The Vanishing Weapon the Official Verdict on Sirhan Is Wrong, Someone Else Killed RFK
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re__ 1.or OF c lap 1-)te-CQ. THE NATIONATEITTUR PRESENTS A SPECIAL REPORT Sat years after this homble moment when Robert Kennedy by dying, ballistics expefts say Sirhan didn't fire the fatal bullet and a massive amount of evidence has been accumubred ro prove the official investigation didn't uncover the true story. The Vanishing Weapon The Official Verdict on Sirhan is Wrong, Someone Else Killed RFK. Read the Facts. Nen. Robert Fran, IS Kennedy, brother of a Kidneety's aasassinution, elAdim00 Ma been Clara di that he drew I. gun after Kennedy prison The physician deices there to a strong Rain President and youthful heir to his piling up that Slrhun did not act aline during woo abet, but be quickly contended he did not possibility that turbandid not write the dynasty, was 'baking hands with a the igiesade In the betel kitchen fire it. Cesar veld tie wzs carrying a 28- notorious "diary" that was a strong factor la $7S-a-week dishwasher when, suddenly. Much of this evidence has been documented caliber weapon while serving as a naivete bin conviction. gunshot numb reverberated like a string of by a California free-lance brOadcast Jour- Kennedy bodyguard, but he - dosp,te hla Dr. Simian's strong dissent from the and. fire crackers Waugh the Ambassador Hotel millet Theodore Charach, who produced a sworn testimony to the contrary-aLso craned logs of a team of court psychiatrists and In los Angeles It win a few minutes past 117-minute documentary Sian, "The Second a .2Scallter pistol. the wane caliber ne the psychologists who concluded Strhan was a midnight June 4 19e5 - almost meetly sis Goa," which has not been relemed nationally, nee that killed the Senator. Be sold the 22 "parented echisophrenic." Sunson. in fact, yearn ago. Charach's decumentatim, bolstered by pistol after the assassinatlic and the weapon calls the Shahan case "tie psychiatric blunder Seconds later, the Senator lay dying as the ...ere research and interviews by TAT- was "spirted stolen In Arkansas. of the 20th Century," howl's kitchen floor no suptiatere wrestled TLER's staff has been employed In this • The fad that while tan Angola, police Many other diesrepancles add weight to the down and then set upon a maw Arab Im- eperial C-page welkin. which &talks why insisted their extensive Investigation showed demands that the Robert Kennedy migrant who appeared to here been firing a more than one gunman was bivalved In Sen. no persons of right-wing political persuasion assasenution inveabgatlim be reopened to pistol east}. Kennedy's aseuseltiation - nod how Sirhan were near the pantry tumult. Cesar, the dispel the mystery that surrounds It teepee fur a secnial Kennedy In the White Slrhan may not have fired the latal ahem at security guard. sold later in an interview that At present this objective h being pursued In Rouse, buoyed by the young Senator's upset all. he opposed both John and Bobby Kennedy two ways. Artery la the California Democratic and feared blacks and Canniunists were primary, were dead SOME OF THE EVIDENCE within tsar uying to Lida over the tountry. L. Raster Ward.* powerful member of the Lai Angeles authoralre were confident they Los Angeles County Board a MS. • Results re the Kennedy autoepy per- Supervisors and tad • art-and-dried case with the sonars of a candidate for • Statements by two nf the nation's hostile formed by Dr. Thomas T Noguchi, the Loa governor of California, has Saban ihstiara &hart Sam Yorty. the city'. announced a nee public invesaigatinn of bale-att. expert* that at least two separate Angelrn county coroner, which lend credence the highly conservative sayer. won *aped Into new allegation and new evidence we are the affair - for which he was tater officially guns were Involved in the assassination. to the "second gun" the.). Nnguchi'a land- au, were that the bullet that kited Kennedy publiahing. reprimanded - and revealed scribbling* in • The account ctsimaa. a 2. Godfrey base WOO fired from inches behind him. Same preminent Beverly Hilla aciteboolcs reportedly found in Sir/awes home_ television station employe, who was an alierney. has been retained to seek a new trial witnesses said Sirhan was standing well In One notation, Yorty sad- stated Kennedy eyewitness to the easassinetiat Minutes after for Skis., he revealed to TATTLER. He maid front of Kennedy when he fired. must be assassinated before. June 5, ISM - tuna shooting, he said he saw turban Lire had he feels a court will find that the evidence will Ites first anniversary