Building a Datacenter with ARM Devices
Building a Datacenter with ARM Devices Taylor Chien1 1SUNY Polytechnic Institute ABSTRACT METHODS THE CASE CURRENT RESULTS The ARM CPU is becoming more prevalent as devices are shrinking and Physical Custom Enclosure Operating Systems become embedded in everything from medical devices to toasters. Build a fully operational environment out of commodity ARM devices using Designed in QCAD and laser cut on hardboard by Ponoko Multiple issues exist with both Armbian and Raspbian, including four However, Linux for ARM is still in the very early stages of release, with SBCs, Development Boards, or other ARM-based systems Design was originally only for the Raspberry Pis, Orange Pi Ones, Udoo critical issues that would prevent them from being used in a datacenter many different issues, challenges, and shortcomings. Have dedicated hard drives and power system for mass storage, including Quads, PINE64, and Cubieboard 3 multiple drives for GlusterFS operation, and an Archive disk for backups and Issue OS In order to test what level of service commodity ARM devices have, I Each device sits on a tray which can be slid in and out at will rarely-used storage Kernel and uboot are not linked together after a Armbian decided to build a small data center with these devices. This included Cable management and cooling are on the back for easy access Build a case for all of these devices that will protect them from short circuits version update building services usually found in large businesses, such as LDAP, DNS, Designed to be solid and not collapse under its own weight and dust Operating system always performs DHCP request Raspbian Mail, and certain web applications such as Roundcube webmail, Have devices hooked up to a UPS for power safety Design Flaws Allwinner CPUs crash randomly when under high Armbian ownCloud storage, and Drupal content management.
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