Tl L*/Yrt+ Subject- Submission of District Survey Report for Sustainable Sand Mining-$Egarding

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Tl L*/Yrt+ Subject- Submission of District Survey Report for Sustainable Sand Mining-$Egarding {'* \o From Mining Officer, Mines & GeologY DePtt, Yamunanagar To : The Director, Mines & GeologY Haryana, Chandigarh Memo No. Minin/Ynr/ofJ O) ' ,6''rsrr. I r D^*^1. tl l*/yrt+ Subject- Submission of District Survey Report for Sustainable Sand mining-$egarding. Kindly refer to your office Memo No. DMG/HYIDSR/201713010 dated 10.07.2017 the subject cited above In this regards it is intimated that 'District Survey Report' for Sustainable Sand mining is sent to you for kind information & necessary action please. Encls: As above. r$ni^ingW",, Mines & Geology Deptt, Yamunanagat.V Endst. No. Mining/YNR / Dated:- A copy is forwarded to the Deputy Commissioner, Yamunaruagar regarding memo No. 15197/65/MA datqd 21.A6.2A1,7 for information and necessary action:- Encls: As above. *//- Mining'6ffrcer, Deptt. of Mines & Geology, YamunaNagar. # DISTRICT SURVEY REPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE SA}[D MINING DISTT. YAMUNA NAGAR The main objective of the preparation of District Survey Report, as per "the Sustainable Sand Mining Guideline" is to identiff the areas of aggradations or deposition where mining can be allowed; and identification of areas of erosion and proximity to infrastructural structural and inbtallations where mining should be prohibited and calculation of annual rate of replenishment and allowing time for replenishment after mining in that area. l. Introduction:- Minor Mineral Deposits: l.l Yamunanagar district of Haryana is located in north-eastern part of Haryana State and lies between 29'55' to 30'31 North latitudes and 77" 00' to 77" 35' East longitudes. The total area is 1756 square kilometers, in which there are 655 villages, 10 towns,4 tehsils and2 sub-tehsils. Large part of the district of Yamunanagar is situated in the Shiwalik foothills. The area of Yamuna Nagar district is bounded by the state of Himachal Pradesh in the north, by the state of Uttar Pradesh in the east, in west by Ambala district and south by Karnal and Kurukshetra Districts. 1.2 The district has a sub-tropical continental monsoon climate where we find seasonal rhythm, hot summer, cool winter, unreliable rainfall and immense variation in temperature. In winters, frost sometimes occurs during December and January. The district also gets occasional winter rains from cyclones. The rain fall is mostly restricted to rainy season. The district has Shivalik hills and foot hill rolling plain in the north and north- east, and flood - plain along the Yamuna River in the east and south- east. The important rivers/ streams of the district are Yamuna, Sarasvati, Chautang, Rakshi, Som, Boll, Fandi Rao etc. 1.3 Boulder, Gravel and Sand (Minor Minerals) finding use as construction material are found in the river bed areas dnd flood plain areas. The size and Page 1 of 27 Yfl ,,, the concentration of material gradually reduce towards down stream as the heavy material of larger size settles with reduction in flow of water stream. The material deposits are found in villages of the districts located along the river or their flood plains and abandoned water courses/drains as well as along with foothills of the hilly terrains. 1.4 All rivers/drainage systems in the district Yamunanagar other than river Yamuna are seasonal rivers. Even the water of river Yamuna at Hathanikund Barrage is diverted partly towards Uttar Pradesh and Haryana for different' Canal Systems for Irrigation purposes. In the main river bed area the water is released from Hathni Kund Barrage during rainy seasons. The water released in the river during rainy season brings huge quantity of Boulder, Gravel and Sand which gets deposits in the river bed area. The deposits in the other flood plains also have huge deposits of Boulder, Gravel and Sand up to a depth of l0-12 meter. 1.5 The river Yamuna acts as natural boundary between the state of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Part area of river Yamuna in the State of Uttar pradesh and part area falls in the state of Haryana. Though, in general western part falls in and pradesh. Haryana eastern part in uttar But at certain places, the entire are of river (both side of river bank) falls in either of state In other words there are areas of river where entire riverbed area (both the sides of river bank) falls within the jurisdiction of Harydna or uttar pradesh. 