J o u r n a l o f A d v a n c e s i n S o c i a l S c i e n c e a n d H u m a n i t i e s

JASSH 5 (9), 1084-1093 (2019) ISSN (O) 2395-6542

Urbanization’s Impacton the Development of Tourism in : A Case Study of Eti-Osa Local Government Area of State, Nigeria

Abiola-Oke Elizabeth1, Aina, Olayinka Christopher, PhD2, Abiose Jumoke3

Redeemer’s University, Ede Osun State, Nigeria1 Associate Professor of Tourism and Events Management, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti state, Nigeria2

Redeemer’s University, Ede Osun State, Nigeria3


ABSTRACT Urbanization and Tourism are two concepts that both have impact on the development of an area, and both having impact on each other- urbanization influencing tourism, and tourism influencing urbanization. For this study, the researcher tested the relationship between urbanization and tourism development using Eti-Osa Local Government area of . To carryout this study, the researcher collected primary data through a questionnaire which was administered at the study area. The population for this study is the residents of the Local Government Area, from the population, a sample was drawn using convenient sampling. The researcher was able to distribute 107 questionnaires, and retrieved 100. The data was analysed using both descriptive and statistical analysis. The result of the finding states that there is no relationship between urbanization and tourism development of Eti-Osa Local Government Area. Keywords: Urbanisation, Tourism, Tourism development, Urban Tourism, Tourism Urbanization

INTRODUCTION worldwide phenomenon that has experienced rapid development in the post- According to Estelaji, et al., (2012), cities colonial period, particularly in the developed have always attracted visitors but the impact countries of the world. Much of tourism of cities on the development of tourism as an development is due to urbanization (Page industry with potential importance is and Connell, 2006). In the light of this, somewhat a recent concept. Tourism is a tourism is thus a complex and pervasive

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phenomenon that touches all aspects of man, economic and societal profits to gain from and due to its complex nature, it can be tourism Industry. According to Nigeria treated in a multidisciplinary manner Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), (Okpoko and Okpoko, 2002).Goeldner& Nigeria creates about fifty billion naira a Ritchie (2007) defined tourism as the sum of year from tourism. the processes, activities, outcomes emerging However, the relationship of urbanization from the relationships and the interactions and tourism is a fast-growing phenomenon among tourists, tourism suppliers, host in today’s economy. Urbanization assumes a governments, host communities and significant role in promoting tourism both surrounding environments that are included domestic and international. The movement in attracting, transportation, hosting and towards a dominantly urban world is not management of tourists and other visitors. basically a demographic phenomenon Hence, people can choose to travel to portrayed by an anticipated population wherever they feel like going depending on movement and change starting from one their interest, as some may travel for locale to another but rather it is a business or convention purposes, others may transformative process permitting numerous travel on leisure for the purpose of learning aspects of global development. Urbanization about other cultures (Estelaji, et al., 2012) is dynamic, which if effectively steered and Nevertheless, tourism as intricate as it may deployed can potentially serve as an be, has a close affinity with urbanization. instrument for tourism to overcome some of These two socioeconomic aspectslie in the present and future challenges. This nature of both phenomenon’s development studyanalyses the effect of urbanization on process and impacts. It is useful to bring in a tourism on Eti-Osa local government area, definition that has a clear connotation of the and examines the dangers posed and the interaction between these two processes. challenges associated with urbanization in Notwithstanding the numerous definitions of Eti-Osa local government area. The main tourism, Leiper offered the following aim of this study is to examine the effects of definition which lays open its relationships urbanization on tourism development and its to urbanization process not withstanding its implications to the city of Eti-Osa local absence of specifying the term urban. government area. Tourism could be considered as an entire Research Hypothesis range of individuals, businesses, organizations and places which join in some Urbanization does not contribute to the ways to deliver a travel experience. development of tourism in Eti-Osa local According to Fainstein and Gladstone, government area. (1999), tourism is the world’s quickest Tourism and Urbanization growing industry, and has become an important technique for urban regeneration, Demographically, the term urbanization and today forms a critical component of denotes the redistribution of populations cities’ economic base, with numerous from rural to urban settlement over time

