Manchester City Council Agenda Item 8 Executive 25 June 2008




DATE 25th JUNE 2008




The purpose of this report is to brief Members on the proposed post office closures in Manchester and to set out our proposed programme of work in response to the consultation process. Attached to the report is the Area Plan for and High Peak.


The Executive is recommended to:

1. Note the contents of the report;

2. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive and Deputy Leader to finalise Manchester City Council’s response to the Post Office Closure Consultation.


1. Area Plan for Greater Manchester and High Peak






Howard Bernstein Chief Executive 234 3006 [email protected]

Sara Todd Head of Regeneration 234 3267 [email protected] Elaine Weinbren Policy Officer 234 3315 Manchester City Council Agenda Item 8 Executive 25 June 2008

[email protected]


Motion to Full Council 26th March 2008 Post Offices

Report to Communities and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 5th February 2008 Post Office Network Change Programme 2008

Information Item to Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee on 6th September 2007.

Report to Executive 14th February 2007 ‘The Last Post Report’ by New Economics Foundation and Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) Consultation regarding the future of the Post Office Network.


Harpurhey, , East, and South.


Anti-Poverty Equal Environment Employment Opportunities

Yes Yes No Yes Manchester City Council Agenda Item 8 Executive 25 June 2008


1.1 The purpose of this report is to brief Members on the proposed post office closures in Manchester and to set out our proposed programme of work in response to the consultation process.

2.0 Background

2.1 Alistair Darling, the then Secretary of State launched a consultation on the future of the Post Office Network in December 2006. One of the key proposals in the consultation was that Post Office Limited would close 2,500 branches nationally and this would be spread equally across the country and between rural and urban communities. The Post Office was given guidelines to close an average of 18% in each Area Plan. This was confirmed in the consultation response early in 2007.

2.2 Post Office Limited then requested information from the City Council in February 2008 on relevant local factors that would assist them in drawing up the Local Plan for each area. They asked all authorities to provide information on the following:

• Regeneration and development plans in each local authority area; • Proposed new settlements; • Major road schemes likely to have a material impact on accessibility between communities; • Significant public transport changes including enhancements, new provisions and likely withdrawal of key services.

2.3 Manchester City Council submitted a response in February that highlighted our vision for the City and detailed plans as set out in the Strategic Regeneration Frameworks. We highlighted that in the future, Manchester will ensure that the existing district and local centres continue to be the focus for retail development and service provision since these centres are in the most accessible locations and already contain a range of facilities. We consider that post offices should be included as part of this offer.

3.0 Current consultation process

3.1 Post Office Limited published the Area Plan for Greater Manchester and High Peak on 10th June. The plan proposes to close 5 of the 63 post offices in Manchester (which represents a closure rate of 7.9% for the City), which are as follows:

• Lower Crumpsall PO, 80a Waterloo Street; • PO, 500-504 Road; • Ladybarn PO, 106 Mauldeth Road; • Parrswood PO, 841 Road; • Barlow Road PO, 2 Byrom Parade, 201 Barlow Road

Manchester City Council Agenda Item 8 Executive 25 June 2008

3.2 The public consultation runs from 10th June until 21st July. In light of the above closures, Manchester City Council will now submit further information on these specific areas and post offices in a further attempt to prevent their closure.

3.3 The process for Members involvement is detailed below:

• Members from the relevant wards have been contacted and asked for comments on the previous submission to Post Office Limited and have been asked to provide any additional information by 30th June, which can support the Council’s response Post Office Limited’s consultation.

• Post Office Limited have stated that the types of information that will be likely to change their decision are evidence based submissions and facts and figures such as the following:

i) High percentage of particular population, eg elderly, BME community that will be adversely affected by the closure

ii) Proximity of care homes, specialist schools or institution that would be adversely affected by the closure

iii) If the proposed receiving post offices were working to capacity and therefore could not cope with the additional customers from the closed branches

iv) Specific schemes that are in development or about to go into development that were not included in our original submission

• The City Council’s submission will then be placed before the Communities and Neighbourhoods Overview Scrutiny Committee on 15th July for further input from Members.

• The City’s Council’s submission will then be sent to Post Office Limited for the deadline of 21st July.

3.4 Members can also make representations to Postwatch, the consumer watchdog for Post Offices, which is scrutinising the consultation and closure process.

3.5 Manchester City Council is leading and co-ordinating the AGMA response to the proposed post office closures throughout Greater Manchester. The City Council will work with the neighbouring authorities on the proposed closures that are outside the authority’s boundaries but will nevertheless have an impact on Manchester residents.

4.0 Conclusions

4.1 Post Offices offer a vital service to our communities and the loss of a post office can be devastating to a local community. We consider that it is vital to Manchester City Council Agenda Item 8 Executive 25 June 2008

provide as much information as possible and to work constructively with Post Office Limited to try and influence decisions about post office closures as part of the Network Change Programme.

4.2 Recommendations are detailed at the front of this report.

Post Office Limited

Network Change Programme

Area Plan Proposal Greater Manchester with High Peak

2 Contents

1. Introduction 2. Proposed Local Area Plan 3. The Role of Postwatch 4. List of Post Office® branches proposed for closure 5. List of Post Office® branches proposed to remain in the Network

• Frequently Asked Questions Leaflet • Map of the Local Area Plan • Branch Access Reports - information on proposed closing branches and details of alternative branches in the Area


4 1. Introduction

The Government has recognised that fewer people are using Post Office® branches, partly because traditional services, including benefit payments and other services are now available in other ways, such as online or directly through banks. It has concluded that the overall size and shape of the network of Post Office® branches (“the Network”) needs to change.

In May 2007, following a national public consultation, the Government announced a range of proposed measures to modernise and reshape the Network and put it on a more stable footing for the future. A copy of the Government’s response to the national public consultation (“the Response Document”) can be obtained at

Post Office Ltd has now put in place a Network Change Programme (“the Programme”) to implement the measures proposed by the Government. The Programme will involve the compulsory compensated closure of up to 2,500 Post Office® branches (out of a current Network of 14,000 branches), with the introduction of about 500 service points known as “Outreaches” to mitigate the impact of the proposed closures. Compensation will be paid to those subpostmasters whose branches are compulsorily closed under the Programme.

