Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 48, February 2006, pp. S123∼S126

Waiting-Time Distribution for Korean -Market KOSPI

Jae Woo Lee∗ Department of Physics, Inha University, Incheon 402-751 and School of Computational Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120, USA

Kyoung Eun Lee Department of Physics, Inha University, Incheon 402-751

Per Arne Rikvold School of Computational Science, Department of Physics, Center for Materials Research and Technology and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120, USA

We investigate the waiting-time distribution of the absolute return in the Korean stock-market index KOSPI. We define the waiting time as a time interval during which the normalized absolute return remains continuously below a threshold rc. Through an exponential bin plot, we observe −β that the waiting-time distribution shows power-law behavior, pf (t) ∼ t , for a range of threshold values. The waiting-time distribution has two scaling regimes, separated by the crossover time tc ≈ 200 min. The power-law exponents of the waiting-time distribution decrease when the return time ∆t increases. In the late-time regime, t > tc, the power-law exponents are independent of the threshold to within the error bars for fixed return time.

PACS numbers: 05.40.-a, 05.45.Tp, 89.65.Gh Keywords: Waiting-time distribution, Power law,

I. INTRODUCTION calm time intervals of the price changes has been ob- served in the Japanese stock market [48]. In the present work we consider the wtd for the Korean In recent decades, the dynamics of stock markets have stock-market index KOSPI (Korean Composite Stock been studied by a number of methods from statistical Price Index). A waiting time of the absolute return is physics [1–18]. The complex behaviors of economic sys- defined as an interval between a time when the absolute tems have been found to be very similar to those of return falls below a fixed threshold rc and the next time other complex systems, customarily studied in statisti- it again exceeds rc. It therefore corresponds to a rela- cal physics: in particular, critical phenomena. Stock- tively calm period in the time series of the stock index. market indexes around the world have been precisely We observed power-law behavior of the wtd over one to recorded for many years and therefore represent a rich two decades in time. source of data for quantitative analysis. The dynamic The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- behaviors of stock markets have been studied by various tion II, we introduce the return of the stock index and its methods, such as distribution functions [10–13,17], cor- probability density function. In Section III, we present relation functions [12–14], multifractal analysis [19–31], the wtd. Concluding remarks are presented in Section network analysis [15], and waiting-time distributions or IV. first-return-time distributions [32–44]. Waiting-time distributions (wtd’s) have been studied for many physical phenomena and systems, such as self- organized criticality [32], rice piles [33], sand piles [34], II. RETURN OF THE STOCK INDEX solar flares [35], and earthquakes [36–42]. Studies of wtd’s have also been performed for many high-frequency We investigate the returns (or price changes) of financial data sets [43–48]. Concepts of the continuous- the Korean stock-market index KOSPI. The data are time random walk (CTRW) have also been applied to recorded every minute of trading from March 30, 1992, stock markets [43–47]. A power-law distribution for the through November 30, 1999 in the Korean stock mar- ket. We count the time during trading hours and remove ∗E-mail: [email protected] closing hours, weekends, and holidays from the data. On -S123- -S124- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 48, February 2006

Fig. 1. Waiting-time distribution (wtd) of the absolute Fig. 2. Wtd of the absolute return with ∆t = 1 min and return for the original data (circles) and the randomly shuffled several values of rc, using the exponential bin plot. data (squares) with ∆t = 1 min and rc = 1.

threshold rc and the next time it again exceeds rc. It cor- denoting the stock-market index as p(t), the logarithmic responds to a calm period in the time series of the stock return is defined by index. For small return times, for example ∆t = 1 min as in Figure 1, the absolute return is distributed in a wide g(t) = log p(t) − log p(t − ∆t) , (1) range up to r = 500. However, for large return times, where ∆t is the time interval between two data points, the absolute return is distributed in a narrow range. For the so-called return time. The logarithmic return g(t) large values of the threshold rc, the waiting time has very is thus a function of both t and ∆t. In this article we time intervals. For small values of the threshold rc, consider the return times ∆t = 1 min, 10 min, 30 min, the waiting time has many time intervals. 60 min, 600 min (= 1 day), and 1200 min. The normal- In Figure 1 we present the wtd of the absolute return ized absolute return is defined by for the original data set of KOSPI, together with a ran- domly shuffled data set. Both sets were analyzed with g(t) − hg(t)i r(t) = , (2) threshold rc = 1.0 for the return time ∆t = 1 min. The σ(∆t) randomly shuffled data were obtained by exchanging two where σ(∆t) is the standard deviation of the time series randomly selected returns, repeating the exchanges one g(t) and h· · ·i denotes averaging over the entire time se- hundred times the total number of data points. The wtd ries. It is well known that the probability distribution of the absolute return shows the power law, function (pdf) of the return g(t) has a fat tail [10, 11]. −β pf (t) ∼ t , (5) The tail of the pdf obeys a power law, where the scaling exponent β depends on the return time −(1+α) p(x) ∼ x , (3) ∆t. However, the randomly shuffled data lose the cor- where α is a nonuniversal scaling exponent that depends relations of the original time series, and the uncorre- lated wtd is therefore a simple exponential distribution, on the return time ∆t. The cumulative pdf then also 1 follows a power law, such that pf (t) = hT i exp(−t/hT i), where hT i is the mean waiting time for the given threshold r . Z ∞ c P (g > x) = p(y)dy ∼ x−α . (4) In the wtd in Figure 1, the data are sparsely dis- x tributed in the tail, so it is difficult to measure the scaling We observed clear power-law behavior in the tail of the exponents of the power law. To calculate the scaling ex- pdf. Using least-squares fits, we obtained the power-law ponents, we have therefore applied the exponential bin exponents α = 3.06(8) for ∆t = 1 min and α = 3.2(4) plot [49]. In the exponential bin plot, we calculate the for ∆t = 600 min. normalized histogram in bins of exponentially increas- ing size. If the distribution follows a power law with exponent β, then the histogram of the distribution also has the same slope β in the log-log exponential bin plot: III. WAITING-TIME DISTRIBUTION log pf (t) = C − β log t, where C is a constant depending on the return time and the threshold. Consider a time series of the absolute return in the In Figure 2 we present the wtd obtained by using the stock-market index. The waiting time of the absolute exponential bin plot for the return time ∆t = 1 min. We return with a threshold rc is defined as an interval be- observe clear power-law behavior t > tc, where tc is a tween a time when the absolute return falls below a fixed crossover time. For a small return time, ∆t = 1 min, Waiting-Time Distribution for Korean Stock-Market Index··· – Jae Woo Lee et al. -S125-

