252 Review of the emerald (Coleoptera: ), life history, mating behaviours, host plant selection, and host resistance

Therese M. Poland,1 Yigen Chen, Jennifer Koch, Deepa Pureswaran

Abstract—As of summer 2014, the invasive (EAB), planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), has become established in 24 states in the of America and has killed tens of millions of ash since its introduction into in the 1990s. Considerable research has been conducted on many aspects of EAB life history, natural history, ecology, and management strategies in an attempt to contain this devastating . In this article, we review the life history, mating behaviours, and host plant selection by EAB in North America as well as host resistance to EAB attack.

Introduction 99% within a number of years of EAB infestation (Knight et al. 2013). Forest inventories report The emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis almost 8 billion ash trees on United States of Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is an Asian (i.e., America timberlands valued at US$282.25 billion , , , , Eastern Russian) (United States Department of Agriculture, Forest flat-headed borer that is primarily a pest of ash, Service 2008). Ash is also one of the most pre- Linnaeus (Oleaceae), . It was valent trees in agricultural lands, shelterbelts, and discovered near , Michigan, United States of urban areas. The projected costs to communities America and Windsor, Ontario, Canada in 2002 and landowners for treatment, removal, and (Haack et al. 2002) and is infesting and killing replacement of urban ash trees within a 25-state native North American ash at unprecedented levels. area from 2009 to 2019 was estimated at US$10.7 Based on dendrochronological evidence, EAB billion (Kovacs et al. 2010). In response to the was likely introduced to North America in the threat posed by EAB, federal, state and provincial 1990s (Siegert et al. 2014) and has been spreading agencies imposed quarantines to restrict movement rapidly through natural dispersal and human- of ash from known infested areas, implemented assisted movement of infested logs, firewood, large-scale surveys to detect new infestations, and and nursery material. As of summer 2014, it has have supported extensive research to understand become established in 24 states in the United EAB natural history, behaviour, and host interac- States of America (http://www.emeraldashborer. tions in order to develop effective management info). It has the potential to spread and kill ash strategies. trees throughout North America. Ash mortality in In this paper, we review the life history, mating some infested forested areas could reach up to behaviours, and host plant selection by EAB.

Received 8 September 2014. Accepted 15 December 2014.

T. M. Poland,1 United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 3101 Technology Blvd., Suite F, Lansing, Michigan 48910, United States of America Y. Chen, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, United States of America J. Koch, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 359 Main Rd. Delaware, Ohio 43015, United States of America D. Pureswaran, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, 1055 rue du PEPS, Québec, Québec, Canada G1V 4C7

1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). Subject editor: Krista Ryall doi:10.4039/tce.2015.4

Can. Entomol. 147: 252–262 (2015) © The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. Poland et al. 253

Other aspects of natural history, ecology, and and continues into May, followed by adult emer- management strategies have been reviewed else- gence approximately three weeks later (Bauer where (Crook and Mastro 2010; Herms and et al. 2004). Some EAB overwinter as young McCullough 2014). larvae in their galleries and then require a second year of development before emerging as adults Life history (Cappaert et al. 2005; Tluczek et al. 2011).