To support the necessary changes to the Network and put it on a more stable footing and to support the reshaped Network of the future, the Government has proposed an investment of up to £1.7bn as a funding package.

The majority of Post Office® branches - more than 80% - will not change as a result of the Programme. Post Office Ltd is seeking to implement those changes that do take place as efficiently and sensitively as possible.

One of the key ways in which Post Office Ltd will make sure that people continue to have the best possible access to Post Office® services is by applying the minimum access criteria prescribed by the Government in the Response Document:


• 99% of the UK population to be within 3 miles and 90% of the population to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 99% of the total population in deprived urban1 areas across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 95% of the total urban2 population across the UK to be within 1 mile of their nearest Post Office® branch.

• 95% of the total rural3 population across the UK to be within 3 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch.

1 Deprived urban – The most disadvantaged urban parts of the UK based on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (top 15% Super Output Areas in , 15% of Data Zones in Scotland and 30% of Super Output Areas in Wales and Northern Ireland).

2 Urban – A community with 10,000 or more inhabitants in a continuous built up area.

3 Rural – A community not covered by the definition of Urban above. 5 In addition, for each individual postcode district:

• 95% of the population of the postcode district to be within 6 miles of their nearest Post Office® branch.

Changes to the Network can only take place within the prescribed access criteria.

In order to deliver the changes set out in the Response Document, Post Office Ltd has divided the UK into 47 areas (“Areas”). For each of these Areas Post Office Ltd will develop a local area plan proposal (“Area Plan Proposal”) which will set out the changes that it proposes to make within it. The Area Plan Proposal for Greater Manchester with High Peak has been developed and in this booklet you will find information on the changes proposed for Greater Manchester with High Peak. Full details of the Area Plan Proposal for Greater Manchester with High Peak are available on our website or by contacting us at the address given below.

When developing the Area Plan Proposal for Greater Manchester with High Peak, Post Office Ltd analysed a number of factors. These included the proximity of the Post Office® branches proposed for closure to other nearby branches, the number of customers currently using a particular Post Office® branch, the size and ability of nearby branches to absorb extra customers, and the commercial implications of any decision for Post Office Ltd.

Post Office Ltd has also taken into account obstacles such as rivers, mountains and valleys, motorways and sea crossings to islands in order to avoid undue hardship to customers. In addition, the availability of public transport, alternative access to key Post Office® services (such as cash withdrawals, bill payments, mail services), local demographics and the impact on local economies have all been considered. Post Office Ltd has sought information from a number of external organisations and people, including subpostmasters, local authorities and regional development agencies to assist with this process.

Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services, has worked with us in assessing the options for change during the period leading up to the publication of the Area Plan Proposal. Post Office Ltd has also engaged with other stakeholders, including relevant MPs.

Local Public Consultation

Each Area Plan Proposal is subject to local public consultation to ensure that the views of local people are taken into account before any final decisions are made by Post Office Ltd.

The local public consultation on the Area Plan Proposal for Greater Manchester with High Peak will commence on 10 June 2008.

The local public consultation will last for a period of six weeks and the closing date for feedback is 21 July 2008. Please send your views and comments in writing regarding access to future Post Office® services in this Area to the address detailed below (payment of postage is not required to a Freepost address). Please note that your comments will not be kept confidential unless you expressly ask us to do so by clearly marking them ‘In Confidence’.

Richard Lynds Network Development Manager C/o National Consultation Team FREEPOST CONSULTATION TEAM

Email: [email protected] Customer Helpline: 08457 22 33 44 6

2. The Area Plan Proposal for Greater Manchester with High Peak

Post Office Ltd is acutely aware of the concerns that changes – including closures – affecting Post Office® branches in the Greater Manchester with High Peak area will cause. In fulfilling the Government’s requirement to reduce the overall size of the Post Office® network (“the Network”) – and to do so in a way which creates similar results across the UK as a whole, and ensures that no group of inhabitants at an area level is overall significantly more adversely affected than any other– we are proposing to retain a total of 313 Post Office® branches across the area, but to close 67 existing branches.

If these proposed changes take place, Post Office Ltd will remain the largest retailer by network size in the country, and will still have more branches open than the number of branches of major banks and building societies combined. In this area, 99.2% of the population will see no change to the branch they currently use or will remain within one mile of an alternative outlet.

At present the area’s 2.3 million residents are served by a total of 380 branches. Usage of Post Office® branches is falling, in line with national trends, as more customers access services at other places, make more use of the internet and have their Government benefits paid directly into bank accounts.

This Area Plan Proposal supports achievement of the national accessibility criteria set by the Government. It forms part of an overall reduction in the number of branches by up to 2,500 across the UK and does not disproportionately affect the inhabitants of the area relative to other parts of the UK.

In addition to meeting these criteria, when preparing this Area Plan Proposal Post Office Ltd has considered factors relating to geography, the availability of local transport and alternative access to key Post Office® services, local demographics and the impact on local economies. All branches where changes are proposed have been fully assessed first hand by Post Office Ltd to ensure that local factors have been considered during the development of the Area Plan Proposal.

Greater Manchester with High Peak communities are diverse in nature, including some densely populated urban areas around Greater Manchester, which comprises Manchester, , , , , , , , Bury and Rochdale. This contrasts with High Peak which lies in the north west of Derbyshire and the western tip of the East Midlands region and includes Buxton, Chapel –en-le-Frith and Glossop The area has a wide diversity of scenery and a large number of popular visitor attractions including museums, galleries, Hope Valley and Peak District National Parks. 20% of the population live in rural communities and 80% live in towns and cities. In order to meet the Government's access criteria and avoid undue hardship, Post Office Ltd is proposing a future Network in the area comprising 260 branches in towns and cities and 53 branches in rural areas.

