Resettlement Plan

May 2018

People’s Republic of : Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project --- Lanshan Subproject

Prepared by The People’s Government of for the Asian Development Bank.

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 30 April 2018) Currency unit – yuan (CNY) CNY1.00 = $0.15 8 $1.00 = CNY6.334


AAOV – average annual output value ADB – Asian Development Bank DI – design institute EA – executing agency FS R – feasibility study report HD – House demolition IA – implementing agency LA – land acquisition LAR – land acquisition and resettlement LRB – Land and Resources Administration Bureau NDRC – National Development and Reform Commission RP – resettlement plan SES – social and economic survey SPS – ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009)


m2 – square meter mu – equal to 666.7 m 2 km – kilometer

NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Table of Contents




Executive Summary

1. Overview of Project

Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Project) consists of six outputs: (i) On-site closures of existing solid waste landfills in nine counties (or districts/county-level cities); (ii) Mining of two existing municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in two counties; (iii) Urban-rural integrated MSW management systems established in eight counties; (iv) Existing sanitary landfills upgrading in four counties; (v) Kitchen waste treatment in 2 districts; and (vi) Capacity development and institutional strengthening of all 11 project counties 1. The project outputs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) will involve land acquisition or occupation, but no residential house demolition, while Output (vi) will not involve any land acquisition and resettlement. Lanshan County Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Lanshan Subproject) is one of 10 subprojects of the Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project. Lanshan Subproject involved five outputs: Outputs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) in the Project, in which Output (i) On-site closure of existing Jiufenshan landfill, Output (ii) Mining of existing Xiaowujia municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, Output (iii) Urban-rural integrated MSW management systems established, and Output (iv) Existing sanitary landfills upgrading will involve land acquisition or occupation, but no residential house demolition. Output (i) of Landshan Subproject will involve 60mu of state owned land for closure of existing Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill located in Niucheng village. Output (ii) will involve 30 mu of state owned land for mining the existing Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill to the existing Lanshan Sanitary Landfill. Output (iii) will acquire a total of 61mu of collective land for construction of 4 large garbage transfer stations and 10 town garbage collection and transfer stations. Output (iv) will involve 160.7mu of state owned land for receiving solid waste transferred from Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill and upgrading the sanitary landfill. Therefore, this Resettlement Plan (RP) was prepared for permanent land acquisition (PLA) for Output (iii), and a due diligence report (DDR), as one of Appendices of the RP, was prepared for land occupation of Outputs (i), (ii) and (iv).

2. Scope of Resettlement Impacts The construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations of Lanshan County urban-rural integrated MSW management system needs to acquire collective land of a total of 61 mu All land is collective land and owned by village groups. 60.8mu of the land is not allocated to villages, while 0.2 mu of the land are contracted to 2 households with 14 people. The Subproject will not involve any residential house demolition, temporary land occupation and enterprises or small businesses. The land acquisition will impact 15 administrative villages in 14 townships.

3. Policy Framework

The RP was prepared in accordance with laws, regulations and policies related to land acquisition of the PRC, Hunan Province and Lanshan County as well as the Involuntary Resettlement of Safeguard Policy Statement of ADB (SPS 2009). The land to be acquired will be compensated to the affected household and village groups.

1 The 11 project counties include five counties of , Hengshan, Lanshan, Dong’an and , two urban districts of Lengshuitan and Lingling, and four county-level cities of Changning, , and in Hunan Province of the PRC.


4. Compensation Standard

The compensation standards for permanent land acquisition are calculated according to location and type of land to be acquired. According to the Notice of Hunan Provincial People’s Government on Adjustment of Compensation Standards for Land Acquisition in Hunan Province (XZF [2012] No. 46), the unified compensation standard (including land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy) for land acquisition of Lanshan County is: CNY 20,000 / mu for Region I, CNY 17,000 - 34,000 / mu for Region II, and CNY 15,500 /mu for Region III. According to the Notice of the People's Government of Lanshan County on Publishing of the Supplementary Standards for the Compensation for Land Acquisition in Lanshan County (LZF [2013] No. 7), the compensation for young crops is CNY 2,000/mu for paddy land and CNY 1,500/mu for forest land (excluding firewood forest but including CNY1,000/mu for afforestation and CNY 500/mu for cutting and transportation).

5. Public Consultation and Grievance Redress Mechanism During the RP preparation, public consultation on land acquisition and compensation policies as well as the project design was conducted in the affected villages. Representatives of affected household and village groups understand and will support the Subproject. A grievance redress mechanism was established to resolve complaints on the land acquisition. Affected village groups express their complain on the land acquisition and building demolition to (i) the project town governments; and then (ii) Lanshan Project Management Office (PMO)/ Lanshan Land and Recourses Bureau (LRB) if they are not satisfactory with the town governments’ solution. They can directly appeal to the People's Court for any aspect of the resettlement at any time (not limited by the above-mentioned two stages). All the complaints and solutions to them are kept by the Lanshan PMO.

6. Implementation

The RP was prepared based on the FSR and will be updated according to detailed measurement survey (DMS) which is conducted after detailed construction drawings of the Subproject is completed. The RP implementation will start from July 2018 and end by December 2020. The Lanshan PMO is responsible for the RP implementation incorporating with Lanshan LRB and project town governments.

7. Resettlement Budget

It is estimated that the compensation for LAR of the Subproject is CNY3,352,877. It includes CNY1,113,750 for permanently acquired land (accounting for 33% of the total compensation fee), CNY38,650 for young crop compensation (accounting for 1.2% of the total), CNY 500,000 for other expenses (including RP preparation and design fees, implementation and management fees, training and M&E fees) (accounting for 15% of the total), CNY1,395,670 for taxes and fees (accounting for 42% of the total), and CNY304,807 as contingencies (accounting for 10% of the basic cost)..

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

To ensure smooth implementation of the land acquisition, monitoring will be carried out on a regular basis. Lanshan PMO is responsible for monitoring and reporting; and semi-annual monitoring reports will be submitted to the Hunan Provincial ADB Project Management Office (HPMO) which will then be submitted to ADB. After completion of the land acquisition activities, a resettlement completion report will be submitted to ADB.


1. Project Overview

1.1. Project Background

1. Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Project) is to improve environment of the Hunan Xiangjiang river watershed by closing existing municipal solid waste landfills (MSW), upgrading existing sanitary landfills, establishing urban-rural integrated MSW management systems, and strengthening MSW management capacity of the project counties. 2. The Project consists of six outputs: (i) On-site closures of existing solid waste landfills in nine counties (or districts/county-level cities); (ii) Mining of two existing municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in two counties; (iii) Urban-rural integrated MSW management systems established in eight counties; (iv) Existing sanitary landfills upgrading in four counties; (v) Kitchen waste treatment in 2 districts; and (vi) Capacity development and institutional strengthening of all 11 project counties 2 . The project outputs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) will involve land acquisition or occupation, but no residential house demolition, while Output (vi) will not involve any land acquisition and resettlement. 3. Lanshan County Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Lanshan Subproject) is one of 10 subprojects of the Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project. Lanshan Subproject involved five outputs: Outputs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (vi) in the Project, in which Output (i) On-site closure of existing Jiufenshan landfill, Output (ii) Mining of existing Xiaowujia municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, Output (iii) Urban-rural integrated MSW management systems established, and Output (iv) Existing sanitary landfills upgrading will involve land acquisition or occupation, but no residential house demolition. 4. Output (i) of Landshan Subproject will involve 60mu of state owned land for closure of existing Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill located in Niucheng village. Output (ii) will involve 30 mu of state owned land for mining the existing Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill to the existing Lanshan Sanitary Landfill. Output (iii) will acquire a total of 61mu of collective land for construction of 4 large garbage transfer stations and 10 town garbage collection and transfer stations. Output (iv) will involve 160.7mu of state owned land for receiving solid waste transferred from Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill and upgrading the sanitary landfill. Therefore, this Resettlement Plan (RP) was prepared for permanent land acquisition (PLA) for Output (iii), and a due diligence report (DDR), as one of Appendices of the RP, was prepared for land occupation of Outputs (i), (ii) and (iv).

1.2 Project Impact Scope and Location

5. Landshan Subproject will involve a total of 311.7mu land, including: (i) 60mu of state owned land of Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill, (ii) 30 mu of state owned land of Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill, (iii) 160.7mu of state owned land of Lanshan Sanitary Landfill, and (iv) 61mu of collective land to be acquired for construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations. 6. The construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations of Lanshan County urban-rural integrated MSW management system needs to acquire collective land of a total of 61 mu All land is collective land and owned by village groups. 60.8mu of the land is not

2 The 11 project counties include five counties of Hengyang, Hengshan, Lanshan, Dong’an and Guiyang, two urban districts of Lengshuitan and Lingling, and four county-level cities of Changning, Lengshuijiang, Zixing and Leiyang in Hunan Province of the PRC.


allocated to villages, while 0.2 mu of the land are contracted to 2 households with 14 people. The Subproject will not involve any residential house demolition, temporary land occupation and enterprises or small businesses. 7. The land acquisition will impact on 15 administrative villages in 14 townships of Lanshan County. The location of the project towns is shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Location of Project Towns in Lanshan County

1.3 Measures to Avoid or Minimize Land Acquisition

8. In order to avoid or minimize impacts of the LAR, selection of location and land for construction of the garbage transfer stations adopted the following principles:

(i) Keep garbage transfer stations over 200 m away from farmers’ houses;

(ii) Avoid or minimize acquisition of existing cultivated land, or land with production and


residential house demolition; and

(iii) Try to use wasteland (non-productive land) as much as possible.

9. After comprehensive consideration of different design schemes, the wasteland or open forest land is recommended in most schemes to be the project land. So most lands to be acquired for the garbage collection and transfer stations are non-productive collective land owned by village groups, while only 0.2 mu of forest land is contracted by two household with 14 persons.


