
Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 273 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview†

Thimmaiah Padmavathi* and Madaiah Krishnamurthy** *CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute (CSIR-CFTRI), Food Science & Technology Information Services (FOSTIS/Library), Mysore, Karnataka, India, **Documentation Research & Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka,

ThimmaiahPadmavathi is Senior Technical Officer at CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, FOSTIS/Library. She holds BSc and MLISc from Bangalore University, completed a post master’s training course in information technology applications to library and information services at the National Center for Science Information, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and a doctoral degree from Bharathiar University. Her core areas of expertise include semantic web technologies, computer based information services, digital li- brary technologies, documentation, IT applications (web page design and content development) and library automation.

Madaiah Krishnamurthy is an associate professor of information science at DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore. He holds a master’s degree in applied economics and library and information science and a PhD from Bangalore. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 2006 and visited the Graduate School of Library and Informa- tion Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), and was recipient of ETD travel grant to at- tend the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations in France in 2016. He is author of over seventy articles. His research interests are digital libraries, institutional repositories, social networking, library management and automation.

Padmavathi, Thimmaiah and Madaiah Krishnamurthy. 2017. “Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowl- edge Organization: An Overview.” Knowledge Organization 44(4): 273-290. 46 references.

Abstract: The enormous amount of information generated every day and spread across the web is diversified in nature far beyond human consumption. To overcome this difficulty, the transformation of current unstruc- tured information into a structured form called a “Semantic Web” was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 to enable computers to understand and interpret the information they store. The aim of the semantic web is the integration of heterogeneous and distributed data spread across the web for knowledge discovery. The core of sematic web technologies includes knowledge representation languages RDF and OWL, ontology editors and reasoning tools, and on- tology query languages such as SPARQL have also been discussed.

† The authors wish to thank the director, CSIR-CFTRI for his support and encouragement.

Received: 28 November 2016; Revised: 12 March 2017; Accepted 17 May 2017

Keywords: ontologies, OWL, query, domain knowledge, semantic web, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation

