Annual Activity Report 2014-2015


} We are a group of people who believe in the idea of a united Europe and the prospect of Greece into the European family.

} We believe that Greece is a part of Europe and there is no Europe without Greece.

} We want a Europe that defends peace, democracy and the welfare of its citizens through common rules that promote solidarity. We want Greece to give perspective to and inspire its youth.

} Fighting for a Europe better than today's...for a Greece better than yesterday's.

} For change in Greece and Europe carried out by citizens who participate, react, propose and act. 2 } Building a potent Greece within a strong Europe. We believe that now, more than ever, the European Federation is necessary for the prosperity of all European people.

} To work towards the active participation of all citizens, especially the young people, in the economy and in politics. To highlight new solutions and innovative approaches in order to help young people find jobs, “speak loud” and participate in the decision making process not only in our country but also in Europe.

} To expose the resurgence of national stereotypes that bring us back to darkest times of our continent by highlighting major achievements of Greeks all over the world. 3 Activity

Articles-Policy Labs-Events- Partnerships-Projects Working Breakfast European Citizens’ Papers-Political Conferences with world leaders Initiative Analysis Bulletin The labs are brief debate events, Papers are DIKTIO’s articles DIKTIO participate in projects DIKTIO organises working DIKTIO together with a 7 where short questions and on issues which constitute and establishes partnerships with breakfasts in which the persons committee of answers generate concrete the framework of modern Greek and European institutions participants have the citizens from different proposals depending on the developments in Greece and think tanks, for the promotion opportunity to discuss with Member States of the EU- subject of the discussion. For the and Europe. of its goals and the world leaders. launched the European labs, the events and the empowerment of European Citizens' Initiative “Do not conferences we cooperate with awareness. count education spending as media partners for the live part of the deficit! Education streaming. is an investment." 4 Partnerships 5 June 2014 Articles

HIGHER EDUCATION: WE HAVE PROPOSALS Hatziandreou Evi – Member of DIKTIO 6 June 2014 European Citizens’ Initiative/Project

Forum “Support Education” 3rd 'Social Europe' High Level Group Meeting of Friends of Europe In June 16th the President of DIKTIO, Anna Diamantopoulou participated in In June 18th the President of DIKTIO, Anna Diamantopoulou will the forum “Support Education” for the European Citizens' Initiative Invest in participate in the 3rd 'Social Europe' High Level Group Meeting: A holistic Education hosted in Sofia by CITUB, Confederation of Independent Trade approach to Europe's social problems, in Brussels. The working group is Unions in Bulgaria. Participants of the forum included, amongst others, chaired by Frank Vandenbroucke, Friends of Europe’s Trustee, Professor Plamen Dimitrov, President of CITUB, Margarita Popova, Vice-President of at the University of Leuven, Antwerp and Amsterdam, former Deputy Prime the Republic of Bulgaria, Prof. Anelia Klisarova Minister of Education and Minister of Belgium and Minister for Employment, Pensions and Social Science, Petar Chobanov Minister of Finance. Affairs who published the report «A European Social Union: 10 tough nuts to crack» about Europe’s social problems, which forms a basis for discussion of the working group. 7 June 2014 Working breakfast with famous world leaders

Working breakfast with Kemal Dervis

On June 25, DIKTIO organised a working breakfast with Mr. Kemal Dervis. In the second working breakfast with famous world leaders participated politicians, businessmen, journalists and academics. The famous Turkish economist, currently Vice President of Brookings Institute, one of the most prominent US think tank and former head of the UN Development Programme. He has designed and implemented at the early stages the program of the International Monetary Fund for Turkey, when the country experienced the 2001 crisis and has supported the spectacular recovery of the next decade. Then, as former Minister of Finance has implemented a broad reform program to prevent the complete collapse of the economy, at a time when Ankara was facing severe financial crisis that was accompanied by the closure of banks, higher inflation and a rapid and sustained depreciation of the Turkish lira. Mr. Kemal Dervis focused on the global economy, on the political situation in Turkey and at the european social model. 8 July 2014 European Citizens’ Initiative/Project

