PARISH COUNCIL Notice of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council – 1 November 2018


Dear Member

You are summoned to attend an Ordinary Meeting of Carhampton Parish Council on Thursday 1 November 2018 at 7:30pm at the Carhampton Village Hall.

Alan W Hemsley, Clerk to the Council 26 October 2018


Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety, Bullying and Harassment and Human Rights.

1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason given. 2. Declarations and dispensations. 3. Comments from the floor 4. Minutes of meeting held on 4 October 2018 (previously circulated). 5. ACTIONS taken after last meeting – to confirm that all necessary matters have been actioned (those requiring follow-up appear later on this agenda). 6. PLANNING: (a) Applications: 3 Winsors Lane, Carhampton (b) Decisions: None advised (c) Follow-up: Land North of Church Lane, Carhampton 7. FINANCE: (a) Statements of accounts: To receive and audit the statement of accounts as at 31 October 2018 (b) Accounts for payment:

Clerk’s Salary £416.36 Clerk’s Expenses (October 2018) (Ink [£3.49], £128.58 SALC Travel [£35.10], McAfee [£89.99]) Village Hall (October meeting) £5.00 Clerk’s Training - SALC £30.00 MHPF (UK) Ltd – Land Rent JPF £47.31

8. NEW AGENDA ITEMS (a) Carhampton Youth Club – Funding. Paul Matcham ( Eye) has asked to address the Council on this matter. (b) B3191 Road – to consider the contents of an email from Pauline Milward previously circulated to Members (c) Annual Parish Meeting – provisional date

(d) Salt Bins – provision for Winter 2018/19 – to consider a report of the Clerk previously circulated. Please note that this may be amended on the night after a meeting with the District Council on Monday 29 October at . (e) Sewers – at the request of the Vice-Chairman to consider what action the Parish Council might take to avoid Carhampton becoming an open sewer. (f) Officer cover – at the request of Councillor Barringer-Capp, to note information received at the Area Panel Meeting on this matter. (see also 14(c) below) 9. OTHER COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS - Allotment Association, Community Orchard, Recreation Ground, Youth Club – To receive updates from the Council’s representatives on these organisations. 10. JUNIOR PLAYING FIELD (a) Monthly Inspection – to receive an oral update from the Chairman on his monthly inspection; (b) Additional Play Equipment – To consider a report of the Clerk on the Consultation process including further action previously circulated. 11. COMMUNITY FLOOD PLAN – to note any updates required to this 12. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT 13. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT 14. CORRESPONDENCE: (a) Road Closure, West Street, - 19 November for 5 days (b) Road Closure, – on 20 November for 1 day (8am to 3pm) (c) Local Beat Officer changes (d) Resolutions CIC - 0% Bulk Buy Fuel Loan scheme from Councils (e) Consultative & Parish Forum – Meeting 15 November - speeding & traffic issues across Exmoor 15. INFORMATION FOR / FROM THE CLERK: 16. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA

Date of next meeting: Thursday 6 December 2018 at 7:30pm