The needs of those living in communities defined as deprived have been carefully considered in this Area Plan Proposal, reflecting the specific national criteria set by the Government to give greater safeguards on the accessibility of branches in these communities. Some 30% of the area’s total population live in deprived communities. 27.5% of the deprived population in urban areas and 2.5% of the deprived population in rural areas. This proposal for future Network provision in Greater Manchester with High Peak provides for 104 of the total number of remaining branches being located in urban deprived communities.


Post Office Ltd has engaged with various stakeholders when preparing this Area Plan Proposal. We have consulted with Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services and we have asked all local authorities within the Greater Manchester with High Peak area to provide information and views relevant to the factors which we are able to consider. Our aim throughout has been to minimise the impact, as far as possible, on our customers and to produce the most effective overall proposal for the future.

In our conversations with stakeholders we have been made aware of regeneration plans affecting areas within the overall proposal and have taken these into consideration when constructing the Area Plan Proposal. Information has been received from Oldham , Rochdale Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Salford City Council, Tameside Borough Council, Bolton Council, Borough Council and High Peak Borough Council who have made us aware of their regeneration and development plans, as well as, Salford City Council making us aware of major road schemes.

Rochdale Borough Council, Tameside Borough Council, Manchester City Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council have made us aware of public transport changes in their areas Our proposed Network for Greater Manchester with High Peak area takes account of the locations affected by these and other schemes, their likely implementation timescales, and has regard to the needs of the communities affected by these changes. We will keep provision under review should demand increase beyond anticipated levels in the future.

Whilst stakeholders have advised Post Office Ltd of major road schemes, none of these would materially change the accessibility to branches for particular communities. Similarly, the absence of input regarding public transport provision does not suggest any proposed reduction in current provision which could leave branches significantly less accessible for particular communities or make it more difficult for customers to access alternative branches than at present.

In finalising the Area Plan Proposal all branches were carefully considered against the Government’s minimum access criteria, which Post Office Ltd must meet. Due regard has been given to the other factors that we must consider. As those factors were reviewed and as information from stakeholders was considered and assessed, 31% of the initial Area Plan Proposal has been changed.

Future service provision:

The Area Plan Proposal envisages a Post Office® Network of 313 branches in the Greater Manchester with High Peak area, which ensures that Post Office Ltd would comply with the minimum access criteria set by the Government. For 90.8% of customers this would mean no change to the Post Office® branch that they currently use.

The network now proposed for Greater Manchester with High Peak continues to offer better access to services than that of any similar organisation, while accepting the Government’s decision to reduce overall branch numbers. Subject to the Government’s overriding criteria, we have considered geography, transport provision, demographics and local economic impact where appropriate. We are pleased to maintain 10 rural branches that support the only essential retailer in their community and 19 that provide the only access to cash in a particular rural community.


Post Office Ltd understands the importance of its role in both urban and rural communities and is keen to continue to provide access to services for as many customers in as many of these communities as possible. We have also considered the relative convenience of alternative branches for those customers whose closest branch is proposed for closure. Of the 9.2% of customers who use a branch that will close, 8.4% would have access to Post Office® services within one mile as measured by road distance (2.4% being within half a mile of their nearest alternative). In total, 99.2% of the population will either see no change, or will be within one mile of an alternative branch.

Next steps….

During the local public consultation, which will last for a period of 6 weeks, we will seek views on the proposed future service provision as outlined in this Area Plan Proposal.

The purpose of this local public consultation is to obtain your views on Post Office Limited’s proposals to ensure that the branches that are ultimately selected for closure, or closure and replaced with an Outreach Service, are appropriate. From the outset of the Network Change Programme, Post Office Limited has made it clear in its communications that the Programme is not designed to provide a forum for debate on whether branches should close, but is about ensuring that Post Office Limited has the best available knowledge to allow it to make the most informed decisions about which branches should close.

Subject to the conclusion of the local public consultation period and after consideration of feedback received, no changes would be implemented before September 2008.

Post Office Limited is at a crucial point. Customer numbers are falling, customer habits are changing and many of our traditional services are available elsewhere. It is essential that the changes, which include a reduction in the number of branches, be made if the Network is to have a sustainable future. We therefore welcome your views and comments regarding access to future Post Office® services in this area. In particular we ask for your views on accessibility to the nearest Post Office® branch. Post Office Ltd must reduce the number of branches and this is being implemented through a programme of change known as the “Network Change Programme”. The purpose of the local public consultation for this area is to obtain your views to assist Post Office Limited in selecting the appropriate branches for closure.

9 10 3.

The consumer watchdog

Postwatch is the independent watchdog for postal services, created by the Postal Services Act 2000. Postwatch is working with Post Office Ltd and local communities throughout the programme to help secure the best possible outcome for customers.

What Postwatch will do

Postwatch operates through nine regional and national committees across the UK. Postwatch’s role during the programme – prescribed by government - is to scrutinise Post Office Ltd’s proposals and give feedback, ensure local consultations are meaningful, and that Post Office Ltd’s decisions are sensible and in line with government criteria.

Each Postwatch regional office investigates Post Office Ltd’s closure proposals. Postwatch receives area plans in advance of public consultation, allowing the time to examine proposals, and Post Office Ltd the chance to refine their proposals before going to public consultation.

Once public consultation is underway, Postwatch works to raise awareness of local consultations, and encourage participation. Postwatch will also work to ensure the minimum access criteria set out by the government are maintained.

Where Postwatch thinks proposals are unsatisfactory, they will work with local communities and Post Office Ltd to address these problems. There is an agreed review mechanism between Postwatch and Post Office Ltd for such instances. It is important to note that Postwatch does not have a power of veto on Post Office Ltd’s decisions.