2. Scope of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Impacts

2.1 Investigation Method and Procedures 10. At present, the impact scope of the LA of the Subproject is determined according to the project design scope of the feasibility study and the preliminary survey in the project field. The RP preparation team has confirmed the impact scope through interview with affected village groups and field surveys. 11. When the implementing agency (IA) organized the feasibility study of the Subproject, the design institute (DI) have preliminarily investigated the social and economic profile and the impact scope of the affected area and asked for the opinions of local governments and villagers in affected villages. 12. In December 2017, on the basis of the feasibility study on village groups, land and physical quantity affected by the LA of the Subproject, the RP preparation team interviewed with village committees and group leaders on social and economic development levels of the affected area.

2.2 Project Impact Scope and Overview

13. Landshan Subproject will involve a total of 311.7mu land, including: (i) 60mu of state owned land of Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill, (ii) 30 mu of state owned land of Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill, (iii) 160.7mu of state owned land of Lanshan Sanitary Landfill, and (iv) 61mu of collective land to be acquired for construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations. 14. The construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations of Lanshan County urban-rural integrated MSW management system needs to acquire collective land of a total of 61 mu All land is collective land and owned by village groups. 60.8mu of the land is not allocated to villages, while 0.2 mu of the land are contracted to 2 households with 14 people. The Subproject will not involve any residential house demolition, temporary land occupation and enterprises or small businesses. 15. Two households with 14 persons will lose 0.2mu of cultivated land. Their loss of cultivated land area will be in 2.5% and 2.8%, respectively, and the income loss will be 0.15% and 0.1%, respectively. Therefore, the LA will not impact on the households largely. The compensation for the LA and young crops (trees) will be paid to the AHs directly in full amount according to the LA policies and compensation standards. The AHs can use the compensation to invest in their family business and increase their income. Table 2.1 Cultivated Land Loss and Income Loss of Affected Households

Cultivated Land Total Affected Land Loss Agricultural Total Income Land Area Affected Household Household (%) Loss (CNY) Loss (%) (mu) (mu) Income (CNY) HH 1 4 0.1 2.5 102,000 150 0.15 HH 2 3.5 0.1 2.8 83,000 84 0.1

16. 17. The land acquisition will impact on 15 administrative villages in 14 townships of Lanshan County. Table 2-1 showed details.

Table 2-1 Impact of Permanent Land Acquisition


Sub-/ Affected Area of land Type of Land Ownership Town Villages acquisition (mu) Nanshi town Xiadong village Forest land 10.38 Collectively-owned land Hongguan Tushi town Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land village Citangxu town Tuanjie village Wasteland 1.5 Collectively-owned land Taipingxu town Shizeng village Wasteland 1.5 Collectively-owned land Collectively-owned land of Sanli village Wasteland 15.7 Group 2 and 3 Tafeng town Collectively-owned land of Xinmin village Wasteland 11.1 Group 2 Zhumushui Xinxu town Forest land 8.5 Collectively-owned land village Litou Yao nationality Litou village Wasteland 0.73 Collectively-owned land township Huiyuan yao Xiangyuan nationality Forest land 0.8 Collectively-owned land village township Maojun town Maojun village Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land 5.8 mu of forest Contracted to households, Suocheng town Suocheng village land, 0.2 mu of 6.0 affecting 14 persons of 2 cultivated land households Jiangdong yao Shangdong Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land nationality village village Xiangjiangyuan yao nationality Gaoyuan village Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land township Daqiao yao Xiaomukou nationality Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land village township Jingzhu yao nationality Jiangyuan village Wasteland 0.78 Collectively-owned land township


3. Social and Economic Status of Project Area

3.1 Social and Economic Status of Affected Areas 18. Hunan Province, located in the middle reaches of River, is the hinterland of southeast China, covering a land area of 211,800 km2. The province administrates 13 cities, 1 and 122 counties (or county level cities and districts), with 66.29 million permanent residents. The regional GDP of the province in 2016 was CNY3124.47 billion. Per capita disposable income of urban residents was CNY31,284, while per capita disposable income of rural residents was CNY11,930. 19. Lanshan County, located in the southern of Hunan Province, has a total area of 1,806 km 2. By the end of 2016, the total number of households in the county was 108,300, and a total population of 422,000. In 2016, the GDP was CNY 9.701 billion. The per capita GDP was CNY 28,250. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was CNY 23,796, and the per capita net income of rural residents was CNY 12,014. 20. Refer to Table 3-1 for comparison of the social and economic status between Hunan Province and Lanshan County.

Table 3-1 Basic Social and Economic Information of Hunan Province and Lanshan County

Hunan Lanshan Area Increase Rate Increase Rate Province County Total registered population at the 7090 - 42.2 - end of the year (10,000 persons) Territory area (km2) 211,800 - 1,806 - GDP per capita (CNY) 45931 7.3% 28250 8% Per capita disposable income of 31284 8.5% 23796 10.6% urban residents (CNY) Per capita net income of rural 11930 8.5% 12014 9.9% residents (CNY) Regional GDP (RMB 100 million) 177558.8 10.7% 97.01 9% Total agricultural output value 2276.6 3.6% 30.2 1% (CNY 100 million) Industrial added value (CNY 100 11177.3 6.6% 33.22 6.8% million) Local fiscal revenue (CNY 100 26977.9 7.3% 7.3 17.9% million) Data source: the statistical yearbook 2016 of Lanshan County, Hunan Province

21. According to the table above, in 2016, the per capital regional GDP and the per capita disposable income of urban residents of Lanshan County were much lower than the average levels of Hunan Province and the per capita net income of rural residents of Lanshan County was slightly higher than the average level of Hunan Province. The table shows that Lanshan County is at a low position among all districts and counties of Hunan Province in economic comprehensive development level.

3.2 Social and Economic Situation of Affected Village Groups

22. The Subproject will impact on 14 villages in towns in Lanshan County, including Nanshi Town, Tushi town, Citangxu town, Taipingxu town, Tafeng town, Xinxu town, Litou yao nationality township, Huiyuan yao nationality township, Maojun town, Suocheng town,


Jiangdong yao nationality township, Daqiao yao nationality township, Jingzhu yao nationality township. 23. Basic social and economic situations of the affected village groups are summarized on Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Basic Social and Economic Situation of the Affected Village Groups in 2016

Cultivated Land Per capita Village Household Population Town land area acquisition income Group (household) (person) (mu) (mu) (yuan) Xiadong Nanshi town 540 2260 2893 20 19643 village Hongguan Tushi town 1450 6016 7039 40 19378 village Tuanjie Citangxu town 530 2350 2891 30 19787 village Shizeng Taipingxu town 510 2260 3006 26 19898 village Sanli village 260 1128 417 30 24099 Tafeng town Xinmin 780 2760 856 23 24153 village Zhumushui Xinxu town 513 2160 3305 32 21212 village Litou yao nationality Litou village 360 1002 701 60 16031 township Huiyuan yao nationality Xiangyuan 152 615 369 30 16527 township village Maojun Maojun town 760 3060 3794 35 21875 village Suocheng Suocheng town 670 2700 4104 30 19776 village Jiangdong yao nationality Shangdong 310 925 1101 40 16832 village village Xiangjiangyuan yao Gaoyuan 301 886 789 53 16877 nationality township village Daqiao yao nationality Xiaomukou 482 1502 1397 43 17965 township village Jingzhu yao nationality Jiangyuan 301 853 597 50 17969 township village Data sources: the statistics report of the affected village in 2016 and the interview with the village cadres.

3.3 Social and Economic Characteristics of Affected Household

24. To better know about the basic situation and social-economic information of the affected households (AHs) as well as know their requirements and willingness in land acquisition and income recovery measures, the RP preparation team visited the AHs (Only two households will be directly affected by LA). A combination of questionnaire and interview was adopted in the field survey. There are two affected households (14 persons) 25. One household with 9 household members. • One AH has 9 people, including 5 males and 4 females, of whom 7 people are in 16-39 years old, 1 in 40-59 and 1 above 59.


• There are 5 persons with junior high school diploma and 4 students. • There are 5 persons for household labor force, 4 persons work in other region and 1 person works at home for farm works and takes care of the old and children. • The household has an annual income of CNY 102,000, of which agricultural income is CNY6,000 (5.9% of the total) and income from working outside CNY 96,000 (94.1%). • Annual household expenditure of the family is CNY 98,000, of which the productive expenditures of CNY 4,000 (4.1% of the total), daily expenditures of CNY 40,000 (40.8%), education expenditures of CNY 20,000 (20.4%), traffic expenditures of RMB 10,000 (10.2%), medical expenditures of CNY 6,000 (6.1%), and other expenditures of CNY 18,000 (18.4%) including those for interpersonal relationship and communication. • According to survey results of public opinions, the household knows the project and agree the construction, believes that construction of the project is beneficial to the country and the collective; knows compensation policies for land acquisition; agrees land acquisition of the project; willing to continue farming and participate in skill training, and cultivation training and training of skills for working in a factory; if lawful rights and interests are infringed, the family knows how to make an appeal. 26. One Household with 5 Persons • The other investigated household has 5 persons (2 males and 3 females), of whom there is 3 persons aged 16-39 and 2 persons aged 40-59; • In terms of educational level, there are 4 persons with junior high school diploma and 1 person has no formal education; • There are 4 people for household labor force, 2 persons work in other region and 2 persons work at home for farm works and take care of the old. • The household has an annual income of CNY 83,000, of which agricultural income is CNY 3,000 (3.6% of the total), income from working outside CNY 72,000 (86.8%) and other incomes CNY 8,000 (9.6%). • Annual household expenditure of the family is CNY 52,000, of which there are productive expenditures of CNY 1,000 (1.9% of the total), daily expenditures of CNY 12,000 (23.1%), education expenditures of CNY 24,000 (46.2%), traffic expenditures of CNY 8,000 (15.4%), medical expenditures of CNY 3,000 (5.8%), and other expenditures of CNY 4,000 (7.6%) including those for interpersonal relationship and communication. • According to survey results of public opinions, the household knows the project and agree the construction, believes that construction of the project is beneficial to the country and the collective; knows compensation policies for land acquisition; agrees land acquisition of the project; willing to continue farming and participate in skill training and cultivation training; if lawful rights and interests are infringed, the family knows how to make an appeal.


