BBC First Aid Kits British Safety Institute (BSI) Kits BSI kits are the new BBC standard for offices and crews working on location. Small First Aid Kit They come in different sizes depending on how many people you have. Team Filming Abroad / Team Trauma Kit Small = 10-20ppl, Medium = 20-50ppl & Large = 50+ people. Ideal for 1 or 2 person crew working in a populated town abroad. This kit is ideal for all crews heading overseas, to remote locations or Eye Dressing x 2 hostile environments. This is especially designed in separate pouches Medium Dressing x 2 that can be distributed amongst the Wipes x 4 team. Nitrile Gloves x 1 STERILE / IV – Pouch No. 1 Assorted Plasters x 10 500mls Saline x 1 Eye Irrigation x 4 Sutures 3.0 silk with curved needle x 1 Face Shield x 1 Sutures 4.0 silk with curved needle x 1 Triangular Bandage x 1 Steristrip (Pack of 5) x 1 Giving Set x 1 6” First Care Dressing x 1 Green Needle x 5 Wipes x 4 Small BSI Kit Orange Needle x 1 This kit is designed for small to medium sized offices. Ideal for small Blue Needle x 1 10ml syringe x 2 sized crew location shoots in the UK. 10-20 people 5 ml syringe x 2 Contents List x1 Medium Sterile Dressing x4 Intravenous Cannulae 17G x 1 Large Sterile Dressing x1 Triangular Bandage x2 Intravenous Cannulae 18G x 1 Safety Pins x12 Sterile Eye Pad x2 Individual Trauma Kit Adhesive Sterile Dressing x40 Alcohol Free Wipes Sterile x20 Designed for individual to take to a Remote or Hostile Environments. DRESSINGS – Pouch No. 2 TOOLS – Pouch No. 3 Adhesive Tape x1 Nitrile Disposable Gloves x6 Celox x 1 Swabs 10cm x 10cm x 2 Head Torch x 1 Finger Dressing Sterile x2 Resusciade x1 Cat Tourniquet x 1 Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm x 2 Chemical Lights x 2 Foil Blanket x1 Hydrogel Burn Dressing x1 Chest Seal x 1 Triangular Bandage x 4 Cord x 1 4” First Care Dressing x 1 Shears x1 Conforming Bandage x1 Eye Dressing x 2 Puritabs x 1 6” First Care Dressing x 1 Medium BSI Kit Face Shield x 1 Medium Dressing x 2 Tough Cut Shears x 1 Ideal for 20-50 people Nitrile Gloves x 1 Melolin 10cm x 10cm x 1 Thermometer x 1 Assorted Plasters (10) x 1 Contents List x1 Medium Sterile Dressing x6 Primapore Medium x 3 Rehydration Salts (6) x 1 Eye Irrigation x 4 Large Sterile Dressing x2 Triangular Bandage 3 Primapore Large x 1 Foil Blanket x 1 Triangular Bandage x 1 Safety Pins x12 Sterile Eye Pad x3 Sam Splint x 1 Steri strips (pack of 5) x 1 Adhesive Sterile Dressing x60 Alcohol Free Wipes Sterile x30 Card and Pen x 1 Mini Sun Block x 1 Adhesive Tape x1 Nitrile Disposable Gloves x9 FIRST AID – Pouch No. 4 TRAUMA – Pouch No. 5 Purification Tabs x 1 Finger Dressing Sterile x3 Resusciade x1 Assorted Plasters (10) x 1 Nitrile Gloves x 2 Foil Blanket x2 Hydrogel Burn Dressing x2 Antiseptic Wipes x 10 Chest Seal x 1 Shears x1 Conforming Bandage x2 Blister Kit x 1 CAT Tourniquet x 1 Large BSI Kit Face Shield x 1 4” First Care Dressing x 2 This kit is designed for larger sized offices. Ideal for large sized crew Nitrile Gloves x 2 6” First Care Dressing x 2 location shoots over 50 people. Eye Irrigation x 5 Celox x 1 Steri Strips 3mm x 2 Triangular Bandage x 2 First Aid Guidance Leaflet x1 Contents List x1 Medium Sterile Dressing x8 Large Sterile Dressing x2 Steri Strips 5mm x 2 Water Burn Gel x 2 Triangular Bandage x4 Safety Pins x24 Iodine Paint x 1 Tape x 1 Sterile Eye Pad x4 Adhesive Sterile Dressing x100 Crepe Bandage 5 x 4.5m x 1 Alcohol Free Wipes Sterile x40 Adhesive Tape x1 Crepe Bandage 7.5 x 4.5m x 1 Trauma Dressing 19 x 20 x 1 Nitrile Disposable Gloves x12 Finger Dressing Sterile x4 Resusciade x2 Foil Blanket x3 Ambulance Dressing No.3 x 1 Hydrogel Burn Dressing x2 Shears x1 Ambulance Dressing No.4 x 1 Conforming Bandage x2 Jelonet 10cm x 10cm x 1

All of these first aid kits are available from the Safety Equipment Stores or (0208 57) x67568 Sterile Needles and Medicine kits are available from Occupational Health