Further information

Postwatch and Post Office Ltd have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out in detail the role Postwatch will play in the Programme. This is available on the Postwatch website at


12 4. Greater Manchester with High Peak area - Post Office branches proposed for Closure

Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Constituency Local Authority 409 Manchester Road, Tameside Metropolitan Edge Lane Manchester M43 6QF Ashton under Lyne Borough Council 88 Moorside Street, Tameside Metropolitan Market Street Droylsden Manchester M43 7HL Ashton under Lyne Borough Council West End (Temporarily Ashton Tameside Metropolitan Closed) 262 Katherine Street Under Lyne OL6 7BA Ashton under Lyne Borough Council Bolton Metropolitan Ainsworth Lane 1 Entwistle Street Bolton BL2 2RH Bolton North East Borough Council Bolton Metropolitan Astley Bridge 467 Blackburn Road Bolton BL1 8NN Bolton North East Borough Council Bolton Metropolitan Morris Green 187a Morris Green Lane Bolton BL3 3LB Bolton South East Borough Council 42-44 Egerton Street, Bolton Metropolitan Moses Gate Bolton BL4 7LE Bolton South East Borough Council 298 Leigh Road, Bolton Metropolitan Daisy Hill Bolton BL5 2JZ Bolton West Borough Council 488 Wigan Road, Bolton Metropolitan Hart Common Westhoughton Bolton BL5 2BX Bolton West Borough Council Higher Chorley Bolton Metropolitan Old Road 359 Chorley Old Road Bolton BL1 6AH Bolton West Borough Council Bury Metropolitan Elton 73 Crostons Road Bury BL8 1LB Bury North Borough Council 337 Holcombe Road, Bury Metropolitan Greenmount Greenmount Bury BL8 4BB Bury North Borough Council Bury Metropolitan Limefield 293 Walmersley Road Bury BL9 6NX Bury North Borough Council Bury Metropolitan Rochdale Road 98 Rochdale Road Bury BL9 7AY Bury North Borough Council 21 Ainsworth Road, Bury Metropolitan Water Lane Radcliffe Manchester M26 4DJ Bury South Borough Council 105 Silverdale Road, Stockport Metropolitan High Grove Gatley Cheadle SK8 4RF Cheadle Borough Council Tameside Metropolitan Denton Road Manchester M34 5BL Denton and Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan North Reddish 446 Gorton Road Stockport SK5 6RX Denton and Reddish Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan South Reddish 24 Reddish Road Stockport SK5 7PE Denton and Reddish Borough Council Patricroft 2 Lewis Street, Eccles Manchester M30 0QA Eccles Salford City Council Stockport Metropolitan Heaviley 133B Buxton Road Stockport SK2 6NZ Hazel Grove Borough Council 54 Osbourne Street, Stockport Metropolitan Osborne Street Stockport SK6 2DA Hazel Grove Borough Council

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204 Stockport Road, Stockport Metropolitan Rose Hill Rose Hill, Marple Stockport SK6 6EY Hazel Grove Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan Strines 167 Strines Road, Strines Stockport SK6 7GD Hazel Grove Borough Council Heywood and Rochdale Metropolitan Bowness Road Middleton Manchester M24 4WT Middleton Borough Council Heywood and Rochdale Metropolitan Hopwood 52 Manchester Road Heywood OL10 2AH Middleton Borough Council Heywood and Rochdale Metropolitan Oulder Hill 569 Bury Road Rochdale OL11 4DQ Middleton Borough Council 7-9 Spinner Bottom, High Peak Birch Vale Birch Vale High Peak SK22 1AA High Peak Borough Council Methodist Church, High Peak Dove Holes Buxton Road, Dove Holes Buxton SK17 8DW High Peak Borough Council Store, Church Lane, High Peak Peak Forest Peak Forest Buxton SK17 8EL High Peak Borough Council High Peak Tintwistle 13 New Road, Tintwistle Glossop SK13 1JN High Peak Borough Council 107-109 Market Street, High Peak Town End Chapel-En-Le-Frith High Peak SK23 0JD High Peak Borough Council Bollinbrook (Temporarily Macclesfield Closed) 4-6 Merriden Road Macclesfield SK10 3AN Macclesfield Borough Council 52 Ovenhouse Lane, Macclesfield Cross Bollington Macclesfield SK10 5EY Macclesfield Borough Council Macclesfield Broken Cross 1 Road Macclesfield SK10 3LG Macclesfield Borough Council 2-4 Longbutts Lane, Macclesfield Gawsworth Macclesfield SK11 9QU Macclesfield Borough Council Macclesfield Hockley 313a Lane, Stockport SK12 1RJ Macclesfield Borough Council 1 Tunnicliffe Road, Macclesfield Sutton Macclesfield SK11 0EB Macclesfield Borough Council Manchester, Manchester Ladybarn 106 Mauldeth Road Manchester M14 6SQ Withington City Council Manchester, Manchester Parrswood 841 Wimslow Road Manchester M20 5WD Withington City Council 500-504 Rochdale Road, Manchester Harpurhey Harpurhey Manchester M9 5RD Manchester, City Council Lower Manchester Crumpsall 80a Waterloo Street Manchester M8 5XF Manchester, Blackley City Council 2 Byrom Parade, Manchester Barlow Road 201 Barlow Road Manchester M19 3HH Manchester, Gorton City Council Buckstones Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Road Shaw Oldham OL2 8DW and Borough Council