Table 1. Critical exponents β2 for the wtd in the large-t regime.

rc β2 ∆t = 1 min ∆t = 60 min ∆t = 600 min 1.0 2.04(7) 1.40(5) 2.0 2.0(2) 1.58(7) 1.52(7) 3.0 2.0(1) 1.6(1) 1.36(5) 4.0 2.1(1) 1.58(7) 5.0 2.1(3) 1.46(5) 6.0 2.0(1) 7.0 1.9(2) Fig. 3. Wtd of the absolute return scaled by the average waiting time hT i with ∆t = 1 min. we observe two scaling regimes separated by a crossover time tc ≈ 200 min. In the log-log plots the curves for rc = 1.0 to rc = 3.0 are parallel to each other for t < tc, a power-law behavior. The exponents α decrease when and the slope is measured as β1 = 1.48(3). When we the return time ∆t increases. We defined the waiting choose a large threshold value rc, for example rc = 8.0, time of the absolute return by the threshold rc. The wtd the wtd is still large for small waiting times. This means also shows power-law behavior. When the return time that the return has clustering behavior, i.e., large abso- ∆t is less than one day, we observe two scaling regimes, lute returns occur in bursts. For t > tc, the wtd shows separated by a crossover time around tc ≈ 200 min. power-law behavior with similar exponents, regardless of the threshold. When the threshold rc is large, the total number of data points for the wtd decreases. Therefore, the wtd fluctuates much and the uncertainty in the ex- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ponent β2 increases. The power-law exponents of the wtd are measured by This work was supported by KOSEF (R05-2003-000- least-squares fits. In Table 1 we present the exponents 10520-0). β2 for t > tc. To measure the exponents, we scaled the R ∞ wtd by the average waiting time hT i = 1 tpf (t)dt. We present the wtd scaled by the average waiting time in Figure 3 for ∆t = 1 min. The scaled wtd shows clear REFERENCES power-law behavior. For a given return time, the expo- nents β2 are nearly equal within the error bars, regard- [1] R. N. Mantegna and H. E. Stanley, An Introduction to less of the threshold rc. We also observe that the ex- ponents β decrease when the return time ∆t increases. Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance 2 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999). We obtained the averaged exponents β2 for the wtd as [2] B. Mandelbrot, Fractals and Scaling in Finance β2 = 2.0 for ∆t = 1 min, 1.58 for ∆t = 60 min, and (Springer, New York, 1997). 1.42 for ∆t = 600 min. It is very difficult to identify the [3] J. P. Bouchaud and M. Potters, Theory of Financial Risk origins of the scaling behavior for the wtd. The correla- (Cambridge University Press, New York, 2000). tion of the return is one reason for the scaling behavior [4] D. Sornette, Phys. Rep. 378, 1 (2003). as shown in Figure 1, because the shuffled data set de- [5] R. N. Mantegna and H. E. Stanley, Nature 376, 46 stroys the correlation of the time series. The power-law (1995). behavior of the probability density function for the ab- [6] J.-P. Bouchaud and D. Sornette, J. Phys. I France 4, 863 solute return is another reason for the scaling behavior (1994). ´ of the wtd. These power-law behaviors may be due to [7] L. Bachelier, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 3, 21 (1900). herding behavior of the stock traders and the nonlinear [8] B. Mandelbrot, J. Business 36, 294 (1963). [9] E. F. Farma, J. Business 36, 420 (1963). dynamics of the stock market. [10] P. Gopikrishnan, V. Plerou, L. A. N. Amaral, M. Meyer and H. E. Stanley, Phys. Rev. E 60, 5305 (1999). [11] P. Gopikrishnan, M. Meyer, L. A. N. Amaral and H. E. IV. CONCLUSIONS Stanley, Eur. Phys. J. B 3, 139 (1999). [12] Y. Liu, P. Gopikrishnan, P. Cizeau, M. Meyer, C.-K. Peng and H. E. Stanley, Phys. Rev. E 60, 1390 (1999). We have considered the probability density function [13] P. Gopikrishnan, V. Plerou, Y. Liu, L. A. N. Amaral, X. of the absolute return and the waiting-time distribution Gabaix and H. E. Stanley, Physica A 287, 362 (2000). (wtd) with a cut-off threshold. We observed that the [14] H. E. Stanley, L. A. N. Amaral, P. Gopikrishnan and V. probability density function of the absolute return has Plerou, Physica A 283, 31 (2000). -S126- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 48, February 2006

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