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(Peng, Chen, Cheng, 2006). Urbanization is (2012), the modern urbanization process, the process whereby vast amount of people which began to intensify during the post- congregate and settle in an area, in the end industrial revolution, is constantly developing social institutions such as challenged by population growth and business and government, to support expansion of urban areas around the world. themselves (Orum, 2004). Urbanization is In fact, the world is experiencing a rapid rate an important symbol reflecting social of urbanization as population is migrating development and civilization of one country from rural areas to urban areas around the or region (Zhao and Liu, 2010).According to world. Safavi (2012) opined that Tourism Shaw and Williams (2002:244), urban areas has an impact upon urban services, are heterogeneous, distinguished as they are accommodation, and the built heritage as by size, location, function and age as a result well as the open-area landscapes and attempts have been made to categorize urban waterscapes. It is a major economic and tourism destinations. Tourism urbanization, selective land-use activity within all Anglo as Mullins (2003) defines, is a process settler societies and most OECD during which cities and towns are built or nations.According to Mullins, (1991) regenerated almost exclusively for the Tourism urbanization is defined as the most purpose of leisure and pleasure, and thus dramatic expression of the postmodern city, urban growth is closely tied to tourism- a new urban form emerging as part of post related industries. The fulfilment of tourism modernity, the contemporary Western urbanization is contingent upon specifically obsession with pleasure. built spaces of consumption to attract Urban tourism is one of the earliest forms of tourists, often in the form of the exploitation tourism. According to Lagos (2012), Urban of nature (Mullins 2003). Tourist cities tourism is a special form of tourism represent a new and extraordinary form of involving the travellers touring the city for a urbanization because they are cities built few days whose most attractions are night- solely for consumption of tourists (Mullins, life, shopping, entertainment, interesting 1991). excursions and pleasant natural Tourism has become one of the largest and environment. There was a major shift away fastest growing world industries and an from this kind of tourism to other types of economic and social phenomenon of major tourism. It is therefore not a new kind of importance (Nana 2017). Tourism tourism, but one which is re-emerging and urbanization emphasizes the role of tourism developing and which is also helping to as the driving force of urbanization, urban provide more balanced tourism flows in the tourism regards the city as the destination, country (Brussels, 2000).The array of rather than the product of tourism; and in contemporary infrastructure and modern urban tourism, city facilities cater to the facilities in developing and developed needs of tourists but are not exclusively countries has contributed to the growth and constructed for tourist purposes (Ashworth development of tourism (Aremu, 2011). and Page, 2011). According to Safavi Urban Tourism is arguably one of the most

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highly developed forms of tourism at a commercial vehicles with a total seating global scale, since most of the major tourist capacity not exceeding 26. The toll gate is gateways are urban in nature, and yet it is located at the end of the bridge. still a poorly understood aspect in the wider According to Nigeria Conservation Fund tourism system (Page and Connell, (NCF), Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC) is 2006).Shaw and Williams (1994) argue that one of Nigerian Conservation Foundation urban tourism areas offers geographical (NCF) foremost conservation project site. concentration of facilities and attractions Located on the renowned Lekki Peninsula, that are conveniently located to meet both LCC covers a land area of 78 hectare. visitor and resident needs alike. The Administratively, LCC is situated in Eti-Osa diversity and variety among tourist Local Government Area of Lagos State. The destinations has led researchers to examine Lekki Conservation Centre, LCC is a the extent to which they display unique and conservation initiative to protect wildlife similar features. found in southwest coastal environment of Urban Development in Eti-Osa Local Nigeria in the face of sprawling urban Government Areas development. This 21-year-old conservation education centre has continued to attract There is some urban development in Eti-Osa both local and international interests. The local government area which are factors Centre has served, as an education and attracting tourists to the area. Some of which resource centre to varieties of group’s are; Link Bridge, Lekki Conservation majority of which are schools and tourists. Centre, City Project and Eko The project has promoted environmental Hotel and Suites.The Lekki-Ikoyi Link protection and worked against poaching by Bridge, is a 1.36 km cable-stayed bridge surrounding communities as well as serve as conceived in the year 2008 linking the fast a tourist centre for local and international growing Lekki corridor of the city of Lagos, visitors. Continuous environmental with Ikoyi, an affluent part of the city. education, awareness creation and research Constructed by Julius Berger a well- activities are carried out in the Reserve. knownconstruction company in Nigeria, it is the first cable-stayed bridge in West Africa Eko Atlantic or Eko Atlantic City is a which links two highly frequented districts planned district of Lagos, Nigeria, being of Lagos state, Nigeria-Victoria Island and constructed on land reclaimed from the Lekki. The impact of this new bridge is that Atlantic Ocean. It is located on Lagos Bar it makes commuting between two Beach. Upon completion, the new island communities that are separated by water.The which is still under development is primary objective of constructing the bridge anticipating 400,000 residents and a daily is to provide a strategic traffic management flow of 250,000 commuters. The ten square solution to ease traffic congestion around kilometre development will have waterfront Lekki and Ikoyi environ. The bridge is a toll areas, tree-lined streets, efficient transport bridge and its use is restricted to private and systems and mixed-use plots that combine

