DRY GOODS* - New Establishment. HEDJSNBEiMJ & MAG C0Ul,M> rtlHE subscribers having.entered into partnei** o, , # PUBLISHED BY A general a&soumentj suitable for the Ap­ tiaveinst just commenced the JL ship under the firm of BAKTRAM & STREET, • S. W. BENEDICT. proaching season—bought cheap, and will be sold accordingly, by now ofLr for sale at their store just west of the Tin, Copper, Brass, Sheet* DAUCHY # JAMES. Bridge, a general assortment of Groceries, Crock­ - Iron Manufactory^ ^ }*mru>alk Factory XTRA blue and black Broad Cloth et y> Hard Ware, and Fruit. The following arti­ v At The stand lately occupied by Mr. EVANS, in JVor- nfll.iE subscriber acknowledges to ihe publi< do. Handsome blue mixture cles comprise a pat t of their assortment. E GROCERIES. iwlky a few rods east of the Bridge, V 1 |the liberal encouragement which lie ha- oa*e list and other blue Cloths, large assortment Whfire all orders in the above branches of ith heretofore, and now takes this oppoitu- Carnation Cloth, one piece only / Cogniac and comihon Brandy, Holland & com­ business shall be punctually attended to. inform his friends that he has again com- Fine black and blue Cassimete mon Gin, Jamaica, bt. Croix and New Rum, Ci­ the Manufacturing Busings, at his.o d Sattineis, fine and common der Brandy, Sherry, Lisbon, Port, Madeira, and V Hatters' Colouring and Plank Kettlesi Dig- lishment, aboftt tivo miles north ol Norwalk white and yellow - - Currant Wines, Cherry Rum) Cordials, Ale and tillers' Stills and Worms made and mendfed, at Red, the shortest nbtice. * i ^ tig, on the main l oad to Danbury, where lie Boihbazettes, an extensive assortment,some fig'd. Portei, Molasses, Teas of ail kinds, Wheat and Rye Flour, Butler andCheese,Poi-k, Beef Hams, All kinds of tin and sheet-iroh work made ahcl is redely for the reception ol all kinds ol .-— Merino shawls, Black Hose mended in the neatest manner. • As he has put his Machinery in complete order Black India Lutestring and sarcenets Soap and Candles, Winter and summer strained Oil, sweet Oil, Sugars of all kinds, Starch,Peari­ |C7" Also—-Brass Kettles bottomed, Snd Co^ smd procured one of the first rate workmen in the White, blue and green Florence, w ash, Woods, Copperas, Allum and Indigo, per Tea-kettles tinned. County? he flatters hicaselt that a general satw- Black and colored Canton Crape, Coffee, Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Nutmeg, Cin­ Norwalk, Aug..7. 23tf;' ... iattion will be given to all those tha see fit to em- Black and green Italian do. namon, Cloves, Mace, and various kinds of Rais­ 1 ; Light and dark Calicoes, oloy mm. ' 0-' :\ . . r .' ins and Currants, a general assortment of W. I. Wqol way be manufactured into Cloth irom Carlisle and and Fruit, Tobacco, Segars from 3 for a cent to 3 cts a LIME, ihe fleece, either on shacks or by the yard, as Light striped do HE subscriber would inform the public thai best suits the customer—jit may also be made in- Fiagg, black, Canton andMadrass Handkerclueis piece,also by the box; Vinegar and Cider, Shad Mackei;el and Codfish, Onions, blown salt, Rice T he continues the business of itiaking Linie * to Broad-Cloth, Casxitnei e, Sattinet, Cur/ieting, Black Tabby VeJvet, Purple and while ihav.ns at thfe kiln lately occupied by Barnttfn if Chap­ Crackers, Sauif, Brooms, Mustard, shaving soap blanketing, Flaiinels, &c.! Blankets may be wove American Ginghams and stripes and salts. man, and will furnish it on as low terms as can the full width, ifrequcsVd, and done cheaper and Imported & Ameiican sheeting Sc shirting ! CROCKERY. be had at any kiln in this part of the country. A ,„^beuer than at home. VjVool will be paided for 4 Assortment of Ribbons Pins Liverpool Ware, consisting of Dining Plates, supply of the first quality on .hand : all orders ^cents the pound,, (jcasb.j) Wool and Cloth may Gentlemen and Ladies'Beaver Gloves Twifflers, 7.6 5 A 3inch Muffins, Tea setts and thankfully received and punctually attended to. ;wbe left in Norwalk, at tli[e store of'Mr. B. Ben­ do black and white silk do Jeas, Coffeepots and Coffies,quart, pint and half PHINEAS CHAPMAN.^ nett or Daucliy 8c Jamais, from whence it will be do white and colored Kid do s pint Bowls sugar bares, peppers, mustards, 4 qts N. B. All letters containing orders for Lime V taken, and returned immediately. , . v Thread and 'i'hule '• • • _ % qts 1 qt and 1 pint pitchers, &c. will be post paid. If}. B,. .Cotton and colored indigo Figured Mulmul and Book , Plain do # Enamelled Ware, consisting of Tea-pots, Milks, Ridgefield, Nov. 22. v ; 35tf - blue—warranted permanent. Also, Gentlemen Muslins, Dimities, Black Linncn Teas, sugars, quart, , pint and half pint Bowls, ;2 and Indies' Coats scoured free from grease and Irish Linnen good and cheap/ Regular Paeket, f . .spots, or dyed over again— and Crapes dy­ quart, quart and pint Pitchers, qt. and pt. Mugs. Black Cambric Muslin , Creatn colored iVare—Dining Plates, Muffins, ed and dressed to any sample, exceptfrig scat let. Black silk and worsted Florentine Vesting To sail from HURLBUTT\i BURR'S Landing, Chambers, . Ewers and . Wash Bowls, Pitchers, Woolen Yarn will also W received for the pur­ Mersailles and while Cassimere do at Saugatuck, for Peck Slifi, JVeiv-York. Bowls and Mugs. Green and blue edged Ware. pose of being wove into Main Cloth or Cassimere, NEW, SLOOP DREAD—G.- Bvkfty Master^ W First quality coat and vest Buttons r c^t Figured Pitchers, tfc. Wc. Isfc. Sauinct, Blanketing,' or 4'arpetting Gentlemen and Ladies'white Cotiou Hose Commenced sailing from the above Landing (in ANTED immediately, u good Weaver, to GLjiSS WARE—Quart and pint Decanters, Thursday the 30th August, atid returns on Toes- Gentlemen's mixt do. &c. &c. &c- Tumblers and Wines of all sizes, Mustards and whom liberal encoti ragemen t will be giv- ALSO—A general assortment ol GROCERIES, day. She will perform her weekly trips-through- Salts, pint and hall pint Bottles. ^ None need apply unlass well recommended HARDWARE* and CROCKERY. oht the season. en. HARDWARE.—PewterFacits, block tin and GARIUTT H. NEWKIUK. * * For freight or passage apply to ihe sub­ iron table and tea spoons; Slates 8c slate pencils, m Norwalk, Oct. 9- i 23 Cheap Groceries. scribers. HURLBUTT & BURR;]5 snuffers; wood, saw and rattail Files ; Gimbles Saugatuck, September, 1821. 28tf Notice, HE subscribers have on band a general as­ Ivory Combs, Jew's Harps, Brass and Japaned sortment of Groceries, which.they will sell Lamps ; Sad Irons and stands; Candlesticks E, subscriber take* this method to inform T low for Cash or Country produce. 1he lollowing Chest and Pad Locks ; Cheat Hinges, Butts and -bivfrUwls and the publtc that he has at great articles comprise a part, viz — screws; skates ; bridle Bittsj^Pocket and Pen expense erected a Woolen FaUory,situated on Mi- Jamaica, St. Croix and New-England Rum, Knives of all sizes and prices ;Scissors & Shears, Accommodation Paekfets; amis river, abou». a mile and la hall above the up Cogniac Brandy, Holland and Pierpont Gin, All­ Razors ; Knives and Forks ;-Starve!-and Tongs; To sail from Ebenezer I). UoyVs Landing, at pet landing in Greenwich, aSnd is now ready to spice, Pepper, Ginger, Peariash plug and pajper Stock Ln6ks ; Curry Combs ; and sew­ Northalk, for Ptck Slip, New-York} receive WOOL for Carding. !#He will also man­ Tobacco, brown and lump Sugar, Young Hyson, ing needles ; spiders ; Wire ; Powder, shot and LOOP UNION, Brown, Hvili commence sail­ ufacture Cloths, Sattincts, *sV. by the yard or on Hyson-skin and Souchong Tea, Spanish and Ben­ flints ; liquid and paste Blacking; Grind-stones j S ing from the above landing on Saturday-the • shares—epin by the run or jpound—also weave gal Indigo, Copperas, Allum, Cofice, best south­ one pair large and one pair small Scalcs. 31st of March, and return on Thursday. Sldop woolen yarn upon cotton. Dy ing* arid fin­ ern Flour, Mess Pork, Nutmegs, Cinnambn, FIJYDIAGS.—Awl Blades and Hafts, Tacks, CITIZEN, Pennoyer, will Sail on Tuesday and ishing will be attended to in their proper season, Rice, See. &c. , return on Saturday. Sloop MECHANIC, Das- n reasonable terms, Rasps, and Ran, Files, Hammers, Pinchers and •by experienced workmen, o Likewise—A small assortment of Dry Goods, Nippers, Ileel Ball, sand paper, sewing and shoe kam, \yill sail on Thursday and return the Tues­ ith their custom may • Those who may favor him wi among which are Domestic and Imported Ging­ Thread,sand stones, shoe-knives,-8cc. day following i each vessel performing her week-. ork done in.the neat "^Calculate on having their wj hams, Cotton Cassimere, striped Florentine,Mer- Two handsome Cooking Stoves and Pipes, Iy trip through the season. .ored if required. All «st manner—Indigo blue col sailles Vesting, American and steam-loom v hirt- which will be sold low for Cash. Fof freight or passage apply to the subscriber^,' ,nd punctually atten- orders thankfully received ng,. &.c. &c. &c. BURHALL & THOMAS. \ Being detrrmintd to sell low for cash, these or to either the Captains on board of theirre- try produce received tar- Ail kinds-wt cout? Norwalk, SepU^4. . spective vessels. E. D. HOYT ,& SC)N. irk prices, on making in want of any.^ofjihe-above articles, will do welL in payment, at the New»Y< INVALUABLE REMEDIES ! ! ! , Nbrwalk, March 27. Customers will find to call. D. S. BAKTRAM. an allowance of the freight .• E. H.. STREET. their account in picking tl/ie trash out of their Clay's O intment for the Itch DR. RANDALL'S wool, and in properly cleansing it after it is shear OR pleasantness, safety, expedition, ease and Volatile Aromatic llcad-Jiche Snuff. Much celebrated *d or pulled—the carding J will cost them less,and F certainty, is infinitely superior to any other Prepared by John P.Whitwell, Chemist and Drug­ ilit-ir rolls be much bcttel it is expected the medicine, for the cure of that most disagreeable gist—Boston. (Composed principally of Roots ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS* and Aromatic Herbs)— Patented and warranted. cleaning will be particular iy attended to. and tormenting disorder, the Itch. Likewise, a A CERTAIN and effectual cure for Bilious May I. 1821 lltf rjfTIEW or none oi" the Snufi's in ordinary use, GREENWICH FACTORY, certain remedy ior cutaneous eruptions, scorbu­ Fever, Cholera Morbus, Jaundice, Bilious Chords ool for cardtr.g will be eP unite those advantages as an elegant sternu­ P. iS. In this month W< tic affections of the head, pimples in the face, foulness of the stomach and bowels,. Dropsy, diz* that at the store or lac tatory, which Tobacco, combined with other in­ received at the store, altel ringworms, grubs, morphew, and all eruptions ziness of the head, female obstructions, suppress EI.IAS PECK. gredients, is Capable of producing. The common tory of 1 he subscriber. of the skin. No traveller by land or sea ought to ion of urine, ahd colds—for sale at the store Scotch snuff is not only destitute of fine flavor be without this valuable article.