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Gallup Herald, 1916-1923 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-8-1923 Herald, 09-08-1923 L. E. Gould

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THURSDAY AFTERNOON; FRIDAY EVENING Indiu Gamci and SporU Tim Indian Sormdei Duct Taoa Indian Deer Dance San Juan Indian Harvest Dance San Joan Indian Tnrth Dance TMque Indiaa War Daaea Teseqne Indian Buffalo Dance San Domingo Indian Chaie Dance 8an Domingo Barrett Dance Hopi Indian Eagle Dance Zuni Indian Comanche Dance Cochiti Dance Yei-bi-- Dance - Indian Matacbina Navajo Indian THURSDAY EVENING SATURDAY AFTERNOON San Ildefonto Indian Corn Dane laleta Indian Comanche Dance "' Indian Games and San Juan Indian Deer Dance SporU Acoma Indian Eagle Dance -- Hopi Indian Katsina Dance Cochiti Indian Dance . Isleta Indian Corn Dance Zuni Indian Harreet Dance CocaHi Indian Apache War Dane Antelope Laguna Indian Comanche Dance Navajo Indian Running Dance Laguna Indian Com Dance SATURDAY EVENING FRIDAY AFTERNOON Taos Indian War Dance . San Udefonso Indian Animal Dance Indian Games and Sports Isleta Indian Evergreen Dance Teseque Indian Arrow Dance Acoma Indian Cora Dance Acoma Indian Comanche Dance Laguna Indian Harvest Dane San Domingo Comanche War Dance Hopi Indian Butterfly Dance ' . San IldefonM Indian War Danes Hopi Indian Buffalo Dance Navajo Indian Fire Dance

Afternoon performances begin at 2:00 o'clock and evening performances at 7:30 o'clock PRINCESS TSIANINA, the famous Indian singer, will sing at each performance, afternoon and evening, each day of the Ceremonial


. i '





Prci-i-- t JERRY S. r:i:iE i:nr:, FAnr.:2R, Zzvzi7 , ? T2. j. v. ciiap;.2atj,"ptlj C. ClCfcl Tr: jrb; , ... I ( ; t .- -j CI " i Ll tlrrs c:t;m t:' I ' 1-v- r. -- . ef lJ tl c t it If If to V c - tL-l- -- J Uir.l ncn i 1 1 1 ti t tla .Z3 cf -t lilui :r r. IeU hat tvi-- tas:tir:l'lrL!3 u.'-'r:'.--- ii jaw-elr-y ; Art-- busiaers here the f- -: -- i t tf J. . U. J, presort fx L. k aai cU u iae" riC-T- Ai. seven yean and is a native of lowa. lj ts -- rr ' r-'- T j ttxi U-a- O is cf ce. rot--j ana c--- n life to a --tome e merctan- - .21 a 'tJLt t'-- e,ew- -a ii srvki w"'.h tie ti .J i- sc-:r- d-- is toi-!- y familiar with its lis -t and .nwSn tiar:-"-rci sry Kr. vviUiam is head ,t ts -! w " i" intricacy. Oyer, tZ,L' and cf Hr. F. A For-- were "moiled" in red salesman and Iehl is also active mtnoant out, badly ttrs. I"ar. t- -r ti't ke is bow taking out Lis with tho bsmss..'. rants, tli predictor. Timcts ;- Kr. Artesi erULIl-t-ti ia C bcsi-- ti.- trT. at Nash cars and tracks are handled wai teCrtijt service wiU the French troops a all of here about tlree yttra ajo and four and sine months, a throughout territory covering for yean . of ban added his musical of the time bein with the AtcKinJey County and part department last mi'Mitv and Valencia Counties. Wiliia ! came macLine ran "outfits." lie was st Juan year. lie ttre from Atianta, - - .ite-et- ntr hmA oo i . ... , i . ortl he hat vmiuB for a --pen oi suiewn onftjjiganowyernocariar,B.iiuuiGi - .C: .it . ion . open termory. sax, leui u tug about in Westingbouse Hadio-pnon- es thirty years experience the P"? 1"!i.JTu.frfA!lSiIni equipmentf' and has the exclusive jewelry business. Also Mr. Ferrante'e h lM ueocy lor the famous father before him was a Jeweler and ?tlSwn at nraumt tara of K'a hratara era an- - as State Distributor for the -- wounded three times up to this time being ed tn the same business. E b a before the Italian Westnc batteries out of Denver. He trosressiTs ciUxen and a meisber of and alsoWain just I started on Austria. Altboush is also termed jobber on Delmont the local Chamber of Commerce, advance 1 od and tires Mr. Artesi was docorstaa, ana men-tkm- prirr. Goodyear Dayton n the musical department Mr. For. in several taws, he snd tubes are handled and Mr. Iehl nnte has the exclusive Columbia one ef the most complete lines draws no eemp!n,ton' -- '4 Artesi hanes agency in phonographs and recotxU Iwas born in the shoe and leather of accessories to be found in this sec- - and also hsndles a complete line of business, representing the tLird gen-- I tion of the state. sheet music, musical merchandise, on Kniffht-Knab- oration of his family engaged in tbia Besides rendering serivce the star pianos, a - nianoa, work. He devotes, his entire time to cars be handles in the sales depart-- Gibson stringed instruments and Conn the business, is a member of the local ment lit. Iehl does s general line of wind instruments. In the Jewelry - on vuaiii w4 riminim and- a fratar-" - snd overhauling all partment lines handled include: Re- Ha is a DrotTSssive busi makes of cars. His machine shop is gers. Community, and House ft Ed-s- o ness citizen. Connected with him is well equipped that all classes of wards, plate and starling, silvsrware, Miss Clorinda Casna, his sister-in-la- work may be done with the excep- -; all standard watches and Jewelry, rod who has charge of the office ana as- tion of lathe work. This includes an extraordinarily comprehensive io Giiuu? rzcAiiuiE c:: sists in the sales department Miss acetylene welding, electrical work and of diamonds. Besides doing sU Casna speaks Spanish, Italian and battery All work is ac- - classes of repair work on watches and English. : v. companied by a strict guarantee. The jewelry, Mr. Ferrante does custom WK01BAIE3 C7 r 377 The Paris Shoe Company handles a location is st West Third snd Coal manufacturing of jewelry. The inter- - S complete line of quality shoes includ Avenue and 'phone is 276. Floor space ior of the store is a beauty and all -- ing Packard shoes lor men ana ous forty by a hundred fifty is utilized fittings are of plate glass and ma will -. ITntarprise, supplemented with keen six years. 'V ured an additional, warehouse be n,nvn hno for children. Mr. Ar and an average of six people are em- hogany. Mr. Ferrante's business haa will sixty-fiv-e - KUSniOSS Judment. hai vr liwn Ana The Gallup Mercantile Compsnyf constructed which e has had special training in prac- ployed. "Dependability" has been the shown such s steady growth that he - the essential factors in the devel Incorporated, are wholesalers . oi 4n- bv two hundred thirty-fiv-e feet in topedics end makes to order auy spec cornerstone on which the business has is planning on increasing. !s floor innti-tetto- 4.1 annliance nec 1 opment of a successful buninew n, tn. m rnnwtive been founded snd conducted. Worthy 'space snd adding an opt depart order . whether it be financial, indus- merchandise, wool, sheep pelts, hides, sry in to. accommodate the egga He is an expert in proper ed special mention is the fact that Mr. ment in direct charge of 3 rrperienc- -i trial or commercial. Perhaps in the goat skins snd Navajo blankets. Dusmess ana to more toot fitting. In fact Mr. Artesi is so Iehl keeps in stock the largest indi--1 ed optometrist in the future, of the Among the many exclusive brands thoroughly and efficiently serve the weU that he offers a service vidual number of for sll cars and br is V tistory representative business - tned, parts "Honesty Punctuality" the lastittrtions of Gallup or of this sec- handled may be mentioned the inter- - uncw. int ,miriur 01 ine ounainB- ,u i. ha fnnnd even in tne in the entire state. He wishes to be twin slogan and Mr. Ferrante is a houses convenience 1 a tion of the 8outhwest, for that mat- national)v known and famous Del every modern and nmnietj line of quoted as a booster for Gallup. j booster.. for of ter, tisort is no more striking example Monte line of canned goods; Canova necessity the expediting daily ", women's, infants snd children's . business. The is well ' Cf what may be sccomplished by per- - coffee snd spices; Old Homestead and main building h handled including all the weii-uirect- C former na In cj n purpose, ef--i Major flour, (tho being a I?"tur,Jlly n'W,puiar widths, lssts and styles. STG? steamT re-lat- "t, 1 t energy and push to "do Kansas hard wheat product and the "ally, is heated, equipped with I?T lhoe npairing department all IC BAIu3 OS CI i " Cr is exemplified in that from Colorado wheat); the fire doors throughout snd with ample Iirinr and custom making work is -- 1 iamous sunam orano ox oranges im nnnecwon in uie manor ox and canvass V 7 raaged concern, "Gallup ' saieiy j" wh leather El i .JTlt J LMnuna." ennmiAitrmA t and lemons, and o&er predaeta of tho appliances. The general offices are and. anmmed m) DrMXlTa Mr. EsTEIEB f 1 California Growers Association: of the modern semi-ope- n "Jj. boas of its kind in Fruit tree, are , - ha mnat eomnlata) line- of t J t , niHBi 1... Founded snd the fountain O domestic CH- -. buflt princi- and v.c:ra 1,. r Mexico and reckoned'"1 KrM' MN!!: A O. snd Dry cool snd airy, and withal lend an Ir ahoea and shoe findinxs is tne entire upon pens; ia and Onion Carbide of friendliness i ples of carrying every needed article imported toilet articles and prepara- ( zz2 t x fwemost in the South-1- " Company; dignity, yet and easy- tr- einjJohn Com- - tiiaw. that may be called for the tions; the Woodworth fea- 1 "Individuals products; Deere Plow iZ-T- j foDowd out by buying products, ssid: ItTln iT 1 jT"? The business policy con- e b u products ? ""V public in their Hnea, the above' turing the Kaeresa Bon- ) .Hies, t institutions panjrs the following principles: cern shown and lie, tOrt p r- - of the class ducts m patntt in all haa a ateady growth ner's, Colgate, KtttntV Palmer's, 11 j." Distinctly workmsnship, honesty a most noteworthy effort to expand Kiss, Roger and and ( f Let ix that have been respon-- t Tire 4 Rubber ons and service to all. Gallet, Fivers, proper meet the needs of the rub-p- er 1 Monarch and nuuniainaa. ana ine -- m .v. to growing Caron; Evershsrp pencils; Killer f;r the West's remarkable i... tin con- m ranges; National Lead Company's community, snd at present, it is goods; Dsvol rubber goods; Eat- dmfopment and of the lam, Bim,h. ""Jjw"': tSIn Mtlif.rtorr iixl cn. hu sidered be the eV - Am-- products, including ammunition; snd to not only leading on, Crane Pikes stationery, and & in this but one of the - " TVtmodern liusiness many others. The company is termed drug store city, Picksrd hand painted china. :yuthe leading in the entire state. There is 4, la above named company. distributor of all the above mentioned entire is departmentised ttaa vear and The store handles a complete line v. ts throughout. AU Irin, a certain cafe in ' Paris where it is of school The of the Mercan-t- it products.': the stock is fresh, 'TI boob, stationery, and sup- Lory Gallup said that if one remains seated there dates,! when uoneenung tn statement outlined clean, and crisp, and keot that waVi0iJJK ?n,a?.ciri2?jr otod plies,, and, ia exclusive state dispens- - Cz?7nr one meet any friend or ac- f- 1 sense ten in thd sV Paragraph it may be well and the segregation of stock accord - j long may ing sgent for public and high school building occu. 1 1 1 t ronion . . 1 a . "n"nS traal . J it W WVOVVI 'W as the whole world f feet of f. r .i i i ' ' quaintance pastes books. There b slso handled a com- rand square space. - there at some time. In Gallup it is V.J'T the toUl floor snaee tecUDied ogfVed, and aationaJly known pro- tions Is strictly adhered to through- - 2f1,npJl SjSSmS We'naed plete line of cigars, cigarettes snd di-T- in near The- - , certain that if one remains or " sJl drbsrtments sre handled, out entire olsnt is eouioBed tobaccos, which are in is well I : - . excellent ty t.e company in excess of W ... . . laaiai MlitiiM SiWl1 mnVsal HllallTlaWslB inn Store sooner or lat- kept Thte GaMup 'I .... the Banner Drug shaps by modem humidor facilities. isventy thousand square, feet and not mpanyttiwrn .non all will It is New East- - a nc. are inuivi-- 1 - er of Gallup pass by. The company also handles ealy Western Mexico and essenuai uainy nous, nvvnuis; iivrmm, .1 minrrr x nere. magasines, i uuia,. ...I. the-- nannie- we can maae the roost popular gathering Arisona is thoroughly, eeVered. in cheap is handled in any department, uihuj Hwawyji imam ur mvxm 7- easily newspapers and periodicals, including en 1 1 1 town if - . - :vi. almost nerfart samole mom onenins.1 city 'out of this everybody place in the city and especially among the latest fiction. . Gasoline oils do distribution of the companr prp- lanu, insular iiwbivwi viuj tin.uivw is one of the and de--. have their worth off of the main office so a l..Uta. the younger set, and are also handled. ducts, but shipments from soer j products that proved just that of th-- ""' msnuxacrurer. in few beauty spots Gallup. rartments go over United and are backed By tne prospective buyer msy, a Fttahlfahed in 1883. this is the old- - The fountain is of the liquid car- Ltsteo and i. Of course, there are different srrsdss square feet of space, see a aample of PUHITAM bonic ia modern and Continental. .(ka. THE eat in point of opera type, strictly hss roster the handled se as to accomodate tharY every article carried in stock by the drug"eompany a twenty-fiv- e foot one ''jT official. oi in ne oiuciai counter, of Chrjsent tea1 the customer OAKERY tion ' the city, i present, V eomnanv contains tne. low in chasing power of i ).- - r the largest in the state. The aivtojeompny. raatar wr. . 1.1 ...... ordinary. . names: suit bis immediate needs in his partM Se" is tendered bv the eomnanv. lnciuaro.' a vpresi 01 Gregory Pegs, president; estab-- '"Hn pacuy we son anna r; - but entire sfodf The above business has been Neuman, secretary-manage- an di rjlar territory, the Us iVis the majority of business IwrrSrsea-- Prtment W approximately fifty Mrs. H. Dietsman. treasurer. PresK handled is made up witnout a single done, tust and east alone the railway ii1ished' under its present tnanagment President The location ia at 202 Railrud jla Pk aki nnaalali a faarrafirS ta QualitV and by trucks and teams within a rad-- i or the past live year aaa is operawa cwith'thVcmSny ami'Avenue and the phone number is 68. di- of mention nf a hnnHMit as a between J. iasados The GaLep State Bank and who - An item worthv especial in iiirf mtv miiaa .ii oaftnrvhiu ffiprominent real estste and tosur-- 7:00 due the metropoli-enstitution- s, . C. Mr. Walker hss toa r-lt- vides his activKsr between these two is the fsct that to directions. and f Walker. mdividual buUding occupied tan cold faeilities had, the and the largest f? la ere tt the best known storage The code of ethic. .. ?yeNand SropertT owner in Both hJO by HO feet n dimension snd s- -' 111 is w an unuua.. E'avVef lup... is also full aise- - An , and mcrt financiers and company aoie cbttj he Gsllup .MwcsntU. 