Social developments in the European Union 2013 The Eu looks ahead

Ms Vicky Petrounakou, member of DIKTIO, will participate at the conference Mrs. Anthi Soulitsioti, member of “DIKTIO” for Reform in Greece and of OSE (European Social Observatory) and ETUI (European Trade Union Europe, participated in the meeting of the Steering Committee of “The EU Institute) entitled «Social Developments in the European Union 2013», 1st looks ahead”, European Citizenship: an horizontal development project, in of June, Brussels. The subject of the panel in which Ms Vicky Petrounakou Paris. “The EU looks ahead” is a European project organized by Notre will participate, representing DIKTIO’s ECI Invest in Education, is Europe –Jacques Delors Institute.. «Reconciling the social investment imperative with the Stability and Growth Pact: is there a need for a ‘golden rule’ for education spending?» 9 July 2014 Working breakfast with famous world leaders

Working breakfast with Mario Monti

DIKTIO organised in Athens on July 22 nd a Working Breakfast for the redefinition of the European policies and all the issues relating to the European integration. «Rethinking Europe» was the central idea of the held discussion and keynote speaker was the former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti. 10 July 2014 Events

The issue of debt and the creation of national consensus

DIKTIO organised on July 8th an event on the issue of debt and the creation of national consensus. It is our debt sustainable ? What possible solutions exist to settle ? Can the political forces agree ? These are some of the questions that were discussed Tuesday, July 8 , with the following speakers: A. Diamantopoulou, K. Xatzidakis, Y. Dragasakis, G. Ioannidis, Th. Skokos, P. Tsakloglou and the moderator was Ch. Sardelis. You can see the event on the website 11 September 2014 Events/Conferences

European Economic & Social Commission (EESC) 6th Forum of European Think Tanks Τhe President of "DIKTIO", Anna Diamantopoulou participated in the meeting In Turin on 18th and 19th of September 2014 , the President of the of the advisory group of the European Economic & Social Commission "DIKTIO - Network" Anna Diamantopoulou took part in the 6th Forum of (EESC), entitled "Social Innovation - Boosting Innovation for a Better Social European Think Tanks, entitled " How deep political and institutional Outcome - 15 Proposals for EU Policy", September 17, in Brussels. changes required in the European and Monetary Union" and organized by The group is working on a 15-point declaration called:"Milan Declaration", the Institute Notre Europe and the Centro Studi sul Federalismo, under the which will be submitted to the European institutions, such as the Italian auspices of the European Presidency of Italy, with the participation of 30 Presidency of the European Union, the , the European representatives of the most prominent European Think Tanks. Parliament and the European Council. 12 September 2014 European Citizens/Project

European Citizens Summit 2014 4rth 'Social Europe' High Level Group Meeting of Friends of Europe On the 23 rd of September, Mr Ragnar Weilandt participated at the European In September 24rth the President of DIKTIO, Anna Diamantopoulou Citizens Summit 2014 at Brussels, entitled Beyond the growth obsession – participated in the 4rth 'Social Europe' High Level Group Meeting: A holistic rights, justice and democracy for a renewed Europe. DIKTIO participated at approach to Europe's social problems, in Brussels. The working group the workshop “Power and Democracy”. aims at launching a valuable set of recommendations culminating in an agenda setting report for the incoming European Parliament and Commission on the way ahead for European countries’ social issues. The working group is chaired by Frank Vandenbroucke, Friends of Europe’s Trustee, Professor at the University of Leuven, Antwerp and Amsterdam, former Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister for Employment, Pensions and Social Affairs and author of the report «A European Social 13 Union: 10 tough nuts to crack» that you can read on DIKTIO’s website. September 2014 Events/Conferences