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Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Egerton Street 3 Brackley Square Oldham OL1 3RS and Saddleworth Borough Council 77 Oldham Road, Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Grasscroft Oldham OL4 4JF and Saddleworth Borough Council Greenacres Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Moor 52 Huddersfield Road Oldham OL4 2AE and Saddleworth Borough Council Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Lees 38 High Street, Lees Oldham OL4 5AQ and Saddleworth Borough Council Lower Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Rushcroft Shaw Oldham OL2 7XD and Saddleworth Borough Council Moorside (Temporarily 699 Ripponden Road, Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Closed) Moorside Oldham OL1 4SG and Saddleworth Borough Council 1023 Huddersfield Road, Oldham East Oldham Metropolitan Scouthead Scouthead Oldham OL4 4AS and Saddleworth Borough Council 705-707 Oldham Road, Rochdale Metropolitan Buersil Buersil Head Rochdale OL16 4RH Rochdale Borough Council Rochdale Metropolitan Caldermoor 2 Shore Road Littleborough OL15 9LG Rochdale Borough Council Rochdale Metropolitan Smithy Bridge 61 Smithy Bridge Road Littleborough OL15 0DY Rochdale Borough Council Rochdale Metropolitan Spotland Road 170A Spotland Road Rochdale OL12 7AA Rochdale Borough Council Adelphi 15 Oldfield Road Salford M5 4NE Salford Salford City Council Langworthy Road 215 Langworthy Road Salford M6 5PW Salford Salford City Council 107-109 Cheetham Tameside Metropolitan Cheetham Fold Fold Road Hyde SK14 5DF and Hyde Borough Council Tameside Metropolitan Mottram Road 95 Mottram Road Stalybridge SK15 2QS Stalybridge and Hyde Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan Great Moor 350 Buxton Road Stockport SK2 7BZ Stockport Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan Hall Street 168 Hall Street Stockport SK1 4JG Stockport Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan Heaton Road 89-91 Heaton Road Stockport SK4 4JH Stockport Borough Council Stockport Metropolitan Lowfield Road 94 Lowfield Road Stockport SK3 8JR Stockport Borough Council Canterbury 173 Canterbury Road, and Trafford Metropolitan Road Manchester M41 0SE Urmston Borough Council Stretford and Trafford Metropolitan Trafford Park 450 Third Avenue Manchester M17 1FB Urmston Borough Council Manchester Road 93 Manchester Road Leigh WN7 2LE Wigan Borough Council Trafford Metropolitan Road 4 Northenden Road Sale M33 3BR and Sale East Borough Council

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Branch Name Address Town/City Postcode Ainsworth 7 Church Street, Ainsworth Bolton BL2 5RA Ainsworth Road 172 Ainsworth Road Bury BL8 2SH Ashton New Road 79 Beswick Street Manchester M4 7HR Ashton-Under-Lyne Unit 30 Arcade Shopping Centre Ashton-Under-Lyne OL6 7JE Audenshaw 1 Chapel Street, Audenshaw Manchester M34 5DE Ayres Road 112 Ayres Road Manchester M16 7QT Bamford 42 Main Road, Bamford Hope Valley S33 0AA Bamford 20 South View Rochdale OL11 5HU Bardsley 915 Ashton Road, Bardsley Oldham OL8 3HT Barnes Green Lee Road Manchester M9 4DL Barton Road 410 Barton Road, Stretford Manchester M32 9RW Beswick 15 Chaddesley Walk Manchester M11 3SW Black Lane Radcliffe Manchester M26 4HA Blackmoor Manchester M29 7DY 182 New Street, Blackrod Bolton BL6 5AU Bolton 124 Bolton BL1 1AD Bolton Road Radcliffe Manchester M26 3QQ Boothstown 31-33 Leigh Road, Boothstown, Worsley Manchester M28 1HP Bowker Vale 242 Middleton Road Manchester M8 4WA Bradshaw 145 Lee Gate, Bradshaw Bolton BL2 4BQ Bradwell 8 Netherside, Bradwell, Hope Valley Sheffield S33 9AA Bramhall Maple Road Stockport SK7 2DJ Brandlesholme 363 Brandlesholme Road Bury BL8 1HS Brazennose Brazennose House, 21 Brazennose Street Manchester M2 5BS Breightmet 818 Bury Road, Breightmet Bolton BL2 6PA Bridge Hall 11 Cuddington Crescent Stockport SK3 8LX 368 Brinnington Road, Brinnington Stockport SK5 8BT Briscoe Lane 105a Briscoe Lane, Manchester M40 2TL Broadbottom 50-52 Lower Market Street, Broadbottom Hyde SK14 6AA Broadoak Road 6 Broadoak Crescent Ashton-Under-Lyne OL6 8QE Co-op Food Market, Bromley Cross 196 Darwen Road, Bromley Cross Bolton BL7 9QG Broomfield 222 Reddish Road Stockport SK5 7DX Lane 89 Burnage Lane Manchester M19 2WN Burnley Lane 3 Parkgate, Oldham OL9 0AW Burnsall Walk 4 Burnsall Walk Manchester M22 1SG Bury 79 The Rock Bury BL9 0NB Bury Street 102 Bridge Street Heywood OL10 1JG Butler Green 1 Butler Green, Chaderton Oldham OL9 8NQ Buxton 97-103 Spring Gardens Buxton SK17 6AA Cadishead 117a Liverpool Road, Cadishead Manchester M44 5BG Carrbrook 7 Buckton Vale Road, Carrbrook Stalybridge SK15 3LW Castle Hill 249-251 Tonge Moor Road Bolton BL2 2JG Castleton How Lane, Castleton Hope Valley S33 8WJ

