2015 Annual Report The Robert McLaughlin Gallery

Scott Helman performs at RMG Fridays. Photo by Linda Ryde.

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President’s Report 4 CEO’s Report 6 Curator’s Report 8 Impact by the Numbers 9 Digital Engagement 10

Exhibitions 11 Publications 12 Acquisitions 13 Education 17 Art Reach 18 Gallery A and Art Lab 19 Events 21 RMG Fridays 22 Volunteer Program 23 Membership and Support 25 Financial Report 27 Staff and Board of Trustees 31

Front Cover: Sarindar Dhaliwal, the green fairy storybook (detail), 2009, bookwork. Collection of The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, purchased with the financial support of the Isabel McLaughlin Acquisition Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance Program, 2016. Photo by Toni Hafkenscheid. Top Right: Guests at RMG Exposed 2015. Photo by Grant Cole. Middle Right: Kids enjoy an art activity in the studio. Bottom Right: At the opening of Noel Harding’s Reverb at the GM Centre.

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery is generously assisted by the City of Oshawa, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage, Museums Assistance Program. Additional support is provided by the Volunteers of the RMG, individual members and donors, local business and corporations.

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Installation of Moving Image: Selections from the Permanent Collection. Photo by Brilynn Ferguson.

“One of the most beautiful small galleries I have ever seen. Lovely architecture and great art.” - Deborah

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President’s Report

2015 has been a year of change and challenge. We celebrated many milestones along the way as the RMG continues to flourish with an ever expanding group of loyal supporters.

The role of the Board is to set the priorities and policies of the organization, approve the annual budget and monitor its implementation, and ensure that the gallery continues to serve the needs of the local community. An important part of this work was the search and appointment of our new CEO, Donna Raetsen-Kemp, in August 2015. Donna’s excellent leadership and people-first approach will lead the Gallery to new heights.

In 2015-16, the priorities of the RMG as set out in the Strategic Plan were to stabilize, strengthen and align staffing and resources, and continue to build capacity within the organization in preparation for the next phase of transformation. Donna, together with her extremely talented and creative staff team and dedicated volunteers, have certainly made significant strides in that direction. In a short time, they have reignited how people have connected with the RMG through the:

• Organization of RMG Fridays featuring a spectacular range of artistic expression leading up to the wildly successful fifth anniversary celebration in February 2016 • Presentation of several remarkable exhibitions of modern and contemporary Canadian art throughout the year • Engagement of accomplished artists, emerging artists, aspiring artists, story tellers, and art lovers at all levels in the RMG’s education and outreach programs • And finally, the provision of space in the beautifully renovated RMG for new collaborations, experiences, and reflection, through new open studios and residencies.

In addition, several important works were added to our collection. We are grateful to the donors of these works as we continue to honour and protect the legacy of the and works of abstraction through our Permanent Collection.

Indeed, we owe a debt of gratitude to the RMG team for their exceptional devotion, resourcefulness and persistence throughout the fall when the HVAC system failed, taking all necessary measures to protect our national treasures until the mechanical issues were finally resolved.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Donna and her incredible team, the volunteers, and the RMG membership for their ongoing commitment and support for the RMG. I would also like to extend our appreciation to the City of Oshawa, the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts for their critical support of the RMG. And, personally, I would like to thank my fellow Trustees, whose depth of commitment and generous giving of their time and talent to the Board’s work have been invaluable.

We can certainly look forward to exciting things to come.

Olivia Petrie President, Board of Trustees

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A family enjoys a studio activity at RMG Fridays. Photo by Lucy Villeneuve.

“This art gallery is an oasis of exquisite culture in the rough diamond that is Oshawa’s cultural scene. Not only does it contain a stunning permanent collection, it regularly features traveling shows of world calibre artists and amazing contemporary displays. It should not be missed if you find yourself in Durham region.” - Lionel

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CEO’s Report

My first few months drove home the value of our Permanent Collection and the unique way our community relates to the RMG. Because of unexpected and unprecedented events, a lot of our time was consumed with protecting and preserving the collection.

New to the RMG, it gave me the rare opportunity to see how much our board, staff, stakeholders, friends and our supporters value and love the gallery:

• Our Curatorial team showed grit and determination, working tirelessly for months to protect the Permanent Collection as our Arthur Erickson designed building-within-a- building experienced persistent HVAC issues. • The Canadian Conservation Institute recognized the significance of our Collection and provided us with around-the-clock guidance from their Senior Conservation Scientist, stationed in Rome. Our national treasure received international attention. • The RMG education team dug deep, creating outstanding workshops, classes and community arts experiences that built momentum. • We nimbly replaced a much-anticipated touring exhibition with a stellar retrospective from our Permanent Collection. The cancellation resulted from HVAC issues and the associated costs had significant impact on our financial position. • City of Oshawa management worked with top-level engineers to find solutions to the complex issues that challenged operations and jeopardized our Collection.

While navigating the turbulence, we stared unflinchingly at our processes and made improvements. Throughout it all, volunteers rallied, more people visited and RMG Fridays soared.