Emerald ash borer generally has a one-year life Mating behaviours cycle, but may require two years to complete development in cooler climates, when attack Emerald ash borer adults become sexually densities are low, hosts are vigorous, or when mature ~10–14 days after feeding on host plants oviposition occurs in late summer (Cappaert et al. (Lelito et al. 2007; Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2007). 2005; Wei et al. 2007; Tluczek et al. 2011). In Mating behaviours are observed mostly between southern Michigan, EAB adults generally begin 10:00 and 17:00 hours during the day (Rodriguez- emerging from “D”-shaped exit holes in mid-May Saona et al. 2007) and typically take place on the at about 250 growing degree days base 10 °C host trees. Males hover around canopies and (DD10) (450 growing degree days base 50 °F may locate potential mates using visual cues as (DD50) (Brown-Rytlewski and Wilson 2004) and they often drop out of the air and land directly emergence continues throughout the summer. on top of females (Lelito et al. 2007). The visual Peak adult activity generally occurs in late June or cues are not sex-specific, however, since EAB early July at 514–556 DD10 (925–1000 DD50) males approach both sexes of pinned dead EAB (McCullough et al. 2009a; Poland et al. 2011) and (Lelito et al. 2007; Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2007). drops off sharply by the end of July at about 833 Olfactory cue(s) from EAB females start playing a DD10 (1500 DD50) as the initial to emerge role after initial physical contact as evidenced by die off and new emergence declines (Brown- arrestment and longer copulation attempts with Rytlewski and Wilson 2004; Poland et al. 2011). females (Lelito et al. 2007) or even at a distance of Adults feed on the margins of ash leaves for up to 5 cm from EAB females (Pureswaran and 10–14 days before becoming sexually mature and Poland 2009a). Mating is prolonged, lasting mating (Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2007). They 50 minutes on average (Pureswaran and Poland continue to feed and mate throughout their life- 2009a). After mating, EAB pairs separate and time, which generally lasts three to six weeks there appears to be no mate guarding. In labora- (Bauer et al. 2004; Lyons et al. 2004). They are tory studies, EAB females mated repeatedly with most active on sunny days with air temperatures multiple males throughout their lifetime (Lyons above 25 °C (Wang et al. 2010) and often rest on et al. 2004). Routledge and Keena (2012) found leaves or in bark crevices on cool days and during that mating with multiple males is likely the best rainy weather (Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2007). strategy for EAB females to maximise fecundity. Emerald ash borer females deposit 60–80 eggs in Two contact pheromones, 3-methyltricosane nature and up to 258 eggs in the laboratory during (Lelito et al. 2009) and 9-methyl-pentacosane their life span (Lyons et al. 2004). Eggs are (Silk et al. 2009), have been isolated and identi- deposited individually or in clusters in bark cracks fied from cuticles of EAB females. Application or crevices (Bauer et al. 2004). of 3-methyltricosane solution to dead and Eggs hatch within two weeks at 25 °C and the dichloromethane-washed EAB females increased larvae feed in the inner phloem, outer xylem, and time male EAB spent in contact with females cambium creating serpentine-shaped galleries that as well as time spent attempting copulation. are packed with frass. Larvae have four develop- However, EAB males spent less time on washed mental instars (Cappaert et al. 2005) and most females and females on which the compound was larvae complete feeding in October or November reapplied compared with unwashed EAB females; in Michigan. Pre-pupae overwinter in cells about therefore, the effects of 3-methyltricosane might 1.25 cm deep in the sapwood of thin-barked trees be synergised by other compounds such as or in the outer bark of thick-barked trees. In 9-methyl-pentacosane (9-Me-C25), which is only southern Michigan, pupation begins in mid-April found in sexually mature females (Silk et al.2009).

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. 254 Can. Entomol. Vol. 147, 2015

