CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E175 HON
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February 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E175 TRIBUTE TO LILLIAN ELIZABETH and head coach Doug Pederson, the ‘‘Birds,’’ tive practices for screening certain people DUNCAN KECK as they are affectionately known, won their entering the United States through the re- first-ever Super Bowl title. view of information provided by those trav- The Eagles embraced their ‘‘underdog’’ sta- elers. The act would direct DHS to share HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. those practices with certain other countries. tus following multiple regular season injuries to OF TENNESSEE DHS is currently carrying out activities key players, defeating last year’s National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES similar to those that would be required by Football Conference (NFC) champions, the At- the act; thus, CBO estimates that imple- Tuesday, February 13, 2018 lanta Falcons, the NFL’s top-ranked defense, menting H.R. 4581 would not significantly af- Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, the Minnesota Vikings, and ultimately the five- fect spending by DHS. one of the kindest, sweetest women I have time Super Bowl Champions, the New Eng- Enacting H.R. 4581 would not affect direct land Patriots, to clinch the world champion- spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you- ever known passed away in Farragut, TN on go procedures do not apply. February 5. ship. CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 4581 My Aunt Lib, Lillian Elizabeth Duncan Keck, Eagles backup quarterback Nick Foles would not increase net direct spending or on- was 96. She led a long, full, active life and earned Super Bowl LII’s Most Valuable Player budget deficits in any of the four consecutive touched thousands in good and positive ways. after he completed 373 yards for three touch- 10-year periods beginning in 2028. She was born in Huntsville, TN to Flem B. downs and caught a touchdown pass in a trick H.R. 4581 contains no intergovernmental or and Cassie Duncan, the seventh of ten chil- play, what was arguably the most memorable private-sector mandates as defined in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. dren who were raised to adulthood. Two oth- moment of Super Bowl LII. Glassboro, New Jersey’s very own Corey The CBO staff contact for this estimate is ers, twin sisters, died shortly after birth. Mark Grabowicz. The estimate was approved Aunt Lib moved to Knoxville after graduating Clement, running back for the Eagles, re- by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy Assistant from Huntsville High School in 1940. She corded four catches for 100 offensive yards Director for Budget Analysis. graduated from National Business College and and a critical 22 yard touchdown for the Ea- f worked for C.M. McClurg Co. in Knoxville Ten- gles. Clement has family members who still nessee, Eastman in Oak Ridge, and U.S.O. reside in Glassboro. CONGRATULATING DR. LAWRENCE Headquarters in the Empire State Building in South Jersey and New Jersey’s First Con- FAN FOR 30 YEARS AT KELSEY- New York City. gressional District neighbor the City of Phila- SEYBOLD After World War II, she taught special needs delphia are verifiably ‘‘Eagles Country,’’ home children in Knox County and retired as a to many Eagles players, staff, and countless HON. PETE OLSON speech and hearing technician in the Chil- Eagles fans, including 2018 NFL MVP Nick OF TEXAS drens’ Special Services Division. Foles, Coach Doug Pederson, Hall of Fame IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Her most important role was as a loving quarterback Ron Jaworski, and famed Eagles Tuesday, February 13, 2018 sportscaster Sal Paolantonio. wife for 60 years to my late Uncle Kenneth Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Keck who worked for 42 years for the phone Philadelphia Eagles’ fans are known world- wide as the most passionate and dedicated congratulate Dr. Lawrence Fan, of Pearland, company, and as mother to four children, San- TX, on 30 years of service at the Kelsey- dra, Kenny, Ricky, and Susan. She also had fans in the NFL and whether we identify as ‘‘Red’’ or ‘‘Blue’’, we put that aside to all Seybold Clinic. seven grandchildren, twelve great-grand- Dr. Fan was honored at a luncheon recog- children, and one great, great grandchild. proudly wear green. Mr. Speaker, allow me to once again con- nizing employees that have served a mile- I remember Aunt Lib best as one of the stone number of years. He is among 600 em- hardest campaigners my father ever had in his gratulate the Philadelphia Eagles on their his- toric victory in Super Bowl LII. ployees who have been with Kelsey-Seybold three races for Mayor of Knoxville and espe- more than 15 years. Countless kids in Fort f cially in his first (and closest) race for Con- Bend County have benefited from the wonder- gress in 1964. COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 4581, THE ful care they have