-ing upon me )u*t"powsrs 01 Continued v , eiw.o*< THE GLEANER PPERKINS SPENDS DAY WITH either of the others. IWllevlng th»vtnort efflclent results ' ROOSEVELT. that l&r, Our ?yittni of government are to under the ISSUED EVERY THUBSDAT. WILSON IS NAMED TO be attained by the full eserclee bjr in and sovereign powers, Comfort their rrnerved Stv^le States of Harvester Trust Magnate, After Con- we denounce aa ustm>*tlon the efforts of J. P. KERNOPLE, Edltor7 » of any ' Full #ur opponanta to deprive tba states ference, Announces Ticket right, to to en- broken year YEAR, IN ADVANCE" LEAD THE FiCHT. .St tha r.Hervart them and ten ?1.00 A large majirrtfy by Indirection tbOVOV rfw Will be Put Out. and tiaenl fcovernsnetrt. . i*fl record ofleader- Epa Means riding in a High Point Buggy?the buggy that for^ flr»t time waa that which. Iu Hie *....<» ? 1 an of the i][ by oorreapondente. Presidential Primarias. ship ?on*qyality vlewa expreaaed V., Plapatcb, June tl. city?ln the Mime building lu

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