4. Legal and Policy Frameworks

4.1 Introduction to Laws & Regulations and Policies for Resettlement

27. The resettlement policy of the Subproject is mainly based on the PRC's relevant laws, regulations and policies. Meanwhile, it is also based on relevant policy requirements of the ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009) - Requirement 2: Involuntary Resettlement. The compensations for LA in this Subproject will be implemented in strict accordance with the compensation standards and related regulations and policies as determined in this RP. If there are any changes in the laws and regulations on the compensations of the PRC and Hunan Province during the implementation of resettlement, the updated laws and regulations and policies will be implemented and the IA shall promptly update and report the RP to ADB. After approval by ADB, the plan can be implemented formally. Legal and policy frameworks of the project are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Summary of Relevant Policies and Laws & Regulations of the Project

Policy Content of Laws & Regulations Effective Date Level Revised on August 28, Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China 2004 Guiding Opinion on Improvement of the System for Land Acquisition November 3, 2004 Compensation and Resettlement (GTZF [2004] No. 238) State State Council's Decision on Deepening Reform and Tightening Land October 21, 2004 Administration (GF [2004] No.28) Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Further Administration of Land Acquisition (Ministry of Land and Resources June 26, 2010 [2010]) Notice on Further Administration of Rural Collective Construction March 26, 2009 Lands (XGTZF [2008] No.15) Notice of People's Government of Hunan Province on Adjustment of the Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition in Hunan Province December 18, 2012 Hunan (XZF [2012] No.46) Province Notice of General Office of People's Government of Hunan Province on Supervision and Administration of Allocation and Usage of Land July 9, 2008 Requisition Compensation for Rural Collective Economic Organization (XFBF [2008] No.15) "Notice of the Municipal People's Government on the Yongzhou adjustment of Yongzhou city land acquisition compensation March 31, 2013 City standard" (YZF [2013] No. 9)

The "Notice of Lanshan County People's Government on the Lanshan adjustment of Lanshan county land requisition compensation April 30, 2013 County standard" (LZF [2013] No. 8) ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement- Guarantee Requirement 2: ADB June, 2009 Involuntary Resettlement

4.2. Involuntary Resettlement Policy of ADB

28. The objectives of the involuntary resettlement safeguards of ADB are (i) to avoid involuntary resettlement wherever possible; (ii) to minimize involuntary resettlement by exploring project and design alternatives; (iii) to enhance, or at least restore, the livelihoods of all displaced persons in real terms relative to pre-project levels; and (iv) to improve the standards of living of the displaced poor and other vulnerable groups.


4.3. Differences between ADB Policies and Domestic Policies

29. The main aspects of the legal system include the collective land acquisition, the procedures for transferring collective land to the state, house demolition on collective land in rural areas, and house demolition on state-owned land in urban areas triggering the need for compensating and relocating persons, households, and communities. Key gaps between SPS and the PRC’s system and how to the bridge the gaps are as follows:

(i) Lack of identification of the poor and vulnerable groups during the screening process

Specific to vulnerable households (men, women, ethnic groups), they are identified by the Government as those who belong to the (i) Five-Guarantee program (the elderly, weak, widowed and disabled members who are unable to work and have no means of living, or whose households lack labor) who are being provided with production and living assistance (e.g. food, clothing, fuel, education and burial expenses) and (i) those eligible for the Minimum Living Guarantee System and are provided with living subsidy each month. Furthermore, identification of the poor and vulnerable households is only done during implementation. Those who are not considered as vulnerable groups as per Government definition but may become at risk of being vulnerable or experience hardship due to impacts of LA/HD; i.e., may need special support during the transition period (e.g. during relocation such as provision of labor, transport) will also be identified and will be provided with necessary assistance. In this RP, the two affected households are not considered as poor or vulnerable household.

(ii) Lack of documentation on the consultation and information disclosure activities, and grievances received

Meetings held at the local levels are often maintained at the local level. Given the roles and responsibilities of the PMO, meetings and interviews held with the affected households are reflected in the RP and will continue to be documented during RP updating and implementation. The grievance redress will also be documented as part of the monitoring reports. Disclosure of the key information in the RP will be carried out through the distribution of resettlement information booklets in local language.

(iii) Inadequate social and risk analysis as resettlement planning is focused on loss of land and impacts on houses

Government-funded projects carry out impact assessment but focused mostly on land acquisition and relocation impacts in general and no impact assessment on the socio- economic conditions of households in particular. For this project, impact assessment was carried out during RP planning through the conduct of socio-economic survey, consultation meetings, inventory of losses. Gender analysis was also carried out. Such measures led to the preparation of project entitlements, relocation, rehabilitation, and gender strategies; and they are reflected in this RP.

(iv) Assistance to households who are not eligible for compensation of houses at replacement cost

Based on the Regulations on the Demolition and Compensation of Houses on State- owned Land (2011), the illegal houses and temporary structures which were constructed after the approval period will not be compensated. However, if the APs belong to the


vulnerable groups and in need of housing, they will be assisted in securing affordable housing or low-rent housing which is according to the Regulations to Solve the Housing Difficulties for the Low Income HHs issued by State Council [GF 2007, No 24], affordable housing and low-rent housing should be provided to the households who have housing difficulties. The demolished HHs can apply the affordable housing and low-rent housing. Compensation for non-land assets will be at replacement cost and provision of resettlement assistance similar to those who have licensed houses provided that the affected households meet the Project’s cut-off date. If an earlier cut-off date has been established by the Government, the Government’s cut-off date will be followed provided that the following conditions are met: (i) copy of Halt Notice for Land Acquisition and House Demolition/ pre-notice for Land Acquisition and House Demolition published, (ii) documents confirming dissemination of information (billboards, minutes of public meetings, letters to households, newspapers, websites, broadcast, etc), and (iii) confirmation from households that they were informed about the cut-off-date verbally and in writing. For households who are not eligible for compensation for houses at replacement cost, the history or reason why the structure has no certification/license; and their socio-economic conditions and vulnerability will be assessed by the Project (through its local government and concerned bureaus) to determine the necessary assistance that can be provided to them to ensure that they will be able to restore or will not be worse-off. In this subproject, there is no house demolition.

(v) Inadequate monitoring and reporting arrangements

Audit monitoring (focused on resettlement funds) are done but not on a regular basis. For this project, regular monitoring and semi-annual monitoring reports will be submitted by the implementing agencies to the PMO while the PMO will submit the reports to ADB. Monitoring indicators have been developed.


5. Resettlement Principle and Compensation Eligibility

30. The cut-off date for compensation is the date of LAR announcement. After the cut-off date, settlement, newly cultivated land, newly built houses and any other trees newly planted and facilities newly set up just for extra compensation on the affected areas shall not be counted in the scope of compensation or subsidy for the project.

5.1. Compensation Standards

31. Compensation standards for various impacts are hereby made in accordance with related laws, regulations and policies, by considering actual social & economic status of Lanshan County. During the land acquisition of the Project, the compensation standard may be adjusted according to the actual implementation situation, but the adjusted standards will not be lower than the compensation standard specified in this Resettlement Plan.

5.1.1 Compensation Standard for Permanent Land Acquisition

32. The compensation standard for land acquisition and resettlement is made in accordance with provisions and requirements of "Decision of the State Council on deepening the reform of strict land management" (GF [2004] No. 28) and the State Ministry of land and resources "Notice on the issuance of "guidance on improving the compensation and resettlement system for land acquisition""(GTZF [2004] No. 238)," The notice of the people's Government of Hunan on the adjustment of the compensation standard for land acquisition in Hunan Province "(XZF [2012] No. 46)," The notice of the people's Government of Yongzhou on the publication of the standard for the compensation for land acquisition in Yongzhou"(YZF [2012] No. 26), "The notice of the Yongzhou Municipal People's Government on the issuance of” collective land in Yongzhou city on the housing levy and compensation and resettlement measures "(YZF [2013] No. 28), combined with the level of economic and social development of the project area and with compensation standards of other government projects in the same area, including the "The notice of Lanshan County People's Government on the adjustment of Lanshan county land acquisition compensation standard" (LZF [2013] No. 8), "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the issuance of Lanshan county collective land acquisition and compensation and resettlement measures"(LZF [2014] No. 5), "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the announcement of the supplementary standards for the compensation for land acquisition in Lanshan County" (LZF [2013] No. 7) and other relevant policy documents, to determine the project resettlement compensation policy and resettlement program. 33. In terms of Notice of Hunan Provincial People’s Government on Adjustment of Compensation Standards for Land Acquisition in Hunan Province (XZF [2012] No. 46), the standard of the unified land requisition compensation fee (including land compensation and resettlement subsidy) in Lanshan county is the standard: CNY 40000 yuan / mu for Region I, CNY 34000 yuan / mu for Region II, and CNY 31000 yuan /mu for Region III. The correction factors of land category are 0.8 for dryland and garden while are 0.5 for forest land. 34. The compensation standards for the Subprojects are based on "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the adjustment of the compensation standards for land acquisition in Lanshan County" (LZF [2013] No. 8) and is shown in Table 5-2.

35. Since the AAOV for paddy land in region II is 1240/mu, the compensation and resettlement subsidy is 27 times of AAOV (1240 for paddy land in Region II), so it meets the replacement cost.


Table 5-2 Compensation standards for Land Acquisition of Subproject

Compensation Standard (CNY/mu) Category of Land Affected Village and Town Paddy Dryland and Forest Land Region Land Garden Land and Wasteland

Region I Sanli village and Xinmin village of Tafeng town - - 20,000 Xiadong village of Nanshi town, Hongguan village of Tushi town, Tuanjie village of Citangxu town, Shizeng village of Taipingxu Region II 34,000 - 17,000 town, Zhumushui village of Xinxu town, Maojun village of Maojun town, Suocheng village of Suocheng town

Litou village of Litou yao nationality township, Xiangyuan village of Huiyuan yao nationality township, Shangdong village of Jiangdong yao nationality township, Gaoyuan village of Region III - - 15,500 Xiangjiangyuan yao nationality township, Xiaomukou village of Daqiao yao nationality township, Jiangyuan village of Jingzhu yao nationality township

5.1.2 Compensation for Young Crops

36. Compensation standard for young crops of the subproject is subject to the Notice of the People's Government of Lanshan County on Publishing of the Supplementary Standards for Land Acquisition Compensation in Lanshan County (LZF[2013] No. 7). The compensation standard is CNY2,000/mu for paddy crop and CNY1,500/mu for forest land (excluding firewood forest but including CNY 1000/mu for afforestation and CNY 500/mu for cutting and transportation). The AAOV of paddy land is CNY1,485/mu in Region I, and CNY1240/mu in Region II, so it can meet replacement cost.

