Notre Dame Scholastic, Vol. 94, No. 10
T4-3 19-22 ."*'. 26-14 - C T AROIWA P^^^-* 34-14 %-ii, i^ll •% T 17-6 .83, 0mm, 27-21 MICH.STATE 3-2 J JC=1«2 FOOTBALL REV/EW 27-0 DECEMBER 5. 1952 rni^^^sM^mmi THE DU PONT m:\ DIGEST •^HWI^ WWIJWL \ vuOuuuuOv aWHAu ^^wvuwuu>• vuvju- ' AM<Vt^\ VblUVLPWU^ Scale mode! of a part of the plant where adi ponitrile is made from furfural. timers were devised for operation of the Plant and Equipment valves controlling production and re generation cycles. X 2. Design of high-pressure agitated autoclaves for the hydrogenation of furan to tetrahydrofuran. 3. Selection of corrosion-resistant equipment for the hydrochlorination of \. tetrahydrofuran to dichlorobutane at and the Engineer high temperatures. 4. Design of a unique five-step distil lation train to obtain high-grade adi At Du Pont, men with many types of training trans ponitrile without trace impurities. late laboratory developments into full-scale production Although most of these problems involve a great deal of chemical en gineering, also needed on the design ing team were mechanical, electrical, civil, metallurgical and industrial en gineers. Thus design work at Du Pont is open to men with many types of training, and there is abundant op portunity for all. Roger Jones, B.S. in Chem., Haverford College '52 {right), and operator check temperature control in the conversion of furfural to furan. E. W. Griffin, B.S. in M.E., Duke; M.S. in Among the most interesting fields for In this conversion, these steps are in Ind. Mgt., Georgia Tech '52 {right), instruct-; volved: operator in handling of vapor-tight horizontal engineers at Du Pont is the design of vacuum filter used in separating adiponitrile plaiits and equipment.
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