'mM Messrs. and G-- W. E. Morria, a basement. i- atnrk. and to it fresh snd Griego, busis-- ri -4 of the West i.rta have mjmr1 h of twelve are : A part j imncatea that this , Tn . of are active;-wit- the average, people employ- r in-th- llivenr alone11"1 cieany ia son president, is ft, ' W ed. Mr. T lection. ed bome-opers- te WHI v.:L.J rnuM under whose iPi&JJSil and and devote their entire business. Mr Griefo, Mr. active green goooi, lines . 1. Us charge m.i. i uiiuvuusn.: wiui no mner tn teir veneral anoervbion the business is Besides rendering the people of this and in his man- - .'vn time to the present business. unexcelled tnz.. ,ision produce, most thoroughly and efficieaUy serve, - conducted, hss been with the com- community an service, , has been a resident jruns, jjc. g The Puritan Bakery handles a com- and a bit of mail order business is ageriaf e?' ! anal for the past twenty years Suite .Ci-xfT and the State of wholwctes. thaa f aianla fanev anpaear. pany joLMcXis: 7 "l Z"1 V, lrmM torougBout the TS C was nractically raised in this store. throughout this part of the state Rev-la'- ': Z7i"tL featurlnc all navADally t v . 3- - - retail, Mr snd to and Ue past thirttwo l!EJtl. Summed un - xtie.w .t . a - .. v He ia a native of New Mexico. the surrounoinc campa f juay has en-- M""p.LwVtw.muUlUfJaP WV pvgfseiwv ' admirable code of t of 01 Arisona. roe teejj- Ic. Griego was a member the pan sioan auiuea Indian- tradTout rati which is ing, trading, stated ss follows: I VJSdieof . of this state and is a! apt, is and gatei -- hss been'one "If i"Ef!irt Legislature very "Biggest siness and merchan-- v A service to the trade Beet in Whole the Ik, my leighborhood and you trade out of " f"' 17. SJZi'Z: graduate of pharmacy from the Kan the Southwest." difling. goes the credit for of the msnagement's policies alnci will become aJ and is The code ethics the Banner Vast-nin- your neighborhood, what aas City College of Pharmacy of of d saw tk. e- nf the eomnT aCXjW Th- be "b,f snd crisu St SU times. the pioneer of our naa.hWhAieI - Set. SSU ,fZ keot He is a mem- haa been to full value having the uvfUUViiVVl .SJCV .tn registered in this state. Drug $tore give holtb that the famous Com-lai- mill in tie auntains. Mr. Neu ties. The management question wlistever thst this city is i.?!In the bakery department ber of the local Chamber of for, each dollar received and above all mann of the New firm is the public'f pUes - A Mr. courteous times is sjso president markCja 'lurxunaie in naving such urge mstl- mww 'T . . " a n a fraternal man. service st all to every Mexico Predace Company and fi't'aT w's- utions that carry a stock seldom to itee" ounce hdNA t known by the purchaser. Along, this line we might i 4 - Jl?!"1 eour 'aa -' Griego is familiarly ia a fiat maa- is fmA ,n dt,M of .Um of producte ia Mr. tne two national rl To have with popniation bakery sobriquet of "Oscar." ueorge quote slogans "try Mr. H. Neumann sible to extend. this ef ;,t C.ntinn inrlmllntf Custom The bakery drug-bee- n In the aJit place ' jrtcourt- - Miv timea that nf inri th.t bakinC ednf Morris, secretary and treasurer , has the .drug Store Jirst" and "the " nrrnnnded themselves wi S -- I A a'streafiu business man with UjBe; concerns have exerted Vast .is modernly equipped Uiropghout and active with the company for the gist ,1s more tMn a merchant." As V A A v In snd icticsi llatMta anariavMa eous, intelligent, - influence in not only building this during a double shift can turn out and has direct charge of an, example of the high business plane r ... t ! I.H.. escb tf- up paat year I wi of employees, lending etery of - loaves. The - upon-whic- h ma section. New Mexico, but in secur- eleven hundred company office. Mr. Frank Cape is regis- this firm is conducted, .DUyinK puoiic. energy in - ...... , . the ie following are made fort and applying every , f ft n.ndieg . complete lias of hay, and has been con-- J ma be stated that all Lederie'a anti ardc; I out just what have keeping the Gallup other parts of the country, is an un-- j grain and" feed, and operates a MBBCtedTwith the company for the pastit"xina snd biobgicals are told at the i b -- th JaTl -- .ct factors in the sub- - doing business to bighe mpwhm di,puted fact AIonjr this fountain and soft drink , The feuntein is n c ge .Vfciol fixed stats price, which means tjia t l)he;Wr. deparmendtw'eart- ttaaU-- 1 recorded by this pomv 01 buiv"w r .. Neumann said: "'ine lnuuenw iiert-- handling local ice cream. of Gerrard Griego, brother of ' be ra aavlrg of forty to fifty per cent to ' k enneen. . 1 been a long tedious themselves, to the nu"' . ed upon any community by firm. The store is ope from 7:00 to 10:30 manager and who haa been "with 1 e.the coiumer over the ordinary com- - it ,f : 1 1 1. 1 ' 1 -- anw lm tmny-iiv- e, anu vnaii swote fre--i old fashioned stores " v, r. 'j stora for the oast six years, ine.mereiat price cnsrgsu, V t" avnrca in suew 1r ir 1 .. , ,. m li. which the wu"'-""-L1...1.'- .l.L wiv.1.. t ,vai ' ' OI aural.tJ 1.tMM Bac-v- a and the operated by niuv of whom nw unwiiu rnis City anfmi Drug Sre,alsooperstesi Thecltv of Gallup drug 1 finely-finis- h- and many - of 10 Mrs. 'fiW( t to the Mexico, nmnjjnerchants very msterislly- It tPaulas theae boors, e to beauty parlor in direct charge of buying public are to be congratulated -- ll merchan- - t.k w n.Uim Mercantile W)uipil7'.um 4.w at home. them emrior.- -. The lotat n is . kA. t iykint. modern wiui v - buy nennla are renwui on tne eauoiisnment ana continuance ' ' - Pioneer for are weu nwai-- "a... time in c the nr .nee e Jams of today. in "bles'them on Coal Avenue in t heart emi ana. special.";wain of such an institution as the Banner '.rV their - Is-tha- n " T . expen-mest- pl and best to a much ta-- tlc-- , mav -- aed the way by giving ta operate on ,;;er cipital cjty and the 'phone umber'is II jW imes. Drug Store. The entire personnel of factor tse " each new-fou- outstanding tgg would otherwisi be Jw- -, local oil all fro-sn- d Drug Store, Inc. have the store to be boost-- v. a and ftSsV in poe'ble,l making delivery kt tanner wish quoted ss marked rung in the lad- i. a bsliever tends to lower the cost of I 'the company also does AVe exclusive agency for the famous era and Mr, Griego said: "I believe prorement member of teJgt'F; liwit v der of prepress. Mr. Neumann baa Ucity. The to the consumer. If prices are equU b Jess to the surrounding yal remedies, carryrng these com Gallup will eventusly "become one of adverttaersot only s. be- -. run ha ramnt of that exoerience. Ee been consistentv It ia distinctly to the iidvsBtect of the yioWspace utilUed is 60 by 11, plete in sll tfepartm-ot- Among the the leadlnt cities of the state. I but tf CaLp local merchant to home has trro.ted by every forward strtJe of their wamai, snd br ffom Service and Quality many otisr exclusive ana lesauia lieve we have resources here which st large, they e pript nds be men and kept pace with every new and the community ay angle, from whi tares to Jactg-"- ia the motto ani the firm's lines and handled msy will be developed snd make Gallup a And today, the entire have make a comparison. ? . if no city 1-- been such st ta r'ace it in tioned: "tor phoiH"rrsphs and re real city. We need his the 'public .KJ lead-iz.