5.1.3 Other Support

37. In addition to the above, the following will also be provided a) Social Security Fee. This fee is provided if there are collective village lands affected. The fee will be used for endowment insurance. The fee will be paid to the affected rural collective economic organizations. If in the future their land will be affected by other projects, and the affected households’ per capita cultivated land will be less than 0.2 mu, the funds will be used to subsidize the affected household’s endowment system. The social security fee is RMB 20,001 per mu. b) Vegetation Fee: The fee is required by forest department for restoring vegetation on other area than the land acquired by the project. Due to the land acquisition, forest (and garden land) land or land with any vegetation will be converted to construction land; the vegetation coverage will be reduced. So forest department needs to find some (waste or unused) land to restore vegetation and maintain the vegetation coverage. It is RMB6,667 per mu.

5.2 Entitlement Matrix 38. The entitlement matrix of the project is set up according to related policies above, see Table 5-3.


Table 0-3 Entitlement Matrix

Compensation Type of Entitled and Degree of impact Implementation impact persons/entities resettlement policy The land compensation (including land compensation and resettlement A total of 61 mu to subsidy) is: be acquired CNY 20,000 permanently , all 1) For the land not are rural collective 1) Collective /mu for forest allocated to farmers, the Permanent land, among which, economic land and compensation will be paid to wasteland in acquisition 0.2 mu cultivated organization; 2) village collectives directly. Region I, of rural land is contracted 2 farmer Villager conference will be CNY17,000/mu collective to the households; households held to determine the use of for forestland land and 60.8 mu is contracted the the compensation, including and waste land forest land or land land reallocation or investment and wasteland, which is for some projects, which shall CNY34,000/mu not allocated to be approved and monitored by for paddy land individuals high level institution - town in Region II, government. and CNY 15,500 /mu for 2) For the land contracted forestland and to farmers, the compensation waste land in will be paid to APs directly in Region III. full.

The compensation Collective and standard , is Young General two households CNY2,000/mu Crops attachment allocated with for paddy crops cultivated land and CNY1,500/mu for forest land


6 Recovery and Resettlement Measures

6.1. Income Restoration Plan for Villages

39. There will be no loss of income since the lands to be acquired are not used for productive purposes. The social security fee will paid to the rural collective economic organizations be used for the endowment insurance in the future. 40. The compensation for the land acquisition will be completely paid to the rural collective economic organizations. The use of the compensation will be determined by all village group members through full discussion. The compensation will be mainly used for those presented in Table 6-1.

Table 6.1 Application of Compensation for Land Acquisition of Project-affected Village Groups

Amount of Sub-district/ Town Village Land Type and Area Compensation Main Application (CNY 10,000)

Xiadong Culture Room, Clinic and Nanshi town Forest Land 10.38 mu 19.20 village Culture Room Maintenance Honggua Construction of irrigation Tushi town Wasteland 0.8 mu 1.36 n village sublateral canal Tuanjie Construction of storage Citangxu town Wasteland 1.5 mu 2.55 village pond Shizeng Construction of irrigation Taipingxu town Wasteland 1.5 mu 2.55 village sublateral canal Construction of storage Sanli Wasteland 15.7 mu 31.40 pond and public drinking village project Tafeng town Construction of storage Xinmin Wasteland 11.1 mu 22.20 pond and public drinking village project Zhumus Construction of storage Xinxu town hui Forest land 8.5 mu 18.28 pond village Litou yao Litou Construction of public Wasteland 0.73 mu 1.24 nationality township village drinking project Xiangyu Huiyuan yao an Forest land 0.8 mu 1.36 Village road maintenance nationality township village Maojun Maojun town Wasteland 0.8 mu 1.24 Activity room maintenance village 5.8 mu of forest land, Suochen Construction of storage Suocheng town 0.2 mu of cultivated 11.34 g village pond land Shangdo Jiangdong yao ng Wasteland 0.8 mu 1.36 Clinic maintenance nationality village village Xiangjiangyuan yao Gaoyuan Construction of irrigation Wasteland 0.8 mu 1.24 nationality township village sublateral canal


Amount of Sub-district/ Town Village Land Type and Area Compensation Main Application (CNY 10,000)

Xiaomuk Daqiao yao ou Wasteland 0.8 mu 1.24 Activity room maintenance nationality township village Jingzhu yao Jiangyua Wasteland 0.78 mu 1.21 Culture Room maintenance nationality township n village

6.2. Restoration for Affected Households

41. Two households with 14 persons will lose 0.2mu of cultivated land. Their loss of cultivated land area will be 2.5% and 2.8%, respectively. Their household income loss will be 0.15 and 0.1%, respectively. Therefore, the LA will not impact on the households largely. The compensation for the LA and young crops (trees) will be paid to the AHs directly in full amount according to the LA policies and compensation standards. The AHs can use the compensation to invest in their family business and increase their income. . Table 6.2 Cultivated Land Loss and Income Loss of Affected Households

Cultivated Land Total Affected Land Loss Agricultural Total Income Land Area Affected Household Household (%) Loss (CNY) Loss (%) (mu) (mu) Income (CNY) HH 1 4 0.1 2.5 102,000 150 0.15 HH 2 3.5 0.1 2.8 83,000 84 0.1


7. Organizations and Their Responsibilities

7.1. Organizations

42. The ADB-Loan Project Management Office of Lanshan County of Hunan Province, Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau, and responsible departments of all affected towns will participate in and assist with the resettlement. The 14 project affected towns (subdistricts) will have 1 ~ 3 main leaders assigned to take responsibility for the resettlement. Organizations responsible for the land acquisition and resettlement include:

(i) Lanshan ADB-Loan Project Management Office; (ii) Land Acquisition Office of Lanshan Land and Resources Administration Bureau; (iii) Lanshan Environment and Sanitation Bureau / Domestic Waste Management Headquarters; (iv) Government offices of the 14 towns; (v) 14 Village committees (or residents committees) and village groups; (vi) Internal supervision organization.

7.2. Responsibilities of Organizations

1) Lanshan ADB-Loan Project Management Office

43. As the resettlement coordination and management organization of the Project, Lanshan ADB-Loan Project Management Office is mainly responsible for fully exercising the functions in resettlement management, planning, coordination and supervision:

(i) Provide coordination, management and supervision services during the implementation of the Project; (ii) Report the implementation progress of the Project to Hunan Provincial Project Management Office and ADB; (iii) Assist with preparing the Report on Implementation of Resettlement Plan ; (iv) Coordinate and supervise the implementation of resettlement plan.

2) Land Acquisition Office of Lanshan Land and Resources Bureau;

44. It is mainly responsible for guiding the resettlement of the Project, formulating resettlement policies, and coordinating the relationships among resettlement agencies at all levels.

(i) Coordinate the works of all related government departments at the preparation and implementation stages of the Project; (ii) Make decisions on major issues concerning project construction and resettlement; (iii) Implement resettlement activities according to the Resettlement Plan approved by ADB; (iv) Handle procedures related to land acquisition; (v) Publicize resettlement policies of the Project; (vi) Arrange for public participation; (vii) Put the resettlement program into practice, and report to the client and PMO for filing.


3) Lanshan Environment and Sanitation Bureau / Domestic Waste Management Headquarters

45. Main responsibility is for internal monitoring and management of the resettlement activities, including:

(i) Organize the project procurement;

(ii) Recruit a resettlement preparation institute to prepare the resettlement plan;

(iii) Assist in the field survey for reparation of the resettlement plan;

(iv) Coordinate implementation of the resettlement;

(v) Monitor and manage the resettlement activities.

4) 14 Town Government Offices

46. The government offices of the towns are responsible for:

(i) Conduct land acquisition; (ii) Coordinate relevant departments to solve disputes occurring during the implementation of the Project; (iii) Participate in the handling grievances and complaints during resettlement; (iv) Supervise the payment of compensation for land acquisition.

5) Affected Village Committees

47. The responsibilities of village committees (or community committees) and village groups of the project affected villages and communities are:

(i) Participate in the investigation on social and economic impacts as well as project impacts; (ii) Arrange for public consultation and publicize compensation policies; (iii) Report opinions and suggestions to relevant superior departments; (iv) Report the progress of resettlement.

6) Internal supervision organization

48. Hunan Provincial Project Resettlement Office set up a land acquisition and resettlement internal supervision team consisting of 5 persons. The responsibilities of the internal supervision team are as follows:

(i) Ensure the implementation of land acquisition and resettlement of each village as scheduled in accordance with the Resettlement Plan; (ii) Strive to guarantee all rights and interests of each project-affected village group and persons; (iii) Conduct supervision according to the requirements on internal supervision for resettlement as specified in the Resettlement Plan, and incorporate supervision results into the project progress report.


(iv) Review and instruct internal resettlement monitoring report provided by Lanshan Project Management Office.


8. Resettlement Budget

8.1. Resettlement Budget Estimate 49. It is estimated that the compensation for LAR of the Subproject is CNY3,352,877. It includes CNY1,113,750 for permanently acquired land (accounting for 33% of the total compensation fee), CNY38,650 for young crop compensation (accounting for 1.2% of the total), CNY 500,000 for other expenses (including RP preparation and design fees, implementation and management fees, training and M&E fees) (accounting for 15% of the total), CNY1,395,670 for taxes and fees (accounting for 42% of the total), and CNY304,807 as contingencies (accounting for 10% of the basic cost). Refer to Table 8-1 for the detail of resettlement fund estimate.

