H*P ftmtfrt iTf a Naw Koglaad prodac- tloa from fr*«b Hop*. Ilargandf IMuh tad Oam*.

" one mm. "I'iMta ir« drcllslBg TbU la lacorrx*. KJIutr* arc dacllBlag. Dot putt*

la a r»m« if U.r »au.i cohla Ayn • ('berry IVctoral h Mfir heat KjaaJUd. IU aaaa la a bo*««Jx>ld word throughout tba world. Coirublp aad Mtrrlag*—A bo»»I la J cbapiara. Cbapur I. MaMon*. Cbaplar II. IIaid woo. ChapWr III. Madaoa*.

rrra aii rua »t rr«« i»r nr. utaa'a Umt »«»• IUiU>nf #o flu ilUr flra* Oa»*a CM*. OXFORD COl'NTY II0R8R NOTES. in r« «a. U'l uul Mr 1 an I J >*n \*.» the P»P*M Mid of hU At laat, MwtiIoui TtmIIm #1 FAT. b«c >tn# a flied character,' and tbla coa«i A DKTKCTIVK,8 Ht'SK Mrigg* ffltncr up t>MU* frM Ut fit a«N<1 in Dr. 1 llaa, ail AGRICULTURAL DKPA HTM when it ctmeout that hie innocence had prtacipiliy from labrwdlBg That tabar- table. Arch at. raiu. I'« a of A LirB-TIMI oa tba lacraaae, ao wall been mule clear, he felt A MA* WHO IIA* l»B*OTBI> caloau la rapidly There wera no objection*. glow atin- O o* top- OdcIdimU abowt b«r a«M« of Iba prwtlr*: laformed veWrlaarlaacm »Way; tbat It U TLe of the Hank of Stability. it thi* that hu had atood to nit hhkkhiso or rm« uowa*. prraident "My neat propoaal Ieleguph triumph bookkeeping aJ Ota«*a of tblaga by pro v Id lag u« aak*a kw thu to Auaiti u c»aU«loaa la wnl aalabllah*d. Mt at the baiae table in the been TO Till ITAIHU Of •(•r^nNMNit IIU (mn fur oo« of the bee: bank J#, the Ntiml tMt that Chicago had A TIIIT ISA aad oaa cbarcb TI **L Ml wbar* Iba to Chicago Watery lababltaaU, ».l4T'>K.Utr>>ai> IIUkK'Ut, "AU m*«t of ba*f aalmala room of that in. and airy director*' t the c*»« able to There «u bo reeaoa • AMI7II- KITOIl), RCmrtKLD. to labibiuou or or baa to Urjt* teclite* in the and apply. tttry 1,000 'light*' laaca adhar*. growa a city, pl*< atitutioa. 11* in hia writing fur at he thould remaia ia Canada. lit aoMtooonooiT*, nr. tba rl^a. U iJkUJ aa<1 dla*aa#d. Tba pauaed in hi* hand*. A train learee Chicago why Mr* A K Krntoa, K thtl t'.KV bell at \ n«lgh'*.r of oir*. IX8T1TUTVS. caaaa of idbnlaa la tb»t tba Ian*. b*< moment and touched the allver II. to Mr. lloaua that for the tbU 1 o'clock. It it bow ibortly after telegraphed who wu ao badly »ffl cted with Itheuma comlag lafftUil aa«l JlHiatd, a portloa hie and in a moment the been a vUit (o tlx veteran to I'rwt rn|t|tnMBti rtftdmd it qiiti elbow, janitor If commi*eion me to writ# the pait week he had feeling *ery We recently paid turn that ah* cool I not ralae her itdi b»c»a« laacllva, and la tbla alate grear oa you af- tnccth- Mr. llrookf off th« fmy wide at to enthueiaetic lover borae*, inf report fee tad anger etep to contulr. In the meantime «»y atepped 4 Barbank. I'ltUfuM, Vt it c>> >klag may daalruy tba garma a maa who had orfaaed •• m a of their POWDER at*l prraent to our r*ada»a. —[ K»» Tboroagb "Vn, air," aaid the departing jinitor. at all about the affair, and afttr wharf ia Detroit well good judge point* cieat aot affecUd iog mll«a of tba dlaaaa* la badly j arm hie and hi* c*rwr he ha* A Delaware toQt( ia«a rode IS at MTtn'i rust*, Hoon after John came and eaid : with the detectivt, if you with him put hU through and During Pure. tba aafar la to lal U aloaa. consulting capacity. enow m bla A year Absolutely way aa*ar»ly a oae Mr. Record ia through ilrlfU to girl. lu n»»»tlo* «u h«l4 la ib« Tows Hall d*t*ct aad "Mr. Brooke ia not down eir." beet to the announcement •ail: ufBfd many good down T*» »mr twwt. A *—»•! mt pmtvy, H»nw diae *»<-.] meal la hard to yet, think it put after mar r tag* be may refuae to go m I>< tfea Dfin'wr of lb* after la the I am to m« a man of unbounded in which K"»«f> —4 Mfc M«w »««»«M»al T»i»>U» It, Ita detection r*'jalr*a aa tipert It "Not down yet ?** echoed preai* Mr. Iloau* in the pipere "Mr llrook*. vary *l«d boepitality to tb« grocery, two hundred yarda dietaat. im mimI to nM la •uggeeted by lMa H.>«rvl frua Oiford Coaaxy. A O. lifer. It'a re* t he ia i aecoaded hia good to a for *—l ik*l •lr«**«d. dent. that'e atranffe. time to do it. pec bly by bay mackerel aepper. » finl'm «tU ik> '• m4 kw "Why, there'* you." " Km) preaUliaf varUllaa of dlaeaaed ratal. how- ample " the •Many rainutee 10." to, and Who •re ? *«ke| the a»toni«h- wife, who,—whil* Samuel «u r^miiVI a choir of twenty paat Thi* wa* untnimjutljr agreed )o4 auppliea Hnnvino ro Db*tm mm*. Btltk htuiw t>«« Cm, IM Nvl Magta* by *v«r, ara ao palpaMa tbat avaa tba deiur- hurt* Cmi-naa* The aroee and board of director* *d Hr«>)k« "I d>n't kaow )oj." visitor with of entertaining 'lw»i T*it »iaf«r*. of tba batrbar'a art fall* to coaceal or prraident paaeed at 3 o'clock the again plenty account tbrlr to Ity wanta the in- on of laablllty dlgaat M r I'ifcr «uu«l lh« %a.l aim* of to to the bank account* dacj't," aaid the other, to it that the of ^Jfrta diagalaa It. Trkblnoaa pork la hard through met. The Interview with the "No; you talk,—^ea fond, will Had a mmi marvelloae food a ad lh«»« toe«ttac* la a brtaf •odroact** wan aad baaf ara to to the I am a maa who Mr man ar* will from daWcti ntfwly pork aaay "Mr. Jonee," heeaid bookkeep. ant wm brief lie wai given (barge of "bat I know jou. equally aupplied, remedy la Mcott'a K mule loo Very palat- I tba fmlar** aa a*r, and auoaacvd Uadlaf dfWct th« aaillal Great car* I come and I with the Dr. H W. Cohen by aya. er, "haan'l the the caahier down the tx»k* and cautioned not a little to heart eermjoa ia ruaning Wrook*, a table abundantly tpread good able aad eaally digested. Take it in Time. <»f tba pr«t aiaaa for xba day an«t «v«a- ahou 1 be eierclaed a2l la tba "I bavs aaed caailoa by he a«»ured tell that race i« ended for of thia world. of Warn, Trias. ear* yoar «»* aad r. <*r*«acy high • >r Nowhere la "I hat* not him thia morning, w»* th* Vol After bating good ruxmmwl uJ anin'iie pall V ««.'./ '-a th >;Klfc%i>"k*t. the gentlemen <(uite unaece««ary. prraent. jjat partaken ly reatorea the wasted tissues, bat gl?ee lArot to of NUU am we to the atable and took r«m:> It* a-tvanlagr* lb* 111* >to Wa eadtager It mora aaid Jonee m«t the detective at the •mart, Mr. Brooke I Deteetiee cheer. ao I la< rr**** Ibe to m uaIim Mil, K lb*airaggl*of air," Mr. M'ifit* had repaired etrtagtb, appetite." It iifwriunat, u toai* tb* m t.f Uilw con|>«ri.l taltb of or health t» greater eiteal tbaa la it not ron«ulta> (Jr*(Tim of /.aire Sh try, a look at the borate, la cmm vt Impartl "Thia lateneae cuetomary •tation and had been in Chicago. pn<«p4'j Ukra, «»1 KMIllWni If u is* of Ibt a cbarac- they labia* animal foo l of aaipkloaa the the /Yeaa. Th# firat ltd out waa the four-uar-old A poet aloge, "How ehall I palit my m i>«4Im« moI a avked prraident. tion to the time of the of Ihtrvtf /Vee T>ro»l La*| IimUm, « mtiry llr ipul* of lb >•« trbld cr»f< Ibara la ao aatyecl of up meeting I r' bar at all. tar, coaaeqaeatly Brooka ia atallion Charlee II., got I'reecott, aon sweetheart Dm palat iW tniUlnl tiMur*. uJ quickly liga of catll* for hoM U«1 olbrr aob- to th* health, or "No, air; Mr. generally eery g if by are aot looked mora Importance pabllc • M n Anill.^uiu.i i.i. nii> young man. Fainted girla on t( dam How*'* Hiamarck. ftll IrtlWwj |0 C«MM«M|Mha pro*perou* Col4. «kvb iriiM nm »f I i»f* am4 p*op*r k»pi of tbla dlaeaa*d meat qaeatloa Tb* very he a fine coated coir, aUnding • Ht. and that w«»old aever do the president, "but I ebould think *'»• hank 'n •a6'1 • *,4?# Ktlilor Prm icrat. ia very bay Loala girl kvt all Um iluu n»' S --1 u<] rich U».i* •♦Mm uqitrt tw coadltloa of aoma of oar home traveller, your it#«»U>pr«l »mp- doabtfal aent u» word. fifteen and a half band* high, ha* t I KmI a * "Mi'' kir>it of t»»a*«. If rtlii* cb*w b««f tbat would have t hAt it can *tand a run r»cent of « women about i.>m %4 cbcwtag aapplie*. aapar tally tb* W**l*ra Tb« appointment and Wn Cimo* Ai l Auti.w Thui. <*•»*!%. I'* n in of ft ttlltivr Ibat a aet of limbe, > (ii Lut<«. b.>o*w,lt IlitU «tr« It* klt.1 tow b* thraai oj^»a aa, alrvady ladl- The made no anawrr. He *! th# a* c>rk of the House Committee oa the rugged, well-ahaped of < rather aad merit M. I w >Mt may bookkre|wr lionua locked agha.t The eucceee my l'W*( Mtl f» -lr« tb<- Ub l Mttll lb* boMI of IIIBlU la- and well made til oref. He ooprecedeoted If cat*a tb* aolatioa of tbla by for which ia hand*om* — m U U •«•••*•! to problem had to liking but h# •••J tb»t bi thug'i? t« en innovation egeinat i OaMi Halm t real cor* for Oi fn«inl*l »• t»r>>m* li« evidently particular Library, a f*a »f«- Bol II foartabtd tb*y frag oar cloaa attention aad aff >ru mora prupuattion, untrained, but he ha* well- WJ MMl H lK» tllM* A fur IM Ikf villa* the caahier. a tf • in»r ia tht rank* of ia entirely tarrb. Fever, at I Cold la the Head— «t> IBT •UiBra a Mr. Hroukt, it wa*. had be*n rather drug tberr Hay ■Ilkfil rilll* II* apok* of #»« aad mora u> it Th* taveallgalloa la Money to.npleint u a* tMNMI pW* "|W -'ft*. brM^'t, • balanced and noted hM Induced adventurers to placa tbal form Ib alomacba Bad laWaUa*a of la all Ila He lives at the Bellmen note*, I w®» tim# I b# tht of candidate* for tht trotting |*it many ht%- >an MmaIIv d*i»r»nii»-l l«|ii» work of th* graveat in th# mitkft for put. army position, aoma reeem* ■< j laportaac* to ahow J:40 almoat any catarrh medlclnee bearing I • tt, at J *iklbll*d l>#Bt<» th* the amount are able day. ■a* ,\«fi t*towry I'lfionl aalmala. apoclmvaa. aail«d ralatloea, aad oa* which Bge think,"continued «fr* ill #ol»d m#n, th# but tht wdinia •utfr»i|i*t« jubilant, being or nama preeident, director* one the fineet bred btaaca la appearaace. atyla opoo rffoi « X MMtl I »>«mk I lUln, Ibat farm* OB lb* W*lb of aBlmala, tatar«al of bamta a aire, I'reecott, u of tail lit aow damaala la tba air." wa* not *o th# con- enl consider that have gained Hi* to trade the • "Yee, of large, they tba market. In order opoa tr«>iM lb* ltr«t «1 *•» t • I i**«l■ f.KB of wbal la kao«a u " liabilities aon to rtll« ib rii||«ritiU welfare and aee atAlliona in Maine, being by Harold, i'r»am Do aot »Ure* 4»«iIaa. "Well, 1 will wa* that tae bank without th« ti l of the ballot. I'a* of Kly'a Balm. h im*. ma4. «fl»r :» u fotar,) n «u taken I»r. Craa< jaat atepdjwn rlunon if nec«#*ary point repoUtloa • afuraooa ap aire of Maud S., ('ream Balm. 1-1 »* Tb* by of and be MM BUM Mi Writ IM what ia the trouble. Aa the director* the tint* wamm clerk* have HambUtooian deceived. Ray only Kly'a IS* l> *1 'or of tb* bor%* A'»» bur btlU who farther oa thadlaaaa*. aad could *tand a run til prr**at Ua> liMl iM. til aej, »poke and hia dam being Aleian- Man? la yoor Immediate locality will RmIm; Jt fr«'ia ii:b«u' ikiBKbi sm<- partially of la.ilg»*ttt»ia par:* Ila m%» fulloaal Itoo. K W. K111 a. in a few and aak them to wait **# of one or two der'a AbdalUh, ( by minutee, tb* d#tecti*e, "that t#ll tb# truth I and with the exception la Into each noetrll, ao l» (unit. Iw CuUi imJ »llb B of lb* the HambUtoman. partlcla applied ay of food, BUBI covvfrtl frlllBC with a '9 of th* p«p*r given to aee them M the aona of 40c. I'i ri w m l iIh«iIfirr fclilag, co**r»d befur*. Following th* rvadlBg prop**# al*o owna the black atal- •(ATM IM (• allkoMl lki« IM» ^ijh day tfci* and that an ia the c«»rr» lor* of the Mr. Record • lib »B«Bt»l &t*»k* of riagtv»a*«. apllBl at Ba war* aakeil Mr I a. In morning. that llruok* ba« abaconded, operator* Capitol, • U «ttl*r MuMlkt RHmI (VattM, v I a* Racori a Hlackhawk, got do Mro. 'Tret- * l*»« »aru- of the the tolerated uader tht lion known "How yoo do, YergerF i V I'm ■ b I apivia* Tb»a«- Br* ob« aa! rvlali m to ralaad aa I pfeaenled la Mr. Hoaui, preeideat Stability accountant i* now in finding heve not been Itlt, I j naiij polata engaged they he the Rix wall, I thank yoo. Mr. McGlanU. • iltff^rvBl IB Sb »wr 1 a the atreet toward* of Hlackhawk, by ty v!!®. oBlf tOCatlOB hia aaaay. wai h h* aaawarvd la vary bank, walked down amount of bi* defalcation. immediate shedow of thf (Joddeas by Champion baaotlfol of Vermont Hlackhawk, "Hava yoo been calling, thla s •!UB« of aid* hOB*~ OB lb« bf. aMa maaaer to make hone, and he by Pectoral. * the Hellmere hotel, intending like to to that," falter- "Well, not 1 aUrted Cherry an 1 iam»a*aa at "I don't agree Liberty. ternoonf" praclaeiy. Ayer caaa'.ag d*for»alty Th* *veaiag ae«al)a o'clock. •on Sherman Juatio Mar opeacd eome after Mr Hruoka. He rrc«nt of the Committee on of Morgan, by out to call on my friend, Mre l'eterby, i doctor lb*a U».W!lt*r hi* W. loquiriea ed Mr. Honu*. A report Tb* pf»cwJtJ An aM* paper waa rea l by J Paring Hlackhawk before fortnn- »u ao to the unuaual fact of in the gan ; dam of by and I got half way there I Wctarv ob "l*ara*lUc kJla* B*» of aatmala." «r \ >rk A abaorbed said the detectiee, tak. Ventilation anil Acoustic* Hou*t, Champion of f*aro, maa^r ('->UBty vary "Very well," he Vermont Morgan remem'wred that thla waa her at II* of 11m laag-r froa trtrbli*. or ah<>»rk a*y fa I lavaattgaiion. aad peraoaaJ hour* he didn't take that care which at# to tak# the * 'hl- of the ventilating will Champion, before I mjtt If cleenting pipe*, it a IIIm* r»io|n| ll« IfUfJ It* la a»l mora. If •• mach. yat Record* a Hlackhawk typi- M tattiau WuMtR. »ff« t&nr^Bjh'y tbat Mala* any <>ltl thoulj take in p»«« muil hatetbat time to not tend to Morgan A Mccil IVot* utional Card*i an 1 a* I an aa tba portly gratleman cagv# train You pfrhap* meteriellya*trength« flr»t J.Kut«rv blalory. fa?* tamaged by We«t«ra compatltloa In and from wae a crowded itmt, and the firat ca»# mutt *>* uini a*to cal Hlackhawk appearance, Mre. Fowler, of ttla city, marrtad a> roaat of lb* »am< Tb* aad that leg along make mind* Tb# m the tntertained by lat*rr*llag Weal ta by Kaawa compatltloa; up your opinion oot to be wondered alith the breath knock* to «ttrn i the meet* hu It ia laat January to h*r hnaband, aad, u> lb* bamaa rac* rom** froa far better, arr* for he knew he had in ban ani matt * «b< It doea la th* ftlalea waal oat of him a man with a *ali*e tb# tj * t« the House of at that offspring I | acre, tbaa greet ed by at I of JOJ mutt put no of aug-jat bod) two from their marriage waa bin! of rtactljr a*y for eiactly yaara ? Tb* Bv> a hfr*« *»J >j*U by •fib* Kivar. him. Mr. the com* the roading qtalitiM Coun*li> a/ A/?ir, Mt*aUalppl hi* hand running again*t matter in the caw of a »me >n* fit#/ In its report euperior Her h iaband baa been alck Attorn* y 4r IN>»» la tllacaa*lBg ou* waa rather firm hi* feet, ther* wdl be a ran,' **id Mr. mittre : "The greet American Morgan* f.>r the laat foor months with 111**. a»r f*rat»b*d nravr* of iih Oraagc, cora wi-r* roalat y Ma*«ra liar- "Itit aeys ua- IImIm. «ro«lag wet thia horae ha* been and waa np fuor >f -»or ever, and the o'.hrr ba better to it i« though kept Jaundlea. gl*«n by ta lb* hal k .% and l'.ie, of tba aad by colliding party "would it not *ay of fully eiemplifted »a Silt kml aprrad Ila, lionua, eipectoreting condition! 'Met aa a laat reeort be began 7 mJ I.UII *u a a of this branch der rather unfavorable phyelctaaa. K I. Tb* an»r®.»»B *r*al it opiB^I hy otbara thrown backward* ample etepe. of the defalcation it eery on the of tht member* of t >ld the omount part other etall»ooa, ualag Hulpbur Bitter* aad yesterday «»a "Katar* oallook la farming." f>y etieada>1 a vol* of tHaak* cried hie of tht gov. with many W"" pap»r Tba maatlag "ltullo, H>nu*," acquaintance email of tht lawmaking department compared oar that thev had eaved hla Ufa, of tbo Board f" eeveral reporter K W Kli*. n*a'<«r alMN aad »i'I >ara«d CnAlly. a* a* own 1 he ha< aired eery apeedycolta. Mre. Fow- ( "You ar» eolid your bank, ant wared tha detectie*, ernment, end your committee reluctant. j.t arallta«ly aaylag that it* gue**d fr. to W» ,t.» t\■■lair A r*«l Ha*. •'No, tir,' mare Secret, told bop*fal. 4 t rounti. confe«*e« its theae the by ler would be tttMa t" Ml a seventh bet- at Law. * • take it.** what tb* amount it. It bit Among • • rt Th »o f»<; »w*d t»? W* "wt don't know I J. mournfully, firmly Counsellor ; devise measures will *UiMf tb«re «u I falling th* n» it may tery My inability a trial KHikarld. ao abla o(T baa I •B.I plea y a* he recovered M drew* \ of Norway,abowed l^mb*rlac! C 'tiiTi by aad aa- Saundrr«," gMpod iioau* an end to thU practice Thayer, we are taorntag. Tb* lay proved atomy •tell th* truth.' put reprehtntible aod Miaa Kthel—"Yes. Indeed, glrla «<<(vi r«' k M uthH C«uir •ddraao. of doae to 2:10 when four year* old ; hut t oumpuj u from the ehock. director* ae*ra*d rather —a that lover* the dignity alive to the of the popular a*v*ral a darlag tb* comforubl*. very (om) Tb# board of pr*cti*e the earn* fatly Jaatlce Tb* cbolr aapg pw. bout in on a brother to her. bought by womeo, aad that •• NKh.ilt. a>ta'>.*d tl I'o *u l Urti(« 11*11, U* "Oh, not got to nk that *ucb a nntto thit and the full criticism oo chatter.ig |«M • « adtWd taacb to tb* particular: ;uet Mtoalabed th augutt assembly impenla wbirb vajoyaaaft ('. II to a man, abowed we oor I h • .r Uruii, of which Bro train from aa i 1 tht eervent* of firm and eold Boatoa lathe reason Thooght tb* occaaloa the morning Chicago, waa of a dattctiea'a *nd health and writ being of MgtalMtf of of M*ib*HUU Oraag*. part e»juipm#nt, Another at La\r% W of B«>ar I >la- CbbtiKi Tr«-*.ur*r mut be a eolid i* to fa«t for a three-year-old. Clab." «f* Ib tb* «t»alt>g, J I.aag Hoaui, your bank in together th# Attention directed eery Counsellor i* M»»ur. (• oaeof the coo-!. alroBg •ay, consulted whi*p*r« It-public. Mre. Blank—"Thooght ClobF* Jf/omry bl* »>a r.»-op»r' Tbi* they one ia the mare Kitty Waite, *1n»nf. baa. ga** pap*r practlcai inatitutioa V' b# a run i^ w# the fact that there ar* ia thu chamber •peedy bay and It'a oa auch a world of Pnrl%. M *ar*. (iraagr* of tb* M*t«. "Th#re wdl certainly owned "Yea j doing at >a. f..! »«5r r*tnarba from "but dj record 2:40 a# a four-year-old. Th* meeting oprnr-J by Hecretaiy "It ia," aaid Hoaua, why yoi out in that JIH ct*pii>r*, furnithtd good." MiltlH gtr«« to r«MI« Oll'iort, llarr a. Pik* aad otb*ra giee it way. nickle.pleteU I'arw Mu*. «»KU1 th* of Bro Ntlioa nation with S. K. Kimball of South "I don't donbt It." »»11 M«irl tD«ti- >r the Damon, of Huckfield. "No, Indeed. Why, ball. txtaifB tb* afVrav»»a aad imll| IUb, "Well, it ia Dot every financial th* detective, down the • tie of being f Icy MilHIH. choir fvrai*b«d good Mgg**t*d glancing de«ign employed which w* talked for Ave whale boore oo the ad- C. «t*b*d to Coaatjr. Tb« very to let mare thia atallion *<*«u>B. for all «bo partal* lb* tutioo that can atf^rd for which are fitvjiafold by allent meditation." J.