Countryside Jobs Service Weekly® The original weekly newsletter for countryside staff First published July 1994 Every Friday : 15 March 2019 News Jobs Volunteers Training CJS is endorsed by the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association and the Countryside Management Association. Featured Charity: Canal and River Trust
[email protected] 01947 896007 CJS®, The Moorlands, Goathland, Whitby YO22 5LZ Created by Anthea & Niall Carson, July ’94 Key: REF CJS reference no. (advert number – source – delete date) JOB Title BE4 Application closing date IV = Interview date LOC Location PAY £ range - usually per annum (but check starting point) FOR Employer Main text usually includes: Description of Job, Person Spec / Requirements and How to apply or obtain more information CJS Suggestions: Please check the main text to ensure that you have all of the required qualifications / experience before you apply. Contact ONLY the person, email, number or address given use links to a job description / more information, if an SAE is required double check you use the correct stamps. If you're sending a CV by email name the file with YOUR name not just CV.doc REF 698-ONLINE-29/3 JOB SENIOR SITE MANAGER BE4 29/3/19 LOC SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE PAY 35000 – 40000 FOR FIVE RIVERS ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTING You will be joining a staff of 30 people working all over the UK delivering a variety of environmental projects including small civil engineering projects, river restoration, river re-alignment, floodplain re-connection, ecological mitigation & fish passes. Responsibilities include: line manage the delivery of two projects, support two Site Foreman & act as a mentor; spend a min of 2 days a week in the office (Meadow Barn or the Site Offices) to assist with planning, project management, development of RAMS & assisting the costing department; ensure all H&S legislation is complied with onsite; recruitment.