Application of 9-Me-C25 to dead and n-hexane- Protection Organization 2013). Ash mortality washed EAB females elicited copulation attempts within stands in North America can reach up to by males similar to those observed for dead and 99% regardless of ash basal area, its relative unwashed EAB females. Furthermore, the number dominance, relative density, overall stand density, of copulation attempts and the length of arrest- stand basal area, or any measure of species ment by EAB males were similar on dead and diversity (Smith et al. 2005; Knight et al. 2013). unwashed females and on dead washed females This suggests that EAB is very efficient at locating with 9-Me-C25 reapplied (Silk et al. 2009). host trees even when they are rare within mixed One volatile pheromone, (3Z)-dodecen-12- species stands. olide [(3Z)-lactone], has been identified from sexually mature EAB adults (Bartelt et al. 2007; Visual orientation Silk et al. 2011). (3Z)-Lactone was detected from EAB preferentially attacks open grown ash both sexes by Bartelt et al. (2007), but only in trees (McCullough et al. 2009a, 2009b) suggest- EAB females by Silk et al. (2011). (3Z)-Lactone ing that visual tree silhouette may play a role in elicits antennal responses in both sexes of EAB host location. Attack densities are also higher on adults (Bartelt et al. 2007; Silk et al. 2011). stressed trees (McCullough et al. 2009a, 2009b). Exposure to UV light converts (3Z)-lactone to Ash stressed by girdling can be differentiated (3E)-lactone, which also elicits antennal response from non-girdled ash two months after the gird- in both sexes of EAB adults (Silk et al. 2011). ling event based on hyperspectral and high- Green sticky prism traps baited with (3Z)-lactone resolution panchromatic imagery in conjunction alone (released at ~22 μg/day at 25 °C) attracted with ground-based spectral data (Bartels et al. significantly more EAB males than unbaited 2007). Male and female EAB are sensitive to light control traps at two sites in Ontario, Canada, but in the ultraviolet (UV), violet, and green (420–430, not in Michigan, United States of America (Silk 460, and 530–560 nm, respectively) ranges of the et al. 2011). Green sticky prism traps baited with visible spectrum, while mated females are also the green leaf volatile (3Z)-hexenol (released at sensitive to light in the red (640–670 nm) range ~17 mg/day at 20 °C) in combination with either (Crook et al. 2009, 2012). The beetles are attracted of the isomers released at ca. 22 μg/day at 25 °C to traps coloured different shades of green or purple also attracted more EAB males than traps baited hung in the open or in the canopy of ash trees with the green leaf volatile alone. Ryall et al. (Crook et al.2009;Franceseet al.2010).Males, (2012) further confirmed that a combination of that tend to hover near the canopy of ash trees (3Z)-hexenol and a low release of (3Z)-lactone (Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2007), are captured in was most effective in attracting EAB males to higher proportions in green traps hung in the green sticky prism traps suspended high in the canopy of ash trees and baited with green leaf canopy. volatiles; whereas, females, that oviposit on the trunks of ash trees are captured in higher propor- Host plant selection tions in purple traps hung below the canopy and baited with bark sesquiterpenes (Crook and Mastro Ash trees are the only larval hosts reported for 2010; Grant et al. 2011). EAB in China (Yu 1992; Liu et al. 2003; Zhao et al. 2005), although other tree genera, Juglans Chemical orientation Linnaeus (Juglandaceae), Pterocarya Kunth Adult beetles were attracted to ash stressed (Juglandaceae), and Ulmus Linnaeus (Ulmaceae), by feeding damage or treatment with methyl have been reported as larval hosts in Korea and jasmonate (Rodriguez-Saona et al. 2006). At Japan for Agrilus marcopoli Obenberger, and least 16 volatile compounds from stressed ash Agrilus marcopoli ulmi Kurosawa (Ko 1969; elicited antennal responses by EAB including Akiyama and Ohmomo 1997), with which EAB hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal,(Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 3-methyl- was synonymised (Jendek and Grebennikov butylaldoxime, 2-methyl-butylaldoxime, (Z)-3- 2011). To date, all North American ash species hexen-1-yl acetate, hexyl acetate, (E)-β-ocimene, encountered by EAB are susceptible (Anulewicz linalool, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, and E,E- et al. 2008; European and Mediterranean Plant α-farnesene. In field studies, traps baited with the