1.0 Introduction impressive for the past few years. Initially, the web was for exchange of documents and data and for collabora- The explosion of personal computers and major ad- tion. It was meant to be a network of workstations where vances in the field of telecommunications were the be- the programs and could share their knowledge ginning of the web as its known today. The emergence of and work together in collaboration. Information is stored web interconnected computers to work together and share in large databases kept in the servers where the programs the necessary data paved the way for Berners-Lee (1989). that run the servers generate web pages dynamically. In- The growth of the (WWW) was formation seekers use search engines for locating, com- 274 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview bining, and aggregating data from the in their potential of the semantic web.WordNet, EuroWordNet, quest for information. Most of this information is en- GUM, Mikrokosmos, and SENSUS are linguistic ontolo- coded using the Markup Language (HTML) gies which use as grammatical units. The purpose and thus is difficult to manipulate on a massive scale as it of this type of ontology is to describe semantic con- is made for data representation on the web primarily for structs rather than to model a specific domain. They of- human consumption and not for machine understanding fer quite a heterogeneous amount of resources, used and interpretation. mostly in natural language processing. This is the major disadvantage of the present Web, as finding the right information from the huge collection of – WordNet (Miller et al. 1990, 1995) is a very large lexical web documents is becoming increasingly impossible. for English created at Princeton University Current information retrieval systems are imprecise, of- and based on psycholinguistic theories. WordNet at- ten yielding matches to thousands of pages. The major tempts to organize lexical information in terms of limitations of the present web are seemingly high recall meanings rather than word forms, though inflec- and low precision; search output and results are highly tional is also considered. For example, if vocabulary sensitive; and, vocabulary of the query and of you search for “trees” in WordNet, you will have the web resources may require multiple queries or searches if same access as if you searched for “tree.” WordNet 1.7 the information required is spread over several web contains 121,962 words and 99,642 concepts. It is or- documents. These limitations coupled with the growing ganized into 70,000 sets of (“synsets”), each volume of data and information available on the Web have representing one underlying lexical concept. Synsets are initiated discussions among the members of the web interlinked via relationships such as synonymy and an- community related to enhancing the present web to what tonymy, hypernymy and hyponymy (Subclass-Of and Su- Berners-Lee (2001) called a semantic web. perclass-Of), (Part-Of and Hasa). The primary requirement of the semantic web is that WordNet divides the into five categories: the underlying data need to be structured properly with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and function words. semantic and syntactic meaning so that computers can un- – AGROVOC (1980) is a controlled vocabulary covering derstand the data they store. The aim of the semantic web all areas of interest to the Food and Agriculture Or- iss to transform the current web consisting of hyperlinked ganization of the United Nations (FAO). AGROVOC pages into a web of knowledge that is machine proc- is available as an RDF-SKOS linked dataset. It consists essable. Realization of the semantic web depends on a set of over 32,000 concepts, available in up to 21 lan- of web-related technologies designed to facilitate machine guages, and linked to 16 other vocabularies and re- processing of data and interoperability. The semantic web sources. promises to overcome the challenge of integrating and – Bio2RDF (Belleau 2008) is an open-access semantic querying highly diverse and distributed resources. Systems web that provides a mashup over 19 based on the semantic web provide sophisticated frame- different data sets that include the Gene Ontology, works to manage and retrieve knowledge. OMIM, Reactome, ChEBI, BioCyc and KEGG. Knowledge organization systems (KOSs) play a major – BioGateway (Antezana 2009) is a semantic web re- role in structuring development of data for the semantic source that integrates the entire set of OBO Foundry web. KOS tools such as systems, the- ontologies (including both accepted and candidate sauri, taxonomies, controlled vocabularies, terminologies, OBO ontologies), the complete collection of annota- etc., can be exploited to support the development of the tions from the Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) semantic web. Among these, library classification systems, files, fragments of the NCBI taxonomy and SWISS- especially faceted schemes, have been recognized as an PROT and IntAct. This project marked the fusion of important source of structured and formalised vocabu- the semantic web to systems biology. laries that can be utilized to support the development of – Gene ontology (GO) (Gene Ontology 2008) is a major the semantic web. All KOSs try to bring domain knowl- bioinformatics initiative to unify the representation of edge formulated in a conceptual framework. Ontologies gene and gene product attributes across all species. GO are well known knowledge organization (KO) tools, is part of a larger classification effort, the Open Bio- which can be utilized for capturing domain knowledge, medical Ontologies (OBO). The ontology covers three assigning semantic meaning to information and repre- domains: cellular component, molecular function and senting data for machine consumption. biological process. Since its inception the semantic web has gained steady acceptance in the science and technology community. Sev- Medical ontologies are developed to solve problems such eral projects have been undertaken to demonstrate the as the demand for the reusing and sharing of patient Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 275 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview data, the transmission of these data, or the need for se- – Chemicals is composed of two ontologies: Chemical mantic-based criteria for statistical purposes. The unam- Elements and Chemical Crystals. These ontologies were biguous communication of complex and detailed medical used to elaborate METHONTOLOGY (Fernández- concepts is a crucial feature in current medical informa- López et al. 1999), an ontology development method- tion systems. In these systems, several agents must inter- ology. The Chemical Elements ontology models act in order to share results and, thus, they must use a knowledge of the chemical elements of the periodic medical terminology with a clear and non-confusing table, such as what elements these are (oxygen, hydro- meaning. The most notable ontologies are Galen, UMLS gen, iron, gold, etc.), what properties they have and ON9. (atomic number, atomic weight,electronegativity, etc.), and what combination constraints of the attribute val- – GALEN (Rector et al. 1995), developed by the non- ues they have. Chemical Elements contains 16 classes, profit organization OpenGALEN, is a clinical termi- 20 instance attributes, one function, 103 instances and nology represented in the formal and medical-oriented 27 formal . language GRAIL (Rector et al., 1997). This language Chemical Crystals was built to model the crystalline was specially developed for specifying restrictions used structure of the chemical elements. Therefore, Chemi- in medical domains. GALEN was intended to be used cal Elements imports this ontology. The ontology con- with different natural languages and integrated with tains 19 classes, eight relations, 66 instances and 26 different coding schemata. It is based on a semanti- axioms. cally sound model of clinical terminology known as – Ions is built on top of Chemical Elements and is also the GALEN COding REference (CORE) model. composed of two ontologies: Monatomic Ions (which – UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) (2008), de- model ions composed of one atom only) and Polya- veloped by the United States National Library of tomic Ions (which model ions composed of two or Medicine, is a large database designed to integrate a more atoms). Ions contains 62 concepts, 11 class at- great number of biomedical terms collected from tributes, three relations and six formal axioms. various sources such as clinical vocabularies or classifi- – Environmental pollutants ontology (Gómez-Pérez and cations (MeSH, SNOMED, RCD, etc.). It is structured Rojas, 1999) imports Monatomic Ions and Polyatomic in three parts: Metathesaurus, and Ions and is composed of three ontologies: Environ- Specialist Lexicon. mental Parameters, Water and Soil. The first ontology defines parameters that might cause environmental Engineering ontologies contain mathematical models that pollution or degradation in the physical environment engineers use to analyze the behavior of physical systems (air, water, ground) and in humans, or more explicitly, (Gruber and Olsen 1994). These ontologies are created to in their health. The second and third ontologies define enable the sharing and reuse of engineering models water and soil pollutants respectively. These ontologies among engineering tools and their users. Among the define the methods for detecting pollutant compo- various engineering ontologies, the EngMath ontologies nents of various environments, and the maximum and PhysSys are the most notable. concentrations of these components permitted ac- cording to the legislation in force. – EngMath (Gruber and Olsen 1994) is a set of Onto- lingua ontologies developed for mathematical model- The objective of this paper is to provide an overview ing in engineering. These ontologies include concep- about the semantic web technologies and tools which have tual foundations for scalar, vector, and tensor quanti- significant impact on knowledge integration, querying, ties as well as functions of quantities, and units of and knowledge sharing in many domains. Insight into the measure. currently available semantic web tools and technologies in identifying and selecting the appropriate knowledge or- Chemistry ontologies model the composition, structure, ganization systems for domains under consideration are and properties of substances, processes and phenomena. discussed. Some of the chemistry ontologies developed by the On- tology Group of the Laboratory at 2.0 Semantic Web Technologies UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) are: Chemicals (composed of Chemical Elements and Chemical Crys- The semantic web is a collection of technologies and tals), Ions (composed of Monatomic Ions and Poliatomic standards that allow machines to understand the meaning Ions), and Environmental Pollutants. All of them are () of information on the web. Since 2004, the available in WebODE. field has been dominated by formal languages and tech- 276 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview nologies included under W3C recommendations. The is describing, the predicate identifies the attribute of the semantic web technologies (SWT) are described below in subject within the statement and the object defines the Figure 1. value of the predicate. An example of a statement is: http://www.example.org/index.html has a creator whose 2.1 Resource Description Framework (RDF) value is “Swaminathan M” The subject is the URL http:// www.example.org/index.html. The predicate is the word Resource Description Framework (RDF) is the backbone “creator.” The object is the phrase “Swaminathan M.” This of W3C’s semantic web activity. RDF is the standard for statement can be represented graphically as shown in Fig- encoding and other knowledge on the semantic ure 2. web—providing the language for expressing the meaning of terms and concepts in a form that machines can readily 2.2 Description Logics process. RDF Schema is language layered on top of RDF. RDF Schema is a simple set of standard RDF resources Description Logics (DLs) (Baader et al. 2003) are a family and properties that allows creating RDF vocabularies. The of knowledge representation languages that can be used data model used by RDF Schema is similar to the data to represent the knowledge of an application domain in a model used by object-oriented programming languages like structured and formal fashion. Description Logics offer Java and allows creating classes of data (Brickley and Guha a palette of description formalisms with differing expres- 2004). Each RDF statement is sets of triplets (Subject/ sive power that is employed in various application do- resource, Predicate/Property and Object/value) (Manola mains (such as natural language processing, databases, and Miller 2004). The subject denotes the object the triple etc.). In DL, the basic syntactic building blocks are ato-

Figure 1. Semantic Web Layer Cake illustrates the architecture of the Semantic Web (Berners-Lee 2001, 20)

Figure 2. Graphic representation of a triple Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 277 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview mic concepts (unary predicates), atomic roles (binary pre- The following is a representation in OWL of Figure 3: dicates) and individuals (constants).