Table 8-1 Resettlement Fund Budget

Compensation Serial Amount in Total Item Unit standard Quantity No. cost (CNY) (CNY/Unit) Part I Permanent land acquisition 61 1113750 1.1 Wasteland in Region I mu 20000 26.8 536000 Forest land, wasteland in 1.2 mu 17000 29.3 498100 Region II 1.3 Paddy field in Region II mu 34000 0.2 6800 Forest land, wasteland in 1.4 mu 15500 4.7 72850 Region III Part II Young crops compensation 25.7 38650 2.1 paddy field mu 2000 0.2 400 2.2 forest land mu 1500 25.5 38250 Part III Other relevant costs 500000 Planning design cost 3.1 CNY 100000 (resettlement planning) Implementation 3.2 CNY 200000 management cost Technical training cost (for 3.3 CNY 100000 project personnel) 3.4 Monitoring evaluation cost CNY 100000 Part IV Other taxes and dues 1395670 Cultivated land occupation 4.1 5600.16 tax 4.1.1 Cultivated land mu 16000.8 0.2 3200.16 Cultivated land reclaiming 4.2 mu 12000 0.2 2400 fare Forest vegetation recovery 4.3 170008.5 fee forest land mu 6667 25.5 170008.5 4.4 Social security cost mu 20001 61 1220061


Sub-total of Part I - Party IV 3048070 Part V Contingency CNY 10% 304807 Total 3352877

50. According to the project construction plan, the People's Government of Lanshan is responsible for the raising and payment of resettlement fund of the Project. It is expected that the resettlement fund will be put into use in 2018-2019.

8.2. Resettlement Fund Management and Appropriation

51. The disbursement procedure of the compensation fund is as follows: The People's Government of Lanshan will disburse all compensation fund to Lanshan Land Acquisition Management Office (i.e. Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau), which will directly pay the land compensation for collectively-owned land acquisition to the collective economic organizations. The collective economic organizations will hold villager conferences to discuss the application of the compensation. 52. The disbursement of compensation fund shall be subject to the supervision and management of Hunan Provincial Audit Office.

(i) All the costs related to land acquisition and demolition will be included in the general estimate of the Project. The cost of compensation for land acquisition and demolition and other costs will be paid to the affected villages by the Land Acquisition Center of Land and Resources Administration Bureau. (ii) The payment of the compensation for land acquisition and resettlement allowances shall be finished before conducting the land acquisition and resettlement. (iii) To ensure smooth implementation of land acquisition and resettlement, financial and supervision organizations at all levels will be established, to ensure disbursement of all fund in place on time.


9. Public Participation and Consultation

9.1. Public Participation

9.1.1. Public Participation during Project Preparation

53. Since June 2017 3, the project design institute and the land acquisition investigation team have conducted a series of social and economic investigation and public consultation. The project office, implementation agency (IA) and design institute (DI) negotiated extensively on project LAR, to further confirm land acquisition policies.

Table 9-1 Public Participation during Project Preparation

Item Mode Time Participant Topic Main Results The project- affected people To know about knew about the the background, range of the scale and project area; Symposium 14 persons from the impacts of the December project impacts with the Meeting People's Government Project; 2017 were estimated; owners of Lanshan County introduce relevant relevant policy departments had requirements of an understanding ADB. of ADB's relevant requirements. To know about local social and economic conditions, Villagers Door-to-door opinions of particularly Door-to-door questionnaire December 14 persons from 2 villagers and expressed their questionnaire survey in the 2017 households enterprises on support. They are survey form of land acquisition aware of the LAR interview and policies and GRM resettlement, and existing problems. There was a clear understanding of social and 42 persons who had To know about economic participated in 14 general social Symposium conditions of the symposiums held for and economic with village- December project-affected Meeting village-level cadres and conditions of the level cadres 2017 villages and villager representatives project-affected communities in the in 14 project-affected villages and project area as village groups communities. well as distribution scheme of land compensation.

3 Several locations were explored since June 2017 and met with potentially affected village groups. However, in December 2017, the sites were confirmed, and the table above shows the final locations and affected villagers and households.


Item Mode Time Participant Topic Main Results 16 public officials from Lanshan Development Relevant support and Reform measures made Commission, Land and by all related Resources To collect data parties for Administration Bureau, and information households Agricultural Bureau, related to the Interview involved in land December Municipal Human Project as well with the Interview acquisition, 2017 Resources and Social as land government specific Security Bureau, acquisition and arrangement, Poverty Alleviation and resettlement information Development Office, policies. disclosure mode the Women's and complaint Federation, and other channel. government departments 54. All affected villagers groups have known the subproject due to the field survey and meeting with affected groups during the project preparation. In addition, prior to the commencement of the subproject, an announcement of the LAR shall be issued affected villagers’ groups, village committees and town governments with information on construction contents, implementation schedule, land and building compensation policies and standards, etc; and this resettlement plan shall be distributed to affected villagers’ groups.

9.1.2. Participation Plan during Implementation

55. During the project implementation, villager representatives from affected village groups can participated in the LAR implementation to know the LAR policies and implementation plan, consult any problems occurred in the LAR implementation and keep close communication with Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau and PMO.

9.2. Grievance Redress Mechanism

56. Since the resettlement work is conducted with the participation of affected village groups and APs, it will benefit to reduce any complaints and disputes occurred during the RP implementation. However, to ensure that affected village groups and APs have a channel to file their complaints on any issues related with the land acquisition and resettlement, a two- stage grievance mechanism has been established in the RP. Relevant organizations will accept the project village groups and APs' grievance and complaints without any charges. During the project construction, the grievance redress mechanism will be effective to timely handle relevant issues. The basic grievance redress mechanism isre as follows: Stage 1: If the affected village groups and APs are unsatisfied with the resettlement, they can file an oral or written complaint to the towns, which shall be processed and provided with feedback within two weeks. Stage 2: If the affected village groups and APs are still unsatisfied with the resolution of Stage 1, they may file their complaints to Lanshan Project Management Office or the Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau for administrative arbitration. The final result shall be made within 4 weeks.

57. At any stage, affected village groups and APs may bring a suit in a law court directly in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Law of the PRC.


58. Affected village groups and APs can also submit complaints to ADB which will first be handled by the project team. If affected village groups and APs are still not satisfied and believes they have been harmed due to non-compliance with ADB policy, they may submit a complaint to ADB’s Accountability Mechanism.4 However, the first step requires good faith efforts to resolve the problem with the relevant organizations and ADB Project Team. 59. All organizations will accept the affected village groups and APs’ grievance and complaints without and charges. Any reasonable costs incurred thereby will be included in the contingencies of the Project.

Fig. 9-1 Discussion of Project Team and Owner

Table 9-2 Main Contact Persons of All Relevant Departments

Contact Department Person in charge Position Phone Yongzhou City Lanshan County People’s Huang Anping Deputy County Mayor 13617463088 Government Yongzhou City Lanshan County Land and Deng Yitie Officer 13973477108 Resource Bureau Expropriation Office Lanshan County Environmental Sanitation Tan Zhongyan Deputy Director 13787462276 Bureau People’s Congress Nanshi Town People’s Government Feng Lihang 13637468718 Director

4 For further information, see:


Contact Department Person in charge Position Phone Deputy Town Tushi Town People’s Government Gao Min 13874709263 Magistrate Citangxu Town People’s Government Huang Feng Town Magistrate 13974673491

Taipingxu Town People’s Government Yu Xunxiang Town Magistrate 13789236369

Tafeng Town People’s Government Li Yanhui Town Magistrate 13487466998 People’s Congress Xinxu Town People’s Government Xiao Hongzhi 15074659366 Director Litou Yao Nationality Township People’s Ouyang Huajun Town Magistrate 13574608828 Government Huiyuan Yao Nationality Township People’s Pan Huasheng Town Magistrate 13874394836 Government Maojun Town People’s Government Yang Taobo Deputy Secretary 18574609896

Suocheng Town People’s Government Lei Hua Town Magistrate 13974671008 Jiangdong Yao Nationality Township Deputy Town Huang Gang 18674638188 People’s Government Magistrate Xiangjiangyuan Yao Nationality Township Luo Zhongri Town Magistrate 13874352459 People’s Government Daqiao Yao Nationality Township People’s Du Jing Town Magistrate 18707422167 Government Jinzhu Yao Nationality Township People’s Zhao Zhiguo Town Magistrate 13787463313 Government Xiadong Village Committee Yang Yong Village Officer 15074659468

Hongguan Village Committee Chen Zexin Officer 13627464981

Tuanjie Village Committee Li Zuhong Officer 15874602941

Shizeng Village Committee Huang An Officer 13874673038

Sanli Village Committee Pan Manfa Officer 13574633853

Xinmin Village Committee Xiao Mianzuo Officer 13574617403

Zhumushui Village Committee Tan Rongqiang Village Secretary 15874695588

Litou Village Committee Zhu Zhiqing Officer 18797644898

Xiangyuan Village Committee Dai Nianwang Officer 13467462146

Maojun Village Committee Liao Renwang Village Secretary 13974674798

Suocheng Village Committee Zhan Dewei Village Officer 13973493687

Shangdong Village Committee Huang Changyi Officer 13874619659

Gaoyuan Village Committee Li Xueyun Officer 13517465805

Xiaomukou Village Committee Chen Jieguang Officer 13787672512

Jiangyuan Village Committee Feng Renwang Village Secretary 13807437789


10. Resettlement Implementation Plan

10.1. Resettlement Implementation Principles

60. According to the implementation schedule of the Project, it is planned to commence the Project in 2018 and complete the Project in 2020. To achieve smooth link between the resettlement schedule and the construction schedule of the Project, it is planned to commence land acquisition and resettlement in July 2018 and finish the work in December 2019. The basic implementation principles of resettlement are as follows:

(i) The land acquisition shall be completed 1 month before the commencement of civil works of the Project. The civil works shall only commence when the payment of compensation has been completed. (ii) Prior to the commencement of the Project, an announcement of the LAR shall be issued; and this resettlement plan shall be distributed to affected villagers’ groups. (iii) All compensations shall be directly paid to affected village groups in full amount within 3 months from the approval date of compensation scheme for the LAR. Any organizations or individuals shall not use the compensations on behalf of affected village groups, and shall not discount these compensations for any reasons during distribution.