- ut cords! Ll trie's Miss the business out - reflects the results of pains- that '? n?d? n'ir ranks of this city's tiwoalcais: ' among interests and plant mercW 'j V7r if ateemost Jacobs Dunn side taking effort, complete in equipment concerning GfUtl5,t5,t no dependable enterprises. Saylor'f . ani candies; publicity." and efficient The main buiU V f tK."J fP'ewkwt loto. CrThis fag Walker to the minutest detail, L oth MerJ1. CasadosK and of service render- Mercantile Company a condition, both for our boosters and are in its mastery every in that ta a dis- ft to be quotei ed. The story of the successful climb ial consideration tt businf; w vand the consumers." business citisers. Mr. and Thev--" ersonnel of the progressive of the Gallup Mercantile Company tinct pleasing im throwTrtto-- Gallup w .ald: WThe future 0f GsJlup is be told have al- - usual ugly and hspaiardly Mercant wish to be puot-- There is no res-- 'can tersely. They . to be IDUnO In a f to be better, ways sold "QUALITY" producte. . snre oeiievers tui. ,ttv not stow and wstch-wor- d. communities fl4vUl "SERVICE" hss been their great many vjn, the in tha JgaHup and are ready evnand. We need better roads. Wa Not on y aU do i "LOYALTY" on the part of Southwest. 3j5"??f7r5lnd twCJrng tmea; their also need, last, and always, more - and naintaJance and first, , employees and, last but not least building erected, akin fnSfuU,v. i between the business in ? TO use wim-- thini or the better ; 1 ATTENTION particular ior 7iurtnt;i f : ., "PERSONAL , terests of the city. , : EVERY DETAIL" The management but it was built and has D3.' v and westdm New 1 ' careful cmside -- 'said: of the Gallup Mercantile Company, proved with 'X icoi v. cae "There without includes practical to beauty and stability audj, .Vj en--1 iii for 'the belief that is founded upon the essential principle execption, more or -. ' men fsmillar with every, phase of lowed out te a lesv- 7I wl3 . IvSf trade territory will of the Golden Kuie in business ana architectuf v will continue to and pros-pe- r modern merchandising. They know the Southwestern wleontinv . show a steady increase. that it grow and maximum our own. This bulla. That"-the-r a vast difference be and be a decided and vital ele- every department its is peculiarly extends of The business is operst- -' is practically fire proof, diirj tween the Gallup of 1891 and 1923 is ment in the expansion of the .Greater .efficiency. , F main tracka" while is a con- ed on the same plane as a bank one the Santa an assured fact and, this city Gallup community foregone corner of Raif. . hundred per cent efficient and U located on the during that time has passed through clusion. The management takes of the com- - road Avenue and Third Street This depressions that have affected the en- pleasure in presenting to its present Amoiig the personnel the Mrs. Diets-ma- n I. t ha not only largest tire country, yet its growth has been snd prospective customers its history pany msy be mentioned in and. who has been and best appointed building GaUup, forward, even considering the back- and achievements. -- of which it u treasurer, new cus- with ipititution- - Since organisa but one of the Urgest in the entire ward periods, snd that this growth rightfully proud, and invites tt similar firms. will continue in the as has tomers - the tion, A. F. Labertson, sales manager,, ste to be utilised, by future it throughout expanding -- nf fortv thousand feet in is belief. trade w i t h a who has n? with the company fjut hum the past my personal territory, together t -r At is of western nW-- a nf continuinc its ooliey in the rears, F. O. Caters, in enar- ci is utilise 1 in the present bt&Bngs., This institution one of-lc- New Mexico's most en- as in the towards all cus buyteT 1 ani r rresnt tla r'ay i owupytng dependable future past t 1 and is full tomers in wmcu ra s 1 1 Crl.Js e--ty every hsci ef tie terprises, contributing its quota the community, las tie t ts -.- jm seei :s 3l3S- WM BS towards community dyveVrment and feeif is a guarantee Uat lew cms t. IMS " la fjicrta of Cs ts fct- - ri S t Tvrj ef its rr: ' rs. It r can civa. i n. r.:. izi atcd rzczvcz CO. cii2vnoLr:7 ;. 1 the needs of the That there is a difference, and a Carr! i cl the larg- - Anticipating city V stocks of of Gallup snd of this part of the state vaat difference, between the old and nt -- for nt, sup- - rany years to come the equipment new Chevrolet ear is recognised iaa-- New ITixico ' s entire tf ta Ice Produce who is so could mediately by everyone has usci ?jVreft' . Willmun-- i Compary complete that it put bid ttoroerLly and efficiently serve the them both. But few people realist dr is t to for - bed- ' : and with nesos ci a ty ex two to three times just how this change was aeconti&b , tie - i the of One of the ed which J!3on of a population Gallup. and placed Chevroleta, even ched. Mr. teat needs of the West of - i . i. ajniDI today on a tailing maraei, generally in soca; willmnn-- V4r r r owned the manufacturing industrial i . , . a i : and uciuaiiuj 4t..tnat .luse j are j li t was form-J-o plants,r nd one of the first sure signs oeaiera naio pin piece now , s has been of any city's becoming metropolis to make delivery, and this ear became erly connect:! is the establishment and successful one of the strong parts of the world-famo- us in his prxr--t t r for the past eleven V 4 exception of operation of these plants. To the General Motors Corporation. nan. above his service wIJi t during the concern the Gallup trade ter- The Chevrolet t:vy owes a real debt of people gathered at late workl war. I rered service ritory gratitude 1- considerable cost and time from -- -ter and was and appreciation, as truly metropoli- every as a seconJ ttzrt t ij tan service is rendered in dealer who sold Chevrolet parts, a discharged aa cLLi carpenter's mate. thoughout com- in list i Mr. Willmunder is post every department complete, detailed of .the number . M a.! J J It J ti"t Jr. Post The New Mexico Ice A Produce ui nines any apeciiieu pan was canea mander of the Raa Letner, It, Company baa been established here tor. And, in the of the No, 8 American Ur-J- n. w secretary rebuilding , for the past four years and is under nw Chevrolet, any part that was call of the local fir dartnent, a mem- the direct personal supervision of Mr. ed for on the old car a large number ber of the local Ctsmter of Commer- V. j. Jones, secretary and active man of times was strengthened, rebuilt and ce and holds a member! "p in the New ager of the company. Mr. Jones has in many cases was made entirely new. Mexico association of liumbing and TT il 1 . fl 1711M,iIMJ.M had charge for the past three years This made a car perfect in perfor- nnuns jjnguiamjre. , muiuuuvi, old-tim- him as manager and is an er in this mance, based on actual facts and fig his father is associated with in ; Mis Brown has v i slate, having been a resident of New ures furnished by the consumer and a th business. Isabel ... 