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residential areas with leisure facilities, Having observed the destination, a offices and shops. Eko Atlantic City will questionnaire was designed as the primary have seven urban districts each with their source of data collection for the study. The own individual character and architecture. questionnaire was used to collect the needed Eko Atlantic will have its own integrated data from the residents of Eti-Osa local power systems, modern and effective government area. The questionnaire was facilities for drainage, sewage treatment and designed using just closed ended questions irrigation. to ascertain precise answers for ease of data collection and analysis, and it was divided Eko hotel and suite is the most prestigious into two different parts. The first focused on international hotel, in Lagos, strategically the socio-economic characteristics of positioned near the heart of Nigeria’s tourists while the second part consists of the economic activity. Built on the exclusive view of respondents on the effect of Victoria Island, the hotel is spread over three urbanization on tourism. buildings and has spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Kuramo lagoon. It is The population for this study is a diverse surrounded by beautiful gardens and population- mainly the residents of Eti-Osa magnificent African land scaping. Eko hotel Local Government Area. With the aid of is the best place to stay when in Lagos for convenient sampling, a total of business or for recreation. Within Lagos 107questionnaires were administered to Eko hotel and suite ranks as second most people close to Eti-Osa local government popular hotel style accommodation. Eko area; some of the questionnaires were hotel is located 19.1 km from Lagos airport. distributed at Silver bird Galleria, Lekki It has a total of 19 floors. Eko hotel and Conservation Centre, National Open suite has a total of 654 functioning rooms. University of Nigeria- workers, students, Eko hotel and suite is a 5-star hotel or a and business people of Eti-Osa local first-class hotel or an international hotel. government area.The sample was chosen The rating of a hotel is classified by the based on closeness to the tourist sites and ratings within the zone and country. Eko some major places where tourists usually hotel culture reflects the culture and visit such as Hotels, Shopping Malls, environment of their zone. Cinemas, and Eateries. These places are seen as a must go area for the tourists. The METHODOLOGY data collected wereanalysed using simple The researcher visited the study area to descriptive statistics, Spearman’s Rank observe the activities of the sectors of the Correlation Coefficient and Pearson chi tourism industry so as to understand the square test method. operation of tourism activities at the The Spearman rank correlation coefficient is destination. While observing the activities at defined by the destination, some tourists were seen at the tourist attractions- Lekki Conservation Centre (LCC) and at the Silverbird Gallery.

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RESULT OF FINDINGS the effect of the urban development on tourism, the respondents were asked if the A total number of 107 questionnaires were development has attracted more tourists to administered but only 100 questionnaires the destination, 70% of the respondents were retrieved due to the fact that some of claims it has attracted tourists to the research the respondents went away with the area, 10% indicated that it has not, while the questionnaire promising thy would return it remaining 20% aren’t sure. To further after filling, but didn’t within the time frame buttress the previous question, a question on the researcher has to administer and retrieve the effect of the urban development on the questionnaire. Out of the 100 that were tourism was asked. The responses gathered retrieved, some questions were not answered indicates 85% of the respondents sees the because of reasons best known to the effect as positive, while 15% sees the effect respondents. Some of the respondents did as negative. not like to disclose some information which they term as important such as Income and Hypothesis Testing Educational background, while some claim they have no knowledge of what tourism The specification for decision rule says that means. the null hypothesis (HO) is rejected if the calculated value is less than the tabulated Urban Development in Eti-Osa Local value at 0.05 Alpha levels, using a t- Governement Area, Lagos distribution table otherwise; we accept the null hypothesis (H ) and reject the alternate The questionnaire was designed to O hypothesis (H ). understand the level of urban development 1 in Eti-Osa Local government Area and the For the Spearman Rank Order Correlation effect it has on tourism. In response to the Coefficient, there is a two-step process. Step question on assassins the level of one is to determine the correlation development that has taken place in the coefficient and step 2 is to determine research area with options of developed, significance using the T-Test. The critical developing and underdeveloped, 25% rated score is determined using a T-table. The the research area as developed, 72% rated it first column is the Degrees of Freedom and as developing, while 3% rate it as under- the other columns are the Alpha levels. The developed. Furthermore, a question asking if degree of freedom for the T-test is equal to the development is significant received a the (number of cases - 2). For example, if response of 85% stating it is significant, there are 10 cases, then the df is (10-2) = 8 while the remaining 15% stating it is not significant. In furtherance to understanding Hypothesis testing using rs

Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities, Vol 5 Iss 9, 1084–1093, (2019) Abiola-Oke Elizabeth et/al. 1090

6Σd 2 r = 1− s nn(2 − 1)

Where, ∑ = summation of the squared differences between the pairs of ranks d = difference between ranks d 2 = difference squared n = the number of pairs

rs = Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient

To test whether r is significant, we use t- distribution and the formula is

r t = (1−−rn2 ) ( 2)

Where r = the total answer of the correlation coefficient n = the number of pairs

While degree of freedom is df = n − 2

(H0) Urbanization does not contribute to tourism development in Eti-Osa local government area.

(H1) Urbanization contributes to tourism development in Eti-Osa local government area.

