California Newsletter Archive

ReLeaf Remarks Spring 1990 (Volume 1, No. 1) • Planting as Metaphor- Thoughts from the Director • Breaking New Ground: ReLeaf groups use creative methods to locate sites and volunteers • Regional Roundup • Network Member Profile- Peninsula ReLeaf (Magic) • Legislative Update • Network News

ReLeaf Remarks Summer1990 (Volume 1, No. 2) • Setting the Agenda- Thoughts from the Director • Nurturing Nature • Network Member Profile- People for Trees • Regional Roundup • Legislative Update • Network News

ReLeaf Remarks Fall/Winter 1990 (Volume 1, No. 3) • ReLeaf Enters the Classroom: School Programs Aim for “Green Kids” • Thoughts from the Director • Tree-Clying Tips • Network News • Regional Roundup • Network Member Profile- Friends of the Urban • ReLeaf Discretionary Fund: Goal for 1991 • Legislative Update • Tree Lore

ReLeaf Remarks Spring 1991 (Volume 2, No. 1) • Dry Years Offer a “Golden” Opportunity • Open Forum- Drought Teaches Ethics • Shower with a Tree: ReLeaf urges graywater use • Regional Roundup • Legislative Update • Network Member Profile- Tree Society of Orange County • Network News

ReLeaf Remarks Fall 1991(Volume 2, No. 2) • Saving Energy with Shade Trees • Open Forum-City Finds Formula for Tree-Care Success • Christmas Tree Advisory • Urban Chief Sees Power at Local Level

1 • Around the State • Legislative Update • Network Member Profile- Sonoma County ReLeaf • Planting Highlights

ReLeaf Remarks Winter 1992 (Volume 3, No. 1) • Trees Cause Smog? Debate Rages Over News Report, UC Riverside Study • Open Forum- UC Riverside Team Responds • New Guidelines Make ReLeaf Network More Accessible • Network Member Profile- Sacramento Tree Foundation • Around the State • Legislative Update • Prop 70: A Great Funding Source That Could be Better • Planting Highlights

ReLeaf Remarks Spring 1992 (Volume 3, No. 2) • Nurseries Improve Tree Quality • Open Forum- Lucky to Be in the Nursery Business • Around the State • Federal Grants Reach Local Groups • Planting Highlights • The Story Behind • Legislative Update • Network Member Profile- Tree Fresno

ReLeaf Remarks Summer 1992 (Volume 3, No. 3) • The Trees We Neglect: What’s Our Record on Tree Care and Who’s Keeping Track? • Open Forum- Volunteers and Tree Care: Boon or Burden? • From “Drought” to “Dry Climate” Moving Beyond Crisis Mode • Network Member Profile- TreePeople • Geo Award for Environmental Excellence • Around the State • Legislative Update • In the Works: A Blueprit for City Trees • Trees Give Best Return on Investment • Highlights: Tree Care

ReLeaf Remarks Fall 1992 (Volume 3, No. 4) • New Medicine for Urban Ills: Cities Use Trees to Battle Crime, Heal Neighborhoods • Open Forum- Trees in Three Languages • Defining the “Tree Professional” • Around the State • Legislative Update • Network Member Profile- Willits Friends of Trees (Mendocino County ReLeaf)

2 • Highlights: Multicultural Outreach

ReLeaf Remarks 1993 (Volume 4, No. 1) • The Treasure We Trash: New Directions for California’s Green Waste • Open Forum- From Leaves to Loam: Coming Full Circle • ATB (American the Beautiful) Spells Success • Network Member Profile- Fallbrook Land Conservancy • Network News • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 1993 (Volume 4, No. 2) • The Business of Butchering Trees • Open Forum- Why Are Trees Topped? • Trees in the Classroom: A Guide to Curricula and Resources • Network Member Profile- Our City Forest • Legislative Update • Around the State