1 Mexico for twenty-fiv- e years. He is car that was readily adaptable to any charge of tha office, ' ? a native of Kansas and is cao- - in state due to the fact does a J a very locality any F. G. Willmunder complete able and competent executive. that as the old adage states "No whole line of plumbing and heating, con- V is ex-mo- The company are manufacturers stronger than its weakest point, tracting and repair work. Aa an le and distributors of distilled water ice, because in the new Chevrolet there Is of hla contract work, mav be no weak At the Chev- - Lib-rol- et ice cream, and sodas. The ice plant point present mentioned that done on the new e is readily recognized as the low- - ertv Hotel. Texas Hotel and numer. BEST APFOIIJTED UMTAKTCG ESTADUSOiT is of twenty-fiv- ton capacity and e. est priced standard automobile on the - utilizes the ammonia system of man-factur- us residences in the city and at pre- Besides the maraex ana ns increasing popuiaroy gent ne ha work supplying local is recently completed demand ice is furnished throughout places in a class by itself. Without nn the onntaoHmu annex nf St Marv'e Di THE SOUTHWEST and without of com- - this section to the Sante Fe Railway. competition fear Hospital and en the school by the The famous Delicia brand of ice panaun. in u.iiup mo auuve iirra Franciscan WU. JWHfmmOW" Probably no institution in the city ginning of contact until the farewell munity. He is a sincere believer in handles this famous car. BUtx. cream is manufactured and only the exclusively ta named officU Xreola merchant, of Gallup lends mora prestige to this is spoken. the future of McKinley County and N. A. Ross & Son was establshed inl.m inw.iiina. th t.mno un- purest ingredients are used. All milk .a a.' throughtout the territory served The establishment of the He stated: "The future of this 111 4UB1VI1 VUIB city Gallup Gallup. and cream is and "Sanita- VI JTCttl cola plants. He also handles than does the above establishment. Company is located at the section looks all We have build-e- d pasteurized heating dertaking right. tion" is the watchword and the business is conducted as a and installs American Radiators and Here one finds metropolitan corner of Second Street and Hill ave- for a future. One of the throughout. truly biggest The ice cream has of partnership between father and son, Standard and Koehler plumbing fix- service rendered with the master hand nue, day telephone 26 and tele- that would make an improve- plant a capacity N. R. G. night things hour. A. and Ross, both active in tures. In brass goods, the A. H. Mue- of an experienced technician and a phone 78, and the main building is ment in the destiny of this city is the fifty gallons per the business. Mr. N. A. Ross is a na- tVtmtwfeo1 furn firm ii'kaoain kaa In the which is of ller line is handled. The location of and trained mortician. This 1UVU ftV TV UVI Of II V VIM WHO absolute of all business bottling plant, a competent vvniji the latest a of tive of Indiana and majority of his Mr. Willmunder'i is on Coal concern has contributed to, and in been installed the last word in equip- men in the matter of togeth- very type, capacity has been the lumber shop getting 600 dozen cases hour experiences in Avenue next door to the Gallup has been foi, the ment and complete to er and across that per eight shift business. He was just fact responsible appointment, putting anything is bad. Not is all formerly county Clinic and the 'phone number is 96. claim that has located iiuiiukcBb u na wj in- will To the 'live' and ag- only the machinery road rightful Gallup iiic utriaii uiiu help Gallup. but cleanlniess is superintendent for McKinley The code of ethics embraces here New Mexico's under- sure absolute mastery of Ser- business interests of Gallup electrically driven, lor a employed premier every gressive stressed County period of three years. the of giving full value, both taking and funeral facilities. vice rendered ITnnn 'enfcerinoi rma there is a wonderful opportunity and throughout every operation, Mr. R. G. Ross is a man and principle Lcomes all bottles young in material and workmanship. This directly into the reception hall, big to be opened by the being thoroughly washed, has been with the firm since organiza- The Gallup Undertaking Company M 1 a' territory estab- Ll.L 1. -1 I Ail J n - sterilized and handled by machinery. is easily the leading plumbing Was established under its present wniuu ib lurmsiieu in inumeu reman construction of a railway from this tion. Territory includes all of McKin- Willmunder - u fx San In this department the franchises for lishment in the city. Mr. ima u . i blue and grained uregon Tbis cfty into the Juan valley." ley County and of Valencia mum in au. nume,tjii pine. Coca-Col- a, Lemon part wishes aa booster. ioo, Biuiuugu the manufacture of and Mr. Ross states that with to be quoted a under whose presonai supervision tne " Crush and Crush is held County, home effect The ed Orange by the cars sold and with those contract- present business is conducted, was fiving the and also are here in business in 1913. '"on;?. m 0 on the left by the company they repre ed for he has placed over a hundred rolet cars in use In tha county. Ser- business office and GALLUP CADILLAC sentatives of Alpen Brau bottled bev- cars in his since vice is rendered for Chevrolet In 1918 Mr. Rollie consolidated with private family Com-pany- territory organiza- only room, "d on tht the slumber erages and the Zang Brewing s' tion. The Chevrolet car ranks second cars and a stock of is the Gallup Mortuary and the present nght by There is also complete parts 1918 room In of the room, keg products. over all others in the county in popu- handled. Both Messrs. Boss wish to name was adopted. During the reception COMPANY manufactured a complete line of as nd direct from this is the and all told there are 125 Chev- - be as boosters. . . r present company also purchased the opening sodas. larity quoted hapel and which be combined, The above has been under sorted business of L. H. Parr at Winslow and may by company The New Mexico Ice Produce with recep-Bolbro- name established branches at Winslow and opening folding doors, the its present and administration modern cold tion room. The has 1922. Company has the only during that same year. On chapel seating since January 1, The company of THE STYLE WOMEN'S LOSSES' of two hundred. the is aa a between storage facilitiea in this part the SHOP, AD April 1st of this year the company capacity Beyond operated partnership state and utilisea all but two rooms, Mor- chapel , is the Messrs. S. P. Vidal and E. Menapace, purchased the interest of W. H. - Proper preparation which have been leased to the Nuck- ris in The branches st Hoi- - room the bedroom for the attend-broo- k both active with the firm. Mr. Mens- - EXCLUSIVEY Gallup. fbuik-char- olls Company, for storage WEAR, ants. At the extreme left and gs nace is a native of Gallup and has Packing and Winslow are in direct and distribution of its own products. A. Dean. the chapel proper, are the facil-- had a lifetime experience "with auto of Mr. J. jnf Summed up tersely, all modern con- mobiles. The principles laid down by Sin- Wear-rig- ht gloves; fclauner Bros, Mr. D. Rollie is a native of New InMiidaa a r veniences are used and maintained by wMf)iV...... WUVU ,"w,r?.