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. Poland et al. 255 leaf alcohol (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol alone or combined quickly or severely impacted by EAB infestation with other green leaf volatiles (Rodriguez-Saona relative to white ash, even though it has been et al. 2006; de Groot et al. 2008; Grant et al. 2010; shown that EAB can carry out its full life cycle in 2011; Poland et al. 2011) were attractive to EAB. both species (Anulewicz et al. 2008). This may be Sesquiterpene levels were found to be elevated in explained, in part, by blue ash being less preferred the bark of girdled ash trees and six sesquiterpenes than white ash in an adult choice feeding consistently elicited antennal responses by both study (Pureswaran and Poland 2009b). In contrast male and female A. planipennis (Crook et al. to EAB attack on stressed trees in the native range, 2008). Five of the compounds identified to be EAB in the introduced range kills healthy trees active by electro-antennographic detection (EAD) (Poland and McCullough 2006). Anulewicz et al. were α-cubebene, α-copaene, 7-epi-sesquithujene, (2008) compared adult landing and oviposition on trans-β-caryophyllene, and α-caryophyllene logs of several North American ash species and on (humulene). The sixth EAD-active compound was non-ash species including American elm (Ulmus later identified as eremophilene (Cossé et al. americana Linnaeus; Ulmaceae), hackberry 2008). The essential oils, Manuka oil containing (Celtis occidentalis Linnaeus; Ulmaceae), black α-cubebene, α-copaene, trans-β-caryophyllene walnut (Juglans nigra Linnaeus; Juglandaceae), and α-humulene, and Phoebe oil that contains shagbark hickory (Carya ovata (Miller) Koch; 7-epi-sesquithujene in addition to the other four Juglandaceae), and Japanese tree lilac (Syringa compounds found in Manuka oil, were attractive reticulata (Blume) Hara; Oleaceae). Adults to A. planipennis (Crook et al. 2008). Ash leaf landed and oviposited more frequently on ash logs volatiles and bark sesquiterpenes play an important compared with non-ash logs and no larvae were role in host location for both males and females. able to survive, grow, or develop in non-ash logs. Recently, Cipollini (2015) found EAB infesting Host plant resistance white fringe tree ( Linnaeus (Oleaceae)) in Ohio, United States of America, In its native range, EAB is considered a which represents the first expansion of EAB onto nuisance pest and generally only attacks dying or a non-ash host in North America. Although all stressed Asian ash species (Liu et al. 2007), often species of North American ash appear susceptible growing under poor site conditions (Wei et al. to EAB, preference and susceptibility vary among 2004). Of the more than 20 species and subspecies species. Canopy dieback and EAB attack density of Fraxinus native to Asia (Wei 1992; Wallander are significantly higher in green ash than in 2008; Hinsinger et al. 2013), EAB mainly infests white ash trees at the same sites, and in white ash Manchurian ash (F. mandshurica Ruprecht), compared with blue ash trees at the same sites Korean ash or Chinese ash (F. chinensis Roxburgh) (Anulewicz et al. 2007; Tanis and McCullough (Yu, 1992), generally attacking only stressed 2012). trees. On the other hand, North American ash Emerald ash borer attack and tree mortality trees, green ash (F. pennsylvanica Marshall), were significantly higher in white and green ash white ash (F. americana Linnaeus), and velvet ash cultivars than in a Manchurian ash cultivar plan- (F. velutina Torrey), commonly planted in Asia ted in a common garden trial near the initial (Zhao et al. 2005) suffer high EAB infestations infestation in southeast Michigan (Rebek et al. and mortality (Wei et al. 2004; Duan et al. 2012): 2008). It is hypothesised that the greater suscept- at one site in China 95% of green ash trees were ibility of North American ash species compared moderately infested while no infestation was with Asian ash species, at field sites in both China found in Korean ash trees of similar size planted and North America, may be due to resistance beside them (Liu et al. 2007). mechanisms that developed in Asian ash species In its introduced range in North America, EAB through their evolutionary history with EAB that attacks almost exclusively native, green ash, white is lacking with North American species. ash, and black ash (F. nigra Marshall). Although Differences in susceptibility to EAB among ash blue ash (F. quadrangulata Michaux) is native to species may be related to differences in host North America, a study by Tanis and McCullough volatiles, nutrition, and defense compounds (2012) indicates that in a natural stand it is not as (Eyles et al. 2007; Chen and Poland 2009, 2010;

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. 256 Can. Entomol. Vol. 147, 2015

