One Somerset: Business Case for a New Single Unitary
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One Somerset Business case for a new single unitary council for Somerset 1 Document control Project Name: One Somerset Business case for a new unitary council Date: 29/06/20 Status: Strategic Author(s): Dr Carlton Brand and Cllr Faye Purbrick Owner: Patrick Flaherty, Chief Executive Business Area: Somerset County Council Current Version: 1.0 Checkpoint This document requires sign off by SRO and Commissioner Title Signature Name Date Strategic Business Case Sign Off Outline Business Case 24/06/20 Dr Carlton Brand 24/06/20 Sign Off 25/06/20 Cllr Faye Purbrick 25/06/20 Full Business Case Sign 06/07/20 David Fothergill 06/07/20 Off 06/07/20 Patrick Flaherty 06/07/20 Changes to the Full Business Case Version 1.0 The change to Business Case and Section it is Requires a request for Version recorded Change Date 2 Contents 1 Foreword by David Fothergill, Leader of Somerset County Council ... 5 2 Executive Summary .................................................................................. 6 PART A - CASE FOR CHANGE ..................................................................... 15 3 Introduction ............................................................................................. 16 3.1 The need for change............................................................................................ 17 3.2 Purpose of this business case ............................................................................. 19 3.3 Approach and inputs ............................................................................................ 19 3.4 Timeline ............................................................................................................... 20 4 Context and landscape ........................................................................... 21 4.1 Local Government in Somerset ........................................................................... 22 4.2 Other public service agencies in Somerset .......................................................... 23 4.3 County wide delivery partnerships ....................................................................... 24 4.4 Sub-regional relationships ................................................................................... 26 4.5 Challenges presented by the current system ....................................................... 26 4.6 Views of stakeholders .......................................................................................... 34 4.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 36 5 Options Appraisal ................................................................................... 37 5.1 Defining the options ............................................................................................. 38 5.2 Quantitative assessment ..................................................................................... 40 5.3 Qualitative assessment ........................................................................................ 47 5.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 53 PART B - REALISING ONE SOMERSET ...................................................... 54 6 A vision for a new Somerset Council .................................................... 55 6.1 Vision and improvement themes .......................................................................... 56 6.2 Operating model .................................................................................................. 58 6.3 Strengthening local leadership through Local Community Networks (LCN) ......... 60 6.4 Devolving services to parish and town councils ................................................... 66 6.5 Democratic arrangements ................................................................................... 69 6.6 Contact arrangements ......................................................................................... 70 6.7 Enabling capacity building ................................................................................... 71 6.8 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 72 7 Improving outcomes for Somerset ........................................................ 73 7.1 People of Somerset ............................................................................................. 74 7.2 Somerset the Place ............................................................................................. 79 7.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 88 8 Financial Sustainability .......................................................................... 89 3 8.1 A changing funding environment ......................................................................... 90 8.2 Ensuring financial viability .................................................................................... 90 8.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 97 9 Implementation ........................................................................................ 98 9.1 Implementation programme ................................................................................. 99 9.2 Delivery milestones ............................................................................................. 99 9.3 Transition workstreams ...................................................................................... 100 9.4 Implementation Plan .......................................................................................... 101 9.5 Programme delivery risks .................................................................................. 101 10 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 103 11 Appendices ............................................................................................ 106 Appendix A – Glossary of selected terms ................................................ 107 Appendix B – Somerset Profile .................................................................. 109 Appendix C – County, District and Unitary Service Range ..................... 121 Appendix D - Savings and Costs ............................................................... 122 Appendix E – Confidence Intervals and Sensitivity Analysis ................. 127 Appendix F – Implementation Plan............................................................ 129 Appendix G – List of figures, tables and case studies ............................ 132 4 Dear Resident Let’s start with the obvious question – why have Five when you could have One? It’s a pretty simple message that sums up the duplication and waste that exists in Somerset’s local councils at this time. It stops us from concentrating on what really matters – Improving Lives for our residents, businesses and communities. The current system is a mess – and that’s the view of ALL of the five councils in Somerset – ironically, it’s the one thing we ALL agree on. This business case outlines the change that is needed. • It will put the people of Somerset at the heart of any new Authority. • • It will create new local opportunities for residents to have a real say about their own community. • • It will cut red tape and the wasting of tax-payers money. • • Freeing up money that can be spent on the real local issues and challenges including: o Caring for our most vulnerable residents o Delivering life chances for our children and young people o Reducing rural isolation and loneliness o Delivering the housing each community needs o Investing in climate change o Boosting economic growth, jobs and apprenticeships. We’ve been talking about a change in Somerset for three years already, now it is time to act and for Somerset to be ambitious. This business case gives a clear guide as to what we want to achieve for our residents, businesses and communities. It is a positive view that will put local people in charge of the decisions and services that are important to them. It will end the current confusion and mess that having five councils creates. It will give Somerset a powerful voice that will be heard in Government. And it will create investment and opportunities for us all to improve lives. Councillor David Fothergill Leader of Somerset County Council 5 2 Executive Summary The Government has a series of tests that any proposed new Unitary Authority must meet before it can be approved. This business case showcases what Somerset can achieve and demonstrates how we surpass all Government’s tests. 6 2.1 Context Somerset is a county of contrasts. Home to farming and engineering; manufacturer of cheese and cider but also the UK’s only helicopter maker; low skill jobs in the tourist industry vs high skilled jobs in the UK Hydrographic Office and Hinkley Point power station; picture postcard villages with limited public transport and bustling, thriving market towns with good road and rail links. These contrasts are a strength – but they mask concerns. Low paid and seasonal employment, a lack of a university resulting in a young people’s “brain drain”, an ageing population that will put pressure on social care and health services into the future, and the challenge that Somerset’s councils have set to become carbon neutral by 2030. This business case develops a strategy that will harness the