Figure 3. Basic classes and subclasses. 278 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

3.0 Ontologies - A class can have subclasses that represent concepts that are more specific than the su- The idea of ontologies as computational artefacts has perclass. appeared in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer sci- - The class of all millets can be divided into ence. However, the term “ontology” denotes the study of foxtail millet, kodo millet, little millet, pearl existence in philosophy. In information systems, ontolo- millet, etc. gies are conceptual models of what “exists” in some do- – Slots describe properties of classes and in- mains, transformed into and represented in a machine- stances. interpretable form by using knowledge representation – Taxonomies are used to organize classes and in- techniques. They are not limited to computer science and stances in the ontology. AI research, but have practical applications in a wide range – Hierarchical and associative relationships are re- of areas including medicine, geographic information lationships between concepts. A relation repre- systems, and biological information systems. They have sents the dependency between concepts in the been applied in diverse research areas such as knowledge domain. engineering, knowledge representation, knowledge man- agement, database design, natural language processing, An ontology can be characterized as comprising four tu- information retrieval, etc. There are many definitions of ples (Davies, Studer and Warren 2006, 118): ontologies from different researchers. One popular defi- nition of an ontology is by Gruber (1993, 1) who defined O= it as an “Explicit specification of a conceptualization.” C is a set of classes representing concepts to reason about in the given domain such as: Pests, Diseases, 3.1 Ontology Components Prevention etc. R is a set of relations holding between those Gruber (1993, 2) identified five kinds of ontology com- classes, such as: relation “Harmed_By” ponents: classes, relations, functions, formal axioms, and I is a set of instances, where each instance can be instances: an instance of one or more classes and can be linked to other instances by relations such as: Angu- a. Classes represent concepts, which are considered lar, Red, Bacterial_Blight etc. generic entities in the broad sense; A is set of axioms such as: if plant’s leaves turns b. Relations represent a type of association between yellow to brown causing defoliation, spray Carben- concepts of the domain; dazim(1g). c. Functions are a special case of relations; d. Formal axioms serve as model sentences that are 3.2 Ontology Benefits always true. They are normally used to represent knowledge that cannot be formally defined by other Noy and McGuinness (2001, 1) have proposed the fol- ontology components; and, lowing possible uses for ontology: e. Instances are used to represent elements or indi- viduals in ontology. – To share a common understanding of the struc- ture of information among people or software Noy and McGuinness (2001, 3) described ontology as a agents; formal, explicit description of concepts in a domain of – To enable reuse of domain knowledge; discourse, including: – To make domain assumptions explicit; – To separate domain knowledge from the opera- – Classes: the formal representation of concepts tional knowledge; are the focus of most ontologies. Classes de- – To analyze domain knowledge. scribe concepts in the domain, properties of each concept describing various features and at- The first application is one of the common goals in de- tributes of the concept. veloping ontologies that could be targeted towards hu- Example: man understanding in which case conceptual graphs, - A class of millet represents all kinds of millet. topic maps or UML class diagrams could be used as rep- - Specific millets are instances of this class. resentation media. The second one assumes the use of a common language for representation so others can reuse it for their domains. For example, we can reuse a general Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 279 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview ontology, such as the UNSPSC ontology, and extend it to – Lightweight ontologies, which include concepts, con- describe a domain of interest. The third application of cept taxonomies, and relationships between concepts ontology, to make implicit or tacit knowledge available, and properties that describe concepts; makes it possible to change these assumptions easily if – Heavyweight ontologies, which add axioms and con- the knowledge about the domain changes. The fourth straints to lightweight ontologies; and fifth use as proposed by Noy and McGuinness – Those axioms and constraints clarify the intended (2001) is oriented towards the architectural design and meaning of the terms involved in the ontology. end application uses. Thus in the specific context of in- teroperability of information systems, the potential use 3.4 Ontology Design Principles of ontologies may be summarised as (Kabilan 2007, 44): “Ontology can be used as a central component of inter- To guide and evaluate our designs, we need objective cri- operability of Information Systems application to data, teria that are founded on the purpose of the resulting ar- information, knowledge, and meta level.” tefact, rather than based on a priori notions of naturalness or truth. Gruber (1993) proposed a preliminary set of 3.3 Ontology Classification design criteria for ontologies whose purpose is knowl- edge sharing and interoperation among programs based There are several classifications of computer science on- on a shared conceptualization. tologies, based on different parameters. Uschold and Gruninger (1996, 6) have discussed in – Clarity: the concepts in an ontology should be defined detail the principles, methods and characteristics of on- in a formal way that communicates the intended mean- tologies. They have classified ontologies into following ing of defined terms. Definitions should be objective; major categories depending on formality by which a vo- the motivation for defining a concept might occur from cabulary is created. social context or computational needs. – Coherence: an important criterion for ensuring the con- – Highly informal: expressed loosely in natural language; sistence of concepts that are defined formally. It should – Semi-informal: expressed in a restricted and structured allow that are logically consistent with the de- form of natural language greatly increasing clarity by fining axioms. reducing ambiguity; – Extendibility: an ontology should be designed to antici- – Semi-formal expressed in an artificial formally defined pate the uses of the shared vocabulary. It should pro- language, e.g. Ontolingua version of the Enterprise vide a conceptual foundation for a range of certain Ontology; tasks, and the representation should be crafted so that – Rigidly formal: meticulously defined terms with for- one can extend and specialise the ontology monotoni- mal semantics, theorems and proofs of such proper- cally. ties as soundness and completeness, e.g. TOVE. – Minimal encoding bias: result when a representation choice is made merely for the convenience of notation Guarino (1998, 7-8) classifies them based on their level or implementation. Encoding bias should be minimized of generality in: because knowledge-sharing agents may be implemented in different representation systems and styles of repre- – Top-level ontologies describe domain-independent sentation. concepts such as space, time, object, event, etc., which – Minimal ontological commitment: an ontology should are independent of specific problems; require the minimal ontological commitment adequate – Domain and task ontologies describe the vocabulary to support the anticipated knowledge sharing activities. related to a generic domain or a generic task or activ- ity; These criteria have now become the basis for any ontol- – Application ontologies describe concepts depending ogy designer for AI and information systems. These cri- on a particular domain and task that are often speciali- teria define the requirements only on the ontology arte- zations of both the related ontologies. fact that is to be designed and developed. They aim only to ensure that the ontology is correct, cohesive and true. Gómez-Perez, Fernández-López, and Corcho (2003, 2-3) They do not reflect upon the intended purpose for the classify ontology based on the level of specification of designed ontology. The domain view, that a designer relationships among the terms gathered on the ontology, adopts may be different depending on the intended use in: of the ontology.