While my own passion for the RMG brought me here, every hurdle and triumph we experienced underscored the significance of our gallery and the Permanent Collection and all it stands for.

I am excited about our future. Although there is much work to be done, opportunities abound thanks to the steps our Board and staff have taken. We are stronger as we move through 2016.

Onward and upward…together!

Donna Raetsen-Kemp Chief Executive Office

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Visitors view a work by Ray Mead at RMG Fridays. Photo by Mat Calverley.

“I love wandering in to see what’s new. I come over at lunch time as often as I need to see everything. The RMG is a real jewel and I feel lucky to have it so close and so accessible.” - Matthew

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Curator’s Report

2015 was a year of important accessions to the RMG’s permanent collection including twelve early photographs by Senior Canadian artist Robert Bourdeau, paintings by Abstract Expressionist icon Rita Letendre, and figurative painter Tony Scherman, as well as work by Oshawa-raised contemporary artists Clinton Griffin and Scott Griffin. The RMG’s Acquisition Committee made, as a priority, the purchase of work by culturally diverse artists and to that end acquired two works on paper by Pakistani- born Tazeen Qayyum and a sculpture by India-born artist Sarindar Dhaliwal.

The collection travelled beyond Oshawa in various exhibitions throughout 2015. Emily Carr’s Wood Interior was included in From Forest to Sea: Emily Carr in British Columbia, while Mount Cheops from Rogers Pass by William Brymner was in Picturing the Americas which is travelling to Arizona and Brazil. Both exhibitions were organized and shown at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Torso and Plants by Pegi Nicol MacLeod was included in The Artist Herself, jointly organized by the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and the Art Gallery of Hamilton and shown in both Kingston and Hamilton, while the painting Sulpician Seminary by Sarah Robertson was part of the important travelling exhibition 1920 Modernism in Montreal: The Beaver Hall Group organized by the Montreal Museum of Fine Art.

The exhibition year began with Running on Empty, curated by Heather Nicol and included the work of seven contemporary artists who relate their work to car culture. The retrospective Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form was the other important winter offering that introduced new research about this important Canadian modernist and Painters Eleven member.

Lora Moore-Kakaletris was the recipient of the Emerging Photography Award at the fall, 2014 RMG Exposed event and her solo exhibition of black and white photographs focused on what lies beneath water.

Three spring/summer exhibitions, Puppet Act: Manipulating the Voice, Boxing: The Sweet Science and David Rokeby: Very Nervous System showcased the work of contemporary and historic Canadian artists through video, painting, installation, sculpture and photography.

With the assistance of an Ontario Arts Council Culturally Diverse Curatorial Project grant, the RMG engaged emerging curator Ambereen Siddiqui. The resulting exhibition, Beyond Measure: Domesticating Distance, a collaboration with SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Centre), examined the “voids and brims of living in a diaspora” in the work of five artists from South Asia.

Regional artists continue to play an important part in the RMG’s exhibition programming. Closeups: Margaret Rodgers looked, through mixed-media work, at the background characters in photographs taken from the RMG’s Thomas Bouckley Collection of historic images. The Bouckley collection also brought historic images to focus in the era of digital photography with the exhibition Mindful Manipulation.

Linda Jansma Senior Curator

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Impact by the Numbers

Total Gallery Attendance 22,426 9% increase

Kids participate in a studio activity at RMG Fridays. Highest daily attendance Photo by Lucy Villeneuve. on April 10 Program Growth: 57% increase in OPG Second Sunday 469 participants RMG Fridays April event 28% increase in Artist and Curatorial talks attendance 13% growth in RMG Fridays attendance 29% increase in volunteer hours 15% increase in gallery memberships

Visitor Feedback: 52% of guests were new visitors 96% of guests said their visit met or exceeded expectations 89% of guests plan on visiting more museums or galleries in the near future because of their experience at the RMG

Overall Attendance Summary:

General Visitation School Programming and Tours Classes, Workshops and Other Tours Outreach (Activities outside of the RMG) Public Programming and Art Events Beyond Measure artists and curator in the photo booth during the opening reception at RMG Fridays

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Digital Engagement

To expand our reach we have embraced multiple social channels to promote RMG programming, exhibitions, events and share our collection. In December 2015, we launched a new website at rmg.on.ca that includes a flexible and responsive design. The new website is entirely AODA and WC3 compliant and user experience is paramount. The website effectively shows our exhibitions, events, collection, information and provides additional Having fun with the Selfie Station at RMG Fridays artist resources.