* aad music, an I eallveb*d nowadaya at bi* watcb. purpote* tbey provided, ia a hard vantage of acceptable to a "bruah" Kim Street at atn*TH raaia. from to it* caahier take a vacatioo trip •* but fit aomt reason unknown to your in up at Law, BMr*tiag th* voica of aoag »m« Vea, but a »l Councilor by ha* — or rm (« Att*>rnru* and Warren Hi' it, are end the one to beat, Humpua Inunk'nx'tt, tb* l^tb. op*a*«1 aaowjr. Um. Caoada." on* minute more," aaiJ tba de« committee ignored, per* Jijitor doldm Wrdaeadaj, "Jutt they a t'mr*4 l>r. i/nwi* i.ovrii, nm»f. A ad.lr«a*of welcome was g'.t- Hoaua cau- which ahowa jrumiaing i Ibtk>«lag a a'.ar lit. pnalalag ««*Blag pi»a**at "To Caoada featured tecttee. f >rati in* in tht bra** ventiletor* employ* three-year-old h ran ba la a cap of coffee arrival II Cobb. II* of lh« of We alao gt«en Tb* "tram** *m r*lafor«*d by tb* D tif Br<> C. Ipdkl reran Mr. I and courage of tbe Hrooka, pre. wa* a half minute'a con*ulta- ed a* the of etpectoretioa.' gait plenty jr tr» without tbe kajwledge per- M TNUK, ta«m'j*r frjm lowa. of tb* an 1 th* c.f J W. Itcarieg of Siaco, coaaty, taw a handaome little three-year filly • a fcn 1 iaJ clo«*d mmt Itonu* *aid with a *igh: Mr (ioldtborough Hrutf, of thiacity, • »o taking it. T.-rtib.c ap^ly per- |»M rualii, put ul i>r»**ni. by lion, then Mr. a YorfcCb owned hia aon, ra«n«-nt cure, whether '.he patient la mod of welcome. aa 1 into last oight in now in hi* and at Mr. Ilecord'a, by at Law♦ for*aooa aa> takia op t>y a ktir* airm eapresaloBa "Yea, got Chicago ••We leat* tb* ca** entirely yonr who U eighty.third year, wrack. «!• ConnMllor Tb* w W. that ia for a three- irate drinker or an alcoholic Thoa- Attorney r*marb* Tb« iJilrrM «u rrspoadrd Vo by iaw Hrwka a ticket for I>e- Mr oldett in the gov. Ueorge llecord. good fr«»m I»r rr**»»f, pr»f*r«l »>y I buying band*. I understand that .Meigg* i* one of the employe* of drunkard* have »**n made tem- imiir tbal from i Coaaty. one, aome age, DIllfM. r.iart (iil^rV oa Ta^»*rta'.o*t*. Harris, member troit for the 'J o'clock train, Michigan to been aa minute gait. Another tbe Goldea Bear at to manage ernmeat service, having engaged men who hara taken (>•••••• that oai bora no a farm by ia #ati*fied your ability out of tbn perate to Pr»b*to Or* a t art urg* of »ur caul* laduairy Mr. Harris oo the ahouU res*, owned Mr. Record, and their knowl ••X •! Ittoito (lr«« rtftrrtd to tbla Central. 1 alapped him a deaigner and draftsman ia the I by In their coffaa without aiu ua IB a mor* or !*•* d**»!op*d tb* hail. II* very happily it." ia Specific 4N UlMll t« c< wa* to hit trotter Dr. Smith, likely and believe drtnklaf a of lbs of der and uked him if he going the 63 dam of rdge, to-.lay they quit rn fo. o».«g *iB od for the year*, thia horaa'a reeult from Ita admlniatrat: >n Curea guar | | W.im lam'xrlrg ao I farming Detroit a leaa there are many more of r|HHT: practice ativea ia I Detroit. I told Lim of neit • orate memorial the of alar as I fall au?.r» — Tba aen*ation day pap«r* upoa aubject we *ot*ed. Hand for cli* partic- dlaeaae iniJii our go Lai.l la ban), thea farming a are of mention, but Late. fba tacr*a*a of wm near the border line for Mr. coat of arm*. Mr. Mruff get that worthy A Id confidence Ooldb* flr m- Counsellor at failed. begaa pretty wit tb# abacunding of tb# national *ay* ular. •tack »hoai 1 i«ihi the farmera to tbt W b< b th* tlro'*r agriculture popular them o. cbirac* and he a trifle nervout- tick- our infan- hare not looked up. m< ('•> !•'. Kaca lit, Cincinnati, lb* whole to ru* II* j( Utt (Uiitlaf caahier, laughed lln»k* of tb# bank. Th# that in the of country's Utlrlil. Iitmr. •Itaatloa. A&d felBHlBlab people Stability period or "Sam," a* he it fa- Itnr la on* of to me 'Yta it wm wi* and Mr. Record, of lb« M>rtlcn of ur of lb* Uraagr. Oo-oprratioa it aeemed and aaid, it wa* interne wad. tb* hotel the art of heraldry unknown, who waa quietly looking of ID* a«c*«alty btflt| ly agent cy atill owna the noted A atranger tui&ur- ihiag* la lb la cooatry. me when 1 wm wa* new wu known, a % * act la tt»rf Huu, th* gr*»1**t Then he aaked going wa* Saunder* in- in the miliarly u»ar a watar pow«r la WeeWrn village K. N»:»Hl€ ». «i *aat lm- clerk interviewed, consequence Republic confi- lludf N,i r*tar? IJtlfwrt spok* of tb* to.morrow. Dr. Smi'h, and h# feelt tba who aald UnlUt id la r«try rai»r*»ery back to Stability, and I aaid and a account unable to obtain a device for iu gelding km •ought oat by Mayor, ^nmwii be un- of oar a lock laWrwt. Tbta mast terviewed, gave graphic proper or bet. a fac- Claim aa a ahoald portaac* aaw dent of able to ahow 1 '!• »r that you tblnk of aUrtlng patbolagiat la a So he ahouk hande and aaid if I any in Chicago, H* a "device being at Law, TQ» «ut lacrvaa* fft>m year to yaar. Ther* of hi* meeting with Hrojk* national *igntt. propoae* Attorney der til ri «uot ctrcamauncea. ter with him neit aeaeon. Th* hora* ia tory }" la animal dls**a««. aal •f hte frtende to give them hie regard*, hi* c«. of an armorial achievement and reverse Hch u « Si«r, to iltKbir^t mallei latratM and a Med much abojt gha«tly. a "Van." of ijmIiiM a'>o«t on and can merry a markrtl r»p*rlf, to aa Kience-atricken great waa Gov- ••It good place, yoa'U oa iirioci uccuiixt. Ihrm v* * *r* mora or lea* llabla to a He aired by We Joa t oo .• m m-rttiiw. tbvuitL U of woiltn the 1'ullmaa." to Mr. Iljnu* bona* wa* aieembled, a* follow* : Arm* clip tleigh. all right pat any at diseases la a lock at mentioned Congre** • people abtxi. 1 I— a teWtaary a«r«ron out reak of ma:iia amount of nor don't aim to. Ti»r» eaid the "Hrooka the — of thirteen Morrill, 2:H|. treat atyU, s com- of tba oalbreak of tba "Yea," preeident, but aaid nothing ar*ag*r aarroaada aa at Canton io 1S*'>, in 2:2*$, "It •• rma- talon aa olive braach, autpendar a aobia utl »i bcea tb* lacvaiiv* of th* Board Agr.cul- In 1:01; I Uow. Thia la nportut m went oo hi* I^ewuton track in half locate hare." || la 1 »r. to Inatract out," aaid the other he a bundle of thirtetn arrow*, all proper, 2:22$, an tii J aSoui-l ba Imitated by tha fa- tur* la calllBg Crraa*y tioa- we at Law. p >, L ao we are ; and understand to tbta la tbla a«rl«a a run on tb# ban* a acroll inacribed with informed Attorney iled Mat* a aa la reg*rd *abj*ct way. Neit there wa* and in hie beak IMPORTATION oFeoOS. A* p».»»r« (ifTKi. day dollar* haa been of- " ua a ma laatltaUa. u far at the rm»«. For that thre* thouaand ii tiir *'k ba»e lo tha »«rjr mldat of of Mr Honut walk-*d down were and ttu A, /'inn'vi f 147'. the United HUtea about *1 and but all claim* promptly paid motto, it In Imported I'Mfl*. t&a c At tic, tlat la X »r Cressey w*« then talrodaced, for him and refuaed Hia gait bat In 1**5 tbe ..*tant el.••••»• amootf bo'fl but he did Dot go 10. He turned to b# on ao much the Crett—Over the head of the eagle fered five million dosen of egga, ar> >o varloua !.»**•« s com- thing* a#emed going a .< uckn>r- or a cloud, thirty gait appear g.Mii la «>ur milch cowa It la prac- of tb* hors*'* i*Ka apavIB, ntarly died out and tb# bank re*um#d breaking through prop* of dollara, every penny ser* glory than 2:45. anva aa coaaamptloa. Tha apltat. nagboae, which left Chicago m*r I bere meeting er, and surrounding ing of which had to be paid In gold Attorney tically <■*• appearance. we w.r* »»*n it >a of tb* lal pro« of tba co 0a, of at Dr. Smith to for- ilitt ooiba. griiwa poor i»j ikfrm, pyrami befor* «n w«U into the interior a few afterward. a constellation on aa as-art After looking thla rate of lacreaae wa ahould pay 4 ntlnf rr. tb* night of the director* day# ing argent *ued tiaat it ) at laat falls la bat or boof boa* of bora*. «ai a handaom* and fine for the oa tb» feed, Canada that and if Hrooka wer# Mr. has been abown very coantrlea daring fifty yeara, rrc'»« «u by time, All the director# pre*ent, with field His commuaicatioa eign la tara«J over to lb« Tb* aoo« fatly aajiycd by th* I'reecott atal- of an amonnt mora than r»Ua U Otfufl iMtt;. •ilk. fr«- tha feeer, shower tba heat! now coo* art to (bit It my daty pu'llcly people ao Mr. Kecord'a Mtry, Powder, heaa mada lay on th* head ba- am afraid that I shall have to leaned back in bi* could not his when maay daughter, Hberldan'a of coaaam- pat Ice bags voice, "1 board The pre*ident get pension on# L Counsellor at Law, a(alaat thia oatafal practlca P«raiat*BtJy, to boiiM aickneaa. i« of the eatlre year and especially dar- G.»* and at a* at a*bei. her father fined the by nearly Attorney aad mi k of tabarcaloala ant- tw««a tb* born*. Iraatlc phytic, announce that Hrooki, U cbair with a face white e ther* could. She stated that the IUAI, lag tha m«ai yourcathier, reine.women in the ing the aeaaon wben egga bring hlghaat U.a aad warn; nib tha an J to the ■a.'a cover body laga thia moment in Canada." bad a frown on bi* brow was sick aad too a; law. maccomplished fact baa encouraged tboaaaada *lr th* brata. .Meigg* poor employ and dn*t her fa- price Tbe • • • of thia am >ng oar »b I coax blood away from SUte, tod can handle who Imim %l., "Tha pratalaaca Irs* wai ailence around the board on th# table with bi# The letter was forwarded to the of t't go Into tbe baalaaaa t ,*ed tba cow. Oaa There drummed fit.gere, yer. »»k p«>('.p tboroaghbrad atock. la «ktr*m* caaea, ther'a horaea with more skill and otherwiee hive dona ao. It la barda. botbaallaaaad a after thia the of of who ordered would not of aalta la a qaart of atroag for fully minute etartling but b# reaiated temptation *aying. Commitsioaer Pensions, U IIMtMll 111, for Immediate aanltary regalallona poaad Kpaoa mo it »»fn. Miaa K«cord Jro?t I)r. to have a farm to keep haaa N calla awwt and than not aeceaaary | oar la.'aat tea la announcement, then Mr. Mtiggt told #o.' a investigation of the caae, be tha Mate llolb thorougbwort good pbyalc.add ipoke "1 you special in at the Stat* aa euppoee. liana may kept | thr»H(buat ac- Haitb to t wafoo 3:38 on, many mm.. are readervd > la aome, aa a aootblag reromad th# accus- on last the Commissioner In a aad ••iti« riHii. aad adult areaJy | "Th# atealing." Wedneeday a conveniently and profitably large popalatloa op: Fair at I.awiaton, io 1885 before Urge IImw mora or Uaa inarm by their aabealtby Ci>nH'»n:iruv are hia accounte, Mr. limut .' been on for eome time notified the little mail that her In fact tbe whole baalaeaa or od- "How ant, "baa going lady by M*Mcity. ail of domeatlc hy- The "garget' or la the bag. audience. haa beea redaced to a iu ImI ml ito mut, earroaadlaca neglect the laat the been mo*t covered father's had beea greeted, with ultry keeping i*« the cow. wm ont treated The "At impaction," replied and it baa ingeniously pension and ara tiw rapid'y faille* vlclima der. of While at HuckfielJ Village aclence daring the laat flva yeara. L 8. giene, from it a blow or nil balance a full allowaace of back The let* waiting » la oar cake ofus */!»♦« jury, official, "they appeared right." The book* apparently per. pay. >2 Cnatom Houae *•«»«.!•» I HI A- «• • to thia lafactlooa malady, especially up. wa witnessed two or three abarp Jonhaon A Co., of Ht, la rattmated cob tact with cold, «l»mp ground. on Mr. wa* diacoeering ter was received oa Christmas », aa alalia a bow ll hurt, growled and it only by probably have n valuable cow "Appeared, humph," fectly, between Ktde Hue* Boaton, recently pabllebed II aa a* Ova the udder reel wb«i the oae "bruabea" of la e«»o*e aeclioaa bl|b per wnicb tuty know I never lik»d that which I found in eve, aad there was at least apeed on tbla mtltled "Tba Poultry that Meiggt; "you this paper of figure* joyful • book subject ami -at froth ltr« caue# la the ulder. and Kob Dean young Suryron. of tha cattle ara aff-cled M down, m«y garget waa n too that clue Christmas •ell'a Robert D, 25 cenu Physician e*ot. from fellow ; he deuced eight clever Brook*' drawer I got> household ia Mueouri upoa lialalog Guide," alnglr copy, la aaaa la Amarlcaa I'm ft boi bop p altlc* if r»•tilling private lloone llobrrt D. ia and two ii cent umn a fa-ted cattle ofVaB hat with ... attllion by Dtnitl Tb«y will aend the hook O'Ki cltlaa If from ft hurt, dm cold watar. Gl»a for me. Now, if he got nway to the defalcationa." (*? A I»«* M markeu. la oar larger eo'd, |*J. to be feat for t "brush", but tht of Hberldaa'a Powder for <0 cenu. 0M FiUmI Uv Opm rapeclal'y | a "that known packa aboald Dot ba aaed,—It iar«et-r<*>t, ftftlu gentian, tnlir, caraway. it will be contider* "I aaid Mr. Meigg*. tin caa for >ui b a IT cted meat nnycath certainly auppoae," htd aa much poet paid, or a 11 4 pound I* faro. lu aale ft* eir«ae of garget root. wu a attllion apeed t>U« UJ la a daageruae article of food; lK>a't give able amount." we have no further need of Mr. K»iae ta The doctor then to apeak n u he, and turned aecea- h»« II W t. «f r«UM4. afcoakl at oaca b» latardlctad. proceeded that enaued teemed to the work in a #ati«fac- vember The moon tbooe one can find all all the Information tltent and dan- Theatlenc* give be hai done eery night. ta a ira&amlaaibte taftercal<»le, tu f.aracter, one to make In tha bercaloala rapei taily Mr. u a new Nature waa fireL aary to enable money tb. aaaent to the by manner." brightly pail, all . A ( LIHk, a ad caa ba bot oaly to ger. ftt BOOM Wag propoaition tory hte aold the stallion haa baea antic- diaeaae, coaveyed, wu Al llobinton baalnraa. Kvery queatloa rt<«« wft« followed Mr. J. Kul#r for Chicago and the whita froet )N« tba aame, bat of othar apaclaa, A «bo-t by Meiggs. So Mr departed aaleep, quietly and anewered, and the | aalmaia of Kobert Honner, Jr . and haa pirchoeed I pa ted plalaaat poa aa ratacMlabed W of Y .rk County, on"W«urn met on the street took hi# at th# tht board fencea, that tha a an Dentists. la aarloaa waya, la aow l>«*rtng, "1 Saunders juit and tb# detective plac# covering alble dlrectloaa given oa every point o atallion by Dr. Krenklio, caa bm traaamltud laocala- competition said "and L« taw Hrooks hate a aurface to ah.n« two-yetr-old ^Ial»f. fact. It by I now," Bonus, tabl*. might gliatening to be a liliN|f. or storm an 1 wind increasing daring eon of Uen. Knox. Thie ia etid Uoa or lageatloa, aad by cobabltlac Tbe on train he 'i Such an was Tim iuulkk. k>t« M VilfHlifl beat not to the o'clock Jut night. •'Gentlemen," began, propose on in the morning. evening THOUGHT IT Tml ImwM m U*M Aa mata fed oa ta^af tbe afternoon. It wfta deemed leaving colt. berdlaK totfethar him to that waa to out tbe aenti- Urge promiaiof t«ll tatter takea tha dla- an evening meeting. 1U- Hruoks understand to announce ia to.morrow'e papers calculated bring I)own la Mftdlsoo County, UL, ihey Cum caloala food bate lavarlabty attempt holding evidently or* aeveral more floe attl- u r Joan, C. A ex- There young store aboat a certain aad aoma la marka were made by snrrUry Qllbert, that he had gun* on his vacation. I the books hate been examined bjr ment of tbe young folka, but aomebow n droll L'ongr—soma raae—aoaa ta abortar, loafer 1 that will be »n tel the liona in Huckfield and vicinity Jobs M. 1*. 11* went to Chlcafo, Chftft 11. Cobb 1 by Dr. Creeaey think that it would be a food idea to from »nJ that all is per* it ilnln't. w. •«< ■ rus eeeal jb. pert* Chicago future. to attend the stock ahow, w ate bad, laatltau cloMd ftfWr • profitable aa mentioned in the nbi yeare ago, •I. ('altlo »bi'O' l bo carvfaKy have that information go abroad. I The theory that will be "Oh, abe murmured, fectly straight. Algernon," of Oiford are and p«t up at om of the beet hotels. (■ if of taSarcaloala ipptv, be • on The breedera County aad i^apivM of ftnJ think we have it announced that of the absconding will that, ber bead at tb proper angle b« wm ukea with a violent Dentist I b* com- —Although ibr old haatlag might given dropped ao well bred the night, Surgeon tbay aboaid it oKt qiiruUMd, be- fortuoott in htviog many ; ud iMr are over the amount of skin* of Brooks hu gone off for a of overwork, Mr. Brooks hai his aboulder. "The warmth of our af. thirst, and started oat to look for ftona *m. Part*, laoiaud fr<»» ail uUtn, trapping couple through which to ealect a auiuble pwuiy aalmale brought Into Bftsgor la Thia think we aUlliona from lea water la the hallway aear tha top of alalia cieaaaad by acrapiog, amall qalu weeki to visit friend# in Detroit. come deranged and I msy feet ion—" omca Babe. thoroughly fur tbla wlnur croaa foe their mtree. They ahoulJ tba servant*' stairway ba foaad ft WftUr >D'I dr*acblag with tar watar, large. Tbe moat«»p*n»lv» would us time to turn around and with a tribute to hi* "W-w.would be a d d-Jeal w- • I! «ort wruM, H'llhXKl plaalag. leaa bo. give wind up honeety. food coo ob- water cooler aocb »&iori1« of II to*, tie la tbe otur, bat baaver la hardly breed from the beet maree they cooler—a nswfashlooed carbolic acid waur. as to best to be done." observed that the w-warmer if folka bad tb* tb« Other consult what is You msy have papers jour put up as be ftsver mm before. InsUftd of to ramuva ail board* ud Tbeaa animate, together with aucceaa will erawo bad A batur way la that at-etove a week tain ood certaioly accas- *111 MTI.I IT, come from tbe laka at that he baa not and ththe aitting-room the or cap which ha bad beea kftj burn lb*ts A i)Imm thai and martin, region. Ihere were several nods this prop- •aJ speculated glass fiiturra their efforta. aaa la connection with tba watar uw animal to N»ut k aklna am In great demaad tbla year. was had do bad habits, eo we majr infer tomed to cm tM commit alcatad by osition, but who the kicker he afo.M to the fur 1« aold under ft dif- Meiggs, The iJmenrM CuJttMior haa thie coolsrs, tbsra was • nea: llttla robber boaa Danker Broker, laocaialloo la coataglooa. TIM Wbio drvaaed What that the boodle is in the valise which he And then be embraced bimaelf with | aaolbrr by of the board, said gmtUf, "Stuff. horeee : ft alee clean nottls. MAUI IS mm ovtr la tba ferent name aad la quite faahloeable io to braediag with oh a?, cud aalmal with him If jou ever wish bia new overcoat and departed for a more aay regard "that bay men la towaa would that do ? The truth is toak away eomatlmea "Tbara," said Joba M. to himself, | thrown out lato tha »ard may ba Many young aarroaadiag good "Timid New Kagltad people R. r, see of thia odd thoueanda I clime.— /W. aaver did Bank and R. Stocks, dlaraaa bate been maklftg good wcgea bunting bound to come out the moment the re- to any sixty genial llariford bealoeee of breel- Is a sensible arrangemaat I Bends, ( imJ »»trb utbara of tb* b«rd, and iba frara that the ■« M M «*!• H TWm toiw »«i by aad maak* txprree oat of a and dabble my oa« tbeaa Mlak a scent the affair. best you will your regrets fcr be over-done. If Uka to drink cap kMNtll iu»». It may bagIvaa by aapopalaraaimala. get of At hope express ing good bortea may IhaacoaaaatfaU-d aboat aad porters be o la tba water I wonder where wb«a ao la tho rat ant ai*o foaad Baag»r bring for Brooks. 1 trust that serious ('nsri t wr. Ktidshi —"You need- time ever come* li will long wty moastacba I'ortlunU luliif. aamal to aaotb-r placed it would only postpone the difficulty Mr. nothing that tb«lr beada to- la tha market.'