Shabbat Vayetze November 27-28 Vayetze a Teaching from Rabbi
Shabbat Vayetze November 27-28 Candle Lighting: 4:13 PM / Shabbat Ends: 5:16 PM Torah Reading: Genesis 28:10 - 32:3 Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 - 14:10 Vayetze A Teaching from Rabbi Weintraub--Your Whole Self As we completed last week’s Torah Portion, Toldot, Jacob was vulnerable, on the run, fleeing the wrath of his brother Esau to seek refuge with his Uncle Laban in Charan. In Parshat Vayetze, now in Charan, Laban becomes Jacob’s father-in-law and employer, and shamelessly deceives and exploits his nephew. Despite the abuse, Jacob makes it. He takes two wives and two concubines, fathers eleven children, and through relentless, backbreaking work,”grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, maidservants and menservants, camels and asses” (Genesis 30:43). Then, suddenly, at this height of success, Jacob becomes uncomfortable and decides to flee. “Jacob also saw the countenance of Laban, and behold, it was not with him as in earlier days” (Genesis 31:2). What does it mean that Laban was “not with him as in earlier days”? Wasn’t Laban, always a crook, still a crook? Now, however, Jacob sees with new clarity his dependence on Laban. The dependence is not hard to understand. Jacob’s father, Isaac, had favored his brother Esau because Esau was able to hunt and provide: “Isaac loved Esau, because the hunt was in his mouth” (Genesis 25:28). So, displaced from his home but still longing for his father, Jacob struggles and establishes prosperous estates for his uncle, father-in-law, and substitute father, Laban.
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