November 2020
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RaTHE bbiter RaTHE bbiter Issue 276 November 2020 All the regular features plus • PUB MANAGER WINS AWARD • NEW PLAYERS WANTED • BOROUGH COUNCIL HAVE YOUR SAY and much more The Community Newsletter for Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and Kempshott Park /RRNLQJIRUDWUXVWHG ORFDOEXVLQHVVIRU\RXU QH[WKRPHSURMHFW" :LQGRZV 'RRUV &RQVHUYDWRULHV 2UDQJHULHV *DUDJH'RRUV *XDUDQWHHG:RUN *UHDW3ULFHV )LQDQFH$YDLODEOH &DOOULSWRQZLQGRZVFRXN LQ J V W R D V N H % ï ï ï ï ï :K\QRWYLVLWRXUVKRZURRPLQ&KLQHKDP" ï ï ï :HKDYHORWVRIH[DPSOHFRQVHUYDWRULHVZLQGRZVDQG GRRUVZLWKIUHHSDUNLQJDQGDGHFHQWFXSSD 4XRWHç5$%%,7(5èIRUDSUHIHUHQWLDOTXRWH Printed on recycled or sustainably sourced paper using ecoprint-system4 by Greenhouse Graphics. Hampshire’s only EMAS accredited print center. 5DEELWHU$GYHUW5LSWRQ:LQGRZVLQGG The Rabbiter - November 2020 THE EDITORIAL As the clocks change so our memories of summer 2020 might fade. It has been Rabbiter an unusual year and it looks as if winter will continue the changes. Sadly the annual INSIDE THIS ISSUE fireworks display has been cancelled. However, the Café in the Park has now opened 6 THETH NEWE BEGGARWOOD SURGERY its doors and prebooked tables are available (see page 18 for details). Christmas is 7 COUNCIL NEWS lurking on the horizon and whilst many events have now moved online it is good Rabbiter PORTSMOUTH ARMS to see that the Christmas Fair at the Community Centre will take place on 22 November. The weekly Saturday market at the Portsmouth Arms is a great success BEGGARWOOD WOODLAND PARK – see page 23 for more details. 8 COUNCILLOR’S UPDATE The Rabbiter would like to congratulate Richard Curtis, General Manager of the BASINGSTOKE VOLUNTARY ACTION Portsmouth Arms, for becoming the Charity Champion in the 2020 Great British 10 PHILLIPS SOLICITORS Pub Awards – see page 7 – a truly amazing achievement. BEGGARWOOD BOOKWORMS The proposed development at Junction 7 of a distribution centre continues to be NEW PLAYERS WANTED of great concern (see page 21). It is believed that Amazon will have a base on the MILE STONES site. Whilst many of us have been very grateful for the online service provided by 12 SAINSBURY’S this company during the current crisis, there is considerable concern on the impact RESTAURANT REVIEW of traffic on our already overcrowded roads. With building now starting on the LETTER TO THE EDITOR Hounsome Fields development more and more traffic will be using the A30 which is already struggling to cope with the number of cars and lorries heading to and 14 BASINGSTOKE - OLD BASING U3A from Junction 7. And there are another 1,000 homes planned for the Golf Course PROBUS HEARS ABOUT AN site – more traffic! UNUSUAL HOBBY Welcome to the new doctor at Beggarwood Surgery – see page 6. It is good to read 16 CHILDREN’S CORNER that the surgery is now going from strength to strength. 17 BASINGSTOKE ROTARY Reading through this month’s Rabbiter is rewarding to see so much local news. 18 COMMUNITY CENTRE Beggarwood Bookworms are now meeting via Zoom to discuss the books they are 19 THE WARREN reading – see page 10. The next meeting is on 4 November – see their facebook 20 OLD DOWN AND BEGGARWOOD page for how to join in. The Hatch Warren W.I. also meet regularly via Zoom – see WILDLIFE GROUP page 23. 