— demttd for eoond, tba finest la?" att that caa gvt good prtcea has to him." n't talk to me," aaid old In the dim fatare. The tbvy a week or two." happened prohybition la bli fell upon tba handeome, epetdy roadetere Presently »yea prtntad ga tfcar. credit of the "I said the "thst L'nde Abele witb an oracular atyltab. which told bin to "tar* tba BIUMLU b« traoamtwd, an! Sc*mu*b roa Towlb—The fact la vary "I am thinking of the thought," presidtnt, Himley cltiat. le far ta exeeea of the directions, "Tatwrraloala nay New Ktgiaad ft* It |«*AC tbat tba egg aapply falla off aaid Mr. "If truth was your motto." abake of bia bead ; "I know better. who moke o boelaeee of wheal on tba top to tba right n« to there Mama to bo natroag prfdltpoaltlnatu aaggeatlea bank,' Ibnus, milJlj. •apply, and thoee Woolen Manufacturer! ng of moat while thadaya are abortealag that was last week. Ditec< Tbere I bed m four of tbe likeliaet to caetoaaere, or* will go." do tila tbruagb lactatloo. The krr; rapidly you don't like my Mr. Meiggs, "Ab, girls furnishing each regoltr U»v« tba month* " plan, of that's tt!" said tba old Mutkcti n 1'mlaim, ftUMU*. ab*da. dark or aad la amallaat alwaya darlag mottoes have to some* erer all tbe feU to fill their ordero. The volte "Ah, lagtalalor, cattle la cold bare a, damp tires' change aa tbe Cornsrs aee, an' ooable la hla • » I VmI. «|| Wwl rUlMt* M* aaaabloa ara tha fawaat propose something oa their ftsd he tba aoitla of tha boaa m4 ataMra. ard other 111 veatll- when tha hoara of around a.bookin' to each at I male depaade largely pat (. MM CMl MJ 1*11 aadergroaad murmured the times." lere for milea tarned the wheal 11IM, l)HIIM| coaa for egga la wlaUr "Yee," others, "pro- up drlvlag month and % • at. 1 o «H.r dw t. a!, P'ra No praparatloa gettlag eadaraac*. tad pleaaatt *■ | be- the whole town of Wot did I do? an epeed. cum to ha waa llaMvrr. taint lato la wblch doea not provide, Neit day Stability 'em. W'y yelled Whan Jobs M P. lylag Bur* or Wm lo kladle beredtury complete poee something.** qealltlta. aad ! aad a of the of an' kicked an' aa* on hla bftch ftt tha foot of tha aUlra, Tabarcaloala la ktrtdllary. It eldea warmth good faadlag, plenti- The "propose something" heard derangement thejpronis* prohibited prohibited Ia breoklag yoaag horeee great ptltt mil*. activity. phraee tea- there waa ft crowd of aad f. eltbar alra or dam ful of aaaablaa. one man cashier of fellere all over lot, taken to their moatha portora eftll-hoya aapply went around the and each of Brooks, lately cbaeed my ehoatd he keep — aiay be traaamlttrd by table, ing young forty-acre ft watar coolar ^ Mm la- J: 30 trotter wbote congregated boat the U oh of tfta ivlla to bo fearedf at Mr. the weil known bank of that The and wot'e tbe reeult ? one tlUve tad pliable. 1 It Good Cowa—Waldo IT. Browa aaya, la the members looked anxiously city. W'y ev'rj o P. hoard call oat la tha Smith Machinist. to oat atrala la Uad- month It colioaeed oad dead, or It rook John M. soma'tody if l-reedla* Cliaglag /drawn Rttir*, that there ara tboa- detective had goo* home. Tha papers o' them girla ia married aad bringia' up naiaf. tbia diaeaae. tha Meiggs. It not wonted ot 007 price by g«a- ball: *Mih Pari*, lac to liability of lacarrtaf me a who do poller, will aaada of good cowa owaed by "Tim first of the announced that nothing ia the extraor- tba likeliest fam'liee la itheae parte. for fatt horeee ••Whftt'a tha matter there?" luiftrtarw t mH mtt. mm — laaldloaa aad mal.gaaat ramedy feed aad part proposition," Ueamea who liberolly |M«rtl Tbia sot know II They never high on a pay ▲ad tha eoloa of tha rail oat i «UI Mf|. MfktlTT **4 K*l«, aa the dreaded acoorga aaid "is to to transaction reflected tb« food Does prohibit! Not by to drive for are." portar a*4 aooa bo rrcogallad tea ted tha milk, aad do not Meiggs, telegraph Chicago dinary probybition pleat ha* taraod oa tha K. « l*H ><>•« u4 m4) dlaacmlaated la hava Bol they "Oh, mm old Idiot of oar laad. aad la belag her do for ao accountant, and ask him to name of Mr. Brooks. Courier. (I axttit, A. T. Maxim. care for a cow la a way to make expert jugful."—Rocklaad Bftbcock Are extlagalahtr !" throogh lb a coaoaagala- bad exhausted «M>m. p<«in ( all pr 9—~ •vary directloa beat A neighbor of hia aold for $35 down as many aaaistanta aa he re- Meanwhile Mr. Brooke Joba M. P. foaad aaoihor aUlrwar, aad k« m»i 1(4 »•" aad of har bring ••A >««. trtfi iw ifN|MT roaa laftctloa of oar tboroogbbrad, of har aew owner was laok* —"How women a bear 0 womtn *—* •• •»*»•* a cow that la the baada so that we know the reeoourcee of Wiadeoe and maay marry good, —Yoa often ety, aaaakod ap to hla room, wtthoat HWi Umtm m4 »t*f riHM aad oar aativo atock. Prof. quires, may speedily qalatly uar grade alaca aaada of batur to sensible man ?" asks Kate Hisld. no att bat tbt doeen'l la tha aa la Bealioa haa fifty-Urea poaada our Are there acroes th« American Oaly "Tbera'a talking,N uhlag pari gaaaral laqalry Low aaya, 'I coo Id parte- of twalva position. aay objections ing yearningly Ja*M la a moath—aa average over if tbe maa can it ttmt. whatha old Idiot might ba. aalmaia la oar blgbeet- to that shore. He watched with iaterwt what one, help think to tbt THIS alar famllleo of a week. Jat! PAPER rurr.TKSS haa poaada propoeal»" ssraraaBrttkTBirtsE prlcod braoda la which tabercaloala )irORD, « -A» i UniI ml rnkd* MM at im il Oitont, n kkox ArorsrA. la this place oa tb« imli< of Jul I'.'th AGENCY I mil, fHkli aa4 N UMtf LrrrcK FRYEBURG INSURANCE tlM UM TmmUi Of Dn.. a. p. |l«. The Mtoa<1 lector* will ba by K«t. K T. PmIIm kittof huruMytllilw rtm *• iifln, Oxford flriuorrat. a llttla from lh* 8uta M- m MMMCum KiMli GIFTS ?hr l\>aaibljr goaalp th« lecture# la ••mHii A Jabs. The prlca far two will tar* nwUmikiMi ky MUM liibwNl toM Ihi M WIN CHRISTMAS a it Sot b» devoid of lauraatto m for *t WKKKLY Capital thirty «»ti if the ticket* ara |>archaaad tec**, «>t ATf. LEWIS, i»d TMtwti tl llaaaa Inm, tola if uatoa, everybody, iom «r rvukti. Tt>* pabllc *ja to IWN *M i»4 4aaaaa»4. btt m ik* yoar before the iectara. IlMriMt Ag—i f I ■ im Ohm?, >mnn< to* ard *'lb atroaaoa la- III MM to» Pn.k*lf Ai4 Cm IM ■( ta*««d Aajaata > twl Mi m! all ktofe af toMliairy mi ka NiMkMBfMllt, W 111 PARIS. M UXK. JANUARY I IM? lh« Mll>W* l>alaa» a* AlMMUlraU* tllkMM ••brwi it tW |>r»Mkt tla«, twcuw haa I M A. M 'mil**. kM i S5t Malaa I. l« ••tun to umI, aa»Ki)iry ml to Mt, I* tor all *4 l*t- Mll Ifela Maw in Burr or laaa hum:- Mr. l»»n Af*M lifulw III |>*ra«aa lal*raa«r4 »»T HIMfrd pirtio(U« • *01 tof»Mk Um Dnm to um miIh Im Um A FORBES, *• «;ini» »l*nr J**a R. IMm'i m&rt l« M tfcr** »«•!• nwnntlf Hi Maine. AT WOOD • 1 la lt« proc-*dlafa. Old bablta**, lb mini pvMWMaf p«UHM4 N itoOiroio I>hi«nb«t, jnau.i m run, imi Norway, • haMi ot k*ra at tha A «* W*»kM« k*»* ^ ib« >Mki hoar* la tba b»lag JtorhaifaJ lift Ml M i laari •( fitkilt. •• M Editors and MmI llM MMMMUl k»»»l kr Wm 1Mb ImII ytt»4 iM i|fMf Proprittort. of ara look for- IMIWiMI*MT. p«r to Mt4 I «••»», H lk« lhl>4 Tm» •tp»ala« *wry mmIoi, lag Uim kHa •••II. lb* toM it r.rto Mktat mlMitbM i-aakiffi I ^ aauBua m itvuun a fc raaaloa of oll tiaM lit ml Jar aary Mil. iliia* iVimIU ward to a |»U*»aat Tw • to ••tamM M toe iW lUrim 4Mb m im »a » Mm*, il aa; ia»; tin way IM frlaa K aad »♦ • ta-oVr* with rarl Mitt w Wlk4 to M lilki Ik Irt a TELEPHONE. WHITE MOUNTAIN abaalI III Im *1 •••< MfN flMVMi R'lU mbi - TUt« Ttmrly niwitrlln^ IIIKU p*fc! a u aa»i-d «lik aiiMy. roac*rataf MMfltill III ^>UU URO A. » || Jal«# mm Un >**■••* *h* !«*•*■ "i^ral b(fi«c r****'' Mil, nitlnf HmI**, l/«i)ia«l». l>|IMf. iwm' >«tw>f »«r u»tk» l«l» i«r* •m, AipM ud niirt. CLOTHING! KU MI4. U*a « CLOTHING! IIH>» hf« lapowtl ap i i«g»l Kh»ni«»«ut» BE8T THING MOWN Wikim*! frplMii »r*lUa, lll«*4r*l«4i ilirOIO. Mi—Al • tawTTf M4 at M tb« lauraat la Ntra*. af UJM Im* mt**4 tee*. (Iran UrwMMfrvUt* umtHiumM • ia*ai i-» r»i*«a»i.t pablic TV. • Mia ill f » lb# I nil* ml «lal i4 and Children. ir« IMI !««.« mm* **A Mi h«M u~ «*Am TWR*TT.ri»B CUT*. r«|*t«rt. Mm, Boy* lb* Kf»«t Mil CiXIl «• I a# liri TaaMay mt !»««■■ a i> im «Wk ilf»in' I k» »*»i«k. Wwr a WtbKH NlMMkl. Illmlriltd la*»r«*»l »• »U>i» M fl-M wck, MiwMlkM umb*) to WASHINO^BLEACHINQ I'll ANNA H. JMirfiiM. Ri.awtrla «a llM Ta*rv I* aurr latorrat la tk« la< M m IW 4r»«« Mktf. wktek Ma |t *» mA Umm T*-mK >»>«'" rim iaaa mt NkitM l» M huu. tbm «k*a aaau*; NOT II Mil WATII. nrn HUM m* J*N»a C. IIAwiIim frfik iri. wnW • IU t UIMI W of ta« L ti«.'»tarv ao« IIIAIIII llfT, a« r a* Ifwlki nalrv'U « «" I—1 WW AUAt- IIMMI Mala, •Ur*%—4, aa* t»» r*«MRUi| OVERCOATS ANO SUITINGS. kli'iwn b«M Tba ctu|« to Wf» "Src.TJi.—wu ■ATK* UltOtt, TtNllMMlaOtr Mil mt ml Ik a* la la ml mU <• |WlT wan •.!»•»• •' m»*M A «•• By alalaliiruwa r«DT1M T%» «»*•»*» 1 ItMWKmt tiAra wall. P— uiittwl mIWMIm. Aw *»a lb* takolo, work* ♦ "'*• Ml-! f<*«« & AUCTIONEERS. chm tor allaaaawi Ml* 'at. «, rimn Ml Ito ♦raiaa »m ki«kiy IWOLT. F. 0. BAILEY CO., Furnlwhtng Dopartmont, It Wall MurkMl »Uh MW MlMtalt ituing or ifcwll W vUImI It. Mat IM aall Raafair* fiia ad to* to it l« »•>» tkat »S»hi anii«T<*r >i iMaa *•»* ft Mra urat. >.» fam.lv, tWfc Or.larari M km «»l Vf * •11 fci!»w <>f >Mi «r ftMMjr ytnlln UroNn. KKWAHKoflailuUnM III latow»i»l by ami a atft d Mia nwful oMrm, tk« okl M «|to« to »h» »to4 fcetory. fafct kf ail |iiiiai filial with good*. »I»»HI nwljiit ^laltr la llvtji la tW •w tat mimi nil fof r*aaactla{ CaMMfto U Ita >H«I to to »b«l tair.wr.lt M M — X IMI ml&kamm. 11» BUlwd. rURUNI »>at.l m fcy itaaa, «• tmm •<» vjur w» llltn la I»»•«*»•! tl ran. ibal •MMamt yManti* • «*t-Ni Aaaail at#atMa ai4kt toM to ***U—M M I Mfcei STOCK lb* IlilM f*tal«-l ««tk A rail onLT un i*u>fMTif>aifi aaJ utiiHrwr au l • »«« oik*r «h» IM» »ay at t«ar al a fraaaia ®a»l lo la l*|.| at for a frw tuul k>fpm ml IImm.-. BA»to Um4, to ti imi IAa r**** •* llM ate»«a «rant %»m* of Wart r*ria M a* 14 — ila tatrl Taw4tf ml Jaa Scarf-Pins Mil HmM I MRi M (Am «UU|*. Ua>lf Velvet Ties, r»u« iim ra*-a b- rr, bat la Aa«aata. rrLK. niw york. BY AUCTION. ik'ttofl iiiu MfMMa*4ikaa«iua Underwear, Mm* J«to K.»t It* «fc**l to kef MMM in «s > volrd for tta tortopW _ja*w If Maa al» |W aaa* >a»al I a »i aa al of Ui« Finr«t h*rr aaiaj prtwat Ml WIHll af tkl HrtMM •< IA* M«rfcM, aay iMy (JiuUity. SKWSOF 1HKWKKK JlMrvl, tic uicov. II. Tlll'M « W l| *•>«, J«4«a. (r« 'it, ti I ako a«r« tbaqaoatloa lliiiif (1tfbr4. now it irnrriD HI RAM., I* Il'U*p to»M. »• — «*r> • T».u n » »i »■ "w J»* I. IW1 M II l'*Hk|, • »•. A Uaa aayr A llaal II. C. I»A* It. Magtaiar. ct». to J250. »• ta»a*. ««-«»! at *<•%# «c«ia K AI to (MM ml PraMia MM al *> oaca •• t»« !»!••«»« intkUiww ui ■ iat«> coaat. a*l jaara r A. K. »toni»l,Imj., *. !► •Am U»i l*ar la. at 1Mb aa4 tor IM I waaly mt OatoH EATS. CAPS and GLOVES, K Tr»MM All* llaa k* kw« illiINf laan I • p. D H &••%*!» H hlT( ih*a Iitoir. IM*. A kM| mm la*iMrl Ta'Mii aHkr„|, D. our Am* rfcc I tho rlomwt Vi«l iUMm W Um o.toH IMetf l>»*ary i«,mI IUl»|» " K IIARM«t». wHmw af Harnaaa II At PKICEtt th*t buyer* •* n k'Ii **• to Ito Notice of Legislation IAKAII of atirpriae • (lad Proposed ®rrry rw puilttrlaaa alftt no ••• a aft tW km m wm description, ami y «ii ■«rk«4 |2-•fc. voncs i-MfHi itw um^i'Miw llna a. lata -I IHraM I, |MI»I •fcy. It ■ • »• W I/Iiili'ii •••mm 'Of lai a M m iltoaiaai aaialito iMtfors you ptirrluuM>. lrt*l M IW .> !-fMii*4 piN kM »b»«l 1 k> .MM. «%> t»» MM »»•» 1. <«!*• 1W«I H* Im* A If. Mm, »«« tatMti. # 1' a*» il»< i J J y u(v>**>l It TVr» r>*» lo >4 Ik* k -I U*. Jm( • imw K*i!'<»•* I MB •* A O/. to'»'*il ra»ala ml a«l4 4«»aaa» I m4 all l>Mll**k>W« »f lk« *»*•• ItfM MM klM iMto* m Am •» m mmmIwi toian, I*»*»>«ra «l frf«k«'g. t» *MtM'» Ttoai IM »ail |-M|ilaa«r (lit aa- ir* it • • hi »»ato UUt ih.t tu(«i'4 M KM* «*«• I'M W«, »»iaa.1 • v «l»r t»W< • wrr» mU Hli4r4. 11 laur»«l»4 k? lamlM l*»< It* k- tWifclnl Ur»«i m •ill»4. to r»f lin l«aa to all M**aaa aaayf — m n- tt. a bariaat L |1* tk* Ul II W fmmm *atM «N* % af iWMMtxa. Mnkai ;»« by Tto irakn ri|H • mj imi* t'vk lkM|l ijy Lm. r ■■■«*■ Hum, i Il Ibta ar4#r u» M aabilah«4lMra aaakaaaai aat?» »«f» laM s a lit at h Ihl •• WMll Ilk* I* ••fl fimw*>»»< rwa .'<4 w »t Vra. hat tk« la mJ, k T Mm«» I j la la# ltew««rat a aawaMM >rtato4 >• tta *M «!•}• aa aak iW w % m ml ito IM r. tJ.. *-•! a aa ibal al & I Biml >«Wn will to ■'ilki il rart* I ( waalt. i-aar WAKEFIELD, Wl pull bot mk Ttora May Ma; WEBB t <» ir*at tbaa raal Ta» ftajgl a| IkfMNMl »,»i> rtorUfl Mtl*4 II* i»l*"l"w WMt !• «k* k««Ml W U>< l»ir M ■■!»! lit! •( Ik* l«l|> kate *>"1 I P fa Mia Ouarl la M aal4 al Parla. »a tba Ihir4 Mo. -* a aa I • !*■• »m> t '«at tb« lawrta'al ti m tUl W k*• 110 Main Norway, IV-». * la Ik aWa k» »W* «• :*• «4» a;, prr«( Jaa —— «rt» • « U .m.h m» > • a'wil kill a d->« a kM IU I Opposite rlurvn m g I »11 I. I t «• o »| I tto litoMuM ml Um Into Tvm^Um' OVERSEER WANTED Maa aa4 atowa aaaa», Il aa; IMy Maa. a«aiaal m,r Mi K* »»-•< < • »»• •»•«■'«. •• Mikt* « MyM >— 1*4 ft«a Iwiol Vl, n a*i f» of tb* L tw»M Ilki Mm »»-l Wifa tui*4 Kill* fart* IM IAMT. gWUtara it IW M .I i.U.» laaik. k*a Wm r**t »*U to tto Mill, .4 M* !• Hr«*r*i All mn a. li»> «. b*c«a«- tb It. J"^_V !••• r»i« to* ito »Mf. ipfiw* WII.VIN Ja4ffa — lv- itnW «| In j» f*«| I f prrl*r m Um mmK U M*l M t« *W»I- TW Mad tM mmHiWJm ltor» m mi mm* '—to iMtof u*M sill to »•>!• tahw f«b IM. A Ila* aaM— Alia at M C Parla Na|iai«r. «■ r«»a>o i«li«»a« at lb- t K^a<-i f». k*> W My 'M % i< r«a»» lb*-a» Ml Mn. I M»rt.| »mi*«l tot krilAil a >«*.<•'( II rj H«MM>r U*l M«*k. II* k IM Iim IimUi. tut |Mf « atn •• Ip»»iw, >|tit', Mknif »-#• il** %m4 niflllli.ii 41 «*art •( rmkai* k# *fl at iHmiMKWi on mi af MfMtaitl. —IV hoard-r* Mi. Vmm. to ik» im .j JTkf*t lu.«k*n, Wm Ii *.«u «• u.i r«*rv. • •• »i la ••* i« vilkia »*4 f»t Ik* a4 in«oi» t»ain( l«(ialail*« ■ mm *ivl m»i« tat trtel K~r« Cum, OitaH. Twain « « >■ aaal Miwt, *t~l ■ Ik • k»| ft t*»i M Ik* Smrmtf Hrt»k Ufrrta* r»K rf ib« r»r i< r« • T>af» ■ • »»• » noafcif-t.• • < a fro ,.*« «t II IM lk I T»»»Uf H |H» A. I) |«. >■*< r I» I «q h »tn» f.»r A* tm Ito (MUM **A iiiMPMMiir. umu aiig~*n~aii «l. Ilutoir ifiMiikil r»rl«. iM I, I*" »k»jami* r. nuk» »••.< ta*ra«* >• • aa I tb*r« ar«* oat a* Ik* «m4 mm toavtog Ml Ma« lfto|. 111- i' kn p.11 Am Wm, ImMmI ■»!'« Is ha lk« IMI Will w*... <-**a* Na, »• A R. a# 4»l Mm « !►»•# to Inn mi r*'f Tiw»i TW ra • o hr*aa« a'l h in Ikitf Miftl »|» A* lM« | »i»tlrapU>tlkal 111 tolM* >l Kiwi Am torni. mm af *kirA M \V© lave r«a (inn lino of I Mwy lb* litn*. fa*aiiar» to** ju*t Par»a hi ••> I r Umil, dm •{ prt IW "raal — iriaaai>, Tkai •<•(«•» (1** iW^vnafiWMW k» V • laft Arii«n*ititf kMa I* laa»r»»l*«w«m If MMiai **a» !*•#<• iw% II «4a(«' af >n.«~a. I" A Am mm rmwi< to« • iAtm of CHRISTMAS GOODS IL AiIihi cr It l»v» Mtdl th<>UHUitU lfcf»» •••»• t iiaiat. — • f.a».- a la havlM for up. Ikd *r4»r l« k» fikiUH tonMlftlr •w -»k» MMMaawOMli Wa >a ptlJa < » I to tot M M •• ifcU —Jto* |imiIi. none lltl «• *k«lltf«* to lk« ^«klV< ytUN I* lk« llihH !»■■ ifi at rain Ikal ikf «•« • « * I «>* aad ar» all ia( I* m»k» any to<* M imi tto tinr !.»«* ll«\r it 'ii h*n.l. for prtai'4 A aal aa*-» ib< 1'ipl Itol k« Mwn k«t* frnrt «UI »M ( ««it MM ai ta -toff Hi*, •a? al a I'rakaia la k » m a Mil 4. mi a i»» fc-". imM*. Ifftal r» i« >»is •wrtflr«« t-i Ifp •**k Um •! iMa toAi >a I •( IVi to know tho hoor it RUT Inj timlnl. l*a >wi im Mi. kailk'i to*w, to our line of I> I iMak tb# b««ta>at m-.tii. J % la« a»ai al • aVM I* Ik* IwtMna aa4 lk«« aaaaa II attention of nil intere*te<], **«a> • ak a»>i»l na*dta| Wo invito the Ual «a»rn M i« k Un Ito ftiftftw. All ilMlrra. W) rent* a Iwttlr. «4 «»| ~ai "i h.. » • • (Mart* of a* a, ara »*ry ftrftl aat l»*f bat*, •»» Ik* till la«»uaa*at aa»a 4 ■1 M Wi klx* Mr artlwrt V><*l I r kft* •>•***<4 ft »*• Um- k«M.'l. ftkrf Mens' Silk Handker- a«l k* at4 aitawatf a* lb* Ua* Wgl M • a**. M IMilkaH !*■<' • d*»ir* Oi.«uk a Tfeta mmM al l ara a Lift*all lift.I. afv»a*«t1 kH WHi a*4 t••!«•«>! ml t«l4 4»»y»4 MawUi I'*.<«« li nil—M al«aa( wit Um • mk k*w ml t -m »t raor aal a a-« »» ItoM Tto"' kM(U torga 4 w M mi Main ••■ 4 ia*a^<>raud <.»!> J*.l««. Ladies' TV' in ail I 1 U« M wfitl T A t hi Uk* Um ...» *•* totolv ktlM and rtMkrJ, ftor* chiefs and ait»»i H.I ai*r. ii PILLS llavia .1 Scarfs, > 'nnortlftl MMl PENNYROYAL R>i »-■ New, W •»»» a nik aa* rrafi AlrMMti Perfect-Fitting S ENGLISH." to lt« U'a.t M MmI IO«m •*• 1mm »« tb* "CHICHCSTCR Stylish 1 aula" la* ■ of kit tia« for V»illl M M ta iWrotlii >*t <•".« loitMlnr »•" Mi'i TIM Orlllntl a ika % il II ma. •» • Wiuual lk« varloaa NORWAY. OirnltP U»IU at.-art •« rrakaia MM al ;t*»i tan a*fi« .a viaiUa^ M >»«w IHI" >>«■• «w«klni laOMM aw H 1*»»-Wa »ka f **- «likl* bf Ik* C«aair «# TWw HIIW fwaw. l.i «. 4*4 •«** W Ta#l* aa4 llif«H wr» t aa.1 la a >» nakia« bun- LA pit*. |f" •>»» * k*a —It akioa*. m m- m ■ II m A- I*. IW Garments. Hf> o»Hi af Aa—M T«" rat in. "4 IhlKih » iV* H< Neckwear mm Ik* Ikied T<*»Ui *11*»*.. Cents' • iw» k* MTauaa & Vakiiwaii i iWkma. «• » n »r • lb tVl' aavda. IU It a IM»M « « *• ■«"■»■«»« • ••• »♦ Ml«»» J4HR4 W l|i. IIT A4»ia*«r»l » m la* I R>< !•*»..«• K Am>U. i<«i m*I to to tool I* IHM > «. > 1'iiMrNiMt V«r*A, tk* (wil ll I * * *• ba bt« Hi r ■ NtMi r*ri• iilili *4 I lai* ml |*arW. of aiaa. avl atf»r aajr P«m t*i—mim a MMt;, • Ill IImMm rklWA* R«)iali H'|i« as can bo found on same %J -I »taa» l» pr«'ilc%l i r««ti»inM|0S10N, as low grado W4 w lla M na». I C—My Jim I ka> kia Prices afLai • arl>— | r ■ • MIU4 Mali. 4*rmm—4. »( }>r»a*al»| I t > .1 t. wH coaI M|«iaaM c W Ifc W» At tf%4# • »l I to? «•••**• .k« v.ry iIhI laraaal •! t4aiaMMM« *4 >k* aalat* af aail (""•♦I I (fnitifMi lUrrk, H-* AWi 4i A t •. » —<■ >. Mm* and tho samo to all. tk/Vt r'aa»».»aa «. II- -kr»* ml »W of tb« stat« «a b««la*aa II* to m •••M mi Ito ■laraa»*d I •» aimaaM In any prlarlptla • kl. l*aM |S* kaf wwlii UmIii-W > •*}Im goods city, a. t-*». * m I ka W Wra af v M r—m t T«i w aaj tt.ii ha la ftvor of T • ■titofc iiapiian. ih*Imi4 a i«i*>»irai*« ft»* aoi>» b»v« ao k tiNy. • -• >*«!>•< h»»... II 4* 4 « M«ili ntfal ■ I .«», I • im !'•««*« you M" » ■ m»» a • at A »m» atlllty. *f. ar4»f la ka |.«aiiaM4 Ikn* «Mla aar«v*atval* ua ~ rv.4 rif-~ >;M> Ml- k a .» im Jia V ia Ot Tora tr lio baa auk napttUM* U*i)ir*r4|i»»mal,at««a|«i<«r fiiau»l al far ■ I at & WOMEN'S TOILET MM*a «M ail MEN'S la. a r»«» ai* (*«M ka U «•( atrat*. wblch waa hUfrl«a>!a Cfc«rr^, (i. H ISiM IWk Ikal lk*T say a||*«i al r Mm m af a*wa *■ '« ■ KID, *4 Jaa mil al a>a* -'rtmt ik* S. T r. WfiMftitf SLIPPERS, GOAT, ii) Z. i*. w & I S. > utitf -»i- B. aa I of akri* Ik** i+1 M Mat* M Ik* I • * k kaa %' aadaarr of m-ao» a*a* PRINCE, plaaty ika (ifMs prtaaU T IP ■ I Um I rvlaf. aaiakaaaaaa. II aa? tk*f ka**. ak» -< I W( Jtanv J*- kaw iW kn+na a/ l «. I. i»i»ur», aa I ka« tkarafora, bin a Ma to and OPERA. t>i>il4 M ka a*i««*>i. Maine. «-a * .. tar i VELVET 116 Main Norway, (Ua m • ign a ii 1WJ «»»ia« Uaa to Ik* la* Ill') A. WIIJNX. Ja Street, Iiaa W Mi mm* >4 *t a W» toUalvpabaraofkla Lit;'* Tj-«Ut ifUriotil, lb* -Aia»«i II C l»a»ia UffH. nnk» b**a Cirri# N. Bolster's, A li«*M> lafttUi V Ik* k*>- a*J kal IrrrtUuf tba M»u. II* ba« allc«l Maakl m Ik* aiWrt >>b ia i'.