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Castleton 858-860 Manchester Road Rochdale OL11 2SP Chadderton Middleton Road Oldham OL9 0LQ Chapel Lane New Chapel Lane, Bolton BL6 6QS Chapel-en-le-Frith 5 Market Place Chapel-en-le-Frith SK23 0EW Charlesworth 9 Glossop Road, Charlesworth Glossop SK13 5EZ Cheadle 2 Old Rectory Gardens, Wilmslow Road Cheadle SK8 1BY Cheadle 28 Mellor Road, Cheadle Hulme Cheadle SK8 5AU Cheetham Hill 6 King Edward Buildings, Bury Old Road Manchester M7 4QJ Chesham 182 Walmersley Road Bury BL9 6LL Chinley 5 Green Lane, Chinley High Peak SK23 6AA Chorley New Road 2 St Clare Terrace, Lostock Bolton BL6 4AZ Chorley Old Road 111-113 Chorley Old Road Bolton BL1 3AS Chorlton-Cum-Hardy 543 Wilbraham Road Manchester M21 9PP Church Road 144 Hulme Hall Road, Cheadle Hulme Cheadle SK8 6LQ Church Road 68 Church Road Bolton BL1 6HH Clayton 627 Ashton New Road Manchester M11 4RX 293 Rochdale Road Oldham OL1 2HG Compstall 229 Market Place, Compstall Stockport SK6 5HZ Councillor Lane 149 Councillor Lane Cheadle SK8 2JE Crescent Road 183 Crescent Road Bolton BL3 2JS Crofts Bank 12 Lostock Road, Urmston Manchester M41 0PS Cromwell Bridge 135 Gerald Road Salford M6 6BL Crowhill 67 Crowhill Road Ashton-Under-Lyne OL7 9HD Crumpsall Green 9 Lansdowne Road Manchester M8 5SF Darnhill 21 Argyle Parade Heywood OL10 3RY Daubhill 257 St Helens Road Bolton BL3 3QA Davenport 219 Bramhall Lane Stockport SK2 6JE Deane 377 Wigan Road Bolton BL3 5QU Deane Road 214 Deane Road Bolton BL3 5DP Dearnley 100 New Road Littleborough OL15 8NL 20 King Street, Delph Oldham OL3 5DQ 1 Delph Road, Denshaw Oldham OL3 5RY Denton 60 - 64 Manchester Road, Crown Point Denton M34 3PR Didsbury Village Albert Hill Street, Didsbury Manchester M20 6RJ Diggle Diggle Oldham OL3 5PJ 26 Market Street, Disley Stockport SK12 2RY The Fold, Wood Lane, Dobcross Oldham OL3 5AN Droylsden Co-op, 11 Queens Walk, Droylsden Manchester M43 7AD 131 King Street Dukinfield SK16 4JZ Dumers Lane Radcliffe Manchester M26 2GN Eccles 63 Church Street, Eccles Manchester M30 0NS Eccles New Road 99 Eccles New Road Salford M5 4RX Edale Grindsbrook Booth, Edale Sheffield S33 7ZD 87 Castle Street, Edgeley Stockport SK3 9AR Egerton Road South 127 Egerton Road South, Chorlton Cum Hardy Manchester M21 0XN

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Exchange Quay 6.08 Exchange Quay Salford M5 3ER Unit 7, Failsworth Shopping Precinct, Failsworth Manchester M35 0EJ 260 Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield Manchester M14 6LD Farnworth 52a Brackley Street, Farnworth Bolton BL4 9EG Fishpool 10-12 Parkhills Road Bury BL9 9AX 5 Woodstock Green, Fitton Hill Oldham OL8 2PB 1-3 Ambleside Road, Flixton Manchester M41 6PL Fog Lane 171 Fog Lane Manchester M20 6FJ Furness Vale 73-75 Buxton Road, Furness Vale High Peak SK23 7PL Gale Street 3-5 Gale Street Rochdale OL12 0SQ Gamesley 38 Winster Mews Glossop SK13 0LU Gatley 185 Gatley Road Cheadle SK8 4BB Gilda Brook 258 Eccles Old Road Salford M6 8HH Glossop Co-Op Superstore, Norfolk Street Glossop SK13 8BS Gorton 55 Wellington Street, Gorton Manchester M18 8LP 274 Rishton Lane Bolton BL3 2EH Great Stone Road 61 Great Stone Road, Stretford Manchester M32 8GS Greenfield 32-34 Chew Valley Road, Greenfield Oldham OL3 7DA Greenside Lane 250 Greenside Lane, Droylsden Manchester M43 7SL Grindleford Main Road, Grindleford, Hope Valley Sheffield S32 2AA Hadfield 120-122 Station Road, Hadfield Glossop SK13 1AN Hall Lane 92 Sir Williams Court, 202 Hall Lane, Baguely Wythenshawe M23 1WA Halliwell Road 450 Halliwell Road Bolton BL1 8AN Hamer 127-129 Halifax Road Rochdale OL12 9SL Hardy Lane 343 Road Manchester M21 7QH Hardy Street 157 Waterloo Street Oldham OL4 1EN Hart Road 10 Hart Road Manchester M14 7LE Hathersage Main Road, Hathersage Hope Valley S32 1AA 242 Ashton Road Oldham OL8 1QN Hattersley 22 Kingston Arcade, Hattersley Hyde SK14 3RD Haughton Green Denton Manchester M34 7GR Haulgh 59 Castle Street Bolton BL2 1AD Hayfield Market Street, Hayfield High Peak SK22 2EW Hazel Grove 114 Road, Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 4AG Heald Green 264 Finney Lane, Heald Green, Cheadle Stockport SK8 3QD 455 Manchester Road, Heaton Chapel Stockport SK4 5DJ 84 Heaton Moor Road Stockport SK4 4NZ Heaton Moor Top 7 Moorside Road Stockport SK4 4DT Hebers Middleton Manchester M24 5LH Hempshaw Lane 470 Hempshaw Lane Stockport SK2 5SU Heyside 8-10 Heyside, Oldham OL2 6LN Heywood 20 Hindhill Street Heywood OL10 1AJ High Crompton 1 Thornham Road, Shaw Oldham OL2 7HR High Lane Peak Pharmacy, The Village Green, Buxton Road Stockport SK6 8DR Higher Blackburn Road 637 Blackburn Road Bolton BL1 7AA