280 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

3.5 Ontology Design Methodologies ture, coding, and integration of existing ontologies. – Capture: suggest identification of the key concepts The construction of ontologies may be improved if and relationships in the domain of interest, produc- some methodology is applied. The goal of using a meth- tion of precise, unambiguous text definitions for such odology is to obtain a good result following a set of steps concepts and relationships, identification of terms to which usually are based on best practices. Most of the refer to such concepts and relationships and finally methodologies for building ontologies are based on the agreeing concepts, relationships, and their names. experience of people involved in their construction. In – Coding: includes explicit representation of the concep- several cases, methodologies are extracted from the way tualisation captured in the previous stage in some for- in which a particular ontology was built. Nowadays, me- mal language. This will involve committing to the basic thodologies are more focused on modelling knowledge terms that will be used to specify the ontology (e.g. than on developing applications. Thus, such methodolo- class, entity, relation), choosing a representation lan- gies are suitable alternatives for modelling knowledge in- guage and code the ontology. stead of good alternatives for managing an information – Integrating Existing Ontologies: propose the use of technology project centered on ontologies. Some signifi- existing ontologies in the ontology capture or coding cant ontology design and development methodologies are or both the processes. briefly summarized below. These specific methodologies – Evaluation: agree that evaluation of produced ontol- were selected because the first two were amongst the first ogy is vital and refers to other related research done in information-systems-oriented ontology design method- the same domain and to adapt it for ontologies. ologies, and were successfully tested in developing enter- – Documentation: documenting the ontology process prise ontologies. The third is a popular guide to develop- that facilitates both formal and informal documenta- ing ontologies in most widely used, open-source ontology tion. editors. The fourth methodology is based on the Unified Software Development Process or Unified Process (UP) 3.5.2 Gruninger and Fox Method that gives a detailed account of the activities to be carried out similar to a software development project plan. The Gruninger and Fox (1995) proposed a more formal de- final methodology is based on the first two and is also sign approach compared to Uschold’s skeletal method. based on software development principles. This methodology is based on the experience in develop- ing the TOVE project ontology Gruninger (1995) within 3.5.1 Uschold and Gruninger’s Skeletal Method the domain of business processes and activities model- ling. The steps proposed are illustrated in Figure 5. Uschold and Gruninger (1996) provide guidelines for on- tology designing based on their experiences in designing – Capture of motivating scenarios: the development of the Enterprise Ontology (Uschold et al. 1995). The proc- ontologies is motivated by scenarios that arise in the esses are shown in Figure 4. application. Any proposal for a new ontology or ex- tension to ontology should describe one or more mo- – Purpose and Scope: identifying the purpose, scope and tivating scenarios and the set of intended solutions of domain of an ontology to be constructed besides de- problems presented in the scenarios. termining the users and developers. – Formulation of informal competency questions: these – Building the Ontology: starts with three aspects cap- are based on the scenarios obtained in the preceding

Figure 4. Main processes of the Uschold and Gruninger method. Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 281 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

step and can be considered as expressiveness require- restrictions. But, on analysis, their basic design method- ments that are in the form of questions. Ontology ology is similar to that proposed by the Gruninger-Fox must be able to represent these questions using its methodology or the Uschold-Gruninger method. Noy terminology, and be able to characterize the answers to and McGuinness proposed a me- these questions using the axioms and definitions. thod for building ontologies. They describe an iterative – Specification of the terminology of the ontology approach to ontology development and start with a within a formal language: the terminology of the on- rough first pass at the ontology. They have emphasized tology must be specified using first-order logic. Once three fundamental rules in ontology design: the informal competency questions are available, the set of terms used can be extracted from the questions. – There is no one correct way to model a domain— These terms will serve as a basis for specifying the there are always viable alternatives; terminology in a formal language. – Ontology development is necessarily an iterative proc- – Formal Competency Questions: once the competency ess; questions have been posed informally, and the termi- – Concepts in the ontology should be close to objects nology of the ontology has been defined, the compe- (physical or logical) and relationships in your domain tency questions are defined formally. of interest. These are most likely to be nouns (objects) – Specification in First-Order Logic—Axioms: axioms or verbs (relationships) in sentences that describe your in the ontology specify the definitions of terms in the domain. ontology and constraints on their interpretation; they are defined as first-order sentences using the predi- They provide a step-by-step instruction for the user to cates of the ontology. Axioms must be provided to design the ontology using the Protégé, ontology editor. define the semantics, or meaning, of these terms. This The steps are described below and Figure 6 illustrates the development of axioms for the ontology about the main steps in this methodology. competency questions is, therefore, an iterative proc- ess. – Determine the domain and scope of the ontology: – Completeness Theorems: once the competency ques- suggest starting the development of ontology by de- tions have been formally stated, it is necessary to de- fining its domain and scope. They adopt the compe- fine the conditions under which the solutions to the tency questions idea as suggested by Gruninger and questions are complete. Fox (1995). – Consider reusing existing ontologies: suggest consider- 3.5.3 Noy and McGuinness Method ing what someone else has done and checking if we can refine and extend existing sources for a particular Noy and McGuinness’ (2001) approach is more like a domain and task. Reusing existing ontologies may be a user manual for an ontology to be designed specifically requirement if the system needs to interact with other using the Protégé ontology editor. They illustrate the applications that have already committed to particular process of capturing the concepts, the slots, and the role ontologies or controlled vocabularies.