%. ul prumrk aa abla rtac- •o. k«k '>y aacoaatialy »l it C«iira M W <1*1 M V a \ Ml .7, «tf*4 aknaM I» l OtFORD, Ififi. «u«« CoaBciL. iikii Nr uM i < ik« ikin | N >rwrj U ah**d an 1 m«»n* run. •»( uir.N yaare wmc!» tba ProirtNlft SLIPPERS, <1 l>» it ««• Fkiinl t'i W»l M ilka iiMnal *i«ailt T&a dud r ta lacoaiaf f»r lit and 10 Gallon Tm»-<*4. mi M U II (tor •«•*» mf •aOH lltfml Iom tu I —I>f. IiumK. M<>•« IM |i*m| tkal ai'iii kM>la4 M*m4 a* vbm X |kt wll fark-l f-f»M U»»l !<<»>aatiaaN llftMfflMI »f MM'ililtillntt 'k* KiU'tlf m»4 <)• «****-aik»l «* kal —— |w k-*r4 -i Aiimaak. t IV» villi «a M«r >?*». IdViM, -• Mm tb«r»of •lajligbt BOOTS, im *i*4 a '■ iuuiim • • \ a. Hi !■ III p.ac- 2.25 m niia. tm (it* w M. •». ktal & mn mJ t«• una* af otitv. • 1 *v* I'rMi.lrtit nf UM hfi»t» $1.25,1.75 Q «tll Ik* aoiki w ill miw»i«< by mimii al'W>a 4 a.i- iik k ahakH I Ml ki Bvl' *ii tk* *l"Ulc lifbi • «n■.•>! tn i&« Htaau, for bla ihir>l FURNISHING GOODS ml lkl< W» b* I *•»**#* M M raaaa MM IW awn a .. wwm aai (t»»t *i 1 wia# m »r* opportaallp to wfl |«MuM • .a — nf tv Aka«t .Ma a k m* Mr*a«l -1 -M. c (.•< iiivt una For »p*ak*r «»t»f mrr* fmpltf l>M tl Ik" w irk t1*lr of hrMfoltw*. mim«4 *1 rana ikat iWr »i • PfUii TW ik Ma ll «Mi • im m< M VmI ^ka Mr fl»U of H «cfciaa4 t« *ap ilto*. m4 • '«H •! mmt MM will • m*i *|►>**» II n•». tb# Mat. ii »*»l mm I af mmi m4 anU *( tray i« MM IUtc tnMl wk«i ••• U UW l-mrX to W 1*14 Al Cmi. Catili kl>i Uaw M* k-4rk< |*aa r >m ibid T!»» t*Wra» IlililnllM j«h» jmt ttal m 1 I to t»a tb» og Uto IAu4 •> Ju v*l' Ml*1*!**! It Um >*»» r» k« a > »— Mrvaart. alia a una i. aa p»*» bf I a ib««iIb{ at Cob Tl**>l*y Th-r (try •ptrll*! (MM kill, >» Mmi MM**a*4 IW kianai af l«aa**ai U of t^r b"UM Will probably ba frairrW.l, (MIMwi ||.| li U| lk*y *l| Cart II til, Ta »Uy r*»t:ng !*• lk»lM MA W I'tllM kaak w* m ik* i if aal. Wiac alml a«tk kb 1 ita »4a« ibm ba lr«r of ib« S < r« MERRILL'S SAFETY OIL? paa tarya >*> la t'm«t to ba Uk" 4 WII%4I«I Jwl*. nin» w. «m= iM. «WMian i. A T <wr(* II Oil • Mi M» IW MitK, I la HfC'M |« | air* lh B( Old TW lt«*l h«rt •! i UMf«ff>All*l w !l*l • I ID )l lal* Ml Bit (Wa C TM'« So. Pari*. NEW At'M UriklMtM* fik> Hi::. HrM*« HI iffjf la ob« of lb* ~ of OtMril Ttl* •• -41 I iMIl ml |>ickil< k*»4 r>rtb«plara (Wfr»urr t W# aotlcol t Price. 18 Ctt. UIMII1. v»i of p ict f.»r rktu IV<\ 1*1. |HHI], « »• (V4 Ma, VkMraaak A th» for aa»»rat Wrtna r»» «. alUia Ak.| lot Ik* ••!?•< Olfuel ! laiitfjlavif. •Ira ku b»M Good« poattloa with IU Nia la| 1> K ••<*♦, M.. v*ry aaijaa h ir><* nt>l« t •;» >*c«b IM Ikir4 T■»■>»! *f IM I* aaa Hrtl<« Ht. MM II ritliioll, AteliM/MM N Um —Holiday ro»p>m l'a for AT I MM ill 4***' N la J f lUn (Vit t Cti am ml ^Imtrntmirumm ml Ik* (total* ml b« li taach too id »!*«t to mil* mum > i»» -» I* fnai I 4 a fr* >tlfa Urr* baa lital ol alhl- Mil -I'M!" I M |II»«IM* U| 1 llM put IC cts. Cal, laimn U .aiM, at* <>f It hli&or.f M n.»t *m aot a aohlur per M »a aa O id » oaa oirt IMmM 1klllk*i|i4 A4|Ui*U|l*« fir* I al V•»»•' ikw. b.tl prtaealedto W*|> W IVfraaM fkM bat la aa aJro.t p »:tuclaa aa>] • tra-palur, Um i* *11 f»mu nl*rf< *4 If t«u«i| • *••»* -4 « lOOP •>l»al Mul UijV al Mka, I H Aklr»a» Crail »'••»» bjr S if»if w ki ikn* «mh aa4 tla friaada daia that ha baa a gou>1 Ikla iH«t yilliiM W*a| IVrva. I 1*. a mutt alrftal affalrof It* klal ntr hum I'lbi.t ral *1 U»r» » Hi IMMfHMt |«iml fj. of aaccaaa. Crobth^ ftr* wait, ii • S. praapact •««i b»r- Mr B la terj mach pi»aa#.l ('*11 ailtl the I'lTM Is m*>1 A ikU lk*y bit Hfmi Crockett's, t*» a la tit# Maw of.-*ra. Mtcr*- I* I* k i4 a sat muH«« %U i'« r*kJ«r» with tha t-.hca r*#p*tt brutbarly •• M • iu »•!*».- • •» • tS» m «t «fxrroa« k al of • oaa <*aaarat aa I of pn ttlnni»f Sap*rtawad«at > I. (*roch«tt hu a Si* I it of al*la Two and Three Wick ••UM. If Uf IMy ltl>, «k| Ik* MM AMli I Mt Tfta flrat four &»»• ha.1 oalf k* which h» »*We at low flfarra AitoW*>l t • r«- Ull) A •Br ura. aa I t»» ««t^r ar* tillUal lifa WII.witl.Ju4f*. Th« (>ra«(*ra holitaa la making Rochester Kerosene Burner. IIM » II.C. I'AVh NORWAY. A fr,-lli«« Kr|i*ur. b*t rf-it H »a »l«l:o« T&a of lb»*» offlraa Tut Ojnrajf maitni prraoaati w irth li» lia lag Tu*« Itr aaaala* thay t * • C*arral tatorwL Tb*rviaa •' U. of I) for Kiab lh#lr Hall aa aopp r an 1 M-8 ENTIRELY NEW. <»\ri'«l». •• a » 1 .<• r r •«!' »I Henry VanJey. ifUld, a bad la oyat#r ra ta ar»aaJ aard, who ha*«- mt mm Jaar* It «ai oaa of lh« m >at pvaaiet l'*n I* «tlvh<»l to *nv rill*, *1 k I 1*4 tot M (mill l)ltoi4 Coamia*u**r. intvrrat la hla aaccaaa, bat alt U>» Iaiu|> tk* Iki>4 Tm*4i| ml I>r« A ti |M, •iwcla. atiur (iibtrlaia of tb* II AlBUWlki • lik tk* !ic bow Mi«t talk of a wo >l*a W »*UI* tl* than Thar* la IklMiwI HIM |( CiliH ||*M, Stock Tub U gvtbtr C ;•>! < Cominl«tlunrr«' Hvlirf. piacra *>y >ui;***»4. M>lt| tbia wr»* Ojr <\ .n t will b* thara ta».»t »4m ml r»pr*. Ai to u h lV» ■—N ku m*»il ml I*Mir»lto* IM Larger prup.i«»t ;»fu;atl'»a, hi a* oa a Ml ha« haaa Wat W«« Tba boa* b llrldf rptlt (V'l. mi i* *fmM Im *.••■» •eated in Iberia'* I'.tw II Y uag, aarh of «m. t* r»»»iM 1*4 • 1 ih« 1U1M if ■••ta. hi* o i h?- ml la coaa« W |«k Caotoa; aod it H»4« by Jam»«S cutia an qalt* run Ever THEBOSTONHFRALD. ii ik* mui*-i ii •>• »b« ra» Unit uimh tkiHitii. ham* f bl«aaial a far IWftoi, w*«.| iMH.ikittol, tifwxto J la—'I Mra (\ I. Ililtiaaij all ik*l il*t ii • rr-l»l»l*«rUi k bf l'tn< ; Wtllum VI K dler. • * • Mirt (to Ml toMto »'«a Ito Btf i||4i> Before. Wriikt, a .1 b« aV>u' th« a«nal »•«. fit* THE LEADING NEWSPAPER. proMblj f >r a I'hriauaaa k* 14 *i I'***, • >aM I mil. *• Ik* ikir-l Tm* arnica prrwBt 4m ml »». I m 111—M M to H»l rtWl of Dufield; J«mr« 1. Hj«h*r of watts: t»i Jii«*> r Kai.»iiii'< i-i • tk*tor» Bry. II »r»a A Tiiai' bar* rraa a*d Haa a<*aa ton a «tok «» «*4 K"' »Wi# >l» ■«. •* I 4ay ar.- *r*aalr nt*a pfwtt • »<- *, ikl m«* mmmm M k««*. •*» lb* ante I'ond; S>; * a It WiJIm, of Tn*r* >\\>M Ito Itov vUl to ta tntiM M IW IfcUawie* |-i»» • Umt la th* j an akr ah ip, '.trur llonn l»Jf (Imitation of >••* »k«u •! 1*4 k* ».!• m*4. -' rniJ»# bar »» »■ | A.i" A. WIIXiH. Ji4(*. CALL. Newn ; RA » af A I limit k, M wli HtA m4 Jmmm an a New a i PLEASE lD>ni wh*r*««r Oar ■ papf Knit I ori. < jou (a. pop* a« la j A I »' *rr afl O. of and t. >n la Nurwtr M ll-ai la rnplojfd SWA, 1W. at icl A ■ Kryeburg; «r .«r. S A U#»*«U Suit" M, "Hi «toa o(t a. Amh»i« C lliaai' 1,1 **• tha L*w Jonraal Daniel Bmw®, of Wilrttoul All ta h.a nam :« a taut* of Hah*:, J I htoulti I all ;:i: liti:vi m uk •( la ptt v '■ m alaca a M —Al U«rt ml PraMI* b*M il tallaa ai »»■■< NmIIh | ^ai'M tlaya blllnl UtlllRIi, MktMINf Mull ( *•« pafcU*aatlaa lk*l the la»t two ar* u l wriat h* 4u« not haow aboat % waU b Hritol. IW M, IMA. I'l/M VUk.A a*l f.r tk* CMIIIf ml 1)1 m«4, TilK iMdttWf. c*p? Kepubheaa* •M Ut >'«wnl b* Ik* lit*. J»lr» h »c wrifhlax COO poaada mm iM UIH »i |kr* A l>. duly aif Ika imltun M IkwU* O. Hull. *1 •>r :• worth laowiag. 0 I«*»i*f lt« LWtlf •< "III H aa-t M clock, hardly school U»oh a »aca- Ki'111* *• ik* nUMol • f rratlU N» ia ika iMMlf •< OibH, Ikl HtM Th* app^r primary »BkD A FtiMllB. IMtiUli of I'mM, A b.»f 1 iMIIitirtini af T> Ml K.»-"*rt*oo. \ >o «« tha Uacbar. Urik I' K'kAr'M*. Ui* ml o«im4, Mi M Mum. Ia*"l»anl iMMM -TMIKMNlif THK NKW ADMINISTRATION. M >a1ay. M Nlaart. A III A I. It l-TO*. lata of ItatMl, char** of th* aala Grammar School of •*> I l'< ||I«. 4*m*m-I, kit .*4 ku i* t)l> >lw «< UM Ja4«* af IM Auf iM» t M lk« M, tint bala« alek Programme PATENTS )•*•*«11*| ia hiM mXi. !•«•••• I M «*t a w »rt of an 1 hi* »po- <■••1*1 iililiiNtilMil U* K»t*to ml m»4 4* ( ara hv! a rvacloa k>4 kit****'* I •( m»I IimIini u ap ;• fctow* Ml M«*W, I MUli af iil4 !«*•• •♦■I M •»»' — ir.'.y «B<):atnt*hMl. II* J l»» Ika tut stw «< nti < rri tu 4Uri tba 2Mb. <>BIAiai>. Ikkl Ik* aa»4 Ear* BUT (I** l*4kM il.WliU is ka kabt al ika t'aart ia yt tha B*t.'« lloaa*. HitarJif, bf 111 >*"•• "*•' kaM *»F <*• puMl»l how u> maaat* "th« FRANKLIN H. mm ia^*t*aia H?****- ika IU boy* n Oraaral 0raa4 Com- HOUGH, Is All y*CMA* lll*f»*l»4 || «aa*IA| a if Ikl* rut*, la Mi4 Oaatf, aa Na4»*ali' lay 11 thk *ui&irr. ordrr uf tba L' ■ la-ll t»*r*-<« Iha M inv»tnuT« cam- h*r* from i* I im|i *Af****l**lt ll Ikf af J ia A. |> |«M m alia a>t««r» ia llihn Joaiah S. Ilobb* who NOYES DRUG STORE M4*r k* p«kli*fc*4 RLI.A r l.YOV maa.lar Am«riun jnJ Pa'enti lto«.M,UM awa i..«»ra*l*aa ar r.»*4 tail* hi* th* but* Solicitor of foreign Q«Im4 Unmn »ttoi*4 *1 l*Arl*. Ikki ik** a*f laa *01 faaara Part*. pr-aUM at Library al Wr^b A Vfaktflild tba p pilar clotblara Ht*W Al a rr*k*i* C*«ri i* k* k*l4 At I'aim. M?a« i»l(f ■? ku>l u-l UM -Mar Coart, fit t'wj an I baa gttta *»*1 aatta- i c««ri »t fr»ui» imu •» Ixa t n i«<. yeara ha«» »t oat aoaia i»rr carda, racb near ii *a*4 Maaty oi Ik* tk>r4 Ta**4*y >1 Im. I at. Oaroao. u ai tlat»i# U» •»• V Tb* aewlT fact. «a llr bM ">*»b IrriatB an 1 oth- llolidav Goods St., Al • l*4*tl IA Ik* f*f*A«*A III lk*V <**•• II kl| I'uk, tlltto mJ IU It* lo«tll h*4, MBHRll'K C. I»A |*. lUfatar »f UM laartaf car a Tha I roatalaa >*aallfal ptctara MM* k* Allo**( <»»rarl. ed couaty iff; fra r -smeared lot Satur- •rwiK V>aor*«1 H»ary V ll.ancharl IM; kit* >kj Ik* lk*Al4 A*l IM Ik rl faaalar laaafaaaay tom« af I '»•! K UikW, boya pruap«rlB(. prlras D. 0. WltJMH, Ja44*. af ta4lta*a la arc the aew rr >m K*J•»f »r 1. :• a m«m'wr of th* Cm of <• Ito mtliN Dim lAa m%f tot .a I Washington, klllM IfmilH Wf 1a4k« af M*aa4 Vnllaa « day, January l*t; rdr.gly tow A Ira*««■>r .au**i -M C IU*lA.k««uui. lib of (MM, Wcrk* 4 II anchtr). p*a*»oa itwrt'Ti hf ii alla«aaaa •«! af IM ftrMil laaal NMVi off. -tr» a-. 1 i*lihfd ca that After ii a'>«eace of i^t lhr»« j«iri k«IMN Ubf* iW lll'd 'life* r« Ml ptUiMt lb* rr»|iura al Al.VA J MIKNI I. al apj»-ar»-d at. 1 hu h«M th* offle* All K«UM cUin i(r*i«. II* to M M4 'Mraof U |in la 1 I>i»H»l I, la »«al» IM an* • >Uti a*l U* Ik* C-AAl»»r IUV4 *• — day. of C«trfc for a Burner of y*ar*. until Drugs, MiwNil IB Ik* I'ilM HUN III I ifc»**ia eaa*ia« a af Ma.a*. Iaanl**at I»• !»*• •# Taa ara Miltf a«i Cllf 1 »r T •• tor. u> !>• Brivaul v«iltd •II par*»aa iawrv«u4 ly «*»pj of lWd« and (MlllM. T>«4< V«r li mm4 Imkti* Ik* lkli4TMA4af *4 lu*., a U I** 1 M it* Regirer "•anUy, County htaowa ha* to I*tm*i1 ih*t h« Uliwlw U> ua pulliiM4thr«* a««ka •«<▼»•••, taly •*>t. 1 Mai aitk Mm im'miI af ifet J»l#a oaio. waere be r«tat'.aed until rttlHil m4 KUWABDC. HAIKU. AJMlAMUAlM oa l»* Uk j U >.an Oaytoa, Perfumery, N'/«tri| ,>WMl»l. |i«B«f»i atin af laa»laaa<-y V' aatl amialr M»a4 Trr*j.a* 'wi oba«*«f H*rt:..r t .« o?*r*r«r of th* al ImI I ihMAtkl. k|IA| kM KMIII upMi la loart H a or* 0»car H, cf HickneiJ, 'to**iallf f\jramM 'Urn *«Alf, yififaiN N IK Illr4 T*M4ir «l JM n»ll i«iai*l la ba kail UM IVitnla Hemy, 1 Tne maey frteada of IV>a8eiti will bal L Toilet M to Al ik* *»4 i1«ma**4 H ulTl MMf. room of th« IwaM* Coltoa aa 1 Medicinal W J>l«rA (f IMI >» >,Mk« <4 a4mUmi»ai»o« IM*MM |U MM« ll U; n aafcl aaaaaly. oa Walaaa4av. ika IMA-lay >■( E Mill. S»« M t • (Ml ll II* Sec me« 11 of Vu Irara tbal be bod arw.tber pro- tor aIuwmm : al Ju .4. I>. at aiaa a'alark ia tka Nr» Oourty Attorney, j>lac* ta u a w g!»1 1 Miaat ik* »*m* IM. rr^»r aaptrtor irktnaa. The >«k lkal IM Mil AtiatiMifiiur «i»* IWt ln«, S motioa Tt>l«t!m- m Albtay eof• al' al*al* fWm l«M Ikl » 'M'l Untor*4, UKO A WILAON, aa'a taa vUi gtrrvra yaaraalaaa aa» iirliafly Jam*« Wr **i*>*pital fjr Um Ilav> Soaps, •rOrtwH* A !»•• *apy || (* Imu Kf|lil»l « mpotJiai Broollji Kiel*. k* il*k*4 IMM VMka a :: n laa mell. of B-tbel, jcc**v!§ Sber.Jf Stacy, M •• a:.c« ti Twitcbrll. 1au*tw of th* *trmt IklA M«*r |A 1^1 la. «l I-» labored oa tbla paper for oaly three || wa< U Im <>ilar4 l—Mtat, * lata* af of II«tb»l tag Italy ytlii* M4il IIKHBH'B C. l»Atl*. Bag IkaCaartaf and Job a tf Bettel and \V, I at* Dr a.bm Twtuhcll Stationery, ai a fn k*i* CMirl •• -AI A I «mri of r»Ul». Barker ('apt. Mir« l)U prxnotl >o Uo Ik* Cap tot Vi re- tart*, lkal tk*y Miy iiyMi OIPORD, laaulaaary far *a>l Oiutf i» li># Imu; if I'llurt, \V ha* cu*BKl*l • to k* k*l4 Al riru. M Ik* Iklr4 Ta**-Uy Jai. I'uli, WMmnI N J*W%y UMIld Cos* ibe a«-«tk>n of tbe WgUlatare {»-*ke THE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE, A l» IM. la '>"• »»ff «(Wa y**r*. i* a w»r rdtMi port A* if, Al aIm itol Ii ik* i«hiih, ai>l ak*« <•• ilMilinl Tum4av d U r, Mat la a af la»aa< ■aallag af f ra^Hafa at • »*> to »*U1/ W 0* Kimi'i n il« kuu •( mi*aioaer« I'ettvngill aid Hammond. ibitr >4Be*r rruaa a k«aMi p>*iuu* bt*ii» for 1> litjr Students' Teachers' & him, if aay ik*y kaia, tki Ik* mm* iknaH n>l llAlx'KI A. OAT. lataalaaaaap• ia»4 4* it* U« t»*u i»l ikntoib Ui» nr Hcirt MrvicH of Prof. C«»'iiaa k* aiSi«*4 * if i*i Ma •' »r»»ia-* •nit, Till rrailiiaraaf Natn.atal Tr%*t, af s»arr new fM. pr»« To tki pif, f|M) Tb* board f Commit t«* itak in b*r k'l if >«bI at a-|ia.a af aa4 luu af Couaty t*w|r»lf*. ta* V^hxi !e of ibla U«». A. WHJMIJI. J.»4a*. mirl.lllill lifllMU'l JL M lk« lutikly ililtH H a » tl»«n. bo* IU uf GRANT MONUMENT FUND. — aalaia of III I 4irua4 far llllt lisMti ;« crga el a* Mlowe: Frank m- >' U-» J'Mli* Artists' A u a* mj j ati«»l II C- liAVI*. K*(l*ur lit/all >a of Ik) Malaa, laaoiiaai ItaMar—Taa wa laraly Mllal ntW.wl vi!:«*- to nunc l« tb« aett thine. We a t-.- » harvb. la* aati** Supplies, ikat «MUm appro* al af ika J a If of ika i «W1 Y. I'na.rmaa ; J bn »at U butfe a >t h« m re talk Mach a Brains and Mike Tkil iki nil Kii'uini (tva M« af lar aawt « af OiM Um aar- Bradley. Kry*burg. ■tivk. Vtaatfttf <<»4.v* nplBluU*. tru«t It m«y Use your Money. a« A i • l*n kAi* t mrl k*M Al fArto lMrt*4. laaalitary aaaiy (UUM II* la t***r»*.lijr OlfDBO to all h'mii ln»r»«i»< lr tmiif wrf aa4 MaaUa* af INa t ra4it»ra af aa*l liaiiwai, a Barker. Wet: W \V. IVI u»it*rn*u*tt'l id *hoai 1 be b'ebly pr«l«*l Oils. V&rnishos, vliku aa>l tor Ika C*«*it ml OUar«l, mm Ik* Vita la* aocMrty o««l *u<* a* pn Paints, ol UiioH»rl*l«MHiil»4ilrmwliiiiiirtn. IMlNMI ia ka kai l at Um fiOala « art M—■. * 8«bb- • kl>4 Ia**>lay al Ito a. U. I«a N 11* m- .rai »<>r»«a*»u a* w*ra« C »l Uua^bioB bui pirtralt of lea. Women. CtuUrcc. EitryMf. It lata* Ualurl [teawral at Carli.ikil ia rana, M aat-l « waair af OUMI.m WajaaaJif mar»b, -rway. il ii ** *»*rjr I l> W A lit* C. HAIKIk Al*aal*l(Al"r mm Ik* oT «ir utM I la Painters' aHMf al a PraMla ChM la I* MM ai tka ink af A h. IM. al t a e»l H ua bMUMtar aiu Uh» palora IN ibs A Li|u la hl« wiadow. It Brushes, ■ aai I tkav mmf 4a; iM., W( baa fallow- • tiui* ml o*<-*r fcarU*. im* Uttll, II of J aa Sber.rf rmell made tb* II* ua mi a>« mi c«»i Carta, li mm Oaaaly. «a IM Ikir4 Taaa um lntMua. In will |a«ari ywaraaiaaa KKwf- itmbM rr*>i>i*i* twtilf ilriHU^k witb the fotlowtac *i i'i Ai»aa>4 ka» mg ffmflmt ku a<*««al K mmI u *l>i* aaat al alaa o*alu*k la Ika lantma aa I ib»* mim f r Sb* if*: «>.«r. mxirae Materials, TV* Ji tai |irm«i».i I* a*«..t ito (Irwi HimimI f II* «*Ul* tlMkl <***i*4 Nrtr ing «i ■ inscription "A N'a'loa ble lo»a.~ tl a4aiai«Uki>«i ba appointment* Deputy t»* k K'Mit let r »« bKUMU I* If Ia>«, Ika aama ilnM Ml Oi»r« na4ar I. aat w-' Ika or* Mika ill *»* J-i\\ril\N *; aml >.«•«! tti'.wM a*»tu*t ia* raoi a*«n»a la d<>« be- ao while aa- UKO A Wll Ju4«a IIBBBK BC. l>Atl» U*cl*Mf af UM Pfrart af orl.oa-y n WVIir*lir H with thom* •)* b*r*. uJ iffwtl wlki a;>ar*»l on compete Mtin it —i« iW mm to iW il>w «r*ka ibMiMltalv n A w»pr. liaaliwf; Caaalf haallog fa»l fr ta bl« wjoda Pike Hill, m fry—), " tor to k* iaMuk*u| ikra* ««» til I t*\«k. V «» tMW. 1 *M-«. !•> rohc I.aMckwl bw*i*•-«* lo lb* mtnl * M>l "f -.ritrT (jtiahtjr of jjikxU U» nM.tr. "WW till W «ar Mil IMiHI rl lui< Al I'mh llaliMy wllli tb* in In l*t* r« tb* bore* took tdniw of h drleer, ritjr |*lal*4al — mm al *IMU; r H *-» TT, n fca'« to to k*>4 Al iiimiU), Of JAIII.* L K«i«k bm> U*«n into It tto t—»l ««.1 *o* la ran fr»«n th« t of lie bill ml m r.n M wllkla aa«l far Ika Cmlf »f Ottorl •TATB MAINS. rUKkli, «it »p atopprd mlwhmm vUl Ulr to fa? KMf (M) r*Al o»#r opposite G«org« al P. i««»MImin Uaa/ tnrwio, ka —( aafl af laa«lfaa t n trrwlMtkaxk I* rwal Jo«t lo*ilac I li ul W aa! LliiM J. Wilay. alMt n»a-la» D mvtuu latin lit rrtu to at car. trrU.tod to to ikoukl 1.1 k* kl tll- I 4 tea af Alat'kaa It MMa«i. —Miai*t*r at Mia kbot*. u um oae half rohl of * m»1 oa tbe il«J lata af Pry.karf. ia la um atUft <•« T AI.KAM* I *nii, laaaltaal aL\an mi|iwU, It I a|t*d gr«<«*a Fm4 w J a. hairaaf «a[lt«aa J Wiwf Store, UIO A. II.MIM, If* i» W > *l»f» ta ta« wn*»at. tail fir Ikiaa aali H U«U. o( ta* itM«| b >r»r oa the ml all the wiy It. <*au, tllrf 4»4mnkma \ i» uaar. aaM Oaaaly -liaii. i4. iwanai Tb* k-pt Drug TW r.Muu*| Iwratj A in* toyy -«to*i ll * H*f Ilia Ikal aatiaa ka la IULWY V Aakm • iii a* iov it «tta at* u***i pt**ut**r* Noyes* IMtN a III) aartaia raai mIim a».onW| la kn krraky ar4»ra<1. |I>M MILLS, up be IW •( klt«rtlll*| aa4 aaaray wltbmt making » Where kfHlMM llfMM all aataaa a M«tn *u. fV., «UI W flar—l prutM ka ito iatr**( .*<» <>f bfiMlt wuH* [y»y«f t»M< m IM im* la all pifwai a* auoa a* b- n ii'd. wbk-a Baa bw* laawi 1 perteac*! *»f ordinary t**'* I>i ja Ika OiM Ikaaarral.I'aai -rat. Aa k»a»»••» mIUiIim, Maaa.. j**l M*i* Ami lb wto*-. "Wk« •ill W Mf MAHT f. lllftTtRM, a. l-aaf KUIlw A. kia aaWlaa. «ltk Uli «W»f hi, la atMraaaitaly, »r»ee overcome the tnomen SALE! ItritMj lkr» t.•* of J»aa W Uauu .t i««* of t aia b eoal! h*ve GREAT MARK DOWN laoraaanal la Ika pnaladla fariaCarta la aaal l>Caaaiy. Ikat Stwnif J*m<« L. Parker, of froot pi»aa toll IWUM'" Ileeireaa, laie ef llireaa, kt«U| H" taka4 Ikrra awlt f Deputy Il I* a t»«*a of o«»r tlfbt baalral turn of the l»%d At otber Mr It k»» Ml *>( IM P"»* al I'lito, llat ik»? t*ai at a Oaart af laantva ba Mkl ttriM* tripe TV mwnb af Ito prti*. •ID ilrftil aa iW *#aUl. I Bar* at I*ana at lAa hatti* laan Baa* aa ika M Wa4aaa Stoacbam, appointed Jailer, pM>* taalr pttalal tbe bill itotM uf nrnt^, n la mtor •■>r»l* *a tto el Itult ul Mkl May immi al a Prolan Court la la Mm bae hard work t» cat d>wn aaf»ly Jan. 5th. mmrniry ■la» a >aa ika Jbiaanua. b«l Um* I* hrwflf o«*r l», b*t Commencing MllM aa ika tk>r* that Mr With both at lee of tbe aleda brtdled • Utl4 I aM» raaaa aa l ka kaaM Ik aaaaa aa4 a»l**i II tkay aaa taaaa. I baa* **o*tfb to rlow out my utork of >'• Intri It, IWT, It t'ftol. I* ill frNM ItiimM bf rtiilH •*?> « aait al • a'lfcwl la Ika «ra»aa. aad »iti»l hlaaavi< tail aot of each a baaet f I)e«inng M aoi I* UBO A. WILBO*. Ju-lfa tbl* week to tak* charge of tbe jad 1'Baflla Baa a*-, ait«irab4|r, woald f«*l proa>l TVt MM* tow Un|. la biUfcl larga wa> af ardrr to be mIIkM IhfM •»#!