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The BG News March 9, 1979

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 9, 1979" (1979). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3595.

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Roller responded that the observation The University Board of Trustee! maintenance worker and local Ohio Recreation into the new School of vote of the Faculty Senate. In a report presented by Jerry L. was his impression that he theoriasd yesterday Increased room and board Association of Public Schools Health, Physical Education and The enrollment report for winter Updegraff, director of alumni fund because the senate acts as an adviser to fees by at least 125 effective summer Employees (OAPSE) organizing Recreation (HPER). quarter submitted to the board showed raising, he explained to the trustees the the board and the nature of the work quarter. chairman, requested to address the University President Dr. Hollis A. that 15,260 students attend the growth In private gifts to the Univer- attracts certain personalities. He said Trustee Charles E. Shanklln, trustees. After informing him of the Moore Jr. endorsed the merger, noting University. The breakdown Indicated sity. Last year the University received persons knowledgeable In literature, chairman of the finance committee, board's procedures, President John F. that the University needs a coordinated that 13,510 were full-time students and $1.2 million. said the University is faced with rapid program. He added that the University history and languages enjoy abstract Lipa] granted him a few moments to 1,752 were part-time students. discussion but those in business usually inflation and Increasing utility coats. speak. Trustee Robert C.Ludwig, a member IN HIS REPORT to the trustees, desire a definitive decision. Ha also cited the unpredictable in- Donald W. Turko, OAPSE area field See related story of the ad hoc admissions committee, Faculty Senate Chairman Dr. David crease in food costs for raising the price director, and Hernandez were told to on page 3 said his group Is becoming educated In Roller said the faculty would like a 10.5 Dykes also suggested that the senate for meal coupons. contact Richard A. Edwards, vice la second in the state In the number of the matter. percent raise because of Inflation and it review its legislative liaison to help The room rental rate will Increase by president and secretary to the board, physical education graduates. IN A REPORT on the 1979 summer would benefit the University to make influence the state budget. Edwards $104292 a quarter for moat residence about presenting the results of the The planned merger had been under session, Dr. Ronald N. Marso, vice salaries competitive. He said in some praised the faculty and students for halls. The rates for Offenhauer Towers pledge card drive. study for the last three or four years, dean of the College of Education, In- pubic school systems, teachers with their efforts to Influence legislators. He will Jump $204335 a quarter. Shanklln AFTER THE MEETING with according to Provost Michael Ferrari. dicated that the composition of summer master's degrees receive more money noted that many universities fall to said utility costs are higher for this Edwards yesterday afternoon, Turko students is changing. To attract older than some University faculty. follow with their commitments. dormitory. Greek housing unit rates said OAPSE will present at the board's THE TRUSTEES also approved two and part-time students, the summer Trustee Albert E. Dykes questioned The board also met In a one-hour will increase by $104311. April 19 meeting a request for an amendments to the academic charter session will have more evening classes Roller about references in his report to executive session with several lawyers THE COST of the meal plans has been election. concerning the selection of faculty and a third term in July. possible overrepresentation on the to discuss legal matters. The G Sews Vol. 61, No. 248 Bowling 'Green Stale University Friday , March 9, 1979 Editorial aegfa takes liberties with, from news It appears as if the political witch-hunts and false upon realizing that Kumler appeared affronted, and office on that day to provide them with the data. Upon hearing these baseless accusations by charges that characterized the McCarthy Era In hearing that student representative Ken Slmonson The News office generally Is very "dead" on Fridays Kumler, student representatives of ACGFA were the 1950s are not a thing of the past, as the recent was "insulted," other members expressed their because it Is not published on Saturday. At the quick to jump on the bandwagon and agree that the "crusade" of the Advisory Committee on General outraged indignation. ACGFA chairman Bobby G. Saturday meeting, Kumler apologized because he News was clearly an extension of the School of Fee Allocation (ACGFA) against the News has Arrowsmlth then Informed the group that the had failed to obtain the data which would reveal Journalism and that all students employed by the indicated. appeal had been carried out properly and was the alleged discriminatory hiring practices of the News were Journalism majors. For Kumler's and Led by Dr. Marvin L. Kumler, associate legal. The appeal process also was outlined in News. He said the News Is open exclusively to the other ACGFA member's information, the News professor of psychology and faculty representative Friday's News. ACGFA members had to have this Journalism majors and discriminated against is not an auxiliary of the School of Journalism, to ACGFA who apparently is well-versed in explained to them a number of times before they greeks, minorities and non-journalism majors. (hough it does sometimes seek its professional manipulating the emotions of his ACGFA peers, admitted their error. It Is these supposedly well- Kumler said that his greatest objection was not advice for improving the quality of our publication. the group has made numerous unsubstantiated informed representatives who are allowed to make that students were receiving credit and pay at the Still, ACGFA, by the suggestion of Kumler and allegations against the News based on hearsay and judgments which have the potential to affect the same time, but "to the alleged fact that the 24 graduate student representative Beth Aufmuth, innuendo and which ignore the facts. entire University. students who receive $27,000 from the BG News now is seeking information regarding the status of ACGFA, in its recent demands, has clearly Kumler also leveled an attack at the News by are without exception in the School of Journalism News employees. Such a move is clearly outside of overstepped the bounds of Its authority by seeking accusing it of having "hiring practices that are or in the School of Communication." This ACGFA's domain, because hiring practices deal to investigate matters of policy rather than ad- clearly discriminatory," and said at the Friday statement again is untrue, as there are persons with policy decisions and not budgetary matters. dressing budgetary concerns. meeting that he would produce information to this working at the News who are not journalism Clearly, ACGFA had no right to demand such' The facts are these: This year, the News asked effect at the ACGFA meeting the next day. Kumler majors, although most quite logically are, because information. The charter, which describes ACGFA for a $55,500 budget, up from last year's and another person allegedly were unsuccessful in the News is a journalistic endeavor. Further, the ACGFA's responsibilities, states it has the power to allocation of $52,000. Of that amount, $27,000 Is obtaining these materials on two separate oc- News employs several persons who are affiliated examine "student services auxiliary programs allotted for student salaries for the 27 paid em- casions that Friday, since nobody was in the News with greek organizations. (including the News) to review budget needs and ployees of the News. ACGFA, led by Kumler, requests...and to recommend to the president of proposed an original cut of $9,000 in the recom- the University separate general fee support levels." mendation, intending that the money be cut from Nowhere does it mention that ACGFA may set the student salary budget. Though ACGFA could policy. not specifically request that the money be cut from Kumler stated that because all students who student salaries, it was fully aware that the received salaries from the News allegedly were in other costs at the News (e.g., classified employees, the School of Journalism or the School of Com- printing and rental costs, etc.) are fixed and cannot munication, all funds for student employment at be cut, so the loss would have to be accrued the News should be cut or the Bowling Green Radio through a lower student payroll. At a later date, News Organization (BGRNO). the Obsidian and based on false assumptions, some ACGFA the Gavel should be funded from these salary cuts. members suggested that $27,000 be cut from the This statement ignores common sense. Students at proposed News budget, which effectively would most college newspapers across the country are eliminate all student salaries. paid for their work, and it is indeed doubtful that The rationale of the proposed cut first suggested anyone would volunteer 15-50 hours of their week by Kumler was that students should not be paid and going through the hassles and headaches that the receive credit while gaining professional ex- News staff does. perience. He failed to see why 15,000 student ,NrJfo rttu^, fctoR/OO, 6*oei ^esiow- should have to pay their general fees for a "select " THEY'RE ALL r*£ w*er- The intent of Kumler's allegations is unclear, but group" to receive benefits. The fallacy that Kumler he appears to be dangling money over our heads to Is perpetuating Is that all students at the News affect our hiring practices and tell us what our news receive Both credit and pay for their work. Nothing content should be. Clearly, though, his accusations could be further from the truth. Had Kumler known show a basic ignorance of the facts and show of what he spoke, he would have discovered that Kumler's ability to gain emotional support from his many persons employed at the News receive no peers to agree to charges based on idle conjecture academic credit, and that many more still receive and unsubstantiated hearsay and innuendo. no salary for their work, but work on a volunteer Perhaps Kumler's present crusade is a personal basis. Obviously, the facts do not Impress Kumler. vendetta against the News. Whatever the reason When the News appealed the proposed budget cut for events that have occurred, it is frightening that to Dr. Richard R. Eakln, vice provost for in- they should be transpired by a supposedly stitutional planning and student affairs, who then responsible and mature group that should have the sent a memo for reconsideration to ACGFA on interests of the University community in mind and TME PlEDPiPtT? oi AdCFA behalf of the News, Kumler appeared offended that il_UV- not seek to feed personal egos by leveling untrue Eakln should question Its judgement. Immediately allegations against the News. Personnel audit soon to be public inside the News By Paula Wtnslow procedures, he said. results of the audit to be favorable, university's personnel director. Assistant Managing Editor Richard J. Rehmer, University saying, "I have nothing to hide." But each department still is "subject director of personnel, said represen- Although the state agency has to periodic review to guarantee uniform EDITORIALS: Read the last of this quarter's turkeys and A report on an audit conducted last tatives of the department visited the jurisdiction over all personnel application and interpret the law," triumphs on Page 2. week of the University personnel university last December "to see if they departments at state institutions, the Knapp said. If the proper "merit department by the state Department of could help" with any problems the agency's power to enforce the civil coverage" Is not being provided, the NEWS: University fraternity pledges tell their sides of hazing. See Administration probably will be made department might have. service laws at state-supported colleges agency could assume that institution's the last part of Dave Drake's story on Page 5. public next week, according to Robert HE ADDED THAT he expected the and universities is vested In each personnel functions. E. Fletcher, legal counsel to the DAY IN REVIEW:President Carter continues his efforts to bring department. peace to the Middle East. Page 7. The Investigation was conducted by Fletcher and Tom WiUigott, legislative HIRE studies minority education SPORTS: BG hockey team enters CCHA playoff finals at home liaison for the department, at the By Kristi Kehres The commission will also recommend achieve educational equity and full against Ohio State. Page 1$. request of the Ohio Association of Staff Reporter steps to bring minorities to educational participation in society. Public School Employees (OAPSE) parity with the rest of society, he said. "WE HOPE THAT this study will A study, conducted by a nine-member The study will last for two to three draw a more complete picture of the which charged the personnel depart- Hlgh«F($C) commission with support from the Ford years with the results being published recent gains (of minority students) and ment with unfair hiring and promotion Low30F(-lC) practices. Foundation, began this year to as they are completed. will make recommendations on how the remaining distance to full participation Weather 3t percent chance of precipitation OAPSE is trying to unify University determine the current status of "IT WILL BE an ongoing research classified employees and gain approval minorities in American higher project," Green added. can be closed," he said. of the Board of Trustees to hold an education, according to Mr. Kenneth According to a press release from the O. Meredith Wilson, chairman of the election to designate OAPSE as em- Green, a research analyst at the Higher Ford Foundation, McGeorge Bundy, commission, said the study also will News signs off for break ployees' sole bargaining agent Education Research Institute (HIRE) foundation president, said the study address the Impact of traditionally FLETCHER SAID he would not of Los Angelas. will assess the educational progress black colleges In providing educational When you don't find any copies of the News in their usual places Tuesday, reveal any information obtained by him The study, which is financed by a made by the four minority groups- opportunities for minorities, the don't be alarmed-we're Just taking a break. or Withgott during the audit until the $700,000 foundation grant to HIRE, is a blacks, Mexican Americans, Puerto distribution of public and private Even News staffers have to study for final examinations. final report is compiled. policy-oriented assessment about Rlcans and Native Americans-in support, faculty attitudes toward The staff wishes the best of luck on finals to all students and a relaxing The audit included Interviews with minority status in post-secondary recent years, factors that Inhibit access minorities and factors that make break minus the books. We've all deserved it. classified employees and ad- education In the last 10 years, Green to and success In higher education and certain educational Institutions more Look for the News in its usual spot March 28. ministrators and a review of personnel said. means by which minorities may hospitable to minorities than others.