Website Sessions 46,054 19% increase

Twitter Followers 4,359 24% increase RMG website “About” page showing desktop and mobile variations Facebook Followers 3,159 40% increase

eNewsletter Subscribers 1,252 45% increase

Instagram Followers 876 115% increase

* All percentage increase calculations are based Volunteer Alex Ross takes a selfie with Tony Scherman’s Elvis (Blue on the difference between 2014 and 2015 data Highway series) (detail), 2000, encaustic on canvas. Gift of the artist. and show results as of December 31, 2015

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Closeups: Margaret Rodgers Travelling Exhibitions Thomas Bouckley Collection January 23 – May 7, 2015 Hosted by the RMG

Running on Empty David Rokeby: Very Nervous System January 10 – April 26, 2015 May 30 – September, 2015

Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form January 31 – May 24, 2015 Collaborative Exhibitions Organized by the RMG ARTiculate: Durham Catholic School Board April 30 – May 17, 2015 Reading the Talk

Water: Lora Moore-Kakaletris Museum London May 2 – May 31, 2015 May 9 – August 30, 2015

Spirit of Sport: Thomas Bouckley Collection Art Gallery of Peterborough May 9 – August 22, 2015 September 11 – November 1, 2015

Puppet Act: Manipulating the Voice MacLaren Art Centre May 23 – September 1, 2015 November 28, 2015 – March 6, 2016

Boxing: The Sweet Science Ian Johnston: Reinvented Consumption May 30 – September 13, 2015 Access Gallery, Vancouver A Visionary Journey: Works from the June 5 – July 18, 2015 Collection of Terri Lipman June 6 – October 4, 2015 Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins: The Collaborationists Moving Image September 12, 2015 – August 20, 2016 Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Arizona, U.S.A. Mindful Manipulation June 6 – September 13, 2015 Thomas Bouckley Collection August 26 – January 24, 2016 Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form

Beyond Measure: Domesticating Distance Art Gallery of Greater Victoria September 5 – January 3, 2016 June 12 – September 7, 2015

Oshawa Art Association’s 48th Annual Juried Exhibition Toni Hamel: The lingering September 17 – October 4, 2015 Grimsby Public Art Gallery Ray Mead: Abstraction Through Line October 24 – December 6, 2015 October 10, 2015 - January 24, 2016

Ray Mead: Living Within November 21, 2015 - January 17, 2016

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Running on Empty: Kim Adams, John Massey, Kate Puxley, Shayne Ehman + Seth Scriver, Monica Tap, Elinor Whidden with Jean-Luc Godard Essay: Heather Nicol

Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form Essays: Ian Thom, Linda Jansma, Michelle Jacques and Anna Hudson

Boxing: The Sweet Science Introduction: Sean O’Meara Essays: Linda Jansma and Stephen Brunt

Puppet Act: Manipulating the Voice Essay: Linda Jansma

Beyond Measure: Top: Installation of Beyond Measure: Domesticating Domesticating Distance Distance. Photo by Brilynn Ferguson. Above: Terri Lipman and Linda Jansma at RMG Fridays Introduction: Seema July. Photo by Linda Ryde. Hollenberg Bottom: Running on Empty artists Elinor Whidden and Essay: Ambereen Siddiqui Monica Tap pose with curator Heather Nicol and Whidden’s sculpture at RMG Fridays. Photo by Mat Calverley.

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Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Lake Superior, Ontario 1973 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat board 19.6 x 24.4 cm (image); 35.4 x 48.6 cm (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau Robert Bourdeau, Lake Superior, Ontario 1973, silver gelatin print on Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 paper, mounted on mat board. Gift of Sean Bourdeau Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 on mat board Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 19. x 24.4 cm (image); 35.4 x 43.1 cm silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat (mat board) board A/P Gift of Sean Bourdeau 19.4 x 24.4 cm (image); 32.9 x 38.0 cm (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 on mat board silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat 24.4 x 19.4 cm (image); 38.1 x 33.0 cm board A/P (mat board) 19.4 x 24.4 cm (image); 32.9 x 48.2 cm (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau Gift of Sean Bourdeau

Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 Untitled 1974 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat on mat board A/P board 19.2 x 24.5 cm (image); 32.9 x 38.0 cm 19.2 x 24.6 cm (image); 33.6 x 38.5 cm (mat board) (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau Gift of Sean Bourdeau Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Untitled 1974 Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1978 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat silver gelatin print on paper, mounted board on mat board 19. x 24.2 cm (image); 33.7 x 38.5 cm (mat board) 19.4 x 24.4 cm (image); 33.0 x 38.1 cm Gift of Sean Bourdeau (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Utah 1976 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat board 19.4 x 24.4 cm (image); 33.0 x 38.1 cm (mat board) Gift of Sean Bourdeau

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Clinton Griffin, Superpunch, 2002-2010, ink, Pete Doherty, The Docks Nightclub, Toronto, Ontario, acrylic, paper and oil on board. Gift of the artist 2005/2015, gelatin silver print on paper. Gift of the artist

Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Griffin, Scott, Canadian, b. 1970 Yorkshire, England 1975 Game 1997 silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat mixed media on masonite board 77.4 x 104.7 cm 19.4 x 24.4 cm (image); 32.9 x 38.1 cm (mat board) Gift of Margaret Rodgers Gift of Sean Bourdeau Harlander Pottery (Theo and Susanne Harlander), Bourdeau, Robert, Canadian, b. 1933 Canadian, b. Germany 1920 (Theo d. pre 1992; Untitled 1974 Susanne d. 2005) silver gelatin print on paper, mounted on mat Untitled (Garden of Eden) board glazed ceramic and wood table 19.6 x 24.3 cm (image); 33.6 x 38.5 cm (mat board) 70.5 x 55.3 x 134.0 cm Gift of Sean Bourdeau Gift of the Estate of Elizabeth Harlander