21 CAGE CAMPAIGN There have been a number of car thefts locally in the last few months and there is SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING advice on what you can do to keep your car safe – see page 23. There is also advice 22 RABBITER CONTACTS regarding recent scams. 23 SATURDAY MARKET AT If you have spent time in the last few months decluttering your house, you can PORTSMOUTH ARMS advertise your unwanted goods in the Rabbiter for free – email to newsdesk@ HATCH WARREN W.I. We recently managed to book a slot at the Basingstoke ‘tip’. It is 24 CLASSIFIED ADS understood that booking a slot at Winchester, Alton or Andover is often quicker than CRIME PREVENTION waiting for an appointment at Wade Road. 25 FREEADS Currently RG22 is a Medium Risk Covid-19 area. Please follow the rules and stay safe 26 HATCH WARREN RUNNERS so that our risk level doesn’t rise. The Editor Printed by Greenhouse Graphics Ltd • Heating installations • Breakdowns • Boiler changes/upgrades • Landlord Safety Checks • Servicing • Power flushing • LPG Gas installation/service • Water softeners Call Jamie Davenport 24hr - 7 Days a Week Tel No: 01256 398611 Mobile No: 07876 687422 212273 An established, family run local business with 20 years’ experience 3 All Seasons Window Cleaning Reliably serving the Hatchwarren / Beggarwood community for over 20 years Additional services include: • Driveway cleaning • • Cladding/signage cleaning • • Gutter/fascia/soffit cleaning • • Conservatory roof cleaning • • Pure water - no chemicals • Call STEVE on 01256 353727 Email: [email protected] Web: 6KRZHUKHDGV /RFDOWR+DWFK:DUUHQDQG.HPSVKRWW FRQVWDQWO\QHHG )('83:,7+ GHVFDOLQJRWKHUZLVH ZDWHUIORZZLOOEH FRPSURPLVHG SOUTHERN +$5':$7(5 WINDOW ,1<285+20(" 7KH\ZLOOVSUD\ OLNHQHZ INSTALLATIONS 7KH3HUIHFW6ROXWLRQ 6FDOHGHSRVLWVZLOO :LQGRZ 'RRU6SHFLDOLVW IRUPRQWDSV $7ZLQ7HF %L)ROG'RRUVá&RPSRVLWH)URQW'RRUV 1RFUXVW\VFDOH :DWHU6RIWHQHU GHSRVLWVRQWDSV² RQO\DTXLFNZLSH QHHGHGWRNHHS WKHPVSDUNOLQJ 7RSFODVVVHUYLFHDQGZRUNPDQVKLS YHU\LPSUHVVLYH 0U73KLOOLSV)DUQERURXJK¶¶ ´7KHVHUYLFHZHUHFHLYHGZDVH[FHOOHQW WKHSOXPEHUH[SODLQHGHYHU\WKLQJDQG LWZDVHDV\WRXQGHUVWDQG.HYLQUXQVD YHU\SURIHVVLRQDOFRPSDQ\µ :LGH5DQJHá6XSHULRU4XDOLW\á/RZ3ULFHV 0UV$[IRUG%DVLQJVWRNH :LQGRZVá&RQVHUYDWRULHVá5HSDLUV 3URXGPHPEHUVRI :HDUHDORFDOIDPLO\UXQEXVLQHVVRIIHULQJNQRZOHGJHDQG H[SHUWLVHZLWKDIULHQGO\DSSURDFK Where reputation matters Covering Hatch Warren, Beggarwood and surrounding areas .HYLQ*RRG\ $XWKRULVHG á 7HO_0RE 7ZLQ7HF'HDOHU NJRRG\#XNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN_ZZZXNZDWHUVRIWHQHUVFRXN ZZZVRXWKHUQZLQGRZLQVWDOODWLRQVFRXN 4 &KHIWUDLQHGDWWKHSUHVWLJLRXV/HLWK V6FKRRORI)RRGDQG:LQHQRZZRUNLQJORFDOO\ (YHQWFDWHULQJ IRUGLQQHUSDUWLHVELUWKGD\VFDQDS«VFRUSRUDWHOXQFKHVIXQHUDOVDQGPRUH FRQQLH#FDOLFRIRRGFRXN__FDOLFRIRRGFRXN WŽĐƚŽƌ;,ĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞͿ>ƚĚ ŶĚLJWĞĂƌĐĞϬϭϮϱϲϴϰϭϮϬϰ ,ŽŵĞΘ^ŵĂůůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐW͛ƐΘƉƌŝŶƚĞƌƐƐƵƉƉůŝĞĚ͘ WƌĞƉĂŝƌƐΘƵƉŐƌĂĚĞƐ͕>ĂƉƚŽƉƐΘĞƐŬƚŽƉƐ͘tŝƌĞůĞƐƐ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ͘sŝƌƵƐΘDĂůǁĂƌĞƌĞŵŽǀĂů͘EĞǁWΘdĂďůĞƚ ƐĞƚƵƉ͘ĂƚĂΘŵĂŝůƚƌĂŶƐĨĞƌĨƌŽŵŽůĚƐLJƐƚĞŵ͘ ƉĐĚŽĐ͘ŚĂŵƉƐŚŝƌĞΛďƟŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͘ĐŽŵ ,#,#-3$-3$// /)-*21(-,0 -+.21$//-!