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Happy Valentines Day - Feb HOPI TUTUVENI PO BOX 123 KYKOTSMOVI, AZ 86039 PUBLISHED by FLAGstaff PUBLISHING CO. /AZ DAILY SUN 1751 THOMPSON STREET FLAGstaff, AZ 86001 HOPIVolume 24, Number 03 TUTUVE TUESDAY, FebruaryNI 2, 2016 POWAMUYA February The cleansing moon First Mesa Village Tawapa Spring Nonpoint Source Water Quality Improvement Project HOPI CALENDAR Kyaamuya- December Paamuya- January Powamuya- February Osomuyaw- March Kwiyamuyaw- April Hakitonmuyaw- May Woko’uyis- June Talangva- July Talapaamuya- August Nasan’muyaw- September Toho’osmuyaw- October Kelmuya- November Tawapa Spring before Restoration Project Tawapa Spring after the Restoration Project This Month In Lionel Puhuyesva to the Hopi villages. actual building of retention Director, Hopi Water The project started out walls around the pond and Hopi History with many planning ses- to close the area in. Resource Program • Pottery and weaving were sions with the local leader- Due to the hard work developed by A.D.500 The Hopi Water Re- ship and took a few years and collaboration in this to get all the necessary project it came out as a • Plazas and kivas like those sources Program (WRP) and U.S. Environmental documents and the submit- great success. Some oth- of present day Hopi, were tal of funding application er that aided in the project made A.D.900-1000. Protection Agency Region 9 (USEPA), along with to USEPA. were Hopi Tribal Housing • Feb. 4 Ancestors of the The Villages of First Mesa The WRP was successful Authority and Hopi Jr/Sr Navajo arrived in th South- in getting awarded fund- High School both of whom west in the 15th century Administrations and their traditional leaders, have ing through a nationwide aided by allowing WRP to • Feb. 24 Hopi pottery found joined efforts in a water- competitive grant selection utilize natural stone that as far away as Verde Valley, shed-based project that ad- process and it was time to the retaining walls are Chinle Valley, and South- dressed nonpoint sources go to work. made of. Area had to be cleared of invasive species that overtook ern Arizona. of pollution that negatively Albert Silas III, Non- The Water Resources the area. impacted Tawapa Spring in point Source Coordinator Program is proud of the First Mesa, Arizona. The was the lead assigned to outcome and we hope the restoration and protection keep the project moving First Mesa Villagers con- of this spring is important forward with the aid of tinue to utilize and main- to the Hopi Water Resourc- other WRP personnel and tain the spring well into the COMMUNITY es Program and the villages temporary workers. future. We like to thank CALENDAR of First Mesa to enhance The first course of ac- the Temporary Workers the water quality and there- tion was to take baseline for all their work and ded- fore, return the spring to a samples to evaluate water ication to the Project and Hopi Jr Hig School healthier state that will be quality prior to the spring they are: Steven Hon- anie, Lamual Howato, De- Basketball Schedule safer for tribal members rehabilitation. Major con- 2/4: TBA NAIC Tourney use in traditional rituals. stituents of concern were wayne Ahownewa, Kerwin Kayenta Middle School Although the villages now E. Coli, arsenic, total dis- Holmes, Daylan Qotswisi- wma, Leon Lalo and Lind- 2/6: TBA NAIC Finals have municipal water sys- solved solids and ortho sey Koinva. Kwa Kwai to Chinle tems, springs are still uti- phosphates to name a few. lized by the Hopi people Work began in earnest all of you! Hopi High School for drinking water, agricul- and the area was cleared of If you have any questions Basketball Schedule tural irrigation and ceremo- invasive species that had in regards to this project 2/2: 4p vs. Alchesay (H) nial use. At one time, the begun to overrun the area. please feel free to contact Craig Andrews with the Office of Range Management the Water Resources Pro- 2/4: 12n vs. WindowRock (H) springs were the primary The next phase was to helps to excavate the pond. gram at (928) 734-3712. 2/5: 12n vs. RoundValley (H) supply of water for all uses earth work and then the Second Mesa Day School Co-Ed Basketball Tourney 2/5-7: Second Mesa Day Troy 928-266-9581/3775 [email protected] Valentines Bazaar 2/2 - 2/13: Times vary Hopi Cultural Ctr 928-734-2401 Wadsworth selected as new Article/Ad Submissions due to the Tutuveni 2/9: 5pm for 2/16 edition Secretary for Tribal Council 2/23: 5pm for 3/1 edition Hopi al Council, Tribal Installation of retaining wall around pond pictured DHHS Medical Transport Tutuveni programs & Depart- from left to right: Steven Honanie, Lamual Howato, 2/15: No transport Service ments and the Hopi Leon Lalo, Lindsey Koinva and Albert Silas III. 2/23: No transport Service Among five can- communities,” said 928-734-3421 didates seeking the Wadsworth. position of Hopi According to the Hopi Corps Community Tribal Council sec- constitution, candi- Forum retary, Maxine Wad- dates vying for the 2/24: 6pm-7:30pm sworth was selected secretary position, Hoi Mission School as the top contender must have been a and offered a two- resident member year position as sec- of the Hopi Tribe, retary to