• MKMMtlltll If aay tkry lava, »by tM iaa< aktaM I* •-** uf tba boat t<-wa biatiirw* nrr Uktl af iMMfaar; Caan. Oikr4 Laaair I bat It J W. Everett baa moved hla mvate to BMrf bit. tot km4 to ( kartir \>y llu* Mlk< LMOaf. *4 (iMorrtI, (idllrtl al I'aili (Wf iilllrf. la ia**«H4 Ha* Mau vf ill* a aaa it • l*r*Mta fv«rt le to bilu at (i»). A. WII MU Ja l«a, A Uaa uyt-IUaal II C I»a» ia. Baglata* aear la new aaj ikiw* «U k«»* (ladlnfaM w4 larU.to.ily My if|i«ti Cole's — w tk* l»r*<««r of U* a*tu*r* of <»ah»rMvot. 1*4 aa a »ai4 *1 riH£ ATOXftiKD |IU> aa a rtatrl to ai.totl a to lB*tr dMoadaaU. Tat* ilw« II IMt k«if >W ■■>. aMkia aa4 I »r Um af OI aWiMi llla< at Mr CkirlM ll»nrjr ItaekeU'a TV* atin *1 a,Hiim wUI to fiUutol uu«, Mf <1 \ 11 >m*. »a Al a I.ait of fr lata MI4 al rndarf. CaaM* lard, •ulaaii ■!•*« aot i«aUia|»a*ali*t»« of faani U*0. A * J* 1 ka aral af a l> IM* N w Vrif'i Kve Ball tbe >n| to awl la J( t»i at IW, aaf raa. to. Taia IL»OJ», wHkia aa4 far IM C- aalr al iiaia*4, aa a* Ta*»lay llaa > < hafltn la ta* given *>y Nelly WRAPS, ra«la, A T»«> Th «»*r» IhititR Sir or Bi lio- It**, hat llr atraafta* fBwllr aa af r» A tree II.C.lUV|l,lb|M»—AlUea. IM Ilir4 Tb*a4a? af Ura.. a |> lak. rat* rvrnnlt * aw a aui ap***u la a a^ooa.l iiMana HCa\ u t' clr tbl 1 aaaaal i -anion to i>u« |)|pt«u) u> lag I at tor the nest of ito He toil <*UI tUa arr»* to akrw M a KmWiIi af ika laal Win akl faatawaaiai laraal viator la taia »h*ll M'll th«m COST r»lf« momry. A aartaia IaiuuaaaI |ar|>oriia< la »M af W* ar* aartac a wiKl *uta. N >r«av «»« a v. rr ; eaaanl affur Ma- tto af ito toL f% « It. Hra4l»T. lau al la aaMUa.. ihaaai 1 waakl? Ikttraai m a to I at IM IMI Will aa4 TtaUMII al IkA/i' fr*ak«r|. aalauar aa *aroil*at wiat r tor txaala*aa yiyiM OtrOBl*. -At Cart of rrotoi* • •le Prrklae, »nl u 4«aal flrat claaa l« liia vnI'i Ji Uul. la IM mik of. P#MIM >-r iiaaaaa |u aall ai■! eaava? artaflk o* aaor* IB* by I'aria, vim la a*4 kr ito l«wi; af UiM, aa I.tllla, laia al Caailrtd«a TW ho*** tt I of I>ul*l Whllk la Aa^aaU. bar* bal tba* uaaal raal 4aa**IUr ta* ItM, aa-l oaljr a Tbe gallery Tba AMm Ito I MM TmiIij l*e In* | bo«M took An ltd Mir**! Ut« 30 DAYS! la aail Mala. 4al* aatMaUrau4 frwbaia liBn, M aa a4faatafaa m»aia4 Mp af fraMka 1THIC. Tbera were a^out <-> wbo Or4aiad. Tkai Ika aa«l Maar a at Ma i*ur*o<« -j ► W roqple# partlcl Torms Coali! Tiir. jux.k it'Iiliniiinu o»„ fee as alleaeare < at ef iA« relate ef kf aar aal4 Ciaait al OlkH, kr tM |>«<|>>aa af patk (It* l*c 41at 1 fli Mr AtMftt, Dm. ». I«aa p«r»uMi lalataalal b> aa akairart la the daaca Ail It a I l>*iM alk»aa4, tla4 aa>| r*v«raiillaa a it a t*laaa«la# ikama.ta ka aak- deairing UrlM*), IMI Ukl petlUoae* alia peklle mim -an lor aaM C naaty good titre Any lady i-« u liak>4 Ikra* vaaii aaaaaaalaaly la Ika ualaH cofirvd that tt»» ho«*« *«« I* tiaii iMnol la all utnM, tf p«b- oaniaan, Tkai aaiiaa iMtao* |i*aa a I yarMti IWauaral, fa lata 4 al fail*. Ikal Ika* at a; a|i«a* SOUTH PARIS. Mr*. C. II Cammlnge weal to Portland ('•■Ml*tUNrn' Keller. Ul« ee-'er tare# imIi mw« prra»aa I alaraata.1 iiataia. Ij aaailat a «a»f al I TtM ra*lBf Tor MB* CMW f litliiiacncf ala Trakal* Caarl la ka k*l4 at rarta ia aaM Maturity to a'lead tb- fuaeral of her aoot la ito OiioH Utaorral, a »e«ape(»r IWIltoiaM pakiMal Um awli aaaaaaa «ork*iI ifrl II «w u» out '•»*• lx aa ika Iklr4 Ta»a4a* tf Jaa aa it all iapuMi*)U pat 'I'lir akkniiwl U>u« ■yyotnl by lated a! Tana, la mM Uael itof Mf .*•!» la iMUiiuau liiaui att.rtliM at Palis Uaal; VILLAINS DtUClTURY. Mre Brllada Jewtll. ml l>r Ceeelf. a'aawk la Um atew aaaaa If Um flr» It U t&at III* «-• «u ll>«i Jm4r» ml ISWl* U* I)m Curty Oitoi, u toW al ikat |M« al a l*rabala UmM to M laiaanwa, aal aay ttHMic&l a 1 >ii*af at a frubOa lain to aaf a|^aar WMWi Tba brolbere met wltb qalte m Um iWnl ml IWraWf, a. i» HM, Cm* 1 aa tkir4 lA»j ka*a.akj ika aaaaa akwal4 aat ka araaiad. tHwl by ii*rfctli* ckia**f. Purtaa Thayrr Ta**Uf IWu.atlkla u llir m*4 C«aalr, n lk< ikk< MM al farti, la aai Caaaif, IM Tan K.rH ( l»» A. (i. flu loee Tba driver of oaa it—>n*rr» tm rmtn i»l niaiat Ik fUlat U la Ito ml al alaa af tM *u«A ta IM UBO. A. WIIjmijT JaAc* of IIm *ia1 »»« tirb >rT*f*i (Vwk, h.avy Tbaraday TmMay of Jaaawy Mil. al aMl •lay Jaaaary aaal, itolf lk« itlrKtloi 4» ■ mlmw IkfNUM ml Iltrtt*i« I' lUfSM. k in* allaal II C. luvia. Nw: <>• Km>■>. ,fi» ku| !»"», !• 4 of tbelr boreea, valaed at while kiiia»aa. aad akta *mn, if Mf Itor kati, Nraaaaa, aa4 al«.» aaaaa, if aay ika? la«a, *af | Baciatar. Um ar«ra aot f2M. CLOAK of » •(•laal ead»Bfr>t r ■ f«i»» niin, 0» p a. Wxtowikf fnjti ia*o4te«l, krrthr gt?» MrtM* UBO.A WILaOM. Jaifa. UBO A. Wll.aow, Ja.|f. la, aot bear tba trala tba Ito 4m ml hm iX in Ukvfl Mil a C «art al fMkMa kaM al wli**. (.■. Itc approacblag icyaf A iraa eopf—eiieel M C Datia, Mefteter, A lf»ar#f»jr, Aitaal —II. c.f>*t ia. ftagiatar. OiruBU. aa-Al I IWU art OafaH. a* IWfrk, Rft. #. Il«f»». Facta* Ok horaa wu at/ack by lb« cow catcher aad 0«iton la «Urk la ltd peart rlmimt, rarta, wiikia aa4 tm ika OhhM HM *. NMtlt ran aave before M*i thai iWt will W la wMtM u ikf iiii ml II. It Oaa A. BccALB*a Aiiici 8»i\u own;, Htark.if wnw, a, occaatoaed money by purchasing Ika IMH TaaaAar *f O-J*■* • * * •scb aartoaa thereby la mU 4,141 r. * » «** mrtm. rn4af. U F l. l^a do to lite driver. lb« I here receired a llonanra in •» »»• Ito lAlrrf Tar*lar llee., A- U laiiitt ia ka ika laat Will aal bor»e, iBjary just SrL,!. U MOaart af la IM raaa ( II* Nkkf, yn«.ki— »nx« I » r-™-- — ma HAH M. U LOVER. wHow af towaU S. OXPORD, laaalwary. akla T«Hawaii, lata al Batka*. la aai4 Oaaaty. Sofr«, Tatter. Ckippft Ui»b, CbllMilw, lUftil acctdaat on tbe crttaalag be- rrtirufA'l-iJi af laaalvaai tWUar ■ HikkHk mbwOr. rntw uMiulll barp*aed uierer lala al HiitAH, to«ra« praaeaied tor CBUM, •1* r*a**4, kitia| pi»aaa'*4 ika aaaaa lar tf*'- Coraa. aad all Kta an t tween aaJ Par.« aa aal al tae K la Ikat a aatiUaa kuaa KrapUoao, poal p ■ ;»Ti44f **•*••« w«uac. T r. ■ Norway TEA! n-w" IM ilaaaaaa raraoaal TA^KaMDkaraky git— kau ■ Xkl af a d um Maa Urilf cam l*tW o: a<» pay r*«|tlr»d. It fTittll IIITIM*. i of aa!4 deeeeaa4: NHirTICikia 4av (laa., i-ra- oaniuu, Tkai Ika aaM Bt*>*alora ftaa aoOaa aome rf/ivrJSitn. — Bi aatlM la aaaiad la aaMaaart la# aaM bt Talia*.| la to n Coamiaatooara kava been nice U***. »•*—"* ONaraf, ftoilto a114 retiHeeer flee Cauaij la all >»wan BBWM4. ky raaaiaa a*a»y al gatraaUwd gift perfart aaUafaeUoB, r I K. V IffUi Tw»*uy rmltf Tut County Having bought Jim* af IM of ill laiaraatM If Maelafaeepy afttoa Craaa, OUaail. la Ltaaty 0«fur'jr •»>« at Stort. UasMral armed al rarle. fro* all III ilrMa, MMW aa,|»r IM | rarokoaa la ta Xayaa Drag Norway. — Ito OilaN ttotltof ikal ika* aM| ap|taa* at a TrakaM Oaart Tk«r*>Uf >mit| »f mi *Mk Ainn b^M- atfaira of tba old to r« of board, preparatory aaaaat at a fretola Caart ta to to)4 al Carta af ikipar of tM aialutaa Mnaa aa4 at->a la Caaaly.aa «ka tkiH Ta a* ■ ■*. In* «i uiH Mi»4«> •( Mrh awu. TEA May kaM at rarta. aaM eaM aa tto UlrU af Jaa aaM i«iulaa it u wkml I? aakl eoart IMI a tka wtm* MinUr «f Mtk over tba buaioeaa to tba iacoas* il Caaalv, Taaafay •lay af Jaaaar? aaat, at alaa af UM alaaA la r '(11.—r*n* lirMT, turniog a Mariaa M IM IM aaaa Mftora aakt Kiei 1*»i ba*ce. direct from the I can Mat. al > a*alM> la tto frraeaaa aad tow wan,1 apt eaart. toraaaaa, aa4 akaw aaaaa If aay ikay ka»». aky ■RtU. importer*, give Caskets al la aaM I af aa board. Coffins I tot a aii Ito aaaaa. Pari*, OikM, Irtmlat If aia rwaalf ka (W — riM *»l tkiH TtarwUr*. ing Mf Itof Ikaaail laatmaaai ak«aV4 aat pn«al. M laaara La tha beat and moat rtUabla to of 1 of UK". A. IM Iftk of Jaa., * u at aiaa • every purchaaer pound WILAO*. Ja4fe. 4ay 1*0. a'aM I aa4 aBaaalaa Um laai Will aatf Taaaa L >. u. T -«k Nnt UlA N« Ul, mm miy AT LOWEST PRICES. la tkai rtavatf .atlaati—II.C. lu Ika knaiaa, aal aatkaa tkaraaf M < li'aa tha Royal M mil* m Ok* y>v»i.K Org tbaaka are dua of our * n>ce ronaiit Atraaaatf Oath, (later. pak- aaaal al aa)4 co«paat«a Imtkbial. ♦Ujr \umrf. many TEA, present, IUM4 la IM Oli^tau DiWM'itt. a aatf af 6t M aal I* IW eaaid CeealT.deeeeee4.af |1» laf toed m tto al Wrrr** Di*| Mm.UM filiii' H«k. Toora Laeal i»4 Oaarral i|NU la ikiaU aal M jiklw traat r «Bk ika «BI niTAXU Kibi. icd 1st. Co. Statb or X c&eto*. la laaCMMy of OiteH aad atala Very Respectfully, \irA*TK& mv dlrveta; to Itorafcre reaareu all eeaaeM le- ikifa ptlif aak aaaard- kaaasad (Ba al AlaialaWiili I» taw. aaehtawa —< la tfca Uat—. w tatory la« af kla aalitlM aaa*ta4 al Ika aaaaia af r» at Vaiae. laa tM « vu btpli*) ud foar l\ la fwa baataaa# — OAVln PssBaTLTABiA. Tha larfa TUB aaitaea|g«eC Barabr fivea aiUaa af bit ®c 0ib®Im4iSj mIiis aflw Attaal: IlKRftiCK 0. RaaUa^ ■ JOtBrn W. BTBVBBB. lata af fryakarf. c*It«| lato tb« MiUodltl ImI mm aw a*w afckla u4 af aaM Caart IM aaM Utkrt. la aa«4 aaaaa b* kaa4 aa Ika aaJ ant •• ab- Ckirck •PV>iai*eai •• kutmm er 9m il—Ml. rtjla, CaaaifM Oaatr, ia 4, d« laf firal*c 1am company* guar LEWIS B. ANDREWS, o«r i§|^§^§§ 0| ii Kesris*..*, .. Ikniura raaaaaia Bk- a BWABKT.af OaMaa. ail As P. MAXIM. Bkw 4Macta( ka Jl pamai ludif. Uaa.7iA.IMC l» solute loaa or daoiAg* •a (Be Immt a lanleaal CaBaav. eko •M alar. OMalan, TwBaialiU,kftiwai 4akla4 ta tka aatata al aaM Imiiiil ta aaaka aarantj, Agnnat u«f. D w. UL*ci««r. of P^rtloJ. (MM, t Bae Beat «€ord K hoaJrvd aad hu raatad hi* farm la Or*aawoo< I Tb*r* «u «»7* ihteaa »lfhty-*eT«a L I), attended tbe funeral of Mr. Fran t Dkwiknat. and to rt< b rorreapondent, of Soatli W. an.I la n<>« r Ml Abram lloaa* Hall, with two w»ll Harden N aeoa II lVrkla* an t wlfr. to hla ten lo ll*, I Hwaa, •o.l It* iintmiii readera! If we count laIDllf lb* •cbool rbll un of I)«koi Moody'* frt«od i tba mere lea of put year, forget I »«t >n-1»T be aUrtrd riowi i bmbUI i alao raeitatloBa by Tueaday Ur, Mr* Fruk Ktsitall. M tba aorrowa ltd ar.d cbatr- rftcb oaa Bart Wood- •pent tbe helping to rat and haul nor i dUappolnntfnta Y1LLAUK l>l*tt.TO«T. I'ruf. Cook ibJ wife ir* ktn UU rtvtr. on a *l»lt Caatoa aa< I «lr*B, dolag alcely. day C. IL fly lac throagh wi«hf« tii hi i take up prraant «?otjr. It will ba a which will tx l •am ami Charlla Swan got lb* big stick wood. Tbe Dmcob eipreea filly Hartford. a few mIm of to at. Hmw n«t th* ob*b who I thank* to them. and aUo to tboae wb i happy year Flm Iwtw Clank fiaaifca* S *u la hii wffi. of caaly, balag oaly gne«m at U B MM J •♦♦ph Nuoi, of l\>rt!aal, (Uta i Wm W. on* of oar botcbera, HlWlTMlli.1 laV >W-. lb* rorrvct out of one bua lr*1; It helped )Mt week, for tbelr kloloeea to bin Ma»«m, towa laet wm! Lut Frl It ralaad noma. aod darlai weight ■ iiii | hnli gft K » rMfw MMkM lajr la In Ibae tbelr for bin I i hi* «rct ae»«u toes of poult'? and fTrab bu to Yar I a deal mora, at Via tbraa frat la Uagtb, tarclra larhra tbowlag •ynptlhy Mr* IWUtt K. Mtlli (om th« follow i>c al|ht food meat to N tba Month rrnre aad BlB*»*eB an 1 hU lolf llloeea Barlla, II., during WU. IW. month to tlait h*r Mr. aaJ Mr* lhat lb« enow aattlad roaalderably | till I clrramft weighed parcau. Mm W A IWrtlett'e mil) frkn.lt ar< ) of December, healdea hi* boma bnaln«ea. MlllI 4.S. S b«U, for all thre* jaarura Iba. K K. Morrill there 1a aaoach laft practical par arrleai of berael r lie bu a an» glad to hur of tb* sif* k*»|>a •• :« 1 **It Man? team* from «r w , Ru- pawa Bad mother la l.uinlf. market, wbutn ba aoppllea IVl. H»J IWm, bwd. ateam Cam to tht L«Im. Wyoaiag WEEK! to IU# ec 31. pttbfl tba thermometer regl»t< red M lie fe'Sstri I* h >a»* from W>r « acraa oa tba atrip*. Mrik* M. Whitman that ih»» aid aot tjalta •pool at liar greta below tbl*. Saturday, moraine an.l Mr. Tvbbatta baa a bookk*ep*r— Mr. Fly* apent Cbrlatmaa Mr. Mf>| hIimII m<*I1 Mm* on • ikvrt otb I'arla It U above, and la of if Falla, • I. •'>«>□ II Utile d«-n'a, guiii4 back Handaj reglatera ralalrg. Ki-SMf lite;, K-1 h* corr* « In M Ili koam. from Ta» .11umaar bu aaother 1 a ;ark*' j«:n»-«a aaery year awing Foater anl lea** Batbrl, tow* Kred.ll* baa b*«n alck. bat la afuro'»ua with tha al l of a faat a led fron i Jodg* family ttitirdiy. • h*r*. birch for It la aawrd I a to atripa boy vrrjr p»i«lrit apoola. the for rtaco, whera tbe Jadga bold* w« la and lb* roaald*r*d oat of (laager. factory. Monday. C B Brook*, of QmivooJ, an I atark n;> at tba mill. during for Co f of Kaiafurx). weeka Pratt ao I wife wera at bl« faih tba Jan'y t« rm of n*tay. a dlataaca of foar Bll«a pWaaaat faalar* and Children's (pool factory, menred to fTama tba of A. C. Ladies' Milldlaga i to All with waa the rrmem'iraar* of earb pupil by their Murh time and attention waa devoted t« II \v>)\ ii Tba mlllyaM already baglaa ap Farwallln Maaonl'ark. Ila baa contracted llomti» t Oithau, K*q of oaa 3> or recelr- and tb* ileal «a> In aaw birch. t*acber, ar*ry (aoai U) Cbrlatmaa. Fra every wm la i.wn l%«t W«.lar»lit Jiha Ooold died Sualay boo*. to erect ami Halab tba whole eat Mr. Far- Captala a boat oar a the work of bar own a aa -< aa Two arg«»trr»« of MTirtl I begin to ba eacoaraged lag preaent—moally reapect grand wrll foundation la tba fell. Deo M, after a painful lllae*a ^alu an 1 pat In tba I ha?a iwa haada. plar*d In the chapel were ru lily laden *'«i 1m( MntcM wr»• b«U *t the Kagitah orthography; lauljr of wood are being V P lltaa>al to r»rt:«a>l tubi, F**»r*l A. O. Woodaam, a I.arg* quantities palp ao.l a a* hera (>a« of oar tradera, pr»aeate*| tin* appearaace. la b» R Tb«r«V>i rn> 1»*ce T»«u». a*»l thr remain* taken "calling" "program" pallet (torn Bethel atatlon a»*k witrt fc» anipl iy«0 he baa u» *er bad ao a trada la tea nenbera of tba en- ahlpped aeta. ao t aa thoaa woiila oa«hl to ba •aya large Taeadiy Orange 4 CV to IVirtliitl f»r intormrii Tb« Ciptili Jaat Tba (Iran I Trunk Ballroad hare decided aa tbla aeaaon. I >yed a w<*»d hauling bea at l)eac »n an I oa* lh* w*allhl**t Tba world «t «o » immeoci.1 Thaaka to C. for hla problem i altboaih KAST HKBRON. IUiiHij The a<» athoola Moaday at week wa almoat blmaelf aad wife are treatly nlaard aaJ N'»w York. —tie la charge of har.1!f gladly accept a haalneaa primary «Up»rim»nt practical, Kara llarra Ix>1ge. I. O of 0. T., la tielr II C. Barker la doing good la of Wa haaa ha.I cbarcb and Habbatb acbool by many Mim laaie Hndgitoa an.I the advaaced aaythlag by way varlaty. connection with tha V B Cbartb. had a In tba aala of aa«h. bill ta an I doora. Ilia lloa. Joha B*rk*r. of W#»t Irthtl, th« time to work thr bat oar*. and tba frleada cbtrt* of |L KHiott. hutb of KaaforJ. It >agh at Sure llaren Hall oa la near tba Bathel Station ('oaniMioavr «ta Waa Chrtatmaa Keat|val Th« trater, Mr baa aent one car abop CLOAKS tlwvuj man*." Qlofer, aawty Coaaty The ( Ladle*' Cirri* met aaawrf cara«—"I'onaMfraMa >nfrr«atloa*j Cbrlatmaa K»e A good entertainment by to two to Mtaaa- Tba Carta Mill Dramatic (*10*) will la Uiwa *«v«ral daya laat w«*fc Wedae*- that load of applee Koglaod, pre- at Mr aad Mr* N;l«aaaa Poor'a right? the School acbo'.ara ao 1 two boaa* aent tba drama "Comradea" at Itlalto Horace, lafaat Sunday cbaaett, aad la preparing two m ire to aead liall, da» TbHr rootav ho«a* *u well D.ed of rroap, I>*e. IT. male tboa* feel Fr»» iaaJ llawa of Norway, aaJ William eveatng tiraliy loaded tre*a preatnt off fOOB. Friday evening of thla week, for tba bene* at aoa of I'alaa, about t month oar 0 le»l wit* who aim**! e*)ojmeat Joorph i|tJ wrra for tha gather- I'oat. A. J Whrt«f of *.>alh I'aru, hata people that they amply pild ijiarrymeo are at preeeat eniag*d get- lit of tba relief fan I of Brown 0. aar aala. Adml*«lon and 15 «o *aJ cUar, aad a»arjt>od? who laalah Oapt W. VT Viiiauift of Noraa; tea la Ulck Kia« ChrUtaaa weather. prmbed la lb* a«w church from baalaeea. rtnia. Ite«« rted >cata can ba aeenrad at II* Mara* to V>r bo a* 1c* hoaae k* making h**t* to fl'.t It. rrm*m< ba a at U« Hill NitiMif. Tba a*ual eirhacge of pleaaant ll-4 aad Luke il-ll, 12; preached Tbe Hebron (jiartette bad a ttiry pleaa- tba pnat office. than wore ever Sold in Oxford aa I'oaatMiMar Vkltaiuafe. load* or potato** ha** b**a aval bearta of old aad aa wall aa laatrartlr* aad Lower way l\>aaty Maay I hrancra ha* mada tba *err Interesting ant meeting Moaday eeealag; they will to market froai h*r* dariag tha past two will ba yoaac clad. an 1 tba Saw Year pruflubl* aermoa. have regalar rebearaala aa aoott a« Mr. tha ar»t of »«atla«« wtft*. th* farmer* recel*lag to ceau per Ita la alck. Ilia MASON. County. Thla btlM p«my»r. hara with Ita c»od rwaolatloaa, brtcht Ileary (\ D«rry rvry family Caabmaa completea bla work at I'arla Um Ta«-«- >>a«b«l for them at th* railroad aa waa her a will ba baU at Bapuat »»airy proa pre la To many It Will brlac tneaa. atot for Mr*. Iterrr. who rlalllng Tba roM wava h«« h t a« here an 1 will tha lay. TtaraJiy *aa Hatar lay afi-rawa*. K M Tt»om*« petltloa Legtala- for tba face* of t!ear oaea haaa puae.l •ob. L J. Berry, la Aaaoa Khc returned chill 1« la tb* air tbit remade of other to * itoanNwl oa BICKKIKLD. at twoa'cJork tar* for a charter ma from alaw boa* Taeaday. wintry day*, «oow en >«xti an 1 lam'Hrlo* Prices ! j a and Get bar lx>n Lake* We troat the char- are /.iDM W. Shaw hu prom* Call the Kic W. bolda IU wit meeting M J. and wife of Aaa.tn vlstt* parchaa*! a Tba C. T U Iterry UNlInt My fan Ukll Pramaku Oat pr»- Tb« t»r •* u th* It U L Tr*a*> Uiag thrrr ci 1 colt of A<1tn Iba th* aa*i4ati>»a of the** ap Diet wltb tba Mlaaea for tb* ml.Ml* of Jaa. M .»jr»!ao great care. 11-14 an old a to an I h m batftt of Brown I\iat (1 A K Tba C. L S. C tory ahlpplng doctor'* tlm*. ha* follow*! too th* method* health «lf«cu of a cancer ob bit fact—caaaot tar- clo**lf Gate hall. Saturday. January I Mr*. II N M»rrlll la la rary poor been very *mart till la'ely. bl* c»ae l»>ke of other ?|?a loaf. Maj l>aakl K HaaUa««. of Kryaharf. nwaopoJI**. Tba Oaatral Ia1|« of I. O 0 T ara la- II K K«*a* la drawlag wood to Aabara bad • Hon Oilhert Itirrwo a«t w«r| TtJ» >r t* ltlatlac aaw meir.'«era at aach aiaatlac; market ilally. <|«lt« KJ Malaa bn« b*«n on « vltll to 8k:>| j hat what treoi'-l t«* b# a W. Bowker. a>» lam -r NORTH FKYKHl'RO. 4u member* aad hold vary realdenca i lag par- he i«ur**il tb* llrat of tbl« wr« k Charles Ua I>BM>L at Kut Heaeral of oar village gentry hat We*t Bethel So. Me. oa Moo Sajr *»eaiag Oor* Oatchell cl >«al bar achool at tb* Ma*on ar>< hauling birch to No. 3 Odd Fellowi' Block, Paris, y«ara There waa a fall atten lane* kon»r of an Invitation to a Cbrlatinaa ¥*•• Th* tree 'M>r* a *« *cT-r ??th. and la aow at for A H. B*aa. IWamark ("brlatma* Keatlral at th* Itranrb acbool a th ml lea with aa tlval at a place wlth'.n >oaat.| are out r»t|« wa« prr«e*t*ii hj h>a pariahloaer* a N. 0 A I). K MHU setting (Word Rei! Estate Transfer*. boaae laat M >nday Bight i drama, dacla mma of lb* occasion Count) an.l a comfort**!* oeereoat from Ba from BmhM !• The »*»i chair O. K Allird ww at homa am tba road aieepera f.