I guest column in defense of schurk and the audio center

Some folks say the pen is mightier not have a certain book, it la not en- for in-classroom use by students and releases, thereby crippling the the fruition of his labors. than the sword. tirely Mr. Schurk's fault. Books for the faculty members. Presently the Audio Center's capacity to provide other vital IN THE time I have worked In the Although Christa Peters proved By Mike Gueulette collection are selected not only by Mr. Center Is equipped with only three services. Audio Center, I have never scan Mr. herself fairly adept at thrusting In her Schurk, but also by the popular culture turntables, and if listening hours were ALSO, FOR so flagrant a violation of Schurk exhibit rudeness towards any of verbal fencing duel with the University faculty and the Popular Culture extended for those few who are too copyright laws, there ii the very real the patrons. On the contrary, I haw Library's Audio Center in Tuesday's riddling his conversation with Librarian, Nancy Steen. I find It dif- impatient to wait until 1 p.m., the possibility that the Audio Center could seen him ungrudgingly put up with BG News, I seriously doubt if she will "technical Jargon." That strikes me as ficult to believe Mr. Schurk is apathetic resulting equipment tie-up could lose all federal and state funding, and some downright obnoxious people. He is be able to parry her adversary's odd, for in the year and a half that I after seeing him either practically bend severely hinder the much needed and those monies are vital in the day-to-day always willing to devote much of his counterattack. Ms. Peters has left have worked with Mr. Schurk (here lies over backwards to spend bis own appreciated taping operation. If you functioning if the facility and In heavily taxed time to helping Audio herself wide open, choosing to base her my only bias in the matter-I am an leisure time (and In some cases his own were to arrive at Krogers 10 minutes maintaining and expanding the Center users with a variety of projects, complaints on emotion rather than fact Audio Center employee), I have never collection. and many patrons have expressed their Ms. Peters, in an apparent fit of seen him fail to clarify any user's "My main purpose in writing this letter is not to be- gratitude and appreciation of Ms frustration, has decided to take on an question about Audio Center poMciaa, The problem of hearing Creedence willingness to share Ms knowledge and opponent without doing much in the much less skirt the issue with "Jargon." little Ms. Peters, but to set the record straight as far Clearwater Revival and Timothy Leary ability. way of advance scouting. She was It appears that you either weren't on the same channel is referred to as Irritated by having to wait IS minutes listening, or that you didn't want to as the Audio Center she ignorantly misrepresented." "crosstalk" and is caused by the I, for one, am happy to have known until 1 p.m. to hear the selection she had make an effort to get an answer that faulty 10-plus-year-old wiring system. and worked with Mr. Schurk, and I feel chosen at the Audio Center. In might contradict your preconcieved money) to obtain a book or record for before opening time, it is doubtful the And as Mr. Schurk said, the listening I have learned a great deal from him. I desperation she says "Somewhere biases. What Is painfully obvious, the collection, or spend hours sifting store would open the door booths will be rewired for next year, am sure most of the other employees at there has to be a reason for that rule." however, is the fact that you didn't even through Friends of the Library early at your insistence. along with several other significant the Audio Center feel as I do. Warm, Did she attempt to find out what the take the time to find out bow to spell donations looking for needed additions. The taping of albums for personal changes benefiting the Center's users. knowledgeable, and at times un- reason Is before she criticized the rule? Mr. Schurk's name correctly ("Shurk," I'm sure many other users And the reasons Is strictly forbidden by federal Maying these changes Is, like most predictable, yes, but never "apathetic, Apparently not. Instead, she chose to "Sherk") before you unleashed your Library is missing a work they think is copyright laws. Therefore, the Audio other projects Involving large financial unhelpful and rude." For all he has make an exasperated emotional tirade. of paramount importance. The Library Center tapes only what is needed for committment from the University, a done for the Library and the Univer- statement without regard to the facts of My main purpose in writing this simply can not afford to buy classroom use. If the Center started long drawn-out political process. That sity, I would gladly pick up the ranter, the matter. rebuttal is not to belittle Ms. Peters, but everything. doing personal tape Jobs, two Mr. Schurk surmounted the or the pen, in Ms or the Audio Center's to set the record straight as far as the devastating effects would occur. First, bureaucratic red tape involved in defense. MS. PETERS writes off the replies of Audio Center policies she so Ignorantly YES, THERE Is a reason for starting the Audio Center would be deluged with bringing about these changes is com- William Schurk, head of the library's misrepresented. listening hours at 1 p.m.: The morning requests to tape everything from rare, mendable, despite the fact that some Mike Geetuette Is a itadent at the Special Collections, by accusing Mm of If the Popular Culture collection did hours are reserved for taping materials out-of-print Jazz albums to brand new upperclassmen will not be able to enjoy University. opinion 'judgment is founded on truth...' the last of the guest column turkeys & triumphs i ask you, is our water killing us? Has your skin dried up lately or water, which disinfects the remaining does their own testing and would not broken out In a rash? Have you sud- organic material. reveal their results. The Health TRIUMPH-The weather has finally become consistently good, at least denly become ill for no apparent Department and the Environmental compared to the weather at this time last year. Even the ground la reason? If you have had any of these Mike FOR THE last phase, water must Protection Agency both make suprise beginning to dry out, signaling the approach of outdoor fun. symptoms, you might be suffering from travel through sand filters. These check-ups, bat have not since Sep- TURKEY-The Advisory Committee for General Fee Allocations the BG (Bowla, Bowla), water blues. Stoia filters let the water flow through, but tember 1978. (ACGFA) continues to be unable, whether because of Ignorance or Students on campus have long trap the bacteria. Many incidents in the area seem to complained about the smell, color and A method used to test this system is a point to the water problem. In Weston, stubborness, to fully appreciate the News' function, operation andFlrst taste of the water. Many times I have hygiene-chemical analysis. This a small town outside of BG, a hepatitis Amendment rights. turned the water faucet on only to be analysis tests the color and mineral epidemic is spreading. Weston receives TRIUMPH-Bowling Green's hockey team continues to roll along on a driven away by the sight of yellow which is a 10-minute drive from the concentration of the water. I took three its water from BG's treatment plant. victoiy course after the playoff win over Lake Superior last weekend. The water! campus bv car,- is located near Rt. 65 on tests from February 31 until March 3. The owner of the Hutch Pet Shop in BG News hopes they will take care of this weekend. From my own personal experience, KlngRoad. The testing of the water was done for told me, "For the last two weeks, my TURKEY--Reports confirm the rumor that a concert featuring Bruce and from bearing other students' The BG water treatment plant has me by a University chemistry customers have been complaining that Springsteen, "The Boss," could have been scheduled at BGSU If it had opinions, I have decided to find out if four steps which it uses to purify the professor. Two of the three tests their fish are dying from the water." If not been for a women's volleyball tournament last weekend. At least the student population is safe by water. The first step is to remove the showed unhealthy water. In these two the water can kill the fish, what can it Bruce did not have to dress In a men's room like Harry Chapln had to. drinking the water. mud and organic material from the tests there was a high mineral con- do to humans? TRIUMPH-The BG News staff will have the honor of becoming THE WATER you drink comes from water with a chemical sulfate called centration of iron and manganese. The SKIP KALPENBACH, director of the normal students since this Is the last issue for the quarter. It may not be a the Maumee River. The Maumee River alum. professor explained to me that these BG water treatment plant, explained Is polluted, according to Wood County two minerals are what caused the that the fish are dying because of an triumph to have to study for finals, but spring break will be worth it. In the second phase, the water travels conservation officials. The water wMch into a basin where caustic soda, sodium yellow coloring in the water I had increase of chlorine in the water like In closing, may your exams go well and spring break be fun-filled, flows from the Maumee to the campus hydroxide and lime are added to noticed before. He also mentioned that this, it causes the water to be hard. We whether it is spent In Florida or not. and the city Is purified by a water eliminate mineral extracts. The third the two minerals are extremely add more chlorine to make It soft The treatment plant. The treatment plant, step is the addition of chlorine to the unhealthy for a person's metabolism only problem win adding the extra when taken in large quantities. chlorine is that It creates the odor and BOTH OF these tests failed on days the bad taste that people may be ex- when there was a great deal of rain and periencing now." The director went on the Maumee was above its normal to say that there Is nothing wrong with Letters level. These were the days when the water and that It Is perfectly safe. everybody had to rent a canoe to go to Whether you want to believe the The BG News Is not Just a going on. but is anybody doing anything group of men? They need your help to class without drowning. The testing water Is safe or not Is your opinion. You newspaper; it is a forum for the about it? continue in their hopes for energy was positive on a dry day. It makes one might not even believe in the Bowla, bulletin board University community. And within that Here at BGSU there is someone conservation. You all did great during think the treatment system is not bad, Bowla water blues, to which I reply, forum we have the obligation and trying to do something about It. Mr. the 1977-S winter by reducing energy 20 but that problems occur when an excess "Drink up, my friend, in good health!" privilege of functioning as responsible Chuck Codding and Ms group of hard percent but where has that desire to of water is present. for gripes citizens. Allowing, and thus en- working employees (Frank Finch, Carl help gone? I'm sure there are If my tests failed, what about Mike Stela Is a student at the couraging, unverified (perhaps even Ott, Jeff Jackson) along with a service thousands who can honestly say I'm government tests? The treatment plant University. unverifiable) attacks on Individuals representative of Honeywell, Inc., are still conserving. It must be the other As far as we are concerned, the hardly contributes to a healthy com- those someone's. They are constantly guy wno'slwasting energy. Watergate Era honeymoon with the munity. monitoring and maintaining building press, especially with the BG News, It seems to us that the time must heating, cooling, and exhaust systems Are lights left on In rooms that are not should be declared over. come for the News to decide what it control, and through the use of the good occupied? Is the TV left on when no one It has long been the tasteless wants to be now that is has grownup. It ole "System 7" computer, help to is watching It? Is a window left open by tradition of the News to print ad can accept the responsibility of energy. They must, however, feel like someone less concerned about he homlnem attacks on faculty, staff, or becoming a real newspaper, or It can five thumbs in a dam plugging up energy it's wasting? Let me assure you students. Official policy makers claim remain a bulletin board for personal energy wasters only to find another I'm not directing these questions that this is permitted because such gripes. leak because someone less concerned strictly ft students but faculty, staff commentaries are labeled "Letters to about conservation failed to do their employees also. the Editor" or "Guest Columns." WMle Madonna P. Marsden part The faculty, staff employees are no the solicitation of informed and Michael T.Marsden doubt concerned about their electric, reasoned opinions concerning MOTroupAve. I have been employed at BGSU in the gas, and water bills at home. Why not University policies and issues should University ArcMtect's Office for less here on campus? I get many calls and certainly be encouraged as a means of Editor's Note: Tke BG News Is a than two years and have witnessed and hear of calls from faculty, staff, ad- educational thought provocation, the community forum We believe, been a part of many projects with Mg ministrators, wanting more heat only to benefits of publishing personal ven- however, that It Is net ear place to pass dollars spent to help conserve what was find It 70 degrees In the building dettas, in our opinion, runs counter- Judgement on the content of letters and once wasted. Many of these, in fact already. Classroom lights are still on productive to the advancement of any column. That weald come dangerously most, have probably gone unnoticed by long after class is over. educational or Journalistic values. close to cheesing between "good" sad faculty, staff, or students. New controls The ST3 Hews "bad" opinion. We feel that by epenmg have been Installed to regulate the Those of you who are doing your part It seems reasonable to question the tke page to every writer, a true amount of heat entering raiiMing* by to conserve energy I salute you. You're Page* loiToaui. STAFF Friday, March 1,1171 freedom of the press when that freedom representation of the community's the temperature outside. The colder the the concerned few governed by the editor t lamm fflirman appears to be unaccompanied by a feelings will be shewn. After all Isn't outside air, the hotter the beating water unconcerned many. Those of you who managing editor roger h. low* sense of responsibility. Ms. Christa any opiaien a type ef veadetUT or amount of steam Is required; cant be bothered I'd like to bear from new* .dltor Cheryl a geschke Peters' recent attack on Mr. William whereas, once beating water was set at adltorial editor Keith h lemeson and talk to you. You are the one's who sports editor Steven w. sadler Schurk of the Audio Library has ab- ISO degrees in the fall and left that way win eventually cause an Increase In copy editor janet k. ropart solutely nothing to do with the right to conservation-a until spring unless someone remem- energy usage beyond what existing photoedltor davids.ryan freedom of expression. Her guest entertainment editor marc hugunui bered to change it, not It is budgets can pay for. Where does that vrlreedltor tnerete m. potoanak column, In fact. Jeopardises the automatically raised or lowered by lead us to? Who pays for utilities at freedom of the press by allowing un- matter for all outside air temperature. Once BGSU? Do you know? BUSINBSS STAFF checked attacks against Individuate buildings were left heated during fall, If you have read this far I assume business manager , Ilnde bark* i which should more appropriately be The old overworked cliche winter, and spring "breaks" now the you're concerned. I'm sure Mr. Cod- advertising manager calMancluiw labeled "spleen ventings" rather than "everybody talks about It but no one heating or cooling is shut down or ding or myself would welcome your The BO News Is published sally Tuesday threugh FrWay HrIM the r*t*tar school year and ' 'Guest Columns") to go unverified into does a thing about the weather" can greatly reduced during those periods. thoughts because we want the con- weakly during summer sessions by students el Bowling Oreon state University under Us* print labeled as opinions. certainly be applied to energy con- Lighting levels throughout the campus cerned many to govern the un- authority ol the University Committee. Opinions expressed by columnists « not necessarily . etlect she eplnlin. of Tne Be News servation today. You bear a lot of talk have been reduced as much as rwatlhle concerned few. I can be reached in the Edlterlal Board. To attack Institutions and procedures about conservation of our energy and a without creating unsafe conditions. dimly lit office on the tenth floor of the The BO News and Bowling Oreon itaht University are eoeal opportunity employers and a* is one matter; to impugn the integrity lot of people do something about it - These are but a few, a very few, of the not discriminate In hiring practice*. Administration Building and Mr. The News will net accept advertising that le deemed aitcrmmatery, degrading ar msurMng of a person is quite another. This is a they raise prices. Is there really a conservation steps taken Just during Codding in the cool in winter-hot In on the basis ol race, sex or national origin. s license that is not really available to the shortage or are major corporations my short time here. summer, office at Physical Plant All rights to material published In The BO Now* are reserved "developing" shortages merely to raise freest of free people. Respect for others Edlterlal and Business Offices demands verification of accusation, their price? Well, there certainly are a i What, you mlgM ask. Is the purpose KetthA.Pogan 1M University Hall and we are never freed from respon- wide variety of causes, reasons, ex- of all these flowering remarks and Bowling Oreon State University Mechanical Engineer Bowling Or***. Ohm not J sibilities in this i cuses, etc., and a lot of conversation great deeds undertaken by a very small ArcMtect's Office mwm-nn ■MMB - r > . . > r + *> * * > 0 * r r r r * * -*"-«* •* — - ' •' '