California Trees Summer 1993 (Volume 4, No. 3) • Advice You Can Bank ON: Tree Boards Help Cities Improve Programs, Stretch Dollars • Trees and Sidewalks: Can They Be Friends? • Open Forum- The Future of One Tree Advisory Board • Network Member Profile- Pasadena Beautiful • Legislative Update • Around the State

California Trees Fall 1993 (Volume 4, No. 4) • Harvesting Urban : New Industry Sees the Trees for the • Open Forum- the Case for Salvaging “Waste Wood” • Shade Tree or Fire Hazard? • Fire-Safe Landscaping Techniques • The Hidden Clout of Volunteers • Around the State • Network Member Profile- El Cerrito Greenway Committee • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 1994 (Volume 5, No. 1) • Marketing : Ten Perspectives on How We’re Doing • The State of Our Forests: CDF Publishes Results of New Survey • Open Forum- Empowering City Trees Crews • Network Member Profile- North East Trees • What’s Your View: Best and worst street-trees species? • News in Urban Forestry • “Proper Pays”: 1995 Arbor Day Theme


California Trees Spring 1993 (Volume 5, No. 2) • Moving Trees: Is It Worth It? • What’s Your View: Do local ordinances keep people from cutting down trees? • “Hard Work and Low Pay” Tree Groups Find Partners in the Conservation Corps • Network Member Profile- Petaluma Tree Planters • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry • Open Forum- Why Trees are Important, by Michael Rivera, 5th Grade Student

California Trees Spring 1993 (Volume 5, No. 3) 1994 #3 • Health Care Replaces Pesticides: Pest Management Goes Holistic in the Urban Forest • Fruit Trees in Cities: How do they fit? • Open Forum- Through a Glass Brightly: Cultural Values and the Urban Forest • What’s Your View: Root barriers: how effective are they? • Network Member Profile- ShadeTree Partnership • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 1993 (Volume 5, No. 4) • Corporate Tree Programs: Making them Work • ISA Certification: How it Came to Be • What’s Your View: Which natives make good street trees? • Assessment Districts for Trees: The Way of the Future? • Network Member Profile- Circuit Rider Productions • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 1995 (Volume 6, No. 1) • A Tale of Tree Cities • Open Forum- Planning and Planting for Diversit • Recipients of the 1995 California ReLeaf Tree Hero Award • Reading Guide for the Urban • Network Member Profile- Victoria Avenue Forever • News in Urban Forestry • What’s Your View: How Well Do Trees Work as Sound Barriers?

California Trees Summer 1995 (Volume 6, No. 2) • Shopping in a Greener World: Trees Bring New Life to Downtown Areas • Open Forum- Yards that Cry “Fire!” • Legislative Update • Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Building Truces in the Tree Wards

4 • What’s Your View: What’s the best procedure for planting trees in compacted soils with poor drainage? • News in Urban Forestry • Network Member Profile- Marin ReLeaf

California Trees Winter 1995 (Volume 6, No. 3) • Raze Them or Praise Them? Eucalyptus: The Sins of a Few Species Tarnish the Genus • Open Forum- The Message of Stewardship • The Trees at the Center of the Universe: evergreen stories of longevity and eternal love from around the world • What’s Your View: How can communities make the best use of tree inventories? • News in Urban Forestry • Network Member Profile- Santa Barbara County ReLeaf

California Trees Summer 1996 (Volume 7, No. 1) • Dutch Elm Disease: What Are Communities Doing? • News in Urban Forestry • What’s Your View: Do watering and aeration tubes help to establish healthy trees? • Open Forum- Building relationships with new Legislators • Recipients of the 1996 California ReLeaf Tree Hero Award • Network Member Profile- ReLeaf Costa Mesa

California Trees Winter 1997 (Volume 8, No. 1) • Planting Trees Builds Community: Neighbors are Changing More than Just the Landscape • Open Forum- Finding Common Ground in Rural and Urban Forestry • In the Land of Fantasy Trees (Disneyland) • Tree Care Success Stories • News in Urban Forestry • Network Member Profile- National AIDS Memorial Grove • What’s your View: What Professional Certification or Licensing Should be Required for Tree Management in the Urban-Rural Interface?