Doherty, Pete, b. 1964 Harlander, Theo, Canadian b. Germany, 1920 d. pre The Docks Nightclub, Toronto, Ontario 2005/2015 1992 gelatin silver print on paper Untitled (cat) 27.7 x 35.5 cm (paper); 20.4 x 30.7 cm (image) glazed ceramic Gift of the artist 24 x 15 x 20 cm Gift of the Estate of Elizabeth Harlander Doherty, Pete, b. 1964 Sully’s Gym, Toronto, Ontario 2012/2015 Housser, Yvonne McKague, Canadian, 1898-1996 gelatin silver print on paper Northern Lake n.d. 27.7 x 35.5 cm (paper); 20.4 x 30.7 cm (image) oil on panel Gift of the artist 33 x 40.8 cm Gift of Jana Schuelke Griffin, Clinton, Canadian, b. 1973 Superpunch 2002-2010 Jones, Janet, Canadian b. 1957 ink, acrylic, paper and oil on board DaDa Delirio #4 2008-2009 42.9 x 60.5 cm oil and acrylic on canvas Gift of the artist 239.3 x 135.0 cm Gift of the artist

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Acquisitions (continued)

Gifts (continued) Scherman, Tony, Canadian, b. 1950 Elvis (Blue Highway series) 2000 Letendre, Rita, Canadian b. 1928 encaustic on canvas Onward 1966 152.6 x 152.1 cm oil on canvas Gift of the artist 50.7 x 60.9 cm Gift of the artist Savannah: Better Days (About 1865 series) 2006 encaustic on canvas Softly the Light Came 1984 91.4 x 91.4 cm acrylic on canvas Gift of the artist 283.0 x 107.1 cm Gift of the artist Ophelia (insane) (The Cream of Denmark series) 2009 Life and Passion, The Magic Circle 1998 encaustic on canvas oil on canvas 113.6 x 122.1 cm 152. 4 x 204.0 cm Gift of the artist Gift of the artist Polonius (The Cream of Denmark series) 2010 Palmer, Valerie, Canadian, b. 1950 encaustic on canvas Perpetua 1993 76 x 76.5 cm oil on canvas Gift of the artist 107 x 127 cm Anonymous Gift Purchases

Meadmore, Clement, b. Australia, 1929-2005 Dhaliwal, Sarindar, b. India 1953* Upstart II 1968/1987 the green fairy storybook 2009 black polane painted aluminum, 2/2 Bookwork: wooden table, leather, paper 7.65 x 5.4 x 7.5 m 125 x 187.5 x 87.5 cm Gift of Marla and Edward Schwartz Harding, Noel, b. England 1945 d. Caledon 2016 Reverb 2015 stainless steel, light 5.89 x 6.63 x 5.38 m.

Qayyum, Tazeen, Canadian, b. Pakistan, 1973 Observe and Release 2009 opaque watercolor on wasli (prepared archival paper) 26.5 x 23 cm

Seek Not Outside Yourself II 2015 opaque water colour on hot press illustration board 70 x 70 cm

Tony Scherman, Polonius (The Cream of Denmark series) (detail), 2010, encaustic on canvas. Gift of the artist * Board approved in 2015, acquired in 2016.

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“Reverb reflects the enthusiasm of those who visit the GM Centre—they are the ones who trigger the light show in the sculpture... I feel privileged to have spent time with Noel Harding who died in May 2016. The Canadian art world has become a poorer place with his passing.” Top: Noel Harding, Reverb, 2015, stainless steel, light. Purchased with the financial support of the RMG – Linda Jansma, Senior Curator Acquisition Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance Program. Photo by Noel Harding. Above: Linda Jansma with Noel Harding

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The RMG education department offers a wide range of classes, camps, school enrichment programs and specialized activities to learners of all ages and abilities. School enrichment programs, which are offered both at the Gallery and in schools across Durham Region, continue to be popular. These programs are designed to encourage students to look at and speak critically about Canadian art as well as explore their creativity and art making skills.

Highlights of 2015

In 2015, the department engaged 4,281 children and families through a wide range of programs including OPG Second Sundays, Imagination Station, art classes, day camps, Family Day, birthday parties, and other off-site community engagement activities on the occasion of Canada Day for instance, Durham’s Woodland Disco at Parkwood Estates, or the Tree Lighting Ceremony at City Hall.

We celebrated Doors Open and Culture Days in September, engaging local artists to create interactive art experiences for visitors, attracting Top: A family at Culture Days. 226 attendees. Above: Kids enjoying an art activity during March Break Camp.