>r ColoBel Kdwarda. malloaa an 1 dlalogBM war* >eg | *er»e<| "a la Yark»- The JoUN r. aUMIT, l» «tu Tit* alagtag arhool, to b* hald aaler di- returned Monday •era aymw. S >. M il* bu «oa* to I,»wlaU>n with aad paaaad Cbrtat'nu. ettrrlae* aad uta-le tb* *r*alag pa%* away u ware r. of or- prr«rcu ««r« «lUUIhate<] tT—lj, In a ahoa rectum of U I'reatoa Browafleld. fol'owlag well loaded lb« Intention of working abop. MTUL pleuantly. A fbrtaimu-lr**. alao rbalra, labia* ao I Hanta (aali»l la*t We«1a«*.l»ir evralai at th* rloara tba *acoad yaar of tha P. P. crockery Wa wer* raorh to learn of tha M Cmi a« a K Imh. #!•»« Thla with waa aad la th* pklned T. waa waa pr**enU. prorhled; Oaoa La.1 bcea where prohibition WU ... A e!a** la atteadaace reunion that to evidently death of Albert HUle* N TWIT lie a a t*i w i » k *, Mai chape. larg* B and what of that wa bo ob* wm of dlatrlhatloB of fratta trait wai a IllniUW a U^H*. »» Th* B rch Hill Ortla met laat week with bar mytk formerly of M aeon, where h* made many alighted. Oar I'oatmutar ha* latard arranau. Mra Jaur* llatchia* at Ceatre. enterprietng frl*Bd* lie leave* a wife an 1 one IltU* Fr?*barg la Kll Huara la han lllng Hay going op a rery neat rani of ofTl-a regaiatloat, con- 9. L. Intk to H. |V IWlM, MEXICO. ton for bov who will aadly mlea bla preeenr* ■ a gvx*1 deal; h* la asking lit per all the information neeled In a t. II. laai. h ilk r L trial. BYRON. M U chtlJr»a taining Th» tew* of the «q M»n d*atb of 0*» I w «• j aa «a Mr«. William Hill tlaltlig a a «4 a )«*aa pre*a*d. m >-tc| po*t*olTI;« IxMtaa wm like the awn I nfthunder from K. E. 1 wC. W r kM. Ilia *• «m Uit Cruk Kcha>al hu la Aabara. Dlaatha l*ower* ha* g»a* to Colabrook l> DU'«« baa Bm Own recently a Clear an 1 every old aoMler feela that •' Ninifl Jark»oa. of aky. ■nma i«bt Mr * I kaapp a f*ra la K >t">9ry. forwrif Koitnrf, oa a rlalt al>l«l a a** eafe to bit ->1*1 Hui.li itre-proof he baa I >«t a drtr romrate |)-atb la tba W x ».wa*> 1 It. rt u Kiiif. frlen<1a of Mr* J >hn K Moire *111 The Daly enemy that c mid coa<|uer the Black CLOAK * to w-'fk for Vr» for a ftw dar* foi hiiliii i Cjm II raiaaua rutr«n»a (Vptf b%»» |om to No I kat laat w**k tb*lr big !>arbaa ball; •x to Irarn that aba la alowly rero?• art bin. glad of the Wf«l III* life work la en lad, T>aa aal I.»ti Oiam >a of Caaun with aad fat. Kagl* '»:n W'Uiiii t* btuin t lon»t»r K»oirIt Taratr baa Mra lllward (J Cole, wbo A and health ha»* * w«i i for th* tint h* makt* bl« boat Waarlnc year* falltnj J.A. lawtar II l.|H« k«»j ;> A IKkUJoi mil to Villa**, parpoM; 111 th* winter, I* alao con*a)> • Kl'MKOllD POINT. •jalte daring aim >at dec I 1*1 me t<> a«k fur my dlerbarc* lyaia aa><4 » N t JiJt at, wb«r» t» iBtva.U to halU a boa**. with M H Iv»rr »• ««•»•!•» «• Al- c< m- OBClBg. from the |'.i«tal Carl llrlga.le, an I mr a»- A A *'u*«a w.isib ')%• Cat«b*1 baaitaf pop- J >ha Ktxl bat Wr at worth K!cl»r, K. II. Elliott tat Ann'.* Ilodgdoa our «tork of Tb« Mlttr* Tot acd Kllen llrllgbam. N A« w« winll lo miner Urtfu w il f id Ci uIm Cwtmin it work ia*oc*.i tbeir wlivr term of*cbool at An- algnmeBt to tb* lavalil corpa »tblo* .ar for L«*xaai Tboaa*. Moa of <* M. I> bate aaa daughwra II Brt.lgham, f»ut love for the o! I UiMiRHtr, and tb* I. II »a ai. a» J«a> K. ua+aay. aa »X, Ml»« Addt* IVk of U Uacbla« f >r bio «t.mra for tb» hrldf* bt do»er Cnraer. I>e«. 37. to* apllttlac goa* t MoitihantU to ep?od th* win- It* a. t auMMk* K. hx«f. !• tn bilM krnm %t II -p lit? S Ttylor U Wacbltg bu rotlrvul May Hell Mar* L la»a» ua K k I, t«r. me to ho! I on a Itt'.le • r buioMbii *traw at coatrthatore, iDdorra A A. T«r»»- >•• A R A »«. aa l» • \ • t Hrti a Emm R ciary work in the abop Kramlagham. to >'riah K!cb- water Mat J I sn» hi* k:lUt>C an I firm ,ih« Hailtr lam) Mm*. Oood ol«l faahloned wtatbef; (oagir U to at th* Polal wff» thermometer lil b*iow i#roj B. Bun w *"» II tan.*, t.ata a fo»»f aotd «>f Bvroa aappoaad Th* joibi prop)* ap>adld Lary on WILSOYS MILLS. 0 oa a L jo to Ll»rrmr*. rnt* riained at »«..l oar C M !,»• ifiiraM fr K n*• r*tam highly Captain Hay*** aUlghlag fllltg* putt Ueely AKS, raar iiIVviU •« It at m tx>» a Mtrt >n tatt.r.. C.i*« •>*. II 1>lo. Cbrtatma* Y.tr. atraeta fall of wood aol lam Chrlatraa* time, that t.rlnxa fa W ■ Uai to < I O TW». aw 2« I «Vr» hM t»arbla( appearaac*— |>**nt hla boa** to hi* to tbe little ba« ilmaa Aitaiauu Tivt, im« C U |Var» ul A M Vj«ii ba»a re- boa* itinac pr*aaat tacaUoa. P O Howard opeoed ber team*. aarprlae* folk*. pteeed wti mImII cff««r for the Next 30 o'»t*rtaoct of Cbrtttmia and fri« n t* tb* 2-'o a email blate m »re than aaual ber* We bear Daysf ■r aaaa. pent y rvr»lv*«! «Uht tl»i«a »t#vl tr»p* A m >r* ctno «. a*: »«. Th~y »r» baatla* »n 1 trappta*. tbia aaail la tbta »lclalty. r»J jyed ;>.*a»ant *?*alng pr**ert* HtNftftd awaa (' » • l« the Ab- «1< riwn a a !>•»« a>L a. a«i, N l* L«icl»iir Hi>a bu '■••a b«r« oa try family lb«rt «u an ticking* <>f pr*« from tb* wftt-loaM trw. At wood, Hpiui'iiag 4 Mara, Otf M It htutt«vant .'King up l»v£ftin<« in tlii* partmcot. t.Vr* wit • I* h«r « f I'rlnce, tmtt h«« In two tram*; buabli at a baatiac rtrar*l"B »nu, *r 1 la mai? boa*« Mr* litfklab HaUhlaa vlaltlag CkM rifB l>'partroeal. Ifarry Brook i iaM»n4 U< r#c*atly vlalt*<1 frSea.la ("hrlttmit trw—frl»ei1e motb»r Byron. B*BBett'* «r»« n«w mil of Style# roltiUoa th* llttl* folkt wae glf < n an t the fltfDM la lima k three wera <-ha«lag a deer Sat jfitrnwntA of llarm'arf. 11?.. »t Ll«rrrm>»r* tiud, tcTTnl, peached partvof Klwart tib*pb*r\!. o»»» blm witbln arid i»f :*r »n b«r» far milt rvrtlvlac, th* old*r s \vooi>sti>ck. to a dlaaatroaa conflagration nrdav. Tbcy drove tho lin« »• rwvlitd to airh t»a« fl: A 1» »>ay!n* lauly happy by h'tii prevent *natb Dra- them at for tBe deer. »rrf rec*l?*d fr<>m a T«r« lay eemlng Tarn*r lut-tail :•« bamaatty fcaow tt II*** fca! WRST I'KHl*. prttftu B*ft !>•* wa* llftut la th* h*ad by caff-nag ram* a tllttr **r- matic Ciu^ oae of tbrlr enwtata- J >ha •» « >n ha* *<»!d I • oten to —fhMB Wnt Vir»!ili *n I gave Wej • Bora oa a? Wg ?<»r right y*ar* 0?»f.«tn»ft* wm 1'*>•*ttr>1 Friday *v«ata« bur** at Wr*t Pari* la*t Hatarday. raaatag tie# for oat. air* fold watch menu a'. Tobln'a after wblcb a aortal mouth, t > go Into tb* wi*m|*. i ha** U) h*»* *»r» qallU. b«t *>1 Hall, IB* doctor* tol>l IB" I W«.*; it lb* (tarrh Tb* rurtiHi lowr- wa* coa*ld*red badly hart, g p!ack »> 8 cbilat act la my owa bia.1t 1 foaal Mi- dance of two boar* wb* **}<»yed »y the Kl tavnod'a "t-.ur*" | ut op at *08 lb« bo Br Cf • ^ n. T U» la bio oat of It. ktff Kr*r*0 ml «aWrtalala«. IU* fl»* v»lam*a. brlaging la>.« ant liy- Th* fan*ral *rr»l>* ••eph fhrittmia m iriiac J an • t t< am .wary i a tlr karat, an 1 naif l»art*l t> blihlr la IU j»rai«- J l' lt#«n U driving fo* it c*au * ly f»w day romr down to tb* *l«»** of IlKirif D lUr* ir* wld u> «it*niii thl iai*f Ta» r«rl* of age. aad ba* • Vlpni « JtiU h*f»r* tb*» w»r* a war* " l»r C H Ilrllghamhaa >1*1 Lit tb«at- •Hal'- H>< kfti'd ■ Haiva at JJ ibty a of rora II* hottlr. *d«1 Barblm Aratr* m.rr :.. y r«aUrwU all Uf* Ilk* *bock fatly rip* new m< ni by b* wit aot iNoot it aaaal la tb« twenty- aat mtra t > la Wo h-ar ibare w»rr f ir M r* Xof. a townaman, kln-t partl»« llarpawrll nito p*r boi it JtujM I»rag *h > tool i bin alway* he*a f«**l la- of ()<»*) lar«, ptrv trtra I baft N»*b it M»«lco (\»ra*r Krt«lay flf* <>f o«r raurprtaiag yoaai initiated at tbe IsMlg* T«mj »»• fti'VMaa*- ytir* ant b*lo*ed all wbokw* him I war 5a'.aMa? t»talaf thar» tbat Mr. K »b- t>»lgh'»or by tlla* left for MMSiM, Man aliarit tbff NatuMay Bight. btMlf a wr*k hat p**t#d hi* an I I i»l •urtlftM f >r lb* orraalta, tl tb» He will b# greatly ml***d b? family tr»# h»ru hir*tlm*a. will atU'ly tbe alraw baalae«a IUbcit* M K«aav Cam : s t Nr»r »i| frtrn.t* II* ba* Ufl an InflaeBc* In tb* Ooott l« oi the *|rk a'.to «'r thill all mlM bit roaiac to oilhert Ilarratt Hat; DKNMAKK. U* Kkobn took la tb« cimtaao, commaalty which wa may all do w*ll D. A. BraJfirl. whi»!***:r pap*rdr*:«r of p«rt Srikttx Atwoo4 I'arrar of I) ;• af- faa*ral **rmoa wa* At tli«* rtgaltr annul n-»llng of TaJtat ts'« !■ »arh heed Th* preached I* »at llitUitotc, At tb« laat m'etlBi of Feaaaatlea nark I. -Ue. No it. I o (I K.tb* fol« & SMILEY, •**« KUn Nathan Aa trtwa of W**t Pari* WHITCOMB ifi fteJ witb * r» colli thai fair# br J to taafc* II l>w«ftt'n* IU*. arrioaaly by the f tllowteg offlr#ra w^ra rivet#! t w#fv e«tud for the n»*t atTrnl PKIU * owing oa bla ba<1 trlrd ra *n? r»ia 1' K tb* w*h»r. r*cei**! ( II ntn >•»«>• I'arharl. V •ftlM laag* Hrlitabaa. l»rtn r •< W# tba hi>l a Chrlat H*u*>lfnkJ V Tbna ll*tf<>r>l v 1 Wtthoat b*B*flt. U« ID !acn1 U> r« •« Dl* f» m ti* V»;*r» tblok Tbt l'r»t llaptltt 8ocl«ty IUhihii N l»f llr«»wn. V. ME. *dt*r .ng ; KKYK. * I: M I »»n iifnri* A 'with. U T NORWAY, wrr* oa tb* Mlb. aid I rank l>a*r. »nt| mlork.i u*|> * v* I' 129 MAIN STREET, I »«..».r* '-r t>a t.ftoj** of tb<— «ho ravlo pr»-*-BU mat xrrm at Wrtt I'tra • l»«» II lii-nf, H «>ray. 117 I»r. kin N*«» vtlle Jmb.o l» lllratN I a«ut,0 «< A t an) w boaic aad a W* ar* cold aa.t wlnty • Al-nt W. TrM* W Jul • » *a I wo *aur»ty rami l> ra fti I Li :iaa Sai. ^1 i«wl Frost th*y bad a rrv led good having very Binrn, Jnutti«n aa«ptuta, \tlJ1. *ht>eu r a I f twin l*trg S.ac« which llBa Tbuk*' Tb* klada*«* U ap- tin* w*atb*r. tbaaa Urn* Moalt'xi. Nrtiltiury aa* of a few boiU—. KiiSnitb Mr. Alitor, at tbecUtalsg of T'U«l»r« • ha* visited rw, ail C «a I tbr a*tnTr BamM •< b *r« ara hid thtir Chr'tima* Tb* relentleaa har t of Death wb«a b* bu a**«l It la bl* family for x|h* talgbt degreaa warmer than loataial >0 the ml Tj'* 1»y In Jtn'y5 ;'5tb it tb« I'tatr* Tbt? bid c or an 1 tak*n away on* of oar THE aiJ OoWa with Sr«t rwoU Thta la tba tb« vt la tb« KbooL trr« oa lb* community Iconmeaced. 0 far (Mil their fanlllee to1 CALL AT Hob- puM'C Kellow*, >•» r at work at N<.»rtb lid tsarh rltli*a*. Mr of tboa«aa.t* wh li*r» haw >i mtrr > -«t. «bo !• d*cUmatloa« lUilofata, lat#r»p*r»*d reapeeted Jo*eph of the rtprrl*acr an 1 wa* munVri lletteka UMif. w I'arUU wltb bad tbtlr tr*** trim rrt». who ill**l Saturday, tb* 2-Jtb. >< U I l\r IM.l> b*»a «a»*«1 by thta >o.)*rfnl «li*cur*ry. Jiy for tb« craaiu coapaay, *p«at ataciBtf. Tb*y I (I III ('brutmta «m celebrated at (Ml K«l* of w iad A. C. Abbott filiat- Store in** »t b.»OM vttb hU bar«. aa*d aal Itihu l th was ciadlt*. b«rl»d tb* J«th, It** Trial &i»tll«« frra a: Noyra l»rag &W>rv. family Th' Ur». Mr. Norton, who ha» b**n Iowa IItil Saturday evening; drama, reclt* Clotliing: hi! i tlma. tbty wry mJoyibU Ktaryoa* ing »« ha* w. re >\»rway. b*r* ••boldlrg f.irth" b*r* a re»l»aiut, ttl >re, motlc end irw. The preaenU wrnt bocM IWllDf hippy. Mptclilly iba W* ar* havlag very g«od m**tla»* ALBANY. floUhfJ hla labor* and hi* departed f >f HUlte namerou* an 1 n>«'.!/. After the dis- i: d*r. for b« wm prr**at*»l wltb a air#, bow. He* <> T. Lnvejoy and Mr Cyra* »tu ('tnia hit ft U»« th* eastern of tb* Ntat*. tribution of the p >rtl<>n of THK POSTAL CARD BRIGADE. Mr* i'hu sjt tb« bta tbi*»«-a to (iamtni)D of Caatoa w»r* with a* la oar part preeeat* young rat tarkty which forgot U with & ChMattBt* r«rtlB4 WhltU «U |ftlU Mr. ffcUtlpa of I'rotldenca, 1L I , the community amut* 1 themaelvee Y. laat HUNTINGTON CO., meeting *v*Blag. J. other tite prayer Bad II* U in I the u*atl till n«*r the •at knti'f k*tdft> K». Ml** It »cd la h*r* working Where You will Fin«l Thi Old Ur *bi» Ki»»arr*l for No 1 II* Sabbath. Wffv p%lf i»f f'tlthoWed *peCtftf a* *r*r for tb* aal?atlon of anal*. paying $j per appl«*. coming «•» FAST l'KHU. hart inruacan v< >b tub Cmruu* IM7— fr fttl*e* Mi l Ul '.»• brtwrrn Ott* and two thotMatjl • A. 1' It htnllng Urge lotdt of h«T«*!f. Ilcr DUiVir* A* thta la tb* la*t w**k la tb* go»»d old I'mgre* Tub OB«aa» btvob* or raa l*i» tar* 1* with her A of about thirty cava Y. K Hoi* W cent* for timber tnrn e lot. ftft.t BprBt D( <]«lto P>ft«ftfttly. an 1 kind wtabe* and fla* tvtalac wit Yrar many and oar and Cuffs, Homb IUr»iM>..« or Kobtt miOl V.. II •«,.rr « i«ii haatia* d«tr with Um* aprat. Joalab llatrbtoaoa earhanged bor*e* with Moat etcellent alalghlng. people tors, Glovos, Collars Cardigans, f it hi* 1 «'<•< *; 1 r <»«•;«• «• 1.* F. M II It maklac ippl* J«Uy A. f. Warrtn ha* are It »ai* « ftth'r a !tw Mr Kaap;* of S*wry tb* U*». Mr. Norton. Improving lots FHYKBt'KO. l«t, and ioai>Bt> ar ot*B Hraiu 0ru*P I> «o i II-ort I'ooa bc*. wi.a ■III. •old a bora* to William Merrill. /. W:l*oa (>ar Uiptyere who t>ty before Jan"y Suspondors, Underclothing rr*w J.»r«lan • 3 cent off. ant a large ■m h»»r Sr«B .!> K*U ham. cook tag for ft KASI HKTItKL. Vfr ar* *ip*rt«BCta* a "cold wan,'" th* Hhaw ha* U>o«h' |M three-year- IM7, get per portion of other Useftil Gifts. J com* aad A. V. Warrea Bm an- of then are advantage of It. Thlt I of Shoot >» Bfl, hftfa rr*l«Bn1 KB nrrcary dropping to 1.' degree* b*low »*- old colt. boagbt taking PORTKK. S*w tn I « »rr»l of II >ar w<»sl.l A Ihppf Vrtrtoill! ahowtag atlU other borae. glvee the town the uae of the money th«- h tv# TWy *«y ro. an t aom* tb*rmom*t*r* Tb« rata of frilir %»t carried cB beef Cold wlaur law reign* eopremr la »la- at the tame in Ovorooats. :*•; < If t«<> difi, (a t * barrel of lowrr figure* In on* ra»* tb* plumber A nephew of O. II ll«r*rj, K«'| rewarde the prompt taipiyer Ble Bargains aa >«. t^« >>>*■'•• »«ry tcjr aa 1 Sat Clin vialt*l thla with t Uaviag sot stack J«>s*er. Suit plftf* ha* b**a call**! to remedy tb* buret wat*r- King bin from llarpawall. time. aa 1 at »* ar* h**:n« tt r*ry col I of a f. w pr*wrat • mw h aae la for oc- |wnl upplj prrtrtu la T S hi* Seen tb* recipient Mra Marllla la of I'»rk< r ri'.Bt reftjy pipe*—a very dlaagraaabl* np*rl*act Rrldgham legal!* ipetdlng AND LOW PRICES. Mr. I«u> L Knir. a f to order in the UU*t ntjUi pricoc. Ffeflladaipbla llorBe ftt l other*. ftD t l« pBtt'.Bf ft IftTfe rh**r." aad tb* of to bla appointment In tb* l'ortlan her tchoil In the Walker l>l*'t 1 obb *ob. alao a ai>th«r aa 1 iuur. food rrpr*a*oUtl?*a •tfe aa '■ rch !«v» K«-rna. I A Pilate •ontl man at Kr«l ao I Mildred Bean, Gaurge an t Lll« to bla an ant nf tiaota Clau* made many heart* happy lloaae. Fraak (' At*r. whll* rvtaraiag M (lr«r« M Hr. wo hu (at* tu Br- A ar* * Ma Carrie Oilman, BlU tb* different festival* At wood, Hptaldlag Co., paying Ian Weatwortb, Smith. boaa la Sra«l*y Btght N II ,wb*r» *b* will «p»n 1 tb* winter Wilaon an I Allen J S Hta 1 la h«a!lB< hla birch to th« ill. Ml** entertainment at tb* vea- c*nta far «an drle.t apple*. Fred and Mamie BtftHt a : U* hart>«»«* Morgan* wh»a coaiag 1 »•* bill with h*r *i«ur, Mi K I> Bartlett. Kred Von baa rvtaraed attend the wmur Urm at Act!* BUL try wa* very *urr***fal ll<>ogb*a*wool Piyeburg •trokt aa t hia bora* Vniif aaaaaagaMa Il*rb*rt Bliki bu rtiirenl from Boatoa. & »r» "old F. Or» to 1 other* h*u'!o< wa* a tra* Cbrtvtma* "bom* com- to tb* J. Co., SmdUm Tb*r* coantry." raf. aa 1 raa. *•: »•» po«t, kill- atnblM ac*.a*t 1 • at >rth W*ur- Mr* A of oirn that 7 f*-t I Huntington >1 »•> the rl»*r N uB'Icr tb* and yok* glrtbed alao throwing Ayrr oat p.lp la*" "big maple"—Dr. lag hia lasUatlf. wer* drlvra to I'ealey'* at It I'M K< »UI> f'KNTHH Mil DIXK1KLD. from New Will lacbe* recently - *'. l* of a brrafclBg bl* W*ymo«lb llamp*hlra. aga:nat tbr balUl.ng. oat ant aad netted tb* owa*r hat #l?0 m*aafar lutui C.ftrk 4 Hob ftr* »• ttlof qalt* Ii ht* qait* lively b*r* darlag Morgan from Dartmouth Collet*, tb* city The broom drill at the Cbrlalmt* cater* Norway, Me. ••ck Mr cow* tbl* winter. Block, IfMiMMMap « aat birch f»r the au>rea ha** and lira Kerne 13 o«t aa 1 .lftnt.'y of popitr Cbrlatmt* »r*k Tha hava coaalna from liar*anl Tafia Coll*(*a. keep* talnmeot waa well carried The young Norway tarar. aa 1 b •m*rt bauaraa rata, flracowa. makla/ market been Well with holiday Mlaaaa C. Wratoa an.l L Darker hava Herb Itecord milk* ladle* deecrve mention for the vaara old. aupplled gooda. special ahoat IT •«« wrrk. II* *enda bl* ► Cr *o 1 wife bftve Ja*t r»tora»d of DlifleM held ft cbarch fftlr to B tctoa for a f*w week*' flalt ponad* of hntter p«r manner In whtcb they carried oat their N*» V*ar to * Tb* lfttft** (<>•• AT Happy job » »!!• It'MtOB. DRIVES from • t.' tvlr bob la Norway Thursday evening. pr >».1« about 1150. Mr Hlrbardaon «<>*• to llrnnawlck to tMJlUr tO paru The tree waa heavily laden. Clark tv. Ko*ter milk* alt c »w*. mtklag lage. Cbrlatmft* trv* ftt MarMc'a lift]] Satur- rra«t a paper before that *«lacaUonal aocle- Monday, Jan'y ». *ever*l church eocletlea week BIOWNFIKLI) d»v *ventng for which tb* dealrra a mor* «a- 55 poand* of hatter per will unite toget :i-etlng at ty pabllc a OXFORD. an II. rh Krcord tam- near l>alng btlfar lathe after* NT. Bolster's. H».l «u it tba t< »n Grist lUrlow, Ion* Harlow 1 Kaatla nam*. Uu m ford Corner i preaching XX. A Pbrtataaa givra pbonloo* ar»1 at >Veti»»l »«« belJ ftt the Hill ar* at bomr. from o»»rf*edlag oa meal. Cottoa In the teU ClruiBM Kn, «ii(h «u uiii? A (%hrt*tmft* Ore**ll*f wer* ftt boa* from Kent'* Tb* lto witola boy* noon and prayer meeting evening. n ob Krt l»» evealac meal comhlaed with bran I bar* foot I a are W> lh« Hatarday **• vir*«ttl<>atl ckarrh Vn Cbrtatmaa Mr and Mr* II F. Itunell cam* from All throughout the town anl vicinity toadtd o*ti| (pril. aft»r which Mim II K li»mj ctON <>f her d**th I* not W W. of an a* well baa been a for • MM Wiva mu*ic, rKlUUoH. fit.. Bight; moa'a. and Towle, Ka«j. B«i*ton, appetlt* MtpfttlMll There remtrktbl* change plAC*. I'hret- T***day lit oae of Ktward Everett llftlea to « In milk the • bleb «u paru.-alartjr 1 by lb« read known Tb* cttli'na »r« coatrlbatlng waa at hla fatber'a. the better among "lethmoa" people- >*nt» Bread." The occa- Kill* Whitman killed a Cbe*w bog a»at been to the i» om ar* Bra b*u«vara tn mft* iMrW-" to l****n btft Iom of tbU towa, whole famlllee have brought Alb*rt Colby familiarly a'loat 5»J0 lt>*. I). FLOUR »m all a old tbat ROLLER a mach preoeat com mm ca«l to haul year weighed LOUIS «t; by Savior. ST. >Jrd I'artl** bftfa a<|aar*« a* Uld Man la r*ady with CI— kaown Colby." oa* tb* aami litter t« rat M «• la ao • f.ae wblcb la to ha bo I It P. Fogg killed from men are making 100 I cm of aa *sr«ll«at Henry Thayer'a we ever *old. We have tbat weighed 475 1b*. in one of the Bent Flour* that have <>a Barat M -*5 •» l"..ad. rtftWr. tb* coming aprlng hi* feat* la mind •book per day. »m belt! Ing Ulabop perform* own* an I wjrk* a ka nell a cold on hfttur lav e*»ala« a festival and ftll ftra tak- John I'. Ilacord y. la bere at next *hall Wa ba?