—Price 33 renin. of the subscriber, a few rods east of the Bridge. but is universally allowed to be injurious to the Cloth-Di *essmg. ALSO—CLAY'S STOMACH BiTTERS. , ; STEPHEN ST. JO^N; Ip! HE subscriber is rea Iy for the reception ol 1 nicy will be found in alt cases ol the loll:>wing head and stomach, and sooner or later affects the Norwalk, June 16. 16 3m description to-;give relief : Naucia, vomiting, transparency and color of the skin. The coarse CLOTH at his FaUory, and flatters him­ " CODFISH. , '^".v self that he will be able '.cl* give satisfaction to all flatulence, heari; burn, costiveness, weakness at black snuffs, instead of clearing and stimulating the breast, pain in the stomach, excf:s;>ive weari­ the olfactory nerves, serve but to obstruct and JUST^ received, and for sale by the subscriBers, who may see it in their v,vay to call. CJoth quantity of the first quality of Codfish. left at either of the storesl in Ridge field will be ness, loss of appetite, dullness and oppression, a deaden them : and in process of time, by stop­ Aug. 13. BURRALI. 8c THOMAS; immediately forwarded, ajnd done in the best man­ propensity to ileep,bitter taste in the'mouth,loath ping the passages, has an evident effect upon the ner, and returned. JO'3" Work done cheaper ing of food .and all other symptoms of indigrstwn. speech. The Volatile Aromatic Snuff will, by ex­ for Cash than in any oilu/.r shop in this part of the They ate a very pleasant cordial Bitter, and are perience, be found not liable to these objections- ROCK SALT. its flavor is fragrant and delightful—the effect country, 7 B. HULL. • recommended lor the use ot taverns as well as QUANTITY of ROCK SALT, of the best pleasing and salutary—it opens and purges the bedding, Sept. 8. /' 29lt' • private families.—Price 38 cents. A quality, just received and for saleby --^i- The above may be had of Hufihen St John and head—sensibly stimulates the spirits, and re­ BURR ALL 8c T HomA • Fulling, Dyi'Aig, ai>d Cloth- B. C. Jftaacs, Nornvulk^ Mr. Cannon, Wilton, S. moves that drowsiness which on some occasions Norwalk, Sept. 14. •yi Jarris, Stamford, and in every lewh in the state. will prevail in spite of our utmost efforts to baffle -ail, Dressing. Augost 30th. 27 eow 1 v it. By repeated experiments, it is known to be of ; Boards and Shinglessr?m HE subscriber lakes this method to inform essential service to those who are troubled fcith T his friends and ihe public in general that he B. & C. Isaacs long, duil, nervous head-aches, and wifl be found WILLIAM J. STREET i., ready fujr the lyception of Cloth «t the stand AV E just received a fresh supply of those far superior for this purpose to the Cephalic snuff. HAS this day received a large supply bf Els- formetly oc:cupkstuff'i» very supetidr arid well seasoned; given to a. October 8 • ' , ^ ns hi* friends, that his Carding will Billious affections, £cc. use, a cheap and cheering relief from that lassi­ it. ilso infot'i |C7» WARRANTS for tKe collect i(in of Mil­ conanue <: luring this fall. Dr. Relfe's Vegetable Specific (for sick head tude which invariably accompanies a long sitting ; much reading. Thi3 snuff is well stopt in a itary Fines, for sale by P.PRICE. People living at a distance may send their cloth ache.) • . - or 4 handsome square bottle made expressly for the \viih a sa t pple and written directions, and left ei- Dr. Relfe's Vegetable Rheumatic Pills. • shop, or at the store of John Leeds, Dr. Jebb's Rheumatic Liniment ; Rheuma­ purpose, and which will be found to unite all the ^Apprentide Wanted;^ m Iher at tht from whi ch it will be taken and dressed in the tism of 20 years standing, has been cuiedby this advantages of a snuff Box. ; ANTED immediately a healthy youn^lad Extract of a Certificate from Doct. Benjamin best mam ler and as cheap as at any other shop in in 24 hours. for the Tailoring Business,one that is some­ Water house, Fellow of the Medical Society in Lon­ W the Coiii.t AARON BYINGTON. British Antiseptic Dentrifice, most excellent what acquainted with said business would be pre-' v don and of the JVadonal Medical School of France Datieo Sept. 17th, 1821.. 29*3m for the teeth and gums. ,4j- ferred : none need applybof such as can comewell' and late Professor of the Theory and Practice Dumfries'Ointment, a certain and safe cure recommended. ~ u /''• ROFUS SfcotiELDj for the hdh i» one hour's afifilication, be it.ever so of Physic in the University of Cambridge* Norwalk, Sept. 18th, 1$21. Mtijactiiring, Cloth- inveterate. gQ® M> dangerJrom taking cold J Boston, Milk-Streetj March 30, 1813. { Albion Corn Plaster. The relief is immedi­ The articles are certainly innocent in their Dressing") ate and while it dissolves and draws the corn out qualities. Those liable to Ufervous and other - Taken up^ . .. ^ : b. BANKS would inform their friends head-aches well know that fits of these distressing by the roots, it causes not the least pain. , . M Y tbe subscriber, about the middle of Sep-' ('aod the public, generally» ihat they are Cambrian tooth-ache Pills ; the relief is instan-i affections most commonly subside on a spontan­ B tember last, twp Iadt sprint? Calves, both idy for the reception of Cloth at theii 1 ac- taheous, without the least injury to the teeth. eous sneezing toyvards night, and if this relief can red, one of them a little white on the belly. The . here they will be happy to execute the or- Dr. Hunter's celebrated Pills ; Dr. Hunter's be expedited by a sternutatory, I should give the owner is requested to proVe property, pay"char­ f those who may fatorthem witlv their cus- Injection Powders, and Doctor Hunters Cerate •preferance to your, snuff over that of powdered to­ ges, and take them away. 10m , and while they acknowledge their gratitude for the prevention and cure of venerial complaints bacco or even the imported Cephalic Snuff, the ' .'-USUAL WEED, si favors, would solicit and endeavor to tner- with perfect secrecy. A treatise, explaining ingredients of which are unknown to u4. With 29, 1821. . -• 31 , jiuinuance of them. A liberal discount *i.l symptoms, and method of cute accompany each .this view Ibtfve used your composition myself .ade from last years prices, to those who pay and recommended it to others.' packet. Flax Seed Wanted. on delivery of the work. JCT Clolh left ei- Pamphlets ol many extraordinary cures; may . I am yours, &c. : B. WATERHOUSE. at the store of Messrs.King & Haw ^ey, 'VVm. npiHE subscribers will pay the highest" be had of the agents, gratis. To j. P. WhitwUi Chemist and Druggist. J : cker, Bradley & Smith, or R Randall Se Co. i .jFor sale by U: • c j f & C. ISAACS. X price for Flax Seed. |C-73* None of the above art genuine, unless They will, for the accommodation of Farmers be attended i<> every week, and returned as signed * W. T. CoNtiA-Y.' A .iafge discount to At the same place may be had Dr.Deaii*& a as done. \* Manuf%c;uriog doneju ^lie Rheumatic Pills, so famous for this complaint in and' customers; receive their Seed and put it in>; cauntry Physicians, Traders, &c. '1 he aboev as has been customary. manner and on reasonable letms. . Medicines may likewise be had of most Booksel­ the N. E. States. This excellent medicine is ac- rATfrzD A number of barrels gf good Soafii BUBRALL SC TBOMA»4^" lers, Druggists and Post-masters throughout th«> companiedby numerous certificates from Judges, which a generous price will be given. clergymen and respectable Physicians.' ** iW United Suites*,yrnv-rTst'wr: [ Uidgeficldj. Augu^j 1^21. •' • 'r-j . 3;

• , i' - ' .» '}•' 'u, • 1;.. ; . 9W^;-V^V-M; • -i -5.- -•> 1 w ri;v:"y H'if' ?•:$ : SSSi

«sas polio. .Every vulvar minded Greek could adpiirc, that he had acted towards.Colohel Callava in his soml lime^sfWithin ^offSlslSnea of ftiertd #• THE UNITED STATES. the Olytppic chariot of Dionysius, but it w.y»on supreme judicial capacity, and that taking him Cabello, agd has had a regular skirnish every ? The following article wilfrberead with sincere 1/ a small and chosen circle who could fee! the into custody was^ustifiable on the ground of con­ night with the Spanish out-posts, and often drove pleasure by every true friend to the glory and sublimity,sof|Jie death of Socrates. The voiame tempt, manifested in his tardy compliance with them back so close to the town that thd flashes of honor of our country* It-Proves that there are before us shows that in the philosophy which re­ the order to deliver the papers. the miusketry were distinctly seen by jei sons on British subjects willing to do our Government sults from exaltation of sentiment, women often « These events transpired on the 23d and 24th board shipping in the harbour. ^ ample justice, and to defend.us against the ma­ get the start of men. The moral sublime of the of August, and from that time until the 3d Sept- A force of abeut 50 men occupied the Vigia. levolence of the reviewers.'- JVat. Advocate.. American democracy was never so deeply , very little eise was talked ot in Pensacola. In the This is a strong fortification Which commands FHOM THE EDINBURGH SCOTCHMAN. and se eloquently described as in these » Letters course of that time a report got into circulation Puerto Cabello, The guns were removed some America—additional testimonies to the hafifiy effects of an Englishwoman.' The generous feelings of and reached the earsof Judge Fromentin, that on time ago. .; ; ; $C of its Political Ih'stitulionSi her'Sex save her the trouble of laborious specula­ his visit to Gen. Jackson he had mude an apology Accounts from Maracaybo announce (he arriv­ ; < But in fact how singular, and for the well be- tions. Nor has her enthusiasm been nourished for issuin'g the writ of habeas corpus, and thereby al of General Bolivar in that city, being the first fyg of man how glorious the change, which has in ignorance of its object. She has witnessed its escaped punishment. time H. E. ever visited it. We are informed that •; turned these vast haunts of panther#, wolves, and all-pervading and beneficial influence, and her ad­ * Unfortunately, instead of merely contradicting lie intended to proceed to Santa Martha jand Rio savages into the abodes of industry and the sure miration of the American Government is but an the story'and disregarding it, he thought it incum de-la Hacha, for the purpose of inspecting these asylum of the oppressed ! What a noble edifice expansion of those sentimens of benevolence and bent upon him to rcscue his judicial- character places, and from thence to the head qukrters of has there been raised for hunted liberty to dwell love of justice which flourish in every-mind where from the odium of such a suggestion, and addres­ general Montilla, probably with a vtew to'give ad­ " in security ! It is impossible to tread the soil of cultivation is united with true sensibility. It is im­ sed a letter to General Jackson, respectfully re­ ditional impulse, by his presence, la ihk opera- i America and not to bless it; impossible to con- possible to despair of a countty where such minds questing the General ' to enable him effectually 7! - '- tions carrying on for ihe ieduction of Caithage-^ •c%". V • sider her glowing wealth and strength without re- are strewed through the circles of private life. to contradict that leport.' na. , . . - [ ..