California Trees Summer 1997 (Volume 8, No. 2) • When Green Turns to Grey: Caring for our Aging Urban Forests • Tree Care Success Stories • Recipients of the 1997 California ReLeaf Tree Hero Award • Network Member Profile- Atascadero Native Tree Association • Open Forum- Urban Forestry- Focusing on the Big Picture • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update • What’s Your View: Do you Recommend Using Polymers to Help Retain Soil Moisture?

California Trees Fall 1997 (Volume 8, No. 3) • Trees in Trouble at Lake Tahoe: An Urbanizing Forest with Forestry Problems

5 • Open Forum: Managing a Planet Can Be, Well… Tough • Do Kids Still Climb Trees? Ruminations on a Time-Honored Arboreal Pursuit • Network Member Profile- Arroyo Seco Foundation • What’s Your View: What Kind of Tree Ties Do You Use and Why? • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Winter 1998 (Volume 9, No. 1) • Municipal vs. Contracted Tree Care: How do trees fare when cities turn to the private sector? • Urban Forestry at Home: A Primer for Planting Trees in Your Yard • Network Member Profile- Roseville Urban Forest Foundation • Open Forum- Tree Preservation is not Resource Conservation • What’s Your View: Is Root Pruning an Effective Way to Prevent Sidewalk Damage? • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Spring 1998 (Volume 9, No. 2) • Urban Resource Stewardship: New U.S. Forest Service Strategy Targets Urban Constituents • Does Energy Deregulation Threaten Conservation Programs? • Network Member Profile- California Oak Foundation • What’s Your View: How Can GIS Help Communities Improve Their Urban Forestry Programs? • News in Urban Forestry • Open Forum- Laguna Beach: A good view is just good luck; it’s no business of government

California Trees Summer/Fall 1998 (Volume 9, No. 3) • Saving California’s Oaks: A Balancing Act Between Property Rights and Resource Values • Finding Home: the evolving native garden • Open Forum- Trees Groups and Kids at Risk • Network Member Profile- Tree Foundation of Kern • 1998 Tree Heroes • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Winter 1998-99 (Volume 9, No. 4) • National Design Competition Inspired Creative Concepts for Street Tree Protection • Waste Not – Want Not: From Urban Trees to Treasured Timber • Open Forum- Urban Forestry Gains a True Believer • Looking for Free Trees in All the Right Places • Network Member Profile- Tree Musketeers • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry


California Trees Spring 1999 (Volume 10, No. 1) • Trees Help LA Schools Reduce Energy Use, Increase Community Pride • Tree Attitudes: A Change of Heart • What a Difference $5 Million Makes (Proposition 70) • Network Member Profile- North Hills Landscape Committee • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 1999 (Volume 10, No. 2) • Trees for the Millennium: An Urban Forest for California • A Message from the Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection • Planting Trees for the Health of It • Network Member Profile- Visalia Beautification Committee • They’re Here: Red Imported Fire Ants Invade California • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Fall 1999 (Volume 10, No. 3) • Twenty Million Trees by the Year 2000: Putting the Goal in Perspective • Trees and Climate Change: Another Look • Open Forum- Nurturing Science That Helps Us See The Forest For the Trees • Network Member Profile- Tree Davis • Ponding Basins Hold Promise for Parks and Urban Trees • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Winter 1999-2000 (Volume 10, No. 4) • Watersheds: Embracing the Ties that Bind • A “Bill of Rights” Not a “Hall of Fame”- Rethinking Heritage Tree Programs • Network Member Profile- Los Angeles Advisory Committee • Open Forum- Reconnecting Municipal Parks and Urban Forestry • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Spring/Summer 2000 (Volume 11, No. 1) • The New Millennium Ranger: News Challenges are Changing • Open Forum- Trees and Democracy • Training the Environmental Journalists of the Future • Network Member Profile- Goleta Valley Beautiful • Ancient Ginkgos Teach Modern Lesson • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry


California Trees Fall 2000 (Volume 11, No. 2) • The Quest for Quality Tree Stock: Finding Common Ground for Healthy Urban Forests • Sudden Oak Death: A Lesson in Ecology • Network Member Profile- Oak Habitat Restoration Project (Walnut Creek) • Open Forum- Getting Tree Care Information into the Hands of Home Gardeners: One Tree Group’s Experience • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Winter 2000-2001 (Volume 11, No. 3) • Beyond Sprawl: An Ecological Approach to the Debate • The Ecology of Urban Trees: Part I: Forest Origins • Network Member Profile- Huntington Beach Tree Society • Open Forum- Tales of a Modern-Day Johnny Appleseed • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Spring 2001 (Volume 12, No. 1) • Crossing Bridges and Borders: Connecting the Disconnected • The Ecology of Urban Trees: Part II: The Urban Ecosystem • Network Member Profile- Greenspace: The Cambria Land Trust • A Cleaner, Greener Fresno…For Less! • Tips for Urban Tree Planters • News in Urban Forestry • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2001 (Volume 12, No. 2) • Harnessing the Power of California’s Wood Waste • Bonfante Gardens Theme Park: Putting Trees on the Map • Network Member Profile- Streaminders • Open Forum- Seeing Things Differently, by Fred Deneke • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry

California Trees Fall 2001 (Volume 12, No. 3) • Coping with Forest Pests: Saving Ecosystems in a Shrinking World • Caring for Oaks on California’s Urban Edges • Network Member Profile- Community ReLeaf [formerly ReLeaf Anaheim] • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry • Open Forum- From Planting to Policy-Making: One Public Official’s Perspective

California Trees Winter 2002 (Volume 12, No. 4)

8 • Urban Forestry Makes Olympic Debut • The California ReLeaf Network: A Decade of Action and Advocacy • Network Member Profile- California Urban Forests Council • News in Urban Forestry • Open Forum- California’s Urban Forests and the Changing Landscape

California Trees Spring 2002 (Volume 13, No. 1) • Remembering Our Rivers- the Rediscovery of California’s Urban Waterways • Changes and Challenges in the Quest for Quality Tree Stock • Open Forum- Green Infrastructure: The Elemental Solution • Network Member Profile- Santa Barbara Beautiful • Legislative Update • News in Urban Forestry • Tips from the Field: A New Look for Trees in Turf

California Trees Summer 2002 (Volume 13, No. 2) • Phytoremediation: Humble Plants Soaking Up Lethal Toxins • Open Forum- Why Isn’t Urban and Community Forestry Getting More Public Support? • Resources Online and in Print • Network Member Profile- Atherton Tree Committee • Rubber Sidewalks: A Promising Solution to an Age-Old Problem • History of the Federal Urban and Community Forestry Program • Legislative Update

California Trees Fall 2002 • Greener Spaces Make Safer Places: The Role of Trees in Crime Reduction • The American Green Cross: Remembering an Early Tree Preservation Movement • Network Member Profile- Coronado Street Tree Committee • Cooling California Naturally • Art Show for Oaks: Unique Exhibit Opens in October • Urban Forestry News • Legislative Update

California Trees Winter 2003 • Putting “California” Back in Our Landscapes: The Value of Native Trees • Sudden Oak Death Update • After the Planting Party: Caring for Trees on School Campuses • Urban Forestry News • Network Member Profile- Santa Margarita Community Forestry • Tree Innovations: Trees New York’s Bike Rack/Tree Guard • Legislative Update • Center for Urban Forest Research: A Decade of Service