« Imh rslar ai r*ry It la ric*ll*at alatghlag reading From Lowell, Ma**., wher* be Butlnrea i|ulta lively present in a ear load, ami for the thirty day* >: church, which waa wr|| at- of hub that ar* 12 old. pa«t juHt put of«a*lt«r. aal tovaafoik ar* »t th# M ing advantage of It tb* winter, h* writ* a to tb* yara aaayoftba I* *p*ndtar K I »c- lor on ao 1 bad cold*. trB-W ! A Clft** eterrlM »rr%B*«1 by the Demerle Hwano ba* boagbt tb* It RA8T 8UMNKR. it at reduced ComIi Delivery. •aflrnti mwti rb*amitUa l)*< '."Jib therm jtruWr Indicated .'I d*g. /;<►»i»« iiloh* to aay that Blabnp "la almply priccti la U>«a tt • U.» Mr llafiaa. with moalc aad ord farm lt»v Mr K«B»at arrived ■Ml'*t. l*ro. a nothing mora aad noth- The Olford naptlat meeting brlow spirit m*t1iom, wlahe« to * 11 bl< quarterly a tot bia tftft)t»cQ««. w* re <1**0 by the acholara. b« aatl*- Joalab HuUblntoa Church on Taee- aoralag. it la hoped arraafra-at Oolda ft re pre? ftlrt t. ing Ie**.M Tbl* ciplanatloB may wai held with the IIiptlat Mr Bu3jm «u with ft atsdy colt a Barrel. ila; atf b« coapl*l»l preaesUd Mr* AOS* l'olalfer la vlaltlrg Mr* W. to bat It will bard'y day and Wednesday of laat week, the Sfltb for p»raaa«al factory aplrttaallata. Wld iw Cba** bi« g»o* t» Karrolng*on $5.25 viator roatM- were Single I Hi r la* lb* fall aol tarly lamp. wlib anUeraal and 73th nit The esercleee Inter- at S <*hft»e meet acceptance. bar Mr* oa M ibUv eveaiac the M K Roclety to th* winter with aUter, v. ba« *w*a *>»ta* IVrUy • * n- in apead and barmonloaa. He Mr. Ventrea •rabla balldlaf •• M * Nelll* Stan!- returned from U 1b tb* "Old Docament" pabllahMl eating 1 The OuldeB Gftt#*," SO U. II baa aUal a wladow aa WelcbelUe gave where »h« bu b*«n la*t laaae "Joctab Krt«" aboald Iw J«onlng«. aa moderator, and IK H Palmer Browa bay to* Ta**day, apridlai yoar bought a bora* preaided 5 Barrels for $25.00. which »b«a will or more iik'ii p*rt la the eiercla*. wa* the Mr. Ileraejof Harpawdl lleva. Sut- to bia boa**, ruapJ^Ul « month- Krya.** Jo^ph Krya a* clerk. Sermon* by Ventre*, wo belicro it i« • time t> in your Winter 3 Kre II V Kmrnooa ha* cto*ed ft two "Jo*epb of l)r. C. 0. Ilrldgham. Wo wr to one and all, pat ba oaa of Iba prrtlM la U« tllla*«. Tb* fftlr held here Decem^ar S3, proved orlglaal graateo of thla towa, aad from •on. Blake, and a youog man by the Lame bare 0aUb«d aa l a tad t»-ftrft' p**U>rftU with th* OuBcrvgfttloaftl Cbarcb at Stork J A V K Htap pal a aacce** la evary way j on* haadrvd ftod him tb* towa derived it* Bam*. of Knight now supplying the ball! a la thU Mach re* ret la fell M/rrral IIIkIh. of lb«lr ator*. Hta^a Etu>a ba« v*irty Pi*ce war* ftfWr ftll t nw.v Canton. We have aim) hia fifty dollar* mllaad pavlag ju»t taught wblcb will ba a «r»at at at the »«ur. Itirkrr ba« fftmi.r. who hftfe treatJy collared WKST PARIS. >uilnaa iltlioa to Mala Strwrt pl-aeftftt mada ft comforter tod rng that brought of Mr Tobln who U b«. In ob*ervlng lb* week of prayer. to the her*. old, flo 1 lb* rriLtfUfr to bia h »uee K B Beaa lh»mwlTN people • a of oar went lut week added a piaii* I |< Many of the lft-1 of DiifUld ftr* In- The business prospects tillage the town Kutman, the eeedaman. a a«ar A •letachmeatof the Halvftttoa Armjrwa* lot mutated by baa reaodeted aad UaUb«d boaae worker*. and when a for tbe Brit year It flattering Indeed. <»ar to Sweden to vlalt hi* father wbo la quite Pure Porto Rico hold their liar dcfaUjcftM* good \ party of mkb fr in tbla plwtoik Molasses; iba alll for Frad Tboraa Davaa la lows Saaday. tag pecs It m w«U as oar miller report t Tboraa work la ondrrtaken It com through merchants dinner at Abbott & Ur.two'a camp W'« J. feeble. a nico iuoUmwu Wo shall sell it for 0«" la aa all to bla b >«•*. •*r» icee We hear they iBUsd C»mlBI In very cooking 35 CENTS, 3 Gallons port M«aar»a addlac with rrgar lleaa of Ifttor or rip*nar Many business. There I* not the aeaal rath of team* — their raaka. food iwdif, for *'*»h I>own. la flniablo* bia ft^ftiB. Hevcrsl here Jolo«d hu been her* tbe wrek a* IV there will not aad Maadatlila S#a»ey tbaoka »r« <1oe tb* ladl** of tba National Mr. Kimball put Wr a bat Cbrlntman. our place yet ibtMj $1,00, bad pSeneant qalet \V o a nico liave ara la daaaad. tod bu oat several new ntyles of be ao a aa naual of cord- havo very Formosa Tea. Wo Ur ato llooft* for tb* free aft* of tb* ball, dlahea, got There wm a family tr«n» *t Namner S*r- large qamtlty b« mutt have ou thoaaand In Birch for lleald'* doWvl LOVKLL. an I other thlftga No doabt ftootber chair* Naye cent'a Friday «**rnln*; »!•<» a tr«« at llljh wood hauled never aoM thin grade of Ton for l»««a than 60 Ctt. Iwr poond. For the next wrtk Is order to that itmhtr ol to come In. Bloci'M Moor* i»l wlfa of bava will Aid our bo«*« of worablp fitted a get Htr*et acbool hoa«« Saturday evening, factory beglne wo »ell it for II1RAM. Will Norway •print will bs ob- Thirty ahall 50 Cts. Pound, Cash. for «»* chairs per week at preheat, be of and D«y« per of M *• flaltlag la tbla tnwa. ■ p a*d ready with the ueut! amount pre«eala UM our C • ChrUtaa* Eva ti>« K-booi to coavert tbe new balldlug Wo are m K*uir L Chrlatmaa tre* ftt tb* National Ilftll, llCed large N<>aa of tba Habbath O ILKA I). jujit receiving la tba OHM Tb»' *Uct of Vi!U| x)|« afiaot'i greeting* kjM K. Ckkpnta. Hpriaf Tb* riarcla** were built the cltltens Into a wood I (i o r »r» m Saturday evening r»cently by children Mr*. L >at«* A. W»at torn* cold «ltk lite ptmto, htJ i wy until other ar acbool banc W« hit* t*«n having aary lojiUif ir* ij«*m \ u r l it*n>i* v.«; c. K aad-r tb* of Mr. aad Mr*. Albvrt workera drpanment, ud h<>a*r cbarga a nice writing-dMk. waatbar tbla wttk; m-rrarjr hu ba*o W 1 « k ft v. kmmu, r a.. J r. ran be made Mr. Kimball will pi«MUltitoruiBB«ititKtool h«p«uui. I) l'arfc, and war* lat*r**tlag. Tb* tr**a ruiefflra*! Mr# John F. Drown baa been vtrj alck, W B*r»r. ->f vmin, twlow aaro. Bra O•org* Tm* to bis and In New York Drcaaea. A of wer* well filled, an 1 ev*ryoa* a**med do painting flnlahlng more comfortable. for I*die«' very nico goods. Tw winliii Uw wioi- T»»*r* "w a Cbri*tiBw trw tl tba vlilac* bat la Ila*ior»« u booming h«r« tbla wlnWr, quality •Ardpriftf. by Hoch occaaloaa ar* Santa CUoa was very geaeroua this year a on b* r*memb*r«d. vary Mabel WhI la with friend* at Honth We also have forgo Stock of LAdit*' ami <*onta' Underwear. We have w«r* *ill r«ad«r*d. Llivtliji A on Y U? rtn og, in.J at 111* ,C«ntra services ant avarybody la bat?. in for tb* chi: lr*n. aad gold watches, silver tba ear* of Dr. Irttn ot bU gr»j pleft«ftat proa:oUa —presenting I'arta; aba la itdir Eban Chapman U drawing log* to J. W. a in VeaU at 45 COnts. CUI and too it Wadaworth. Is are h»ad ud fl »•!■« baard. *u iitfctdt J k. Ilaubina to 1 Jobm Broa. Fryt- at C-entenulal Hall evening. We have a I-argu Stock of (iooda, which selling at bottom Friday arc about two fact of anow In lit* pricoa. KmU Hiu. After bat* a lot of catU* aboat people There Rarnham & Wight ara grlting aloag flat- Ok! barg r»<»aght «cembtr 24th, aad listened to laurestlag aeaaon »f lMeaae to call and examine for and oar at p»nouii of WE8T SI MNKH wood a—mora tban nanal at tbla with yourselves, try pricoa, t»: fro® th* «i#»p iatici bo«f im b#r*lataly; youag a lock la la good da- and other ly tbalr logging Job. prtMiu declamations, slnglag pleasant tba for tr— uy*r. Thera U baaing alnf Ws deeply regret thai (jalaby I'erham ttw na. oarwuraa bachaatth, foaad no devils bsrs to fnctnrad good* war* nlao destroyed. Loan Taama landlag n aatart*laM«at holiday laat KrMajr thej evidently ara to dlaaaaa. aad tba good; a*arybody nt do Inauranca. tha railroad. Tbaaa tlaa aold CoL la alch of heart • abort lima ftlaca fall aad thrash. eatl mated #4,000; L prtcfl -*51 ~2 la fbabla avaoMd to ibaaualvaa. Albion Back haa takaa a contract $7.00 S7J5X2* I Iloa Alaoa Yoaafa wtta la aajoy Emerson Cartls la sick with Tba 8UU mrrU Ir+tnnntal Edward*, who larga baa an ortbaatra. hart blBMlf no that ba bM bean no Mrs. very Leglalatura Mr*. Wgiau IrUb badly aeaalon to of tha Oraad Tniah. haaith- tin# to work. a brala trouble. aenalon tbla weak. Itn promln«a A CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES of from Hartford aad abl* for aoare parfora nay Elmar Howa of la All ItakM with lk« A«l*MrtU (»4«h Nk, wlHHrfW W. Habbard of Faralagtoa a»d* toapMad papU* Onr doctor* art Mra. Elder bn Intereatlng, na many promt* Mm. Ilaaoaar, tnaklag Phtiip Aa a taacb- Oar recent rnlna tnd cold watibrr bin baiyagala onnannlly it nu WlMiMal* f rim. IMxtMMp •»! BimMWr.** to hia frlaoda la Hlraa oa Hack fold, nadar taatractloa. to com* a abort alalt at bar fathar'a. a fflag vtalt bat Hill has baea alck, bat better bow. •ant qaeatlona ara likely u;. ar of am* <■ aba cans >t ba baat la tbla part na good allpparjr gulag. quite haa 11 R». glvta la last art tba modlficnlloM of tka Daalal Ollaaa, who baea vary tick, MAWP'C 145 N. 8th it.. PhltacU.. Moaday Mr* Freak Oreaa and aoa are aid Mra. 0 Racoa la aafferlag tbe stages Among Ibem THI LUlUKC CO.. fro a of tba Mtal*. qalU au. la a raco Calab C. Chaaoaa la racowtBf eaacer of ths haad. divorce lawa, lowly raring- of Paoibroka. Maaa, frna atTtre colda. of cnpltnl pnnlabment, lilacaa Groria FoaUr at L. B. will b« wntcbed with CartU Abbott haa Ukil a Job taralag hla racaat Elfla Ore*a U at V. T See adv't of mark-dowa nala Tba labor qanaUon au 7 •pent CbrUtaaa wltb bla frVaada la Hart- Him atopplng J. done at the Democrat office. Oa Ua flU tha UuraaaiUr J*c Aadrews's. o. liUrwl dowala for R. Virgin. All Kinds of Job Printing Oxford ■ ar.I ford. Oraaa'a. h»\mmWHIW lflv» 01'K Pl'ZZLK OOKNKR TtIK HOMKMAKKKS' COLUMN. LUiniMU TO utA.il EXPENSIVE 8CUMBLIN0. I» awiai lb« in lb* all«m|4 Sliftft NOTICE! U or Tb. quMtioo LANE! no mora iwklrtt fr*p»#ntly HARRY on lUpiJi U Ibr UU ilmU UnrwpwMtww practical loplm. Whirlpool do the artiata ua#in [CMBmaatMUowa HtputMMt MMkr lb* M*>l ul IM« n>ia«n, U n» (ban In trill* villi iIImm New Jeweler's Store at ••What p#inta paint- bm Ml lb* Miliar, W. II. ktmui, Kui *•» pmpvrly iIm|«mw Bethel, llellwl A>Mr*« InUntlwl i boU V < > M* I wbb h e»c!» iUr awurva rtr««i|rr IIIr**w PMltlw) ing Iht battl# panoramaa mmf, Inc ibu * •Itaflit nnd opp««lir • til irk: For flv* in A* I in c if fair," Ir anil aartirr a tnwr Silver and Plated purchMtU ##ry Urg. tllrlol, lit oao< • •; bull a fr% mUaiii, iliBgtnuHL MaaJily Ware, Hmnrh Ifoi'MRf l« ikfM foarib* kj«r, tlrlag until al iari *r«f • I w4 flrtt t»«« 4»**4*. J»»l riw lit panorama ■ ra*l U ib >r«. ib«a dip co irriji Aal all if an I tudilrn «lr#ib raliaf I 9*t IM* f«il U« oflm i Ul* u«t (iKkti, nitkM • tly* Wllb briiup .uliuwkd, tk. itofc H1"1* h» — ilinaiw ran U rtiml br lb* im N»« l« Ik* U«* I » )i|wood, boil uio kilfkoir, fhoaa k-o.r, u flfh IIjoII I l«rl «»<« • ! »»fv. la f Albl • «bi'h, in mnMrlnatilb dip ikrH foiritK boar mr« Wud |>l»<>r and waa contain*! in four tin Host Assortment Wka «l w»t« rair • arch If \ i' t « n^Trr (ail* wkri |»r»>j»- dollar.. Complete pl«a*ar-d. • tr«»o< i«t«. pi. H)k HOLIDAY GOODS. ft > n Hit each th# aia# of *o Tla aaralf wrllWa ibar lr« il< c im crl* imoiI. lU-frl lb* Uloaioi Ibai ordinary p#M —or— Brufii For p>u «>ilt. Ull m4 tlMlt* Kf MMl f«r*kMII| «rbo bar* Iratol it. en. An incident .« for Infants and Children Of a Jiapar wall 'i«u b hi a 1*1. woutl, oh pjanf; bill li fl i-n ntla«ia«, •IntlH*. l«IVI« (>l >|« Wlib lbre« <>a allhar al lai ibra* foartba uka • ttuai 10 iK« cotntttioo tb# oceurr^l Wrri VL* KM gatoa ib»o «sip good* h»ur; (U.IOnUnl, Mr, Man h SI, I*** |*il rtyiimg *f tbii during t#J I I M»o( grata aarroaaltd ool <«►►)« «n l • 11 Ui nbiwr oaa«*«i Gentlemen's U«hCMwift.MMWvXT VpjB Ui« par air, al lh» >ur ftol ii«rk fiforn tftn, mf l.im, m4 m tb# which i» ivar* a K »-na • aor nl|ir•*• u4 will Btka ap Tu CvTtn CovuT, I* nlM wm, m. T. • •l«.i..r )im tinarilml for Call t> tioaik, il l ■■ >r» copp«ri«. Tan | iJ* of neural ta aortblivrt praj«r vlilrh I (•■4 l*l«U twin* mam coapOM* obj-ct. •Mkl (m «iipp*l lalo wiur Ja*i t»fo»« mmliriiva J. Pierce, %S»at ll a«» pila Mat «»c#an. •(i 11 I at»»t <*«. al.j ik*« UK ib ktu, •fllMt rrmaiitrl ti«a«ti pailiai ilft lopravaat |Tv|Mr»ii.tt»«, Prices to Suit the Customer la trracbaroaa traapt, ml an tlWI th# rlMUintlUni, Maine. of tk. i«»"»»•*","l ri. •poiilac H.»a«r*ur a&oail ba ««•»! la lit# unif, Bethel, pmwM (\iae*allag la m»aau-*d tnjUoa, •orn>r«l aUf to r»a< H (lit iliaraa* «»•<«;™ o U»». AlMl.dMlM IIM of lb« batb laffl Utl i> c »»«r hi (oil* nothing ,1m by th# foreground of natural *>,j Tba powar la lu daptta Ibtl alaapt. until I l<»-k r>«« (arronlinf to wall. # \ilil»pl»< r »*»at|aa, .uch M real #arth«worka. mounU o! »*» So aan lha baavaaa l.lamloaa, Ivo of «hlrh iHI ill# Job" II Jimii<«a), Umlra nTlfKFH4-|ii*iitiir«.(Iif Mr« via. peered and bcMt.wo.kr atara 11 al Mat*.. II !*••• Til I'tlVtMt earth. Gent's Goods. N.i aauoa or do ablaa, A OUT -Kl'flMlilMOl tb* »<>rk l«< rav rot Ira aaliafartion it, ll ••«» iraa •• ui TotlltN tb. c^at- U Famishing Grand Trunk aaar iba c<»aati*a« million*. m* m thr that of ECLAIR! Railway Y»t collar Ml all apoia. !• n».aat'B ra'» ■«• •»> »•* W \ WillTTli.it, any color, etcept UfJ Will Make the Season of 1886, ^ |i i *"•». * • nriin< mJ »J»»r >•« l«M, Mi MOt fWrtWf ■» wbal'a ikaaaa* oFUal cliff rai off l& aal rlaa* on wltb n If kJ"* •katchea »i tb# artiata #t* HARRY LANE. K 1'rav. l»r. iroagblf 11*1 li, Mr, 30. InM |iia*«rat»4 m.y paint »i lr«M »U1 |M M U»«« »® April h IK ll V'"^ r»la»jr. »l ito «u» • •! ik* hw a*. IH>. Wbo mat*arad Ua ikinltfa fairf (1,(11 wtrm «u I* Tab* * atlff irnki I ■ ruMf fill J. r M ASCII aio ei#w A of our Jj | liar# mnl Tixir A r rh«u> A. only. portion p*«»". Rurnfor cl l*olnt. Mo. Vlo t »M of lla woad'roaa baialf, go o?*r Ik* garni-nt. hraablBg dowawaM. Aibl»|»linrm I l>r«a •! VirgltlA. nit* U-nr- of i — is** um matiaiu ami liitf U< n t*rt li "Th# H»ttU Miwionary Kidg#. A ad fltad IU pic la r*— wbaraf fail asd amwib la abapi »»> H»»C oat 0. K. Swivel Plows! Ttrmt, 520 00 to Warrant. • r » 6ll«l I't Ik* u* of if W II Mmtii Wft thu. blank and bare. and *»a. "»*•« t <• 4 O III Aruxumx to dry. Plows H» t«t l»at th> kr • W I it WMWtlTmiiWW'W. Ui tb. lUrman Warranted Perfect Level Lind » * i:il.« nh. Mo, April rt. (Ml ■ • H.« r rW*MM tli«turbioic « N I « aifci- M. -m ft' t |ii«r lU'W kf», fc» f * I M » IN ba»* V V • w IWiM. Krivm will* ivory baadlf». whlcb r» naI u«r, mnumfti l auii' | • I ttl* l< Rare I b«M* ,u th# cbitf artiat. HU «• lvf< t'H »l I '• ,,«l ID I I tJ I i-an, fn»m |*■ prof^.f^ey« in all Points. lit**.. ii—mailt or hit* fall*B ool, cto W Jw •ttw « k«lk • U X 37 txcoa* Ioomi«), *<•« t > lli# li. a* all Apr it i* >t U.I k. °» klM Itt Ittwra |>ut l«in< J,.,t«ud «d IroubWJ by *•« t*. I""* Co«po*«l of (? to a c#m*at road* of l» L Ul'IIIHT. lk»IM IW, '•■IMt'l M, • «• • 41 I rvpalrrd by B*lag il i* r^vnimmlfil «>• • I »T CmmN. » II ji««a ►«m°' Try Thorn. C. W. KIMBALL. l*~«, I* l<«i My *7, 1. 41. 41. Mln put of lb* foar parta ro« n. « part h*»*wai aed j., r»j«. • it it a i u 1 H WlHMOl r>rirfiUl »m. •" ob* of I'aiUi A" *ba bol« la I. Uk. col*. ""J «'•»• body. part plaat*r • *r4 » »•» •» 14 14 I * * »!•••**I«l ktn Aihi. rxriPMrc*'1""" (W« *) 37 It kin I tb*B h*at air 'ickwI pltHM • o*#r to ton# Minufactured M My 45,19 « 15. 4, ». lb* baadia with tbla miitur*. Ktrrji • 110 ••and aeurnbU tb# aurfac# h; J by %. IV V anit* I • U »• » 1 il Iktf rin* I all I I'll la, I* thfff ■ l.«iltAriLOO If ••• •! > «W ■'»»/ • »«»t « *< M1> t 44 of rood. lb* at*»l of tb* bai Ha aol P«w« •* flrmly \tt»l"»|»li->r*" IM*. I'w — ft < ( lit* tl»f* \i)»l M iwl *f l>« >«»< ! >■ mi •• Itt 41 I* n 11* I-mi.U ilniai4 Tobacco ! Tobacco r»»i. 141 NJt My T, 94. II, 51. 51. IS. 43, JO, itlo tba c«Btav Wall N Nrw Y will >9«rUII I* •lll««l Iwaaf •. (VW A<••#• U II IT % «« I ft la »r ml '■»» l«r I'ilia Cltf. My 3, IS, 39. f, S3, 34. 34 It Iowa lb* caiuit* ibiro»|bf. f \tti!• -;•!»->r«•• ,t vu diaeoeered that *b#Jbn* C. H. PORTER S, 1%...—I. 10 u«* »U Hjip^h'M Pn» llt»/ a » l M>ti» Ui *»" |» auddenly <>.'t iHKrt. Mm* I'm do or aoy waablog itll, t « ml<« Kr rwtl»l M T M 4 V p*arlla« pjwJ«r aa»a. »aai|Hiia Forget •im wer# the fourth A Paris, «o l"Uk ai» I and opinio* rvam««» m body Hog ib«m la tba watar from U®a ^Uk|kw —aytalad. Till If II >••••'• (1mmA.# fUM to *ot • I" m 'M ..>»•! ««4 «• worth of I'M. IW raw My 44. 44. 15. 43, 33 la as oraam um« Wnag wttb a wrlBg*r, If yoa bat* I* a'MMI*. Mil, I M b.lf-dollara cheap hou-paint I •• i»4 I* ito w■"» '' nitof u ilu 4. a p. ■. r ■ 33, 31. 19 It aorrow. oa*. If tb* dirty *•»'* would but been for no My Bot, gratfy pr**a • a* llli It to wat*ra \ a* *oi 40 Different Kinds, My 5ft. 37. 43 raplilt oat It Baa la two bla* a«*<'f • I I«>• wwmMUa, tun btd bwn u»ed to m.k. tb# cndm.um I —1--« JnUM, 4 « t 4* • * j My 13. 9. In !• to !r»y. •d itircb laat»ad of Iroslii tbimpo HUMPHREYS' IMla* 1m*I laurth mm4 !»•- '• l« I M 4 14 • <*■( M I From lUk*. $!.<*» r*K n is ru OR. HUMPHREYS' ImK i|w« MtM I Cr*44 »| A l« nm» «M eent fof e*b«b»tion U> 51. ?«. 53. 71 it a aUUof proapaflty. la aa Bauard room. Bad foa will lw It U«• aUDl B*a for tairi**a T » •'« bat of * «4 I 44 f M fMM u,»e. «(».»«»•>; Thc Best Assortment aa I will la«t a tlm» y*t Mitw...pok#n GREAT N v.t t I t> T *> pratty loeg •#— THE *«.I H III.-U1DM1 m»I»« !■««•» f«n W I know tb.t tb*y #11 t#lked 4t III tn in »■ wtMi |b- wa« a crow 1 at tba ob rm> ■ tun# «nd • 44 « 14 Ifl I Ta«r* graat <»p turn ait a or llatLtn. (tu« my ( tU t J 4 tt tri boaM lut i «kl to a#- Bv>>Ut baa baaa I■ fnm. '«!■«' li(«atuWM St. XifbUa* foatrary to a popaUr b*.Wf. ll M Hmm. n I German # u 4 rr t4* «aa>«a |»»» «1 IM.HM* ./ 44. ii —»l r*« *»»«»« a —» DWN t.AMl U IT 4 tt Ifl frgrUhU p»rfauna aa»tcl** po*lt.»*iy Vi ~ • ^ llhl — > .«! Ml r- to« IM to« |»KAtT:N AT HIS 14 44 4 M Mtt earh a allaar fori, «J« >»«<•( a»l lun THE SICK. In Oxford County. ti* »• flv-lal li rta-ac# ua lb' atm *7 M«Mm. iU t»t ni» l| all TRUTHS FOB lapharo ( 4 « "( »b* • Ihw *. W ImmmiiT M4 ■, 1 J. A TiHI»| w'J wSnl tb«p«f Ihu t| M|k« »'• lU(#ntly » )««ni pby«x»4-» coawrtlag tba »'lfg*o of tb* air lalo tbat V«»al«l* > » ~a I | I t Uw*« MM I a t«t ta an* of h a a«l£h*H>ra H«»4»>k>« *-1 \MUf» |Utf4»d Medtc.l Sctuwl f-^.nce.er I; tht wM pow*rfal «»iidi»iag, aod tb*r»for* paiiiy- BOfW 4»- >M*llfc, *r« all 4. Bart la lb* ta »t alllNa oaa of tba 1 .a Mil k, ran tluini, i'w.. I km g Tba e***tc*a f« uad NERVOUS DEBILITY. td## of 4 oa M m lag. ag*at—^Iob* »<• I »•<*. »• a# ••• ttfl *»l ito H'*l* on# of tb# .tudentt of lb. jliirruj^tt Axni* by prwdBt* IviE&rAig »M( I n«k |t>Ar« >ml>m by I'opeUnd. Udy A«^# !*"■• AO taMM H ulirtl CaaM a* tat M m itoa College of I far kimvUti li i- moat aacb a* Pkynkinn# TiMOMHi'r'iTi tba laflgoratlrg. ib«r»y. • I ► « **•«%• T- » iX MAM psIasi.V'crr.'Ksr--fK»f t|M n »t tbe ••me tim" out an «>, | » It 1 I.Mufj nit 4 Imiu • V< —I rubbing mm • ■ I>11*44 «H tW»i" I '"4 IV.—t»oat» a«jt'aaa aural, cloa«r, U*«t»l«r, laiat. )aa'|ar, hlK fc.»4 -* MifWl Itrm**. uMiMUiorchK. U — »—» — ^«> | • HI •• lit* <• •»4 M> '»«' >i— her >• liht'tt f*r.a«I. ai«t a«»«falof nebti l4id wp 4g4in#t P1*-- T)* ll of K>a< |«boi, h«rg»B»<'tfV«lK «>I- rstitr# wtv»*r* wblrh ar* laimlWaU la th# r*fr»*bl»< r»a»> l« kMtl *•*•' M • '•mtor I'raa |l oat. -• Tm alapa of aa rgg fal c.refully m.pped ca*l«4 U Ulol IH»- r'.aMtf tun U Aal»*. na!»'