The popularity of Art Fundamentals children’s classes rose and adult workshops saw enormous “We love your art classes registration increases. and have brought friends We conducted 164 school enrichment programs, out to OPG Sundays. The and attendance reached 3,719 students. projects are interesting Participation in our OPG Second Sunday program rose from 705 attendees in 2014 to 1,104 in 2015. and fun to do, as well as Generously sponsored by the Ontario Power inspiring and foster a Generation, this program offers free, hands-on activities to the public, with October’s Halloween “can do” attitude. Your event and the Celebration of Colour in March being in particularly high demand. community outreach programs are also great to see at events.” - Visitor

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The RMG ArtReach Program provides meaningful opportunities for community learning so that visitors of all backgrounds and abilities can participate and engage with art. From intensive hands-on workshops to community exhibitions, ArtReach is about the RMG strengthening and making the art community more accessible and inclusive. ArtReach initiatives focus on expressed needs, thereby creating lasting, positive impressions of art and art experiences.

Selected 2015 Programs

Imagination Station The Imagination Station is an invaluable resting, art-making and play area for everyone, but primarily children and families. It drew 1,552 people in 2015.

Seniors Art Competition and Exhibition The Seniors Art Competition and Exhibition is developed in partnership with Oshawa Public Libraries and the Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre. As the three organizations wish to address the growing need for programing for seniors, a collaborative response has been the creation of this annual event. Our audience in 2015 was 917 visitors, with 46 at the opening reception and awards ceremony.

Art For All This partnership project, with the support of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, supported 251 students in under-served schools in downtown Oshawa. Participating students were provided free school enrichment programs and bus bursaries.

Scholarships The RMG awards two prizes to students studying at Durham College. Samra Asif, a second year student, was awarded the RMG Graphic Design award and Shaun Gray, a third year fine art Above: 2015 Seniors Art Competition and Exhibition winners: Ken student, was awarded the RMG Art Award. Norris, Bronze, Marion Beharrell, Silver, Angela Hennessey, Gold. Photo courtesy of the Oshawa Public Libraries. Middle: Participants enjoying a workshop with Beyond Measure artist Tazeen Qayyum. Bottom: A child painting during Summer Art Camp.

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Gallery A and Art Lab

This fledgling residency and exhibition opportunity continues to flourish. It is programmed by a competitive process that prioritizes regional and underrepresented artists.

In 2015, we were able to host artists Pete Smith, Toni Hamel, Ruth Greenlaw, Eric Rosser, Ramune Luminaire, Judith Mason, Lynne McIlvride, Monique Ra Brent, Joe and Matt Catalano, and Michael Drolet. Group shows included Durham College Fine Art Graduates, Motor City Stories featuring Karoline Baker, Dani Crosby, Joaquin Manay, and Phillip Nutall, and local fibre artists under the direction of Marilyn Whitbread including Rosemary Oliver, Cathy Brownson, and Rita Benson.

Professional Development for Artists

New programming provides the opportunity for artists to share their creative and professional expertise in custom-designed, one-off workshops.

Classes that impart specialized painting techniques as well as grant-writing workshops, and our Documentation Station (a free opportunity for artists to have their work professionally photographed) are very quickly gaining momentum. Further, Gallery A and Art Lab artists are encouraged to seek peer-to-peer support and feedback.

Top Right: At the opening of Pete Smith: Postscript. Top Middle: Mat and Joe Catalano celebrate their opening. Photo by Mat Calverley. Bottom Middle: Lynne McIlvride’s installation. Bottom Right: A student gives a tour of his work at the Durham College Fine Art Thesis Show. Left: A participant working at the Documentation Station workshop.

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Art Lab Artist Profile

Michael Drolet

Michael Drolet is an emerging artist from Whitby, who recently completed a Bachelor of Fine Art at the University of Ottawa. He was an Art Lab resident and exhibited in Gallery A.

“What first got me interested in the residency was the studio space that was available to work. The lab is quite large which for my work is essential... The Gallery A space in conjunction with the Art Lab also provides a solid foundation for an artist to show their work to the public, which as an emerging artist is invaluable... I encourage artists of all disciplines to apply, accept the rules and guidelines of the gallery, and push your creative practice further in new ways.” - Michael Drolet, Art Lab Artist in Residence

Top Right: Michael Drolet working in the Art Lab Above: Equipoise exhibition in Gallery A by Michael Drolet. Photo by Mat Calverley

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Art Events

Our 2015 events were rich with collaborative projects, arts infused cultural experiences, and engaging contemporary experiences. Designed to suit a range of visitors from academics to those only casually interested in art, RMG events drive our attendance, help us fundraise and create a sense of community.

Art Talks and Symposia

In 2015, 361 people attended gallery talks, a 28% increase from the previous year. Speakers included artists Coral Short, Lora Moore- Kakaletris, Margaret Rodgers, Pete Smith, Toni Hamel, Ruth Greenlaw, Eric Rosser, Lynne McIlvride, Monique Ra Brent, Mike Drolet and Marilyn Whitbread. There was also a performance by artist Diana Lopez Soto during the opening reception for Puppet Act. Guest speakers included Sean O’Meara, former amateur boxer and sports organizer and Pan Am Chair. Curator’s talks were done by Heather Nicol, Linda Jansma, Sonya Jones, Terri Lipman and Ambereen Siddiqui.