The•-•"" BG i^«w»Newt rFriday, iwmj, marcsMarch 1,I, Pafel,U7lrage J, II News In Brief Board issues improvement funds The TTnliraraltu wttl ■«««• *M1 ACA W I. n..iui __j — .— - - ...... 'Exam Cram' Scl-ti movie The University will spend $881,950 Music Building and the Student Union to improve food facilities In the in redecorations and the Doyt L. Perry over the next year on bujding im- 'Qiarterly Exam Cram," sponsored "Forbidden Planet," a science fiction Recreation Center to Mercer Road. The Side Door and the cafeteria line of the Stadium press box and surrounding by Union Activities Organization provement, replacement and main- road generally will follow the present Falcon's Nest The facility's freezer fence win be repainted at $18,000 coat film classic, will be shown at 7:30 pjn. tenance. (UAO) will be held from 11 pjn. to 7 Monday in 220 Math-Sciences Bldg. The construction road that contractors use and cooler will be insulated for $22,000. Yesterday the University Board of a.m., Monday through Wednesday in film is offered in conjunction with the to work on the Music Building, ac- Each residence hall and greek A total of 73 projects win be funded, the Cardinal Room, Union. Free coffee course "Philosophy in Science Fic- Trustees allocated $737,860 to fund cording to Norman H. Bedell, director housing unit has money set aside to according to Robert C. Ludwig, and tea will be served. tion." major improvements and repair of Technical Support Services. make improvements including new facilities committee member. He added projects. At the board's Feb. 10 carpeting, drapes, mirrors, television that In the last three years there have Correction Raft trip deadline meeting, It gave University President THERE ALSO WILL be a $70,000 sets and paintings. been 300 similar projects costing about Deadline for signing up for UAO Hollis A. Moore Jr. the authority to parking lot constructed behind the Nancy Kinney is an instructor of $3 million. white water rafting trips to the Cheat proceed on $124,100 in minor projects. Music Building. nursing at the University, not director THE TRUSTEES authorized Im- Most funds for the projects come and New rivers in West Virginia In May The University will spend $112,500 to of the nursing program as reported in provements In two athletic facilities. from surplus residence hall con- and June, is March 31. Cost of the extend East Merry Street behind the About $15,000 will be spent in the yesterday's News. The error was made The Ice Arena Lounge will obtain $7,750 struction and depredation funds. weekend trips will range from $25-135. because of a misprint in the telephone directory. Additional Information is available at the Union Activities Organization of- Correction fice, third floor, Union. New offset press huge, efficient A quote attributed to Greg Ralph, Economics lecture The new Heidelberg single-color ^ ^ manager of Brathaus, in yesterday's offsetiffset press in the Industrial Education ^M BG News Revue inadvertently referred John Umbeck, assistant professor of economics at Purdue University, will and Technology (IET) building is not as to the Bowling Green hockey players. foreboding as its hugeness and many It should have read: "A lot of fans speak on "The Economics of Theft: A Prope-ty Rights Approach" as part of controls might suggest, according to come to happy hour before for a Charles Spontelli, assistant professor pregame celebration." the economics colloquium series at 10:30 a.m. today in 303 Education Bldg. of IET. The speech is free and public. When the machine was delivered and OAPSE officers placed on the second floor printing area The Ohio Association of Public School Art exhibition Tuesday with the help of a forklift, the Employees (OAPSE) next week will The annual University graduate workers "moved that three-ton tiling elect officers and form committees to student art exhibition will open with a around like a cigar box," Spontelli organize University classified em- reception from 7-9 p.m. Saturday in the said. ployees. A meeting for night custodians , Fine Arts Gallery of the School of Art. The press can handle a maximum will be at 11:30 a.m. Monday; for all In addition to refreshments, the press sheet size of lW>y-24Wrfeet and is custodians, tradesman, maintenance opening will feature entertainment by a easier to use than the graphics and grounds workers at 7 p.m. Monday; College of Musical Arts student string department's five smaller presses, he for food services workers at 7 pjn. quarter. The exhibit will continue added. Wednesday; and for secretaries at 11 through March 28 and admission is a.m. March 17. All meetings will be at free. "WHAT REALLY is neat for us is it's the Falcon Plaza Motel, 1450 E. going to give us a real capacity to learn WoosterSt. Violinist recital high quality reproduction," Spontelli Violinist Emil Raab will perform noted. "We had only limited capacity Ukrainian egg art works by Krelsler, Sarasate, Bartok before." and Novacek in a free recital at ( p.m. The lu-year-old press was bought for A two-part workshop on "Pysanky," Saturday in the Recital Hall of the the Ukrainian art of Easter egg $24,000 from a Cleveland firm College of Musical Arts. Raab is specializing in color separation of decorating, will be held at 7:30p.m. two director of orchestral activities at the consecutive Tuesdays, March 13 and photographs. Spontelli said the University and teaches conducting, machine never was used in final March 20, at the Center for Continued violin and chamber music. Learning, 194 S. Main St. The first printing procedures and still is in good workshop will deal with the history of Concert bands shape. The purchase was funded by a Ukranian Easter traditions and the The University's three concert bands state grant to the University. second session will include instructions will perform in the Music In the Main New presses of similar caliber to the and a demonstration. There is an $8 fee series at 3 p.m. Sunday In the Main Heidelberg cost about $44,000, he ad- for participants. Auditorium. Tickets for the per- ded. formance are $1 for students and $2 for THE MACHINE, which will be ready Puppetry workshop adults and can be bought at the door or for use in about two weeks, will be used A two-part workshop on puppetry will by calling the Office of Musical Events in the IET photo and offset printing be offered at 9:30 a.m. two consecutive and Promotion. course spring quarter. Spontelli said Tuesdays, March 13 and 20, at the Recycling he hopes to develop a separate course dealing with the types of color printing Center for Continued Learning, 194 S. •THE BIGGER THE BETTER" aptly describes the The Bowing Green Jaycee Recycling which can be done on the new press. department's five smaller presses and Is expected to Main St. Simple puppet forms will be Center will be open from 9 a.m. to 2 Industrial Education and Technology (DCT) building's supply the opportunity for students to learn high quality design during the first workshop and The new addition "puts us in time new Heidelberg single-color offset press. Although it p.m. Saturday at the Cooper, Industrial with most of the other good schools In reproduction techniques. sertpta, plays' and props Will be Products south parking lot. Newspaper, weighs three tons, the machine out-performs the graphic discussed during the second session. the field of printing," Spontelli said, glass and aluminum are collected. noting that "visual communications There is a $5 registration fee. For more Students with questions can contact the information contact the center. has had phenomenal growth" in recent Jaycees at 352-8161, evenings. years. r "ON dio Coming Soon This is the The Annual Delt Show Off Your Tan Party LAST DAY Thurs. March 29, N.E. Commons •»»«►■ ■^^^♦^ Vou'rc at Secor & Dorr, and \t you 'ecl the earth for you to put a move, you II know why Toledo s Disco pulse will beat with oil the color, excitement and sizzling fire of New Vor4< Style Disco in Toledo Fog, Bubbles and Meteor Shoaier of lights.. Spilling onto a Thousand Square foot Dance floor . Reflecting off Two Thousand Square Feet of Mirrors in endless colors.. That's Studio One Pulsattnq 7 Nights a UJcck

Monday Singles night no cover 21 Of Over WWJST Tuesdoy O Thursday • College I D Night No cover for students 18 or Over Sundoy Win a trip to Los Vegos Donee C HALT Pi Kappa Phi to the spiraling costs Proudly Presents its of higher education. Spring, 1979 Officers GRAND PRIZES Delta Tau Delta President Matt Albert V-Presldent Jon Vince Alpha Delta Pi Treasurer Kevin Schwarz SECOND PRIZES the Sign-up Booth Secretary Jim Miller Historian Mark Krach Darrow Hall Warden Dave Benston Kappa Sigma Chaplain Carl McKenzie will be in the IFC Rep. Mark Krach THIRD PRIZES Steward Dave Benston Sigma Chi Social Chair. Qulnn Clark PhiMu Athletic Chair. Dave Vlckers union foyer. Housing Chair. Ron Falasco Pledge Pres. Lee Gramm

A special thanks goes to the past officers for their work taiiGHinjijnoss O 1978 Beer Brewed in US A by Millet Paid for by SGA and contributions Brewing Company. Milwaukee. Wisconsin this past term. thank you frr participating last quarter-and for a job well done!!! mmm wmmmm

PMe« The BG News Friday, March 9,1971

"Find It At Finder.". University fo host NSF research Your Most Complete Record Store • By Deb Fa portunities and the final participants and of faculty members' research and can be described aa top college continuation of student projects BEST SELECTION The top 24 candidates for par- students." through correspondence after the >AT PRICES! ticipation in the National Science session ends, he said. Foundation (NSF) undergraduate PARTICIPANTS ARE chosen by He added that those who participate research participation program, which their grades, letters of recom- will begin their projects spring quarter. the University ia boating this summer, mendation, letters of interest, presents with will viiit here tomorrow. description of rtMai-ch interests and CONNER SAID the projects Involve completed courses. basic and applied research. Topics Robert Conner, associate profe The final 10, all rising seniors, will be Include research of psychophar- of psychology and director of the selected this weekend, he said. macology, developmental program, said this is the second con- psychobiology, memory and cognition, ARISTA Of the 24 persons visiting, eight are brain mechanisms of emotion and E.WOOSTERST. 128 N. MAIN ST. - DOWNTOWN secutive year the program has been acrossfrom Harshman held at the University. University students. The NSF program motivation, marital discord, fairness in requires that at least six of the final 10 assessment, Job satisfaction and Conner said this program is one of be from schools other than the host schizophrenia. seven similar psychology programs in University. the country. The $20,000 NSF grant will fund the Fifteen University psychology faculty f 1,000 educational grant-in-ald given to About 60 announcements about the members will work with the students on each participant, the program direc- program were sent to surrounding state research and some students will help tor's salary and operating expenses, institutions. About 40 applications were faculty members with their project, he Conner said. received, he said. said. He added that the psychology Only 10 positions are available for the The 10-week program will include department will pay the rest of the cost. program and will be given to applicants first-hand research experience by While at the University, the par- with the most potential. Conner said meeting twice a week as a group for a ticipants have access to campus that "the program offers unique op- seminar discussion of student projects facilities, he said. Local realtors: Friend or foe?