*$+0-+.21$//-!*$+0 /($,#*6./-%$00(-,/($,#*6./-%$00(-, *0$/3("$0%-/!20(,$00*0$/3("$0%-/!20(,$00 ,#'-+$,#'-+$ ..*$(..*$( #0$12.1/#0$12.1/ (,(,&(,(,& "02..-/1(/20/$+-3-3 *+*+ (*(* -+.21$/.$/%-/+-+.21$/.$/%-/+ ,"$(002$0(/$*$00,1$/,$1,"$(002$0(/$*$00,1$/,$1/-/- #!#! ,#,# /#/#44 /$/$-%14-%14 /$,01/$,01 **** 1(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/11(-,20(,$000-*21(-,002..-/1 1$1$3$3$//-1'-"-1'-" *./-%$00(-,*./-%$00(-, * 6/0$5.$/($,"$ $$** -/-/02..-/1"02..-/1" ,#-3$/. /)/)0-*21(-,0"-2)0-*21(-,0"-2) 5 The Rabbiter - November 2020 THE NEW BEGGARWOOD SURGERY Karen Blackhall – Practice Manager Dr K Oshigo – Clinical Lead Felicity Greene – NHUC Executive Chris Stark – Director of Nursing It has now been one year since the practice was taken over by North Hants Urgent Care (NHUC) our new NHS partner! Great strides have taken place over this time with 3 new full time doctors being recruited, the last one, Dr Chesters, appointed just over a month ago. A brief Bio of Dr Chesters is attached below. The reception and backroom team seemed to have embraced all of the changes initiated by NHUC and from our PPG perspective and other reports it seems a much happier place to work and indeed to visit. We also know that Karen and the rest of the team are not just content to sit back and rest on their laurels and that we can expect further new initiatives and improvements from the practice. Obviously, a major challenge this year has been the Covid-19 pandemic for not just the practice but Hampshire and the rest of the country. Keeping patients and staff safe has been a major responsibility as well as continuing to offer patients access to the doctors and services required. The introduction of telephone triage calls has helped with this as well as being able to order repeat prescriptions online and video consultations. I know we would all like things to get back to “normal” (whatever that is!) but 01256 688648 patience and understanding is required from us all during these difficult times. The Winter ‘flu season is now upon us and the surgery will be contacting patients eligible for vaccination in the normal way either via text, email or telephone and we are assured that the :HOOHU0DFNULOO practice has adequate stocks of this year’s vaccine. &KDUWHUHG&HUWLILHG$FFRXQWDQWV Introducing our new GP - Dr Chesters DQG7D[$GYLVHUV Dr Chesters studied at the Faculty of Medicine in Leiden, the Netherlands and did her GP training in East Anglia. She has worked both worked as a freelance GP in Hampshire and has significant $FFRXQWV 7D[ 9$75HWXUQV experience as GP working for the Out Of Hours service. She has 3$<( &,6 also worked for Macmillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research &RPSDQ\IRUPDWLRQV UK for a number of years. She currently works for the research ,5DGYLFH unit of Southampton University to promote research in the early 7D[SODQQLQJ )UHHLQLWLDOFRQVXOWDWLRQ detection of cancer. Dr Chesters enjoys hiking, mountains, community building and :HOOHU0DFNULOO6RXWK%XLOGLQJ being outdoors. 8SSHU)DUP:RRWWRQ6W/DZUHQFH%DVLQJVWRNH 5*3( Lastly, for updated information on the Coronavirus situation please go to )RUDIULHQGO\DQGVHQVLEO\SULFHGVHUYLFH 3OHDVHULQJ Broadmere Road, Beggarwood, RG22 4AQ