1.6 The boulder gravel sands deposits are not only found in river yamuna but also in the other rivers/tributaries of river yamuna or rivulets passing through other parts yamunanagar. of district as well as in adjoining areas outside the river bed are found. k t Page 2 of 27 {} Minor Mineral Bearing Areas:- 1.7 The minor mineral deposits in the district yamunanagar can be divided mainly in five categories Areas in river Yamuna for excavation of Boulder Gravel and Sand Areas ii. in outside river Yamuna for excavation of Boulder Gravel and Sand iii. Areas in river Yamuna for excavation of Sand iv. Areas in other rivers ( than river Yamuna ) for excavation of Boulder Gravel and Sand v. Areas outside other rivers for excavation of Boulder Gravel and Sand 2. Mode of grant of mineral concession 2.1 Before giving details of actual sites/numberof sites or mineral concessions it would be appropriate to explain that the Mineral Concession in respect of minor minerals are granted as per provisions of the State Rules, framed by the respective State Governments in exercise of power under section l5 of the Mines and Minerals (D&R) Act,1957. 2.2The State of Haryana at the time of bifurcation opted prevailing Rules namely..punjab Minor Mineral Concession Rules 1964". These Rules were amended from time to time as per policy of the government state for Minor Minerals. The Hon,ble Supreme Court vide its order dated 27.02.2012 directed all State Governments to revise their State Rules making provisions in accordance with various recommendations contained in the report of the'Group'of MoE&F, GoI, on mining of minor minerals and the Model draft guidelines issued by the Ministry of Mines, Gol. 2'3 Accordingly, the State of Haryana oomprehensively revised its State Rules namelv. the f Page 3 of 27 ry- V .,Haryana Minor Mineral Concession, Stocking, Transportation of Minerals, and Prevention of Illegal Mining Rules, 2012', repealing the prevailing Rules namely "Punjab Minor Mineral Concession Ruies 1964". 3'Mining 2.4 Themineral concessions in the Haryana are being granted in the form of Contract" or "Mining Lease" through competitive bidding ptocess. The Mining Contracts are granted for a minimum period of 07 years and maximum period of l0 years. Whereas the Mining Leases are granted for a minimum period of l0 years and maxirnum period of 20 years. In dishict Yarnuna Nagar mineral concessions arelwere granted in the form of Mining contacts for the period vary:rrrg between 7 to 10 years .The contracts are been granted through open auctior/ e-auction mode. The Mineral concession are being gtanted strbject to condition that actual mining operation shall be allowed only after environment Cleatance iVare obtained from the competent authority as perrequirement ofEIA Notification dated 14.09.22A6 of the MoEF, CC Gol. 2.5 The rnineral concession holders are required to prepare detailed o'Mining Plan" fot their specific project through Registered Qualified Person and get in approved from authorized officer of the State Government. The exhaustive mining plan are prepared interalia giving details of ntineral reserves, rnethod of mining, extent of proposed mining and other related details. These are the projects specific details. Based on these details itself the project proponents/ mineral concession holderslobtains environmental clearances. 3. Method of Mining and Conditions in which rnining in river bed areas € is to be allowed 3.1 Tho river bed areas apart from other related condition for mining are allowed to excavate mineral (Boulder, gravel or Sand ) to ensure safety of rivers bed structures Page 4 of 27 and the adjoining areas on the following specific conditions: (i) No mining would be permissible in a river-bed up to a distance of five times of the span of a bridge on up-sheam side and ten times the span of such bridge on down- stream side, subject to a minimum of 250 meters on the up-stream side and 500 meters on the down-stream side; (ii) There shall be maintained an un-mined block of 50 meters width after every block of 1000 meters over which mining is undertaken or at such distance as may be directed by the Director or any officer authorized by him; (iii) The maximum depth of mining in the river-bed shall not exceed three meters measured from the un-mined bed level at any point in time with proper bench formation; (iv) Mining shall be restricted within the central 3/4s width of the river/ rivulet; Note: The above said conditions have been decided after detailed discussions and recommendations of the PWD (B & R) deparhnent and Inigation department, Haryana. 3.2 As the mining river bed remains restricted in the Central3l4rh part of the river bed, the area Ieft on both side of the river bank not only ensures the safety of banks (bank cufting due to water stream) but also ensures that in the oentral part of river, water stream flows smoothly during rains and process of river meandering does not occur. 3.3 The light weight excavator/JCBs are being deployed to remove mineral from river bed up to maximum depth of 03 meter layer from general level of the bed. The mining in the river bed are undertaken in mechanized manner. At times the Reps do refers the o'Semi excavation in river bed mining through excavators as Mechanized Mining,,.
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