the Hopi must speak the Hopi Tribal Council. language fluently Hopi Tutuveni Wadsworth is and read and write Water Clan from English well. The P.O. Box 123 the Village of Shun- position is not an Kykotsmovi, AZ gopavy. appointed position, “It’s an exciting but a regular em- 86039 new line of work for ployment position. me and I’m looking Congratulations 928.734.3282 forward to working and welcome to with the Hopi Trib- Maxine Wadsworth. Albert Silas III, Nonpoint Source Coordinator Happy Valentines Day - Feb. 14 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 | HOPI TUTUVENI THE HOPI HOPI TRIBAL COUNCIL TUTUVENI STAFF Director/ FY2016 Task Teams/Boards/Committee Listing Managing Editor Resolution H-015-2011: Task Teams shall be considered “Recommending Bodies.” Louella Nahsonhoya List 928-734-3281 updated 1/22/16 [email protected] WATER/ENERGY TEAM LOBBYING SELECTION COMMITTEE Secretary II (Resolution H-085-2011) (Resolution H-047-2015) Cindi Polingyumptewa 928-734-3282 Norman Honanie, Chairman, Village of Kykotsmovi Mervin Yoyetewa, Village of Mishongnovi [email protected] Malinda Andrews, Village of Mishongnovi (Mervin Yoyetewa -Temp) Norene Kootswatewa, Village of Sipaulovi Rosa Honani, Village of Sipaulovi Antone Honanie, Village of Kykotsmovi Reporter Bruce Fredericks, Upper Village of Moenkopi Gail Poley, Village of Bacavi Crystal Dee Lamar Keevama, Vice Chairman Village of Bacavi LeRoy Shingoitewa, Upper Village of Moenkopi 928-734-3284 [email protected] Wallace Youvella Sr., First Mesa Consolidated Villages Albert T. Sinquah, First Mesa Consolidated Villages Chairman Herman G. Honanie, Office of the Chairman Chairman Herman G. Honanie, Office of the Chairman EDITORIAL BOARD LAND TEAM MOENKOPI DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LOAN Belma Navakuku (Resolution H-013-1998) OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Stan Bindell Dr. Angela Gonzales Lamar Keevama, Chairman Village of Bacavi (Resolution H-039-2014) Annette Talayumptewa, Village of Mishongnovi Village of Upper Moenkopi Rosa Honani, Village of Sipaulovi Village of Sipaulovi Antone Honanie, Village of Kykotsmovi Mervin Yoyetewa, Village of Mishongnovi The Hopi Tutuveni LeRoy Shingoitewa, Vice Chairman Upper Village of Moenkopi Lamar Keevama, Village of Bacavi Official Newspaper of Dale Sinquah, First Mesa Consolidated Villages Nada Talayumptewa, Village of Kykotsmovi the Hopi Tribe Chairman Herman G. Honanie Office of the Chairman Chairman Herman G. Honanie Office of the Chairman P.O. Box 123 Ex-Officios: Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039 Ph: (928) 734-3282 LAW ENFORCEMENT TASK TEAM Office of the General Counsel Fax: (928) 734-0734 (Resolution H-094-2001) Office of the Treasurer (Secretary to be selected from Team) CIRCULATION Mervin Yoyetewa, Village of Mishongnovi CPA TASK TEAM The Hopi Tutuveni is published Wayne Kuwanhyoima Upper Village of Moenkopi (Resolution H-075-2013) twice a month, with a circula- Miona Kaping, Village of Kykotsmovi (One Council Representative from each village) tion of 3,400 copies through- out the entire Hopi Reserva- Gail Poley, Village of Bacavi tion. The paper is delivered Norene Kootswatewa, Village of Sipaulovi TAWAOVI DEVELOPMENT TEAM (Resolution H-044-2001) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday Albert T. Sinquah, First Mesa Consolidated Villages Chairman Herman G. Honanie, Office of the Chairman of each month to the follow- Ex-Officios: Vice Chairman Alfred Lomahquahu, Jr., Office of the Vice Chairman ing locations: Keams Canyon Store, Polacca Circle M, Hopi Vice Chairman Alfred Lomahquahu, Jr., Office of the Vice Chairman Clayton Honyumptewa, Manager Department of Natural Resources Health Care Center, Tsakursovi, Ronald Honyumptewa, Hopi Resource Enforcement Service Noreen Sakiestewa, Manager Department of Education Hopi Cultural Center, Kykots- Jamie Kootswatewa, Bureau of Indian Affairs Lori Joshweseoma, Manager Department of Health & Human Ser- movi Village Store, Hotevilla Vacant Hopi Tribal Court vices Store, Moenkopi Travel Center, Moenkopi Legacy Inn, Tribal Vacant Prosecutor’s Office Chester Carl, Executive Director Hopi Tribal Housing Authority Government Complex and all Vacant Public Defenders Office Fred Shupla, Community Planner Community Planning Economic Village Administration offices. Vacant Village COPS Program Development Ruth Kewanimptewa, Hopi Tribal Council LETTERS TO EDITOR and GUEST SUBMITTALS TRANSPORTATION TASK TEAM LeRoy Shingoitewa, Hopi Tribal Council The Tutuveni welcomes letters (Resolution H-065-2003) Shirley Wesaw, Director Office of Financial Management from readers. A full name, Ruth Kewanimptewa, Village of Bacavi complete address and phone Annette Talayumptewa, Village of Mishongnovi HOPI TRIBE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP. – number is required to veri- fy authenticity of the author. Nada Talayumptewa, Village of Kykotsmovi COMMUNICATION LIAISON COMMITTEE Anonymous letters will not be Michael Elmer, Upper Village of Moenkopi (Resolution H-099-2012) printed. The Tutuveni reserves Norene Kootswatewa, Village of Sipaulovi Chairman or Rep.
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