-joicing.*-— Views of Society and Manners in Amcr ( But:General Jackson maintained that he had c • X^iicat in a Series of Letters, by an English Woman. From, the National Gazette. • done so ; and Judge Fromentin treated it as an ' LATEST FROM PERNAMBUCO. * - We feel it a relief to turn our eytt,v,ftom con VIENNA. injurious suggestion. This excited General Jack­ We have been favored by Capt. Fox, with the ' vulsed Europe, the scene of solejnn hypoctisy and Extract from a letter from an American gentleman son to a final answer, which his best friends and following interesting particulars of events and /.' triumphant viilaiiy, to the cheering aspect of the in Vienna, to his brother in New-. warmest admirers will ever regret that his pen transactions in and about Pernambuco, at the la­ United States, enjoying under their-pure and be * The Danube at Viegna becomes divided into hud produced- Detailed accounts of the whole test dales. We prefer his own nartation to any ! •/•^"-..'S'.jjign institutions, an untroubled calm, like that ol four considerable branches ; the city is situated affair, with copies of the correspondence, have mode in which we could present the intelligence the heavenly bodies, and rivalling those bodiesin on thp western bank of the western branch and is been transmitted to Washington, and we regret ourselves.—Baltimore fcatnbt. - \ jthe serenity and constancy of their course, and we surrounded by walls and fortifications. The su­ to add that copies of the correspondence have * I sailed from thence on Sunday, 16th Sept.—^ • hope, in the stability of their existence. Feel­ burbs, containing many princely palaces, and in been confided to individuals and are circulating While on shore that tnorningj every thing ap­ '^1. v&j| ing as we do, that the whole human race has a tbe Inlands of the Danube, and connected by hand­ privately.' peared in confusion about the town. Fear and , ..deep interest in the prosperity of-that country, some bridges with the city properly so called. dismay appealed depicted on every countenanctf Z we are always eager to receive the statements of The late wars have proved that the suburbs ren­ HORRIBLE PIRACY AND MURDER. from the anticipated\effects ol that day, arising impartial travellers with regard to its condition ; dered the walls and fortifications, of no sort of val­ . Extract of a letter received at Charleston. from the situation of the Patriot army (ouly nine and we gladly embrace the opportunity which the ue, and they are now beautifying the bastioris'and 4 MATANZAS, Sept. 27th, 1821. miles off) and their threats the day before - book we have quoted offers, to lay before our rea­ making them public promenades. Each street of c Three horrible events have just taken place. which they announced their determination of* ders—not-any new statistical facts,-but the tesii- Vienna seems to be a street of Palaces. Three American vessels—two of them coming in hearing Mass that day|n the city, and to encour­ mony of an intelligent eye witness to its growing The houses are built ol .brick and stuccoed o- —viz. the brig John Smith, Hill, master, and the age their troops to this exploit, had promised prosperity, and to the happy effects ol'its politic- ver with gilded coronets over the portals, while schooner Milo,. of Bristol—the other the sloop them three days of uninterrupted plunder and a al institutions. the liveried Jacquies at the gate designate the op­ Collector, of Bristol, R. I. capt Z. French, laden chance of outrage on aiB the. European women in it is justly observed," by this enlightened and ulence and rank of the proprietor. The immense with sugar and coffee, boond out, has been cafitur> the place. This will Remind you of * Booty and eloquent writer, that the English people have number of splendid equipages prove the high de­ ed at the entrance of this harbor, by a launch fitted Beauty' at New-Orleatjs. After all I much doubt - been as ill represented in America as at home. gree of luxury at Vienna ; yet there is something out here I and manned by nine villains, viz. one if the attempt was m^dc. Every body knows Few British traveilets who have visited that con­ in the manners and habits of tbe people partak­ Portuguese, six Spaniards, and two Englishmen. what a heartless set of wretches the Portuguese tinent have been qualified either to do justice to ing very much of German simplicity. Thus all They killed the captain and two men of the schr. are in general, and how much more so a raw ,• the country t'hey professed to describe, or credit ranks rise earlv in ihe morning—the Emperor and then ordered her to the northward—they mur­ country rabble, or in o/her wotds the mobility of * : to that which sent them forth. The best of them dines at one o'clock—the public amusements be­ dered all the crew of the brig, opened their en­ the country ! However,should they have made an . in their best > efforts to be liberal, have seldom gin at half past six, and are over before ten in the trails, hanged them by the ribs to the masts, and attack, it would require by far tiie greatest part of « 4 , been able to shake off entirely the beggar ele­ evening. :. - afterwaidJ set fire to the vessel and all were con­ the Governor's disposable force to keep the city' ments' of the old world. Hence the strange snis- The great amusement of the people at Vienna sumed 1 ! The sloop was more fortunate—the pi­ in awe, and in case e"of emancipa­ her departure, Gen. San Martin was at Pasco, over the town, and the inhabitants were busied in tion tor the most benighted nations. But in its From tlie National Intelligencer. with ten thousand men. The Gen. Brown re­ locking up their Negroes and securing their hous­ present state we see but the fecble'beginuings of GEN. JACK.-.ON AND JUDGE FROMENTIN. gained at Rio on the 30th of August. Letters es fast shut. All then appeared hushed for a few that influence which,'in the fulness of its strength, We now learn that a serious dift'ertnee between from Rio state that Lima was still blockaded, and hours, when towards nigh\ the council broke up, it is destined to exert over the late of the world. these two gentlemen has actually grown out of the it was yet doubtful when the contest in that quar­ having displaced the most dbnoxious of the Euro­ Ifcis deducible from undisputed data, that in the conflict of jurisdiction between them in their offi ter would terminate. peans, and filled their placds with native mem­ short space of one century,: the United Stales will cial stations, in relation to the case of Col. Callava. bers—the governor kept his ylacc anil the troops contain a hundred millions of inhabitants. Such This we consider a matter of much more interest Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Guayaquil, were ordered to their qoariert, and so ended the a population, speaking one language, living un­ than the case in which it originated, and we think to a house in N, Y. dated 6th of May. revolution of that day without bloodslipd. There der one government, aud enjoying the benefit of it our duty to extract, for the information of our { The ship Fanny,of New-York, was taken pos­ were strong bodies of troops patrolled everynight: institutions calcu lated above $11 ot hers to de velope readers, the first notice we find of it in the public session of by the government of this place, for and the night, before I sailed, they wet dragging ^ the energies of man, will be. a phenomenon of prints. It is contained in an article * from an au­ the purpose of transporting troops from Choco. cannon through the streets as our iremen do which the past history of mankind can scarcely thentic source,'published in the *Chatlesion South­ Two vessels arrived below last night with 400 their engines, but with greater noise ;bnd on my enable us t<» form a conception. The American ern Patriot' of October 8 ; the material contents of troops from the same place. It is the intention as going ashore the following morning, 1 found they government will then be at the head of an amount which ard comprised in the following extract; soon as the dry weather sets in, to march.against had planted several heavy pieces of bjass ordin­ of moral.and physical force which has never been * Notwithstanding the pendency of the question Quito, which will undoubtedly fall Kito the hand-, ance at each of the bridges, to guaid Die passing equalled, und-must be irresistable. If tyranny of jurisdiction before the Executive, it seems that of the patiiots. The captain of t he Fanny re thereof. Thete were reinforcementsjof troops ' 7 -shall tB'en. exist in any corner of Europe, it must Judge Fromentin did not hold himself at liberty to ceiv«s from the government at the rate of £4000 hout'y expected from Lisbon, and wetdthey once by theVsufferCnce of America. r refuse to take cognizance of the case of Colonel per month until her return ; she then proceeds arrived, they might help to kerp the sbi tit of re­ A Government so constructed is the' greatest Callava, and believing himself legally vested with to Gibraltar, via Monte Video, with a cargo of volt at a distance tome time longer, 'ijut, at any « achievment of philosophy since philosophy had the necessary jurisdiction, ;!^: issued''the writ of "cocoa. i rate, it seems the people are determined not to be • her bit th. And it is surprising, that an object habeas corpus.—But being anxious to avoid, in governed by Europeans, and submit tube trans­ ' possessing ku'ch unrivalled moral grandeut:, .has K-\. any way prejudicing the question relative to the FROM CHII.I.