal observation), we suspect that any UCSD/Salk Center for Academic Research and previous wild dog encounters with humans would Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) for support to likely have been persecution and, therefore, our the Ugalla Primate Project. The Max Plank Institute quiet and motionless presence was probably novel for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, provided for them. This behavior from the dogs is consistent the camera used in this study and also partial with what has been described previously for wild financial support. We thank Mlela Juma for helping dog investigation of sympatric, non-prey species to record and recount events and Adrian Treves (Darnell et al. 2014). and three anonymous reviewers for providing Previous observations of wild dogs in the extremely helpful feedback on an earlier version of Issa Valley study area are limited. Aside from the this manuscript. sole camera encounter following this interaction, Hernandez-Aguilar (2006) observed indirect evidence of wild dogs approximately every three LITERATURE CITED months, with two direct observations in 21 months. Likewise, Stewart & Pruetz (2013) observed wild Boesch, C. 1991. The effects of leopard predation dogs only once in twelve months. The consistently on grouping patterns in forest chimpanzees. low number of wild dog observations over a ten- Behaviour 117: 220–242. period at Issa suggests that wild dog presence, Cheney, D.L. & R.W. Wrangham. 1987. Predation. and in turn wild dog-chimpanzee encounters, In Primate Societies. B.B. Smuts, D.L. Cheney, do not occur frequently enough for wild dogs to R.M. Seyfarth, R.W. Wrangham, T.T. Struhsaker, have played a significant role on chimpanzee anti- eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp. predatory behavioral evolution. Relationships 227–239. Encounter between African Wild Dogs and a Chimpanzee / 35

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