California Trees Spring 2003

9 • Policies, Protests, and Protections: How citizens respond to street tree removals • Structural Soils: Finding Room for Roots Between Rocks and a Hard Place • Network Member Profile- South San Francisco Beautification Committee • What’s Your View? 15-gallon trees versus 24-inch box • Legislative Update • A New Home for California ReLeaf- National Tree Trust

California Trees Fall 2003 (Volume 14, No. 2) • Mycorrhizae: Unsung Heroes of Forest Health • Volunteers and Research • Guide to Back Issues (Spring/Summer 2000 – Winter 2003) • Network Member Profile- Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2004 (Volume 15, No. 1) • Fire Wise: Lessons for Survivors • Network Member Profile- Fair Oaks Beautification Association • Guide to Back Issues (Winter 1997 – Winter 1999/2000) • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2004 (Volume 15, No. 1) • Protecting Oaks in San Luis Obispo County: Model Effort or Red Flag? • Tree in Business Districts: Why Such a Tough Sell? • Tip from the Field: Folding Platform Ladder • Network Member Profile- Seal Beach Tree Committee and Trees for Seal Beach • State Legislative Update and Report from Washington • New to the Network- Friends of Carmel Forest and Wildplaces Ecological Restoration and Education

California Trees Summer 2004 (Volume 15, No. 1) • A New Beginning for California ReLeaf! • New to the Network- Carpinteria Beautiful and Keep Eureka Beautiful • Guide to Back Issues • Network Member Profile- Tule River Parkway Association • Legislative Update • Mother’s Clubs: A Great Way to Teach Parents and Kids About Trees

California Trees Fall 2004 (Volume 15, No. 2) • The Rise and Fall of Our Favorite Tree Species • Oregon Trees Cast Shade in California • New to the Network- Richmond ReLeaf, Tree Partners Foundation, Greater Modesto Tree Foundation, Marina Tree Committee • Network Member Profile- Canopy • Legislative Update

10 • Certified Urban Forester Program in Full Swing

California Trees Spring 2005 (Volume 15, No. 3) • Master Gardeners: Just a phone call away! • Tree Advocate in Action- Jim Patterson, San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors • Oaks on School Campuses: A Planting Primer • Network Member Profile- West Hollywood Tree Preservation Society • Legislative Update • New to the Network- California Community Forests Foundation

California Trees Summer 2005 (Volume 15, No. 4) • The Ergonomics of • Tree Advocate in Action- Ray Tretheway, Sacramento Tree Foundation • Network Member Profile- Urban Tree Foundation • Awards and Honors- Kemba Shakur, Executive Director of Urban ReLeaf; Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful; Atherton Tree Committee; Huntington Beach Tree Society; Friends of the Urban Forest • Summer Reading- Trees of Santa Barbara and Ornamental Trees of San Diego: Mediterranean Climate Trees for the Garden • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 2006 (Volume 16, No. 1) • Tree City USA Award: One Urban Forester’s Opinion • Tree Advocate in Action- State Assemblyman Paul Koretz • Staff and Board Member changes • Network Member Profile- Vallemar Conservators • New to the Network- Highland Environmental Education Coalition, Keep Downey Beautiful, San Mateo Arboretum Society • Awards and Honors- Goleta Valley Beautiful, Santa Barbara County ReLeaf, Tree Partners Foundation, Urban ReLeaf, Tree Musketeers • Legislative Update • National Tree Trust Dissolves

California Trees Fall 2006 (Volume 16, No. 2) • Urban Forest Advocates Meet in Pasadena • Keep America Beautiful/Keep California Beautiful • Network Member Profile- Professional Tree Care Association of San Diego • New to the Network- City Beautiful of San Diego Inc.; Community Services & Employment Training (CSET); Friends of Rodeo, Refugio and Carquinez Watersheds; Keep Oakland Beautiful; Tree Guild of Arroyo Grande; Urban Corps of San Diego • Awards and Honors- TREE Davis, Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful, Tree Musketeers, Sacramento Tree Foundation • Remembrance of Dr. Alex Shigo • Legislative Update • Yes on Proposition 84