EU Integration Forum 2014

On the 29th 2014. The EU Integration Forum is a ground breaking initiative launched by the Robert Bosch Stiftung to bring together some 100 young leaders from all 28 EU Members States and all levels of government once a year to debate the challenges facing the European Union, and to create an EU-wide network of young leaders and thinkers committed to helping shape the Union’s future. This year, the Forum focused on how best to tackle youth unemployment, amid mounting fears of a ‘lost generation’, with potentially devastating social consequences, especially in countries hit hardest by the crisis. This could, in turn, have serious repercussions for the Union, potentially fuelling a dramatic fall in support for European integration if young people see the EU as part of the problem rather than part of the solution to the challenges they face. The Forum’s unique approach brought together young leaders from the political, business, policy and think tank worlds, and from across the EU and every level of government from the local and regional to the national and European. of September DIKTIO participated at the EU Integration Forum. 14 October 2014 Events/Conferences

EESC: “Milan Declaration”- Boosting Innovation for a Better Social Outcome

On Thursday 23 October 2014, the Advisory Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for Social Innovation - Boosting Innovation for a Better Social Outcome in which the president of "DIKTIO - Network", Anna Diamantopoulou participated in, co-organised a major conference, in partnership with the CARIPLO Foundation and the Consumer's Forum of the ANIA (National Association of Insurance Companies) in Milan. The main objective of the event was to boost EU Policy on Social Innovation. The event provided a platform for dynamic dialogue between key private and public stakeholders from financial institutions, insurance firms, foundations, third sector organisations as well as European and national public authorities. The intention was to bring together all the elements and the people needed to draft a final declaration “Milan Declaration” that will be submitted to the Italian Presidency and to the EU Institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council. at the beginning of the new European legislative period. The event was a huge success with over 400 participants, 7860 views on Twitter and other in social media and was watched live by 647 persons on the internet via live-streaming. Read the 12 points of "Milan Declaration" "- Boosting Innovation for a Better Social Outcome on DIKTIO’s website. 15 September - October 2014 Articles

JUNCKER’S FIRST STEPS EUROPE’S NEW ERA Anastopoulos Panayotis- Vice President of DIKTIO’s Board Anastopoulos Panayotis- Vice President of DIKTIO’s Board 16 October 2014 Interviews

“Has Europe the right model for civilizing globalization "

During his recent visit in Athens, "Notre-Europe Institute Jaques Delors" Honorary President Pascal Lamy offered his views on a range of issues that concern all of us both as greek and european citizens, as the new challenges facing Europe , the Greek political system and the role of think tanks in a discussion with Evi Hatziandreou, DIKTIO’s member. The interview is available on DIKTIO’S website. 17 November 2014 Reports

" 4 + 1 proposals for the management of the Greek Public Debt "

DIKTIO presented a report on debt management, which is the result of the most important proposals that was deposited in the public debate in Greece and internationally. Based on the proposal by Mr Yanis Varoufakis (Modest Proposal) , and Stuart Holland, in the draft PADRE, the proposal of the German Council of Economic Experts and the proposal of the Institute Bruegel. Our belief is that the debt issue is not a technocratic issue that needs political management, but a political problem that needs a technocratic subscription. Citizens need to know and politicians need to have willingness. The final proposal for debt management can only be political. The report is available on DIKTIO's website. 18 November 2014 Report


DIKTIO published a new report on the impact of the energy costs on European competitiveness entitled: "SUPPLY INDUSTRY WITH ENERGY“ We thank those who contributed to drafting and the member of DIKTIO, Georgia Theofanopoulou for coordinating the effort. The report is available on DIKTIO’s website. 19 November 2014 Events/Projects

A World without Walls "Can Europe regain the trust of its citizens;"

DIKTIO participated at the International Institute for Cultural Dimpomacy DIKTIO in partnership with the Institute Notre Europe - Jacques Delors conference A World without Walls: Opportunities for Peace Building in a organised an open debate on the 12th of November at the offices of the Time of Global Insecurity at Berlin; November 7th - 10th, 2014 - Held European Commission in Athens, titled "Can Europe regain the trust of its Parallel to the Berlin Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the citizens." The debate started with a presentation of the findings of the Berlin Wall“. project by Ms Anthi Soulitsioti (member of DIKTIO). Mr Kostas Argyros journalist and moderator of the debate introduced the speakers (Mr Aris Peroulakis (Head of Communication of the European Commission) and Mr Panos Kambouris (social scientist who participated in the project)), to the audience and set the framework of the discussion. You can see the synthesis of the event on DIKTIO’s website. 20 December 2014 Events/Conferences

