Proceedings of the Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Osaka, Japan, AprillO-15, 1994 Copyright © 1994 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISBN 1-880653-10-9 (Set); ISBN 1-880653-13·3 (Vol.lll)

Human Powered : High-Speed Hydrofoil and Moderate-Speed Fin

Y. Terao Tokai University Shizuoka, Japan

ses. shells are the first boat in the Olympic games, but there are some speed This paper discusses the application of limits. For this reason, it is stimulating with regard to a new boat to improve on the speed records held by the propulsion system. To study high speed and rowing shells. Analysis of the human output moderate speed performance of a human powered and from the simple calculation of hydrody- boat, two with new propulsion systems namical forces acting on the hydrofoil boat, were tested and their performances are dis- the record breaker will be an ultra-light cussed. hydrofoiler with mechanical propulsion The high-speed boat is a human powered system. The author made hydrofoil boats and hydrofoil with a normal screw propeller and tested the speed performance. Our official the moderate speed boat is a fin ship that record is now 42 seconds at 200 meters stand- has a Sabani hull. Sabani is the name of the ing start race. The Japanese maximum speed hull of an old style Japanese wooden boat. record in 1993 is 30 seconds (average speed is 12.96 Knots) by YAMAHA team using a full submerged two-men hydrofoil system. (Yanagihara 1993)

In the moderate speed range, this ap- proach is not suitable. The higher speeds require the extraordinary stronger man The output of human power is from 50 power and man can sustain less than 500 watts watts to 1 Kilowatts depending on the dura- for a longer period. A low power new boat tion of the effort and the fitness of the with fin propulsor, the design speed is 5 person. Average healthy adults can manage 500 knots, launched and tested. The hull perform- watts for less than one minute and 250 watts ance and the pro~ulsive efficiencies are also for a longer period. Therefore, the utiliza- di scussed. tion of human power for a boat propulsion system is interesting from an engineering view point and bio-mechanics. In human-powered propulsion, rowing is most common system and it is an explosively Everybody wants to go first. Therefore, aerobic and anaerobic physical activity that men enjoy the feeling of speed. Human by demands a high degree of physical fitness for himself, only Olympic gold medalist can maximum performance. There are many studies endure less than 10 seconds during the 100- about the rowing mechanism and efficiency. meter sprint race. This maximum speed reaches The improvements of rowing gears are tremen- about 19.5 knots in the field stadium. dous due to the recent developments of hi- But using the aerodynamic fairing , tech materials as well as hydrodynamic analy- the record increases up to 100.6 Km per hour