California Trees Winter/Spring 2007 (Volume 16, No. 3) • Urban Forestry Becomes a Cool Topic • Tree Advocate in Action: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles • Network Member Profile- Ojai Valley Land Conservancy • New to the Network- Merced River Watershed Ecological Restoration Club, Mountain View Trees • Nationwide Arbor Day Campaign • Legislative Update • Talking points for tree advocates

California Trees Fall 2007 (Volume 17, No. 1) • Urban Tree Planting and Greenhouse Gas Reductions: Unraveling the Debate • Tree Advocate in Action: Lois Wolk, California State Assemblymember • Network Member Profile- San Mateo Park Association • New to the Network- California Association of Local Conservation Corps, Orange County Conservation Corps, San Bernardino Volunteer Yard Beautification Project; Street Tree Seminar, Inc., West Oakland Commerce Association • Legislative Update

California Trees Spring 2008 (Volume 17, No. 2) • Planting Trees to Fight Global Climate Change • Tree Advocate in Action: Heather Fargo, Mayor of Sacramento • Network Member Profile- Orange for Trees • The Great Clean Air Tree Planting Project • • Legislative Update

California Trees Fall 2008 (Volume 17, No. 3) • Shade Trees: The Bottom Line • Legislative Promotes Shade Tree Programs • Urban Forests and Climate Change: Project Reporting Protocol • Network Member Profile- Tree Partners Foundation • New to the Network- Common Vision, Friends of Trees Nevada County, Koreatown Youth and Community Center, LA Conservation Corps, Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District, Tree Lindsay • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2009 (Volume 17, No. 4) • Urban Forestry Takes Root in the Green Jobs Movement • Raising Money in a Difficult Economy • Network Member Profile- Urban ReLeaf • New to the Network- Tree Lodi, Solano Advocates Green Environments • Legislative Update


California Trees Spring 2010 (Volume 18, No. 1) • Economic Stimulus Package Includes $6 Million in California ReLeaf grants • California ReLeaf American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant Program Grant Recipients • Strategic Growth Council: Planning California’s Future • Network Member Profile- Mountains Restoration Trust • Friends of the Urban Forest Celebrates 1,000th Planting • New California ReLeaf website • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2010 (Volume 18, No. 2) • Fruit Trees: Planting Health in Urban California • Making Progress: Federal Funds Help Urban Forestry • Network Member Profile- Greater Modesto Tree Foundation • Legislative Update

California Trees Winter 2010 (Volume 18, No. 3) • Nature Matters: How Urban Greening Can Change Lives • Trees and Crime • : Tools for Campaign Success • Network Member Profile- Woodland Tree Foundation • A View from Sacramento: The State of Urban Forestry in California • Economic Recovery Funds Fostering Jobs Through Urban Forestry • California ReLeaf Celebrates Arbor Week • Legislative Update

California Trees Summer 2011 (Volume 19, No. 1) • Tools for the 21st Century • California ReLeaf Celebrates Arbor Week with New Statewide Program • Network Member Profile- Hollywood Beautification Team • New to the Network – Amigos de los Rios • Thank You for Supporting the California ReLeaf Network • Legislative Update • Get to Know California’s Most Common Urban Trees

California Trees Winter 2011 (Volume 19, No. 2) • Threats to California’s Urban Forests: Protecting Community Green Infrastructure • California Shines: Tree Gifts to the Nation and Your Community • Network Member Profile- CSET • New to the Network – Friends of Balboa Park, Benicia Tree Foundation • Scott Wilson memorial

13 • California Arbor Week Reminder • Give the Gift of Trees to Your Community • Legislative Update • ARRA Projects Enter Final Months Boasting Big Results