Supporting you during COVID-19 Learning Disability & What is COVID-19?

Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a type of common virus that infects people.

The virus is spread through the air and can transfer by coughing and sneezing or being close to other people.

The virus can also spread by touching an object or surface contaminated with the virus.

PAGE 2 What is COVID-19?

The illness caused by most coronaviruses usually lasts a short time.

Most people get a runny nose, sore throat, high temperature, cough and have a fever.

For some people, the virus can make them seriously ill.

PAGE 3 What can I do to keep safe?

Try to stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with (or anyone not in your support bubble).

This is called social distancing. When outside your home, it is important to try to stay 2 metres away from anyone you do not live with. 2 metres

It’s also important to stay at home as much as possible.

PAGE 4 How to stop the infection spreading

Wash your hands with soap and water often. Do this for at least 20 seconds.

Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

If you go out, wash your hands as soon as you get home. How to stop the infection spreading

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.

Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.

If you can, wear something that covers your nose and mouth when it is hard to stay away from people.

You must wear a mask when going into shops, supermarkets, when using public transport or when visiting a doctor's surgery or a hospital.


PAGE 6 What can I do to help myself?

Stay in touch with family and friends over the phone or on social media.

Try to keep yourself busy. You could try activities like cooking, reading, online learning and watching films.

It is also really good to do some exercise at home or outside.

Exercise What can I do to help myself?

Think about taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D each day if you are indoors most of the day.

This will help to keep your bones and muscles healthy.


PAGE 8 The organisations listed below can offer help and support.

However, due to Coronavirus they may be doing things a bit differently.

It is best to contact them directly to see how they can support you. Who can I contact for support?

Our Community Learning Disability Service provides specialist healthcare services for people with learning disabilities who are 18 years and over.

The community health services include an Intensive Support Team, community therapy and specialist mental health support.

Click here to visit the website ECL

ECL offer a Day Opportunities service which helps people to meet new others, learn new skills and try new things.

ECL make sure your support needs are met in a personalised and flexible way.

ECL can support you to live as independently as possible in your local community.

Click here to visit Click here to 03330 135438 the website send an e-mail Scope

Scope is a disability equality charity. They provide information and emotional support and campaign to create a fairer society.

Scope can help you to get in touch with other organisations who can offer support to you and your family.

Scope also offer support and advice on things like, housing, benefits and managing your money.

Click here to visit Click here to 0808 800 3333 the website send an e-mail PALS

PALS enables people to experience full and exciting lives.

PALS offers support, independent living skills, support, advice and guidance.

They offer things like education support and support to access social activities.

Click here to visit Click here to 01245 392125 or the website send an e-mail 07973 376053 The Big Xperience

The Big Xperience is an activity centre for young adults, offering a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities.

The Big Xperience aims to help people gain confidence, knowledge and life skills.

Activities include wildlife projects, boot camp, Zumba and dance.

Click here to visit Click here to 07411 554264 or the website send an e-mail 01268 901516 Papworth Trust

Person-centred support for adults with physical and / or learning disabilities.

Papworth offers a range of leisure and learning activities.

Papworth also runs a Community Connections project in which aims to support people to find employment.

Click here to visit Click here to 01277 321001 or the website send an e-mail 07764 784469 Disablement Information & Advice Line (DIAL)

DIAL provides advice and information on a wide range of issues affecting disabled people of any age.

DIAL offers support around benefits, help to fill in forms and can share information about things like equipment and leisure opportunities.

They can offer support over the phone or by e-mail.

Click here to visit Click here to 01268 285676 the website send an e-mail Essex Local Offer

Gives details of all services available to young people with a special educational need, aged 0-25.

A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about local support services.

It is not simply a directory of services – a Local Offer also contains information about the support available.

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail Activity Alliance

Activity Alliance is a national charity dedicated to disabled people in sport and physical activity.

They support a wide range of organisations to include disabled people more effectively.

Our purpose is to make active lives possible by enabling organisations to support disabled people to be active for life.

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail Disability4Sport

Disability4Sport provides a wide range of sporting opportunities and activities.

The activities aim at engaging and empowering disabled people of all ages and abilities.

The service aims to improve people’s physical health and mental well-being.

Click here to visit Click here to 01206 512595 the website send an e-mail Essex Disabled Angling Club

The Essex Disabled Angling Club promotes the sport of angling. Angling is fishing with a fishing rod.

The club helps new members to learn about angling and improve their skills.

The club actively promotes equality for all.

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail Panathlon

The Panathlon Challenge is a national charity which provides sporting opportunities.

Every year, Panathlon gives almost 22,000 young people with disabilities and special needs, the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.

Activities include athletics, swimming, football, boccia and ten-pin bowling. Sports

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail Grapevine Essex

Grapevine Essex provides supported recreational and educational activities for adults with learning disabilities living in Essex.

They provide exciting opportunities for people to take part in social events and sport.

Grapevine Essex offers activities such as sport, creative sessions and cultural trips.