-""-...... The Galluo Cadillac Company took Korrae aruL--. Mexico of his exper- IIIL' .jr.v... W.Hv. and clair Lewis in his book "Main Street," coats and anita: dresses; and s majority the at the extreme over the Durant in this company in the manufacture ience has been in his present profes Flanking chapel agency April, distribution of its over 'an be all correct as to methods of in fact only nationally adverted and is the stairway opening to the 1922.' and the Star agency a little products may known brands right wide The invest- know- nationally throughout. baVemt and show room7 The later. At sales and service extremely territory. living, social functions, and the "Exclusive Not is 1 Jfc present, ment in the installation of But Expensive" the J&tfJttJfiStl of Cadillac automobiles for McKin- required ledge of your neighbors' affairs, but motto, and one which is literally true. com-na- nv this modern coupled with the County is handled and the plant, it most cannot be to Besides Gallup, a bit of ley fire stone building which houses certainly applied serving quite v is termed distributor for Star proof femi- mail order buainess is done through- of the . . dress. . Nowadays the average and Durant automobiles for McKin- - it, has conclusively demonstrated the out western New and eastern fttane in nine of smaller cities Ifsxieo in he lev. San and Valencia counties manaeemennt'a faith the growth resident the Arizona. consid- Sift ZZZZ Southwest. Floor; Juan, ' The Style Shop is ' sub-deal- ,and expansion of the Gallup trade walk the of JJkllJwS thlTh. P utilized on the main floor is 85, The company plans to establish may thoroughfares any ered to carry twice the amount of li the The territory, and, the) steadily mounting and is to in- stock of exclusive store in the throughout territory. has shown metropolis there nothing any company handles a complete line of jineraase in business that dicate that she is not an inhabitant same size city in the Southwest . of this was justified. The service thi 60 feet-- The entire inUrioT ""ange-in- parts of these makes cars and Tilth True, she may not be an extremist That the establishment of such a County main-Chamb- is unexcelled and a dK. er on them Mason rendered guar in but her im- Sr23 was ments are such as to create and renders service only. dress, as to good taste, concern in this city is of vital of . also handled. The antee of satisfaction accompanies and Its... antvin mJ tires and tubes are , style, tout ensemble, her sister portance is most certainly true, and first pwsident to handle all cars each transaction. of the has on her." And, iL 1, . n Si . . 'J. mm. Mr. Rollie St.te.S3, company plans wish be city "nothing aiong mis line mr. usarnnsxy sam; ian and a Jh combination that ofUn an oppor.i manufactured the uurant people. The management to quoted that this is true is directly attribut- "A store of kind in the h by and Mr. Jones said: "I this located ,t present where the family may remain The comnany is ahead of ita Cadillac as boosters, able to the establishment of exclusive me fitK, tunity believe the future of is very city raises standard oi mess, schedule of sales this year, and far Gallup feminine shops carrying the latest educates the people as to style, keeps i Mr Rollie in We need more water to de- County. , Connwt.tJ fc The bui,. ,B of 0--f ahead with the sales of the Star car good. whims of Dame Fashion, the same money at home, and thereby putting is Wr. . .. - the Soutnwe8tern mrcitac-- i and up to date on their Durant car velop the country." high class shops and the same metro- more money in circulation, and tends Fred Lyons and who has been with, t,,, been so ' 'O service as rendered in the rf rf contract There has sold far fiolitan is to eliminate generally dissatisfaction five ht him for the past years. ft ,g a modern; ltructure of, this year five Cadillacs, forty-eig- cities. Then, too, these shops with local conditions. Then, m d ; BUICK nec- living No business or profession has New Mexico fire brick made in Gai Stars and twelve Durante. The Star BEDDOW to approach perfectness must of too, it gives favorable publicity to the dimbed hia-he-r and more Icarelully , car is particularly adaptable to this essity give absolute personal atten- in which "S means city it operates. up ij on a1 territory! and is the lowest priced COMPANY tion to every purchaser. This Included code btmmwc,I,d"rnnJd0 The automotive facilities are limit- in the of ethics adopt- Ss . on market. that clientele is ---Sf found in standard made car the the necessarily ed The Shop be men- !f". - a cit, sold on f!11nn liaa attained mnat favorable ed but the Individual gaining by Style may "T in These cars are easy payments patrons tioned the court- iJlt1!!-, ZLIT' u,.w. 'of: 100.000 retiurca following: Sincerity, r trnaai HLrii&cii uuui population, on hand all with the travelling public A most excellent example wsair in miirn tji this may be mentioned, and the company has at publicity thereby. esy, money refunded, abso- the ser- department models demonstration. The due to tne iact tnai mm cny nuo of the above statements may be had cheerfully inanity than has masterly oearers . coacn times, for lute satisfaction to the customers and, the mor- the magnuiceni pan . s established here many dependable in the establishment and continuance vice rendered by present day or car of the Miller the location is at r. vidal uompany liberal exchanges. The Style . Sho--, of the family type; . i and anlandiHIv enuinned automotive in here of The Shop. in the ser-vi- store. business Style tician. And, personality hand-carve- Ford is giving to the ladies Gallup mod- - d grey hearse; sales and service houses, carrying The was established of aiu men who. conduct these strictly . Style Shop ' a new of ready-t- v - car and the ambulance finished aoove 1922, and its open- vicinity type ladies (,.mh1 ktmai one will find. Sum- nationally Known proaucts. ine here September 6, wear in white. This ambulance is electri nas us snare established a new era of mer- service embrscing high gra: ) med up tersely, all the finer attributes . company contriDuiea iuu ing assortments of dresses, coats, wrar CHAS. W. DAVIS to this The Beddow Buick chandising for those who desire real impression. busi- silks, furs, millinery, blouses, swatt- Company was established in May, style at reasonable prices. The