We held two successful symposia associated with exhibitions of the same name – Jock Macdonald and Beyond Measure. Respectively 54 and 28 visitors attended.

RMG Exposed

Our annual juried photography competition and live auction event was themed ‘1970’s Disco Glam.’ Guests enjoyed the funky sounds of Yasgur’s Farm as they bid in the live and silent auctions. In collaboration with Durham College, Ed Video and Posterjack, we presented SPIN, an art installation by Katrina Jennifer Bedford. The top prize of the night, an RMG Solo Exhibition Project sponsored by CIBC Wood Gundy, was awarded to artist Lindsay Lauckner Gundlock for her photograph Wind on the Ferry. Top: Guests on a tour of the exhibition Jock Macdonald: Evolving Form. Middle: Artist panel for Beyond Measure Symposium. Below: Auctioneer Steven Ranger commanding the room at RMG Exposed. Photo by Grant Cole. Bottom: Funk band Yasgur’s Farm entertaining at RMG Exposed. Photo by Grant Cole.

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RMG Fridays “I recently attended my first RMG Friday and was very The local hub for art, music, and film, in 2015 impressed. I look forward RMG Fridays welcomed 2,593 guests, brought together 38 community partners, 25 bands and to attending many more in had 15 exhibition tours. In 2015, we launched our the future with my family.” Friday Film Features program to provide exposure to emerging, experimental and professional - Darryl filmmakers with short film screenings.

RMG Fridays celebrated four years of inception and monthly musical performances did not disappoint with new and established talent. Exhibition openings, pop up experiences and studio activities diversified our audience.

Our desire to continually set the bar higher has led us to improve on the evening. We’ve brought the focus back home to include our community. A fantastic example was our “Back to School” event. By including music from The Bird Loft, a local school of voice paired with dance performances, and a film screening from the Durham School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, we saw our numbers and participation skyrocket.

Partnerships are instrumental to the success of the event. Community Partners for 2015 included: the City of Oshawa, UOIT, Durham College, Trent University, Girls Inc. Durham, Oshawa Youth Council, Pan Am Games, Oshawa Public Library, Durham Festival, Durham School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance (DSBCD), The Bird Loft School of Voice, Culture Counts, and Feed the Need Durham. RMG Fridays received support from DJ Lynz, JMS Audio and Empty Cup Media.

Who Attends RMG Fridays?

Under 18



35+ Top: Birds of Bellwoods perform at RMG Fridays. Photo by Mat Calverley. Middle: Young guests enjoying art. Photo by Lucy Villeneuve. Bottom: A studio activity. Photo by Lucy Villeneuve.

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Volunteer Program

The RMG values the importance of volunteerism and makes it a priority to ensure all volunteers have an enriching and satisfying experience as they help to fulfil the needs of the gallery. We offer student placements so students can build essential skills in their related area of study. Volunteers assist with programming, event and gallery support. In 2015, volunteers gave 3,640 hours to the RMG, with 26% of those hours from youth volunteers. That’s roughly the equivalent of two full-time staff over one year!

Volunteer Symposium

With our professional development funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation we hosted a Volunteer Youth Leaders Symposium for 42 volunteer managers from across Durham Region. The event featured keynote speaker Michael Prosserman, the Executive Director of UNITY Charity. A panel discussion followed with volunteer leaders: Brianne Blackman, AIDS committee of Durham, Melissa Haslam, Girls Inc. Durham, Norah O’Donnell, the RMG and Lisa Terech, the Oshawa Community Museum. Group workshops included Youth Engagement 101 with The Students Commission of Canada with Sharif Mahdy and Program Evaluation with Darren O’Donnell, Artistic & Research Director of Mammalia. 95% of participants stated the symposium fulfilled expectations.

“The RMG continues to stimulate me: as a Teacher for 45 years and Volunteer Docent 15 years, I want to continue offering and sharing my skills by

touring all ages.” Top: Volunteers Natalie and Alex at RMG Exposed. Photo by Grant Cole. Above: Volunteer Illianna prepares the RMG Fridays Board. - Wayne McLeod, RMG Volunteer Bottom: A workshop at the volunteer Youth Leaders Symposium.

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Volunteer Profile

Swetha Srikanth

Swetha Srikanth is a graduating grade 11 student at O’Neill C.V. I. and over the summer of 2015 she completed a co-op placement with the RMG. Swetha continued to volunteer with the gallery after her placement, helping at almost every RMG Friday!

“Volunteering at the RMG has been wonderful. I have had the opportunity to be creative in so many different forms, one of which has been learning videography. Volunteers are able to help in many areas of the gallery, and I have had the opportunity to work in the office, the gift shop, the studio, and most notably, do various tasks at RMG Fridays.