Efficient and equitable funding of Education Towards a more effective Europe 2020

On December 4, 2014, Anna Diamantopoulou, President of DIKTIO, On December 9th , 2014, Ragnar Weilandt, on behalf of DIKTIO, participated at the Europe 2020 Steering Committee of the European participated at a Policy Debate on Efficient and equitable funding of Economic and Social Committee conference "Towards a more effective Education, organized by EUCIS, in Brussels. Europe 2020: civil society's proposals for boosting social inclusion and . competitiveness in Europe '', in Rome. 21 December 2014 Events/Conferences

Friends of Europe Council Meeting on Europe’s Future

On December 10, 2014, the Council for the Future of Europe of the Berggruen Institute and the Friends of Europe, co-hosted a seminar in Brussels on the topic of Fiscal Discipline and Public Investment. Among the speakers and participants of the seminar was Anna Diamantopoulou, President of DIKTIO, Jörg Asmussen, State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Germany; Mateusz Szczurek, Minister of Finance, Poland; Benoit Coeuré, Executive Board, European Central Bank; and Marcel Fratzscher, President DIW, Berlin, among many others. The group considered options for adapting the fiscal constraints imposed on national governments by the EU rules in order to encourage public investment that will stimulate growth. While the recently introduced plan by the new President of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker concentrates on promoting investment at the EU level, national-level investment will also be needed if Europe is to reverse its economic stagnation. 22 January 2015 Events/Conferences

The crisis and the European Union Women in Politics

On January 19 th , Anna Diamantopoulou, President of the think tank On January 21rst, Anna Diamantopoulou, President of the think tank DIKTIO, after the invitation of Lee Kuan Yew University (of Singapore) and DIKTIO, after the invitation of Lee Kuan Yew University (of Singapore) and specifically from the School of Public Policy, held a lecture on «The crisis specifically from the School of Public Policy, held a lecture on «Women in and the European Union». You can see the presentation of the speech Politics». You can see the presentation of the speech on DIKTIO’s on DIKTIO’s website. website. 23 January 2015 Events/Conferences

The social state: the crown's jewel is losing its sparkle The economic and political crisis in Europe Special focus on Greece

On January 22 nd , Anna Diamantopoulou, President of the think tank DIKTIO, On January 19 th , Anna Diamantopoulou, President of the think tank after the invitation of Lee Kuan Yew University (of Singapore) and specifically DIKTIO, after the invitation of Lee Kuan Yew University (of Singapore) from the School of Public Policy, held a lecture on «The social state: the and specifically from the School of Public Policy, held a lecture on «The crown's jewel is losing its sparkle». You can see the presentation of the economic and political crisis in Europe. Special focus on Greece. You speech on DIKTIO’s website. can see the presentation of the speech on DIKTIO’s website. 24 February 2015 Report


For a few days it has started a debate about the legality or not of the Troika. This is an important and complex discussion. This debate has institutional, democratic and legal ramifications. It is always good to know that it is one thing the economic performance of Troika and another thing the legality or its legitimacy. The issue of the creation of support mechanisms in EMU and supervision of the Member - States relates to the continuous evolution in the Union and the aim should always be to further enhance transparency, accountability, efficiency and ultimately the common effort for true economic and monetary association for the benefit of its citizens. This survey does not intend to become a final judgment on the legality of the Troika. Lists the control mechanisms, the oversight bodies and the discussions on the above on legal and political level, and concludes with some proposals to improve economic governance in EMU. The report signed by the Director of DIKTIO Mastrogeorgiou Yanni and is available on DIKTIO’s website . 25 February 2015 Report