—The editor of the American, ported to Europe, to take their trial in lie courts', -;^v; ' soseldom awakened corresponding "sentiments in papers demanded by General Jackson, he. made hasTeceived a Gazette Extraordinary published of Portugal—and indeed it must go d! >wn very; f . ^th" minds of those who have contemplated or des- the friends of the Colonel, who was then in pri­ by the government of Chili at St. Jago on the 4th hard with men of sensibility, as itdidqwith our .^ciibed it. Something must be allowed for the son, 'give'security in the sum of §40,000, that the of July, which contains the official account of the forefathers, not to have the privilege ofieing tri­ 'effect of those modes .of .thinking, which have papers should be forthcoming whenever the right total defeat of the Royal army under Gen. Rica- ed in their own country, and by a jury of thtir grown up amidst the usages of the old world ; to them should be determined. fort} by the pauiot troops under Gen. Arcnales. own countrymen. i which teach us to confound grandeur with pa- * The return made by General Jackson to this The action was fought at Pasco, and terminated Soon after my arrival there was between 20 and V geantry, and simplicity with meanness. Notwith­ habeas corpus, was a citation to Judge Fromentin in the total defeat of the Spaniards, few of whom 30 of the most respectable citizens emoatked in^- standing our pretentions,to refinement, it is un­ to appear before him, to shew cause why he should escaped. In consequence of this event, an ar­ irons for Lisbon, there to be tried for thlir lives,. ? deniable that in all public matters we exhibit the not be attached for a contempt offered to a supe­ mistice for 20 days was proposed by the Vice on account of their republican sentiments.^ But to grotesque and piebald taste of an Indian. The rior tribunal, in the act of issuing that writ. In Roy, and agreed to by San Martin, for the pur­ keep the people quiet and prevent a rescued theie .- South-sea islander, who tatgos his face with.ochre, the mean time, CalUva was discharged, after his pose of fixing the basis of a negociation, for the weie large bodies of troops patroling the streets. - and runs a fish's bone through his nose, is not sealed be* had been broken open and the papers snttlementof the differences between the conten­ till the prisoners were fairly shipped." Th^ gov­ more ridiculous,, in the eye of reason," than the taken off, and the further prosecution of the rem­ ding parties.- . • ." . - . : ernor is most generally disliked, and indeti! de- European Prince or courtier; who covers himself edy of the habeas corpus became of course im­ spi'.itd. He was a general of some celebrity ilndcr £ with gilding and trumpery gewgaws, wiiieh a material. . CUIIACOA, Sept. 22. Lord Wellington, and the European troops, one'• 'groan ot sense would be ashameu to have in his ' An unwillingness to be openly embroiled with Accounts from Puerto Caaello states, that the and all, are most firmly attached to him ; but he - house, and then exhibits himself like a harlequin the Governor, however, induced Judge Fromentin Ligera frigate was lying there ready for sea, and has governed with such an iron sway, that .the to the admiralion of children,,.,arid the derision of to call privately on General Jackson the ensuing was to sail in a few days for Cumana, with several natives will never be at rest till he is cut off men of sense. The taste which dictates this bar- ; v.!?/- day, not with an idea of obeying the citation, but '; vessels under her convoy, laden with military and branch. A few days bolote I uriived at A -'-'barhus buffoonery is of the same stock with that as an expression of individual and official respect. stores, for the relief of that place. nambuco, he was shot in the groin while pas which prefers a gilded block of wood to a Grecian But he had no reason to be satisfied with the re­ The Spanish privateer schooner CcceliaV of 7 one of the bridges, though not mortally wo,umkd. statue. Aud the man who identifies.greatness sult of this visit. Gen. Jackson told him expli­ gunsj and about 80 men, sailed from Puerto Ca- ihe man who shot him jumped over th^ bridge . with such paltiy exhibitions, is as. unable to ap­ citly, and afterwards repeated it to others, '-that bello, on Monday, to assist in the blockade of La and was drowned, and was found in a day or i^a preciate the sublime simplicity of the American he should have beep punished had he gone one Giuyra* • ; • after, tje was placed in an arm chair by the sitfe ..system, as a savage is to feci the Bcividue'A- step further.'; Gen. Jackson, 'it seems, insiMed A party of the Independent foict's has been for of the principal church, and was there exbibiud

: ^Vv

•-'* " ... r.^.'vr/ - - -'V ' '•-' . ' -* •- ••.'•••••; • *• • •Vv aAV'-v- ' •' r %'S ;vi -?''•-

J Vl> " ; v :, > V - " ' |i, .: -Sv-r;: :5 !; '; C '. > '• -ffcW Vi #,' Vs^ ; fdr two ilayfe, in order that 5'om^per|bh. tnignt MAiiiiitit), DRY GOODS, lay claim. 10 the corpse, bat there "was hone to be NORWALK GAZETTE. In this town on Monday evening last, Mr. Bradley Downs of Weston, to Miss Eliza Brooks SuitaMe fbr f(@k aflfiroaching season, just ^ found that would recognise it. MB. BENNETT* .* •< Let the scale turn as it will the Brazils toill be WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1821. of Norwalkf - •• ' ^ "j In Norwich, Ct. on the iotli, inst. by the Rev. XTRA blue, black and mixed -mtJ •-;-t f - • ^ iri an unsettled state for some time to coirte ; and At the late term of the Superior Court of New Common do do *? « ^ ' j |j3 (ii Patriots gain their point in Pernambu- Mr. Mitchell, Rev. Edward W. Hooker, of Greens- E s 10ll e Hampshire< held in Hopkinton, Daniel D. Far­ Drab Pelisse Cloih . co» the revolution will spread all over the country, Farms, (Fairfield,) to.Miss Faith T. Huntington, mer was tried for the wilful murder of Ann Ayer daughter of Jabez Huntington, Esq. Bluei black ahd mixed Cassimeres is^Sj from Maranham to the River Plane. •, a widow, of Goffstown, in April last. *1 he prin­ Red, white, yellow and crimson FIahheI.%^^1^ •la i-~. cipal witness was the daughter of the deceased, Olive and drab ^ From the Louisiana Herald, Sefit. 18. •'DIED, ;• aged 14 years.—She deposed, that in the evening Black tabby do " Black and figured Ratihet Province of' 7'eoras.—Within a tew months, a At Curacoa, about 9 in the evening of the 27th of the 4th April last, Farmer came to the house Plain and figured Bombazetts number of persons have visited the interior ol this Sept. Admiral Peter Louis Brion, Commander in of her mother; that he continaed conversing with and figured Cassimere Shawls •" province, with a view of ascertaining-what degree Chief of the Columbian naval forces, in the ,39th her mother upwards of an hour, when they both Black silk Shawls Black Sarcenet * 'V.of safety in person and property could be enjoy- year of his age. left the room, and were absent about 10 minutes. Green Florence Green , ' ed, and for the purpose of forming a just estimate —That on their return, Farmer brought in with Black Italian Crape Rose Blankets . ' of the advantages held out to the trader and agri- him a stick about as large as one of the posts of a Purple and white Shawls • - /AxHiltoralist on becoming citizens of the country. CODFISH. chair, and a short time after said to her mother, Flagg and black Canton hhdkfs^ Madrass do. '. .We have availed ourselves ol an opportunity of Anew supply of Codfish just received and lor * I am going to kill you, and then you* may kill me ; Light and dark Calicoes Furnitiire Calicoes •••'•' conversing with some of those who have just re- sale by BURRALL & THOMAS. and immediately struck her a blow on the head, Carlisle Ginghams Black Cambric .Muslin ' . " . turned from Labahia, and who were prohibited October 22. which brought her to^the floor i-—That the wit­ Imported and American Ginghams ' V ^ V ' '- • from going further into the country by the Gov- ness then screamed, and was also knocked down HE subscribers having been appointed by the do do sheeting and shirting Musrfn ^ ! v- ernor of the Province} who resides at St. Amonio. by Farmer, and beeatne insensible, that he strew­ Hon.Court of Probate for Stamford district. Cambric Muslins Book do gji-.- -C; Although they speak in high terms of the gene- T ed fire over the floor, and collected severafarti- Commissioners on the estate of Samuel Holly.,late Leno and Sarcenet Cambric ,. ^^^ 7 ' > fa! face of the country, they describe the people cles together, in order to burn the house, and of said Stamford,deceased, represented insolvent, Figured Jackonet Dimities \ * * • . ' as being reduced lo an abject state of povetty and then fled. The girl recovered soon after, and give notice that six months from the 17th day of Gentlemen and Ladies' beaver gloves : i»; misery. The inhabitants are afraid to venture a extinguished the fire with 6ome beer in a mug, September last is limited by the said court of Ladies* kid do White and black silk doK > 5 " X mile from Labahia on account of the Indians, who, and fastened the door. The woman made her probate for the creditors to exhibit their claims a- Black silk and worsted Florentine Vesting me J --^lo the"'timber of 500, are encamped within six way to her bed, and died a few days after, of the gainst said estate to said Commissioners, and that Mersailles do Cotton balls and Tape ' * rl miles of* the town. During the time our it»lo:- wounds inflicted on her. It appeared, that the Black worsted Hose Lamb's Wool do. '4 " niant was at Labahia, the Indians made an at'.ack tney will attend to the business of their appoint- prisoner and the deceased had had a criminal in­ First and second quality coat and vest buttons on the place, and killed se«eialol the inhabitants, merit at the dwelling-house of Seth Weed in said tercourse together, that she bad sworn a child on Pins and Needles ; Millinett, &c. &c. i. Corn, the principal article of their provision's, was Stamford, on the 2d Mondays of November and himi and that he had threatened to kill her lor it. February next, at 2 o'clock P. M. on each of said IdP A general assortment of GROCERIES1 very scarce, owing to a great drought. —It turned out that she was not pregnant. After HARD-WARE, and CROCKERY. v,i}, ^ Gen. Aredonda, the commander oi the royal days. JOHN AUGUR, ? Commission- a patient investigation, an able, delence by the Norwalk,, Oct. 16. . ' y.