Figure 5. Gruninger and Fox Design Methodology. 282 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

It may be noticed that the method is simple, explicit to follow for an information system designer except for the shortcoming that it is not implementation tool independ- ent.

3.5.4 UPON (Unified Process for Ontology building)

Nicola, Missikoff and Navigli’s (2009) approach is based on Unified Process for Ontology (UPON), an incre- mental methodology for ontology building. It stems its characteristics from the UP, one of the most widespread and accepted methods in the software engineering com- munity, and uses the UML to support the preparation of all the blueprints of the ontology development (figure 7). The UPON methodology has the following phases:

– Requirements workflow: capturing requirements con- sists in specifying the semantic needs and user view of the knowledge to be encoded in the ontology. – The analysis workflow: the conceptual analysis con- cerns the refinement and structuring of the ontology requirements identified in the previous workflow. – The design workflow: the main goal of this workflow is to give an ontological structure to the set of entries gathered in the reference glossary. – The implementation workflow: the purpose of this workflow is to encode the ontology in a rigorous, for- mal language. – The test workflow: the test workflow is conceived to verify the semantic and pragmatic quality of the on- Figure 6. Noy and McGuiness Method. tology since syntactic quality is checked in the previous workflow and social quality can be checked only after its publication. – Enumerate important terms in the ontology: they be- gin by identifying key concepts and terminologies rele- 3.5.5 METHONTOLOGY vant for the domain. – Define the classes and the class hierarchy: they pro- The METHONTOLOGY framework by Fernandez, pose a combination of the top-down and bottom-up Gomez-Perez and Juristo (1997) enables the building of approach. The first step usually starts by defining ontologies from scratch or from reusing other ontologies. classes whatever the approach is used. In their view, The ontology development process is based on the IEEE none of these three methods suggested by Uschold standard (1996, 2006) software life cycle process for car- and Gruninger (1996) is inherently better than any of rying out each activity. Several of the steps proposed here the others. The approach to take depends strongly on are similar to those of Uschold and Gruninger (1996), the personal view of the domain. and Gruninger and Fox (1995). But the prominent differ- – Define the properties of classes—slots: define the ence is their stress on the evaluation and documentation classes and describe the internal structure of concepts. steps. Each phase consists of activities that pass through – Define the facets of the slots: slots can have different many stages as shown in Figure 8. facets describing the value type, allowed values, the number of the values (cardinality), and other features – Planification: the designer should plan the entire de- of the values the slot can take. velopment process like the tasks, time and resource al- – Create instances: the last step is creating individual in- location, etc. stances of classes in the hierarchy. – Specification: the goal of the specification phase is to produce either an informal, semi-formal or formal on- Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 283 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

tology specification document written in natural lan- – Conceptualization: structures the domain knowledge guage, using a set of intermediate representations or in a conceptual model that describes the problem and using competency questions, respectively. This phase is its solution regarding the domain vocabulary identified similar to the competency questions phase as recom- in the ontology specification activity. The activities to mended by Gruninger and Fox (1994) and Uschold be carried out are as follows: and Gruninger (1996). - Build a complete glossary of terms (GT) to identify – Knowledge Acquisition: independent activity in the which terms include concepts, instances, verbs and ontology development process. They support the use properties. of existing knowledge bases and knowledge acquisi- - Group the gathered terms in GT as concepts and tion using techniques as proposed by Uschold and verbs. Gruninger (1996). Experts, books, handbooks, figures, - Build concept classification tree following the guide- tables and even other ontologies are sources of lines as prescribed in Gomez-Perez, Fernandez, and knowledge from which the knowledge can he eluci- De Vicente (1996). Verbs which represent actions in dated using in conjunction techniques such as brain- the domain are described using Vicente (1997). storming, interviews, formal and informal analysis of - In the data , describe and gather all the texts, and knowledge acquisition tools. useful and potentially usable domain concepts, their meanings, attributes and instances

Figure 7. UPON framework (Nicola, Missikoff and Navigli 2009, 260)

Figure 8. METHONTOLOGY: Constituent activities and their states (Uschold and Gruninger 1996, 35) 284 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