Editor's nete: This U the last article parties involved would discuss the ANOTHER OPTION Is small claims hi a series concerning landtord-teaaat situation to devise a solution. court, in which a tenant may sue for Melissa Manchester Angle Bofill rehtkaj. He said tenants often don't un- damages or seek to recoup s loss of up derstand a situation and want things for to $300. Complainants represent LP on SALE now only ... LP on SALE now only ... By Keith their money that are not possible. themselves and proceedings are In- "How about landlords? " formal. Most cases are decided by a A radio beside Zoning Inspector Most landlords are good, honest court-appointed referee rather than an Thomas Carnlcom's desk is tuned to businessmen, but there are a few who elected Judge and court costs are 4.96 4.96 Bowling Green's public works don't understand anything but the usually $5. frequency. Between its bursts of static dollar." Landlords have little advantage In and his frequent phone calls, be "Overall, landlords are more court. According to Robert Maurer, . along with hundreds more! ... along with hundreds more! discusses the city's housing situation. responsible to tenants than vice versa," president of the local American Bar Carnlcom's office issues zoning per- one local realtor said. Most agree but Association, "the landlord-tenant bill mits, inspects property and enforces they say that students are fairly has put the tenant on a much more the city's zoning ordinances. He speaks responsible and excessive noise and equal footing with the landlord'' openly, but doesn't particularly like to damage problems are not common. be quoted. Common landlord complaints include Maurer says that there may be "an "I've been told by one landlord that 60 <*—"""fa for service, failure to pay rent unconscious desire on the part of the percent of the rental housing in town on time and failure to clean-up before court to protect property," which could violates housing code or zoning laws, is moving out as required by lease. aid landlords if property is Involved. that true?" On Jan. 30, 68 students made their Carnicom says that might be true. WHEN A TENANT does not fulfill his way to the Ohio Suite, Union to hear Housing inspections were handled by responsibilities, a landlord may several local landlords, an attorney and the county health department until May threaten eviction, withhold part or all of University officials discuss off-campus 1978, when funds were cut and the duty a security deposit, or take a tenant to housing. was shifted to the planning and zoning court. The latter option Is rarely Seth H. Patton, assistant director of office. Inspections now are made only exercised. housing, noted the University "feels an when a complaint is filed. obligation to off-campus students" and Priority is given to possible health WHEN A TENANT does not fulfill his that "all kinds of potential for and safety violations, but inspectors responaibilit; """tf1""1 in off-campus.ludng. iHveedgaw, h complaints. H a vioUwan is found, they advise the landlord to a tenant to HE ADDED THAT more problems make needed repairs. Citations issued court. The latter option is rarely develop between roommates than by the Inspectors are legally binding exercised. between landlords and tenants. Phyllis Hyman Dwight Twilley and landlords who don't comply go to According to tenants, landlords often Patton concluded by reminding court, Carnicom said. do not meet obligations. City and students that his office publishes a list LP on SALE now only . .. LP on SALE now only ... He added that student tenants usually University officials and the Student of available housing and rates every do not request inspections and often will Consumer Union (SCU) agree. two weeks. not cooperate with city inspectors. He "If we're ripping people off, why Patton said the expected drop in suspects that some landlords instruct haven't we been taken to task by University enrollment In 1980-61 could 4.96 96 tenants to deny access to inspectors somebody, either the students or the affect on- and off-campus housing but 4 but said that 96 percent of the cases are IRS?" asked Doug Valentine, a local the "gut reaction" of University of- solved by talking to the Involved lan- builder, developer and landlord, ficials is that the University won't be dlord and tenant. "Nobody has really taken action affected as much as other state in- . along with hundreds more! ... along with hundreds more! against landlords-escrow is the biggest stitutions. "WHAT'S THE most common move I've ever seen," SCU Chairman complaint you get?" John Kloss said. Drew Haima, a local attorney, He explained that complaints vary Since the landlord-tenant act became referred students to the SCU and are heaviest in the winter for effective In 1974, the city's municipal publication "Consuming Sense" heating problems and in the spring for court has had 16 tenants place their rent praising the summary of the Ohio leaks. Rented bouses present a greater In escrow. About 59 student have filed landlord-tenant Act ... PLUS MANY MORE AT OUR EVERYDAY problem, particularly concerning bousing complaints with the SCU since Hanna said "serious problems" health and sanitation. Overcrowding, a 1978. between landlords and tenants are rare LOW PRICE. FROM THE LARGEST zoning' violation, is a frequent oc- It seems most student tenants readily and most local attorneys will tell curence. Noise and haphazard vehicle voice their complaints, but few are students whether problems require INVENTORY OF MUSIC IN B.G. ALBUMS/ parking also draw complaints. willing to do more. When asked, legal assistance. While noise and parking complaints students say they don't have time or Doug Valentine was the first landlord 8 TRACKS/ CASSETTES/ BLANK TAPES/ usually1 are handled by police, Car- doa't know how to take action against a to speak. He recommended that nicom said that there is no better in- landlord. students shop around and compare DIAMOND NEEDLES/ RECORD CARE dication of overcrowding than "cars FOR TENANTS with a valid com- faculties and leases offered by local parked all over the place." plaint, there are several options. realtors. ACCESSORIES/ CONCERT TICKETS He said on-street parking also Is a Miraculous intervention is rare, but problem with apartment complexes most officials recommend that tenants VALENTINE SAID students should and tenants should be assured of discuss complaints with the landlord expect a rise in utility rates by next parking space before signing a lease. before seeking outside assistance. year and noted that fall rentals are Landlords claim this approach is going faster than In the last few years. A TEST CASE is being handled in rarely used. The audience continued to shrink as court to eliminate the "standing If that doesn't work, SCU usually can local landlords Allen Green and John period" required before parked cars help. Both the SCU and the University Pendleton commented on student can be towed. Carnicom said he expects Housing Office will try to mediate housing. the case to succeed and will enforce landlord-tenant disputes involving Pendleton said the major problem . . .Take advantage of our parking regulations when it does. students. between landlords and tenants Is lack of This will pressure landlords to Although SCU has no legal authority, understanding and advised students to provide adequate parking for all rental Its workers know the law, and Kloss "read the fine print" before signing the units. If tenants' cars are towed said that mentioning legal action lease. because there is no other place to park, usually makfs a landlord fulfill his He said landlords should be complaints should result, and hopefully responsibility. responsive to tenants but noted that the situation will be remedied. The Ohio landlord-tenant bill allows tenants cannot expect a "personal Carnicom said parking is a big tenants to place their rent In escrow If a serviceman" to come with their $1 TRADE-OFF! problem, but the main problem Is "no landlord doesn't complete repairs apartments. dialogue between tenant and landlord." within a reasonable period of time. This Green advised comparison shopping Like many others who deal with lan- means that rent is paid to the court and and emphasized price and location as dlord-tenant problems, he said moat held until the landlord fulfills his major factors In choosing a place to FOR EACH ALBUM OR TAPE YOU BRING IN FOR TRADE, conflicts would never occur If the obligation. live. WE'LL TAKE $1 OFF ANY REGULARLY PRICED ALBUM OR TAPE IN OUR STOCK SGA spring elections not endangered Buy one - trade one, buy 2 - trade 2,.. . etc. Student Government Association petition of candidacy. from the recent resignation of the SGA (SGA) President Michael C. Voll said Elections and Opinions Board chair- Trade-ins must be in good condition. yesterday that an apparent breach of However, after the meeting, John man "Is the reason everything is fouled the SGA constitution in changing Shultz, secretary of the SGA con- up now," and said he thinks the mistake Sale items and used items excluded from offer. election procedures will not endanger stitution committee last year, said that can be corrected before elections. SGA elections spring quarter. the change in fact is a constitutional The SGA constitution states that The controversy stems from SGA's amendment which must be listed in the election procedures must be finalized M-SAT9A.M.-10P.M. vote to change election procedures SGA agenda and voted upon twice by before the beginning of candidate SUNDAYS NOON-730 regarding the need for SGA candidates the entire senate at two consecutive petitioning procedures, but Voll said Finders OPEN 7 to obtain signatures of 50 students on meetings no lass than two weeks apart. SGA "will get around that rule" by 128 N. MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN DAYS A candidacy petitions for SGA positions. The conditions were not met making the appropriate constitutional E.WOOSTERST ACROSS WEEK SGA voted Wednesday to change the change abolishing petitioning before FROM HARSHMAN rules and require students only to file a VOLL SAID confusion stemming the i TWIKJ News Friday, Marca»,Paie*,lt7f Hazing complaints few; penalties are severe

Edttar'1 note: Tale U the lad article only had one or two." code, they would get Involved." independent student fall quarter and HE ALSO SAID there Is almost an chug been. He also said the pledge •I a aeries ezpialaiiig greek hazing. Bess added that if Campus Safety described some of the activities that entirely new pledge program thai class would be going on several ACCORDING TO Wayne Colvin, receives complaints about hazing, it took place. quarter. "We're required to know a lot scavenger hunts. By David Drake director of Residence Life area four, refers them to housing directors "They made their pledget drink," he more history of the bouse and The pledge laid mat while the ac- the previous Ohio criminal code had a Colvin or Barbara A. Coniam or to said, "and the last one to puke was the background of the fraternity." tivities may seem bad, be felt they were Hazing, as defined by the College specific statement against hazing. Standards and Procedures. winner." a necessary part of Joining the Fraternity Secretaries Association, Is When the code was revised, that section Bible said pleges were required to Lee said he felt he had not been fraternity. "any action taken or situation created, was deleted. Several fraternities' national yell when they entered and left the hazed. "I don't regret pledging at all," Intentionally, whether on or off Under the Ohio Revised Code, Colvin organizations have regulations house. But he added that there was no he said. The pledge trainer for the fraternity prohibiting hazing. fraternity premises, to produce mental said, a hazing incident would be han- physical abuse. "They didn't hurt Ralph Camlsione, a pledge at Phi denied that pledges were intimidated. or physical discomfort, em- dled according to the offense. "For Recently some University, chapters anybody." Kappa Psi, denied that any hazing has He said they were not yelled at-only barrassment, harassment or ridicule." example, if someone has been accused have been told to eliminate hazing from Pledges had to "clean up all the taken place while be has been a pledge. questioned about pledge material and It Is prohibited by slate law and of paddling, he would be charged with their sincerity. University regulation. assault," he said. Hie University requires that student Tyler Cotton, a pledge at Delta groups sign a form agreeing not to Colvin added that the revised code The code also includes fines for organizations bate. The form must be signed by Oct. deals with liability. "If the chapter sent Upstlon, Mid he has experienced no hazing while a pledge. "You don't have it each year and is filed in the the pledges on a scavenger hunt and ranging from $1,000 for an unclassified to be at the bouse at any certain time. they stole something, the pledges could Residence Life office. misdemeanor to $100,000 for aggravated murder. You go there because you want to." The penalties for hazing are severe. be arrested." Or the chapter officers of Cotton said be had to learn the According to Derek D. Dickinson, the fraternity or sorority could be held required pledge material. "But, they director of Standards and Procedures, responsible if the Illegal activity was their pledge programs or risk losing time. When they told you to do "It's against chapter rules," he said. (brothers) don't sit there and quiz persons responsible for hazing ac- conducted with their knowledge. their charters. something, you did it" Bible said that Camlsione said there V no hell week. you." tivities can be suspended from the Colvin said most hazing that takes overall, the brothers were "pretty good "It's a pretty good program. It's not at There are 23 fraternities, and other University for up to four quarters. THE CODE ALSO includes fines for place at the University "isn't the to their pledges." hard as it seems." hazing incidents have been reported but The difficulty is finding out who is organizations ranging from $1,000 for physically dangerous kind, but dumb Dave Lee, a pledge at PI Kappa were unconfirmed. responsible, Dickinson said. "The an unclassified misdemeanor to and degrading." Alpha this quarter, did nol mention any A pledge who requested that both Us victim has to file charges against the 1100,000 for aggravated murder. of these experiences. Lee said he name and that of bis fraternity remain Because of intimidation of some person who is responsible," Dickinson William R. Bess, director of Campus "THEY MADE THEM drink until spends between 15 and 20 hours a week anonymous, told about his pledging pledges, many details about hazing said. "It's tough to get someone to Safety and Security, said University they puked," said Kevin Bible about the at the house. One hour a day is spent experiences. have been omitted from this article. testify against their fraternity officers do not get Involved often in pledges of Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) doing a Job which "gives you a sense of The incidents omitted violate both brothers. So far, I haven't had one hazing incidents. "If they (the officers) fraternity. respect for the house," Lee said. HE SAID HE was yelled at and bad to University policy and state law. complaint filed this year. Last year I recognized a violation of the student Bible lived at the Pike house as an « « COMMITTEE MEMBERS « « * OF THE MONTH * « Deb Marcia « y~- ssywsaX'Sii'.'.:'—"I Silver Anderson Coffeehouse Games CONGRATULATIONS! » i »


liU* has terry shorts $6.00 reg.

$2.50 reg. together for $6.75 *U2*£i*i To get you started southbound! We also have tote-bags to handle the be;. 35.00 All available plain >r persor r a small extra cost Open 11:00 am to 7:00 pm daily except Sundays


Alumni Scholarship applications are now being accepted from students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and having earned less than 138 hours at the end of Winter Quarter, 1979. The Alumni Scholarship is based on financial need, activities in school and plans after graduation. Applications can be picked up in the College of Arts and Sciences Office, room 205, Administration Building. Completed applications are due by April 20,1979.

K« »**********A***A*****A*******A******A*A*AA»W¥WWWW*M*W¥%**MW* EX's 3rd Annual Mafia Date Party Saturday Night

Mac & Karen Eric A Jaanie Stave 8. Cindy Dave A Nancy V . Mike a, Danette Dave A Karen Skoooer& Jean K C t Mary Beth Pipes & Carol Tlmmy and Babsl Bitti Amy Z's S, Stetf Cralg & Kathy Kuhner A Ann Dave & Cathy Jim a, Sue +fp*- Doug t Beth Larry A Dana I s Finuc It Loraln Metlfc Susan "Bill" a. Pam MarkAKImberly Betty K Teresa Duff A Pam Sammy S. Deb Griff (.Pat Princeton d Gimp Grims A Shelly Booty 1 Cathy Jim A Sue Marv I Barb Tommy A Mary Pat * Kristin Rog 4 Rosie "I'vegol Pahsl HlucRihhon on my mind. Bob It Cheryl Beach A Barb Bob & Sue Shorty A Sandy Doug I Nancy Hooter l Janice Hooves & Chris Hollywood A Nancy


Page IIV BG Newi Frithy, March 9,Wt

ALL THHEE THEATRES ABORTIONS Storting Rare SATURDAY-SUNDAY MK*MaUTMBI $125 Campus calendar 1-24 week pregnancy All Campus Calendar n • dally llillng of campus events (meetings, "Cabaret." Admission si for nonstudents, $3.50 for students. ADULTS... ^jty terminated by lecture! end entertainment) provided as a sarvlca 18 readers Lkented Gynecoiogttt Unless otherwise noted, all events listed ere h-ee end open SATURDAY Campus Calendar forms are available In the News office, 10* Entertainment CLOSE TO. OUR ARIA University Hall. 3722003. There Is not charge for submitting Cooper Swim. 9-11 a.m., Student Rec Center. FINE ST r'ACILITIIS AND listings to the section. Club Swim, 9 a.m. I p.m., student Rec Center. MIXHW MODERN TECHNIQUE* Open Manufacturing Lab, 10 e.m.-l p.m.. Manufacturing Lab, CALL TOLL FREE FRIOAY Technology. Adm Isslon tl. Cooper Swim, 1 10 p.m., Student Rec Center. 9ACADCMY Meetings _ STARTS $00-362-1205 Shabbat Service. 6.30 p.m.. Town Room, Union. Sponsored by UAO Campus Movie, • p.m., 310 Math.Sciences. "High Anxiety." TOMOHTI AWARD Jewish Students Group. Admission Jl. with BGSU ID. Recital. I p.m.. Recital Hall. Music Building violinist Emll Raeb kXHHINATIONS College Life. 7 p.m., Town Room. Union. Sponsored by Campus MEDICAL Crusade for Christ. and pianist Richard Cloffarl will perform. Cabaret Theater. 9 p.m.. Holiday inn, 1550 E. Wooster St. SCHOOL "Cabaret." Admission 15 for non-student; S3.50 for students. KSTnCTlH Lectures and Classes UAO Disco, 9 p.m.l a.m.. The Side Door, Union. Admission 50 ■HUVDI KIT ACTOR August '79 applicants, 4- Economics Colloquimum Series. 10:30 a.m. 303 Education. The CM cents. WAIT KST year fully recognized and Economics of Theft: A Property Rights Approach. •■ AT established Max lean Entertainment 50s Dance, 9:30 p.m.. Mld-Am Room. Harshmen. sponsored by T-.SSAW Medical School, with Furnished Apt. Founders, Bromfleld and Anderson Activities councils. Admission us en. Club Pool Swim. 9:30 11:30 a.m., Student Rec Center. Open to all KtTtVfQRTMG several hundred II .50 In advance; S1.75 at door. 1CT0* $ eligible to use the center. American students Cooper Swim, 11:30 a.m. 1:30p.m., Student Rec Center. enrolled. Use English 9 mo. lease 310. SUNOAY language textbooks and Club Swim, l:30-4:30p.m.. Student Rec Center. Entertainment exams in English. School UAO Happy Hours, 2 30 530p m., Falcon's Nest, Union. Club Swim, 1-5 p.m. .Student Rec Center. combines quality Karate. 3:305:30 p.m.. Combat Room. Student Rec Center. education, small classes, including gas heat Sponsored by Ko Suteml Doio Cooper Swim, 1-10 p.m.. Student Rec Center. experienced teachers, Cooper Swim, 4 30 10 p.m.. Student Rec Center. Duplicate Bridge Match, 130 p.m., Ohio Suite, Union. Open to all modern facilities. German Drama, 0 p.m., Gish Theater, Manna hall. "Genoveva experienced players, with or without a partner. Admission 75 Oder die Welsse Hlrschkuh." cents for students, $1 for non-students. Univtrstdid Del Nortste UAO Campus Movie, 8 p.m.. 210 Math.Sciences. "High Anxiety." Music in the Main Concert, 3 p.m., Main Auditorium university 120 East 41 St., N Y.C. Concert Bands will perform. Admission St tor students, S3 tor non 10017 Admission St with BGSU ID. Racltal. • p.m.. Recital Hall, Music Building. The Cornucopia students. [212)594-6589 319 E.WOOSTER STREET Ensemblewlll perform. Public Skating, 3:30 5:30 p.m. and 8-10 p.m.. Ice Arena. Admission Cabaret Theater, t p.m.. Holiday Inn. IS50 E. Wooster St. SI.75with BGSU ID. SKaterental 50cents. or 232-3784 PHONE 353-3641 DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau

W NICE. MAi I 1EAH. I UA$miN6 IN A MINUTE, nimz A THANKS. IBULTTHS The Student Recreation Center SPONOflEW. nxem CAB* meif, BACK IN ASKWWWIW 10 TEACH THE DOSS antr , JUST MAKE UMC ugit. mivavnepeaxAiw UWMNBSON TO STAY OFF THE- g06S' •presents- k~ Aw&BtmiN6 AUTteSOFAST FVmVJK Mini Workshops \ Archery Swim Lessons Raquetball (Adults & Kids) Handball LiSesaving Squash Kayaking Slimnastics Windsurfing Swimnastics 1 F. rmte. needed Spr. Qtr. 3 Dolphins LOST A FOUND Mooch you're the greatest Wanna get rowdy just one more time before Florida? If so come bedrms Close to campus FREE Lost I pr. of black Grandoe Ski roomie ever! Bast wishes In all Women's Weight to the "Get Psyched for Florida" PARKING. GAS GRILL. Must Water Babies gloves (gift.) In Mem. Hall. you do. Love. Pat. Beerblast tonight In the North seel S90mo 352-SSM. Please cell 35? 3374. Congratulations Jennifer Cross HELP WANTED Training Goldfish on receiving the Alpha Delta Pi East Commons •■?? Brought to Lost leather jacket with contacts you by Kappa Sigma. URGENT! 2 girls needed to in pocket. Missing from Theta National Academic Award of Guerty & Gibber, Best of Luck clean house. Call 3525521. Chi House. At least return Excellence. You've worked hard this weekend to the nicest guys contacts, no questions asked. for itt Good Job) Delivery person apply between Registration begins March 12-16 we could ever meet in the tunnel. 2-4, Mon.-Frl. Pagliai's East. Lost wallet Fri. night In Tom ft Rusty, excellent way to escort guests around the house. Lft D. Need counselors for 2 wks. Camp Howards. Reward. 353-1453. Workshops Begin April 2 Those are two wild suits, The Cash for Lionel ft other old toy in August. Will be working with Lost silver eyeglasses In brn. Brothers. trains, .cast Iron toys, banks, young persons with diabetes. case. If round please call Joe. boats. Hummel plates-figurines. Barb, congratulations on a job Can Tina at 614-416-7124. 352 4038. Pamphlets available in the Office well done as Editor. The List numbers ft names on all 15 students to help clean carpet Found a silver charm bracelet. Items. Richard King. 1711 Cedar outgoing Staff. during Spr. Break. Call 372-2251 PI. Rd. Sandusky, OH. Sat. night. March 3. outside between 7-4 pm. Ask for Betty. Kappa Sigma House. Call 373- The Sisters of Alpha Delta Pi would like to congratulate Lester, get psyched for Florida 1 or 2 ,F - r.mtes. needed tor Spr- ft , r .'Off. ■ -■ .-■■ ■ i aalnVfapped " ~too?1c ypu* tarVtltfa!ly mowuM or summer. Close to campus GOOD LUCK HOCKEY TEAM Found Vpr Brooks tennis shoes the way to the beach. I LOVE into Kappa Delta Pl-the MOmo ft util Call 352 9130or 372 YOU, Michelle. 'Men's gym. 3-5. Call 2 1838 education honorary. We're proud 1011. identify. of you. L 8. L, the Alpha Pelts Happy Birthday, Tleti. Love, Found set of 4 big keys 8.1 small FOR SALE Best wishes to Rob ft Renee on Richard and Sarah. Realistic stereo system: turn key on a red no. 1 Neal Realty key your engagement. Love, The Congratulations to Phi Mu's 20 chain. Inside Memorial Hall. table, AM-FM radio, amplifier, AX'S. new ACTIVES!! A special Wed. morning. Call 352 0453 or 8 track tape player, speakers. The best of luck to Joan & Carol congratulations to OUT- 353 9371. $100orbestoffer. 352 2817. as they pursue their new lives. STANDING PLEDGE Donna Honda 350F, 4 cyl. Wlxom Lost glasses Brn. plastic frame, May your new jobs be rewarding Stambaugh!! Love, Your Phi Mu fairing, front ft rear safety bars, Need CASH FOR rose tinted lenses. Lost In ft your marriages loving. We will Sisters. rack ft pack. 352-5343 most eves. Commons Tues., about 5 pm. 3- miss both you. Love, Your Kappa Mark D. ft Charlie S : ADMIT 3354. Delta Sisters. IT, wasn't it the bast experience 78 Plymouth Arrow. Automatic. of your lite! By the way, do you 4 cylinder. Best offer. 655-2474. know T.C.? Thanks for •phi Mii would ilke to '6V Dodge bar' Body '* rough. everything. Leslie B ft Jan. P. Mech. sound. Cheap dependable TOST. LOUIS. Call 373 5333 congratulate the following Ride needed to Northern N.J Founder's Day award winners ; Soc. was pretty dull at least trans. Started everyday In SPRING BREAK? winter l Best offer. Barry, 352- NYC area during Spr. break. Kathy Trubiano, most Improved conenead thought so whatever Will share expenses. Lisa, 2 1230 sophomore; Kay Keahn. senior class he woke-up In he may never 1358 after 9pm. know tor afternoon snoozln'. March 2 through March 17. After we beat OSU this weekend, with highest grade point Peavey PA 400 Head. Kustom 3B Delta Upsilon has a laugh on you I am going to the NCAA average; Betty Tellashia, out- amplifier 2-15" cabinet. Call 352- Regional, Want a ride? Call 352- standing junior; ft Kathy Many events happened Saturday 4034. 1543. Kob lamer, outstanding senior. night, Wlnsor, Canada was quite Yashica electro 35 GSN camera. We're proud of you alH a sight. Carolyn Refd was the one SERVICESOFFERfJO Only used twice. Mint cond. 352- Judy, We didn't forget you! who planned-such a great 5324 after 4. Guitar lessons play your favorite Formal, the Dae Zee's had! tunes. Lowest rates In town. Congratulations tor being tapped '75 Camero metallic green, AM into Golden Torch. Your KD DZ'ssay: Congratulations Marty »Shr. Call John 352 2969 after FM stereo 8 track. $2495. 372-0201 Sisters. ft Pam on your Kappa Slg, OZ 5pm. 85pm. To Bob ft Rich: The hunt was fun pinning. We knew it would Pregna Aid & Under Spaldlng PanchoGoniales tennis but the best part was finding you happen but we didn't know standing MPA. 287 4385 8. 352 racquet, like new, used less than at the end. Thanks tor being our where, what an event you ft 0620 6 mo. Tournament* nylon. $20. n big brothers. Love, The Pitts Marty could share. Lots of Luck Call 352 1033. PERSON ft love. Your Delta Zota Sisters. Twins Dorm size refrlg. $80. Call or Melissa, kthis Is a Lucky Lenten Congratulations to young Steven Marcla Redding: What a sur- leave message for Dr. Forlsha 2 coupon. Redeemable anytime, prise, a House candle passing. Castle on being "accepted" Into 2024. for anything. Set ya later, Ernie. Golden Torch. (How much did That's the way to let us In on a Meyer ft the Barnes "I'vegot the you pay them Cass?) Deits. secret! Congratulations to you ft sun on my shoulders ft toes In the Jim on your DZ, Sigma Nu Cralg Casten, Congratulations on Apt. for sublease. 2 bedrm. util. lavallering. Only the DZ House sand..." get psyched for Fla. an excellent year as Swim Team pd. except, elec. 352 1653. knows for sure. Lots of Love, The Love, Sedor. ' Captain. You did a good |ob, The CAMPUS MANOR now renting Sisters of Delta Zet a. SBX wants your books! Boom ft Schnelds, Thanks for all Kappa Sigma Brothers. tor Summer, Special rates a.c, WANTED the years. The time ft effort Is Congratulations to Cralg "Baby ph 352-9302 or 352 7345 eve. appreciated. Pledge Class Dolls" Valentine for his all F.rmte. needed Spr. Rent Brand new 2 bdrm. fully turn. Clean off your shelves Spring 77. Pledge class Fall '76. campus Butter Fly Cham- negotiable. Call 35262m. apt. 1 -4 people. Close to campus. The Kappa Sigma Brothers. pionship 1 his coaching efforts 1 F. rmte. needed for Spr. Qtr. Spr. ft sum. 352-1939. Clean out your closets Sue, the last 2 quarters have with Pi Kappa Alpha Swim Call 352 0350. S285qtr. THURSTIN MANOR APTS. A.C. been terrific! We'll miss you at Team-Pike Bro's. NEEDED F. rmte for next FULLY CARPETED Sigma Nu. Love, the little slsses. We pay 50 percent of the new retail price for JACK Have a GREAT time down school yr. Call 352-9232. CABLEVISION, EFPIC, Sean, Happy 2lst on the 14th! I In that Fla. sun! I'll miss ya! 1 F. rmte. needed for apt. Spr. LAUNORY FACIL. NOW the majority of textbooks being used spring hope you have a great day' Love, Love. Lou, P.S. Happy 2 year Qtr. Very close to campus with LEASING FOR SUMMER ft Luanne. Ann..remember Toledo air pleasant rmtes. Reasonable rent FALL. 451 THURSTIN. 353 5435. quarter and top wholesale prices on To the Brothers of Sigma Nu. port?! with (nil, incl. Call 352 2890 after Wayne Apts. 724 6th it. 2 bdrm Winter quarter was great I Good Delt III Slases. Get psyched tor 4 30 turn. apts. 1,2,3.4 students. luck with finals ft have a fun marketable texts no longer being used at the final party of the quarter. 1 F. rmte. for 79-10 school yr. For Summer - 521 E. Merry spring break. Love, the little Come ft see how hairy our Haven House Aprs. Mornings (near Offenhour Towers) 2 SlSSM. BGSU. Buffalo's can get. Parts. . 352JI76. bdrm., turn. apt. A.C. $400 for HEY WHALE! HOW was It? Anita (irma). For the past 3 1 M. rmte. Needed Spr. $270qtr. entire summer. John Newiove Avoid long lines and paperwork. Bring your Happy Birthday, one day late i years, you've been the best big & ft util. Univ. Village. Kevin 352 Real Estate. 352 6553. Cralg, John, Andy ft Oave, Hope little we could've asked for. Wa 2124.6 11pm. Preferred Property Co. renting books to S BX. We buy books 365 days a year. you all have the best Spring love you ft we're going to miss I F. rmte. for Spr. Own Room. summer ft fall. 352-9371. Office in Break possible! Be safe but have you. Love, Colleen ft Cindy Very close to campus. You Cherrywood Club. 835 High St ablest! Love, Pat. But from now thru'March 17, the book market Hoffman: It's been a great 2 suggest rent! 352-4432. Large 2 bdrm. unforn. apt., 1 Way to go Alpha Delt beer quarters. You know I'll miss* Need i F to share an apt. Call Hks. from campus, call Dan at chuggers. Wt love our new you! GoodLuck. Love, Janet. after 5pm. 352 7744. 352-4023 ST Sally at 332-4388 is a Sellers Market! trophy tor third place In the Thanks a lot Raedlne for all the Dixie land-polka band needed Rockledge Manor Apts., 2 bdrm.. Sigma Nu beer chugging contest. hard work ft support you've March 17 for St. Patrick's Day 2 full baths, luxury Apts., now Nice way to have fun ft bring given the house. Good -Luck in party. 15 pm. MallPouch Saloon. leasing summer ft fall sessions. See you at SBX home a trophy for Alphle We the coming years. Love, the little Haskins, OH. Call 823 3291 after All utilities turn, except elec. 850 love you! slsses of Sigma Nu I ipm. 6th St. Ph 352 3841 or 649 3481. JANE, BECKY,PATftthe super Tonight's the night for the "Get 1 F. rmte. for Spr. Qtr. Nice. apt. Mid Am Manor now leasing for Chi Omegas, Best wishes for a psyched for Florida" beer blast Univ. village. Will negotiate summer. $350furn.,$d00unfurn.. wonderful ft sale Spring Break! March 2 through March 17 in the Northeast Commons I-??. price)! Cheap! Call 3524200 For complete Sum. 3 man apts. Thanks for a great winter Last time to get rowdy before P. rmte. needed Spr. only Cheap. 352.4380, in afternoon.' quarter I Love, "Woof". Florida. Sponsored by Kappa near campus nice apt. 352-8781. 2 bdm. unfurn. apt. on 1st St. Kris, Happy 20th on the nth. Get Sigma. __ F. rmte. Spr. Qtr. 2 full baths, 2 Avail. Spg. Qtr. $325 mo. 352-43*0 psyched for Florida-only 7 more Delts, Have a good time in bedrms. AC, Call 354 1582. In afternoon. days! Love, Luanne. Florid*. Taley ft Jimmy sel