Youth unemployment is not a new phenomenon, especially for the Southern European countries. However, with the onset of the crisis, youth unemployment has become a severe economic and social problem in many European countries. With more than 5.5 million unemployed young people in the EU or to set it differently with 1 in 5 people under 25 that cannot find a job, there is an unquestionable need to examine the structural dimensions of the problem. The report signed by Vicky Petrounakou Research Associate in DIKTIO and is available on the website of DIKTIO. 26 February 2015 Events/Conferences

More or less Europe Think Tanks and External relations and foreign affairs

The president of the think tank DIKTIO Anna Diamantopoulou participated in The director of DIKTIO, Mr. Yannis Mastrogeorgiou, participated in the event the conference of CEPS, Ideas Lab - "More or less Europe", in Brussels. Anna “Think Tanks and External relations and foreign affairs", organized by the Diamantopoulou, moderated the debate on the future of the European Union Alumni of the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration of Athens and the European institutions and its relationship with European citizens, with University. speakers the former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, the Minister of Regional Development of Portugal , Miguel Madouri and MEP Danuta Hubner . 27 February 2015 Events/Conferences

Conference on Progressive Economy Kurt Beck at DIKTIO

Mr. Takis Anastopoulos, the Vice President of DIKTIO, participated at the Mr. Kurt Beck, former chairman of SPD and president of Friedrich - Ebert conference “Progressive economy: Progressive Economy, reconciling Institute, had a meeting with the president of DIKTIO, Mrs Anna economic growth and social progress: a challenge?”, organized by the Diamantopoulou and other members of the think tank, and discussed Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, in Brussels. issues concerning the Greek economy and the Greek political system, as well as the consequences of the crisis in Europe. 28 January - February 2014 Political Analysis Bulletin/Interview

INTERVIEW IN BLOOMBERG POLITICAL ANALYSIS BULLETIN Diamantopoulou Anna– President of DIKTIO Mastrogeorgiou Yannis–Director of DIKTIO Anna Diamantopoulou President of DIKTIO has spoken with Angie Lau " Greek elections - what do they mean for Greece and Europe " - An on Bloomberg Television's "First Up" about the Greek Elections and the analysis from the Director of DIKTIO Yannis Mastrogeorgiou. Eurozone Crisis, on Janouary 22 nd . Anna Diamantopoulou was in Singapore after the invitation of Lee Kuan Yew University (of Singapore) in order to give 4 lectures on European issues. 29 March 2015 Working breakfast with famous world leaders

Working breakfast με τον Kishore Mahbubani

Diktio’s guest was the famous professor and former diplomat, Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of the University of Singapore. In the working breakfast participated important personalities such as businessmen, politicians, academics and journalists. Mr. Mahbubani’s speech focused on the Europe –Asia relations, the new power dynamics in SE Asia and the positive prospects for the EU-Asia relationship. Among others he mentioned extensively the "seven pillars" of the rapid evolution of SE Asia, which are: open economy and free trade, investments in technology and science, meritocratic governance model, pragmatism, peaceful culture, rule of law and Education. 30 March 2015 Projects/Publications


DIKTIO participated in the report on the strengthening of the welfare state in Europe in the economic crisis, published by the think tank "Friends of Europe". In this study contributed 25 European personalities from different activity fields such as politics, economy and science, including Anna Diamantopoulou President of DIKTIO. The authors of the report call on the European Commission to deal with a positive perspective investment in Europe’s social capital as a necessary condition for the much-needed development. In this context propose measures to increase investment in the underemployed , the unemployed , and the fields of education and training. The survey is available on DIKTIO’s website. 31 March 2015 Projects/Publications


DIKTIO participated in the report about the required changes in policies and in EU health systems published by the think tank "Friends of Europe". For this report contributed 36 health policy experts (international organizations’ representatives, academics , industry, NGOs , politicians, etc.). On behalf of DIKTIO participated Dr. Evi Hatziandreou . The final report was presented in the presence of the for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis. The report testifies 21 concrete proposals / policies / measures to improve health and healthcare for European citizens that the EU could either start - or - cancel or do differently. The report is available on DIKTIO’s website . 32 March 2015 Projects/Publications