- In the verbs dictionary, express the meaning of and applications. Its main advantage over other available verbs in a declarative way. tools is that it supports editing ontologies collaboratively, – Formalization: to transform the conceptual model into allowing synchronous and asynchronous discussions about a formal or semi-compatible model. We need to for- the ontologies being developed (Domingue and Motta malize it using frame-oriented or rep- 1999). resentation systems. WebODE is scalable ontological engineering on the – Integration: of ontologies is required when building a web. It has been developed by the Ontology and Knowl- new ontology. Reusing other ontologies that are al- edge Reuse Group, at the Technical University of Madrid. ready available may be considered instead of starting It has three-tier architecture: the user interface, the appli- from scratch. cation server, and the database management system. Web- – Implementation: in this phase the ontology is codified ODE’s ontology editor allows the collaborative edition of in a formal language which is machine processable ontologies at the knowledge level, supporting the concep- implementation language. tualization phase of METHONTOLOGY and most of – Evaluation: is to carry out a technical judgment of the the activities of the ontology’s life cycle (reengineering, ontologies, their software environment, and documen- conceptualization, implementation, etc.). The workbench tation about a frame of reference during each phase is built on an application server basis, which provides high and between phases of their life cycle. extensibility and usability by allowing the addition of new – Documentation: as there are no guidelines to docu- services and the use of existing services. WebODE’s ment ontologies because of the absence of method- knowledge model is extracted from the set of intermedi- ologies to build ontologies, they propose documenta- ate representations of METHONTOLOGY such as con- tion as an activity to be done during the whole ontol- cepts, groups of concepts, relations, constants and in- ogy development process. stances. (Arpírez 2003). – Maintenance: any time there might be a need for in- Protegé is a free, open-source ontology editor that as- cluding or modifying definitions in the ontology. To sists users in the construction of large electronic knowl- maintain the ontology is an important activity to be edge bases. It was developed by Stanford Medical Infor- done carefully. Guidelines for maintaining ontologies matics (SMI) at Stanford University. It was written in Java are also required. and runs on a wide variety of operating systems. The Pro- tégé system has dozens of plugins. These plugins provide 3.6 Ontology Development Tools alternative visualization mechanisms, enable management of multiple ontologies, including merging and version Most of the languages are supported by tools and six tools management, allow the use of various engines have been found most relevant viz., Ontolingua, WebOnto, and problem solvers with Protégé ontologies, and provide WebODE, Protege-2000, OntoEdit and OilEd. other functionalities. It also provides a Java API for appli- Ontolingua was the first ontology tool developed in the cation developers to access and modify all aspects of Pro- Knowledge Systems Laboratory (KSL) at Stanford Univer- tégé knowledge bases and its user interface. Protégé stores sity at the beginning of the 1990s. The Ontolingua system ontologies in many different formats including relational provides users with the ability to publish, browse, create, databases, OWL, XML, RDF, and HTML. It supports the and edit ontologies stored on an ontology server. The on- latest OWL 2 and RDF specifi- tology editor is the main application inside the server and cations from the World Wide Web Consortium. works with a form- based web application. The underlying OntoEdit has been developed by AIFB in Karlsruhe language is the Ontolingua language. It provides many of University (Sure et.al. 2002). It is similar to the previous the facilities that are crucial for promoting the use of on- tools. It is an extensible and flexible environment, based tologies and knowledge level agent interaction such as on a plugin architecture, which provides functionality to semi-formal representation language, browsing and re- browse and edit ontologies. It supports multilingual de- trieval of ontologies from repositories (Farquhar 1997). velopment, and the knowledge model is related to frame- WebOnto is a web-based tool for visualization, brows- based languages. ing, and development of ontologies and knowledge mod- OilED supports the construction of OIL-based on- els specified in OCML. It was developed by the Knowl- tologies. The basic design has been influenced by similar edge Media Institute at the Open University as part of tools such as Protégé, OntoEdit. It integrates a reasoner several European research projects in the late 90s. Web- (FaCT) and extends the expressive power of other frame- Onto is a Java client connected to a customized web server. based tools, but ignores services and flexibility completely. It adopts the knowledge model of OCML and distin- OilEd is a demonstration tool (Bechhofer 2001). guishes between domain, tasks, problem-solving methods Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 285 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

After a detailed study on tools, a comparison is pre- matches the desired goal. If the IF clause of that infer- sented with respect to their features. Table 1 shows com- ence rule is not known to be true, then it is added to the parison of the ontology tools. list of goals (in order for goal to be confirmed it must also provide data that confirms this new rule). This ap- 3.7 Reasoning Tools proach starts with the desired conclusion and works backward to find supporting facts. (Hebeler et al. 2009). A semantic reasoner, reasoning engine, rules engine, or Among the large number of reasoners available, the simply a reasoner, is a piece of software able to infer lo- popular reasoners suited for protégé are Pellet, RACER, gical consequences from a set of asserted facts or axioms. FACT++, Snorocket, HermiT, CEL, ELK, SWRL-IQ The notion of a semantic reasoner generalizes that of an and TrOWL. . The inference rules are commonly spe- Pellet is an open source Java-based OWL-DL reasoner cified using an ontology language, and often a description developed by The Mind Swap group. It is the first rea- language. There are many reasoners which use first-order soner to support all of OWL-DL, i.e. the Description predicate logic to perform reasoning. Forward chaining Logic (DL) SHOIN (D), and has been extended to OWL and are the strategies of ontology rea- 2 DL SROIQ(D). It is implemented in Java and is open soners ( 2015). In forward chaining an infer- sourced under a liberal license. Pellet is a Description ence engine searches the inference rules until it finds one Logic reasoner based on tableaux algorithms and incor- where the IF clause is known to be true. When found it porates novel optimization technique for incremental rea- can conclude, or infer, the THEN clause, resulting in the soning against dynamic knowledge bases. It uses the type addition of new information to its dataset. It starts with system approach to support reasoning with datatypes. It some facts and applies rules to find all possible conclu- reasons ontologies through Jena as well as OWL-API in- sions. The forward-chaining method of inference in- terfaces and also supports the explanation of bugs. (Sirin creases storage size and overhead associated with inser- et al. 2007). tion and removal operations in an attempt to improve re- Racer also known as RACERPro is a reasoner for OWL trieval performance in a knowledge base. In backward DL and it was the first OWL reasoner. The RacerPro sys- chaining an inference engine would search the inference tem is tailored for supporting ontology-based application rules until it finds one which has a THEN clause that which mainly build on the exploitation of assertional rea-