Day in review From Associated Press wire sfories Carter attempts to break Mideast peace stalemate

President Carter, launching his Egyptians waved palm fronds and After the arrival statement, Carter long eluded the region. them at the palace: the issue of the 1.1 Sadat insisted on a timetable for the personal peace mission yesterday, was placards and the president and Sadat met with Sadat to review the U.S. Both Khalil and Israeli Prime million Palestinians who live in Israeli- civil autonomy for Palestians that greeted by tens of thousands of rode in an open car from Cairo Inter- suggestions for breaking the stalemate Minister Menachim Begin said that occupied territories on the West Bank BegL-. has promised. Begin, in turn, cheering Egyptians and immediately national Airport to the ornate Kubbeh In the negotiations. They were ac- Carter's trip could lead to a treaty and Gaza Strip. opposed linking the Palestinian began his first round of peace talks with Palace, where Carter will stay. companied by their advisers'. signing. "We are determined," Sadat said, problem to the treaty. A reported President Anwar Sadat "to enable our Palestinian brothers to compromise would set a target date for Shortly after the arrival of the CARTER, AFTER a 124iour flight HOWEVER, SEVERAL difficulties realize their national rights and regain implementing autonomy, but no hard American party, Egyptian Prime from the United States, said at the remain, and Sadat addressed one of their freedom." deadline. Minister Mustafa Khalil presented world palace that he was struck by the eyes of counterproposals to Secretary of State the Egyptian women which held "a Cyrus Vance detailing Egyptian At the palace, the American hunger and a prayer that their sons and response to U.S. compromise president and Sadat appeared on the their husbands would never again have Chinese troops begin withdrawal suggestions to break the negotiating balcony with their wives. Carter said to suffer In the cause of combat." stalemate. that he and Sadat pledged themselves The long journey by the American Western observers confirmed that But most of the reports of hostilities said Japan was meeting separately There were no immediate details of not to disappoint those who hope for president Is being viewed by Egyptian China has begun withdrawing from from the Vietnamese side were con- with each side and relaying the peace what the Egyptian proposals were. "the long-unrealized but deeply desired and Israeli leaders as reviving Vietnamese territory, and Japan said fined to charges of Chinese war crimes, conditions demanded by each. THOUSANDS OF enthusiastic state of peace to this region." prospects for a peace treaty that has so that it was acting as a mediator in the including looting and burning of homes. A Hanoi broadcast monitored In Chinese-Vietnamese war. Vietnam said it would be prepared to Bangkok said that Chinese artillery Analysts in Bangkok said the pullout negotiate once a total withdrawal of fired hundreds of shells Wednesday into was "cautious and gradual," but there Chinese troops took place. the capital of Lang Son province. Ml Man charged in homicide were "definite signs" it had started. miles northeast of Hanoi. However, this Chinese sources earlier indicated the ANALYSISTB IN BANGKOK broadcast further confirmed the A kitchen worker was charged with Williams is being held in the Lucas shortly after the shootings. The Dawes withdrawal would be difficult and slow, reported skirmishing in some of the Chinese pullback because China had aggravated murder in connection with county Jail in lieu of $600,000 bond. had lived In the 50-year-old hotel for possibly taking two weeks or more. frontier provinces and this was ex- occupied Lang Son last week, calling its a triple homicide in the suite of a once- about two-and-a-half years. Vietnam said the withdrawal was pected to continue. But despite firmer capture a victory. luxurious downtown Toledo residential HOTEL RESIDENT William Dawe, Police said Smothers and Ketcham "very slow and in very small num- evidence of a pull-out, some Indochina CHIN'S OFFICIAL news agency, hotel. 61, housekeeping executive Timothy may have been shot after discovering a bers." watchers still cautioned that the Xinhua Hsinhua said yesterday that Holden Williams, 21, a chef trainee at Ketcham, 21, and locksmith Paul robbery in progress. However, it bad situation remained tense and that some Chinese troops opened local the Hillcrest Hotel, was charged with Smothers 40, each were shot In the head not been determined if anything was HANOI'S LATEST battle report said fighting could resume on a larger scale. storehouses in several Vietnamese three counts of aggravated murder in with a small-caliber gun, the Lucas taken from the suite. "the Chinese aggression forces today Japanese Foreign Minister Sunao provinces to help impoverished Viet- connection with the shooting deaths County coroner's Investigator said. continued their attacks, nibbling at Sonoda told a parliamentary com- namese minorities. China previously Wednesday of a hotel resident, the Their bodies were discovered by THE DA WE8 asked that the locks be Vietnamese territory and burning and mittee in Tokyo that Japan was asking accused Vietnam of discrimination hotel's housekeeping executive and a Dawe's wife Eleanor in the couple's changed after 6261 was taken from then- looting property In Vietnamese border China to pull out and asking Vietnam to against Chinese and other minorities locksmith. sixth-floor suite when she returned rooms last Saturday. areas." allow a smooth Chinese withdrawal. He living in Vietnam. Cleveland bank officials called before committee Members of a House subcommittee hashed over weekend, when the 32-year-old mayor and some legislators Johnson indicated that he will insist on the subcommittee The House also voted 64-0 in favor of a bill that would allow Cleveland's financial problems yesterday and decided that exchanged verbal brickbats over two pending city rescue taking a middle course. township trustees to more easily learn when subdivision plats they want to hear from officials of the defaulted city's bills, Johnson presided over a peaceful discussion. An aide of are approved by county authorities. The measure requires noteholding banks. Gov. James A. Rhodes called it a "high-plane" meeting. HE MENTIONED THAT It might, rather than choosing that notice of the action be given to the trustees. A bill before the subcommittee, which is favored by either bill as a vehicle, want to combine "the best features of Rep. John E. Johnson (DOrrvllle) woo beads the sub- Kuclnich, would have the state auditor direct and oversee both" and have a new bill introduced under neutral spon- BOTH BILLS now go to the Senate. Rep. Thomas P. committee, said he is sending "an invitation of urgent Cleveland's hoped-for rescue while also beefing up the sorship. Gilmartin, (D-Youngstown) was successful in recalling the proportions" for them to attend the panel's next meeting on borrowing powers of Ohio's largest city. Meanwhile, representatives voted 83-1 to approve March 13. only bill defeated so far by the House-a measure making legislation to correct an error in a law passed by the 112th liquor permits easier to obtain for businesses in an enclosed KUCINK H PUBUCLY HAS deplored the second proposal, General Assembly dealing with the right of township police shopping mall. His motion to reconsider was left pending by Cleveland defaulted last December on about $15.5 million backed by the Republican governor and sponsored by Rep or Ore department employees to appeal suspensions. the lower chamber. in short-term notes, most of which were held by six Cleveland Harry J. Lehman (DShaker Heights). The mayor claims the banks, including Cleveland trust Co., which has the largest Lehman bill, which would establish a nine-member com- share. mission to over see the city's fiscal affairs, amounts to a state takeover. PHI KAPPA TAU MUCH OF YESTERDAY'S meeting was devoted to Congratulates questioning of Joseph G. Tegreene, chief of staff for Earlier this week, Kudnich predicted that the legislature Cleveland Mayor Dennis J. Kudnich. The three-member would yield to his wishes and ruffled the feathers of some Its 1979 Winter Pledges panel Inquired mostly about how the default occurred. lawmakers. They said they resent any effort by an outsider to The session contrasted sharply to the atmosphere of last tell them what to do. Dave Buckner 1 ^^Your United ABORTION Jim Scheid [flfi^Sa Way Pledge TOLL FREE Jeff Owens MHU Works For 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Mike Houck JP 1 -800-438-8039 CAMPUS GOOD LUCK! MOVIES HIGH STARTS TONIGHT! ANXIETY -HALLOWEEN" SHOWN AT 7:30 AND 9:10 P.M. SATURDAY -HALLOWEEN" AT 2:00, 7:30 ANO 9:10P. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUNDAY AT 2:00. 3:40, 7:30 AND 0:10 P.M. 210 Math Science 8 and 10 pm $1 with I.D. HALLOWEEN iM me beautiful sunsets, W * The it ! the clear blue ocean, ^ Night the tropical sun, Come Home!

K MSTRICTfO THE BAHAMAS A LIGHTHEARTED LOVE STORY The Action Spot In Toledo UAO Is sponsoring a Spring Break trip to Nassau, Bahamas -SAME TIME, NEXT YEAR- AT 7:30 AND 9:30 P.M. SATURDAY SHOWN AT 2:00. 7.30 AND 9:30 P.M. Appearing I ive rues. Sun. Prices include: Departure 11 pm March 17 from SUNDAY SHOWN AT 2:00, 4:00. 7:30 AND 9:30 PM TANGENT Detroit Metro airport Return March 25 and reservations at the Belmoral Hotel ONE OF THE BEST! ^ I utsd.n Celebrate Nassau and Paradise Island NOMINATED FOR W V\ idniMl.n COSTS Bahamas College Week ACADEMY AWARDS Fhursrj $349 - quad Free daily activities include: Ellen Alan $369-triple cocktail parties Burstyn Alda $399-twin Merrimekkos catamaran cruise BGSU wH be traveling athletic competition u tortl ivht <7Q t\LL) disc0 8 and more Southn/lhui "i MuhMu h lmlinrr *it/ i J-UOOfa with Michigan State P ^ \\cxt l£iir" S^ IHandUvci I A UfWVI HNAt PITTUftt iro)

