Tuyakbayev Saparbek Kurakbayevich Deputy Akim of South Kazakhstan oblast Education: Middle East Technical University (Turkey), University of Toronto (Canada), Bachelor of International Relations, MA Saparbek Tuyakbaev after receiving education in Turkey and Canada, he worked at the agency for civil service, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and then went to work for the president's administration, from 2009 was an inspector. In early 2012, appointed deputy akim of South Kazakhstan. Supervises: Business and industry, tourism, attracting investment, innovation development, government programs GPFIIR, Business Roadmap, etc. Dosbolov Abilkassym Usipbayevich Member of Maslikhat (regional executive committee) Advisor of “Shymkent Kus” LLP Secretary of the South Kazakhstan oblast maslikhat in 2007. Elective office, membering: MP South Kazakhstan regional maslikhat in 2003. Party affiliation: Member of "Nur Otan" National and international awards, prizes, honors: "Kurmet" (1999); Jubilee medal "Kazakstan Respublikasynyn tauelsizdigine 10 zhyl" (2001) Jubilee medal " Kazakstan Respublikasynyn Parlamentine 10 zhyl " (2006); Honorary Citizen of Sairam and Saryagash regions “Shymkent Kus” LLP The basic direction of activity of " Shymkent Kus " is the production of poultry products : eggs and poultry meat. Currently, poultry organizational and technological scheme breeding of chickens allows up to 120 million eggs per year and more than 800 tons of meat. The production complex consists of 20 bird houses industrial workshop, 10 poultry houses parent workshop and 9 poultry houses for rearing. «Shymkent Innovation» LLP Republic of Kazakhstan Shymkent city, Baitursynova st. Tel: +7 (7252) 39-14-47
[email protected] www.shymin.kz Kusherbayev Dosbol Director About company "Shymkent Innovation" is the center of support innovation and investment.