Pureswaran and Poland 2009b; Cipollini et al. phenylthanoids (i.e., calceolariosides A and B) 2011; Chen et al. 2011a, 2011b, 2011c; Whitehill were unique to “Mancana”. In addition to the et al. 2011, 2012). Pureswaran and Poland three ash species analysed by Eyles et al. (2007), (2009b) found that EAB adults preferred to feed Whitehill et al. (2012) further compared phloem on green, white, and black compared with phenolics of a black ash cultivar “Fall Gold”, blue European, blue, or Manchurian ash and the ash ash seedlings, and European ash seedlings and species differed significantly in the relative discovered that hydroxycoumarins and the two amounts of antennally active volatiles. Emerald phenylthanoids were also detected in black ash ash borer also prefers to feed on mature leaves and European ash, which are both susceptible to compared with newly flushed leaves, on leaves EAB infestation, indicating they are not unique to grown in sun compared with those in shade, and Manchurian ash and likely do not play a role in on leaves from trees that had been stressed by EAB-resistance. Whitehill et al. (2012) found girdling compared with leaves from healthy trees differences in qualitative phenolic profiles among (Chen and Poland 2009). The preference might be ash species that coincided with their phylogenetic driven by greater concentrations of total proteins relatedness. The phenolic profile of Manchurian in foliage from sunny areas (Chen and Poland ash, was most different from the green ash variety 2009). are generally limited by nutrients “Patmore”, green ash seedlings, and the white ash such as nitrogen (White 1993). Greater con- variety “Autumn Purple” and most similar to the centrations of total phenolics in ash leaves in the more closely related black ash cultivar “Fall sun (Chen and Poland 2009) do not appear to Gold”, and European ash seedlings. Cipollini impede EAB’s preference, probably due to EAB et al. (2011) also found differences in phenolic adults’ ability to excrete or detoxify phenolics. profiles among ash species, identifying nine Concentrations of total phenolics in EAB frass phenolics unique to the Manchurian ash cultivar were significantly greater than the concentrations “Mancana”. Most of these compounds were also in ash leaves that EAB adults fed upon, irrespec- subsequently identified in other species that are tive of ash tree species (Chen and Poland 2010). susceptible to EAB by Whitehill et al. (2012), Girdled ash trees attract more EAB than non- leading the authors to conclude that much of the girdled trees (McCullough et al. 2009b). How- phytochemical variation detected in these studies ever, the attraction might be attributable to vola- was most likely due to evolutionary divergence tiles released by girdling rather than changes in and not related to differences in EAB-resistance. nutritional and defensive chemistry triggered by However, results reported by both Cipollini et al. girdling. Girdling in green ash seedlings (2011) and Whitehill et al. (2012) indicated that elevated concentrations of total non-structural lignans and lignan derivatives might contribute carbohydrate (TNC), which reduces the protein to resistance to EAB. Chakraborty et al. (2014) to TNC ratio (Chen and Poland 2009). Protein to further examined the role of phenolics, including TNC ratio is an indicator of nutrient balance (Lee lignans and their derivatives, by comparing et al. 2002). Besides water content, protein or responses of the black ash cultivar “Fall Gold” amino acid contents might also contribute to and the Manchurian ash cultivar “Mancana” to selection of downward feeding behaviour by EAB larval feeding: they failed to detect pinor- EAB larvae observed both in laboratory and field esinol dihexoside, which was reported to be studies (Chen et al. 2011a). Emerald ash borer unique to “Mancana” by both Cipollini et al. larvae fed upon artificial diets supplied with (2011) and Whitehill et al. (2012), but identified casein (source of proteins) or yeast (source of eight compounds that were significantly affected amino acids) generally had lower mortality and by larval feeding, including two pinoresinol higher biomass than those fed upon diets with derivatives. In both “Fall Gold” and “Mancana”, neither components. seven of these compounds decreased or remained Eyles et al. (2007) analysed phloem phenolics the same and only pinoresinol A, increased of the Manchurian ash cultivar “Mancana”, the significantly in response to larval feeding. No green ash cultivar “Patmore”, and the white ash qualitative differences in the metabolic profiles of cultivar “Autumn Purple” (Cipollini et al. 2011), “Mancana” and “Fall Gold” were reported, but and found that hydroxycoumarins and two quantitative differences were detected between