Click here to visit Click here to 01277 625530 the website send an e-mail Sport for Confidence

Sport for Confidence supports people with and without learning disabilities to participate in a variety of sporting activities.

They are currently running ‘Stay Connected’, which is a service to support vulnerable adults through isolation because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

They are also running live sport activities on Zoom.

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail Dance 21

Dance 21 is a dance group for children and young adults.

The group is open to adults with Down's syndrome and their brothers and sisters.

The service aims to project a positive image of disability.

Click here to visit Click here to the website send an e-mail SNAP

Brentwood Special Needs and Parents group (SNAP) offers support, training and activities for children and their parents.

SNAP also has facilities including a multi- sensory room, a library, a specialist IT suite and an activity hall.

If you have a child between 0 – 25 years who has any special need or disability and you live in Essex, then we are here for you and your family.

Click here to visit Click here to 01277 211300 the website send an e-mail Purple

Purple is a user-led organisation which provides a range of services, advice and guidance.

Purple’s aim is to support and empower disabled people.

Purple offers personalised information, advice and guidance and payment services.

Click here to visit Click here to 01245 392300 the website send an e-mail InterAct

An innovative local charity that delivers support in the heart of the community.

InterAct aims to support and empower disabled people.

We work in local communities promoting inclusion, increasing participation and independence.

Click here to visit Click here to 01245 608206 the website send an e-mail Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE)

Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) is part of the Essex Learning Disability Partnership within the NHS.

They offer advice, guidance and resources to help make information accessible to everyone.

ICE offers training packages that teach families and carers of adults with learning disabilities how to use a variety of different forms of communication.

Click here to visit Click here to 01376 519625 the website send an e-mail Supporting Asperger Families in Essex (SAFE)

SAFE is a support group for people and families affected by autism in Essex.

SAFE is a parent support group that works to raise awareness of , High Functioning Autism and to support people and families. Support group

Quality SAFE also shares information in order to raise the quality of care and understanding within our communities.

Click here to visit Click here to 01206 240931 the website send an e-mail Autism Anglia

Autism Anglia is an independent charity which provides care and support to autistic children, adults and their families in East Anglia.

They promote better knowledge and understanding of autism through training and supplying information to the public.

Autism Anglia offers lots of support services for children, adults and their families across Essex.

Click here to visit Click here to 01206 577678 the website send an e-mail PACT for Autism

PACT for Autism is a charity based in Harlow providing support for the families of children or adults with autism.

Their services include a support and information phone line as well as monthly meetings for parents and carers.

PACT also offer a variety of activities, including autism talks and training.

Click here to visit Click here to 07377 386090 or the website send an e-mail 07377 386093 Families in Focus

Families in Focus is an independent parent-led charity providing support to families of children or young people with disabilities.

Families in Focus work with families with children and young people up to the age of 25.

We aim to give caring support whilst empowering families to think about the choices available to them and make the best use of available services.

Click here to visit Click here to 01245 353575 the website send an e-mail Dimensions

Dimensions supports people with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs to be active in their communities.

Dimensions offers outreach and supported living services in Essex.


Support can include: enabling you to live in your own home, providing opportunities to make new friends, or gain work that is rewarding.

Click here to visit Click here to 0300 303 9004 the website send an e-mail Consensus

Consensus offers support and accommodation for people with learning disabilities and / or autism.

Everything we do is person-centred, tailored to the individual we support and involving them fully and we use person-centred planning to support them to achieve their goals.

We’re passionate about enabling the individuals we support to live a meaningful, fulfilling life.

Click here to visit Click here to 0808 223 5320 the website send an e-mail Learning Disability England

Learning Disability England exists to make life better for people with Learning Disabilities and their families.

We are a membership organisation bringing together people with learning disabilities, families, professionals and organisations. Members

We are working to share power and make sure our members have a real say over what we do.

Click here to visit Click here to 0300 201 0455 the website send an e-mail British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD)

BILD works in partnership with people with learning disabilities and families to make sure they are supported with dignity and respect and have the right support.

Equality Their vision is a society where people with learning disabilities are equal citizens and have access to the support and services they need.

Their website has lots of useful information, factsheets and resources.

Click here to visit Click here to 0121 415 6960 the website send an e-mail United Response

United Response is a national charity that provides a range of support and services for adults and young people.

They work with people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs or physical disabilities.

We can help with things like day-to-day living, finding a house or a job, education, and activities in your local community.

Click here to visit Click here to 020 8246 5200 the website send an e-mail Healthwatch Essex: contact us

We are an independent voice for the people of Essex. We gather and represent your views about health and care services in the county to help shape them.

We can also help you find out about and access health and social care services through our Information and Signposting Service.

You can also share your experiences or ask us questions.

Click here to visit Click here to 0300 500 1895 the website send an e-mail This document was translated into an easy-read format by Thinklusive.

It was made in co-production with people with learning disabilities and autism.

To find out more:

Visit our website: e-mail: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @_Thinklusive

This document was commissioned by Healthwatch Essex.

To find out more:

Visit the website:

Healthwatch Essex, 49 High Street, Earls Colne, Colchester, Essex, CO6 2PB