- ■tt tiaaaa. mmtmm wmmm wmmmmmmmmm

••■«* I The BG News Friday, Marcal, 1171 Eakin keeps pace with students Prof updates ByPaalaWhukm and career development, to picture faculty or ad- Green that a lot of univer- Asslstaat Mauflag Editor standards and procedures, ministrators in any other sities aren't," he explained. health services, Student role. It kind of reminded you He added that University AAoseley's study Clad in red shorts and a Recreation Center, Com- of their humanness and that students are "distinguished yellow Student Recreation muter Center and the they didn't always stay at by a more conservative style Fifty years ago, Edwin L. drastic change, but it is a Center T-shirt, Dr. Richard registrar's office. the University." than you would find at many Moseley, for whom Moseley change." Easterly said. R. Eakin probably did not "It keeps me off the Eakin Is not like the campuses. They are highly Hall is named, published a "Sometimes people get the look unusual to the other streets, I guess," he noted. stereotypical University motivated to employment study of the "Flora of the idea that land development joggers on the track at the administrator whose only after graduation." Oak Openings" from an area means total destruction. rec center one recent Sunday IT ALSO KEEPS him in contact with students is from In his rise through the covering 130 square miles Most farmers and aftemoon-until one noticed close contact with many behind a desk and as num- University hierarchy from including western Lucas, developers are pretty good Us hair, grayer than most students In professional as bers on a computer data associate professor of northeastern Henry and about preserving as much of students', and the two well as social settings. One sheet. mathematics to dean of the southeastern Fulton coun- the natural habitat as they energetic children who were way he likes to keep in touch Eakin, 40, also meets graduate school (now the ties. can," he said. quickly leaving their father's with the student body while students through his role as Graduate College) to his After a 15-year study, Dr. The original area once was side to outrun him. maintaining the health of his guest to University Seminar present position, Eakin also N. William Easterly, a much wetter, so the single But most students huffing own physique is by classes and at other student has noticed a shortcoming in professor of biological biggest change is the result and puffing around the track frequenting the rec center. activities. some students, at the sciences, has revised and of large drainage ditches probably did not realize that Eakin often can be found During his 18 years at the University and at many updated the work of that were built to rid the land Eakin is University vice there, along with other University, Eakin said he campuses. Moseley, the first University of excess water that hinders provost for institutional administrators such as has noticed a laudable Professor Emeritus. farming and home building, planning and student affairs University Provost Michael quality in most University "STUDENTS TEND to get Easterly's study, funded he said. and was one of the catalysts R. Ferrari or Vice President students. down on the institution by the Ohio Biological EASTERLY SAID his for the construction of the Richard A. Edwards, they're attending, to be Survey, examined what study is accurate because of $9.25 million rec center. jogging or learning the finer "GENERALLY OUR hypocritical of the univer- effect the SO years of area the availability of local state "I BELIEVE that many details of racquetball. students are inclined to try to sity, to say there is nothing development have had on the parks such as the Oak times I could go to the rec During weekend family make changes or im- happening when in fact natural habitats studied by Openings Metropolitan center or be on campus and hours, Eakin often brings his provements by working there's a great deal hap- Moseley. Park, Secor Nature most of the students wouldn't children, Matthew, 11, and through the University pening ," he explained. The recent study, to be Reservation In the city of know who I was," Eakin Mary, 9, to the center to system that has been devised "I wish our students would published next year, con- Toledo, Irwin Prairie, a state said, adding that he usually swim or . The Eakins, for doing that," he said, be more aware of the tains a list .of 999 plant sanctuary, and Schawm- becomes closely acquainted including Eakln's wife, Jo mentioning the student cultural programs," he species, the commonalty berger Preserve. with only about 50-100 Ann, live in Westgate. representatives of the added, noting the quality of where they grow, and These parks retained their students a year. "The rec center does af- Advisory Committee on the College of Musical Arts compares results to natural state so Easterly Yet bis job directly affects ford an opportunity for General Fee Allocations and the' 'first rate speakers" Moseley's. Easterly's study could check the differences more than 15,000 students a students (and ad- (ACGFA) as testimony to his available to students. noted a decrease in the between those areas and year. Eakin described his ministrators) to get to know point. Eakin's pace of in- abundance of natural developed lands. position as "the overall each other In a less formal "I really do think it's a volvement with students is habitats because of In- "The parks are well manager responsible for way," he said. "It reminds credit that committees like matched by his involvement creased farming and land preserved as natural most of the University us that we're all the same. ACGFA could continue to with the community and his development. habitats, if not, my study functions which affect make recommendations on family. One of his favorite would not be as good," be students outside of class." "I THINK SOMETIMES what is now over (4 million of pastimes is volleyball, which "THE CHANGE is not a said. NtwHtfioto »y tyit DancHi Among his areas of maybe If they (students) see general fees. he plays once a week during UNBEKNOWNST TO MOST STUDENTS using the track, supervision are residence me running over there at the "A lot of universities the winter with a team of this Jogger i> Dr. Richard R. Eakin, University vice life, housing, financial aid, track they are surprised," he would simply fear that kind math faculty and friends. Wage hike favored provoit for institutional planning and student affairs and student employment, added. of (student) involvement. one of the catalysts behind the ronstuction of the Student student activities and "I can remember when I It's an example of what "I playthe role of spiker," A faculty survey con- showed the faculty think a Recreation Center. organizations, counseling was a student not being able we're able to do at Bowling Eakin said. ducted last month by the 12.29 percent salary increase University chapter of is necessary and desirable American Assocation of and a 7.36 percent increase University Professors would be the minimum Just Arrived! Program seeks grants (AAUP) shows that most of acceptable increment. the 385 faculty queried New polyvinyl raingear The office of International be excluded from the because English would not thought a 9.57 percent faculty Two-thirds of those sur- Programs and the Asian program. Schuck said that be essential, or at an in- salary increase for 197940 veyed also noted that they study committee t are this year ne has found an stitution in which students would be realistic and disagree with observing High Shine Slicker 32" length negotiating for five student institution with a strong could study the Indonesian adequate. President Carter's 7 percent 4 pockets-hooded - snap closures exchange grant scholarships English program. language. ceiling recommendation. for University students, Schuck said the only More than half of the full- Faculty Senate voiced yellow - white - blue according to Edward L. THIS IS A direct exchange problem is attracting time faculty who were sent a similar sentiments. S,M,L - $16.00 Schuck Jr., director of program between students students. questionnaire from AAUP International Programs. from other countries and responded with their Other results of the survey The exchange program University students, he said. "WE'RE JUST getting opinions on salary issues. showed that: began last year when For every student who started and there's a great TJie results were submitted -79.12 percent favor merit , students traveled to Japan travels to the United States, deal of potential, but the to the Faculty Welfare increases in principle; and Korea, he said, adding a University student will secret is to get Bowling Committee (FWC) of -63.9 percent think merit that this year's program will travel to that country. He Green students to go over to Faculty Senate for con- increments should be include Indonesia, Thailand added that instructional fees other countries," he said. sideration In FWC's annual separate from salary annual and Taiwan. are waived on a reciprical Any students interested in salary recommendations, raises; Clear Rain Jacket Schuck explained that the basis. the Asian study-abroad made Wednesday. -55.8 percent think merit drawstring waist department tried to include All instruction is in program should contact Dr. Faculty Senate voted increases should be decided Taiwan last year, but English, except in Indonesia. Edward Chan, Dr. Fojiya Wednesday to recommend a by departments only; hooded - zip front. because of a lack of courses Schuck said the department Kawashima or the office of 10.53 percent faculty salary -83 percent think fringe yellow-green-blue taught in English, the is trying to arrange an ex- international programs by increase for 1979-80. benefits should not be country temporarily had to change with a music school April 1. counted as part of annual S.M.L $8.00 THE SUIWEY ALSO salary increments. MAKE YOUR FRIDAYS SPECIAL w% Off o* sruotMT ncurrs WKH ID M MASOWC *uono*ut* Freshman wins contest Melinda Schoffner, a Susannah Barber, students freshman art major, was Molly Kessing and Tom chosen winner of the Ice Hushion. Entrants were TOLEDO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Arena Logo contest. A ISO judged on their presen- gift certificate will be tations and clarity of design. March 9, 1979-8:30 PM presented to her between the Schoffner said that she The Powder Puff Andre Watts—pianist second and third period of drew the logo late one night BEETHOVEN: Coriolnus Overture BRAHMS: Symphony No. 3 today's hockey game with when she could not study. 525 Ridge St. , BEETHOVEN: Pfano Concerto No. 5 Ohio State University. Her design will be displayed The winning design, one of in the Ice Arena pro shop this 40 submitted, was picked by weekend. a panel of judges: Ice Arena Ice Arena officials plan to Director Jim Ruehl, hockey use the winning design In STUDENT , Gerry many ways-on clothing, Blair, head of the skating equipment and Ice Arena : LOWEST program, graduate assistant publications. GOVERNMENT PRICES ASSOCIATION mi NEEDS \ $4.99 QUALIFIED STUDENTS FOR NEXT YEARS i $2.89-$4.89

ADMINISTRATION GREAT SELECTION of paraphernalia, Applications posters, tapestries, silk screens, then the worlds going People arc fanatics when It comes to their Pilot Razor Point pens They're reluctant to give them up And when someone borrows one, burlaps & T-shirts whet happens ts inevitable will be available First tntykwt the way it writes Really smooth and extra tint Thty go wU over Its clever metal collar that helps keep the point from going squish. Naturally they 'forget' to give it back, although Its only 79*. This can be wry embarrassing when they're caught in the act Others have pocketed Pilot's Rneliner pan. The one with the sightly less deacate stroke It's only 69« Friday, March 9 So If you borrow someone's Razor Point or nnaaner pan Ci'd better prepared to pay the in 405 S.S. Bldg. THE SOURCE aaroaqoences Records - Tapes & Paraphernalia But. for much less than a dollar, you'd be smart to buy your own. 518 East Wooster across from Founders finefne mortasr pens Paid for by S.G.A. HOURS: 10-9 Mnn.-Sat. 12-7 Sun Mc»e Ihon «JV ioment-ing "o wnle witi ■ ■ ■

sport! The BG News Friday, March I, Page 1,1»7I "Find It At Finders" Your Most Complete Record Store - records Sandy Koufax returns BEST SELECTION GREAT PRICES!

to get money he missed presents with Sandy Koufax last graced the scene at Dodgertown in 1965. "He was the best righthander, too." Hii final season had been 1866, but became be bad entered Sandy never cashed in measurably on the fringe. \v tapes Into a holdout alliance that spring with Don Drysdale, he IH never came to camp. "I ALWAYS disliked that kind of stuff," he says, "so I did E. WOOSTERST 128N MAIN ST. -DOWNTOWN What the two demanded in baseball's roost shocking little outside baseball. And I never really cared for acrossfrom Harshman negotiation would Just about cover the salary of a .227 hitter business." today, and, in the absence of Walter 0'MaHey's two heroes, Deciding to plan for the future one time, Sandy took a we recall clearly his encountering the third ace of that year's position of manufacturer''' representative, offering a line of staff, Claude Osteen. Salary: $32,000. electrical appliances. Welcoming Osteen, Walter turned to an aide and asked dryly, "Does this man have a nice room? Give him a suite." "It was one of my major disasters," he recalls. "Selling, I Threatening first to tour Japan, Koufax and Drysdale then found, wasn't my long suit." hinted they would leave baseball and appear In a movie in To understand the horsepower of Sandy's sales prowess, which Drysdale had been offered a part as a house detective picture him going door-to-door with vacuum cleaners. and Koufax an Italian waiter. Greeting the housewife, he likely would begin, "Madam, let's discuss this product pro and con." BUT, OF COURSE, they soon were back In the nest obediently, not yet having heard of a revolutionary term Inhabiting the countryside of Maine and California with his called free agentry. wife, Ann, daughter of actor Richard Widmark, Koufax, now By the end of the 1966 season, Koufax, the best of 43, confesses he never was bored without work. An ac- this half of the ceotury-and maybe the first half, toe-was complished house-fixer, Sandy occupied himself with gone, victim of an arthritic elbow. building, painting and repairing, labor hardly befitting Hungarian aristocracy, but appealing to the tastes of this unusual man who was to roll out of Brooklyn and pitch no- Melvin hitters, perfect games, shutouts and enough generally to ride Into baseball's Hall of Fame on the first ballot, a rare achievement. Chris Rea Kenny Rogers Durslag ON VARIOUS years, Sandy won 27, 28 and 25. And coun- LP on SALE now only ... LP on SALE now only . tless times he went out of the game for a pinch batter with scores of 1-0,1-1 and 2-1. He tried television for a spell, hated It and abandoned it, Can you envision how many he might have won with a slipping quietly from a public scene that always made lam designated hitter rule? uneasy. 4.96 96 "What will be your function with the Dodger ?" he 4 "People started writing that I was living the life of a hermit was asked. and a recluse," says Sandy, "which wasn't true. All I had . along with hundreds more! ... along with hundreds more! done was move to small towns (Ellsworth, Maine, and "I'm not so presumptuous as to tell veteran pitchers how to Templeton, Calif.), but I continued to associate with the throw," he answered. "They got to the majors without me. human race. Often, people living in Los Angeles and New But If I can help them develop a certain pitch, or can do the York get the feeling that unless you're among them, you same with the young fellows, I'll be happy." must be a hermit or a recluse." In his time, Koufax threw a fastball, curve, slow curve and This Isn't always the case. Sometimes, they feel you're a fork ball, adding up to four deliveries. yokel, not aware that 200 million of the population don't reside in Los Angeles and New York. "BUT I actually considered myself a two-pitch guy," says Sandy, "because you can't claim something as a legitimate KOUFAX ADMITS candidly he has taken a Job with the pitch unless you're willing to throw it when a game Is on the Dodgers as part-time pitching instructor primarily for the line. When I was in trouble, I threw only fastballs and cur- money. Inflation has dented his income from earlier ear- ves." nings. "Do you know enough about the fork ball and change-up to "And besides that," he says, "I was never a monstrous teach them?" be was asked. moneymaker in baseball. As I recall, there were only two or three years in which I earned more than 135,000." His listener shuddered, picturing the massive fortunes "I can teach them all right, hoping the pitchers throw them today of guys who couldn't carry Ms ice bucket In modem better than I did." baseball, you couldn't recall a candidate more likely to pitch With an arthritic elbow, Koufax posted a record of 27-8 in a shutout each time he started. his last year. Asked afterward what the Dodgers were And then there was the Interviewer asking Gene Mauch If looking for, Buzzle Bavasi, then general manager of Los Koufax was the best lefthander he ever saw. Mauch an- Angeles, responded: "We're looking for a Jewish lefthander with arthritis." swered: Ronnie Laws Crystal Gayle Seaver sees Reds returning to LP on SALE now only ... LP on SALE now only ... throne following '78 letdown 4.96 4.96 TAMPA, Fla. (AP(-Red's ace Tom Seaver will be the superstars: 14 for Bench, 16 for Morgan, 10 for Foster, 13 for starting pitcher when Cincinnati opens its exhibition baseball himself. schedule Saturday at Dunedin against the Toronto Blue Jays. "It's s good feeling to have veterans around," he said. "Of ... along with hundreds more! ... along with hundreds more! "We need consistent pitching this year, that's the key," course, we need everybody to come back and have good Seaver said after rain shortened another Cincinnati spring years." practice session Thursday. "We lost last year, and here Cincinnati everybody expects a winner." Out of the group Seaver mentioned, only Foster could be said to have had an outstanding year, leading the National ... PLUS MANY MORE AT OUR EVERYDAY Seaver missed a few days of practice last week when he League in home runs and runs batted in. Even Seaver's 16-14 went home to be with Ms wife, who was ill, but he said he's record pales in comparison to his own past accomplishments. LOW PRICE. FROM THE LARGEST ready to pitch despite several rain-shortened practices this week. BUT IN 15 of Seaver's starts last season, the Reds provided two or fewer runs. , INVENTORY OF MUSIC IN B.G. ALBUMS/ "I've got my throwing and running in, so the rain hasn't "I thought Tom pitched like gangbusters, but sometimes affected me," Seaver said. "I'm going to pitch Saturday and he didn't get a lot of support," said pitcher Fred Norntan. "I 8 TRACKS/ CASSETTES/ BLANK TAPES/ I'm a little nervous about It because it's the first time. Ill think we're going to see the real Tom Seaver this year.? pitch three or 45 minutes, whichever comes first." Seaver goes about his work quietly, dresses and leaves DIAMOND NEEDLES/ RECORD CARE camp with the reserve of an elder statesman. He typifies the SEAVER, despite a pulled leg muscle early last season and "quiet confidence" manager John McNamara said is a 0-3 start, threw a no-hitter and finished with 16 victories to characteristic of the Reds. ACCESSORIES/ CONCERT TICKETS top the Reds' pitching staff. He expects this season to be better for. the Reds, who finished 2tt games behind Los Angeles in the last year. "There is a good feeling in camp, a quiet confidence, If I read it right," McNamara told writers and local Red* sup- "We ha ve the best on-field talent In baseball. And when you porters at a Tampa gathering. "We are capable, we are have veterans around you, you know what everyone can do," talented. We are going to win." Seaver said, gesturing toward the nearby lockers where Johnny Bench, George Foster and Joe Morgan dress. "We've After Seaver completes his three innings Saturday, got a lot of pros here." McNamara said he will use Dan Dumoulln and Doug Capllla. Sunday's pitchers here against Pittsburgh are scheduled to . . .Take advantage of our Seaver listed the years of service of the Cincinnati be Paul Moskau.MarioSoto and Dave Tomlin. It's man vs. machine as $1 TRADE-OFF! 'Carl' smokes the Indians FOR EACH ALBUM OR TAPE YOU BRING IN FOR TRADE, TUCSON, Arix. (AP)- The pitcher fired a fastball over the "Last year, he no-Mt us in one game. But we got to him a WE'LL TAKE $1 OFF ANY REGULARLY PRICED ALBUM heart of the plate and llgM-Mtting Cleveland little today. I guess It's Just a matter of getting to know him. DuaneKuiper rocketed a line drive to center for a triple. He needs work on Ms mechanics to be real effective," OR TAPE IN OUR STOCK The pitcher, a machine known as "Carl Curvemaster," manager Jeff Torborg said. "I'd have to say we won't worry remained stoic and showed no emotion as he fired the next about him again until next year." pitch in precisely the same spot, this time retiring shortstop Buy one - trade one, buy 2 - trade 2,... etc. Tom Veryter on an Infield pop-up. MEANWHILE, Indians General Manager Phil Seghl an- nounced that catcher Bob Diaz agreed to a two-year contract, Trade-ins must be in good condition. That's the way It want for Curvemaster Wednesday as be while pitcher Larry Andersen, second baseman Dave Oliver Sale items and used items excluded from offer. threw the equivalent of 10H Innings with mixed results in the and outfielder Tim Norrid-all rookies-have signed one-year Indians' third and last Intrasquad game of the season. pacts, and that the contracts of outfielder Jim Norris and pitcher Victor Crux have been renewed for one year. IT WAS by far the most work for a hurler in the Cleveland MSAT9A.M.-10P.M. camp this spring. To show for his efforts, Curvemaster-the Norris had been renewed last week, but decided Wed- Finders OPEN 7 SUNDAYS NOON-7:» longest longshot In camp to make the big league dub-got nesday to sign to the contract offered by the Indians. 118 N. MAIN ST. DOWNTOWN DAYS A both the victory and the loss in the 5-2 victory by the regulars Those slgnings and renewals mean the entire 40-man E. WOOSTERST ACROSS over the reserves. Cleveland roster now Is under contract for IJTv. FROM HARSHMAN WEEK