10.2. Resettlement Schedule

61. The master resettlement schedule of the Project is proposed according to the schedule of land acquisition in Lanshan. The specific implementation time may be adjusted properly due to deviations in overall progress of the Project. Refer to Table 10-1 for the details of resettlement schedule.

Table 10-1 Resettlement Schedule

Responsible S/N Task Objective Deadline Organization 1 Consultation and information disclosure Lanshan PMO and LAR All project-affected Disclosure of Office of Lanshan Land 1.1 villages, village groups 2018.4 resettlement action plan and Resource and APs Administration Bureau Release of resettlement 1.2 action plan on ADB's ADB Lanshan PMO, and ADB 2018.5 website 2 Resettlement budget Approval of resettlement Municipal / county 2.1 2018.7 budget government 3 Capacity building Discussion about the All project-affected Lanshan PMO and town 3.1 Project with resettlement 2017.8-2018.1 towns and townships government offices at all levels Capacity building of Lanshan PMO and town 3.2 30 staffs 2017.8-2018.5 resettlement office government Appointment of Lanshan PMO and town 3.3 responsible persons of 2018.3-2018.8 government villages 4 Commencement and completion of resettlement


Responsible S/N Task Objective Deadline Organization Updating of the All project-affected Lanshan PMO and town 4.1 resettlement Plan based 2018.6-7 towns, Lanshan PMO government on detailed design Submission of Updated RP to ADB for review and 4.2 concurrence and Lanshan PMO, ADB Lanshan PMO, ADB 2018.6-7 uploading on ADB website Signing of agreement All project-affected Resettlement office, and 4.3 with project-affected villages, village groups Lanshan Land and 2018.8 persons and villages and APs Resources Bureau All project-affected Resettlement office, and Commencement of land 4.4 villages, village groups Lanshan Land and 2018.8 acquisition and APs Resources Bureau All project-affected Distribution of 4.5 villages, village groups Resettlement office 2018.8-2018.9 compensation and APs Resettlement office, and Completion of land 4.6 Lanshan Land and 2018.10 acquisition Resources Bureau 5 Training All staffs in county, 5.1 Training on resettlement towns and villages Lanshan PMO 2018.7-2018.8 related to resettlement 6 Monitoring and evaluation Semi-annual report, Internal monitoring and Each June and 6.1 including in project Lanshan PMO report December progress Establishment of internal 6.2 Lanshan PMO 2018.6 supervision system


11. Monitoring and Evaluation Report

62. To ensure smooth land acquisition and resettlement as planned, an internal monitoring system will be established by government departments including Lanshan PMO, Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau and Lanshan Finance Bureau, etc. Hunan Provincial PMO will conduct supervision according to relevant administrative laws and regulations. Considering small impact scope of LAR of the project, only internal monitoring system is designed. 63. Lanshan PMO, Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau and Lanshan Finance Bureau, Lanshan Urban Administrative and Law Enforcement Bureau and other relevant departments will jointly conduct the internal monitoring for the LAR of the Project. 64. Investigation on main issues of project-affected persons and implementation organization, corresponding coordination and suggestions during implementation:

(i) Results of LAR agreements signed;

(ii) Disbursement and use of the LAR compensations;

(iii) Any comments and suggestions of affected village groups;

(iv) Training and arrangement for resettlement management institutes and staffs related to LAR implementation.

65. The internal monitoring report is part of the progress report of the Project, which will be submitted to ADB on a semi-annual basis by Leiyong PMO through Hunan Provincial PMO. The report shall include the statistical data of land acquisition and resettlement, and compensation disbursed in the past 6 months. Lanshan PMO will prepare a resettlement completion report within one year after the LAR completion, and be submitted to ADB though Hunan Provincial PMO in December 2020.


Appendix 1: Resettlement Information Booklet

1. Project Background Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Project) is to improve environment of the Hunan Xiangjiang river watershed by closing existing municipal solid waste landfills (MSW), upgrading existing sanitary landfills, establishing urban- rural integrated MSW management systems, and strengthening MSW management capacity of the project counties. Lanshan County Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Lanshan Subproject) is one of 10 subprojects of the Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project. Lanshan Subproject involved five outputs: (i) On-site closures of existing solid waste landfill; (ii) Mining of two existing municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill; (iii) Urban-rural integrated MSW management systems established; (iv) Existing sanitary landfills upgrading; and (v) Capacity development and institutional strengthening, in which Outputs (i), (ii) and (iv) will be constructed on state owned lands, so not invove land acquisition and resettlement (LAR). However, Output (iii) will acquire permanently total of 61mu of collective land for construction of 4 large garbage transfer stations and 10 town garbage collection and transfer stations, but no residential house demolition.

2. Impact Scope The construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations of Lanshan County urban-rural integrated MSW management system needs to acquire collective land of a total of 61mu. All land is collective land and owned by village groups. 60.8mu of the land is not allocated to villages, while 0.2 mu of the land are contracted to 2 households with 14 people. The Subproject will not involve any residential house demolition, temporary land occupation and enterprises or small businesses. The land acquisition will impact on 15 administrative villages in 14 townships of Lanshan County. Table 1 showed details.

Table 1 Impact of Permanent Land Acquisition Area of land Affected Sub-district/ Town Type of Land acquisition Ownership Villages (mu) Xiadong Nanshi town Forest land 10.38 Collectively-owned land village Honggua Tushi town Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land n village Tuanjie Citangxu town Wasteland 1.5 Collectively-owned land village Shizeng Taipingxu town Wasteland 1.5 Collectively-owned land village Sanli Collectively-owned land of Wasteland 15.7 village Group 2 and 3 Tafeng town Xinmin Collectively-owned land of Wasteland 11.1 village Group 2 Zhumus Xinxu town hui Forest land 8.5 Collectively-owned land village


Area of land Affected Sub-district/ Town Type of Land acquisition Ownership Villages (mu) Litou Yao Litou Wasteland 0.73 Collectively-owned land nationality township village Xiangyu Huiyuan yao an Forest land 0.8 Collectively-owned land nationality township village Maojun Maojun town Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land village 5.8 mu of forest land, Contracted to households, Suochen Suocheng town 0.2 mu of cultivated 6.0 affecting 14 persons of 2 g village land households Shangdo Jiangdong yao ng Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land nationality village village Xiangjiangyuan yao Gaoyuan Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land nationality township village Xiaomuk Daqiao yao ou Wasteland 0.8 Collectively-owned land nationality township village Jingzhu yao Jiangyua Wasteland 0.78 Collectively-owned land nationality township n village

3. Compensation Standards The compensation standard for land acquisition and resettlement is made in accordance with provisions and requirements of "Decision of the State Council on deepening the reform of strict land management" (GF [2004] No. 28) and the State Ministry of land and resources "Notice on the issuance of "guidance on improving the compensation and resettlement system for land acquisition""(GTZF [2004] No. 238)," The notice of the people's Government of Hunan on the adjustment of the compensation standard for land acquisition in Hunan Province "(XZF [2012] No. 46)," The notice of the people's Government of Yongzhou on the publication of the standard for the compensation for land acquisition in Yongzhou"(YZF [2012] No. 26), "The notice of the Yongzhou Municipal People's Government on the issuance of” collective land in Yongzhou city on the housing levy and compensation and resettlement measures "(YZF [2013] No. 28), combined with the level of economic and social development of the project area and with compensation standards of other government projects in the same area, including the "The notice of Lanshan County People's Government on the adjustment of Lanshan county land acquisition compensation standard" (LZF [2013] No. 8), "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the issuance of Lanshan county collective land acquisition and compensation and resettlement measures"(LZF [2014] No. 5), "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the announcement of the supplementary standards for the compensation for land acquisition in Lanshan County" (LZF [2013] No. 7) and other relevant policy documents, to determine the project resettlement compensation policy and resettlement program. The compensation standards for the Subprojects are based on "The notice of the people's Government of Lanshan County on the adjustment of the compensation standards for land acquisition in Lanshan County" (LZF [2013] No. 8) and is shown in Table 2.


Table 2 Compensation standards for Land Acquisition of Subproject

Compensation Standard (CNY/mu) Category Forest Land of Land Affected Village and Town Paddy Dryland and and Region Land Garden Land Wasteland Sanli village and Xinmin village of Tafeng Region I - - 20,000 town Xiadong village of Nanshi town, Hongguan village of Tushi town, Tuanjie village of Citangxu town, Shizeng village of Taipingxu Region II 34,000 - 17,000 town, Zhumushui village of Xinxu town, Maojun village of Maojun town, Suocheng village of Suocheng town

Litou village of Litou yao nationality township, Xiangyuan village of Huiyuan yao nationality township, Shangdong village of Jiangdong yao nationality township, Region III - - 15,500 Gaoyuan village of Xiangjiangyuan yao nationality township, Xiaomukou village of Daqiao yao nationality township, Jiangyuan village of Jingzhu yao nationality township

Compensation standard for young crops of the subproject is subject to the Notice of the People's Government of Lanshan County on Publishing of the Supplementary Standards for Land Acquisition Compensation in Lanshan County (LZF[2013] No. 7). The compensation standard is CNY2,000/mu for paddy crop and CNY1,500/mu for forest land (excluding firewood forest but including CNY 1000/mu for afforestation and CNY 500/mu for cutting and transportation).

4. Entitlement Matrix Table 3 Entitlement Matrix

Type of Degree of Entitled Compensation and Implementation impact impact persons/entities resettlement policy A total of 61 mu to be 1) For the land not acquired allocated to farmers, the permanently , The land compensation compensation will be paid to all are rural (including land village collectives directly. collective compensation and Villager conference will be land, among 1) Collective resettlement subsidy) is: held to determine the use of Permanent which, 0.2 economic CNY 20,000 /mu for forest the compensation, including acquisition mu cultivated organization; 2) land and wasteland in land reallocation or of rural land is 2 farmer Region I, CNY17,000/mu investment for some projects, collective contracted to households for forestland and waste which shall be approved and land the contracted the land and CNY34,000/mu monitored by high level households; land for paddy land in Region II, institution - town government. and 60.8 mu and CNY 15,500 /mu for 2) For the land contracted is forest land forestland and waste land to farmers, the compensation or wasteland, in Region III. will be paid to APs directly in which is not full. allocated to individuals


Type of Degree of Entitled Compensation and Implementation impact impact persons/entities resettlement policy The compensation Collective and standard , is CNY2,000/mu Young General two households for paddy crops and Crops attachment allocated with CNY1,500/mu for forest cultivated land land


5. Restoration Measures Two households with 14 persons will lose 0.2mu of cultivated land. The compensation for the LA and young crops (trees) will be paid to the AHs directly in full amount according to the LA policies and compensation standards. The AHs can use the compensation to invest in their family business and increase their income.