I have volunteered at almost every single RMG Fridays since I have been at the gallery. I enjoy it so much as every shift is a brand new experience where I am able to interact with friendly staff, volunteers, and the public. Volunteering at the gallery has impacted my path to university and beyond by providing new challenges and allowing me to grow as a creative and independent individual.

I will be heading off to Ryerson University for a Bachelor of Interior Design in 2016, and the past year and a few months at the gallery has allowed me to develop extremely beneficial skills, including leadership and artistic that I will use in years to come. Thanks RMG for providing a unique environment to volunteer in!” - Swetha Srikanth, Co-Op Student, Artist and RMG Volunteer Top: Volunteers Swetha and Amelia filming an RMG Fridays event. Above: Volunteers Raechel, Swetha, Heather, Alessandra and Christine helping out at the Volunteer Youth Leaders Symposium.

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Membership and Support

Financial Donors and Brilynn Ferguson KKP Pickering Corporate Sponsors Jeff Gardner La Quinta Inn & Suites CIBC Wood Gundy Avi Cohen LMA Communications Inc. CIBC World Markets Gary Greenwood Lynz & Company City of Oshawa Clinton Griffin Mazar Fox Art Consulting Concrete Contemporary AJ Groen Media Sign Auctions and Projects Estate of Elizabeth Harlander Photostar Continental Currency Exchange Sara Heinonen Pilar’s Catering CRCS Bill Hornbostel Poster Jack Dr. Lawrence Hoffman Janet Jones Robert Aldsworths Photo Durham College Glen Lee Jones World Harex Inc. Katherine Keates Snapd Oshawa ICL Door Service Chad C. Kirvan Stephen Bulger Gallery IPM Independent Project Christine Lucy Latimer Waddingtons Managers Jordan Loder Yasgurs Farm Irene Seetner Lindsay Lauckner Gundlock J. Donohue-Bordeau Ingrid Mayrhofer Contributing Members John & Lisa Weiss Tim McGhie Mallory Morris-Sartz & John Tristan Mitchell Original Life Sartz Lora Moore-Kakaletris Mr. & Mrs. E. Bassett Nancy Miller Leif Petersen Mr. & Mrs. E.F. Bastedo Nick Swerdfeger Architects Inc. Sarah Sands Phillips Mrs. Joan Chalmers Ontario Power Generation Samantha Pierre Miss C.G.C. Christie Ontario Trillium Foundation Estate of Anne Redpath Mr. & Mrs. L.S. Collacutt Oshawa Centre Holdings Lola Reid Allin Mrs. Gordon D. Conant RBC Foundation Tom Ridout Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Hare Snapd Oshawa Margaret Rodgers Miss Florence Hart Trent University Jana Schuelke Mrs. Philip B. Jackson UOIT Courtney Skovira Mr. & Mrs. C.C. McGibbon Oliver Steins Dr. & Mrs. G.A. Rundle Memorial Donation Jordyn Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Betty Pulsifer John Edwin Sweetman Shoychet Paul Teolis Tabular Lord Kenneth Thomson Gifts in Kind Michele Taras Dr. & Mrs. Abraham Natalie Austin Jessica Thalmann Waisglass Katrina Jennifer Bedford Jeremy Waud Dr. & Mrs. B.M. Woods Laura Berman Jen Yeaman Dawn Brooks Danna Yuhas Major Friend Daniel Bruno Artbarrage Ms. Peggy Wilson Gary Chapple Concrete Contemporary Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Woodall Liam Coo Auctions and Projects Laurie Crew Ed Video John Davidson Empty Cup Media Pete Doherty Gervais Party & Tent Rentals Joe Donohue Huff Estates Carolyn Doucette JMS Audio

