Quar ant i ne Edi t i on I ssue 3


Since March 22nd we have been worshiping together in a ?socially distant? kind of way. At Zion we have been using the Zoom online meeting app to host our worship services. We will continue to utilize Zoom for the foreseeable future.

The recent announcement by the Governor and her office allows churches to resume in-person worship meetings. However that decision was made for reasons of politics and not based on any change in medical advice. Our online attendance is doing well. So for the time being we will continue to worship together online.

Zion?s leaders are constantly meeting and discussing how and when to invite people back to church to worship in person. Know that we want to welcome people back to church as soon as we possibly can. However we also have a desire and a responsibility for the health and wellbeing of everyone who comes through these doors. So while we do not know a specific day the church will be held for everyone in the sanctuary again, we do know that day will come. We are making plans and preparing for that moment.

Please keep praying for the health and safety of all of God?s people. And please continue to pray for our medical community as they work to take care of all of us. 2


?Wait? what day is it again?? If you are like my family, this is a question that gets asked quite often. With all activities and extra things canceled, the daily routine throughout the week is quite similar, regardless of what day it is currently. If we are honest, I think many people just try to survive the day? especially as parents everywhere are trying to balance work, home life, and now home school to boot.

And so we wait. We wait for the end of the quarantine. We wait to be able to once again see family and friends as we please. We wait to worship together in person at Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, our church. We wait for school to conclude and summer to officiallyco nssteatetrutr. s aWdipesc winga eiltit rf, oserd diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut the medical researchers to develop a vaccine. We wait to be instructleabdor eo ent d ohloorew m atgona aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos protect ourselves and our loved ones from this disease. And so wee wt acaciuts.a mA ent djus two deu ow doaloitre.s et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem But as we are waiting, there are a multitude of scriptural truths we can ripesufmle dcotlo or snit .a met. Because for God?s people to wait is nothing new. It just seems more extreme to us as we have become accustomed to living by the second and having all things immediately available. Abraham waited on the Lord to provide a son and heir to the covenant he had made with God. Moses and the Israelites waited on the Lord to provide and lead them to the promised land (as they wandered in the wilderness for 80 years!). The prophet Samuel waited for the Lord?s response when he received the call from God. The disciples (incorrectly) waited for Jesus to save the Israelites from their Roman oppressors. They waited as Jesus was unjustly arrested, beaten, and tortured. They waited as He was crucified. They waited as He died. They waited as Jesus was buried. And they waited for what God was going to do now that they had lost hope.


But then the resurrection happened. And the disciples got to work. And then they waited with a purpose for Jesus to return. And we have been waiting ever since. Friends, waiting is nothing new. But how we wait is really important. I?d like to suggest that God?s kingdom on earth does not happen through binge watching your favorite shows. Judging from the truly incredible number of empty bottles and cans at the can kennel this last week, one could argue that we are set on ?killing time? or ?getting through? this season. Instead, I would challenge all of us to have a renewing of our minds and a change in our thinking. See the possibilities that are all around you on Ltohreims idpsauym dwolhori csiht a met, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam God has made. nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos So instead of having a survival-mentality goal of ?getting through theet dacacuys,a?m g eto ju oston d uoof dfoelonress eet ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no and attack each day for God?s glory. Instead of ?killing time? be a goods esat teakwimaatrad sa nocftu st heset L orem time you have been given and be productive with it. Instead of always ?loiopskumin dgol oar hsite aamdet.? and waiting for the end of the quarantine, consider whether or not you are making the most of what time you have been given in the here and now. Instead of simply ?waiting for this to end,? consider that God has made this day, for you, and we are to rejoice and be glad in this and every day. So do more than wait around to kill time. Actively participate in the Mission of God (which as God?s people is kind of the whole point anyways!!) every single day.

Go out and find a way to be the church (and God?s representatives) today, pointing others to Jesus.



Those in attendance (on Zoom): Pastor Adam, Steven Maguire, Courtney Fisher, Chad Mackland, Susan Maguire, Eddie Adams, Gail Hartigan, and JoEllen Travis

Opening Prayer

·Pastor Adam opened in prayer.

Old Business

·March minutes were reviewed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, New Business consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam ·Discussed Palm Sunday with Zoom. Thought it went really well. Jordearant, sheda ddia ma v golrueptauat. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea children?s sermon, and adding the 2 people to read scripture was a nreibcuem .c Shteat cnligta eka usdp gu. bergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem Everyone is getting better at using Zoom! ipsum dolor sit amet. ·Since the Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services are so intimate and are best done in person, we discussed and decided no services this year.

