Planning Applications Numbered

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Planning Applications Numbered SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE SOUTH DATE 18/08/2008 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS Chris Heeley 0114 2736329 CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Lucy Bond TEL NO: 0114 2734556 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 08/03433/LBC Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street 6 Sheffield S1 2HG 08/03431/FUL Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street 8 Sheffield S1 2HG 08/03406/LBC Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street 18 Sheffield S1 2HG 08/03402/FUL Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street 24 Sheffield S1 2HG 08/03343/FUL Curtilage Of 19 Sheffield Road Woodhouse 41 Sheffield S13 7EQ 08/03329/CHU 43 Button Hill Sheffield 49 S11 9HF 08/03126/FUL Site Of 30-32 Edward Street Sheffield 60 S3 7GB 08/03066/FUL High Storrs School High Storrs Road 78 Sheffield S11 7LH 08/03045/FUL Unit 3 The Plaza 89 8 Fitzwilliam Street Sheffield 3 S1 4JB 08/03001/ADV 141 West Street Sheffield 98 S1 4EW 08/02845/FUL Site Of 347 Handsworth Road Handsworth 102 Sheffield S13 9BP 08/02458/LBC 36-40 Bank Street Sheffield 114 S1 2DS 08/02457/FUL 36-40 Bank Street Sheffield 120 S1 2DS 08/02306/FUL 4 Endcliffe Rise Road Sheffield 132 S11 8RU 08/01722/FUL Tesco Stores Ltd Abbeydale Drive 143 Sheffield S7 2QB 08/00488/FUL 18 Fife Street Sheffield 156 S9 1NJ 06/04408/OUT Land To The Rear Of Abbeydale Hall Abbeydale Park 161 Abbeydale Road South Dore Sheffield S17 3LJ 06/03310/FUL Bailey House 5 - 11 Bailey Street 174 Sheffield S1 4EH 4 5 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning, Transport And Highways, Development, Environment And Leisure To The CITY CENTRE AND EAST Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 18/08/2008 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 08/03433/LBC Application Type Listed Building Consent Application Proposal Alterations including internal alterations and extension to building to form retail outlet (resubmission of application 08/02161/LBC) (alterative option to application 08/03406/LBC) Location Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street Sheffield S1 2HG Date Received 03/07/2008 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent Ward McHugh Associates Recommendation Refuse For the following reason(s): 1 The Local Planning Authority consider that the extent of the external alterations to the building proposed by the development would detract from the special architectural and historic interest of the Salvation Army Citadel, a Grade II Listed Building and from the appearance of the building in the City Centre Conservation Area. In this respect the proposal is contrary to Policies BE16 and BE19 of the Unitary Development Plan and the objectives of PPG15. Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 For report see 08/03431/FUL. 7 Case Number 08/03431/FUL Application Type A Full Planning Application Proposal Alterations including internal alterations and extension to building to form retail outlet (Use Class A1) (resubmission of application 08/02160/FUL) (alternative option to application 08/03402/FUL) Location Sheffield Citadel Cross Burgess Street Sheffield S1 2HG Date Received 03/07/2008 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent Ward McHugh Associates Recommendation Refuse For the following reason(s): 1 The Local Planning Authority consider that the extent of the external alterations to the building proposed by the development would detract from the special architectural and historic interest of the Salvation Army Citadel, a Grade II Listed Building and from the appearance of the building in the City Centre Conservation Area. In this respect the proposal is contrary to Policies BE16 and BE19 of the Unitary Development Plan and the objectives of PPG15. 8 Site Location © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. 10018816. 2005 LOCATION AND PROPOSAL The former Salvation Army Citadel was used as the headquarters and performance space for the Salvation Army for many years from first construction about 1890 until the late 1990’s. It is a Grade II listed building and adjoins the rear of 48-62 Pinstone Street (occupied by retail units with residential apartments above), with its main elevation and entrance to Cross Burgess Street. It side elevation faces on to Burgess Street and is bound to the rear by 31 Burgess Street, currently the Lions Lair Public House. 9 The site falls within the Central Shopping Area as designated in the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan. The site is also within the City Centre conservation area. The proposed ‘New Retail Quarter’ development which now has outline planning consent is indicated at ‘wrapping round’ the Citadel building. The building is currently vacant and has been since the Salvation Army relocated in 1999. The current applications seek full planning permission and listed building consent for external and internal alterations and extension to the building to form 1 retail unit. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (in date order) Planning permission and listed building consent were granted on 21 August 2000 for Food and Drink use (then Class A3) and alterations to form a new entrance to Cross Burgess Street (00/00919/FUL and 00/00918/LBC refers). Condition 4 of these permissions limited the hours of opening to 0800-2400 hours on any day. The listed building consent required details of internal alterations by condition. Planning permission and listed building consent were granted on 18th June 2001 and 10th July 2001 for external alterations to the building for use as Class A3 public house including a new shop front with conditions relating to the above consents also attached (01/00653/FUL and 01/00638/LBC refers). Permission was refused on 30 April 2002 for the extension of opening hours until 0200 hours (Variation of Condition 4 of the permission of 21 August 2000) (01/10558/FUL refers). An appeal against this decision was dismissed on 2 January 2003 (02/00077/WR refers). On 9 July 2004 a lawful use application to establish the use of the building as a Live Music/Concert Hall and Assembly Use for Social and Leisure (Class D2 Assembly and Leisure) was refused (04/01826/LU1 refers). An application for planning permission and listed building consent for Food and Drink (former Class A3) until 0200 hours with sound attenuation and disabled access was due to be recommended for refusal at Area Board, but was withdrawn on 16 November 2004 (04/02970/FUL and 04/02969/LBC refers). Planning permission was granted on 31 March 2006 for the renewal of the original Food and Drink permission of 21 August 2000 opening until 2400 hours (05/02806/FUL refers). The accompanying listed building application was undetermined pending submission of a historic building appraisal, this has since been withdrawn on 19th December 2006 (05/02812/LBC). On 27 April 2006 the applicants appealed against the non-determination of the application for a Drinking Establishment (Class A4) opening until 0200 hours (05/02832/FUL refers). This application and appeal was withdrawn on 27th December 2006 and the accompanying application for listed building consent (05/02840/LBC refers) that had also not been determined was withdrawn on 19th December 2006. 10 Outline planning permission and associated Conservation Area Consent was granted on 6th November 2006 (05/03933/OUT refers) and 22nd August 2006 (05/03595/CAC refers) for the New Retail Quarter – a mixed use development comprising of refurbishment/change of use of existing buildings and erection of buildings for retail use (use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), housing (C3), night club, health and fitness club, multi-storey car parking and ancillary uses including the closure and alterations of public highways, vehicular access, servicing facilities, formation of open space & associated landscaping. The new buildings associated with this scheme will abut up to the Citadel building. Planning permission and listed building consent was granted conditionally for alterations to and use of Citadel as 2 retail units with provision of associated storage areas (applications 06/04054/FUL and 06/04055/LBC). Planning permission and listed building consent was refused for alterations to and use of Citadel building to form 1 retail unit, café and storage (applications 06/02858/FUL and 06/02859/LBC). Planning permission and listed building consent was refused for alterations including internal alterations and extension to building to form retail outlet (Use Class A1) (In accordance with amended plans received 21.05.08) (applications 08/02160/FUL and 08/02161/LBC). Planning permission and listed building consent is also sought for alterations including internal alterations and extension to building to form a single retail outlet (Use Class A1) (08/03402/FUL and 08/03406/LBC) as an alternative option to this application and is pending consideration with a recommendation to grant conditionally. SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIONS There has been 1 letter of representation received from local residents regarding the proposals, comments summarised below: - concerned that the residential dwellings adjoining the Citadel will be affected by noise from late and early deliveries, ventilation equipment, music, staff congregating which will cause disturbance to the living areas and bedrooms of the adjacent accommodation Victorian Society: Recognised that some changes have been made to the scheme since 2006, including more sensitive treatment of windows to the front elevation, but conclude that significant improvements have not been made to overcome previous objections and as such, they still remain.
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