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Honorary Life Mr. & Mrs. H. Lee Miss Florence Hart Mrs. Sylvia Armstrong Mrs. D. Littlefield Mr. Ernie Herzig Mr. Thomas Bouckley Mr. & Mrs. Robin Mackenzie Mr. Sydney Hopkins Mrs. Alice Bradford Mr. & Mrs. J. Mitchell Mr. Terrence Kelly Mr. Jack Bush Prof. & Mrs. Charles T. Morey Mrs. Joanne Mazzoleni Mr. Oscar Cahén Mr. & Mrs. Brian & June Mudd Dr. & Mrs. T.C. Monchesky Mr. & Mrs. Craighead Dr. & Mrs. L.W. Oxenham Dr. Elizabeth L. Simmons Mrs. Jane Dixon Rev. & Mrs. W. Patterson Mrs. Miriam Squires Mrs. Hortense Gordon Mr. William Ronald Miss May Stone Dr. & Mrs. G.E. Hare Mrs. Madeleine Rose Miss Florence Hart Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sage Annual Contributing Member Mrs. Greta Hastings Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Schell Ian Briggs Mr. Tom Hodgson Mrs. Ruth Sedgewick J. Doris Cherkas Mrs. Kay Hopkins Dr. & Mrs. Murray Speirs Robert Desjardins Miss Ada Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Squires Gordon Dowsley Mrs. Trudi Lancaster Mr. & Mrs. R.H. Stacey Ann Galbraith Ms. Mrs. Gladys Stanley George & Sally Hillis Mr. Jock Macdonald Mrs. Helen Taylor Ronald & Melanie Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. E.R.S. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. A. Tocher Ronald & Helen Lambert Miss Isabel McLaughlin Mr. Arthur & Judy Lovell Mr. Ray Mead Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vangils Gordon Macfarlane Mr. Kazuo Nakamura Mr. & Mrs. Percy Waxer Lois McDonald Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Nurse Mrs. Lisa Weiss Alexandra Morin Mrs. Lillian Pincombe Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Wells David & Suzanne Peacock Mr. Herm Pincombe Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe Tess Pierce Mr. William Ronald Mrs. Evelyn Wright Frank Politano Dr. & Mrs. J. Murray Speirs Mr. Walter Yarwood Stephen & Maryke Rowlands Mr. Harold Town Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schaeffer Mr. & Mrs. P. Waxer Permanent Individual Phil & Barb Wooding Mr. Walter Yarwood Benefactors Miss. Elizabeth Aleen Aked Corporate Memberships Founders Mr. R. Brian Ayer Andrew Foundation Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Allen Mr. Thomas Bouckley Harex Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Brazier Dr. Zoltan Fekete King West Landscape Mr. & Mrs. W. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. N.G. Lund Contracting Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carswell Mrs. Joanne Mazzoleni LMA Communications Inc. Mr. Carl S. Clark Miss Isabel McLaughlin Mike McRae Contracting Mr. & Mrs. William Earle Mrs. Molly K. Pollock Peacock Lumber Mr. & Mrs. Frank Eggert Dr. & Mrs. G. Woodall PMB Professional Mortgage Dr. M. Eggert Brokers Mr. & Mrs. D. Ferguson Director Emerita Miss Florence Hart Mrs. Joan Murray + Mrs. L. Barbara Hart And 350 other Mr. Gary Hunt Life wonderful individual Mrs. Marilyn King Dr. Zoltan Fekete and family members! Mr. & Mrs. James Kraemer Mr. John Galbraith

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Financial Summary

“In 2015 the gallery experienced an operating loss of approximately $127,000 in the General Fund, primarily due to some unanticipated one-time expenses. Meanwhile, the Endowment Fund experienced unrealized losses of approximately $485,000, which was a result of poor market conditions in the year. As of the end of the fiscal year, the accumulated deficit in the General Fund was $213,309. Subsequent to year end, management has developed a five year deficit reduction plan to eliminate the deficit while maintaining the integrity of the gallery’s operations.” - Vince Bulbrook, Treasurer, RMG Board of Trustees Shannon leads an activity for Culture Days.

The complete set of audited financial statements is available upon request.

An RMG Fridays performance. Photo by Mat Calverley.

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A couple on their wedding day. Photo by Raph Nogal Photography. Artwork: Don Maynard, Flock, 2009, aluminum, Gift of the artist, 2010.

“We hosted our entire wedding at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery. It was a nice opportunity for the guests to be able to explore the gallery during the reception and enjoy the beautiful art work. ” - Melody

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Staff (as of December 31, 2015) Board of Trustees

Donna Raetsen-Kemp, Chief Executive Officer Board Executive (August – December) President, Olivia Petrie Past President, Christine Castle Administration and Communications Vice President, Christian Nikiforuk Olinda Casimiro, Director of Finance & Administration Treasurer, Vince Bulbrook Stephen Dick, Manager, Protection Services Secretary, Bruce Watson Sam Mogelonsky, Manager of Marketing and Communications Board of Trustees Carla Sinclair, Manager of Community and Shaun Downey Volunteer Development Jennifer Humphries Elsy Gould, Membership Co-ordinator Denis O’Connell Cheryl-Ann Zamulinski, Event Co-ordinator Pramilla Ramdahani & Venue Rentals Elaine Regas Gord Sedgewick Exhibitions and Collections Nick Swerdfeger Linda Jansma, Senior Curator Sonya Jones, Associate Curator and Curator Council Representative of the Thomas Bouckley Collection Councillor Bob Chapman Jason Dankel, Preparator Due to the terms of our Board of Trustees, Education each year we say goodbye to a few who have Leslie Menagh, Manager of Public Programs led us admirably: and ArtReach • Richard Mazar • Katrina Morin Jennifer Treleaven, Education Co-ordinator • Thomas Garcia • Malcolm McTaggart Parvathi Bhat Giliyal, Gallery Educator • Iris Nowell

Donna Raetsen-Kemp at RMG Exposed 2015 Curator Heather Nicol leads a tour of Running On Empty

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Your Art Gallery

Ryan and family at RMG Fridays. Photo by Lucy Villeneuve.

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery Ready for Your Visit 72 Queen Street Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Civic Centre 10 am - 5 pm Oshawa, Ontario Thursday L1H 3Z3 10 am - 9 pm 905.576.3000 Saturday [email protected] 10 am - 4 pm rmg.on.ca Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm

Office Hours Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm Printed by KKP Pickering.

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