6. Implementation Schedule The master resettlement schedule of the Project is proposed according to the schedule of land acquisition in Lanshan. The specific implementation time may be adjusted properly due to deviations in overall progress of the Project. Refer to Table 4 for the details of resettlement schedule.

Table 4 Resettlement Schedule

Responsible S/N Task Objective Deadline Organization 1 Consultation and information disclosure Lanshan PMO and LAR All project-affected Disclosure of Office of Lanshan Land 1.1 villages, village groups 2018.4 resettlement action plan and Resource and APs Administration Bureau Release of resettlement 1.2 action plan on ADB's ADB Lanshan PMO, and ADB 2018.5 website 2 Resettlement budget Approval of resettlement Municipal / county 2.1 2018.7 budget government 3 Capacity building Discussion about the All project-affected Lanshan PMO and town 3.1 Project with resettlement 2017.8-2018.1 towns and townships government offices at all levels Capacity building of Lanshan PMO and town 3.2 30 staffs 2017.8-2018.5 resettlement office government Appointment of Lanshan PMO and town 3.3 responsible persons of 2018.3-2018.8 government villages 4 Commencement and completion of resettlement Updating of the All project-affected Lanshan PMO and town 4.1 resettlement Plan based 2018.6-7 towns, Lanshan PMO government on detailed design Submission of Updated RP to ADB for review and 4.2 concurrence and Lanshan PMO, ADB Lanshan PMO, ADB 2018.6-7 uploading on ADB website Signing of agreement All project-affected Resettlement office, and 4.3 with project-affected villages, village groups Lanshan Land and 2018.8 persons and villages and APs Resources Bureau All project-affected Resettlement office, and Commencement of land 4.4 villages, village groups Lanshan Land and 2018.8 acquisition and APs Resources Bureau


Responsible S/N Task Objective Deadline Organization All project-affected Distribution of 4.5 villages, village groups Resettlement office 2018.8-2018.9 compensation and APs Resettlement office, and Completion of land 4.6 Lanshan Land and 2018.10 acquisition Resources Bureau 5 Training All staffs in county, 5.1 Training on resettlement towns and villages Lanshan PMO 2018.7-2018.8 related to resettlement 6 Monitoring and evaluation Semi-annual report, Internal monitoring and Each June and 6.1 including in project Lanshan PMO report December progress Establishment of internal 6.2 Lanshan PMO 2018.6 supervision system

7. Grievance Redress Mechanism To ensure that affected village groups and APs have a channel to file their complaints on any issues related with the land acquisition and resettlement, a two-stage grievance mechanism has been established in the RP. Relevant organizations will accept the project village groups and APs' grievance and complaints without any charges. During the project construction, the grievance redress mechanism will be effective to timely handle relevant issues. The basic grievance redress mechanism isre as follows: Stage 1: If the affected village groups and APs are unsatisfied with the resettlement, they can file an oral or written complaint to the towns, which shall be processed and provided with feedback within two weeks. Stage 2: If the affected village groups and APs are still unsatisfied with the resolution of Stage 1, they may file their complaints to Lanshan Project Management Office or the Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resource Administration Bureau for administrative arbitration. The final result shall be made within 4 weeks. At any stage, affected village groups and APs may bring a suit in a law court directly in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Law of the PRC. Affected village groups and APs can also submit complaints to ADB which will first be handled by the project team. If affected village groups and APs are still not satisfied and believes they have been harmed due to non-compliance with ADB policy, they may submit a complaint to ADB’s Accountability Mechanism. 5 However, the first step requires good faith efforts to resolve the problem with the relevant organizations and ADB Project Team. All organizations will accept the affected village groups and APs’ grievance and complaints without and charges. Any reasonable costs incurred thereby will be included in the contingencies of the Project.

5 For further information, see:


Table 5 Main Contact Persons of All Relevant Departments

Contact Department Person in charge Position Phone Yongzhou City Lanshan County People’s Huang Anping Deputy County Mayor 13617463088 Government Yongzhou City Lanshan County Land and Deng Yitie Officer 13973477108 Resource Bureau Expropriation Office Lanshan County Environmental Sanitation Tan Zhongyan Deputy Director 13787462276 Bureau People’s Congress Nanshi Town People’s Government Feng Lihang 13637468718 Director Deputy Town Tushi Town People’s Government Gao Min 13874709263 Magistrate Citangxu Town People’s Government Huang Feng Town Magistrate 13974673491

Taipingxu Town People’s Government Yu Xunxiang Town Magistrate 13789236369

Tafeng Town People’s Government Li Yanhui Town Magistrate 13487466998 People’s Congress Xinxu Town People’s Government Xiao Hongzhi 15074659366 Director Litou Yao Nationality Township People’s Ouyang Huajun Town Magistrate 13574608828 Government Huiyuan Yao Nationality Township People’s Pan Huasheng Town Magistrate 13874394836 Government Maojun Town People’s Government Yang Taobo Deputy Secretary 18574609896

Suocheng Town People’s Government Lei Hua Town Magistrate 13974671008 Jiangdong Yao Nationality Township Deputy Town Huang Gang 18674638188 People’s Government Magistrate Xiangjiangyuan Yao Nationality Township Luo Zhongri Town Magistrate 13874352459 People’s Government Daqiao Yao Nationality Township People’s Du Jing Town Magistrate 18707422167 Government Jinzhu Yao Nationality Township People’s Zhao Zhiguo Town Magistrate 13787463313 Government Xiadong Village Committee Yang Yong Village Officer 15074659468

Hongguan Village Committee Chen Zexin Officer 13627464981

Tuanjie Village Committee Li Zuhong Officer 15874602941

Shizeng Village Committee Huang An Officer 13874673038

Sanli Village Committee Pan Manfa Officer 13574633853

Xinmin Village Committee Xiao Mianzuo Officer 13574617403

Zhumushui Village Committee Tan Rongqiang Village Secretary 15874695588

Litou Village Committee Zhu Zhiqing Officer 18797644898

Xiangyuan Village Committee Dai Nianwang Officer 13467462146

Maojun Village Committee Liao Renwang Village Secretary 13974674798

Suocheng Village Committee Zhan Dewei Village Officer 13973493687

Shangdong Village Committee Huang Changyi Officer 13874619659


Contact Department Person in charge Position Phone

Gaoyuan Village Committee Li Xueyun Officer 13517465805

Xiaomukou Village Committee Chen Jieguang Officer 13787672512

Jiangyuan Village Committee Feng Renwang Village Secretary 13807437789

The People’s Government of Lanshan County, Hunan Province

(Official seal)

County Head (or Deputy County Head): ______(signature)



Appnedix 2: Due Diligence Report of Resettlement

1 Project Background Lanshan County Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project (Lanshan Subproject) is one of 10 subprojects of the Hunan Xiangjiang River Watershed Existing Solid Waste Comprehensive Treatment Project. Lanshan Subproject involved five outputs: Output (i) will involve 60mu of state owned land for closure of existing Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill located in Niucheng village. Output (ii) will involve 30 mu of state owned land for mining the existing Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill to the existing Lanshan Sanitary Landfill. Output (iii) will acquire a total of 61mu of collective land for construction of 4 large garbage transfer stations and 10 town garbage collection and transfer stations. Output (iv) will involve 160.7mu of state owned land for receiving solid waste transferred from Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill and upgrading the sanitary landfill. Therefore, the Resettlement Plan (RP) was prepared for permanent land acquisition (PLA) for Output (iii), and this due diligence report (DDR), as one of Appendices of the RP, was prepared for land occupation of Outputs (i), (ii) and (iv). The land used for Lanshan Jiufenshan Landfill was obtained by renting the wasteland Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town from 1999 to 2014. In 2015, the land was acquired and converted to state owned land . The land used for Lanshan Xiaowujia Landfill was obtained by land acquisition (LA) in 1986. The land used for Lanshan Sanitary Landfill was obtained by LA in 2011. The LA for the three landfills was fully followed relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The LA process was transparent and open, and the compensation for the LA to project-affected villages was completed. After LA, there were no any outstanding issues. 2 Preparation of Due Diligence Report The due diligence report (DDR) of the Subproject is jointly prepared by Lanshan ADB Loan Project Management Office (Lanshan PMO) and a resettlement plan preparation institute (RP-PI). A RP-PI team visited relevant government departments in December 2017 to collect relevant data and information on land acquisition and resettlement (LAR), compensations and resettlement agreements and land use approval, and also interviewed some affected village groups. The main content of this DDR included: understand actual situations of affected land, review the process of compensation for the LAR, understand the public participation and grievances redress situation, evaluate the process of compensation for the LAR and payment, and finally make relevant conclusions. The state owned land affected by the Subproject is summarized in Table 1. Table 1 State Owned Land Affected by Components of Subproject

Year of the Land Component Land Area (mu) Acquired

Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill 60 2015

Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill 30 1986

Lanshan Sanitary Landfill 160.7 2011

Total 250.7


3 Impact Scope According to the feasibility study report (FSR, version of 5 February 2018) of the Subproject, the Subproject needs to acquire and occupy a total of 311.7mu land, including: (i) 60mu of state owned land of Landshan Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill, (ii) 30 mu of state owned land of Lanshan Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill, (iii) 160.7mu of state owned land of Lanshan Sanitary Landfill, and (iv) 61mu of collective land to be acquired for construction of 14 garbage collection and transfer stations. The land for the Jiufenshan Solid Waste Landfill, Xiaowujia Solid Waste Landfill and Lanshan Sanitary Landfill are occupied on state owned land by the Subproject, as identified and presented in the DDR. 4. Range of Land Use Before LA, the land used for Jiufenshan Landfill was owned by Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town, the land used for the Xiaowujia Landfill was owned by Xiaowujia Village of Tafeng Town, and the land used for Lanshan Sanitary Landfill was owned by Liuqijia Village of Nanping Street. The location of the three landfills is shown in Figure 1. The current status of the three landfills is presented in Figures 2, 3 and 4. The LA did not involve any cultivated land and building demolition, nor contracted land . At the same time, the LA compensation included the land compensation, resettlement subsidy and young crops compensation, and was fully paid to affected villagers’ groups.