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. Poland et al. 257 the two cultivars after being fed upon by EAB and mortality. In the resistant species, most if larvae. Further study of inter-and intra-specific not all larvae are killed by host defenses and the variation of phenolics using a more genetically small number of surviving larvae exhibit stunted diverse sampling strategy is necessary to better or slower development while in the susceptible understand their roles in resistance of ash to EAB. species only a small number of larvae are killed by Understanding the mechanisms that EAB larvae host defenses and the majority develop success- use to cope with different kinds of phenolics can fully (J.K., personal observation). Research on also help elucidate the roles that phenolics play in ash plant resistance has been conducted at the ash tree defense responses. EAB larvae of all instars molecular level. Four proteins (PR-10 protein, an are able to eliminate phenolics from susceptible aspartic protease, a phenylcoumaran benzylic black ash, green ash, and white ash through excre- ether reductase, and a thylakoid-bound ascorbate tion and enzymatic conversion (Chen et al. 2012). peroxidase) identified in a resistant Manchurian Genes coding various detoxification enzymes such ash cultivar, “Mancana” and have been proposed as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione to contribute to the resistance of this cultivar peroxidase have been detected in EAB larvae, based on the two-fold greater expression levels prepupae, and adults (Rajarapu et al. 2011). relative to the susceptible black ash cultivar “Fall In addition to constitutive defenses that are Gold” (Whitehill et al. 2011). However, a separate present at all times, herbivory can induce pro- transcriptomic analysis and subsequent RT-qPCR duction of defensive compounds and responses validation across three separate genotypes of may differ among ash species. In black ash, EAB Manchurian, black and green ash demonstrated larval feeding induced volatile emission of (E)-β- that expression of a major allergen like PR-10 was ocimine and (Z,E)-α-farnesene, increased levels of lower in Manchurian ash than in black ash and carbohydrates and phenolics, and decreased levels did not differ between Manchurian and green ash of proteins and amino acids (Chen et al.2011c). (Rivera Vega 2011). This may be because the In response to EAB adult feeding, green and white two studies compared different members of the ash had higher levels of induced volatile emission same gene , but it highlights the importance than black ash, levels of total phenolics decreased of validation of genes and/or proteins across in white ash, and chymotrypsin inhibitors increased genetically diverse samples. mRNA levels of in black ash (Chen et al. 2011b). Differences in several genes involved in plant defense response induced defensive responses among ash species signalling, including two classes of transcription may partially explain differences in EAB preference factors (WRKYs, MYBs), calcium-dependent and host susceptibility. protein kinases, ethylene response factor and Unlike mobile adult beetles, EAB larvae must lipoxygenase 3, were higher in Manchurian ash survive or die in the tree on which the eggs are than in black and green ash (Bai et al. 2011). deposited. Therefore, host plant defense mechan- Lipoxygenases have long been known to be isms that kill or negatively impact larval perfor- involved in plant resistance to biotic and abiotic mance are likely to play critical roles in ash stressors (Shukle and Murdock 1983; Siedow defense against EAB. Recent studies report host 1991) and they are generally induced in resistant defense responses are found in both Manchurian plants at higher levels than susceptible ones (Chen and green ash and are responsible for at least et al. 2009). a portion of larval mortality in both species; Knowledge of ash resistance to EAB has been however, a higher proportion of host-killed larvae applied to ash breeding programmes using both were reported in the EAB-resistant Manchurian traditional and hybrid breeding approaches (Koch ash (Duan et al. 2010, 2012, 2013). Egg bioassays et al. 2012). In traditional breeding, genetic mate- performed by affixing eggs directly to potted rials from rare surviving ash trees in areas heavily grafts or seedlings in the greenhouse, demonstrated infested by EAB are preserved by grafting for use as that the Asian species F. chinensis, F. floribunda parents. In hybrid breeding, susceptible native ash Wallich, F. lanuginosa Koidzumi, F. mandshurica, species were crossed with resistant Asian species F. paxiana Lingelsheim, and F. spaethiana and backcrosses are performed if necessary. Grafts Lingelsheim were all resistant to EAB compared from surviving ash trees and hybrid ashes are being with green ash based on levels of larval development evaluated for susceptibility to EAB in feeding and