- • forces in four of the interior provinces, had been "WM. DAVENFORT, $ ers. prisoner's counsel, and an impartial chai ge to the i ! beaten, and surrendered to the Revolutionary *f Stamford, Oct. 4, 1821. 34 jury by Chief Justice Richardson, the jury with parly, who now have possession of the wholecoun- To whom it may concerto,* t drew, and in an hour alter returned with a verdict . v., try. A courier had arrived at Labahia, bringing N looking over some rece.nt communications ; of Guilty. It appeared in evidence, that the hab­ Fall and Winter Goods. vv v'the constitution adopted in Mexico, and a request the other day I noticed the following very el-» * its of Farmer were those of a steady, industrious HE subscribers have just rececived a large I ' for the Spanish officers and soldiers to swear to egant extract. Sir, your Note MXfs-t be paid by man, that his temper was mild, his kindred res­ assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, ma­ support it, which was accordingly done, and the T the 1st of November? Some folks would call that pectable, that he was a widower, with several king their assortment equal if not superior to any ceremony concluded with a ball and other amuse- elegant, but for my part I can see no elegance a- children. He heard his sentence with a due de­ stock in the place. As goods are hourly advan­ ' ments in the evening. At St. Antonio some of bout it. That little naughty word MUST, in my gree ot firmness.—Host. Cent. cing in price it may be wrll for those that stand opinion, detracts very much frotn the beauty of i the officers refused to swear to the new constitu­ in need to buy quick. Among the goods they A Miss Edith Little, of Colebrook, Conn..who the sentence. It may do well enough for the sub­ tion, and were sent to Monte el Rey in irons. are new placing on the shelves may be found V — —» 4U- ® has been for a long time in a state of mental de­ jects of John Bull, but to the feelings of a free • ' Frotn the Charleston poun'er, Oct, 13. rangement, on the feth of Sept. took an opportu­ ROAD Cloths of various priccs and qualities born American its music is like the filing of a Florida.—-\iy the following from the St. Au- nity when she was not observed, to effect her es­ Black blue and mixed Cassimeres saw, 1 never did like it, and am therefore de­ gustine paper ot the 6lh inst. it appears that Gov. cape by running away. She was soon missed, Sattinets fine and common . . ' \' !>- •• termined not to use it in my correspondence. •" . Worthington of East Florida, has been obliged to and all possible search made by the family, but Red, while, green and yellow^annel Now you-may remember that some time ag6 I resort to similar measures for obtaining possess­ in vain. The neighborhood was alarmed and Bambazeltes of all colotsj some fig'd and twilled published a very loving epistle to all those tvhose ion of public documents See. in that province, to rallied, and after a search of five days she was Black Bombazene. fine and common notes or accounts became due previous to the 1st those pursued by Gov. Jackson at Pensabola. found on the 13tl>, in a thicket near a stream, Best India Levantine silk • * ^ j of March last, that I wanted them settled b the ' We underhand that Gov. Worthington, after which it is supposed she had followed for some White, blue and green Florence 1st of August: and whereas very few understood his arrival here, had written tb the Spanish Esci i- distance. She had thus been exposed to severe Black and colored Canton Crape, vv ' what I said, although it was couched in plain vano to dleiver over the papers ; and had appoint­ storms for six days and nights, without any shel­ Sinchews and Sarcenets - [with borders terms and grammatical language, nevertheless, ^ ed Edmund Law, Esq- as Alcade. I he delivery ter, or any other sustenance than what the woods Casssimere shawls, drab, black and scarlet, some if you will now be so very obliging as to pay op < was refused for reasons giverfby the Escrivano. afforded. She was alive, in high spirits, but'her Imitation, purple and Merino shawls , by the 1st of November next, I will let you into a It was then determined lo issue a special com­ bodily strength had failed her in a gi;eat measure Black, blue and green Tabby Veivet secret that will pay you for all your trouble, and mission to three Americans, and take all the with­ It is supposed that near one hundred men had iJlack silk dino Green Baize- of which you do not seem to be aware, viz.' It is ' held archives and documents from the Escrivano, been searching six days for her, they had passed Scotch Plaids for Cloaks, a very superior article easier to pay one dollar than two and as the sub­ ex-Governo^, and every one else into whose hands and repassed the spot where she was concealed* Vesting, a great variety, of the dandy style scriber has entered into some new arrangements, . they might be found —peaceably if practicable but and were then going the ground over for the last Black and green Italian Crapes Suspenders it becomes necessary that his old books be balan­ forcibly if nccestary. We further understand, time, and had she not been accidentally seen,.in all Flags, black, Canton and Madrass Handkerchiefs ced by Note or Payment. that Mr. Worthington, under the 7th article ol probability she must soon have perished. White and figured Cravats D. S. BARTRAM. American and Carlisle Ginghams v - the treaty, considered Col. Coppenger, the late% An unfortunate fellow, named Henderson, cau Norwalk,Oct. 10. S3 , " Furniture Calicoes • Velvet Ribbons - governor, and any other Spanish officers remain- tions the public, in the Watertown Republican Domestic and Imported Muslins * ing here sincethe cession, as private individuals ; for the second time, not to credit his wife Betsey, Gloves, a general assortment ~ WOOD Wanted. • and'therefor<|§ntered into no correspondence par- because she had eloped no less than four times in :"1 White and mjxt lambs' wool Hose WENTY or thirty Load* of Wood wanted— - ricalartf^tllhim on the subject ; but, as his ul­ the short space of six years, Irom his bed and timatum,' w-rote plainly and forcibly to the Escri­ Black'and slate colored worsted do. T to be delivered in the month of October ; 4 board. He states, that, notwithstanding these fre­ for which Cash will be paid. Inquire at this of­ vano^ Mr. Entraigo, to give the papers up peace­ quent elopements, he was willing to maintain her Thread and Thule Lace Black .and colored Cambric 'Ribbons fice. • October 1st. 31 ably. The delivery was not offered ; and it was in'such style and manner as his circumstances plainly seen that nothing but jutifusble coercion warranted. Madam, however, seems not to have Calicoes a vuri&ty of patterns v would succeed. A commission was then made been pleased with this, and to have gone oft: Knitting and sewing Cotton ;'-Wanted, Black and blue sewing silk and twist, &c. 8cc. out by the-governor to John li. Bell, James G. hence thd notice of ihe husband not to harbor or LAD from 14 to 16 years of age, as^n ap. Forbes, and Edmund Law, Esquires, with Messrs. trust her on his account. . ' HARDWARE. Aprentice to the Shoemaking business John G. Bird, and Antelem Gay. as clerks, y Knives and Forks, some very cheap j pen and JOHN FLEMING; W7e perceive by Advertisements in the last .On the 2d inst. by mail, a ler.er was received pocket Knives, bread and shoe Knives ; Spoons; Norwalk, Oct. 8th, 1821. 32 Bridgeport papers, that at least seven petitions for r from Gen Jackson, dated the 1st ult. ordering the Knobs i Chest Trunk Locks ;.Butts & Screws; Divorce were filed at the last term of the Superior taking into possession ot the papers in question Butts, Sissors and Shears ; Files, Door Hands 6c UST published by the subscriber^ and for Court in Fairfield County. These dissolutions ol immediately. Accordingly, after a consultation Ketches ; Razors arid Razor Strops ; clothes and J sale bv the Thousand, Gross,Dozen,or single partnership seem to bs more frequent than for­ between the -Governor and Col. Lustis, within, Toulh Brushes ; Brads, Cut Nails 4d 5d 6d 8d Midclhbrooles AltnanacJ^fpr merly, and are a growing evil in the land, i lie a few hours alter its receipt, the aforesaid Com and lOd -Wro't Nails ; 8d and lOd Bellows See. niisMoners and Clerks, aittndeci simply oy Mi. parties alluded lo are, Sally Hayt, of Ridgefield, CROCKERY—A general assortment. Hanham the High bhenff, entered me Escriva- against John H- ; Chailotte Craig, of New-Fair- no's office, and in his piescuce, peaceably took field against Edward C.; Laura Guir, ot Weston, GROCERIES. , against Silas G.; Betsey Northrup, of New-Ca- charge oft five boxes ol papers—they then went St.Croix, New Runs, Old Spirits; Holland and to the Ex-Governor's, when, after having been naan, against Joseph N. ; Hannah Ferris, of Strat­ American Gin ; Coguiac Biandy ; Molasses ; For sale, also, by the Post-riders from the G.a ford, against Peter F.; Eliza Ann Belden, of Young Hyson, Hyson Skin and ShouchongTeas ; r admitted into the house, they opened his office, zette-Office. P# PRICE* X- by the he riff's kicking his foot against the door, Wilton, against Thomas B. ; and Mary Brooks, Lump and Brown Sugar ; Pepper, Alspice, Cof­ ; October 10. a: and took quiet charge of 6 more boxes of papers, of Danbuiy, against John B. B.—Register. fee, Ginger, AHum, Pearlash & Starch ; Plug & which are now in American custody, and under­ The man who was committed to piison in Sus- Smoking Tobacco, Segars, &c. &c. &c. REMOVAL. going examination. quehannah county (Pa.) for the non-payment of DAUCHY & JAMES. s Spanish his marriage fee, is stated in the Utica Sentinel HE subscriber has removed his Bookstore The officers behaved very well on the -Norwalk. Oct. ?lst, 1821. 34 •! occasion, and of course protested most loudly a- to have delivered himself from limbo by selling T and Bindery to the room lately occupied by gainst the whole proceeding j and we are proud his wife, and applying the proceeds to the dis­ ISSING—from the Presbyterian Church, Mr. E. H. Street, first door east of Street's Hot eh to say that the commissioners, and the officers charge of the debt. M a PSALM and HYMN BOOK, Dwight's selec­ —CONSTANTLYCO^HAiJp. AND FOR SALE— tion, bound in red Morocco, and lettered on the A complete assortta^^rdf SCHOOL and TOY with them* executed the affair in the compleicst Suicide.