1790 Girandoni Repeating … A 2nd Amendment USA History Lesson

The Constitution 2nd Amendment Clearly Declares: The Citizen’s RIGHT To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed and includes repeating weapons per United States History. The Girandoni Repeating Rifle history and use by Lewis & Clark Expedition is a great supporting story of the 2nd Amendment. This story shoots a very, very, big hole in anti gun argument our Founding Fathers only knew of single shot . Our Founding Fathers knew of repeating rifled guns used in the early 1800’s and made no effort to write any limits in use or ownership to the Citizens of the USA or The Constitution.

The Lewis & Clark Expedition doubled the United States of America using Girandoni 22 Shot, rifled, repeating rifle, with a high capacity 22 shot clip. Even the air supply was a clip device and could be changed out / renewed in seconds. This is a story every citizen and gun owner should be well versed in.

Please read on for one of the best history lessons for the Right To Bear Arms via the VIDEOS. My story has added several million hits to the NRA Video Story Below. I have added two videos to the story with links below.

LINK to a NRA Historic Video.. Girandoin Repeating Rifle Mfg 1790 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pqFyKh-rUI

Girandoni Air Rifle….History & Modern Rebuild 2011 Link 11.4k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgNc1gfdVUA

Third one Link 5.8k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2W7KAdCMeU

Girandoni Air Rifle as used by Lewis and Clark. A National Museum ********* A NRA Movie Above Summary ****************

The Girandoni Repeating Air Rifle was designed and made by an Italian in 1790 and was used by Lewis & Clark 1803 to 1806. This is a 22 shot repeater that can fire 22 rounds in 30 seconds. Reload in seconds with a clip or tube of 22 qty count of 46 caliber balls. They could fire a total of 44 rounds in about a minute. Even the air supply could be changed out like a clip in less than a minute. If all 38 Lewis & Clark Explores had the Girandoni Air Rifle that would be a fire power of 1672 rounds in about 1 minute. A volley of 1672 is tremendous fire power even for 2014 standards. The rifled barrel was accurate to 100 yards, or better, and could repeat 44 times without additional air pressure.

Lewis & Clark demoed the Girandoni Repeating Air Rifle to every Indian Tribe as they earned respect and SAFE passage from the Eastern USA to the West Coast. Lewis & Clark wintered on the Pacific Coast and traveled back to the East Coast without the loss of one life. The Girandoni Air Rifle show of force in the 18th and 19th century is a large part of American History and doubled the size of the USA.

The Girandoni Air Rifle was a large part American History and European History too.

The Girandoni Large Capacity REPEATING rifle…. With clips…. doubled the size of the USA with the Lewis & Clark Expedition. The Founding Fathers knew of the Girandoni repeating weapon and did not change the constitution or limit citizens from owning such a large capacity repeating rifled gun.

OUR FOUNDING FATHERS HAD TREMEMDOUS FIRE POWER IN THE LATE 1700s AND EARLY 1800s WITH A LARGE CAPACITY REPEATING RIFLE...... A rifled barrel, accurate to 100 yards plus and could repeat 44 rounds in a minute. The Founding Fathers knew of GREAT FIRE POWER and made no writings to limit citizen ownership.

The repeating Girandoni Rifled was also silent... no bang or explosion to give away the location of the shooter. The rifled barrel was deadly accurate to over 100 yards. Today’s modern are also rifled to twist the in flight while the muskets were smooth bore. A rifled barrel is more accurate and advanced.

I assure you the Early American Government knew this story, The Girandoni REPEATER is mentioned 39 times in the Lewis & Clark Journals and how the different Indian Tribes were demoed the repeating rifle, traded blankets, string beads, and more. This was repeated over and over as Lewis & Clark crossed the country to the west and back. The Lewis & Clark Journals of 1 million words and 13 volumes mentions this same story 39 times.


Whoever says all our Founding Fathers knew of was a single shot musket and claimed Our Early USA Government had no knowledge of more powerful large capacity repeating rifled guns or defense weapons is gravely mistaken.

This is a GREAT Constitutional Story.

Written by,

Fred Guercio

PS Share our story……email, post, 250,000 Children bringing this story to our Schools & Homes will make the liberal teachers and govt. freak.