eminding everyone of the great importance of this rite and of these signals that come to us in various forms: R Remindi Theng white robes call to mind the prophets’ and St Paul’s words: every- one of “My God has covered me with the robe the of righteousness.” ~ 61:10 great im- “All of you who have been baptized into Christ portan ~Galatians 3:27 ce of have been clothed with Christ.” this Therite banners with the name and verse for each of the confirmands: and of “His banner over me is love.” ~ 2:4 “I have summoned you by name; you are Mine,” ~Isaiah 43:1

The investiture of each confirmand with the cross: “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.” ~Galatians 6:14

Special Note: Formal pictures will be taken following the service after the congregation is excused by the ushers. Family members and friends are welcome to remain after the service and partake in the photographs in a safe manner, respecting social/physical distancing. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CH U R C H AND STUDENT CENTER

August 2, 2020

8 : 0 0 a . m . Participants The Rite of Confirmation

“I know what Jesus Christ has said. —2020— I’m one of His family.

And I want the whole world to know that!”

KAITLYN ELIZABETH GOFF his morning our confirmands confirm what Christ had done for them in their baptism. Their “We love T acknowledgment of God’s gifts, built upon two years of instruction, culminates with a confession of because He first loved us.” faith delivered in the Rite of Confirmation, long practiced in the Lutheran Church. This confession of ~ 1 John 4:19 ~ faith in God and His Church places these young adults as partners with the other members of the congregation Banner Bearer: Jenna McCarty , mentor & aunt in serving our Lord through Immanuel Lutheran Church. he worshiping congregation has a vested interest in Cross Investiture: Kristin Goff, mother this Rite. Each worshipper may recall his or her ownT day of confirmation, and silently, with the class review a vow made, in some cases fifty or more years ago. While the unique situation of the Corona Virus pandemic limits our ability to physically greet the ELLA MARIE GRATSCHMAYR confirmands and their families, we embrace them with our hearts as wonderful blessings to our Church family! “We walk by faith, any signals come to them and the rest of the M worshiping congregation to underscore the not by sight.” importance of their confession. These signals are to remind all of us of Jesus’ words: ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7 ~

Banner Bearer: Dorthy Cerreto, grandmother “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also Cross Investiture: Robert Gratschmayr, father acknowledge him before My Father in heaven.” ~Matthew 10:32