A Binding Social Agenda for the European Union

This e-book is a selection made by Social Europe of articles related to the future of the EU. DIKTIO’s President contribution to this e-book with an article entitled: A Binding Social Agenda for the European Union. The e-book is available on DIKTIO’s website. 33 March 2014 Political Analysis Bulletin/Articles

SIMPLE ROADMAP FOR REFORMS POLITICAL ANALYSIS BULLETIN Georgakopoulos Giorgos– Member of DIKTIO Mastrogeorgiou Yannis– Director of DIKTIO 34 March 2014 Political Analysis Bulletin/Report

REPORT: THE EUROARMY PERSPECTIVE AND POLITICAL ANALYSIS BULLETIN THE PERMANENT NATO OFFSHOOT Mastrogeorgiou Yannis – Director of DIKTIO Mastrogeorgiou Yannis – Director of DIKTIO 35 April 2015 Meetings/Conferences

EUropa.S. 2015 Conference The Institute for Research and Training on European Affairs awarded the President of DΙΚΤΙΟ - Network for reform in Greece and Europe Ms Anna Diamantopoulou for her contribution in the European affairs. The The Silk Road ceremony took place at he opening ceremony of the conference EUropa.S. 2015 ,on Friday, April 3. Ms Anna Diamantopoulou gave a Meeting of members of DIKTIO with Mr Xiao Yewen, Counsellor & Deputy speech at the opening of the conference, which is the largest simulation Head of Mission at the Embassy of People's Republic of China. Subject of of European institutions gathering more than 1,600 participants from all discussion: The Silk Road over Europe all these years. The conference hosted under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs with the support of the President of the European Parliament Mr Martin Schulz. 36 April 2015 Events/Conferences

Conference of the Hellenic Society of University Women

The Hellenic Society of University Women organized in April 24 th a conference entitled "Positive Actions for the advancement of women in positions of responsibility“. Ms Anna Diamantopoulou President of the Network for Reform in Greece and Europe participated at the panel discussion entitled "women in politics". 37 April 2014 Articles

THE EBB OF ILLUSIONS THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM IS NOR WITH Mastrogeorgiou Yannis – Director of DIKTIO THE FIST NEITHER WITH THE SUNBATHING Mastrogeorgiou Yannis – Director of DIKTIO 38 April 2014 Articles

COALITIONS MANUAL THE SOCIAL CONTRACT AFTER JUNTA Mastrogeorgiou Yannis – Director of DIKTIO Georgakopoulos Giorgos– Member of DIKTIO 39 Μάιος 2015 Policy Paper/Event

“The experience of Germany and Greece. The future challenges.”

FES (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) and DIKTIO, organized on April 27 th an event on the establishment of a framework for cooperation between parties entitled "The experience of Germany and Greece - The challenges for the future" In the event participated: Axel Schaefer - Vice President of SPD, Nikolaos Filis - MP and Parliamentary Representative of SYRIZA, Andreas Papamimikos – Secretary General of the Policy Committee of ND, Spyros Lykoudis – MP POTAMI and Vice President of the Parliament, Giannis Maniatis – ex. Minister, ex. Secretary of the parliamentary group of PASOK, and the moderator was Anna Diamantopoulou, President of DIKTIO, and Anne Seyfferth, Director of the Western Europe Division and North America FES made a welcome speech. Thanassis Diamantopoulos, Professor of International and European Studies of presented the new policy paper of DIKTIO, entitled: "The parliamentary Republic of the coalitions." The policy paper is available on the website of DIKTIO. 40 Μay 2015 Events/European Citizens’ Initiative