«. tbjn>'. OMEOPATHIC l«f ui, I>| IV I M mil «l*« «l •'> « 1 |M S. A *•«•»- b tldlag walar C*lcf*' ibmg being m tending. tb« Udy f I «nri- U J\At TOOTH POWDER. aa«1 (! migao- TTT >•. ■ TKN * ««», liiwiiii. I* l»*r 1»» .! Or Whr U I Unl- nan* itfumr aardtaaa, byaclatb 4 t»pl It, 4. A I » «•' '-* l«fci died up»>n • «. I 11 .1 •ftkruiiik IK« llJ > » — 11X l*wi |innniim — tfcr v a«tU. btllotn |w. •»«! Hi*" of tba % allay iMfeM. l.'MO • '• 11 >• .f lb# «.«e-b4t .be fclrat firrtiM, M-l r. !•• kit »tx»»r* CkHtOa«d iml N.rr*. IUlf »n MIUm ffUtT Mr t< |t M I * !| «M ik# WrWdt »■ ••»! -« }• PARKER'S a lo do • •. • *•«"*- nn«werrd tbe H i) rt, tlfmkl Md Mini'* Hmrn, MMi U Itnt I • I J It p,«M*«lag ptrfam* ajp-ar l.fHtKllkMMli !'*»• promptly »••• t • I* MiruiR lumiea. it-1 UaJili tU I 4- r«l If M t*o il)M To to with « jM« lr«t«p t • b*r*»• iLo*' b«»lr« a<»i il n Tt HAIR BALSAM cosh lent in ber 4 •M mAcm 4w>»WI **• H*4 M >»»»»— H* •utfering bumenity. «Ul M Um« htw. wilt »• .*• |t« I HH/ 4nau| tiff a -iMI lBur«»iiag laul.lg»a«a gia'IfyUg fcl4*'» IH—«M U« «-»» • of tn- »*«k a»l I Tba fl«b«raiia loli lm *"*• W. Uy to ■«*t4ia f># d.gnilj profee. It* a V*r.-M IbMlllf. « ■ — U. all l<>«*ia of fl^waia. «a'«* m>4 >• Min»< i««4r»*. m inn m lurrtaa a atrial of feM « I •• .llil tl«>X|M I cattVag larg« Il 'MM M "-1« «• •ion »b# b»d 0# fi.r* taa<» of N«taf« *■ I » I UIM 44ip'e-l »#..! iJttrUNI- — «>a« or t»«i tb >a«aa I of tb»»* lo»*iy dtalafw MmII >19 A Pure Cream White I It la tbaa **♦•1* • I<«4 .If ,b. reudenc# indited,.b. nmmgjJ (**>'« I — •bo«U! pro»<«t^1 m»r»by • il AM» taliaa fr >ra bar* to '» »>««■ I Hi M irui H tliT- «Ucin — '•'»« ,M' — — < l »'r I I ,u to # m- )k« b# I !).«! aot K ag lo war la 11 6t# p|*r«« Viyma# llwaaM af H»«M, find •|««, ir. l *•.«! «01 iMi'Ht *h>« »i »•• !•*** i b#rp.ti#nt -*4»n the m -t M telnwbW tlaaaP Nkm<> Mt«tof#ar »r» «oo | Ium HINDERCORNS. >».r. old. .utfering lrj%r««l ty m» M >n nut .pp.rently Mirwr* Hittu* plaat# — m i*4 t««'■n^ TWmM, «h'« A Beautiful Pink Tint. nt«thb«al. For a g«»«ral culk«tl>-a of ■ Iww ■hHUIWM f*4» M »•'»< (m'I t« wlihwul t wt.lkt .14 Iliavt I >S ^ I licrucinting P4.n. boa** It la tot b»«t to illowUa toiw» tt>mau to of SMIK Try It; jm>trr to bt abov* *0 Oigmi, ttil Specifics. #nd • 1 WI»H %t Mikl M> I.— BAL !> . wooden dnunt^l. 1*4 a wb«ra ib* M4 V» m >mi hM m*4 m >mi>* •< Ug. Nothing r— ••• ■■ liuiK iW Mt iBfatUtl m»A if tb*y coalJ b« k»pt la room I L OK r>v« II irvinr KMIII l« l« l«*n M • 1 • it bout •no«ing #«» a' vbtrtu>'iu»ur »ou l Dot a»a»; y rttf» «oy Bitters. •» -IN l>tM l>«»i IM LOVK «" Sulphur mwmm «b# ** W' mm «# !«• •' t«4 NiiAi (Wall H naib af- »» •'it a«a.db« Utl»r. ji»co*ery. «|«»#t»y r»pl«««l Moxie's Nerve Food 4 • » I »■• •»- < Mi «M h DUD « lln»» W I* mu»t fjr — Try k »«4 »*4 " |a lb* algbt d««r*«a «aca«b. c ••id •*>« go -P*« nm ^ — W er'ng, u *n« !«•■« J. J >ha Ur«*a!«»f WMtUar C h4 Uiva th.io a llttU fr»ab air «»ery d«y. «td m\\W Md b*nd.ge#, 4ntl would return tmrne- The Crc.it Rock Island Routo l>1attaal«: lltatluri*. "AatflM'a •U tb« »aallfht aitalaaMa Aa iff. It A Nervousness, Inso-^n i 1 a. Sb# did #o. witb b< GRLAT CAUSE CF HUMAN IISE5T Djspeps »«t a ifaliat." fUla®. Mum to noUlara to tba W vXc\\. WvvicX OW difttaly bnngmg ♦ ta ftaclaailag •boaUl tw »aJ« • «»» u m gl»a far im by 's of bcw. 4.1 Is the Loss of »*»•• ••••• IMI illl» cluaatta T&a Hftrlal L«tur Caatnia for tur owa •• wtll •• • * •" •-! * »ia »«•». Malaro Oar Hi»' ■ |m«> IIWoaii ri»«iut, s«« Holden & Jones, >••*»• mU» »p«mi I*Sa II Mia» of tba Kaaaa pratly platt rsrwu^ Ttngla •» •• it * •otblac a j»la«a of tpoaga la w»tin w»Ur. MANY I »•!•••, L*abi|r*» I .wpttf—'!» WMtl u4 an l <1» 1 kMt 4*p ID tb* boUa of lb# rrd Ha4l>«l «» ?*«<«• rii^ tk| !•« »p«»Dg» clo«»r. 04 cji tho Ftunon i IWtoM'i hiK»n r«li««« wl u, lb. 0( roaa a wallow. good M.n« «■! Gr>aa, Swallow. rtra or Has <«w iW» wWf p »»■>! %» 1un « ii> prx«. 114 I Mil AtaM. U' Mltrr • < »»*«9 (tm Knl, oau, »» •«. lap >«*•«», !>»•> Iilf m4 KM»*« i-RibMU rb« »p>a(» la a wladow ab«r» tb* »ua ••• 1 («M»f PEARL TOP i>« ii>lw il«H4> ••••'< »« iiawi n> at* la NirrlMt C ••••c •<>in» w«rn» * ni t ii im mi Christmas Presents! will »bla« oa It. »priBbla ■I T < «p«*ia I >| • ••, w IMt Nxm rnv »•» * .%< k « THEY M"Uynw. ♦» «. t#r oa a fia It ■ ir» «»rlS ••• i«w»|»| to Iwnii 4 or tb4t Mf if -IIj KUUIKT J.ltUlkNIU, — vm* 9-mm It rcb d»y aad la « liuioi'i *«i> Tabs »« (imtu ai d.y M II. b» a ball. • ^ The rimoui Albert Lea Rout* Tba boiaa attateb— trylag to aakabotb gr««a «:i. li i# «c#rtely »#ce#«4ry u»##y fh. «*fi4 r»a-»i it«a iii 1 »•* If tboaa wbo b»*a tba folJra lra»»«l tb.t tb. fe# act CHRISTMAS PRESENTS **m*mr%kamm ++• ««.*« forthcoming ifcM •••Wl mm *1 ••If A IxtM >>f !• • ■ w'* u' • 1 »• w» ?••»'<••«•« «M tb*m la ARE NOT! boraa-sboa gtraaluma will pat n».tier treated m a lAMm i| pi»im4 i«ffkMl •* **»•' IWl N%li |»«4 • Ai»4 Ilk* nil (•Mtnirrfrli* l«iIt ih« r* J IkH* (>aa 11 f!» r will kill b#mg m* Mr •• w> ■' »* t paia qilckar tb* tba color* will b« »f'ruMM, Ni|H'. Itunaxu rt*|< * *5* brlgbUat •aallgbt, U* U4MI Ullblr l lvriM, "•■I >• » ''W* Iftl • *■« »•* la a b*ttar t&aa a Joi«a tJllnlllU* Nell morning, bowteer. M'm 1 afcar* •( i»fiin +t\m4[ ff aa! airaagtbaa*r oat ao tbat tba will l>a •• utiUw «i »l |l t* *U~ (few I brought plaat «l Tin: ui:«i nc. VITALITY. .. «!••! ki ilwliMtff aiuff ... EXHAUSTED a conau ••■lit Nlmr.M «'•« on tb# «ene with, L. B. *»*•** # | f. »4« MM o'.bar kin la Andrews's Store, b«aatlfal aa If It w»ra co*»r»d witb bloa* ILLI'nTVATIVK HAMPI.K » llti:. aptwnred <1*1 HI* N Mr '■>• klCMlf m«t. t» It. of * ra»«l>l» 114 ra-ll««ll». " »• ioai .„)l <>ar» a;v*'al pr ASK FOR THE f»e 1 •#- f\*s Urlmri «r«.i yr. «m»Ii ■ collected ber •k* ku >1 m)m> • '» • * * data* twa aai. Trvm wklcfc wa lafar lhat Proi«a flaau m »oo« h dl»r«»»«r^l KacuUptu*. ChMMt an. J a *mi ik^'r ••♦l.li (In »! « a a- ajf» •rem th# itnkf*.luut •!■ >N t Ot«« aonaa q*« la Wa» l loaiaalVa •boald ba dlpprd lato a i»all of that, if joung >1 AH wtartfMi ) I «• NMfl ll t*0Ml Mlli M I- HU|« or w«ur to tab* oat wub to AJbt»wi. Vajfi. I Cm». •t>rtakl*d witb coUl Hare.rd Medical School get MWpl 4iMl«l Afar a Saraapartlla atopa tba aaaaaoaa V*"**£ C*nb ami Cat*!. * .• tba froal •bead of the »tui.nta ofth#ColUg- THC CULVCRWCIL MEDICAL R. K.CAPLC. |. ST. JOHN, dlachargaaof S:rofaloia?altfrl aa 1 caraa Udy CO., I *'* « * 1 Botct, Ch H P s' # u Tkit Im< i/l iba PEARLTOP of .nd W 41 Aii St. Km Vf*. * Ni 01m Im 4) eoapUlal Di'Ciikub I'oraio Pby.ict.a- Sarg^m. Boom. Scmp Boo«t, C' nas CUCAX. MOW THYSELF.. bar# to ria# >n ! 1 >-« > r.ta cold boll*»l aai • Y M vr II »k Ilka bla potato** graUd (tr—l «J W"»ll •• y*r* ,u** t. A br«M than "j*|J{Bdid in j c- Ca'i*. D< Gj-m, la- ?», of < •• '•* *•' * Mim fatlar, doaaal bat* Mr. ||—"Yaa; tot oi'.tad wltb flta d*aa*rUpooafala fljar. f""«« v I*' •, 1 • I*■ (iipeland U* nW< mmtut wooden and Ftncy Goo't PORTLAND A STEAMERS I aboj la't tala1 tb%t aa loaf aa ba la baal- oa* balf cap mllb Add two wall baawt Viuwv. Ac, M*.. m4 lB( th# fractur# of th# Ugeduc^ • fmai >--«.* m »*' i«"; t.%i iiiiiujcr v ra* oaa-bair of aalt. oaa- r—n»| OLO • • LINE *7* Waapooaful NM**l>*Ur kM»4 M I*. 't Bottom JltrM. RELlABLt of mry t>w«nw4. a » Ut<.T"f laarur Uaapooafal haklag pitii«iafM4nhiUk IKicroa Voi aaair drop from a *px>a lato tMlllag fat. iMiUtH frawtf |UWX'1»' • im^naw m i>« >■» ear»- •*4 III# T MIl>. LAW LRU HAKHKI) OUT. FjjR HEAl^i • laMtlll«M< II. I (im.WiI' •'I'm for tb'a raU I | ill Ufa good-aliad p)Ul'*a imii »»*l. w Aalaira au«f. yoar l*tv« flf I M IwijM"**' I a«f*M». P»ai nI« mm p*rbipa called for (NfJ the Hon. Frank I.awler ium ctMaaU l« u>l .. bdd tb* UtUa muun K»er aince 4«»f WILL CARLETON. LONGFELLOW, » .I.. I all Mil s -a 1 tbra* t c Mli t > par »*t»g» to A I* babiag pjwl*r I't 11 • MMi aiiflif f| p • i: rurr ni am, YU <»«•♦ HI. H»«a lark. *l>. to fl jur. Hllr la lb* mil* tb* laat •ru *ti» i »Mri art &; rx-lfa a tba r«tort. ao. ihhj. 4111 came toC\ ngre«« itntrmt h and Mln. lui If • Nfflf •Ilk Iu*h> Tv iMt w I ma ai AC*. HmIii. aa4 copy •• •• f * r • l»tl !■!A«?» M>lf WHITTIER'S POEMS. OrJway aod to a** Wx> -1 l »* & k tblag. ba car*fal aot macb, mm tf •• J.r of I>r KtaSaaao a graat M>llcal Work, «... | in*,. >«| u • •*». m m« mt»t h***t II »l mann»M .'.»** m»J- r. -n itol •' 11-; w !,w uhI b iw«t Imt l»l. m «llk I I* mU »M( I4L it'll iti mi tii u joa wiab yoar mlitar* u» bold v»g*tb- j : :m« till \\ II MkMH, ilnprpiM, 1 -»> pig -a, alagaat C0K>tt4 plataa. Tho PEARL TOP is k4 tint • > oit wjmen •r w:,*a It aod lato bot 4 Ikl!mii limit K«fa>i rraentative J«(ht by yoa dip ap. drop _ MtlrtM IUl Ui • InrrJ OM.% k| > lapiwU—l.litilW Gold and Silver Ware, fat Tbla la lard tbat I am bat la • ».<) r<ntiuiii. l'A. thry hate twarmrJ down upon him like hf iIm 1. r 4i»nl yoa ll»»a wbaU»*r fat you aa* ?*ry 4imm^UmI aai la wi»a aakr.1 to alag iui' an.] witiun a f*w !.r hat Dishes. PicUe Dishes. Cas- bot." itli, da)» Mb Um m Umm*4i»f tSON SlHAMLI I begun to that tb'ir runtinid com- tors. a auipect » etc.. } !♦ | > 4* (Ually Miff, I'm II i*4 J« U U UNRIVALED ORGANS a i- \ * > n» *•<1 *• In* * »f A CARD. Caaaaoa Hatao ing i* th# rr«ult ( j ; uj> You Cnn'tl NrSwwlNeHrw <•* I ■ tlM I t«\ r \ Ml >T H| t T* *11 «bo tr* tr-m Ut« imnuJ • of lu anH*. |Wmniflaltt-A uMt( Cbooa* uadar ca^>^ag•, aad afur r»»J- *•»•«*•» MMkia |fl l<> !»•> Nkdl tlil- if hu fellow member* I'nable «b«r« %» I Mb u4 • J • B t DCIT TUCtlf llh*'"* |«f warfgiah m«4 y- uiA. i>nvM »»•!»»—. w'y lalo DlAI * ■•tk f ul niiM frw. hi •' mt flag aU b aad Itbo, cut tba laafu lf1tWt|u kU4t. .'«• |rtTU«*«r», (o itand the prt'iure any to .ger, l.awlrr Haw; key «b!7 lk»4 l*«a< IW U/f* L»4 M ) '•»« tM (Ml Mill* UM I* <2~*T. t «•< f bmaUx). 4 -. I will m*4 * tba flaral Out woi f»l atriiw poaalbla an » r-lrr the utl.^r to the HMtWW I. lit Win I Itlt t«i|M <4 tMI UPRIGHT luued Uy Jk ftf\• ttoi «tu rtin ritl Of CBilflt Tkliirwl bam or bacoa lato vary araall die* aa I fry PIANOS, dour of the lluua- ti.at h» w ul>l LtADIEM' CLiOAIlM, t j • MiMkaurr n Mtl ib*m aaill tbey b*gi» to brown H?t tba THE FAMOUS i^miwhW M tW MM of M keej»r »■» mmUtmm H>«4 f«t 4«r|iliit I'miK**. more c*rd« (he iB.»r ^ V».| 11- (»IJr 1 Mn^t«toiu frylag pan back froio tba llr#, ani a.1d to •ee no wumrn'a Jay u4 «i:i mh r « • mi if j ic,i« *mI f HOPl ■ i*1 In. Jiacra T Uui, Mm D. S*m M tb* bacon «>f and ISO* 4 HANll* 0* MD PUM CO, I.awler hrraelf I L<>4| > *.' M>l IM M Mil U» 14tmi< »l Cup. e«jaal «iaatlUln *la*gar it tbat Mm. Boston, Now York, Chicago. happened im nil *4 iUbMu waur aod a Utti* aalt aod p*pp»r I'oar went to the IIc um tu call un her but "Mi. «tiit Is thla Co ft) I r»ftl ihoii aad up kAPPiNE^ pool all tbla warm otar tb* ca*bag« Yutxm Vrrr band. Sne lold the abe K<-j*ctfullr, la U< i»ip«r»> •«»•»! litti* Jjhiif. "!'■ aarra. door.keepttr The »»• f uU3lNci>:> •«r* I 4m1 fcnow. wit irt« r»p>r. "PLASTERS Cosmopolitan • anted tu m* Mr. I.awler. bit in* M "Tr* It l« wW» m o-r« go la CtaM. ftwml, c*r«U»» 1*4 Uffcly m4M Ml. MNt«r«r, « |fl* pnama rZi Oaa pojn I graBBlatd *ugar, m itktU wWia. ladiee. ■kl OtM, ym< lin > ImmIiIu | «■■!■> («• «ltJw« UirtW. yiratarn. bi|*i| M>t btwl KMiik raady caady, Mm !.*w!rr." ««| In • *ii rt ». •» • (f t.ui* II Drc. 10, 1V«6 apla la tbravla wb*B dropptag from tb* U Ik* 1W ». kte, Utp. 1st. KkU»f% J *•*. m4 Imtnt uuIn, by 1111 bolllag uibraf. I/M.f CK,'1 >!<■ J Mm* "tbat'a Shaw's College, fa* rw M m mM« u U« U • MlM. vwikl • rr I'Oll'I'l \M>. M r. K* Mww H *». n». I 4 w*ll bcaUa, tb*u» in llMlil 0»*T. t « W * || II. wcnun WVm i>« >ir>n •ftbargga atlrtlng <>—»ili KtiM to rtcket here. A hundred to*Jay ii ■I Iwk- HU'lltfcK r»ii> twi .ii i>u •» • »■« MIm tlftftf to CftftUn*. ytM kf >r» |irw*o». |W»T>M». ItllMflO U»rn H K M'Uf )ti«l till IV 1 4 »i u faal aa Ktai'ir wltb faollla, «* ■ 1 #■ f f .• a* M*.m b» km 4**4 ..f r*»w. «» p>«albl* >•* I'UMir < !■!»■>, Iniw, Im NiiitM, AI(A>«w lU»:'" ru >1 IImi>.( «ii hate told me th* tame thing." »f« • H■ *»T Wfcn ».« k*l *. lit Um Cft*t«n*. < : ■!*» mt -' » > I" » Irm jB. or aay I ao l It TilMM. Til ItaXMitk H i*traii>na WM, m.4 «•»*»» «»»* and Icixu. OO^DfMiMNfnry )lw. («(i (*f?ifit|t rtrtj «kaii»i half hour l(W ll Ww( (at MsW^I •« *»«. « MllM Itots, Tt»U la mtda of flo» palvarltad augar A LfI M Hindu band kM»k« W. a»v< «kl Ik* MW g*t ar« Ml "Wllpl la of 3 agga. Baat tba wbltaa until they f in u imijt H l> V. n utl ow th« maul* aa I loach M Jtar< • >4 pat yoar «lo But bant thrm t««Ii,ML»FATAMH » iwif I* «< 1 * 1 •lightly foaming oalj; LITKIUUr NOTCH IMA, UfeJ lk> MM »»-t I >•< th* tf'cc«r with yoar to*. To* bo lift Millett & Fuller's, to a frutb. Tba aagar *ll bm Tt.M# |4f«i«a« wM flir*» al onrt St If Wi 4*4 »H» I I > k*fca I W. * » may poared fltll*/ aboald b* ew*llow*d whole »»«'»»•«» far li.li lat Akl innr ••• I •> on tb« >t <»oea, or, If coaald*r«d rati, an t »■■!««■ tit Ml TW^iltNllMMM f««tar« of Curti lk» Mill Wl It IM H> * Ik 112 Main An lotereetlog lb»J»oaery ll Me. ar t > ba added. < St.t Nonoy, oiii, It may gradually 1 1 <> d *. t. IBM, MtJ IW4WMM H»ll4l I M What T»n Mtmr Will l><> ll'il/ U to article •ouilr "Aa GOLD IN BEAD, Kitb»r a« a» >u a< tba aagar an.I *aga ♦ ,i < ji. « *n4 I mMl |Ur «n «.( > » •' way, | Th* i»l« of AiirAn'i (/it- II >aae," d-ecrlr>lo< lb* Olj Longfellow A*4 *lm« lk> ••/ Mi BnWHH l«t« iiprwoltiUd ara lb >r>ughly atlrrnl toj«tvr, aa I !((• CATARRH, •lly mv4 Miar4u| to 4ilf) kuiif 01 Cjon or ynn.hM orad with llllla vaalila, tba lo> < I «.l Itik'i, WU, »u W> tk* Mai MM la >»i. •» r » » I I rj raady apraad an 1 be*t *v*r dlecov*r*d for th* aa 'OAT J In, itM out ««l hKk to*.. >*■». M«m. I*- 1*' remedy Won Id ba i The eilea of 7V hate KN epeedy Congha. aooQ m tb«y are takaa fro n tba HtMII Uull llMT Rlfckf CWerjr JlijiUn* act* lo m Wfli, or Pu*iUr. />»« aad Um NTtrwt L«i| Troibiw. It Tba mala wltb tba wblta of ona COHQUCRCO UK (in llttffl M Mil owl t*f Wttkr i-abl- -I king |i>t« on as dlff-reat from the altber ••r Iwt of null ■illwnil •lac« the Life of Llacoia A fro«i thai w lu im Aafr «u • ik* »•< • eatlrely prlaclpl* t|( and ona cap of augar (following beginning *r 1«« t >r «nM (.Mil? <<( <*ii«4 t»i bv -mi •••« glvea by Pbyalclaoa. ona of tb« ax>v* raclp««) l« WAYNE'S <»*« lAMHlCOCV *i Ki.WlirANUtf Itrny and Oft%- 111 IMtMil tka IrwM *1 A la |> r« Jf •< ■ aa II doe* o >t a Coagh an 1 leave an aixe in ibe 1SU» A veteran New Tart paiiiiktr dry ap froat ordinary 1 caka. \VrflD CHERRY/ m*4 90 umi ptMMm •ir« odort u< the die**** aUil la th« bat oa th* that the •rtn%aroi »>1lt(<»a of iba r eyat*m, Cocoannt fro«tlog la in via by mlilng Ajxm wirrt: kj rin predlcie p Utvi L1BHY. U% -I*f. 1 TO A ptrtrU I* I»»IM UU rvk tMlrfl Ml l« contrary remove* th* of tha troable, aa ne will go beyo»t 900 000 before la nil C— it. 4»r—«»4 (>t ■ t l»wl m ik* irttfd cocoaaut Into fr »atlng mada Bchhcht ft Field Co., Rochester, N.Y. ■nagat ifnnUi rn* H rt* »i d4 ■l»"a»' Ui aa< >a a pvreljr healthv on llttoa A bottle kept ...cisii J.nuary la«talim«al. wblcb l« eall '>/ Kit*. I»rv«fMO, N T m4hu Hiam, i»i *k tan ay. «• «UI |ni> Mil la th* boaae for aa* waea th*** illaeaeee a frJilora lo be of m.Mt later- ■u4t itwim ia »ililii lk* •• a* la CiiocoLaTa Icijmi T».p rMTcaoorwo Ik* «M m4 S»e •urpa«*log make their will aave dxtor'a of I he m waiter, facwr. P—■ Tin. 1W*. WAMUW U»1T. appearance, Klva of cbocolata. vat. occeplee thirty pagee MmImim. V«*>t or tr««kl«. bill* a tablaapooafnla gratad la tg »c aad looc apell of a*r1oaa llla*aa. A inr 4mImi and traaU of Mr. Llnceia'a eetliemeai r\ I f ► •«lfc wltb or milk to wat It, 1 I I A|**li (MHk jhM I If. hImh u of law la thai W •*» 70a Mprtngflel 1, bla practice l\ I 1 Wttfe at MMI >>I||I I' rt»» lM*k m mr imn lot ITlkCIIH cnpfnl augar, aac] oaa agg wall baatas. .Mtflas\?VMYNrt 1000, I Mm i«ii Mtr yva«i; larlMMiM. 11 to* tk-t iW r>>« Mu< U poaltlvely void by all dragglata aad gen- .**■ city; tba llarrieoe camptlga; Mb-i o'i Mill kMuiamri Mtlr tba ingradlanta ovar tba lira until li#. bllV I < mm ladj Ml eral dealer* la th« land, l'rlc* 75 reata— 'th»Mi MWWm la MkawM' PKIDAY AMERICA'S DkY. (ENGLISH) 1 IU ftiru* C». V I aam*roea, of J »bt« PonD-Cika I HMnltrtlTkMIMUII. Incladlag portraiia mirttiwii 11 to U Tw ■—«l—<> »!»*■ baa beea a* a aad wife, Mre. Lacy 0. 8pe«d, Mlltoa »*U. For CV<4» tort Friday loag r*gard*d day I lb wbiu angnr. I 4 lb. bati»r, • agga, OISWAYKfnOHi Mpeed HmI«|W ONfH I'rcaldrat llarrWon. 0#a«rel H hleUle, Throat, II ! MUniMtM oar, Wtnoa utarg. llay, • b4 Moat*. t o«fV M, leaat. aa *v*atfal oa* la Am*rlcaa hie- WUilaa U llaradoa law ptrtntr of Wh»*laf I'nUf, and aagar to n light traam. ndd tba agga. (tba fcw« U IN tktl Ua : Mr. aad Mr. Llacole hlmelf, i<.,U«i«liMM4k]M |#«HE&iDAirs tory wblUa and baatan until III Llacola), Mrtnn»»4 i»« <«•«*. yolka aaparataly, HA Hi CONDITION oa UDr.KUITtaOftXAT from tba by Mm to llbHunaMnndtrrmtilii a»T »!»•»*] Friday Oolnmbaa *all*d bla voyage aad tba fl >ur wltb 3 ||1■ photograph preeenwd vary Hgbt, taaapooa- ■ ^PNfffvt Rutorc* t area It U alan fraa t*m> laadaaaw •» of ■■ rflMW>WH»DWI>I» Mra. 0 Npeed, la 1841. Hie dlacovary. fnla flavor to taata wltb Om0m0* Lacy Uk>* at aar Ur>« «tl* baklag-powdar; r*"*i t K t*t »o w4mpm Hum J ter bla marriage, ate. UREFOR ■ K< >»«•**•• •4f«*Cro«i». Try It. Ms. »a4It. at T Jobo Cabot hi* commlaeloa. which led to ll>lHHl>iM.hiMt«»w« r. did not approve of tha orders of 1^10kCures with tba I'll- cooditi.n Friday, Mayfl Makt for thrm tb*a oaUlJ* cover* of at Ik •raw fimEVrz Captala X«w*M|wr Apr*c« tha Oeaeral of tha aad ladeed eerl- TO ADVERTISERS! ■■■ Cbicken gr.ma. arrived at P.ymoatht aad on Fri- la thrr* colors that look w«ll tog»tb«r, army, lo tba lie bad T— A «V«k h»f#»» m 41 • IM-ltM *3 that aacuet tomp.ct, tha or oaaly objactad chaaga. prill day they algaed for lo»t«nr«, ollva, bin*, »#r'■ U—4 Mm* Friday. faaUa th« tbraa bags together ao th«-jr will OM NIINh wwiikm tified hla paraata: "Coaia, sow, let aa go to difwrmt to akitftiM? nff iml feilctilT xwirtixi. aland aprtght. * fl*« MllXiua lUHU Tn I im wll M ■ u ••fiikyNai « —y tfc— >M. hl» th* aarrendar of waa charch aad aay good bya to Ood." 7% writ. IMnm wMfe Friday, Saratoga Wild mint acatUr»l ah>ut tba booee mff «Mi • la b* ■««*• «t«k Am4. N*tMa« H aad* •' AO. itl »M.(r i«4 Hr»iu f. r M •* «««• «ttl «ik» kfM Uf Ilk* U. It mrMk- H will rid It of rata anu IiumxM m Milwmpkj* few. H■ •r., »iljii k* ■■ H town ( aad oa Friday th* motion waa aad* A raage b« an J thraw hiaaelf a aad waa laM mrrwlwf*. w imm '•» Mil Am IS ■»»!• la aajf kept looking bright Wt *n pa? M knadrrd Man .— lhereap?a bridge la CoagreM that th* L'altad Coloalea vara, ilea wltb lltlla troobU If It la wiped care- W>i *• •»■:■• fK« #, »»n liM "» kk»rM«n'> drowaed. Tha tralh apoken by that rata and of to fraa and lade- aflar food I'amUruNtktllraiUr. waa to LH ■ right otgkt ba, fmilj wltb browa paper grata? ► .4W.« f«nw I A. JiillUi* « U>, lapreaelva that ha ooght to have DM. L •. JOHXSON * 00.. B~wa. Mm*. ■ IB ■ pendant baa baca cooked HUiM IhXM ilnui InUM*. M«m. lived to alter Itagala.