·Easter Sunday will be done through Zoom and Adam discussed his different ideas to make it special.

·Discussed high school seniors. Since we don?t know how the next month will go, we will order their gifts and mail them to the seniors with a special note.


·We didn?t discuss it in depth, but Adam read us Psalm 130. Very fitting during this time in the world.

Pastor Adam closed us in prayer. 6 WORSHIP ZOOM LINK: 10AM EACH SUNDAY 1. Go to:https://zoom.us/j/5328266675

2. Enter the password when prompted: 3289


1. Dial 1 646 558 8656

2. Enter the Meeting ID: 532 826 6675 #

3. Hit # after it asks for a personal ID

4. Enter the Meeting Password: 3289 #

CHURCH PLAYGROUND UPDATE Just a reminder that at this time Zion?s facilities are still closed. This includes the church playground. We will reopen it as soon as we resume church and normal activities again.

FINANCIAL UPDATE THANK YOU to everyone who continues to financially support our church. Zion, like everywhere else, is feeling the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, we are navigating the loss of income (especially from not being able to run Zion?s Impact Program) and weathering this time well. But that only happens because of YOU. So thank you for your generosity in the past, present, and future. Checks can be mailed to the church (PO Box 577 in Treynor) or offerings can be given online (seewww.ziontreynor.org for more info). Thank you. 8

Fo o d Pa nt r y Needs Canned Veget ables Canned Fruit Cut Green Beans Peaches Peas Pears Pineapple Pot at oes, Boxed Meat s Mashed Tuna Scalloped Canned Chicken, large Au Grat in Horm el Chili Soup Cream of Mushroom Chicken Noodle Miscellaneous Past a Sauce Pudding Cups Cereal Pancake Mix Cake Mix Brow nie Mix Cookies Ranch Dressing Sugar Toot hpast e Laundry Det ergent 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. 7 WEEKLY OFFERING TOTALS Dat e of Service Am ount Descript ion of Service

3/22/2020 $1,190.00 Covid-19 Virtual Regular Sunday Service

3/29/2020 $1,485.00 Covid-19 Virtual Regular Sunday Service

MARCH $3,595.00 Online Giving for the Month of March

4/05/2020 $1,830.00 Covid-19 Virtual Regular Sunday Service

4/12/2020 $2,690.00 Covid-19 Virtual Regular Sunday Service

4/19/2020 $1,655.00 Covid-19 Virtual Regular Sunday Service

ATTENDANCE SUMMARY Disclaimer: While Zoom provides a report of all devices that log on, it is hard to know exactly how many people are worshipping using each device. These estimates are conservative in nature and try to give a ballpark depiction of how our church is worshipping together during this Coronavirus season.

March 22, 2020 81 Devices/Calls ~135 people

March 29, 2020 79 Devices/Calls ~136 people

April 5, 2020 79 Devices/Calls ~139 people

April 12, 2020 EASTER107 Devices/Calls ~201 people

April 19, 2020 75 Devices/Calls ~140 people

April 26, 2020 72 Devices/Calls ~149 people 9


Sunday W o r sh ip: 10 a m (Z o o m) Senio r Pa st o r : Dr . A da m M ag il l Pa st o r o f Yo ut h a nd I mpa ct Dir ect o r : Jo r da n Ca mpbel l PR AY ER LI ST Pia nist s/ Or ga nist s: LuA nn Fr eese (cancer treatments) Jil l Dav is, Gw en H enk e, El w y n R o l l ins Sh ir l ey K o eh l er , M a ch el l e M it ch el l

Gr eg La ng (radiation treatments) M o der at o r : Fa mil y o f V ir g inia Sch uma ch er K eit h Smit h V ice-M o der at o r : H ow ie Bur k emper (Susan Maguire's brother-in law) Jim M o o r e T r ent Ca sey (leukemia) W ebsit e: M a r k K no k e (health concerns) w w w .z io nt r ey no r .o r g Jo di Ja co bsen (cancer) Ph o ne: Sh a r o n H o r t o n 8 33-515-328 9 El i Sh eph a r d (Continued prayers and thanks to God for his healing) Jea na W il h it e Z ay ne Osbo r n (2019 Sidney grad battling Ewing Sarcoma)

Debbie Br ummet t (rheumatoid arthritis) W ENDELL K LA H N (recovery from hip surgery)

Bil l H at ch er (lung issues) M a r ga r et Geh r ing (Barb Trede's mom) sh aw n t h o ma s (Chelle Cooper's cousin battling an infection)

A l l A r med Fo r ces & Law Enf o r cement