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Higher Blackley 289 Victoria Avenue Manchester M9 0NG Higher Buxton 12a High Street Buxton SK17 6EU Higher Hurst Ashton Under Lyne Ashton-Under-Lyne OL6 8HD Higher Irlam 10 Hurstfold, Irlam Manchester M44 6FD Higher 1302 Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshaw Manchester M11 1JG Higher Tonge 454 Oldham Road, Middleton Manchester M24 2FA Highfield Road 237 Highfield Road, Farnworth Bolton BL4 0NX Hightown Manchester 365 Waterloo Road Manchester M8 9SB Hindley Road 140 Hindley Road, Westhoughton Bolton BL5 2HN Holcombe Brook 59B Road, Bury BL0 9TA Hollingworth 33 Market Street, Hollingworth Hyde SK14 8NE Hollins Road 730 Hollins Road Oldham OL8 4SA Hollyhedge Road 202 Hollyhedge Road Manchester M22 4QN Holts 8 Near Birches Parade Oldham OL4 5PZ Holyrood 426 Bury Old Road, Manchester M25 1PR Hope 4 Castleton Road, Hope Hope Valley S33 6AA Horwich End Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge High Peak SK23 7HX Hulme 170 Stretford Road, Hulme Manchester M15 5TL Huntley Brook The Post Office, Huntley Brook Bury BL9 6HS Hurdsfield 248 Hurdsfield Road Macclesfield SK10 2PN Hyde 30-32 Market Place Hyde SK14 2QU Irlam 570 Liverpool Road, Irlam Manchester M44 6NZ Irlam O'th Heights 381 Bolton Road, Irlams O' Th' Height Salford M6 7NJ Ivymeade Ivy Road Macclesfield SK11 8NA 95 Manchester Road Bolton BL4 8QJ Kingsway 347 Kingsway Manchester M19 1NQ Kirkholt 18 The Strand Rochdale OL11 2JG Lee Street 68 Lee Street Oldham OL8 1EG Leemans Hill 331 Bury Road, Tottington Bury BL8 3DS Lees Road 266 Lees Road Oldham OL4 1PA Lightbowne Road 192 Lightbowne Road, Newton Heath Manchester M40 5EE Limehurst 428 Oldham Road Ashton Under Lyne OL7 9PS Limeside 1 Lime Green, Limeside Oldham OL8 3HH Little Hulton 32 Hulton District Centre, Little Hulton Worsley M28 0AT Little Lever 23 Market Street, Little Lever Bolton BL3 1HH Littleborough 61 Church Street Littleborough OL15 8AB Littleton Road 301 Littleton Road Salford M7 3TA Litton The Old Smithy, The Green, Litton Buxton SK17 8QX London Road 155 London Road Macclesfield SK11 7SP Long Lane Wilmslow Road, Cheadle Stockport SK8 3BH Lord Lane Failsworth Manchester M35 0QH Lower Broughton 21 Mocha Parade Salford M7 1QE Lower Place 437-443 Oldham Road Rochdale OL16 4TA The Post Office Macclesfield SK11 9EA Macclesfield 23 Castle Street Macclesfield SK11 6AW

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Mainway Middleton Manchester M24 1LW Manchester 26 Spring Gardens Manchester M2 1BB Terminal 1 Arrivals Hall, Manchester Airport Manchester M90 1QX Marple Stockport Road, Marple Stockport SK6 6AA 14-16 Town Street, Marple Bridge Stockport SK6 5AA Meldon Road 8 Meldon Road Manchester M13 0TZ Merseybank 48 Merseybank Avenue, Chorlton-Cum-Hardy Manchester M21 7NN Middleton 53 Manchester New Road, Middleton Manchester M24 1SQ Middleton Road 73 Middleton Road, Crumpsall Manchester M8 4JY Mile Lane 72 Mile Lane Bury BL8 2JR 24 Broadhaven Road Manchester M40 7LT Milkstone Road 8-10 Milkstone Road Rochdale OL11 1ED Millbrook 397 Huddersfield Road, Milbrook Stalybridge SK15 3ET 94-96 Dale Road, Milnrow Rochdale OL16 4HX Monton 209-211 Monton Road, Eccles Manchester M30 9PN Moor Nook 8 North Parade, Derbyshire Road, South Sale Sale M33 3JS Moorside Road 169 Moorside Road, Urmston Manchester M41 5SJ 183 Manchester Road, Mossley Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 9AB Mossley Road 187 Mossley Road Ashton-Under-Lyne OL6 6NE Moston Lane 293 Moston Lane, Moston Manchester M40 9WJ Mottram 1 Mottram Moor, Mottram Hyde SK14 6LA Mount Road 173 Mount Road Manchester M18 7QT New Bury 61 George Street, Farnworth Bolton BL4 9PU Torr Top Street, New Mills High Peak SK22 4BS 338 Hollinwood Avenue, New Moston Manchester M40 0JB 143 Greenbrow Road Manchester M23 2DB Newbold 137A Milnrow Road Rochdale OL16 5DN Newhey 30 Huddersfield Road, Newhey Rochdale OL16 3QF Newport Street 89 Newport Street Bolton BL1 1PF Newton Heath 961 Oldham Road, Newton Heath Manchester M40 2FF Newton Street 63 Newton Street Manchester M1 1NS Newtown 721 Bolton Road, , Swinton Manchester M27 8FL Norden 667 Edenfield Road Rochdale OL11 5XE North 828 Stockport Road Manchester M19 3AW North Road 49 Northmoor Road, Longsight Manchester M12 5QE (serve and store) Oaklands, North Rode CW12 2PH Northenden 382 Palatine Road Manchester M22 4FZ Oak Drive Denton Manchester M34 2NA Oldham 3-5 Lord Street Oldham OL1 3HP Over Hulton 58 Newbrook Road Bolton BL5 1ER Oxford Road 24-26 Concord Way Dukinfield SK16 4DB Oxford Street 73 Oxford Street Oldham OL9 7SL Parkside Bramhall Stockport SK7 3LQ 2 Hall Lane, Partington Manchester M31 4PY