«The threat of fanatical Islam and the internal security» LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE SUCCESS OF THE ECI INVEST IN EDUCATION DIKTIO held Thursday, May 14 th an event entitled "The threat of fanatical Islam and the internal security" with key note speakers Giannis Panousis – Deputy The Cyprus Volunteers’ Team of Supporters to the European Citizens’ Initiative Minister of Citizens’ Protection, Nikos Dendias – MP of ND, former Minister of “Invest in Education” and the Philosophy Association of the University of Citizens’ Protection, and Michael Chrisochoïdis - former Minister of Citizens’ Cyprus, organise the open dialogue under the auspices of the European Protection. The journalist Christos Memis moderated the event, Anna Commission Representation in Cyprus on Saturday, 16th May 2015. The event Diamantopoulou - President of diktio made the introduction in the topic and is coorganised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) office in Cyprus, as the - Commissioner for Immigration, Home Affairs and main sponsor, and the Cyprus Youth Council (CYC), with the support of the Citizenship and Antonio Vitorino - Former Commissioner, President of the Think Think-Tank DIKTIO for Reform in Greece and Europe. Main speakers among Tank Notre Europe welcomed the event. other distinguished scientists, will be the President of DIKTIO for Reform in Greece and Europe and former EU Commissioner Ms Anna Diamantopoulou, and Ms Androulla Vassiliou, former EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth. 41 May 2015 Interview

Hugo Dixon discusses with DIKTIO

Hugo Dixon discusses with Yannis Mastrogeorgiou and Roula Bikidou from DIKTIO the impact of the British elections in Europe and what Miliband… and Tsipras have in common.…The interview is available on DIKTIO’S website. 42 May 2014 Articles

YOU MAY SLEEP CALM, NOBODY IS COMING, THEY THE FORGOTTEN EUROPEAN DREAM… HAVE DROWN… Kontogiannis Dimitris – Member of the DIKTIO’S ECI INVEST IN Petrounakou Vicky – Member of DIKTIO EDUCATION 43 May 2015 Working breakfast with famous world leaders

Working breakfast with Enrico Letta

Working Breakfast with Enrico Letta On the 26th of May , DIKTIO organized another "working breakfast with famous world leaders" with special guest the former Italian Prime Minister, Mr Enrico Letta. The discussion consisted two sessions. The first session was about the new structure of EMU and the crisis in Greece and Italy while the second was about migration in the Mediterranean. 44 May 2015 Partnerships/Events

Anna Diamantopoulou in the ICD House of Arts & Culture

In May 21st the Institute of Cultural Diplomacy ICD will organize an Event in Honor of President of DIKTIO Ms. A. Diamantopoulou, in Berlin. Anna Diamantopoulou among other referred to the Greek-German relations and the economic situation in the EU today. 45 June 2015 Working breakfast with famous world leaders

Working breakfast with Mette Knudsen

On Monday June 29th, DIKTIO organized a Working Breakfast with the Danish Ambassador Ms Mette Knudsen. The topics discussed were the role of women in modern societies, the role of young people in Greece and what Greece should do in order to boost its economy. 46 June 2015 Conferences

“A new start for a social Europe"

At the conference on “A new start for a social Europe“ spoke DIKTIO’s President Anna Diamantopoulou, in Luxembourg, on Friday, June 19 th , in the beggining of the Luxembourg’s six-month European presidency. The conference (A new start for a social Europe?) organized by the Ministry of Labour of Luxembourg and the think tank Notre Europe, and dealt with issues related to investment in human capital and to address long-term societal challenges, the socio-economic convergence between the EU Member States and the effective labor mobility in the EU. Particular discussion took place in the countries of the crisis. Among the Ministers from EU countries that participated was the Labour Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, distinguished scientists, members of the European Commission, presidents of think tanks etc. 47 Web DIKTIO

Since April 2013, DIKTIO has launched its official website and has created a facebook and a twitter account.

‹ The official website has over 100 unique visitors on a daily basis!

‹ Facebook account 946 likes

‹ Twitter account 649 followers 48 NEWSLETTER

DIKTIO publishes every two months a Newsletter , in Greek and English, with the news, activities and future events.

The number of subscribers today is over 1 thousand. 49 Summary of DIKTIO’s Activity 2014-2015

Labs/Events 4

Meetings/Working breakfasts 7

Participation in Conferences 23

Policy Papers/ Surveys 6

Projects 5

Articles/ Interviews 13

Political Analysis Bulletins 3

Newsletters 6 50