Study Area Summary August 2017 Fanno Creek Study Area

Existing Conditions Fanno Creek flows from the hills of Many sections of are intact Steelhead trout, coho salmon, and southwest Portland through Beaverton while elsewhere historic development cutthroat trout are known by and Tigard to the . The approaches the stream. Several older Department of Fish & Wildlife to use study area within Tigard is 3.75 sq. mi. bridges restrict the floodplain. The Fanno Fanno Creek. Beaver are active from Greenway Trail follows the creek. Scholls Ferry Road to the mouth. Much of The basin is highly urbanized and sends the Fanno Creek corridor is listed as Class runoff to the creek very quickly during Beneath the creek, a sewer transmission I habitat in the Metro’s Title 13 Inventory storms. Despite these fast, high storm line runs to Clean Water Services’ of critical wildlife habitat. flows, Fanno Creek is notable for its lack Durham Wastewater Treatment Plant. of significant flooding problems. The Sewer trunk lines follow Fanno Creek’s creek’s wide floodplain helps prevent tributaries and tie into the transmission Hiteon Creek flows into Fanno Creek flooding of structures and roads. line. continued on back page Issues and Risks Proposed CapitalStrategies Improvement and Solutions Projects The Stormwater Master Plan assessed affect threatened fish, other wildlife, and Because Fanno Creek is already fully Proposed CIPs the risk of in Tigard’s streams. humans. urbanized, the strategy in the study area The assessment analyzed the likelihood is to mitigate for existing developed Fanno Creek Stream Stabilization of erosion based on stream geology and Beneficial uses of spawning and rearing conditions. The many locations where at Arthur Court the consequence of erosion based on the for threatened steelhead, which require the floodplain is still wide allow for a Rank: 8 CIP 410 stream’s proximity to important features cold water, are protected under the Clean strategy that is focused on increasing the North Dakota Street Stream such as roads, sewer lines, and buildings. Water Act through a Total Maximum resilience of the stream itself. Restoration and Detention Daily Load for temperature. Rank: 13 CIP 403 The assessment classified about 75% of Proposed stormwater capital projects in Total Cost: $1.7 million the Fanno Creek study area as medium Fanno Creek is important to the cities of Fanno Creek will protect channels from to severe for overall erosion risk. Of Portland and Beaverton, Metro Regional the erosive effects of fast, high flows the highest consequence is the danger Council, Clean Water Services, and ODOT. resulting from the basin’s geology and of undermining and breaking sanitary urban runoff. Protection of the sewer sewer pipes and undermining regional Fanno Creek’s regional significance transmission line, trunk lines, and the transportation infrastructure, including means there are numerous opportunities regional trail system is a primary driver of the regional trail. to partner with cities, service districts, the capital improvements. transportation agencies, and non-profits Fanno Creek is water quality limited to protect and restore natural resource The strategy for addressing water under the Clean Water Act for values while maintaining its functions quality in Fanno Creek focuses primarily phosphorus, bacteria, dissolved oxygen, as a stormwater conveyance and a on water quality in basins, and temperature. Poor water quality can transportation and utility corridor. discussed in other Study Area fact sheets.

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at Englewood Park. In 2009, several Creek, drain residential areas on the projects restored the floodplain and western edge of Fanno Creek between helped prevent channel erosion. Beavers the library and Bonita Road. They are are contributing to flooding of the trail located primarily on private property but are also slowing erosive flows and or in homeowner association common improving fish habitat. areas. These reaches have relatively intact channels. However, in steeper An un-named tributary to Fanno Creek sections erosion is beginning to isolate flows northeast below Hwy 99 and meets the channels from their . All Fanno Creek in downtown. Though small, three are head cutting where they meet this tributary is polluted with runoff from Fanno Creek. the highway and trash from commercial properties. The Methodist Church has attempted to restore the streambank near Frewing Street.

Three small tributaries, including Colony

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