— At St. Charles (Missouri) on the 8th cover with the name of S. W. BENEDICT,—'The BOOKS, with a vai$S$^ijt Mjg&etlaneow Books, and most unexceptionable manner. . ult. Major Augustus blew bis brains out with a person who has'it in his possession would confer Stationary, Ifc. "' The papers will soon be separated and listed ; pistol. At the time he committed the rash act, a particular favor on the owner by returning it as Also, Tooth, Dusting) White-washj Scrubbing* wc shall then be enabled to lay them befpre the he was laboring under an attack of billious fever, soon as he has done using it. and Shoe BRUSHES. # public, who will till then suspend their opinion on and the day before his dealh he disposed, by willi Norwalk, Oct. 16. - —"JUST RECEIVED— ; . this delicate and interesting affair^ of his personal property, amongst which was a NO FICTION ; or the test of Friendshifi} an a gold and silver watch, abput &30 in money, and ROKE into the enclosure of the subscriber interssting Narrative, founded on recent facts' Gov. Worthington has issued his proclamation the proceeds arising from the sale of his horse and on the 25th of Sept. last six SHEEP—the and connected with living characters. declaring the city of.St. Augustine, to be visited other effects, toa Miss Eleanor Ray Of N.York. B owner is requested to prove properly, pay char Memoirs of Obookiah, a native of the Sandwich with a most malignant sickness. The disease is Shocking accident.—The BeJlona Powder Mills ges, and take them avyay. ASA FERRIS. Islands. chiefiy confined to the laboring class ol white upon Jones's Falls, near Baltimore, were blown Stamford, Oct. 2. , ' >/ 33 Watt's Catechism, with prayers, hymnsi and people who have recently arrived Irom the north. up on the evening of the 15th inst. by which sev­ eral of ihe workmen were killed and six shock­ spiritual songs. -'k&A- '^ ji^-All orders for Books or J&ndfogi will bd': The Washington City Gazette stales that u is ingly wounded. Particulars had not transpiied. Strayed or Stolen received with pleasure, and, strictly alttend to. understood General Jackson has ariivedat his T he accident is said to have been occasioned by UT of the pasture of the subscriber on the gtj^ ' P. PRICE. sea near Nashville, tliut h is reported he has re­ the manager driving a nail with an axe, from O night of the 1st inst. a dark brown HORSE, signed or' intends lo resign his appointment ol which a spark was elicited. about 15 hands high, 12 or 13 years old, with a governor of Florida, and that he never meant to A Pittsburg paper states, that that city, 4 years number of spots of bare skin about the head and CONE'S SALVE, hold the office only long enough to organize the ago/had a population of 10,000, but that, by the breast, and under the belly : also, a two years old An infallible remedy for tht Salt Rkeitta. ten itoriai government. late census it is reduced to nearly - 7,000, with a COLT, bright bay, with a star in his forehead and HE compound of this invaluable Medicine ieduction of business generally at the rate of 75 a snip on the nose, the star more on one side than T has remained a secret with the descendants ' FROM"EUIU.>PE. ' percent. • (he other of his head, with a number of burs in of Dr. Cone, an eminent Physician, who lived By the Robert Fi.hon, from Liverpool, arrived Thirty-three sail of vessels from the Labrador his tail. Whoever will take up said Horses, and nearly 100 years ago. The subscriber* one of at New-York, Liverpool papeis to the 6th and coast, arrived at Boston, ham 20th Sept. lo the send'them to the subscriber, or give him notice,so his descendants, possessing the khow^^jt of this • London to the 4lh Sept. are received. 14th inst. with theit cargoes of codfish, amount­ that he may get them again, shall be handsomely compound, feels it his duty to use it for the benefit •5 They contain nothing of importance.—By the ing lo 2,266,000 fish. ; , j rewarded, and all reasonable charges paid. of the sufferers in the human family; and there-- . last advices received at London, it appears prob­ Gov. Brooks, of Massachusetts, has appointed ENOCH TOMPKINS. fore.without further introduction, offers this Salve , able that a reconciliation has taken place between Thursday the 6th day of December next, to be ob­ Whiteplains, Oct. 8, 1821. ; 36 *6 w to the public as a safe and efficacious remedy far Russia and Turkey, the latter power, it is said, served a* a clay of Thanksgiving and Prayer. that implacable malady, the Sail Rheum. It has having accedcd to ail the terms oi the Ultimatum Gov. Bell, ot Ncw-Hampshire^has appointed never been known to fail of a radical cure when proposed. • V.: Thursday the 29th day of November next, as a For Sale. . ; properly applied j and generally with the use of It is said there is some misunderstanding oe- day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. TFFLHE subscriber offers to sell his one box.. : ./ tween >he government ol Portugal and tno Aus- The method of uslrig this Salve is\o appiy it It is reported that an English vessel, from Ja­ A House and Barn, Blacksmith Shop : i irian' minister, in consequence of which the Rus- the part affectedltwo or three times' a day. maica having on board a company of performers and Tools, together with about half an acre of | ; sian, Austrian and Prussian Ministers have It'll thedisorder isdeeply rooted, alnd of longstanding^ j with their musicians and instruments, in passing Land adjoinining, situated in Ridgebury, a few ( ! that court and arrived in England. ^ ^ f larger quantities fire necessary ; and sometimes a the west end of Cuba, was approached by a pirat­ rods south of the Meeting house. It is an excel­ ^The Andromache frigate had arrived in Engf potion or two of; salts may be useful. , 'The pub­ ical cruizer, whereupon the band struck up a mar* lent stand for the Blacksmth business, being an ' land from Lima with one million of dollars, and lic are cautioned against spurious boxes. No tial tune in the loudest style—and the buccaniers old stand for said business. Any person wishing ; | - Jiaving on board as passengers Lady Cochrane, are genuine not signed by t- ; E. DEWEY* immediately tacked ship and fled, apparently sup­ to purchase will please to call and view the premi­ 1'-'and the family of the cx-vice roy. ; „ New-York, 1821. 3 * y posing they were getting alongside of a vessel ol ses. Immediate possession can be given, with an i The crops are said to be much lhjured in Eng­ The above Salve for sale at this Office. war and exposing their necks to the halter they indisputable title. PHILIP DAUCHY* 2d. land by the blight and mildew; in tomequence of Ridgebury, Sept. 24. 3w*31tf !" vhich "the ptice of bread stoft's a if advancing. merited. ' -" K'"i --V :t:=l~'i''- ^J"1^ y. >>4xW-J :? •••" -

V "*'r •••:•£ .v.i>

;:-/v : She tlien went to llit. dottor, whoiii stie tftd leaded, and many a heart-Ache it has saved me.— it . across the roa4. J.No,' said the. Indian, k if wd-^ ytyOM THE RICHMOND INQUIRER.' with tears in her C|ye?, that she had brought her Yet I have never lotted round me in the world want fftn, $kjntlet lis do any harm. Let as have f yWJ^SET-'iN WJW&R*'~ husband with her, who had been feo badasoh without seeing many tHat were as thoughtless ancfc fun that will do'goodt See here is 4 pond across H 1 that very morning to hare disowned all knowl­ -foolish as I had .been. I have seen young men the road, that foot people cannot get alohg with- Vnnth dreams not of pain whewpts- moments are edge of her and every person in the.family, and take a social glass for friendship's sake—and I out getting wet, and there is an old; tfee that i.; - , - dCAt) • raised a. great disturbance, in the house of one of have known such often to be verily laid in the would make a good foot path. If we iftust have >• t 1 Qr the C^p of enjoyment to sqothe us is near ; his neighbours, from whom he pretended to de­ ditch before they had done .with social, glasses.-— a frolic let us put the old tree across the pond for , HI Thus the brook murmurs on, and the wild flow-' mand money on some imaginary account of deal­ I have seen old men build castles in the air, anb people to walk on.. The proposition was imme­ k '"j ersiise " ' [theskijes. ing. She then entreated .him to trysail possible known those"castles to fall and push their build­ diately adopted and carried into effect. There are " When the cloud's on the mountain,and warmth in means for his recovery, advising him, though, to ers into the ditch in the end. 1 have seen young manyof our civilized young men who might derives • ' \ , . , r When the wild woven . visions of Fancy are gone take caie that he had proper assistance at hand, men marry wives before they were able to sup­ instruction from this example. v, , , And lost the soul is its liveliest tone, as he was apt to be be very outrageous, and then port themselves genteelly, and I have known them to drag their wretched and helpless families down •>3§\Vhat clveers u^t^,X^jJt;^c!P.e ,-lp.Py-,!Pa88^n's giving him another fee, she said she could not ^ MORAL REFLECTIONS? r with them into the ditch. I have seen old and ; given, " V;- •' >[en' bear to be within hearing of him, much less to * Lean not on earthy ' pierce thee to the heart.' Their chorcte shall be tun'd to the music of tfeav- seSe him, in those unhappy circumstances, but middle aged men indulge foolish wives and spoil­ An immortal mind cannot long be delighted would go to a friend's in the neighbourhood, and ed children in every finery,and known such fam­ with the pleasures of time. It must be fed with *• ' The last sun we gafce on is brightest and best- return to call for him in about an hour, when the ilies to wind up their concerns in a ditch at,last. nobler, with heavenly food.