of the Arab-Lama war. gun and saw a security guard draw a gun end • The resulting speculation, especially by show Sirhan should receive a second tial. Striven NM tried by California and found See back. Police dtscounted Schulman's lerensle experts, that the bullet! fired by in abort, virtually all of the Robert Kennedy guilty the following year - his own lawyer did dory, claiming ha was not in the kitchen Sirhan wounded the five auvking victims tateasateation dory that is known to date is net dispute hie Huth and he was sentencod pantry at the none But a Las Angeles Police and that It wain second gunmen who fired the being published together in the TATTLER die in the sae chamb.. &hares death we- Department report stuns* that Schulman was shuts that killed the Senator. issue you now hold. t.. was cusrunuteit In life when the U.S. el the pantry at the time, • Psychological exanunations conducted Supreme I ',art outlawed capital punishment • An adaevlew with a security guard, by Dr. Eduard Simeon, of Sirhan while THE NATIONAL TATTLER But In the ea yen!, following Bobby Thane Eugene Cesar. who admitted to Sens. was add psychologist at San Quentin June 15, 1974 1:14w se An Exclusive Interview With Mary Sirhan, The Convicted Assassin's Mother 'I Know That With All We Have Found out, the Time Will Come That He Will Have a New Trial,' Says She By VAUN WILMOTI sanint," she mid "It's not me: I dell say it- of the raente &ad :The trenscript quotes Cooper as saying, Mary Stratto tnaihte her son, Ferhan Bishara 'I'm not here to free a guilty man.' A defense Stritan, did not go to the Ambasaadoe Hotel lewyerl should my this?" naked the deliberately In kill Seal Robert F. Kennedy. delennincel mother. - It lee happened," Mrs. Sirhan told she remarked that her new, who site TAM Eli In an exclusive interylaW. "My an elided to the floor firma a revolver when Kenoeriy wee there but he didn't to as they: said ... and five ether peruses wore abet, deltheroteh e, kill." Jule nilarnantly inaisrted lie doesn't remember The fil-ymead %rah metier mid the hi wino happened before end during the correneed now evidence: and ler Beth he fllel reeding. will remit In her WC being granted a new tent 1158 1011) THEM that menu tunes. "I believe In Gel very strnefly," Ifba milt. And be .poke the truth,- sad Mrs. Saban. "1 know that with o!! Ise hove found tat, the The intlletr add she hos emaped being taste will remit UM he will have a new hid." lumuteed by Mt ruble_ became her son is a Met Sirhan mid the is unhappy ellb the enrrekqed ngSE0.111 legal representation her win hes revolved by -People rernfort roe become they knee hie yar50115 lawyers. me they knee my £.1,- Mee Mime mitt "I wieh ill tie: people could lams my man. lie is "90 FAR, lie, hien sla cram and until now nal a giant; be is a aimple prune." my men never even hid a defen-e," de wed. Unlike Marguerite Oswald. the mother of lb revelled that the elrhmi 'amity b: the anlowd a.asila ill President John F. negotieting with nnother uunrncy hr lake tip Kennedy Mary far an Ia net bummed In ken Bark amuse. That man, 'IATTI.BIR eleamentalitats nn her infamous ma. learned, Is Godfrey 'Guar, s promimod -There* a book they made now.' she said. Beverly l'aig: attorney. "Yoe done know whist they made with that. urban. TI. ie serving lift in the t5ilifornia We never would do such a thing. I myself will Mae prism of Son Quentin on a first clewee col aocept any money tram melt a thing teenier conviction. A ally Initially screened became that would be like blood money." terban to die in the ma eleunier for the June 5, 1488, murder rd Senrenr Kennedy. MRS. KERR AN experneed em sera over Tie entente see utsumulell 141 K." Im- certain threatening lettere her sun has prima:meet after the .5 Moreton Cnurt receive! In preen. outlawed Leaded penestneent. "But we bake sornetwdy who really token Mr. WWI view:nasty et:Rich:el Grant care d Inta," ltie mother mid. "Gel (*per. the attorney who represented Strhan leaven. Here the only One who wateleas tarn. at kb, Mal. foe net presentee a ilifferme "Many *Pee he used to tell me, 'Mom, the defense. gxs ChOlIther 117. only a fee. mope away from MFIR.SIRHAN Wi•fel SON WAS HELD. "Look 01 eind Ille lereph. my to the Iran- toe, but Gel pas it down there ... nal wine. - bins. SIRHAN TODAY. SHE'S 82. One of the Nation's Top Criminologists Checked Clues Et Found: 'CIRCUMSTANCES SUGGEST THAT TWO GUNMEN HAD TO BE TRACKED' The man credited with providing the fire sea:eh:tem auhelno antt. unfortunately, an meal& evklence eel trete them one gun erroneous over-simplification," Harper weld. was need In the nmesathatinn of Fem.