Feature Ontolingua Webonto Webode Protégé Ontoedit Oiled Knowledge University of Developers Stanford Univ. Univ. of Madrid Stanford Univ. Ontoprise Media Inst Manchester Software Li- Availability Open Source Open Source Open Source Open Source Freeware cense Semantic Standalone & Standalone & Eclipse cli- Web Archi- Client Server Application Server Standalone Client Server Client Server ent/server tecture Extensibility - - Plug-ins Plug-ins Plug-ins Plug-ins Backup Man- No No No No No No agement Ontology File & DBMS File File File & DBMS DBMS File Storage XML, RDF(S), OIL, RDF(S), OIL, RDF(S), OWL, RDF(S), OWL, RDF(S), OWL, XML(S), Import from DAML+OIL, OWL, HTML, XML, HTML, XML, HTML, XML, OWL, DAML+OIL, and languages CARIN, FLogic, Jess, RDF RDF RDF RDF(S), the SHIQ XML format. XML, RDF(S), OIL, RDF(S), OWL, RDF(S), OWL, RDF(S), OWL, OWL, Export to DAML+OIL, OWL, DAML+OIL, HTML, XML, HTML, XML, HTML, XML, RDF(S), F- languages CARIN, FLogic, Jess, RDF, F-Logic RDF RDF, F-Logic Logic, Excel RDF(S),OWL Prolog lan- Yes(PAL) - Yes(WAB) Yes(PAL) F-Logic Yes guage Ontology li- Yes - No Yes Yes - braries

Table 1. Comparison of the ontology tools 286 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview soning (Abox reasoning). It was the first system which effi- lying inference engine based on XSB Prolog. Some dis- ciently supported concrete domains for Tbox and Abox tinct features from other reasoning tools are goal- reasoning and later extended to also support inverse roles oriented backward-chaining reasoning, flexible constraint and qualitative number restrictions as part of the descrip- handling that allows for very declarative rules and queries, tion logic (DL) SHIQ, a practically relevant subset of powerful SWRL extensions, and tracing and debugging OWL. (Haarslev et al. 2011). features for the explanation of reasoning results. It is im- Fact++. A description logic reasoner implements a tab- plemented in a flexible way to allow for different syntax leaux decision procedure for the well known SHOIQ de- front ends and reasoning back ends (Daniel and Riehe- scription logic, with additional support for datatypes, in- mann 2012). cluding strings and integers. FaCT++ is implemented using TrOWL is a tractable reasoning infrastructure for C++ to create a more efficient software tool, and to OWL 2, which comes with a family of ontology lan- maximise portability. The latest version of FaCT++ sup- guages. It contains a profile checker to detect which pro- ports OWL and is based on the description logic SROIQ. file an ontology may already fit into, and has support for A tableau-based decision procedure is implemented for heavyweight reasoning using a plug-in reasoner such as general TBoxes and incomplete support for ABoxes. Fact++, Pellet, Hermit, or Racer. TrOWL is based (Tsarkov and Horrocks 2006). around two primary technologies: Language transforma- Snorocket for Protegé is a Java implementation of the tions, and lightweight reasoners (Thomas, Pan and Ren polynomial classification algorithm described by Baader, 2010). Lutz and Suntisrivaraporn (2006) for the lightweight de- A comparison of ontology reasoners is presented with scription logic EL++ and packaged for use as a reasoner in respect to their attributes in Table 2. Protegé. Hermit is a new reasoner for SHOIQ+ (and OWL) 4. RDF Storage and Retrieval Systems based on novel algorithms and optimizations (Shearer et al. 2008). It is available as an open-source Java library and Ontologies are often used to improve data access. For includes both a Java API and a simple command-line in- this purpose, existing data must be linked to an ontology terface. It can process ontologies in any format handled and appropriate access mechanisms have to be provided. by the OWL API, including RDF/XML, OWL Func- Ontologies are expressed in different query languages tional Syntax, KRSS, and OBO. HermiT shows signifi- (RDF, OWL, DAML, etc.) and stored in different types cant performance advantages over other reasoners across of repositories (databases, text files, URLs, etc.), there is a a wide range of real-world ontologies. In several cases, need to access the semantic content in a common way for HermiT can classify ontologies that no other reasoner all the applications. Different ontology frameworks im- can process. It also includes support for some non- plement different APIs to access ontologies (Sesame, Je- standard ontology features, such as description graphs. na, etc.). The most common approach for accessing on- CEL is known for its scalability of reasoning in the tology-based data is via an RDF storage and retrieval lightweight DL EL++, which has been proved suitable technologies. for several ontology applications (Baader, Lutz and Sun- tisrivaraporn 2006). Recently, the DL EL++ has been 4.1 Jena Semantic Web Framework adopted as the logical underpinning of the OWL 2 EL profile of the new Web Ontology Language. To integrate Jena is a Java framework for building semantic web applica- the reasoner to the OWL user community, they have im- tions from Apache Software (2011). It provides a pro- plemented the OWL API for CEL. This shows CEL’s grammatic environment for RDF, RDFS and OWL, reasoning capabilities to Protegé users. SPARQL and includes a rule-based inference engine. It is ELK is a specialized reasoner for the lightweight ontol- an open source project and its development started with ogy language OWL EL. The practical utility of ELK is in HP Labs Semantic Web Program. The Jena Framework in- its combination of high performance and comprehensive cludes RDF API, Reading and writing RDF in RDF/XML, support for language features. It employs a consequence- N3 and N-Triples, an OWL API, In-memory and persis- based reasoning engine that can take advantage of multi- tent storage, RDQL- a query language for RDF and core and multi-processor systems. A modular architecture SPARQL query engine, SPARQL server which can present allows ELK to be used as a stand-alone application, Pro- RDF data and answer SPARQL queries over HTTP. tégé plug-in or programming library (either with or without Jena has the graph as its core interface around which the OWL API) (Kazakov, Krötzsch and Simančík 2012). the other components are built. The main feature is its SWRL-IQ (SWRL Inference and Query Tool allows rich Model API for manipulating RDF graphs. Using the users to create, edit, save, and submit queries to an under- API one can choose to store RDF graphs in memory or Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 287 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview

Pellet RACER FACT++ Snorocket HermiT CEL ELK SWRL-IQ TrOWL License DULI:AGPL Own GLGPL Own GLGPL Apache Apache - DULI:AGPL Open Open Availability Open source Commercial Commercial Open source Open source - Commercial source source Tableau Tableaux Tableau Completion Hypertableau Completion Consequence SWRL Completion Methodology based based based rules based rules based rules rules Soundness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Completeness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Expressivity SROIQ(D) SHIQ SROIQ(D) EL+ SROIQ(D) EL+ EL - SROIQ Native Profile DL,EL DL DL EL DL EL EL - DL,EL Yes(Own ru- Rule Support Yes(SWRL) Yes(SWRL) No No Yes(SWRL) No Yes(SWRL) No le) Platforms all all all all all Linux all all all ABOX Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Reasoning OWL API Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes OWL Link API Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes - No No Protégé Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Support Jena Support Yes No No No No No - No Yes Implementation Java LISP C++ Java Java LISP Java Prolog Java Language

Table 2. Comparison of the reasoners.

in persistent stores. Jena uses ARQ query engine that sup- Several query languages such as RQL (RDF Query ports the SPARQL (pronounced “Sparkle”) RDF Query Language), SeRQL (Sesame RDF Query Language), Language. It also offers an RDF Triple Store facility with SquishQL, RDFPath, Versa, TRIPLE, DAML+OIL SPARQL interface to be used on top of other database Query Language, RDQL, RDFQL, N3, iTQL, RStar, systems. SPARQL, etc., have been introduced for RDF documents. The Jena package contains also other systems; among All of these query languages were intended to provide a those, there is Fuseki, an SPARQL Server offering an proper query language for RDF documents. Some of the SPARQL endpoint on the top of any of the mentioned major ones are described below. systems. An older equivalent of Fuseki is the Joseki OWL Query Language (OWL-QL) is a formal language SPARQL Server. It can run as an operating system ser- and protocol for a querying agent and an answering agent vice, as a Java web application (WAR file), and as a stand- to use in conducting a query-answering dialogue using alone server. It provides security (using Apache Shiro) knowledge represented in the Ontology Web Language and has a user interface for server monitoring and ad- (OWL) (Fikes et al. 2003). It is an updated version of the ministration. It provides the SPARQL 1.1 protocols for DAML Query Language (DQL) developed by the Joint query and update as well as the SPARQL Graph Store United States/European Union ad hoc Agent Markup protocol. Language. OWL-QL is intended to be a candidate standard language and protocol for query-answering dialogues 4.2 Ontology Query Languages among Semantic Web computational agents during which answering agents i.e. servers may derive answers to ques- RDF query language is used to get information out of a tions posed by querying agents i.e. clients. It is designed to knowledge base and manipulate stored data in RDF for- be ideal and easily adaptable to other declarative formal mat (Bailey, Bry, Furche and Schaffert 2005). The end us- logic representation languages, including, in particular, ers and developers can write desired queries and use the first-order logic languages such as KIF and the earlier W3C query results across a broad range of information on the languages, RDF, RDF-S, and DAML+OIL. Web. Several languages have been proposed for querying RDQL (RDF Data Query Language) is a query lan- RDF documents, and SPARQL is introduced as a stan- guage for RDF in Jena models. It provides a data-oriented dard query language for RDF documents by W3C. query model so that there is a more declarative approach to 288 Knowl. Org. 44(2017)No.4 T. Padmavathi and M. Krishnamurthy. Semantic Web Tools and Techniques for Knowledge Organization: An Overview complement the fine-grained, procedural Jena API. As it is This query is composed of a SELECT clause identifying “data-oriented” it only queries the information held in the the variables to appear in the query results, a FROM clause models; there is no inference being done. The RDQL sys- indicating the dataset to be queried, and the WHERE tem only takes the description of what the application clause providing the basic graph pattern matches the data wants, in the form of a query, and returns that informa- graph. Variables in SPARQL start with a “?” or a “$”. The tion, in the form of a set of bindings (W3C, 2004). RDQL graph pattern of this example above is simple and consists is an implementation of the SquishQL RDF query lan- of a single triple pattern with a single variable “?title” in guage, which itself is derived from rdfDB. This class of the object position. Only the bindings for this variable will query languages regards RDF as triple data, without be returned. schema or ontology information unless explicitly included in the RDF source. 5.0 Conclusion RQL (RDF QUERY LANGUAGE) is still the only de- clarative language for querying both explicitly stated triples The paper provides a clear insight about the semantic web of RDF/S graphs and inferred ones by transitivity of sub- technologies, tools and languages. RDF, SPARQL, triple sumption and type relationships. It is a typed, functional store and ontology facilitate the integration and analysis of language with limited recursion which relies on a formal heterogeneous multi-disciplinary data. Knowledge repre- model for RDF/S graphs permitting the interpretation of sentation (KR) paradigms underlying all these technologies instances using one or more schema vocabularies and languages are diverse and are based on combinations (Karvounarakis et al. 2002). RQL adapts the functionality of several formalisms. We have tried to show the most im- of semistructured/XML query languages to the peculiari- portant features of each of these technologies. ties of the RDF/S data model but, it integrates smoothly RDF/S reasoning with querying (called /semantics-aware References querying/). It provides sophisticated /pattern matching fa- cilities/ under the form of generalized path expressions AGROVOC Multilingual Agricultural . 1980. (GPEs) featuring variables on both labels for nodes (i.e., AIMS. http://aims.fao.org/vest-registry/vocabularies/ classes) and edges (i.e., properties). agrovoc-multilingual-agricultural-thesaurus SPARQL is an RDF query language and data access Antezana, Erick, Ward Blonde, Michel Egana, Alistair protocol for the semantic web. Its name is a recursive ac- Rutherford, Alistair, Robert Stevens, Bernard De ronym that stands for SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Baets, Vladimir Mironov and Martin Kuiper. 2009. Language. 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