Selkirk Mountains Grizzly Bear Recovery Area 2015 Research and Monitoring Progress Report
SELKIRK MOUNTAINS GRIZZLY BEAR RECOVERY AREA 2015 RESEARCH AND MONITORING PROGRESS REPORT PREPARED BY WAYNE F. KASWORM, ALEX WELANDER, THOMAS G. RADANDT, JUSTIN E. TEISBERG, WAYNE L. WAKKINEN, MICHAEL PROCTOR, AND CHRISTOPHER SERVHEEN 2016 UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE GRIZZLY BEAR RECOVERY COORDINATOR'S OFFICE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, MAIN HALL ROOM 309 MISSOULA, MONTANA 59812 (406) 243-4903 1 Abstract: Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) captured and monitored a radio collared sample of grizzly bears in the SMGBRZ from 1983 until 2002 to determine distribution, home ranges, cause specific mortality, reproductive rates, and population trend. This effort was suspended in 2003 due to funding constraints and management decisions. In cooperation with IDFG and the Panhandle National Forest (USFS) this effort was reinitiated during 2012 with personnel from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). During 2013 the program was expanded with funding from IDFG, USFS, several sources in British Columbia (BC), and USFWS. This cooperative research and monitoring effort was expanded to involve Idaho Department of Lands, the Kalispel Tribe, the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in 2014 Numbers of females with cubs in the Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear recovery zone (SMGBRZ) varied from 0–4 per year and averaged 1.5 per year from 2010–15. Human caused mortality averaged 1.7 bears per year and 0.7 females per year. Ten human caused mortalities during 2010-15 include 4 females (all BC) and 6 males (one US and five BC). Human caused mortalities during 2010-15 were four adult females (one vehicle collision and three under investigation), one adult male (management), and four subadult males (two management, one mistaken identity, and one self-defense).
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