—Earth with all .its It beams pn our sod covered mansion of rest i operation might be overr and conjuring him not - It is no matter, Messrs. Editors, what kind of enjoyments will be forgotten, riches will escape There sorijt^v and sighing shall ceas® with our to use any harsh means, or put the dear man to a ditch it is—and those of drunkenness, crime, the miser's eager giasp, and mirth flee before the " breath, any pain that could possibly be avoided, she went and poverty are the very worst in the whole world, votaries of pleasure. How tmpty then, are the And our ashes shall sleep in the slumber of death* aWay. ^ and are also easily avoided if men will—Look be­ vain pursuits of earthly good I Regardless of the y. • ' • fore they leap. •m :Love, friendship apd: pleasure, ar*jfleeting in stay> 'i he doctor then waited upon his patient, whom Sublime enjoyments of futurity, we eagerly grasp ' And being, when fairest, fades soonest away; he found sitting very composedly, and after some When I see a mechanic about to leave his shop at the world, till, like the dagger of the assassin* But our.hopes, on the earth, like the.tints ef the general chat, asked him^iow he found himsei! and go to keeping a tavern, I think, good man,you it pierces the heart. The hopes of the thought­ ; ^ Even, that morning, and desired to feel his pulse. Tho' had better—Look before you leap. The ground less multitude rcach not beyond the veil of time { Glow brightest when setting for ever in Heaven ! the inercer thought this something odd, he had on the other side is slippery, and may by chance but the chiisiian's hope brightens w.ith the decay V• i, r accustomed himself to so much compliance, with give you a fall. of nature. No clouds of anxiety darken the sun When I hear a'young man resolving not to EPITAPfi—BY I>OBD BYRON. his ready money customers, that he answered of his prosperity. No alarming'fears disturb his? learn a trade» but to get a gig and a dandy eiiit, Bright be the pjace of thy soul I , him civilly, and reached him his hand ; nor had midnight itpose. Hope is an anchor To his soul, and set himself up for a rich wife ; I would IV.in No lovelier spirit than thine ^ v ! resolution,' or presence of mind perhaps to con­ which, amidst all the storms of life, directs htrn whisper to him, friend—Look before you leap.— E'er burst from.its mortal control, - tradict the doctor, upon iiis telling him that it forward, with enraptured joy, to seats of immor­ And when I see a poor but pretty, bowing, and , In the orb of the blessed to shine j was absolutely necessary for him to lose some tal bliss. He ' leans not on earth,' no; his trust scraping gentleman, putting his neck into the On earth thou vyert all butdiyine, ' blood, but submitted, quietly to ll;e operation. is Him whose promise never falls. W hen afflic­ ycke with a cross old maid—her pocket full of j As thy sgul shall immortally be, However, thinking he had no farther occasion tions assail, and poverty thrcateus him, whec bank notes and her head as empty an a kettle And our sorrow may cease to repine, for the doctor's advice, he thanked him very po­ death knocks at the door, he reposes in the arms drum, I remember the boy and the grind stone, When we know that thy God is with thee. litely, and said, tlipl as he had a good deal of bu­ of faith, he can easily part with the world, for siness to do that morning, he should be very and think how often people put their noses to it. this is not his portion. But where.is the infidel I-ight be the turf .ofthy tom{>! • much obliged to him to despatch him as soon as When I see a farmer adding acre after acre to to look for enjoyment, when his body sleeps in j/lay its verdure, like emeralds be ! he could. his plantation though it is larger already than lie the dust ? Does he hope his existen.ee wjll then .•<;. i There should not be a shadow of gloom The doctor answered that he was glad to find can cultivate, and mortgaging the old homestead be at an end ? lie starts hith horror at the thought! 7 - r" in aught that reminds us of thee ; him in so happy a state of mind—which prornia-' for payment, I would say to him, take care, lest Reason convinces him of its absurdity., ^ y\ :Young flowers and an.evergreen tree, ed a speedy cure as it shewed that his wUsnolo- you and| your farm go into the ditch together.— Religion brightens in the shades of retirement. i: May grow on tiifc.spot of thy rest, rigmul madiitss ; and then, without giving the And wliien I see an honest cultivator of the soil, The hurry of business, and the rude scenes of --"But nor cypress nor ye\y lei us se-— other time to reply, he called to his man to bring who by hard labour has laid up a few hundreds, mirth, drown the whispers of conscience, and For why should we mown for the blest. • in his cupping glasses, and apply them to the getting a carriage and horses, buying quench the vital spark of religion. The Chris­ gentleman's head. and Canton Crapes, and striving to imitate the tian will often retire'to converse with his God. \< - FEMALE POLICY; ;- ' To my head, sir !' exclaimed the mercer, in fashionables ; from my soul I wish he had a little There he enjoys his sweetest moments, there he -f'OR, THE MAD MERCER—A, TRUE TALE, affright,- ' cupping glasses to my head 1 I do riot of the spirit of the poor cobler, who,when a friend tastes the sweetest pleasures which it is notin the callcd to him to come out from Iiis stall and see 'il. Those who declaim vvi\h the greatest. vehe- understand you, sir ; and desire that you will power of earthly objects to afford. When he the procession passing to the coronation ofGeorge withdraws from noise tft:d disturbance—when he v-. mence against the excellency of wQpT)*m,s UP^^r" ci^spatch me without any more of your advice or the thiad, innocently replied—4 God sent me into .standing, generally conclude their argument by practice, .which 1- jieither want nor will submit meditates at leisuie on these great truths which the world to make shoes, and I have nothing to arf Appear to expei itnee which Tffey _t|)ink estab to.' 'Poor gentleman i' answered the doctor, have never been seriously enough considered, it t do with these fine shows and ceremonies.' 'liish.es the opinion, that when she falls ftonm virtue, ' poor gentleman ! I was ir> hopes you had a pro­ is almost impossible that he should not be affect­ But again—when I see a man or woman, old or ; she exceeds man in the fliigrancy of her crimes. per sense of your condition ! Do not be alarmed, ed with them. Intercourse with the world cools young, great or small, living as if they were to .1 But if this (shojild we e ven indulge them by gran-. sir ; though the operation is a little painful, it will our affections for religion, and dar kens the hopes live forever, without one thought of, or prepara­ of future enjoyment, in the same proportion that ^Tifig \vhat mijrlii iir.d it difficult,to demp.ri- soon be over j-Vand there is not the least danger in tion for death, I would thunder iu their ears if I it cncreases our attachment to the present. If ' * striate) proves Iny thing, it is directly |h.e reverse it. Proceed, John ; call in Thomas and William. could—Look before you leap ; for leap you must, we would breath a purer air, we must, shun the It 1 of what they allege it in support of, as it certainly If you struggle, sir, you will only add to y our perhaps when least you expect it—and if you slip noxious vapours of lice ; we mtist flee from it as 1 inquires superior.abi.liti.es to exceed at all. pain, and compel us to tic you down. You shall then it will be for an eternity ! OAKWOOD. more dangerous tnan the plague or the pestilcnce. • f The following instance of female address, tho' see, sir, tha.t I will despatch you directly. 4 Ye friends of humanity; when you behold the show'n in a most unjustifiable cause, will prove Despatch me, sir,' replied the poor man, al­ From the St. Louis Inquirer. greater part of mankind eagerly pursuing the ' this, and may diy.eit by its circumstances even most frightened out of his wits, indeed, at the THE MOUNDS OF MISSOURI. fleeting vanities of time, and forgetting the joys ' those who feel a just abhorrence of its motive. sight of three or four ill-looking fellows with the 4 I know of nothing that would be more enter­ of immortality, then retire and heave a sigh for A well dre&sed, good looking woman, went instruments of torture ready, despatch me, sir : taining than a few speculative or descriptive i- human depiavitv ; but retire hot in vain.—Re­ ' lately to a physician noted for his .skill in curing pray, sir, do by paying me my lnoney ; here is deas upon the curiosities of this country, both solve to quit your follies ere you again irnmerge the- maladies of the mind, to whom she told a long the bill, sir, and give me leave to tell you, I am natural and artificial ; and which, were I ade­ in sinful pleasures. and circumstantial story of be1' husband's being not accustomed to such usage.' ' Aye poor man, quate to the task,might furnish matter for the sci­ All the moments of our lives are. counted. Let subject to an uncommon kind of madness, which it »s just so, just as she told me,' returned the 4 entific researches and itinerant labors of months. us employ them well or ill, we slMhnot increase affected him periodically,. when he would utterly, doctor; and so, sir, you want your money? At present I shall confine my observations to the their number, it is fixed and lessenPebntinually. , lose4»is memory, so as to forget his nearest rela- Make haste, Thomas. And pray, sir, will you Mounds, which, for their number, variety, and Is then our treasure on earth ? It will vanish in ..tions, and persist with the strongest obstinacy in please to tell me how much, and for wbat I am 4 even construction, in my apprehension, claim a the hour of distress. Is it in Heaven ? It will in­ / aiw extravagant notion which might happen to indebted to you V For what, sir / for the goods ; more distinguished place among the artificial cu­ crease in value through a boundless eternity. possess his imagination at thattime, though.in e- your wife got this morning I Here is the bill, sir;* 1 riosities of antiquity than they have hitherto sus Youth and beauty may fall before the corroding very other respect to all appearance in his reason. Poor man, tis just so. My wife, sir ? William, tained, and I am surprised the writers heretofore hand of time, like the tender flower before thsj She concluded her account with a flood of tears, fetch the straight waistcoat: I do not like his have taken no notice of them. philling blast of autumn. .The biightest morn­ and sharpened tlje doctor's attention by a hand­ looks. Pray, air, who is my wife ?' Why, sir, the 4 These ancient works pervade about the whole ing may sometimes be overcast with clouds—and some fee, who told her that he would consider ludy isho brought me here' My wife,is she ? Pray, s western country, and vary both in magnitude.and storms of adversity may drive us far from the I "the else with the greatest care, but that it was sir, is she not your wile ?' bHrt I do not under­ 1 form. Some are conical from the base to the smiles and caresses of our friends j happy beyond impossible for him to form a proper judgment stand you !' I suppose not, sir, at present, but top ; others present only the lower segment of a expression, if in these moments religion be our , so as to be able to prescribe without seeing the you'll remember better by and by. How exactly cone ; some are semi-globular, others in the guide. This will smooth