received from Dr. Fan. My Dad and Aunt Lib were the sixth and SCREENING AND VETTING PAS- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- seventh of the ten children my grandparents SENGER EXCHANGE ACT OF 2017 sional District of Texas, congratulations again raised, so they were especially close in age to Dr. Lawrence Fan for achieving this mile- and in many other ways. HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL stone. I thank him for his dedication to keep- They both enjoyed telling the story of the OF TEXAS ing our Fort Bend community healthy. Keep up time the basketball manager at Huntsville high IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the great work. school forgot my dad’s uniform on a visit to f another school, so my father had to play wear- Tuesday, February 13, 2018 ing Aunt Lib’s uniform. Mr. McCAUL. Mr. Speaker, I include in the PERSONAL EXPLANATION Aunt Lib was a lifelong Presbyterian and RECORD the following cost estimate for H.R. lived by the Golden Rule. She was kind to ev- 4581, the Screening and Vetting Passenger HON. ROD BLUM eryone. Exchange Act of 2017, prepared by the Con- OF IOWA This Nation is a better place today because gressional Budget Office was not made avail- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the life she led and the examples she set able to the Committee at the time of filing of Tuesday, February 13, 2018 for everyone who knew her. the legislative report. Mr. BLUM. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoidably U.S. CONGRESS, f detained on February 8, 2018. Had I been CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES Washington, DC, February 12, 2018. present for Roll Call No. 67, I would have SUPERBOWL Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, voted ‘‘aye.’’ Had I been present for Roll Call Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, No. 68, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Had I been HON. DONALD NORCROSS House of Representatives, Washington, DC. present for Roll Call No. 69, I would have DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional voted ‘‘nay.’’ OF NEW JERSEY Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES estimate for H.R. 4581, the Screening and Vetting Passenger Exchange Act of 2017. Tuesday, February 13, 2018 IN MEMORY OF DOROTHY If you wish further details on this esti- CALHOUN WILSON ROGERS Mr. NORCROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today mate, we will be pleased to provide them. to honor the World Champion Philadelphia Ea- The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz. HON. JOE WILSON gles, winners of the National Football Sincerely, KEITH HALL, OF SOUTH CAROLINA League’s Super Bowl LII. Director. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On Sunday, February 4, 2018, in front of an Enclosure. Tuesday, February 13, 2018 international audience, the Philadelphia Eagles H.R. 4581—SCREENING AND VETTING PASSENGER won Super Bowl LII by a score of 41–33, de- EXCHANGE ACT OF 2017 Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- feating the defending champions, the New As passed by the House of Representatives er, the following loving obituary is a deserved England Patriots, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. on January 9, 2018 tribute to a true Southern Lady of South Caro- Under the steady leadership of owner Jef- H.R. 4581 would require the Department of lina who made a positive, meaningful dif- frey Lurie, general manager Howie Roseman, Homeland Security (DHS) to develop effec- ference for others with nearly 104 years of life. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:20 Feb 14, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13FE8.021 E13FEPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 13, 2018 Dorothy Calhoun Wilson Rogers (‘‘Dot’’) insurgents attacked his vehicle with an impro- IN RECOGNITION OF RAY BAUM died February 9, 2018 at McLeod Hospice in vised explosive device in Qole Gerdsar, Af- Florence, SC. A memorial service will be ghanistan. Captain (CPT) Ronald G. Luce Jr. conducted at 2 p.m. on Saturday, February HON. DORIS O. MATSUI 17, 2018 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in and Sergeant First Class (SFC) Alejandro OF CALIFORNIA Bennettsville, SC with a reception to follow Granado III were also killed. SFC Summers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at the Church. was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 20th Spe- Dot was born February 18, 1914 in Macon, cial Forces Group (Airborne), headquartered in Tuesday, February 13, 2018 GA. She was the daughter of the late Harry Jackson, Mississippi. Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, Ray Baum’s life Gardelle Wilson and Corrie Hartzog Boineau SFC Summers, a native of Bentonia, Mis- was sadly cut short, but his public service both Wilson. She was predeceased by her husband sissippi, graduated from Christian Life Acad- in Oregon and Washington, D.C. will continue of 69 years, Frederick Alexander Rogers, Jr., to serve as an example for us all.