Waste Harmless Landfill

Jiufenshan Existing Landfill

Xiaowujia Existing Landfill

Figure 1 Location of Three Landfills in Lanshan


Figure 2 Current Status of Lanshan Jiufenshan Landfill

Figure 3 Current Status of Lanshan Xiaowujia Landfill

Figure 4 Current Status of Lanshan Sanitary Landfill

5 Socio-Economic Information The land used for Jiufenshan landfill was rented from 1999 to 2014. In 2015, it was acquired and converted to state owned land. It did not impact on villagers directly because the land was not contracted to households. It was owned by the collective organization of Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town. The compensation for the land acquisition (LA) was distributed collectively. The land used for Xiaowujia landfill was acquired and converted to state owned land in 1986. It did not impact on villagers directly because the land was not contracted to households. It was owned by the collective organization of Xinmin Village of Tafeng Town. The compensation for the land acquisition (LA) was distributed collectively.


The land used for lanshan sanitary landfill was acquired and converted to state owned land in 2011. It did not impact on villagers directly because the land was not contracted to households. It was owned by the collective organization of Liuqijia Village of Nanping Street (subdistrict). The compensation for the land acquisition (LA) was distributed collectively. 6 Information Disclosure and Participation Lanshan land and resources bureau is responsible for land acquisition at that time. Before the government approval for land acquisition and actual land acquisition, Lanshan land and resources bureau made the conditions of land acquired open to the public, as shown in Table 3. Table 4 Disclosure of Conditions of Land Acquired for the Project Location Project-affected Project-affected Time of Main Contents of of Mode of Disclosure Town Village Disclosure Disclosure Disclosure Approval and area of Meeting of villager Village land acquisition, Tafeng Town Niucheng village 1999 representatives, and committee compensation standard notification and resettlement Approval and area of Meeting of villager Village land acquisition, Tafeng Town Xinmin village 1986 representatives, and committee compensation standard notification and resettlement Approval and area of Meeting of villager Nanping Village land acquisition, Liuqijia village 2011 representatives, and Subdistrict committee compensation standard notification and resettlement Source of date: interview with personnel from the department of land and resources and project-affected persons

7. Impact of Land Acquisition and Government Approval Jiufenshan Existing Landfill was leased in 1999, while the lease period was from June 9, 1999 to June 9, 2014. The land belonged to Group 4 of Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town, and signed a lease agreement. As of June 2014, the landfill ceased to be used, while the covered and afforested land was handed over to Niucheng Village collective. In 2015, the land was acquired and converted to state owned construction land. Refer to Annex 1 for the Lease Agreement and land acquisition agreement. Xiaowujia Existing Landfill covers mountain and forest land with an area of 30 mu, and the land was acquired and transferred to be state-owned land with land acquisition agreement in March 1986. Before acquired, the land belongs to Group 22 of Xinmin Village Collective of Tafeng Town (formerly known as Gucheng Town). Refer to Annex 2 for the specific land acquisition agreement. Lanshan County Sanitary Landfill was acquired and transferred to state-owned land in 2011, with covering an area of 160.7 mu, before acquired, the land belonged to Liuqijia Village of Nanping Street. In April 2012, the state-owned land use certificate was issued by Lanshan County People’s Government. Refer to Annex 3 for the state-owned land use certificate. 8. Compensation for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Jiufenshan Existing Landfill was leased in 1999, while the lease period was from June 9, 1999, to June 9, 2014 for 15 years. Within the lease period, the annual rent is RMB 5,800, which was paid once every 3 years. Before and during leased, the land was owned by Group 4 of Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town, and signed a lease agreement. As of June 2014, the landfill ceased to be used, while the covered and afforested land was handed over to Niucheng Village collective. In 2015, the land including the landfill was acquired into state owned land.


Xiaowujia Existing Landfill covers mountain and forest land with an area of 30 mu, and the land was acquired and transferred to state-owned land in March 1986. Before acquired, the land was owned by Group 22 of Xinmin Village Collective of Tafeng Town (formerly known as Gucheng Town). The acquired land of 30 mu was the mountain and forest land, while the compensation standard is 1,700 yuan per mu, the compensation fee includes the land compensation fee, resettlement subsidy and other costs. On May 20, 2011, Lanshan County Sanitary Landfill handled with farmland transformation and land acquisition approval procedures to transform the land to the state-owned land. The total area of land acquisition is 160.7 mu, among which, the cultivated land is 2.09 mu, the forest land is 156.6 mu, and other farmlands are 2.08 mu. The land acquisition compensation standard is implemented as per the Notice of Publishing Expropriation Compensation Standard of Hunan Province (XZF [2009] No. 43) issued by Hunan Province People’s Government. The compensation fee includes the land compensation fee, resettlement subsidy, young crops compensation fee and other costs. During this due diligence, the team visited the affected villages. According to investigation results, the compensations for the land acquisition were fully paid to the rural collective economic organizations by the administrative department of land acquisition. It is known that main purposes of the compensation funds include: repair and maintenance of collective facilities such as maintenance of access to villages, temples, culture room, activity room and medical room as well as repair and maintenance of public drinking water facilities and improvement of production measures such as building of storage pool, well and irrigation channel. 9. Grievance Redress Mechanism Owing to local governments’ information disclosure and project-affected villages’ public participation, the land acquisition and resettlement had been conducted smoothly. To effectively find and address issues, a grievance redress mechanism had been established for the Project. In case the affected villages are unsatisfied with the LAR, they may submit an oral or a written protest to the subdistrict or the government; if they are unsatisfied with the handling decision given by the subdistrict and the government, they may lodge a complaint to Lanshan Land and Resources Administration Bureau or Land Acquisition Center of Lanshan Land and Resources Administration Bureau for an administrative arbitration. In addition, the affected villages can also directly initiate an administrative litigation to the People's Court against any aspect of resettlement. During this due diligence, the team interviewed cadres from the project-affected villages, and knew that villagers in the project-affected villages had very clear about the compensation policies, and grievance redress mechanism. There were no outstanding issues occurred in the LAR and compensation. 10. Conclusions and Suggestions (1) Before and during the LAR, Lanshan land and resource bureau and relevant departments arranged for information disclosure and public participation several times in different forms; affected villages’ opinions had been fully respected and put into practice during the implementation of the Project. The compensation had been carried out in accordance with the signed agreements, without causing any impact on the livelihood of project-affected villagers. In general, all compensation had been paid based on full public participation, there is no leftover problem. (2) During the land acquisition, the grievance redress mechanism had been established. Up to now, there are no collective petitions, and the affected villages supported the Project and are basically satisfied with the LAR. (3) The land acquisition works for 3 pieces of land involved in the Project had been completed. According to sampling and investigation, the affected villages are basically satisfied with the compensation for the LAR, and there are no leftover problems about the LAR.




Contents of Annexes to Due Diligence Report



Annex 1: Land Lease Agreement and Land Acquisition Agreement for Lanshan Jiufenshan Landfill


(Translation of Main Points) Land Lease Agreement Party A: Villagers of Group 4 of Niucheng Village and Village Committee of Tafeng Town Party B: Lanshan County Construction Commission Period: 1999.6.9 to 2014.6.9 Rental: CNY5,800/year, pay the rental every three years




(Translation of Main Points) Summary of Land Acquisition for Lanshan County Stone Materials Industrial Park Niucheng Village of Tafeng Town (Group 4) 1. Total land area: 103.928mu 2. Total compensation: CNY2,674,856 (Including award: CNY150,000) Paddy land: 4.4mu Dry land: 29.858mu Forest land: 69.67mu Date: 2015.1.6





Annex 2: Land Acquisition Agreement for Lanshan Xiaowujia Landfill


(Translation of Main Points) Office Copy of Land Acquisition for State Construction by Lanshan County Government (86) No.: 007 Applicant: Lanshan County Construction Bureau Approval: Lanshan Government Office (86) No.: 4 Unit of the Land: Group 22 of Xinmin Village of Gucheng Town Project: County Environment and Sanitary Landfill Mountainous forest land area: 9.22mu Date: 1986.6.14


(Translation of Main Points) Land Acquisition Agreement Party A: Lanshan County Urban-rural Construction Environment Protection Bureau Party B: Group 22 of Xinmin Village of Gucheng Town (current name is Tafeng Town) Land Area: 9.22mu Compensation: CNY17,000/mu Date: 1986.3.28




Annex 3: State Owned Land Use Certificate of Lanshan Sanitary Landfill


(Translation of Main Points) Approval of Rural Land Conversion and Land Acquisition of Hunan Provincial Government Applicant: Lanshan County Public Utility Management Bureau Unit of the Land: Qijia Village and Liujia Village of Maojun Town Project Name: Lanshan Sanitary Landfill Land Area: 10.7182 hectare Date: 2011.5.10



(Translation of Main Points)


Approval of Rural Land Conversion and Land Acquisition of Hunan Provincial Government Applicant: Lanshan County Public Utility Management Bureau Unit of the Land: Qijia Village and Liujia Village of Maojun Town Project Name: Lanshan Sanitary Landfill Land Area: 10.7182 hectare Date: 2011.5.10

(Translation of Main Points) XiangLan State Use (2012) No.: 000080


Owner of Right of Land Use: Lanshan County Public Utility Management Bureau Location: Qijia Village and Liujia Village of Maojun Town in Lanshan County Land Category: Public Infrastructure Facility Land Land Area: 107182 m 2 Certificate Issued by: Lanshan County Government Date: 2012.4.9