the furrowed front of patient. she described his case 1 I do not wonder at her form of a parallelogram. The most remarkable age and blunt the barbed arrow of death. This To this her tender regard made many objec­ saying he was very bad.' appearances of mounds or pyramids in the west­ will brighten our hopts when all other enjoyments tions, particularly, because the very mention ol By this l*me the doctor's people had laid hold ern country, within my knowledge, are on the have fled, when gaity ceases to please, and mirth Doctor always heightened his madness, and to on the poor mercer, and, in spite of his roaring Mississippi, consisting of two groupes, the one a- can no longer delight. h'ave recourse to any violent rpethods in his own and struggling, clapped half a score of cups on his bout two miles above the Kahokia, which emp­ house, would expose him before his servant*, head. The pain therefore made him mad indeed, ties near St. Louis, and the other nearly the same which she could not bgar to do, and he would so that making a desperate effort, as he was a ve­ At a Court of Probates held for the state of New- distance below tH which in all exceeds one hun­ never forgive, should they even prove success- ry strong man, he burst from his persecutors, York, at the Probate office in the city ol Alba­ dred and fifty. r fut; burvhese ditficulVies were all soon removed, and rushed' into the street, with all the cups stick­ # . ny, the fourth day of September, in the year Near St. Louis, within one mile of the Missis­ by a proposal which she insensibly led the doc­ ing upon his head. of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sippi,on the east side is the upper groupe ; which tor to make, of bringing him to his house, where buch a sight instantly drew a mob about him, twenty one. at a little distance resemble a cluster of enormous no notice wotlld be taken of any noise he might who he entreated in vain to protect him, and as­ Present—GKRRIT Y. LANSING, Esqr. Judge of hay-stacks ; they are generally circular,and some make, and all things were in readiness lor what­ sist his escape, asserting his sanity, and exclaim­ Probtiicsi, of them of a great height, having space enough ever .should appear necessary to be done. To ing against the usage, he had received—but they In the matter of EZRA LOCKWOOD, . . * ori^the top to contain several hundred men. The this she consented, with seeming reluctance, and only laughed at the ridiculous figure he made, and Deceased, ''"'-v:Z... largest of these mounds is a stupendous of promised to try to decoy, him upon some pretence helped the doctor's men to overpower him, who HEREAS Charles Kriapp, administrator on earth, to form which must have required the la­ • to come next morning, as she had reason to ap­ were just dragging him back to his torture when Che estate of F.zra Lockwood, late of Stam­ bours of thousands for years ; it stands immedi­ W prehend that a lit was coming on him. The doc­ fortunately a gentleman with whom he was ac­ ford, in the state of Connecticut, deceased* by his ately on the bank of Kahokia. Were it not for tor accordingly promised to.be at home, at the quainted, happened to go by, who, surpiised to petition presented to the said Judge, has applied the regularity and design displayed,the plain allu­ time appointed, and the lady at her departure, see him in that condition, and being told the rea­ for an order to sell the real estate of the said de­ vial ground on which it stands, and the great took care to secure the. respect and attendance of son, soon undeceived the doctor, and relieved his ceased in'this state, consisting of a farm of about number of others scattered around it, I could his servants by her liberality. patient. three hundred and forty acresof land, situate in the scarcely believe it to be the work of human hands. *«#' Matters being thus far settled, she went the The discovery however was far from being t.own of Green, in the county of Chenango, for the The shape is a parallelogram from north to south; next morning, some time before the hour ap­ pleasing to either, as it shewed'them the whole pay ment of the debts of the said dee'd, the person­ on the south is a broad apron about half way down" pointed with the doctor, to the shop of a noted deceit of the woman who had passed on each for al estate of the said deceased being insufficient and from this another projection nearly fifteen silk-mercer, the natural complacency of •whose the wife of the other. Their first care was to to pay the same and praying the aid of this feet wide ; the whole circumference is 800 yards, temper, with other .circumstances which will ap­ send in pursuit of her, but she had planned her Court in the premises, and the petitioner having and the height of the mound 90 feet. The monks pear in the sequel, marked "him out as a proper schemes so well as to elude ail inquiries.—This fil ed in the offics of this Court, the account in the of La Trappe have settled Tit an it, who have subject for her design.. The morning being fine, heightened the difficulties in which they were al­ said petition mentioned. It is ordered that all made the apt on into a kitchen garden, and sowed ; she walked, attended by a footman in a genteel ready embroiled, aBd made the mercer inexora­ persons interested in the estate of the said d< ceas­ livery. Havjng looked curiously round tlie shop ble in his demand of reparation for the treatment the top with wheat. The extraordinary appear­ ed, do appear at the Probate office in the city of ance of the cluster of mounds forces conviction for some tim?, she told the mercer that she was he had received : to Satisfy which, and avoid the Albany, on Thursday, the first day of Novem­ recommended to him by a person ot distinction, expense, vexation aiid ridicule of a lawsuit, the on the reflecting mind that they are the only re­ ber next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, one ot his ^t .customers, whom she named to doctor was, by the mediation of friends, at length lics time has secured from oblivion, of a grealt and to show cause, if any they have, why the said re­ buy wedding-clothes for a young lady ol fortune prevailed upon to pay for the goods, and to divide populous city. The large mounds were proba­ al estate of the said deceased should not be sold inthe country, with every other thing that might the loss, he suffering that of the money, and the bly sites of temples, and many of the smaller ones for the payment of his debts. 4w31* be necess.ary for the. rest of the ladies.of the lami- mercer receiving no other satisfaction tor his per­ monuments of distinguished chiefs. There is, CHRISTOPHER Y. LAJJSIKG, Clerk. ly, on the occasion, and pulling a letter of direc- sonal damages, but the payment of his bill. perhaps, no spot in the west capable of producing more abundantly, and of supporting a more nu­ »ion out of her pocket, chose them with fancy and @ — At a Court of Probate h olden ut jYorwalk, Qct. S'/i, ^'^judgment, to a considerable amount, and then, > FROM THE EMPORIUM. merous population than this tract, called the A- 1821. ^ . while the mercer was making out the bill, order- LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. merican bottom. .<.• _ HIS Court lisiits and appoints six months The great number of meunds and the surpri­ ' ed her toalman to call axoach. ; When I was a boy I one day walked out with Irom this date for the creditors to the es-* t sing quantity of bones every where dug up or T • - As soon as it came, she bid the shopman put an «ld friend of my father's, and while engaged tate of Wm. Benedict, late of Norw=>lk, deceased W- found on the surface of the ground, with other ap­ •m-:' • the things into it, and, turning to the mercer, in conversation we came to a wide ditch. The to exhibit their claims against said estate,"-'and . pearances, prove this valley to have been ancient­ tpidhim she wa.sthe wife of such a gentleman>nam- old gentlemap paused—* Oliver,' said he, seeing the Executors are hereby ordered to give pub-, ly filled with the habitations of men. Near St. ing the doctor, and desired that tie would please I was about springing for the other side,' look be­ lie notice thereof as the law directs. Louis is a curious work much admired, called the ; to come home with her in the coach, where her fore you leap'—but before the sentence was finish­ Test "WM. G'. BETTS, Clerk, '-f. Fallen Garden. It suggests to the minds df the husband would pay him. He accordingly waited ed 1 hail made my leap ; the other side was, as it Notice is hereby given to the creditors of the spectators, the idea of a situation for assembling on her without hesitation, as he knew by charac- happened, extremely slippery, and my feet had estate of Wm. Benedict, late of NorwaHc, dec' j. the public councils. . tei* that the doctor was a man of fortune, though scarcely touched it before I found myself laid at that unless they exhibit their claims wHhfti tiic: I he was absolutely unacquainted with himself and full length a't the bottom,covered completely with time above limited, they will be debarred a l Execu- Some years ago a young Indian was brought When the coach stopped at, the doctor's, the clothes were utterly spoiled, and'although my 32 NATHAN LOCKWOOD.\ tors. into the while settlements to be educattd. His lady's footman knocked with authority, %nd the mother had a company of lovely young friends agreeable manners, vivacity, afid amiable dispo­ dot>r was opened by another exactly in the sam? to tea that very evening,1 was ojbljp:d to keep In Paints, Oils, : sition soon stcurcd him the esteem of his nu­ livery with him, who, ren»eti)bering her liberality my room: and what was wotw, received a.severe merous associates. JUST received, and for sale on the most reason­ the day beloie, received heii vyith the most obse- scolding, and the promise of no more new dress­ One evening a large company of young men, able terms, bv E. D. HOYT Be SON. - quious respect. She went in, without: asking a- es until 1 learned to take better care. (the Indian being one of the party,*) returning ..J jiy questions, and showing the mercer into m oyt- This misfortune madi^adeep impression bri my mm from a frolic, full of glee and lull of miachielj TBLANK£J4£TS tr parlour, with, ibe easy air of mistress of the mind-r-ihe lesson it gave^nje iviU-.ne&'rJte.:-for*' proposed to remove a fence by the way, and run For 1621, for s»l\ at tl^ GJZET pi dFFICj^ /• told him site would wuu on him directly gotion. Since tfiat hour I^I#4ysJook^d "before I

'I w