To test the hypothesis, the questions on the if there has been any significant development in eti- osa local government area and if yes, has this development attracted tourists to the area.

Note that X is tourism development, while Y is urbanization, that is, X is the dependent variable and Y is the independent variable.

Table 1


Yes 70 75 3 3 0 0 No 10 15 1 2 -1 1 Maybe 20 10 2 1 1 1 TOTAL ∑ d 2 = 2 Source: Authors analysis

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62× r = 1− s 3(32 − 1) 12 1− 38× 12 1− 24 =1 − 0.5 = 0.5 To determine if 0.5 is significant, we use t-test 0.5 t = (1−− 0.52 ) / 3 2 0.5 t = 0.87 t = 0.57 df =32 − =1

DECISION RULE: The critical score from earlier in this paper, according to Mullins the t-table at Alpha levels is 0.05 and df =1 (2003), tourism urbanization is a process is 12.71. Since 0.57 is less than 12.71, we during which cities and towns are built or accept the Null Hypothesis (HO) and reject regenerated almost exclusively for the the Alternate Hypothesis (H1). Therefore, purpose of leisure and pleasure, and thus we conclude that Urbanization does not urban growth is closely tied to tourism- contribute to tourism development. related industries. Therefore, based on the result of this study, although urbanization SUMMARY OF FINDINGS did impact the level of tourism development of the destination, but it is not enough to say Based on the findings, it was observed that the urban development of the destination urbanization does not contribute to tourism really determines the growth of the tourism in Eti-OsaLocal government area. This does in the area, as the destination is not not mean that urbanization cannot contribute urbanized for the sole purpose of tourism- to tourism development in other places as Tourism Urbanization. This means that, affirmed by Luo, Qui and Lam (2015). tourism urbanization and urbanization These researchers studied the impact of impact on tourism are two different things. Urbanization on Guangdong region in Hence, tourism can have impact on China, and they concluded that, although it urbanization (Quin, Feng and Zhu 2012), is said that urbanization do have impact on and urbanization can impact the tourism development, in the case of development of tourism, but this depends on Guangdong, there is no uniformity of impact the authority in-charge. of urbanization on tourism. As identified

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The tourism industry is growing in Eti-Osa Fainstein, S. & Gladstone, D. (1999). local government and the benefits derivable Evaluating urban tourism. In D. Judd and S. from the relationship between urbanization Fainstein (Eds.), The Tourist City. New and tourism development are numerous, Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 21-34. these benefits can be direct and Goeldner, C., & Richie, J. indirect.Even with all the resources found in (2007). TOURISM PRINCIPLES, Eti-Osa local government area, tourism is PRACTICES, PHILOSOPHIES (10th ed.). still not developed to an expected standard, India: Wiley India Pvt. Limited. because several resources are left untapped. It is believed that, if tourism is developed Lagos, D.G. (2012). Local governance and maximally, the economy of the state as a local authorities on urban tourism whole will be influenced positively. In development in Greece. Sustainable conclusion, from the study, it can be said Development, Culture, Traditions, Vol.1 PP. that the urbanization of Eti-Osa Local 51-60 government area is not solely for the Luo, J.M., Qui, H. and Lam, C.F. (2015). promotion of tourism, or its urban Urbanization impacts on regional tourism development still requires more efforts to be development: a case study in China. Current able to enhance the development of tourism. Issues in Tourism 19(3): 1-14 LIMITATION OF STUDY Mullin, P. (1991). Tourism Urbanization. The limitation to this study is that the result International Journal of Urban and Regional cannot be generalized for other destinations Research 15(3), p. 326-342, DOI: which are becoming urbanized, as the study 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1991.tb00642.x was only carried out on one area. Hence for Mullins, P. (2003). The evolution of further study, it would be better that more Australian tourism urbanization. InL. M. areas are added for justifiable conclusion. Hoffman, S. S. Fainstein, & D. R. Judd (Eds.), Cities and visitors: Regulatingpeople, REFERENCES markets and city space (pp. 126e142). Aremu, D. (2011) Culture and eco-tourism Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. development in Nigeria; Ibadan, Spectrum book limited, pp. 33-67 Nana, A.E. (2017). Tourism: A promoter of human development. UJAH Special Ashworth, Gregory and Page, Stephen J. Edition.http://dx.doi./org/10.4314/ujah.v18i (2011). Urban tourism research: Recent 2.11 progress and current paradoxes. Tourism Management, 32(1), 1-15 Okpoko A.I. and Okpoko U.P. (2002) Tourism in Nigeria (1st ed.). Nsukka, Afro- Estelaji, A., Sadeghian, H. &Beyhaghi, Z., orbis. 2012. The role of urban tourism to achieve urban sustainable development. International Journal of Geology, 6(1), pp. 17-25.

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