ass of L. C. ers, silk underwear, etc. SStf 1922, and is a partnership between ness is entirely in charge x&rtixss INSURANCE Czar-linsk- Sr,-5L2- T i"to technical details, the interior of and Mr. y The interior of the store is abso- 27 ASisalinXanrtsci hwttWa Maun. Walter C Jos Czarlinsky, the proprietor. are y, ' conven-diplomac- of New in in- A. Beddow, both active with the has been a resident lutely every warm .human sympathy, eaJrul patients and attend- - That the rendition of a superior eph and is rpxnect and thin wHth the wlnHnw Ala is a in it- company. Mr. Walter u. ceaaow nas Mexico for the past four years --"odern science. surance service profession Not was make it one of the beauty on and be attained ex been a resident of the state for the a native of Arkansas. only plays spotl render a service a far higher plane ambulance is in con. self can best by in his of the city. The entire front is c I which com The kept spotless is an establish nnat fourteen vears and is a native of Mr. Czarlinsky raised present than that on the average n .h ja Midv tn move on an- in clusive concentration the thirty-fiv- e feet wide, an ' Uiviunjui - , in Missouri. Mr. A. Beddow is line of business but he represents plate glass, mercial institution is operated. Tf estimated; that ed fact. Galluo's only exclusive Joseph his who the interior is done in glass anl Plains.i..t. i'"""''"j is of above also from Missouri and has been in second generation of family plate The service rendered today by the .iu "value of the motor surance service that the been in this exclusive battleship grey carried out in the en- the results the replacement concern established here seven years this state for the past six years. Both have engaged practicing morticians is aione oi me unuup un- evnerienced automobile business. Mr. Czarlinsky is a tire color scheme of decoration v equipment Mr. Charles under I 4 V obtained after years of experimenta- asro. W. Davis, voiinir man who devotes his TtiArA ... nnmarmii mlrrnra fn dertaking Company approximates and man nf mflnv vpflri standing and in tion and study of the wants and needs whose sole ownership supervision entire time to the store, is a member convenience of milady, separate ar . service is $12,000,00. the business is conducted, has been a cluding from both practical and sales of the field covered. This Mr. Rollie maintains a nas of the local Chamber of Commerce private fitting rooms, and reser i from the Although resident of New Mexico for the past standpoints. James tiagan cnarge room. on the second floor. Ha as different most comprehensive stock of caskets, the mechanical and is and a fraternal man. stock service as is the highly twenty-fou- r years and is a native of of department is floor in excess of 3,000 undertaking with vaults, dresses, robes, of oldest automo-mil- e Connected with Mr. Czarlinsky together space of today together Illinois. Mr. Davis is a registered one the experienced has di feet is utilized. The store la trained medical authority and ranging in price, materials mechanicians in the He is Mr. Irene O.arlinskv who square who suits, and has held offices city. ready-to-we- ar M. the old fashioned doctor pharmacist public v of de from A M. to six P. , from and finish to suit the individual needs. ntt-Anl- ivoll avnnrinncnd in all lines rect charge the open eight blood" known ailment in New Mexico for six years. He is a and evenings until nine 'let for every same super-servic- e is considered Mrs. Dei Arcey, in cnarge Saturday con- vet the renaereq As- of this business but is also partment: ar No demands such a of member of the State Insurance nf the Snanish trade: Miss Doris o'clock. A specialty is made in ready-to-we- profession to all. As a modern practitioner one of two a Buick Mr. Carl uandenng, stant study of human nature and the natural Mr. sociation and only holding expert. in charge of hosiery; Miss Mr. Czarlinsky is reach- ki. f.ainn it it that in this and holds the one of the mechanics was formerly Czarlinsky application of such conclusions handle, not membership city, M. L. Moore, member of the sales a booster and said: "The future of must deal Rollie much prefers to in National As- connected with Sam Watkins at El We ed. The modern mortician the funerals con- only membership the force; and Mr. Max Rosenblum, resi- Gallup looks very good. need not only all details of he be said that Official Buick dealer. busi- - with the people who are normal, of constant use sociation. Also it might Paso, dent New York buyer. closer between all must ducts, but to be The Beddow-uuic-s; company are due to their bereavement and his contact. In Mr. Davis has the distinction of op- Among the many leading and ex- ness interests of the city and to take the entire in- sales service Buick be touch of a friend throughout one of the three exclusive authorized and for clusive brands handled this store for our civic slogan immortal the kind, healing Mr. Rollie'a service com erating Mc- by . I 1the . well merchant and other words, surance in the entire state. automobiles for San Juan and i r T1 M.ll and adviser as as a not nis dot agencies line may be mentioned: Bon, Ton corsets; woras oi iumu unn,giinii. hi into most bines only that along lines, Connoted with him in the conduct of Kinley Counties, to the meridian one and one for all." . salesman. He is brought additional element such Paige hats; Vanity Fair silk lingerie; for . the personal business is Miss Taylor, in Arizona, and also part of Apache "and flowers, buying the Georgia TthSse serTed is telegrams, buying who has direct charge of the office County, Arizona. The majority of the Tltf Lfidenc tickets, checking baggage, making and in Mr. Davis' absence. business is handled out of this office, SKll an and Sub- Si hotel and Pullm resery.Uons, Mr. Davis handles all classes of in- olhnuoh the pnmnnnv has a - 'Ke no r old-lin- is Ti rf hi as in fact everytmng, mswrsow ten e dealer at Aztec. The company also Ulinoco Vi vira a - natrons, tend the surance, representing rjiflflhe ser- that will to lighten distributor for Timken His handled. authorized unfolded from many angles. his Such companies. No mutuals are to- heavy burden of patrons. alone r Besides a complete line of vices have come to be recognized cannot be on a mere Fire companies represented by bearings, a in this mod- service placed Mr. Davis have assets alone of two parts for all cars, the company nas day as being necessity and cenfs basis and those who ser-- , kindness and quick dollars hundred ' five million do- the official U. S. tire and tube ern era and his come into contact with Mr. Rol- seventy re- have done much to rob have llars. The companies repre- vice, and does a complete line of understanding lie have not commended his ser- leading as Buick service. Grim of his terrors to tne only sented are: Springfield, Scottish Un- pair work as well the Reaper vice but have become his friends on well equip- individual. - North Britsh Mercan- The machine shops are as average account of these facts. ion, National, and work done the r above institution is a tile, Niagara, London