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Peak Dale 31 School Road, Peak Dale Buxton SK17 8AR Peel Green 511 Liverpool Road, Eccles Manchester M30 7BT Peel Hall 45 Peel Hall Road Manchester M22 5DW Pendlebury Swinton Manchester M27 8UR Plodder Lane 167 Plodder Lane, Farnworth Bolton BL4 0BT Poynton 2a Road, Poynton Stockport SK12 1QU Prestbury The Village, Prestbury Macclesfield SK10 4DG Prestwich 2 Kingswood Road, Prestwich Manchester M25 3NS Princess Road 179 Princess Road Manchester M14 4RL Queens Road 207 Queens Road Manchester M8 0RB Radcliffe 1 West Street, Radcliffe Manchester M26 1PP Ramsbottom Co-Op Food Market, King Street, Ramsbottom Bury BL0 9AA Reddish 6 Gorton Road Stockport SK5 6AF Rochdale The Esplanade Rochdale OL16 1AN Roe Green 40-42 Greenleach, Worsley Manchester M28 2RG Romiley Stockport Road, Romiley Stockport SK6 4BW Royal Oak 22-24 Pocklington Drive Manchester M23 1ED Royton 60 Rochdale Road, Royton Oldham OL2 6QQ Rufford Drive Whitefield Manchester M45 8PL Sale 11 The Mall Sale M33 7XZ Sale Circle 112 Sale Road Manchester M23 0BX Sale Moor 133 Northenden Road Sale M33 3HF Salford City 112 Rossall Way Salford M6 5DS Sandy Lane 65 Sandy Lane Prestwich M25 9PS Sedgley Park 42 Bury New Road, Prestwich Manchester M25 0LD 240 Road, Sharston Manchester M22 9SB Shaw 33 Rochdale Road, Shaw Oldham OL2 8QX Shaw Hall 190 Road Hyde SK14 4HJ Shawclough 30 Shawclough Road Rochdale OL12 6LN Siddington Chelford Road, Siddington Macclesfield SK11 9LF Simmondley 3 Pennine Road Glossop SK13 6NN Slade Lane 630 Stockport Road Manchester M13 0SD South Levenshulme 1082 Stockport Road Manchester M19 2SU Springhead 62 Oldham Road, Springhead Oldham OL4 5SR St Helens Road 1-3 St. Helens Road Bolton BL3 3NL Stalybridge 1 Trinity Street Stalybridge SK15 2PW Stockport 36-40 Great Underbank Stockport SK1 1QF Stockport Road 130 Stockport Road Cheadle SK8 2DP Stockport Road () 117 Stockport Road Manchester M12 6SB Stretford 10 King Street, Stretford Manchester M32 8NS Sudden 408 Manchester Road Rochdale OL11 4PE Sunderland Street 76 Sunderland Street Macclesfield SK11 6HN Sunnybank 66 Sunnybank Road Bury BL9 8HJ Swinton 82 Chorley Road, Swinton Manchester M27 5XB The Centre 1 The Centre Leigh WN7 2XY

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The Link 6-8 Penhurst Road Stockport SK5 8HP Tideswell Tideswell PO, 1 Commercial Road, Tideswell Buxton SK17 8NU Tong Fold 339 Bury Road Bolton BL2 6BB Tootal Drive 2 Tootal Road Salford M5 5FX Top O'th Brow 39 New Lane Bolton BL2 5BN Tottington 62 Market Street, Tottington Bury BL8 3LJ Townhead 120 Street Rochdale OL16 1LA Trafford Centre Unit L40D, 10 Peel Avenue, Trafford Centre Manchester M17 8BN Turnstone Road 9 Turnstone Road Stockport SK2 5XT Tyldesley 39 Johnson Street, Tyldesley Manchester M29 8SB 2-3 Tytherington Shopping Centre, Tytherington Tytherington drive, Tytherington Macclesfield SK10 2HB Unsworth 73 Parr Lane Bury BL9 8JR Upper Chorlton Road 268 Upper Chorlton Road Manchester M16 0BN Upper Mossley 12 Lees Road, Mossley Ashton-Under-Lyne OL5 0PF 54 High Street, Uppermill Oldham OL3 6HA Upton 10 Westmorland Close Macclesfield SK10 3ET Urmston 9 Higher Road, Urmston Manchester M41 9NS Victoria Avenue 9 Victoria Avenue Manchester M9 6RA Walmersley 678 Walmersley Road Bury BL9 6RN Walshaw 20 Bank Street Bury BL8 3AZ Wardle 128 Ramsden Road Rochdale OL12 9NT Wardley Swinton Manchester M27 9RD Watchcote Failsworth Manchester M35 0HP Waterhead 503 Huddersfield Road, Waterhead Oldham OL4 2JG Watersheddings 281 Ripponden Road Oldham OL1 4JL Wendover Road 95 Wendover Road Manchester M23 9EG West Bollington 65 Wellington Road, Bollington Macclesfield SK10 5HT West Didsbury 99 Lapwing Lane, West Didsbury Manchester M20 6UT Westhoughton 29-31 Market Street, Westhoughton Bolton BL5 3AG Westwood Park 428-430 Worsley Road, Eccles Manchester M30 8HQ Whaley Bridge 3 Canal Street, Whaley Bridge High Peak SK23 7LS Whalley Range 108 Withington Road, Whalley Range Manchester M16 8FA White Moss 239 Charlestown Road Manchester M9 7BD Wilmslow Park Unit 11, Hathersage Road Manchester M13 0EJ Windmill Lane Denton Manchester M34 2ET Winter Hey 52 Winter Hey Lane, Horwich Bolton BL6 7NX Withington 15 Egerton Crescent, Withington Manchester M20 4PL Wood Lane 49 Wood Lane, Partington Manchester M31 4LT Wood Street Middleton Manchester M24 5RA Woodhouse 12 East Way Sale M33 4DX 92 Cornish Way Manchester M22 0JX Woodley 36 The Precinct, Woodley Stockport SK6 1RJ Woodsend Road 124 Woodsend Road, Urmston Manchester M41 8QZ Woodsmoor 64 Woodsmoor Lane Stockport SK2 7BD

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Worsley St Ouen Precinct, Worsley Manchester M28 3AA Wythenshawe Unit 1,Swan Walk, Civic Centre, Wythenshawe Manchester M22 5HZ

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