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. 258 Can. Entomol. Vol. 147, 2015 oviposition preference studies and studies to eval- this paper at the Entomological Society of Canada uate development and survival of larvae from eggs annual meeting and for their assistance in editing affixed to the trees (J.K. and T.M.P., personal the manuscript. They also thank Robert Haack observation). Transgenic techniques are also being and Melody Keena for their helpful comments on used to develop resistant ash species/varieties (Pijut an earlier draft of the manuscript. et al. 2010). The identification of the genes encod- ing defensive compounds confirmed to have a role in EAB-resistance will greatly facilitate the devel- References opment of EAB-resistant ash through both breeding Akiyama, K. and Ohmomo, S. 1997. A checklist of the and transgenic approaches. Japanese Buprestidae. Gekkan-Mushi Supplement, 1:1–67. Anulewicz, A.C., McCullough, D.G., and Cappaert, D.L. Final comments 2007. Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) density and canopy dieback in three North American A greater understanding of EAB natural history ash species. Arboriculture and , 33: and host interactions will help contribute to 338–349. the development of survey and management Anulewicz, A.C., McCullough, D.G., Cappaert, D.L., tools including traps and lures, landscape level and Poland, T.M. 2008. Host range of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: management programmes, and resistance breed- Buprestidae), in North America: results of multiple- ing programmes. Survey and management tools choice field experiments. Environmental Entomology, developed by research are now being imple- 37:230–241. mented in an integrated strategy and tested in a Bai, X., Rivera-Vega, L., Mamidala, P., Bonello, P., multi-agency pilot slow ash mortality (SLAM) Herms, D.A., and Mittapalli, O. 2011. Transcrip- tomic signatures of ash (Fraxinus spp.) phloem. study. The approach incorporates (1) surveys of 6 fi Public Library of Science One, : e16368. EAB infestation and distribution using arti cial doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016368. traps; (2) ash host survey to determine area at Bartels, D., Williams, D., Ellenwood, J., and Sapio, F. risk and plan location of detection traps and 2007. Application of remote sensing technology for treatments; (3) population suppression through detection and mapping of hardwood tree species and In treatment of landscape trees and trees emerald ash borer-stressed ash trees. Emerald ash borer and Asian longhorned beetle research and in a buffer zone around positive detections, gird- technology development meeting. Compiled by ling trap trees that are subsequently felled and V. Mastro, D. Lance, R. Reardon, and G. Parra. debarked to detect and destroy beetles, removal of United States Department of Agriculture, Forest infested trees and ash use, and release of natural Service, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States – enemies for biological control; (4) regulatory of America. Pp. 84 85. fi Bartelt, R., Cossé, A.A., Zilkowski, B.W., and Fraser, I. control to prevent arti cial movement; and 2007. Antennally active macrolide from the emerald ash (5) public outreach (Poland and McCullough borer Agrilus planipennis emitted predominantly by 2010; McCullough and Mercader 2012). The females. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33: 1299–1302. SLAM approach is most likely to be successful Bauer, L.S., Haack, R.A., Miller, D.L., Petrice, T.R., when implemented in areas with new infestations and Liu, H. 2004. Emerald ash borer life cycle. In Emerald ash borer research and technology devel- where the populations of EAB are relatively opment meeting. Compiled by V. Mastro and R. low and isolated. Landscape-level management Reardon. United States Department of Agriculture, strategies including SLAM and biological control, Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia, United insecticide treatments in urban areas, collection States of America. P. 8. and preservation of ash seed, and development of Brown-Rytlewski, D.E. and Wilson, M.A. 2004. Tracking the emergence of emerald ash borer adults. more resistant ash, offer hope for the protection of In Emerald ash borer research and technology ash and persistence of the at some level in development meeting. Compiled by V. Mastro and urban and natural forests. R. Reardon. United States Department of Agricul- ture, Forest Service, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States of America. Pp. 13–14. Acknowledgments Cappaert, D., McCullough, D.G., Poland, T.M., and Siegert, N.W. 2005. Emerald ash borer in North The authors thank Chris MacQuarrie, Krista America: a research and regulatory challenge. Ryall, and Taylor Scarr for inviting us to present American Entomologist, 51: 152–164.

© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright. Poland et al. 259

Chakraborty, S., Whitehill, J.G.A., Hill, A.L., Opiyo, S.O., Crook, D.J., Khrimian, A., Cossé, A., Fraser, I., and Cipollini, D., Herms, D.A., et al. 2014. Effects Mastro, V.C. 2012. Influence of trap color and of water availability on emerald ash borer larval host volatiles on capture of the emerald ash borer performance and phloem phenolics of Manchurian (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Journal of Economic and black ash. Plant Cell & Environment, 37: Entomology, 105: 429–437. 1009–1021. Crook, D.J., Khrimian, A., Francese, J.A., Fraser, I., Chen, Y., Ciaramitaro, T.M., and Poland, T.M. 2011a. Poland, T.M., Sawyer, A.J., et al. 2008. Development Moisture content and nutrition as selection forces of a host-based semiochemical lure for trapping emerald for emerald ash borer larval feeding behaviour. ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Ecological Entomology, 36: 344–354. Environmental Entomology, 37: 356–365. 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© The Entomological Society of Canada 2015. Parts of this work are that of the US Government and therefore such parts are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Parts of this work are that of the Canadian Government and therefore such parts are subject to Canadian Crown Copyright.