mm _ Pact»The BG News Friday, Muck 1,1171 Sports Bucks aim to steal title ByDaveLewaadowski 78:30, making 41 saves and allowing his players because they have In this Staff Reporter only a single . situation before while OSU has not Welsh said he is happy with the Job Welsh uld one thing his players will Talking with Ohio SUM hockey coach his sophomore goalie has done for the have to do is create pressure for BG I* Ilka talking with a little Buckeyes during the regular season goalie Wally Charko. boy who Just received Ms first 01 Joa and In the palyoffs. doll for Christmas. "Ha is the best I have ever coached "THE KEY to winning will be getting The Buckeye bench boss said .x la and is playing his best hockey right the second shots off on Charko," Welsh excited about this weekend's two-g^ne, now," the boisterous Welsh said. "Ha •aid. "He's as good as anyone at total goal* wins series against Bowling waa the single most important factor stopping the first shot, but we'll try and Green for the championship of the whan we beat Bowling Green, and if he beat him with some rebound shots." Central Collegiate Hockey Association plays as well up there as ha did in our Charko enters the series with a 1.51 (CCHA). Starting time tonight in the last game with them, we can definitely goals aginst average in the league Ice Arena is 7:30 p.m. The winner of the win the series." playoffs, and had a 2.23 average In 31 series will more than likely represent Jones was named this week's CCHA- games during the regular season. the league in the NCAA regional playoff player-of-the-week for his efforts The Falcons will have defenseman game, the last step to the NCAA finals. against Northern Michigan last Mike Cotter back in the line-up for thin "For the tint time in my four years weekend. He boasts a 2.80 goals against series. Cotter missed last weekend's here we have a real shot at beating average in the playoffs this year. games against LSSC after suffering a Bowling Green and I'm excited about OSU won the right to face the Falcons shoulder injury in the regular season It," Welsh said. "They beat us three out in the finals by disposing of Northern finale against Western Michigan. of four times this year, but we actually last weekend In a two-game, total-goals OSU center Paul Tilley finished outskated them most of the time in the series, 10-9. The two teams tied 5-5 in fourth in league scoring with 32 goals three games we lost. the opening game and the Buckeyes and 42 assists for 74 points. Larry came back to win the finale 5-4 in four Marson was next in line with 22 goals "WE JUST had aome breakdowns overtimes. and 37 assists for 59 points. Tilley has that allowed them to score, and those one goal and four assists in the two breakdowns proved to be the dif- BG BLASTED fourth-place CCHA playoff games while Marson scored two ference," Welsh continued. finisher Lake Superior 12-2 and 8-1 to goals in the two-games. Welsh cooled his excitemnt long advance to the league finals. BG enough to say he is realistic in his finished first In the (CCHA) with a BG FRESHMAN winger George predictions. record setting 21-2-2 ledger while OSU McPhee leads in playoff scoring with "If we can eliminate the breakdowns was the runner-up with a 15-8-1 slate. three goals and four assists in two we had before this weekend, and I think Mason said the more consistent team games while llnemate John Markell Is we can, we can win the series," Welsh will have the advantage in the series. second with three goals and three commented. "I don't think it's realistic "The team that plays consistently for assists. to say that we'll win both games, but if six periods is the team that will win," With the scoring punch of the we win one that may be all it takes In a Mason said. "A team that lets down for Falcons, Welsh is worried about the total goals series." one period will be at a disadvantage." heavy artillery. Just ISO miles north of Columbus, BG Mason, however, said last week's "Another key to winning is playing coach Ron Mason sits in his panneled games will have no bearing on this good defense," Welsh said. "We can't office reviewing ticket requests for the week's series for either team. give them any easy goals. We have to games. He doesn't share the outward make them work for everything they enthusiasm that Welsh does but thinks "THE KEY for us was winning the get. We just need to play 60 minutes of the Falcons have what it takes for a Tuesday night game against them when good hockey. I believe, no, I know we repeat performance like last weekend's we were number one and they came in can." debacle against Lake Superior. here," Mason said. BG enters the game with a 354-2 "I don't think there is going to be one The Falcons own three wins over the overall record and a second place Ntwiphoto by Davt Ryan team that will run away from the Buckeyes this year, two at home while ranking in the WMPL<»aches poll other," Mason said. "The key is going losing once in Columbus 3-1. This Is the while OSU has a 25-11-2 overall slate to be for us to score on our regular first final playoff series OSU has been and a ninth place ranking in the poll. FALCON FRANKENSTEIN-Scar-faced BG forward Dawe was voted BG's most-Improved player last percentage of shots and get to Steve in since they won the title back in 1972. Sieve Dawe looks lor opening In Lake Superior defense year. The Falcons compete against Ohio State In the Jones (OSU goalie) like we did against Welsh was a member of that cham- In the Falcons' 8-1 win last Saturday. Dawe, one of the finals of the Central Collegiate Hockey Association the Lake Superior goalies." pionship team. BG defeated the Tickets remain Falcons premier penalty killers, also added scoring (CCHA) tonight Buckeyes last year in the first round of As of 9 a.m. today, a total of 300 punch to the Falcon line-up this season. THE FALCONS have been averaging the CCHA playoffs 3-1 and 4-2 enroute to general admission tickets still remain a goal every eight shots this season a CCHA championship and a trip to the for tonight's hockey game against Ohio while Jones was the second-game hero NCAA finals. State. Saturday night's game is a * last week for the Buckeyes, playing Mason said it will be an advantage for complete sell-out. Falcon hockey: The biggest entertainment value Students at Bowling Green are faced never depart for one reason or another. around the house sampling Mom's comprehend that a Sigma Nu beer chug Superior may not have been the most for a game against cellar-dwelling with a tough decision each weekend-go cooking-the same thing that could be would offer more interest than a BG exciting team for a playoff series, but Western Michigan, although I'm a bit home or stay at BG. done in the dormitory. Well, at least the playoff game. they offered more formidable com- skeptical that someone didn't miscount Evidently, the former solution to the first part anyway. The final dilemma I came up with petition than Ferris State, which drew and raise the figures. Looking around problem Is the more prevelant if the Dave Going home last weekend was also was that since it was near the end of the more fans to the Ice Arena. Then the and seeing the empty seats that game, I mediocre crowds at last weekend's the perfect time to start the research quarter, the money situation among added attraction of LSSC goalie Murray have my reservations. hockey games are any indication. paper that was procrastinated until the students must be very stringent. But Skinner should have packed the house For the first-round of the CCHA ninth week. It was also the right time to the |2 admission price payed by itself. playoffs, crowds under 2,900 shuffled I tried to rationalize the situation and Lewandowski hit mom and dad for some extra funds students rivals the best movie, beer While Lake Superior didn't interest into the dingy arena to see the second say that last weekend was the perfect for Florida spring break trips. blast, trip uptown or six pack for en- most of the campus community, it did ranked team in the nation. time to go home for the last time in tertainment value. interest Ed Swift of Sports Illustrated Ohio State has generated an increase winter quarter. It was a chance to visit That was one excuse. Then I tried to enough to write a feature article in this in ticket sales for this weekend. The STUDENTS AT BG are lucky in the with relatives, see the family dog and TOO BAD weekends home from think of some campus activity students week's issue on the team and the teams will be there in what Ohio State reminisce old high school days with school never seem to be spent with respect that the ticket prices are so low renowned Section A. Too bad he had to coach Jerry Welsh previewed as a that stayed on campus had been more for games. Regular season tickets for hometown friends that said they would those friends, but mainly lounging interested in. It's hard for me to be disappointed by the sparce at- series just short of war. The Section A games at Notre Dame, Western tendance. idiots will be there in full force. All that Michigan and St Louis are in the $4 AND PITY poor Jim Ruehl, director is needed is other fans and BG coach range for • single game pass. of the Ice Arena. The week before a Ron Mason promises they won't be Clubbers finish stellar season Fourth place league finisher Lake record 3,661 rans jammed the Ice Arena disappointed. By John Dumford against the Chiefs, one of the top Junior Center Andre Latrallle had two goals hockey teams In the nation, the club- for the clubbers, while Mark Kin- According to Bowling Green club bers entered the final period down by a drachuk and Mike Sicuro played strong hockey coach Shawn Walsh, this year's seemingly Insurmountable 7-3 margin. defensively as well as contributing 24-5-1 Falcon clubbers provided more Freshman center Don McLaughlin three assists each. than the best record ever accumulated led the clubbers to a "typical club team Linemates Dave Phiel, Doug Olson, by a BG club hockey team. comeback" as Walsh called it topping and Robbie Williams finished as "On and off the ice, we added a lot of off a hat trick with the tying goal with leading scorers for the clubbers this credibility to the BG hockey program," Just 2:36 left. season. Phiel had 27 goals and 33 assists Walsh said. The clubbers dominated the third for 60 points to lead in scoring with If last Monday's season-ending 7-7 tie period, outshooting the Chiefs 23-8 and Olson and Williams finishing 20-31-51 with the Wayne Chiefs in Detroit was providing what Walsh called a "fitting and 19-31-50, respectively. any indication of the character of BG way to end the season." McLaughlin tied Phiel as the top goal hockey, you could hardly consider scorer with 27 and Mark Mazur was the Walsh wrong. "TO US, we considered the game a clubbers' top goalie, playing in 19 win," Walah said. "We Just completely games with a 3.37 goals against PLAYING WITH only 15 players took over In the third period." average. Bonds, Cruz report to Tribe camp TUCSON, Aril. (AP)-The full going, either. He waa throwing a hard He said, however, that he will play complement of 40 roster players finally slider and curve and keeping them only one year in Cleveland, then was on hand Thursday as outfielder down." demand a trade, as is Us right under Bobby Bonds and Victor the current major league players' Crux reported to the . "TT DOES not take me very long to be agreement. Both were obtained in winter trades, ready," Cruz said in baiting English. Bonds from the and "A couple of days and 111 be in shape. BONDS REPORTED to the team In Crux from the Toronto Blue Jays. "I'm glad to be here. It's too cold in Palm Springs, Calif., where most of the Bonds, 32, a t first threatened to retire Toronto. I know it gets cold in squad was participating in the rather than report to his sixth major Cleveland early In the season, but It's exhibition opener against the team in six years. But the cold In Toronto all year. Angels. However, he waa expected to slugging outfielder, despite turning "I like to get a lot of work and I think return to Tucson with several other down an extension and sweetening of that's what I'll get in Cleveland." players Friday to take his physical and his current four-year contract finally Cruz's major league experience is begin workouts. decided to report to the Indians. limited to appearances in 32 games last Cruz, 21, arrived late in Tucson season at Toronto. However, he quickly because of difficulties obtaining a visa He threw on the sidelines Thursday established himself as a top reliever, in Ms native Dominican Republic. for about 10 minutes and catcher Gary running up a 7-3 record with nine saves The stocky right-hander, a look-alike NnrtpJwto by Kyto Danactau Alexander, one of those left behind for and a 1.72 average. He in both peekaboo pitching form and PLAYOFF PRIMED Yves PeDaad, here causing extra batting practice, said, "He is struck out 51 and allowed just 28 hits in stature to veteran hurler Luis Tiant, tremble far the Lake Superior goalie In but weekend's really a tough pitcher, bat we knew 47 innings after being called up from pitched winter ball at Licey In the playoff series, wfD be called ea tonight and tomorrow that It doesn't take him very long to get Syracuse in June. Dominican until only a few weeks ago. far his scoring and penalty killing