Assurance, ped as any in the city That Rollie is a trained tech- ' of the close adher- , Mr. highly London & Globe, Great includes aceiyiene weiumK, nuuwi splendid example in his is an exper- Liverpool, electrical work. hi' ence to these and indicates nician profession, American, Franklin, and Citizen's. work, and all auto principles man and a courteous on Avenue the results attained by following them ienced gentle- For auto liability, surety, and casual- The location is Kairoaa v is and thi la tha - trArACe to be be shown by the fact man, and constantly endeavoring insurance these lines are written in BIIU W..O firat B ' ' out may clearly ex- ty nn ontorlnir the citv from the Mr.Rollie has received letters of to conduct the business upon the the U. S. & Guaranty Com- Inund that the term Fidelity is and commendation and heartfelt thanks traordinarily high plane that pany which has a capital of twelve east. The place open day night of families for which "Modern Mortician" demands. His million five hundred thousand do- and is the only steam neatecr garage from members - tv extend , over this of A commercial cap-aol- he has conducted funerals. This re- services all part llars and admitted assets of over thirty in Gallup. storage ... - nf seventv cars is had and cord is an achievement, for which Mr. the Southwest. v six million. In life insurance the Mu- ahnut number is 283. The busi Rollie may be well pardoned for tak- Gallup, and the surrounding com- tual Life of New York is represented. the 'phone considerable munities are to be. congratulated upon All business is handled out of this ness has been bum up steaauy unaer ing pride. conditions the unfaltering To the laity it might be interesting the continuance in business here of office and the Charles W. Davis office adverse by outline the careful appoint- the Gallup Undertaking; Company. is conceded to be the largest in this adherence to the slogan, which is: to briefly times. ments, tU meticulous arrangement of Mr. Rollie is distinctly a type of the part of the state. Mr. Davia is a "Courteous treatment,'' at all mace snd careful con- - and stated: "I consider the nnth Mmn Raddnw wlah to be OUO-t- Hr. Roll's the booster believ- - Um' n ansordai tirowraoat in to be found at the helm of all forward future of Gallup ss excellent. Wo ad aa honatera end are sincere - ka-- ." 'ers future of every .?stii- ti fr3 tie movrrts a every ftvzftiJn r itz 3i rcrt fc tztslal Btxrsfc-s- in the, Calfcp. ONE OF THE MOST MODERN COAL MINING TIPPLES IN THE WCXLD

The thing that put Gallup on the map and has continually copper mines and smelters of the Southwest consume both contributed to the up-buildi- of this city ia Gallup Coal. Coal engine and slack' in considerable quantities. is Gallup's most important product and greatest asset. For domestic purposes the stove and nut grades are in Within the immediate territory of Gallup there are fifteen great demand, and every Southwestern city, within a radius of mines with an annual production of more than 800,000 tons, several hundred miles of Gallup, uses Gallup American stove and an annual payroll of more than 12,600,000. and hut coal. In this dominant industry, the Gallup American Coal Com- The mining camp of Gamerco, within fifteen minutes by pany is the largest producer. At maximum capacity their plant auto from Gallup, Js a little city, modern and up-to-da- te, each would employ 2,000 people. With the employment of 2,000 house and family supplied with electric lights, pure soft water people, the payroll of this Company alone would be about from deep wells, and every convenience that go to make life ,$275,000 per month. Under present conditions an average of comfortable. Cement Tennis Court, one of the very best base- 800 are employed, the payroll varying from $110,000. to 9120-00- 0 ball parks of the West, swimming pool, moving picture theatre, per month. amusement halls for dances, modern school buildings, a general The Gallup coal district employs an average of 2,000 peo- mercantile supply house where every necessary household arti- ple, with an average payroll of $275,000 per month. cle is sold to supply the wants and needs of camp people. Gamerco is the new post office name for Mine No. 5. Gam-erc- o But the every day life of miners and those interested in the is a new wordcoined from the abreviation of Gallup production of coal is not confined to the task of producing American Coal Company. coal without thought of care of those who risk their lives far August 20, 1920, stakes were driven where one of the down under the ground. There are committees of safety bri- world's largest and most modernly equipped and appointed gades, divided into squads, or ees, who are con- mine tipples now stands, marked by a concrete stantly looking out for the betterment of workers, and these de- smoke stack 262 feet high. partments of safety forces are ever alert for improvements and October 1, 1922, the mechanical equipment at Mine No. 5 ideas that will lend and tend to better and safer working con- was ready for business with, a capacity for producing 100,000 ditions, for sanitary regulations, that the lives of workmen, as ' " ' tons per month on full working time. well as their health, may be safe-guard- ed from every angle. With every modern convenience, and every latest scientifi- These squads and committees hold regular meetings, make re- cally approved method and system for the production of coal, ports, receive suggestions, consider new ideas and plans, and Mine No. 5 is classed with the best mines of the world, produc- thus working conditions are being "contiually improved. As ing five different grades of coal lump, nut, stove, engine and evidence of modern safety measures being employed for the slack. protection of life and health, we have only to point to the record There is a large demand for lump, and California is the for the year 1922, that during that year not ONE SINGLE principal market, distributed by Las Angeles and San Fran- ACCIDENT was recorded, and during 1922 over one million cisco agencies. The California market demands,the famous dollars was spent on equipment and development work, and Gallup lump known as American Block Coal, which is partic- over three hundred thousand tons of coal was produced! ularly desired as domestic fuel, on account of careful prepara- An emergency hospital is maintained and under the care tion and being free from impurities. of competent surgeons, physicians and nurses, thus showing The Santa Fe Railroad System is a large consumer of that every possible effort and measure is employed for the care, Gallup American engine coal, while several of the principal comfort and welfare of employees.


D. C. JACKLING, THOMAS HUSBAND, President, , Calif. Mine Superintendent, Gamerco, N. M. JOHN M. SULLY, K. H. ABER,

Vice-Preside- N. M. nt and Managing Director, Hurley, N. M. Sales Manager, Albuquerque,

HORACE MOSES, . CHAS. K. ROSS, Manager, Gallup, N. M. - Assistant Sales Manager, Gallup, N. II. JAMES R HANES, D. W. BOISE, General Superintendent, Gamerco, N. If. Cashier, Gallup, N.M.